Artemis Club- Day 1- Lunch

"Time for lunch and a spot of yoga, but is everything what it appears to be"

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Elaine lay on the bed, her body tingled from the delicious welcome she’d had from Petra. Her head floated away in the afterglow, and she felt amazing. She heard a tap-tap sound; someone had tapped on her door.

“Come in please,” Elaine spoke in a dreamy tone, her buzz coursed through her.

The door opened and a striking looking woman entered her room. She was about five and a half feet tall, including her three-inch heels, with chocolate coloured skin, intelligent brown eyes, and full lips. Her hair was wrapped in brightly coloured fabric, under her hotel uniform she had the voluptuous curves so highly prized in the cream of African womanhood. Her lips parted into a warm smile.

“Good afternoon, Miss, my name is Afua, lunch is being served and our Resort Manager Miss Karston will be giving you all a briefing on the entertainments planned for your stay. Would you like to follow me, please?” she had a warm rich hot chocolate voice, it plucked at Elaine’s libido and stirred something in her.

Elaine nodded without further thought, sat up, swept her feet to the floor, and stood up. She followed the swaying hips of Afua, that round ass making Elaine’s heartbeat in sync with its gentle movement until they were back at the main Reception. Afua walked towards a set of large double doors that had been thrown wide open and gestured for Elaine to go through. Inside a series of tables had been laid out for the guests, most of them were already full and at each seat was a small card with a room number standing proudly on a stand.

Elaine walked quickly to her place and sat down; beside her was a plump woman in her mid-fifties, with salt and pepper hair, a large round friendly face, with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. She gave Elaine a friendly nudge with her elbow and beamed at her in a slightly maternal way.

“Ah, I haven’t seen you at one of these shindigs before, you must be new. I’m Pat but my friends call me Nelly,” she had a plumy public school tone to her voice and reminded Elaine of the sort of woman who played lots of hockey and was a terror to the younger girls. She barked with laughter before continuing.

“As in Nelly the Elephant, it’s a name I picked up at school; we all had to have our little nickname, and being a big girl that’s what I got. I’m a big bosomy girl and I like the way I’m made.”

Nelly pointed discretely at a small Thai woman who was standing by another table.

“Now, that’s more my line of country. I like them small, dainty, and delicate, so they’re everything I’m not. Oh, I could just snuffle that one up into my bosom and gobble her up.”

Elaine blushed as her companion spoke, so utterly delighted to hear a woman completely admit to being a sexual creature and doesn’t care if others have a problem with that.

A polite cough sounded in the room and the hubbub of conversation died down.

A fearsomely tall woman entered the room, the extra height of her four-inch heels made the top of her head almost touch the ceiling as she towered over everyone. She was dressed in a dark Italian wool trouser suit and a man’s dress shirt. Her dark hair was pulled back into a high tight bun, and she wore rimless steel spectacles. She carried a pencil in her left hand, tapped the flat end into her right palm, and held herself like a Head Mistress at a girl’s boarding school.

“Good afternoon, ladies, my name is Miss Karston and I’m the Resort Manager here at the Artemis Club. Some of you are familiar faces to us here; some of you are enjoying your first experience of our hospitality. A very warm welcome to you all.

“I have a few small announcements for you who haven’t been here before. All meals will be served here, and your room number will be placed on your table. We ask that all guests wear dresses or skirts for meals, underwear is optional also. We have some very attentive attendants to cater to your every desire to ensure your utmost satisfaction. 

“After lunch, we will have yoga on the east lawn, don’t worry if you didn’t bring yoga gear just come in your underwear that will be fine.” A slight twitch at the corners of her mouth hinted that perhaps more would take place than merely some stretching.

“For now ladies, a light lunch so you don’t get cramp doing your yoga poses. Please enjoy your lunch. This evening dinner will be a five-course tasting menu, with special entertainments.” Making a wide expressive gesture to the room.

A few moments later the doors from the kitchen swung open and a dazzling array of beautiful women poured forth bearing plates of food to be placed before each guest. Elaine wasn’t sure what made her mouth water more, the sight of some food after her long drive down and the little warm-up with Petra; or the variety of tempting female flesh that floated around the room.  There was someone here for almost every taste from the palest of Northern European flesh to the dark skins of Africa, if they were anything like Petra every one of them would be more than willing to be used for her pleasure.

Elaine felt her head spin, nerveless fingers gripped her water glass and she took a large gulp to steady her nerves. Her companion caught her eye and waggled her eyebrows in a pleased way. Elaine found her view obstructed by a pair of firm high breasts that bounced enticingly in front of her face. Elaine fought the urge to press her face against them and clicked her mouth shut hard.

A soft sound suggested a plate of food had been placed before her but Elaine didn’t care she’d rather look at those tits a while longer. The delightful breasts moved away and a smiling Latina gave her a saucy wink, before heading back to the kitchen.

Damn, thought Elaine, if I get my meals like this I’m going to need an ice pack when I get home and a visit from a masseuse.  Turning her attention away from the retreating back of the girl, Elaine discovered she’d been given a delicious chicken salad, in a light zingy mustard dressing on a bed of crisp mixed leaves and some slivers of raw carrot. It would be just what she needed to recover her strength and prepare for the yoga class.

Lunch became a pleasant affair, with the guests happily eating away and making small talk, everyone wondering what the entertainment for this evening would be. All too soon the plates were empty, and one by one people drifted from the dining room towards their rooms.

Elaine skipped up the stairs to her room and remembered that she did have a yoga set with her, swiftly got changed into them. Taking a moment to give her teeth a quick brush to make sure there was nothing in her teeth, and check her appearance in the mirror before bounding out of the room back down to reception. The delightful Afua pointed an elegant finger towards where to find the eastern lawn and Elaine set off with a towel thrown over one shoulder to find the class.

There on a large lawn was a raised platform, with a yoga mat already rolled out. An athletic-looking young woman with bright blue hair, polka dot yoga pants, and a navy sports bra, prowled around the stage swinging her arms back and forth.  Some of the others in the class had turned up also, some in full yoga attire and others in just their underwear. They were stretching and doing basic poses to limber up for class. Elaine found a spot with a yoga mat already laid out, threw her towel down, and started bouncing on the balls of her feet, shaking her hands out to get ready for the class to start. One by one, the rest of the class appeared, found a place to stretch, and waited for the instructor to begin.

When everyone was ready she clapped her hands together three times, causing everyone to look towards the stage, faces eager to start the class.

“Good afternoon ladies, I’m your yoga instructor and my name is Alex. To start with we’re all going to do some basic poses to limber up, and go through a nice gentle class. Let’s start with a nice simple one.”

With that Alex took the class through a nice gentle warm-up routine, followed by some simple basic poses Warrior 1, Upward Salute, Downward Dog. Elaine followed along feeling very confident, this was even easier than her regular workout and she was finding this slow pace very easy to keep pace with. After about twenty minutes or so the class stopped for a water break and to catch their breath. Some loud panting could be heard from the less-fit members of the class, but Elaine had barely broken a sweat.

“Now then ladies since not all of you are properly dressed I thought we’d do our next phase being dressed the same.” A surprised murmur rippled through the class, what could she mean.

A phalanx of attendants marched onto the lawn, in nice even rows, and stood behind a guest. Elaine heard some surprised little gasps as nimble fingers started to peel clothing off everyone. A few shocked giggles, a few embarrassed whoops, and one or two strangely horny little moans. Elaine gasped when she felt the fingers peel her clothes off and tried to look around to see who was undressing her. A small, dainty Chinese woman with a gymnast’s body stood behind her, neatly folded Elaine’s clothes into a neat pile that she placed safely near the mat. The woman smiled at Elaine and nodded happily, her almond eyes sparkled with mischief. Elaine felt her nipples twitch at that look, heard an approving little cry as the response from her attendant.

“Now ladies, let’s stretch up very high, move our arms out wide and stretch slowly.”

Alex continued like this was a perfectly normal thing to have a class full of women have their clothes peeled off them by an attendant who kept strangely looking at them.

Elaine didn’t have time to wonder what was going on Alex had started taking through a slightly harder sequence, Warrior 2, Crow 1. Elaine flowed through the poses, the next one was to stand on one straight leg, with the other bent, the arch of the foot pressed against the calf just below the knee. Elaine got into the pose and watched the rest of the class. One woman wobbled slightly and her attendant caught her, corrected her stance, and supported her body.

So, that’s what they’re doing, thought Elaine, they’re just supporting us through our movements.

Downward Dog followed only this time, Elaine felt hard fingers grab her legs, supporting her and opening them wider. This wasn’t the proper position for that pose, thought Elaine.

Then she felt a hot, wet, tongue flick along her labia and she groaned in surprise. This seemed to echo around the class as almost everyone moaned together. Elaine tried to turn her head and caught a brief glimpse of the woman beside her being quite lovingly licked by a pale freckly redhead.

A breath of warm air blew over her wet lips, and Elaine found her focus was less on what was going on beside her and more on the wonderful way her attendant was making her feel.

Skillful fingers flowed up and down the backs of her thighs, and that talented tongue kept making long slow licks around her labia. Elaina felt her nipples stiffen, her body shivered and her cunt longed for that tongue to slip inside her. Almost on cue, she felt herself open, and that tongue slowly licked between her lips. Elaine heard herself urge her lover to continue doing just what she was.

Then everything stopped, wails of frustration rang out from the class, this wasn’t bloody fair. Then those lips started sucking gently at first but growing slowly more intense. Elaine wished she could grip her tits and give her nipples a tug. Nails ran down her sides, drawing a long passionate sigh from Elaine. Those fingers knew just where to touch her, just how to make her wild. Nails slid along her under boob, making Elaine arch her back and howl with lust.

Soft muttered curses swept through the class and Elaine felt her lips sucked into a warm mouth and teeth gently chew on them. Gawd it made her knees wobble trying to keep in this pose while the rest of her body was starting to slowly catch fire.

A loud, hoarse American voice roared out, “Eat me, you fucking bitch!” and all at once, the whole class was roaring something similar. A slurping slithering sound as the class were devoured. Elaine tried to scream as that tongue charged into her, deep inside, and wiggled up and down. Her hips rocked back and forth, making certain the tongue inside wasn’t going anywhere. Those hands flowed over her breasts, kneading them with precision, which made her nipples send sparks of joy down to her nub.

Those soft lips pressed against her, those teeth caressed her and that tongue shifted movement now darting in and out of her sending waves of exquisite bliss flow through her. Knees could no longer support her body through all this temptation and before she could do anything about it Elaine found she was slowly sinking to her knees on the yoga mat. Her attendant broke contact, making Elaine mew in distress then she felt a pair of arms slip around her hips and pull her down hard.

Those soft lips found her once again and sucked at them hard. Elaine rocked her hips back and found she was straddling her attendant.  A series of long slow figure eights were being licked over her nub, which made Elaine throw back her head and grab her tits hard with her hands. That woman sure knew how to make Elaine completely melt.

A long, low, deep rumble vibrated through Elaine as her lover stepped up the assault on her body. Nails ran up her thighs, flowed over her hips and up her sides. Elaine could feel the tiny scratches those nails were making and she cried out in sheer pleasure. Teeth clamped around her puffy lips, and that humming became a roar of lust. Loud, deep, and without remorse, the sonic waves filled Elaine and made her body dance in synch to the pulsing sound.

That damned tongue slid inside her curled up and started lapping at her spot while the pulsing waves continued. Elaine knew she couldn’t hold out for much longer, her body wanted every ounce of this intense pleasure, and she was going to cum hard. She leaned back, pressing herself tightly onto her lover’s very willing face, and shoved her arms behind her to support her.

The sonic waves tore through her self-control, and her resistance evaporated under that stimulation. Muscles bunched, clenched, and squeezed. Fluids ran like a fountain from her, and her mind dissolved into helpless mush. This was like no yoga class she’d ever had in her life and she knew in a moment she’d collapse.

A series of high pitched screams told her the rest of the class were exploding all around her, like the flowers in the early morning sun or the fireworks display at New Year’s eve. Nails ran up her side, moved across to her jiggling breasts, and gripped her nipples between thumb and forefinger.

Elaine fought for breath, she was getting very very close to exploding. Teeth ran down her lips, fingers pulled her nipples hard and the roar tore through her. Elaine felt herself catch fire in a fireball and her mind broke into pieces. Somewhere far away, Elaine heard something that sounded like her scream till the breath was gone from its lungs.

Blackness swept over Elaine for a few moments before she returned to her body. Her head was woozy, her body drenched in sweat, burning with sheer delight and she sucked in air like a bellows.

She tried to stand but her feet couldn’t support her body weight and she felt herself falling, arms flung out to protect herself, a shooting pain flared from her left ankle. Elaine felt hot tears run down her face and cried out in startled pain.


To be continued…




Published 4 years ago

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