I really can’t believe how much my life has changed in the past three months. You just don’t expect that at my age.
Let me explain.
I’ll start with who I am. My name is Debby, I’m fifty-seven years old, yes, it’s been a while since my high school prom, I’m married, happily married, actually, to Brian; he just turned sixty. We’re reasonably well-off, have two children, now grown and out on their own, and we live a happy and contented life.
Well, actually, our sex life, like many couples married as long as we have, well, there’s been some slippage over the years. Even though I’ve always believed that you either use it or you lose it, over the last few years intercourse has become a less frequent occurrence, and, recently, the past six to eight months, basically absent from our marriage.
It really began with Brian seeming less interested in sex, not initiating it like he used to. Oh, when were dating and first married, he was an ‘every day’ kind of guy. That was fine with me, I’ve always loved sex ever since the first time.
That was with Ozzie Malone. We were both freshmen in high school and, while he wasn’t the first boy to press me for sex, it was Ozzie that I yielded to. We were at my house after school and we had all our clothes off, something that had started about two months before, we kept things oral up to that point, and he told me he had gotten some condoms.
Well, the words went right to that place between my legs and the decision was made. We did it that very afternoon. We were smart enough to put some old towels down, there was some blood and a good bit of pain but, as Nature intends, the pain was soon followed by bliss. I’ve loved fucking ever since.
So, now that Brian not only seemed less interested, he also, even when we got naked and started trying, had trouble getting an erection. So, my sex life has become solo, I’ve started masturbating whenever I’m alone, it’s just not something I feel comfortable doing around Brian, I just don’t want him to think he’s let me down.
We love one another, we just no longer make love to one another. Well, nothing’s perfect and I had, frankly, resigned myself to it and had purchased a few vibrators from the bewildering variety now sold these days.
I remember once, Brian taking me into a sex shop years ago in Europe, it was in Heidelberg, near the Old Bridge, it was oddly called, ‘Sex Shoppe,’ and there were a number of items that seemed amazing at the time but, today, well, they sell thousands of items for every single thing you would ever want to do to yourself or anyone else. Recently, when I wanted a vibrator, I went online and was just overwhelmed. But I now have three or four that do the job very nicely.
My life, especially my sex life, had changed somewhat and was due for another, even more dramatic change a few months ago when I reconnected with an old college friend, finding each other and reconnecting over the internet.
Ruby and I had been roommates during our freshman year at University of Colorado and we met at a local restaurant, one that Brian and I particularly like, for a few drinks to reconnect after all these years.
We met in the bar, a large, oval bar, and were well into our first drink when I began to notice a man across from us paying particular attention to me. At first, I thought it was my imagination, I was almost sixty, he looked to be maybe thirty. Maybe.
Now, I’m not an old grandmotherly-looking babe, I still get my share of looks but I must admit not many from the twenties and thirties set. And I had on a short leather skirt that showed-off my second best asset, my legs. I was also showing a bit of my prime asset, my breasts, with just a bit of cleavage visible. I was wearing a push-up bra that really did make me look good.
Just so you know, I even look good without a bra. When I turned forty, Brian’s present to me, and to himself, of course, was an boob job just to firm things up nicely. I didn’t want big ‘Dolly Parton’ boobs, just something appropriate to my body size. And they turned out really well. For several months, Brian wouldn’t let me wear a top or bra around the house after the initial healing time and his hands and lips were on them all the time. Not that I ever complained, I loved how I looked. I bought a whole closet of dresses and tops. And a few bras and bikinis that always got Brian’s attention as soon as I put one on. Any way, back to the night in question.
After a while, there was no doubt that he was, well, checking me out. Finally, our eyes met together and we smiled, then I was sure he was flirting with me.
No, I’m not one of these women who think every guy on earth is making goo-goo eyes at her, but his interest seemed certain. I knew for sure it was when the bartender came over and leaned toward me to ask if the gentleman across the bar might buy me a drink.
Though I was thirty years away from the dating and bar scene, I knew enough that I had a guy interested in me. Well, well.
I told the bartender that I would accept his kind offer and Ruby leaned over to me and whispered, “I don’t think you’ve lost an ounce of your ability to charm the fellows, Debby, not a bit. You’re just what I remember from college.”
Ruby and I resumed our conversation and, after a few minutes, the gentleman from across the way showed up at my elbow to ask if we minded if he moved to our side of the bar.
We both told him he was welcome and we made a space between us for him to drag up a barstool.
He introduced himself, Craig, and we all chatted for a few minutes about this and that.
Ruby had to beg off in order to be home for her sister-in-law to arrive from out of town, her husband was picking his sister up right about then at the airport and she needed to get home so we set another date to get together in the near future.
So, I was left with Craig.
“I hope you can stay for one more drink, Debby.”
I told him I could and we talked about a number of things, our jobs, where we each grew up, I never hid the fact that I was married or had children, then I decided to ask him the question that was most on my mind.
“Unless I’m mistaken, Craig, you seem to be hitting on me, am I right?”
“Well, if I was, would you mind?”
“Um, no, no, I suppose not. But, you didn’t answer my question.”
“Yes, Debby, I am hitting on you. I find you to be a very attractive and enticing woman.”
“Enticing? Well, you’re rather enticing yourself. But, it’s not nice for you to be hitting on a married woman, Craig. You’re rather a naughty young man.”
We chatted on for a while longer and I must admit that it did get my juices stirred up to be the center of attention of a man probably twenty-five years younger that me. Yes, I was feeling quite tingly and wet. Something that doesn’t happen too frequently these days.
Our nice chat went on for a while longer, then I looked at my watch and saw that we were approaching ten o’clock so I began to beg off.
He gallantly paid our bill and offered to walk me to my car. I was turned on by his attention and his gentlemanly behavior was adding to my attraction to this handsome young man.
We got to my car and chatted for a few minutes, then I said goodbye and put my hand out as his arms surrounded me and he gave me a kiss.
“Well, Craig,” I gasped, “you’re young enough to be my son.”
“Good thing I’m not, aren’t there laws against incest?” and he leaned into me once again and kissed me. This time, two things happened, first, I felt his hard cock pressing up against me, second, I slipped my tongue into his mouth a bit as he began grinding his hips against me as I was pressed up against my car.
Well, this was the most heated-up I’d been in a few years and as he pulled his head back, he said, “Debby, I must say that I’m quite taken with you. Debby, you really turn me on,” and he gave me another kiss, a hard, passionate kiss pressing against me, his tongue caressing my open mouth as my hands ranged up and down his back.
I just knew I had to leave. If I kept this up, I wouldn’t go home at all.
“Um, Craig, I am married, I’ve told you that. I simply can’t go any farther.”
“I’m sorry, Debby, you’re so beautiful and I want you so bad. You’re so sexy.”
“Under any other circumstances, Craig, I’d go with you to a hotel or your place, but I can’t. Believe me, it’s been a while since I’ve had sex and I’d love to be with you but I just can’t.”
“Your husband isn’t fucking you, Debby? Is he crazy? God, I’d be doing you every night. And more than once.”
“Well, I think he’s getting older and it does happen. So, I just can’t go with you.”
I pulled away and turned to get into my car. Then, something stopped me. I turned back to him and put my hand on the large bulge in the front of his pants and whispered, “Craig, I can’t believe I’m saying this but if you get in my car, I’ll give you a handjob, okay?”
His arms surrounded me as he kissed me. I then unlocked my car and we both got in the back seat where he leaned back as I loosened his belt, zipped down his fly, reached in and unfolded his cock out into the evening air.
“Oh, you are hard, Craig. Makes me feel pretty good that I’m turning a young guy on this much,” I murmured as I began jacking him up and down.
“Mmm, that’s nice, Debby, really nice.”
“Well, It’s been a while since I’ve done this, especially with one this hard.”
While I was saying that, his hand was sliding up my leg under my skirt, I spread open a bit to make it easier, even though I had on pantyhose. He was soon rubbing along my sopping wet crease as I stroked him up and down.
I was simply overcome with lust and passion. Fifty-seven is still a sexual age for a woman, at least it sure was for this woman, and I was turned-on like I haven’t been in twenty years or more.
I was slowly stroking him as he rubbed over my pussy, then, his breath deepened and he began thrusting up, fucking my fist around his cock.
“UUUMH, UUUMH, uuh, uuh, mmm, mmm, oh, Debby, mmm, oh, that was nice, so nice,” and he leaned forward and kissed me, his tongue probing my mouth as his thumb rubbed me through my pantyhose.
“UHH, UHH, UHH, mmm, mmm,” I groaned and I pulled away from his warm mouth and hugged him to me as my orgasm swirled all around me. For a minute, I couldn’t even speak, it had been so long since another person had caused me to have an orgasm, oh, it was wonderful, I just hugged him to me as the feelings sped through me.
A bit out of breath, I whispered, “I think we both enjoyed that, I know I did. Not just what you did to me but what I did to you. I really did enjoy making you cum,” as he wiped it up with his handkerchief, then wiped his wet hand on it and put it in his pocket.
“I may just keep this hanky the way it is with both of us on it, so I can tuck it under my pillow at night, Debby,” and we kissed again.
It was now late and we got ourselves straightened out and gave each other our email addresses and cell numbers, then went our separate ways, both happy and contented. I replayed his cumming in my hand all the way home.
As I drove home, I really didn’t think I would ever hear from Craig again, still not convinced that a woman probably twice his age really turned him on.
I got home and went up to get ready for bed. Brian was already in bed reading and I went in to shower, thankfully something I usually did before bed, otherwise, I had undies that were sopping in the crotch, a bit hard to explain having a night out with a woman friend. When I pulled off my pantyhose, they were very wet and stained. Obviously I had a nice time tonight.
In the shower, I soaped my breasts and spent longer on them than usual, then gave myself some more pleasure with my fingers. I was just so stirred up and horny after all that. Who wouldn’t be?
As I slipped into bed, Brian asked, “How was it with Ruby? Nice time? Kinda late.”
“Oh, yes, we had lots to catch up on. It was fun.”
“I must say, you looked sexy tonight, hon.”
I couldn’t remember the last time I’d heard those words from my husband.
“You wore that sexy leather skirt I like and were showing a bit of that lovely cleavage of yours. You looked good.”
I bent over and kissed him, even putting is a bit of tongue which we hadn’t done in a long time.
“Thank you, Brian, what a nice thing to say.”
I wondered if he was perhaps suspicious of something, or just what. So, I decided to tell him a bit about my evening.
“Well, truth is, a young man did buy me a drink tonight.”
“Woah, I bet that made you feel good, huh?”
“Well, yes, it actually did. At my age. Yes, it did. He actually came over and sat with Ruby and me, even kind of flirted with me.”
“I’m glad you had fun, dear, you deserve it in my book. Yes, you do,” and he went back to reading his book. I got back up, went into the closet and found the black lacy teddy and matching panties, put them on and walked back into the room and slid in next to him.
“Well, you’re a bit frisky tonight. Your young man get you fired-up? I wouldn’t blame you a bit,” he said as he pulled me to him and kissed me as I moved my middle close and rubbed a bit. I could feel something between us but it was nothing like what I had held in my hand earlier in the evening. That was rock hard. But, at least, Brian seemed interested.
As we kissed and hugged, we were pressing our pubic areas together and, like in our recent times, I was not feeling anything hard enough to be able to be pushed inside me no matter how slick and wet I was inside, which was a lot, I can tell you.
“You really look sexy in that black teddy, hon. It must turn you on to have the guy come on to you like that. Kinda turns me on, too,” he whispered as he ground against me as I hoped to begin feeling a hardening between us.
He slipped his hand down into my panties and rubbed my sopping wet pubic hair which, as aroused as I already was, felt wonderful. Then, a finger slipped inside and began moving in and out.
“I think my young man tonight has got me all wet inside. I’ll bet you can tell, huh?”
“Oh, you’re really juicy, just all ready for some fun, eh?”
Chapter 2
Maybe, maybe, this will do it, I thought as I moved my hand down and felt his cock.
Well, I would just have to get him hard, I thought, so I began rubbing him as he fingered me. I rubbed a bit and his cock did seem to thicken but not really get hard, certainly not enough to enter me.
“I think you’re all turned-on, Brian, because another man flirted with me.”
“Well, I think you’re right. Just the thought has got me pretty worked up.”
I couldn’t help but think about how hard I had made my new friend’s cock tonight as I tried to interest my husband’s member in a little fun now that I was all hot and ready. So, I kept rubbing Brian’s cock.
“Oh, Debby, I really want to have sex with you tonight, I just want to cum in you, I haven’t in so long.”
I kept stroking him and he still wasn’t getting much harder so I lay on my back and asked him to get up on me and try. He got up between my legs as I took his cock and rubbed the tip up and down my eager slit.
“Mmm, that’s nice,” he said as I tried to push him into me. I kept rubbing him on my wetness up and down, trying to insert him and finally said, “Let me get up on you,” and we changed places.
I held his dick on my opening as I pushed on it as much as I could. I also decided that perhaps a bit of dirty talk might arouse him.
“Mmm, fuck me Brian, I want to be fucked and I want your cock to fuck me,” as I scooted back and forth across his cock under me.
He was bucking some back and forth under me as I rode over him, both of us scooting back and forth, his soft cock rubbing between my pussy lips. While it did feel good, it just wasn’t a hard cock up inside my yearning, hungry pussy.
So, I kept grinding us together trying to make us feel as good as I could.
“Mmm, oh, Debby, that’s really good, I think I’m gonna cum, mmm.”
I kept rubbing back and forth on him and it was feeling better and better, finally, it just leapt up out of nowhere and I began cumming and cumming as I frantically rubbed my pussy wetly back and forth across his cock.
He held me tight as he said, “I’m glad you got off, hon, I just don’t think I can. It’s all right.”
I really did want him to have a cum, too, and asked him, “Would you like me to suck you, see if that will make you cum?”
“It’s been a long time since you’ve done that but, yes, that would be wonderful.”
I moved down and took hold of him and began sucking on the tip of his cock as I jacked him with my finger and thumb around the base. I hadn’t sucked Brian in many years, yet it all came back pretty quickly, I guess it’s something you really don’t forget.
His cock got a little harder, still not firm enough to hold up to fucking me, so I kept on sucking. He began to moan, then began pumping my mouth. Maybe I was getting somewhere at last.
“Oh, I’m cumming, mmm, mmm, oh, oh, OOH, OOH, that’s so good, oh, yes, mmm,” and I felt the pulses of his warm cum into my mouth. I sucked a minute more, then got up into his arms as we kissed.
“It’s been a while since we’ve done anything like this, Brian, I’m glad we did.”
“Mmm, I am, too, it was really nice.”
We held each other for a while and, then, I rolled back over, pulled on my panties. When I turned out the light, I lay there for several hours as the excitement lessened and the guilt rose and I finally drifted off to sleep
It wasn’t as though I had cheated on Brian, after all, I was a vital woman without the sexual attention I wanted and needed. Craig and I didn’t have intercourse or even get naked with each other, it was just some sexual relief, that’s all. And nice, at that.
I knew I was still really not fulfilled in the way I yearned for but it seemed to make Brian happy and that was good.
The next few days did have me thinking about all this, especially how I felt in the back seat of my car with Craig’s hard cock spurting its cum as I masturbated him. I just kept thinking of that nonstop. Yes, I was horny and for once, I began thinking about what I wanted out of life. What did I want?
For days, I struggled with whether or not I should call him, I just wanted to be with him again, yes, not for the company. I knew what I wanted and I wanted a man’s hard cock inside me fucking me like it was my first time again.
Then on Tuesday, my cell phone rang and I looked at it, ‘Craig Wilson,’ and picked it up.
“Hi, Debby, this is Craig, remember me?”
Well, I was alone, away from others, so I jokingly answered, “Um, you must be the guy I jacked-off in the back seat of my car the other night, right?”
Laughing, he said, “Yeah, I do remember that, yes,” and we chatted for a few minutes. He asked me if I could meet him for a drink after work on Thursday and I agreed, the date was set. Luckily, Brian was traveling until Friday night so I would need no excuses.
For the next two days, I cycled between guilt at making a drinks date with a guy I knew was sexually interested in me and the thought that I had needs of my own and I deserved them met.
Then, on Wednesday, I went shopping. Yes, Victoria’s Secret was one of the stops and I bought some thigh-length stockings, no more pantyhose being in the way for me, a few new and very sexy pairs of panties along with a lacy demi-cup bra. This I tried on and, oh, yes, it looked very good, very good. Just a bit of nipple showed. Pretty hot for a woman three years from her sixtieth birthday, I thought.
Finally, finally, Thursday came and since we were meeting after work, I had to dress somewhat conservatively and chose a white silk buttoned-down blouse with a black vest to cover the half bra, hardly something I would normally wear to the office, along with a knee-length black skirt. Then, to top things off, I had a pair of black boots in my car to change into before we met up.
At last, five o’clock came and I went to my car, put the boots on and drove to the restaurant where we had first met. I chose a table in a corner, well away from the door and in about five minutes, Craig came in, came over and kissed me on the cheek. We chitchatted for a while, then on our second vodka and tonic, we were both more relaxed as he moved around the banquette next to me.
As we talked, he moved his hand to my leg and moved it up, moving my skirt up at the same time. We kissed once or twice, his hands brushing against my breasts, we were pretty much out of the way, and I felt my skirt go up even further.
“You are so sexy, Debby, you just turn me on so much. I am so attracted to you.”
“Well, Craig, you give me some pretty strong feelings, too,” I said as I felt his hand slide between my legs which I just automatically eased apart for him.
“But, Craig, you know I’m married, this is very difficult for me. I’m just caught in between. The night we met, I went home and my husband and I had sex, well, we tried, anyway. It just wasn’t enough, I still wanted more. I just don’t know what to do.”
He took my hand and moved it to the bulge in his pants.
“You won’t have to worry about that getting soft, Debby. That’s how hard you make me.”
I began rubbing his cock through his pants and it was making me more and more aroused.
“Would you come with me to my place, Debby?”
The question I knew must come had just arrived and I told him my decision.
He paid the tab and I followed him in my car about a quarter mile to his condominium. My hands were wet on the steering wheel and my mouth was dry as I turned off the ignition, got out, locked to door and turned directly into his arms as he kissed me deeply pressing himself tight against me. There was no doubt about this man’s cock. None.
As soon as we were inside, he removed the jacket from my shoulders and began kissing me again, his hands down along my backside, sliding up on my butt rubbing me up and down. There was no question, now, I was about to be fucked. Not made love to, fucked. Well, I was ready.
He pulled back from our kiss and stood and looked at me, his hands gliding over my body, especially my breasts. He could feel my bra through my blouse and said, “Mmm, you’re wearing a sexy bra, aren’t you?” as he began unbuttoning his way in.
He soon had it off and was kneading my breasts in my bra, the tops overflowing as he squeezed. He leaned over and began kissing the skin on the upper parts of my breasts, then licking. Oh, I was starting to tremble as his hands caressed me so passionately.
Then I felt his hands go down my back again as he unzipped my skirt to let it fall to the floor. Then my bra loosened and he slipped it off my arms to cup each breast in his hands and kiss them over and over.
“Mmm, oh, Debby, I’ve dreamed about this, oh, so much. Mmm, I love your breasts,” he murmured as he took a nipple between his lips and started sucking.
Every suck sent a throb directly to my pussy. I had dreamed of his lips sucking on me for days and now I watched his lips arousing me to heights that I hadn’t felt in years.
Then, he stood up and kissed me and led me to the sofa where I sat while he quickly disrobed to pull me up and hug me again, his hard cock insistently pushing against me as I reached down to hold it in my perspiring hand.
“Mmm, I’ve been dreaming of you holding my cock again, Debby,” he whispered as his hands gripped my butt as I stood in his arms in just my panties, stockings and boots. He started pulling down my panties and stockings and asked me if I’d leave the boots on, so I sat down and pulled everything off and slid the boots back on and stood back up into his arms.
We kissed a few minutes more and then he stood back looking me up and down.
“Oh, god, Debby, the boots are so hot. There isn’t a man alive who wouldn’t want to fuck you crazy. I’ve just got to fuck you wearing those hot, hot boots,” and he sat me down again and knelt between my legs, wiped along my slit with his fingers sending shivers all over me and began licking my drenched pussy.
“Mmm, oooh, Craig, oh, yes, I’ve dreamed of this, oh, so much.”
I hadn’t had a man’s tongue touch my pussy in several years though I had hoped that Craig would pleasure me in this most wonderful way. I was so worked up, so aroused, more than ever before in my entire life, even that first time so many years ago, that I just erupted in a massive, awe-inspiring orgasm bucking against his face, just out of control.
He licked me a few more minutes, then stood up and led me to his bedroom. I sat on his bed, him in front of me, his cock wavering before me as I leaned forward and moved my open mouth over him, closed around his shaft and began sucking him like I remembered doing in high school, putting everything I had into it.
“Debby, mmm, oh, you make me feel so good, mmm, get me good and hard so I can give you everything you want.”
I sucked and licked and sucked some more, then he pulled out of my mouth, got up on his bed, got down and motioned me to get up on top of him. I stood on the bed, wobbling a bit as I walked to him in my boots and lifted a leg over to straddle him, then, he held my hands as I lowered myself down over him, sliding right down on his vertical cock all the way up inside me.
“Oh, oh, oh, mmm, Craig, oh, this feels wonderful.
I started moving up and down on him lustfully, just reveling in the marvelous new feelings my pussy was experiencing. Never, never have I felt this enflamed, in such a sexual frenzy as I did moving up and down on Craig’s cock that night.
Craig was under me, his hips raised up as I worked him up and down. He began talking to me, talking dirty, something I had never much experienced but which, now, tonight, in his bed, stoked me even further.
“Fuck my hard cock, Debby, stroke it up and down. Make your pussy go crazy, just fuck me and fuck me and fuck me.”
It felt sexy so I added my own, “Gimme your cum, Craig, cum my hot pussy full, oh, I love fucking your big, hard cock.”
Well, for me, that was pretty slutty stuff. I hate to admit it though but it felt pretty hot doing it. Fuck yeah.
I reached down and rubbed my clit, and, under it, his hard, stiff cock swollen in its desire to penetrate me so deeply, going in and out, oh, it was paradise.
“Oh, my god, Craig, you feel so good inside me, oh, I haven’t felt like this in years. Fuck me, Craig, please fuck me forever.”
Every time I raised up pulling up off his cock, I squeezed my pelvic muscles tightening around him like a glove just trying to milk the cum up out of his balls. And, soon, I exploded inside with what I think must have been the most powerful, most breathtaking orgasm of my life. We fell into each other, kissing and kissing, my hips still moving up and down over him, I really just never wanted it to end.
“Mmm, Debby, that was a spectacular orgasm, just what I wanted for you. Now, can you let me up?” and I rolled off him and he got up, then pulled me up and had me stand next to the bed, spread my legs and lean over. I planted my boots about two feet apart and leaned down to rest my head on a pillow.
He moved up behind me and thrust right up into me and began fucking me swiftly in and out, I was so well lubricated that he just glided back and forth.
“Mmm, I love fucking you, Debby, oh, your pussy is so good.”
I started twisting my butt around as he fucked me and I think it was the best feeling fuck I’ve ever had.
“Cum in me, Craig, cum deep in me, I want it, I want your cum, oh, yes, cum in my hot, wet pussy. Oh, fuck me, fuck me.”
I was so completely different from how I usually am, I do love sex but I’m generally pretty quiet and subdued about it. Not this time, not with a week of hot anticipation, my pussy wet and ready the whole time. Knowing how hard Craig’s cock was, how much we wanted each other. How long it had been since I was really loved properly. I was in lust for sure. More than I ever have been.
He went at me in a frenzy and, soon, he tensed, threw his head back, pushed his cock hard and deep into me as I felt the warmth of his cum spread deep inside me. I had his cum, we were lovers at last. And did I feel fucked. Oh, yes, fucked. For the first time in years. Not made love to, fucked. I had no idea how much I had needed that.
He kept going in and out of me slowly as he rubbed my butt. There were our juices running down my legs into my boots as a reminder of the hot, passionate sex we had just had. Not that I would ever need a reminder. I had never before or since had sex like that. With Craig, sex was in a whole new category.
He put me on to his bed and took my boot heels in my hands, spread them wide and lowered down to lick my hot, drippy pussy. Even with the sex we had already had, I wanted more and his tongue was perfect. Craig also knew how to use it as well. He soon had me by the feet wiggling and squirming as he brought me up to another truly wonderful orgasm.
I spent the night with him in his bed, getting very little sleep, fucking several times, him giving me oral again and we finally fucked the sun up the next morning.
Chapter 3
After several years of hunger for sex and intimacy, I threw myself into a fling with Craig that lasted five or six weeks. We found places to fuck during the day, sometimes at my place of business, sometimes at his, sometimes at his condo. Even once in a park and twice in a large parking lot in his car.
Once started, I was ravenous for sex, as much as we did, it was never, ever enough. Then, I suppose like many affairs, the lust began to wear off and be replaced by guilt. And I knew if it kept on, Brian would eventually find out my secret life and, no doubt, be hurt beyond belief.
I just loved my husband too much to ever allow that to happen. So, I broke it off with Craig. I knew I had to, my head and my heart told me it was the only thing to do but my pussy sure didn’t want to give up that wonderful, hard cock that was about half my age. It just never seemed to go soft. But, I had to do it and I did.
Now, I was left with what do I do with my life, especially my sexual life now? Before I met Craig, yes, I was horny, yes, my pussy did ache for a good fucking once in a while, but now, well, now, my pussy ached all the time. I knew, knew for sure what a good fucking was all about. I knew what a hot, hard cock felt like thrusting in and out of my wet, ravenous pussy. Oh, did I.
So, I decided to have a talk with Brian. No, not about my fling, about his lack of interest and his impotence.
I chose what I thought was a good time and we had a very open and tender talk about my needs and his lack of ability to fulfill them. And I thanked him for his openness by sucking him off. He rather surprised me by giving me a rather wonderful orgasm with his tongue. It seemed a good beginning
The decision was made to visit an endocrinologist and the outcome was the discovery of a pituitary tumor, quite treatable, thank goodness, that was interfering with his body’s hormone production. So, he began treatment for the tumor, his blood pressure medication was changed and hormone shots were prescribed. The doctor also gave him a bagful of ED drugs, three different kinds to try.
That night, I had showered and as I was blowdrying my hair, Brian called out from his shower.
“Come here, Debby, look what I’ve got,” and he slid the shower door back and arched forward, his cock large and swollen and standing straight out.
“Oh, my, Brian. It looks like we may be back in business. Hold right there,” and I knelt down and brought my lips over my husbands wonderfully-hard cock and began sucking him.
“Let’s save my cum for your pussy, hon, let me finish showering and I’ll fuck you silly.”
I volunteered to dry him off, paying particular attention to his newly-resurrected member which I was making so many plans for.
We decided not to rush things and enjoyed several hours of foreplay including Brian giving me a wonderful, tender orgasm licking me slowly for what seemed forever. It was wonderful.
Then, I sucked him good and hard and I got up on my hands and knees, my second favorite position, as Brian, for the first time in several years pushed his cock right up inside my waiting and grateful pussy.
“Oh, yeah, oh, yes, god, I’ve missed this,” he said as he slowly began moving back and forth.
“Mmm, oh, Brian, you feel you good, so young and hard, just like when we first met and were dating. You better get a lot of those pills, I’m gonna make you fuck me all the time,” and I wiggled my butt as he pushed in and out.
Was it quite as sexy as getting fucked my Craig? Well, look, Craig was under thirty, I had found that out after we’d been together a few times. He was half my age. And, the taboo sense of screwing someone on the side, well, it does add some buzz to the sex.
But, when Brian pushed into me that night, I was so wet and so ready, he just went right up in me to the hilt, oh, that was simply out of this world.
He fucked me slowly, deliberately, in and out as I tightened my pelvic muscles when he would pull back, mmm, it was wonderful.
“Oh, Brian, I’m so glad we talked about this and got you to that doctor. Oh, I just want you to fuck me as much as you want.”
I began pulling back and forth myself, taking care not to pull him out of me, no, I wanted his cock in me, no matter what. Soon, he just stopped moving and held still as I rocked back and forth on his wonderful cock.
“Oh, hon, that feels so good, I’m gonna cum pretty soon, it’s just so good.”
“Brian, I’m really close, too, and I’m so ready.”
Then it happened, just like we timed it together. But we didn’t, it just happened that way. We both erupted in wonderful orgasms and collapsed in a heap, Brian on top, still moving, keeping my pussy happy, now full of his cum for the first time in a long, long time.
I turned over and we kissed like young lovers, maybe we were, yes, maybe we were.
It was a lovely night, we stayed naked and kept waking each other off and on, just enjoying our new sexuality.
A couple of nights later, laying in each other’s arms after a wonderful evening of sex, Brian asked me,”You know, I’ve wondered if you ever did anything with that guy who hit on you the night you were out with your friend. If something did happen, you can tell me, I won’t get mad. I can understand why you would have had sex with him. He’s half your age, right?”
“Yes, just about thirty, twenty-eight, to be exact. Well, he was sure tempting.”
“Okay, and did you yield to the temptation? You know, I really hope you did, Debby, a guy half your age. You do look good. I know I’m sure enjoying fucking you again. Was it good?”
“Now, Brian, why are you assuming I did anything?”
“I sure would have. The whole idea of some good-looking, young guy screwing you, well, look,” and he lifts the covers up and his cock is pretty hard, “see what the idea does to me? I hope he gave you a great time. You’ve deserved it.”
“I’m surprised that you’re so liberal about it, Brian.”
“Well, why not. I get you as much as I want. These days you seem to want sex more than I do, why shouldn’t you have it? It really doesn’t bother me at all. You should have let the guy do you. And more than once.”
“What if I did?” There I said it.
“Good, I’d say. I just hope he gave you a really great fucking.”
I snuggled into him, reached down and squeezed his cock and whispered, “Yes, he did and it was wonderful. I hope you’re not angry.”
“No, hon, like I said, you deserved a good fucking, I hope you got it more than once.”
“Actually, I did.”
“So, you enjoyed sex with another guy?”
“I can’t lie about it, I really did. There’s a sense of taboo about it that just adds a bit of zing. And, you’re right, a younger man, well, it was something I’d never dreamed happening again. A young, hard cock like that.”
“How would you like another one?”
“I really don’t want to continue anything with him, we’ve parted ways, so that’s all over.”
“No, I mean somebody new? Maybe I could find you somebody, have him over, I could watch and do you, too?”
“Oh, Brian, you’re dreaming.”
“No, I’m fantasizing and it’s making me hard again.”
“Yes, I can feel it but you really can’t be serious. Getting me another guy?”
I lay there, actually hoping Brian was serious. I know, I know, it’s trashy but my pussy was sure excited. Even my nipples tingled. The idea was turning me on. Oh, the idea.
“Sure, why not. I’ll bet you’d love it and I’d love it too. Why not?”
We talked a little more about it and Brian said he’d do a bit of looking around. I was so turned on by the idea, I slipped down and sucked him off as he fingered and licked me to orgasm.
So, even though our own sex was back on track, Brian did seem to like this idea of another man, a younger man, fucking me in a threesome with him. Honestly, with a young cock so recently inside me, I was pretty excited, as well.
Then, about three weeks later, Brian said, one morning as we were getting ready for work, “Thought we’d meet a fellow after work for a drink, so you might want to dress accordingly.”
“Oh, who’s this, someone from work?”
“No, a fellow I’ve been emailing with, thought you’d like to meet him, see how it goes.”
“Brian, is this what you talked about a few weeks ago, fixing me up with someone to have sex with?”
“Yes, and it’s just for a drink. If he doesn’t want to do anything, we just come home. If you don’t, then we just come home, okay? Simple as that.”
“Does he know why we’re meeting him?”
So, well, I changed my plans on what I wanted to wear to work. I was right back to my buttoned-down white silk blouse, my sexy half-bra underneath and the black vest to keep the guys in the office at bay. Then, the knee-length black skirt, thigh-length stockings and the boots, again, I put in the car. Note that I never mentioned panties. I’d have to be careful around the office but I did have my hopes up for later.
So, finally, five o’clock came around and I got the boots on and drove to our rendezvous, a small Italian restaurant with a nice, secluded bar. Brian’s car was already there so I went right in and there he was, discretely at a back table with another man, a considerably younger, and, as I approached, rather handsome young man.
“Debby, this is Ryan. Ryan, meet Debby, we’ve already ordered and I included a gin and tonic for you, hon.”
“I’ve filled Ryan in a bit on what we had in mind. He’s never done anything like this and wanted to ask us some questions.”
“Well, yeah, I mean it’s interesting and everything. I’m not what you call very adventuresome, I’ve had sex with three women, not really many, I guess for twenty-nine. I was engaged up until about two months ago, a woman I’d been with for, well, ten years, actually. It was pretty unpleasant.”
“I can imagine, Ryan, that’s a long time for it to suddenly end like that.”
“Oh, I saw it coming. She seemed to want a man with a little more, oh, daring, I guess. That’s one reason I’m here.”
“And the other reason or reasons?” I asked.
He was a nice-looking guy, not he-man muscular or anything, but I’m not attracted to that anyway.
“Well, my fiancee and I were having sex a lot, I guess that figures, right, and, well, frankly, I’m pretty horny.”
“That’s something I like to hear, Ryan. It’s a bit funny that here I am with Brian and Ryan, and, especially with what we’re talking about? Any other reasons?”
“One other. The woman I first had sex with, well, I was sixteen, she lived next door. Mrs. Hendrick. My students would call her a MILF today. Oh, I teach high school math. Yeah, a bit of a nerd. Anyway, she was my first and I’ve never forgotten it. It really was wonderful. Actually, now this may sound odd, she was the best lover, the best sex, I’ve ever had. Ever. Well, maybe until now. If you want to do this with me.”
“Well, Ryan, there’s certainly no guarantee that I could ever hold a candle to your first lover. How long were you two together?”
“Really, up until I met the, now former, fiancee.”
This young man did seem really nice, not a hot lover type but, well, I was interested. I was hoping that I was not ruining the upholstery I was sitting on, that was the extent of my interest. Pretty wet.
“So, Brian told me about what you two were thinking about and it’s really pretty exciting. I must say that you’re much prettier than I had hoped. And you have quite a beautiful figure. When I watched you come in a few minutes ago, well, I wouldn’t be surprised if you had seen the table rise a bit,” he said with a snicker.
“I think that’s a complement, don’t you, Brian? I rather like this young man and would like to get to know him better, even, perhaps, intimately. What do you say, Ryan?” as I slid my hand down across his leg and onto the nice hard cock I could feel under the tablecloth. I was really doing this, I was really coming on to this young man and, yes, I was sexually attracted to him, he seemed nice and sweet and I was feeling a very hard cock lurking just inside his pants. And I was also feeling a flood of juices getting me ready to receive his nice, hard cock.
“Well, Ryan, what do you say? If you haven’t any plans for the evening, I’d suggest you follow us back to our house and you two can get to know each other.”
We paid the bill and formed a three-car caravan to our house.
Chapter 4
Once inside, Brian fixed drinks all around and we adjourned to our living room.
“Well, I suppose you should see what you’re getting into Ryan,” I said as he sat on the sofa and I began taking my blouse off. Once I had it off, I leaned over and moved toward him, my breasts overflowing the top of my bra, my brown nipples peeking out as I reached back and unhooked the straps and lowered it off my arms.
“You are really pretty, Debby, really pretty,” Ryan said as I stood over him, close enough to feel his breath on my skin.
“They’re all yours, Ryan. I want you to enjoy them,” and he raised his hands and began fondling them as I moved one to his lips. The first pull on my nipple sent a spark directly between my legs as I felt the warmth begin to grow.
“Mmm, it feels nice, you sucking me. I love that, you know, it makes me very wet,” and I spread my legs and led one of his hands up under me to my bare, sopping-wet, hot pussy. His finger went right into me, ah, nice, good man. I stood there being titty-sucked and fingered as I looked down at him, oh, he looked so happy. And he was here to make me happy.
I turned my head and Brian had his cock out and was slowly stroking it as he smiled and winked at me. The devil. I winked back as Ryan slid a second finger in me.
I stood there, still wearing my skirt, stockings and boots, Ryan was still fully-clothed, and I decided to move this into our bedroom where we could be much more comfortable.
“Let’s go to our bedroom, Ryan, so we can get more comfortable,” and we went upstairs to the master bedroom which already had the covers drawn on the bed ready and waiting.
I embraced Ryan and kissed him, then, stepped back and began unbuttoning his shirt. When I got it off, I went to work on his belt and got it open along with his fly. He was wearing briefs, so I slid his pants down and pulled his briefs right along with them. There it was, right in my face.
Perhaps I need to explain my attitude about men’s cocks. Yes, I’ve watched porn and, yes, I’ve seen the ones that look like they were transplanted from an elephant. No, thanks. I’m perfectly happy with the average guy’s dick; I was in high school, I still am over thirty years later.
And, what flopped out in my face was a very nice, very respectable, even, nice-looking cock. I immediately welcomed it into my body as my lips slid over it and got the first moan from my new lover.
“Mmm, Debby, mmm, you’re fantastic. You look so good and you make me feel so good. I just want you to know that I won’t last long with you sucking me like this.”
I raised up, knowing that I had better plans for his first load of cum, it was going deep, deep inside me.
Then, Brian saw my crotch.
“Well, Deb, you’ve shaved your pussy. Just for the occasion, I suppose, though it does look lovely,” Brian observed.
“Yes, I did it for our young man, for you, Ryan, is it nice?” and I stood back so he could see my newly exposed and bared pussy.
“It’s really beautiful, Debby, just perfect. You did that for me, you shaved it?”
“Just for you, Ryan. I thought a younger man would like it that way. It’s the rage these days, I understand.”
“Well, I don’t know about that, but you are beautiful. Would you like me to lick your newly-shaved pussy?”
“Oh, Ryan, yes, if you want to, it’s something that I love. Do you want my skirt off? And my stockings and boots?”
“Yeah, leave the stockings and boots on, that’s really hot,” so I unbuttoned the skirt and let it fall to the floor and I got up on our bed, my back against the headboard and spread wide for my new lover to enter me for the first time, with his tongue.
The first touch, oh, that first touch of his tongue, it was electric; just sent a zing right through me. And, then, his licking up and down. Well, it seemed different with my pussy shaved. More erotic, sexier. I watched his tongue trace up and down inside the groove between my legs, the one that I wanted his cock spreading open soon, oh, I wanted it so badly.
I parted my labia with my fingers as his tongue flicked all around the opening to my deepest, most intimate love haven, each lick sending me higher and higher.
“Ryan, omigod, Ryan, oh, what you’re doing is so wonderful, mmm, right there, yes, oh, you are right there, it’s perfect, UUH, UUH, UH, uh, uh, mmm, mmm,” I moaned as he looked up at me smiling, his face shiny-wet with my love nectar. I looked over at Brian and he was smiling at me, stroking his firm erection as Ryan pulled me by my boots down fully down onto the bed, kneeling between my outstretched legs, his cock dangling low, moving it toward me, right to where I so desperately wanted it.
He pressed up against my slit, all wet with his licking, and pushed his hips forward, driving up into me and I wiggled my hips wanting him deep inside me.
As he began going back and forth, the feelings radiated out of my middle all over my body. He was rubbing my breasts and softly pinching my nipples as his cock slid in and out.
“Mmm, I knew when I emailed Brian that this was going to be good. I had no idea that his wife was such a wonderfully-sexy woman. I hope you like me enough so we can do this more, Debby.”
“As far as I’m concerned, Ryan, we can be together just as much as you want. Brian and I have talked about how to do this if it really works out well, and I think it will. So, we could have you come spend weekends with us and stay overnight. We could do this just as much as you’d like.”
“Debby, you are such a sexy woman that it would be heaven for me to spend my weekends in bed like this with you. I wasn’t sure how it would feel with Brian here but it really is pretty sexy to be doing this, you know, all three of us, like this. And I guess he’ll have you, too. You’re gonna be a busy woman.”
“This is just the kind of busy I love. You are making me feel so young and sexy, Ryan. I just don’t think I can ever get enough of you. I want you to stay the night with me, Ryan, I promise you, we’ll have lots of fun. I do want to suck that nice cock of yours all the way next time. You like it sucked until you cum, right?”
“Debby, I think I’m like every guy I’ve ever heard of, yes, I just love being sucked. I’d love it if you sucked me.”
“Good, I’m really eager to taste your cum. Your cock tastes good, I’ll bet your wonderful cum is even better. Oh, my pussy’s getting all tingly just thinking about it.”
“I think you’re gonna have your pussy full of my cum in a few minutes, this just feels so good. I love your pussy, Debby and your boobs are fantastic.”
“They’re all yours, Ryan, but I’ll tell you, these boobs get a lot of looks from guys and I love it. It makes me feels so hot.”
“You are hot, Debby, just super-hot if you ask me. You’re even hotter than the woman I first had sex with.”
“Oooh, me, hotter? Just fuck me good, Ryan,” I said as I wiggled around making our coupling together feel even better.
“Ryan, oh, Ryan, I’m…UUUH, UUUH, uh, uh, uh, mmm,” and he arched his back, drove his cock into me and groaned, “UMMH, UMMH, umh, umh, oh, Debby, oh, this is incredible. I love fucking you, it’s more than I’d ever dreamed of.”
He didn’t stop, he kept fucking me for a bit until Brian got onto the bed, waddling toward me, his cock hard and ready.
“Hon, how about some good doggie-fucking from your hubby while you suck on your new lover, something to keep you busy,” he said with a grin.
He had Ryan lay down, his cock not as hard as before but still pretty nice as I got up on my hands and knees to suck him while Brian pushed into me from behind.
I’d never had two cocks in me before and I must say, it was fun. I like sucking a man’s cock, as I’ve said, and I dearly love being doggied and doing both was so arousing, I had cum and pussy juices running out of my pussy all down both legs and cum running out the sides of my mouth. Ah, heaven.
I’ve had many variations of Brian fucking me from behind or Ryan back there, with the other up in front of me as I suck his hard cock. It’s one of my favorite things now, getting both ends fucked and cummed full.
I also like the fact that Ryan can be reenergized, cockwise, with a good suck and he’s ready to do me again.
So, what has all this wonderful sex done to me?
Well, the truth is, I am hornier than ever. If I thought my pussy would hold out, I think I could keep five men satisfied. I have no idea why, at fifty-seven, my libido is just like when I was fourteen but at least now it’s much easier for me to do something about it.
Are you interested? Well, I just might be.