But since you are a modest man, your norm,
Cease missing all the spells that love may form,
Deny no tender amorous first kiss.
Enough of being circumspect and shy.
Forget that you have always been the last.
Give her your finest, leave loss in the past.
Have all your joy, don’t let it pass you by.
It’s now or never, she shall be the one,
Just as you always dreamt of in your sleep.
Keep faith that true love will be what you reap.
Leave doubt behind and know that you have won.
May this be all you wanted and the best.
No longer envy others in their luck
Once you accept the treasure you have struck.
Perhaps your faith may be put to the test,
Quick action will be how you win her heart,
Respond to her as only lovers can
Since time began and woman first met man.
Thus ever more her soul will be a part,
Until the end of time you’ll share your life.
Vast universal truth is what you’ve found.
While gently loving, insight’s come around.
Xanthippe was a cause of married strife,
Yet Socrates was there ’til life was done.
Zen Koans you will solve, as two in one.