Aphrodisia: Part 2

"Their anticipation of a wild, sensual adventure lights a fire in their sex lives."

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We’d barely cleared the driveway when Emma tugged her panties off and turned sideways in the seat. Leaning back against the door, she put one foot on the console behind my elbow and the other on top of the dashboard, spreading her legs wide and pulling her skirt up so that I could watch her gently masturbate as I drove. She was wet and aroused, and I struggled to watch the road and watch her touch herself at the same time.

Her clit was swollen and erect, and as she touched the tight opening of her vagina it winked at me, glistening with her dew. She purred, “See anything you like?”

“Fuck, babe. You know I do. You’re positively dripping, which I guess means that all of that worked for you?”

“I’m so horny I could die. Take out your cock so I can look at it while I do this.”

“I’m driving; that’s a two-handed job when I’m in this condition.”

“I could do it.”

“You might cause an accident.”

“In your pants?”

“Well… yes, that too, but I meant a car accident. If talking on a cell phone is an illegal distraction, just imagine what your bare, wet, horny pussy and you fondling me must be.”

“We’ve done it before.”

“Yeah, but after dark.”

“Darkness just ups the danger level.”

I laughed. “Not the danger of getting busted for public lewdness or indecent exposure.”

“Nothing we’ll be exposing is indecent.” As I pondered that statement, figuring the police might disagree, she leaned across and pushed her pussy-slick fingers into my mouth, making my cock strain with arousal. “I don’t want to leave pussy juice on your pants… there you go, suck them clean.”

I did, with enthusiasm, after which she proceeded to set me free from my increasingly snug pants. It required opening my belt and the waist button along with the zipper, given the utter lack of flexibility of my cock, and involved only minimal pain, but once she’d accomplished her mission she sat back and admired her work. And resumed touching herself, of course.

I tried to split my focus evenly between driving and watching, but I know watching was winning, even more so when she began to moan and writhe in her seat. I turned the radio down.

Emma moaned, “Great cock, mister. God, I could come so easily.”


She laughed. “That’s all, just ‘okay’?”

“What? Okay is me being agreeable, right? It means the same as ‘I approve’.”

“And you’re nothing if not agreeable.”

“I’m just sayin’.”

Emma looked at my rigid cock. “You’re also just leaking… a lot!”

“Really? Wow, that’s never happened before.”

She laughed again. “No, of course not. Only often enough that you should consider adult diapers.”

I grinned. “Your fault. And anyhow, we each react wetly, just in different ways.”

Reaching across, she dabbed my precum with one finger, then licked it. The second time she did it, she spread it on my lips. “I know. I enjoy being able to make you dribble. I think it’s very cute.”

“Thanks. ‘Cute’, huh? I’d prefer ‘manly’, I think.” I licked my lips and made a mental note to try to reduce my salt intake. “We’re almost home, you know, in case you still have that orgasm on hold.”

Emma looked around, recognizing our surroundings. “That trip went fast… Guess I was distracted.” She leaned back and focused on herself, dipping her fingers into her wet cunt before pressing firmly on her clit as she made small, rapid circular motions. She soon came hard, her thighs clamping shut on her hand as her body bucked, caught in the throes of her climax.

I was trying to watch her and drive, and as I turned into our driveway I almost took out the mailbox. I remembered – barely – to hit the button to open the garage door before I drove smack into it, and as soon as I stopped the car and put it in park, I hit it again to lower the door. By then, Emma’s orgasm had settled into a comfortable afterglow, her moans low in her throat and her body undulating gently rather than continuing the spasms that had rocked her moments before.

When I put my hand on her knee, she obligingly spread her legs, allowing me to watch her gently stroke herself. Her pussy was puffy with arousal and wet, no doubt steaming hot and very much ready for more. Smiling, she said, “I’m good at that, making myself come!”

I grinned. “Yes, you are – and at keeping my cock hard and making my balls ache.”

“Poor baby! You gonna survive?”

“Fifty-fifty chance if we find a way to relieve my suffering soon; otherwise, no. We may both be killed by shrapnel when my balls explode.”

“And here I thought maybe you’d like to lick my pussy first…”

“I think I could do that.”

She rubbed her wet fingers across my lips, and I licked them. “Okay, have at it!”

“Here? In the car?” I wasn’t averse to the concept, but the tight quarters, the high center console, and the fact that I wasn’t nearly as limber as I was fifteen years ago… there were logistical issues. “After we get inside, I promise.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

“No problem.” I got out of the car and circled it, my cock still sticking out of my pants and baying at the moon – or, more accurately, at the ceiling of the garage – and opened her door. Being a gentleman (as much as one can with one’s dick sticking out) I offered her a hand to help her out of the car. She kissed me, and hand in hand we circled the front of the car, heading for the house door.

And that was where I couldn’t stand being a gentleman any longer! I turned her and pushed her forward, her thighs against the fender, and bent her over the hood of the car. She barely managed a yelp of surprise before I’d flipped her skirt up and driven my cock into her ready, well-lubed pussy, balls-deep in one thrust.

She managed an astonished, “Oh, God!” at the sudden invasion, but then shoved her ass back hard against me and held on as I seized her hips and began to pummel her pussy, pounding into her. She felt amazing inside, just what I’d needed, and I closed my eyes and growled, my cock in her tight, hot grip.

I wish I could say that I’d pounded her until she nearly passed out, that I’d fucked her like she’d never been fucked before and had lost count of her orgasms, that I’d had to hold her up to keep her from slumping to the floor as she passed out from over-stimulation. That’s the kind of superhuman stud that I’d like to claim to have been, given that a large part of her arousal was due to admiring and anticipating a sexual liaison with someone who likely was precisely that, but the truth is that I came in less than two minutes, the first pent-up blast of cum feeling like a baseball passing through my cock.

After that, I spurted and squirted and moaned and gasped and twitched and made faces and did all the other stupid human tricks one does amid a powerful orgasm, probably making Emma wonder if I was experiencing pain or pleasure, having an orgasm or a seizure. It was maybe both, but mostly pleasure… and orgasm, but then again, maybe she didn’t notice because she was coming too, also making her share of inhuman sounds, faces, and twitches.

She claims to love the feeling of my cock – or, I suppose, any cock, since I was not her first – coming inside of her, the pulsing and swelling as it deposits each spurt of its creamy load deep in her pussy. She says if she’s even in the same zip code as her orgasm at that moment, a cock spasming inside of her will complete the delivery, and it did this time as she came loudly along with me, her pussy squeezing rhythmically on my rigid, swollen organ.

Exhausted, my body with no more spine than a jellyfish, I collapsed over her back, both of us breathing heavily. It may have only been two minutes of wild, animal sex, but it was a strenuous and productive two minutes, no doubt equal to at least a half-marathon in terms of cardiovascular benefit.  Speaking of vascular, one particular vascularly aided organ was beginning to shrivel, and I heard a wet dollop of cum splat on the garage floor.

When it finally slithered out of her, she went “Ooohh!” and we heard another wet plop on the floor. Emma laughed. “You’re a very messy boy.”

“You’re the one making the mess; I left all that in a very safe and unmessy place.”

“You won’t think so when you see what’s running down my legs. Whew, that was fun! C’mon inside and you can finish what you started.”

“Finish…?” I felt pretty well done, at least for a while.

“You still owe me a good licking.”


“You promised!”

“I did, didn’t I?”

She ran a finger the length of my drooping cock. “You did, but you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I know you have to be in the right mood.”

That was true; there were times when I couldn’t wait to dive face-first into her creamy pussy and lick up every bit of what I’d left behind… not coincidentally driving her into a frenzy of orgasms in the process, which was the true reward. Other times I was so spent, my arousal so sated that I had no interest at all beyond perhaps getting a wet washcloth to clean her up a bit, spooning her, and going to sleep.

Luckily, this was one of the former, my libido and hers still rocking and rolling along in anticipation of our upcoming adventure, and I led her into the house and to the sofa in the living room, where I did a job Mr. Clean would have envied. Thirty or so minutes later I left her gasping and moaning, shuddering with aftershocks, thoroughly exhausted and squeaky clean. My face looked like a frosted donut, but she was spotless, ready to entertain her next customer… if she could stop twitching long enough for anyone to get lined up with her admirably sparkling pussy.

And so it went for the next few days, from Tuesday evening until Saturday when our Aphrodisia experience was scheduled to take place. We’d scheduled the week off, as we would have if we’d been taking a vacation to some exotic locale, and we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. We’d anticipated that the experience might spice up our love life, but we’d assumed afterward, recalling the event; we’d had no idea that looking forward to it would turn us into a couple of insatiable sex freaks!

It wouldn’t have required the abilities of Google’s Sycamore supercomputer to graph the frequency and intensity of Emma’s orgasms, we weren’t that crazy; any old Cray would have likely sufficed. I felt like I went to bed every night with the scent and taste of Emma’s pussy in my nose and on my lips and my dick worn down to a nub (a situation I was oddly okay with) only to wake up in the middle of the night or at the crack of dawn with my wife sucking on me, trying to restore poor Willy to his former glory for another round. To be clear, that’s not a complaint, merely an observation.

We even wore out two sets of batteries in a couple of her toys (and one of my favorite prostate-poker/ ass buzzers), and I’m talking Energizers, not generic Sam’s Club batteries. That fucking bunny had nothing on us.

Emma talked to Jim Travis at Aphrodisia a couple of times during the week with forgotten details – and to choose a honey to attend to me while she enjoyed Andre. She teased me with that, saying she was sure I’d love her choice but refusing to tell me more lest she ruin the surprise.  I spoke with him once myself, adding a little special treat for her; two can play the surprise game!

In any event, at midnight Friday, just as my body was finally becoming attuned to being nothing but a sexual plaything for my nympho wife, she called a halt. There I stood with my little poker pecking out when she said, “Ok, no more. It’s midnight.”

I was shocked, not to mention left hanging… or not hanging, as the case may be. “What? We’re stopping now? We don’t go to Aphrodisia till six in the evening!”

“I know, but it’s midnight, so now it’s officially Saturday.”

“What, you turn into a pumpkin at midnight or something? ‘Cause if you do, it’s okay; I can carve a hole in your side and poke this in there and still accomplish the goal… I don’t even mind the pumpkin goo and the seeds. Vegan sex is in, you know.”

“Gross!” She shook her head, grinning. “No. I want to save myself.”

“That ship has sailed, babe.”

Lucky for me, she laughed. “No more hide the salami, not until after. You can lick my pussy if you want, or suck on my nipples. You can even come on my boobs if you promise to lick it off. No more putting it in me and no more orgasms – for me, I mean. I need to save up for later.”

Well, fuck that bullshit! I started to storm angrily out of the room, then decided to come back, where I jerked off on her tits, waited for my cum to trickle down to her pussy, and licked it all up (and she did come, even though she pretended not to) and only then stormed pseudo-angrily out of the room. It may have lost some of the dramatic impact I was initially going for, but I felt better.

The next morning over breakfast, Emma put her hand on mine and said, “You’re sure you’re okay with this? It’s not too late to call it off.”

It wasn’t… except for the five hundred dollar non-refundable deposit. But that was okay because I did not want to call it off. “No, I’m good; looking forward to it. Do you want to call it off?”

“Oh god no! I can’t wait!”

“Hmmm… Okay, now I’m having second thoughts. You could have acted a little less enthusiastic about fucking some young stud and his horse cock.”

“You don’t want me to enjoy it?”

“No, of course I do! I won’t if you don’t. It’s just…”

“Jealousy? Is that what’s getting you all of a sudden?”

I shrugged. “I guess. Jealousy, envy, whatever you want to call it. But that’s part of it, I expected that. It would be weird if I wasn’t.”

She said, “Well, yes, we knew that, right? And I understand the jealousy, because you’re going to have a plaything too, remember? I’ll be jealous of that.”

“You won’t even think of that, not while it’s going on.”

“Maybe… but now, and after, I’ll be jealous. What is it you’re envious of?”

“Oh, you know. The usual stuff – he’s young, hung, good-looking, he’ll have my wife…”

“Kenny, you’re good-looking!”

“The expression is ‘two out of three ain’t bad’, you know that, right? One out of four is less impressive.”

Emma giggled. “Now you’re being silly. And he won’t ‘have me’; only you have me.”

“Thank you. I know that, but it’s still nice to hear.”

We sat quietly for a while, finishing breakfast and drinking our coffee as the thing that was bothering me most slowly came together in my head well enough for me to articulate it. “Babe, I think the thing is, no matter who I might be with, it will be so much more intimate for you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well… okay, here’s the thing. He’ll be inside of you. Inside your body. Sex is more intimate for women, it has to be. I mean, isn’t it?”

She frowned. “Um, I don’t…  So, do you not feel it’s intimate when you’re inside of me?”

“Sure, but more so for you. I mean, my dick just sticks out there, waving in the breeze. I can grab it – or, better, you can; I could poke it in any hole, it’s an appendage. Nothing enters my body when we have sex.”

“Unless I’m using my strap-on or one of your toys on you.” She laughed.

“Well yeah, then.” I was blushing – I do enjoy anal play and her fucking me! “And that is more intimate, but it’s not like having someone else’s body enter yours – especially a huge body part like he has. Part of his body will be deep inside your body. It doesn’t get more intimate than that. Guys are just sticking it in; women are allowing it within them, feeling him enter, accepting it…”

“Loving it, squeezing it…” She smiled softly. “I’d never thought of it that way, but you’re right. That is intimate. How about when I take him in my mouth, sucking on him with these very lips you so love to kiss? Or when I swallow his cum?”

“Fuck!” I was getting hard despite myself. “Yeah, that’s pretty fucking intimate too.”

“Would you still kiss these lips if I had his cum all over them?”

“I’d never miss a chance to kiss you.”

“I love that you’re so kinky.”

Now I was rock hard. It’s difficult being a kinky bastard. “I’m glad you do, and that you go along with my crazy ideas.”

“How do you know I’m just going along?”

“Huh?” Sometimes I go for the deep, thoughtful response just to remind her I’m a complicated guy.

“I’m a very horny lady. How do you know I’m not kinky too?”

“So you’re saying I’ve corrupted you.”

“I prefer to think of it as enlightened; but yes, you have.”

“Should I apologize for that?”

“No, you should be proud; I feel like you’ve opened me to so many new experiences. I thoroughly enjoy our adventures. Tonight, I plan to show you just how much… I’ll make you proud, Kenny.”

“Aaarrrgghh! Are you sure we can’t fuck? Not even a quickie?”

“I’m saving myself for Andre and his big cock. Think about that and hold the thought; you don’t want to wear yourself out before then either.”

“If I stay horny like this until then, I’ll come before it gets touched – a light breeze will do it!”

She smiled. “So what? You’re paying, so you don’t have to impress anybody.

“Well, yeah, but how embarrassing.”

“You’ll have eight whole hours to redeem yourself.”

“Yeah, there’s that. You hate to make a bad first impression though.”

“Speaking of first impressions, I need your opinion.”

“I’m full of those.”

“Oh, I know, but I meant something specific. I bought a bunch of new lingerie and I can’t decide what to wear.”

“You know me; I like you in anything or nothing at all. As long as it’s not too hard to get you out of it, I’m in favor.”

“It’s not for you.”

“Oh. Well, fuck…”

She laughed. “Is that okay?”

“Yeah, it’s hot as hell! Okay, so let’s see what you bought.”

“No, you stay here and I’ll go put on the set I’m thinking about, and then you come when I call you.”

“I’m horny enough I can probably do that.”


“Come when you call me, like you said.”

“Don’t be an idiot; stay here.”

I did, and a few minutes later she called out, “Okay, Kenny, I’m ready!”

I walked into our bedroom and saw that she was indeed ready – ready for anything that involved making cocks stiff and getting herself fully and thoroughly fucked, in any event. She had on thigh-high black stockings and four-inch stilettos, a pair of tiny sheer panties with mere strings along the sides which arched up over her hips – a thong, really – which barely covered her pouty pussy and her ass not at all, and a sheer, lacy, low-cup bra through which her rosy nipples showed to fine advantage. They were hard and suckable, and any guy was going to have to flip a coin to decide whether to start there or dive straight into licking her pussy.

“Wow, babe!”

“You like?”

“An understatement if ever there was one. That gushing noise you heard a moment ago was me coming in my pants.”

She giggled. “You did not!”

“No, but it was close. Only my steely self-control prevented it.”

“We both know better than that. Do you think he’ll like it?”

“Well, I hope it wasn’t too expensive.”

“What? Why?” Her response told me it had been.

“Because he’s going to tear it off of you with his teeth to get at the goodies inside.”

She laughed. “So it’s good then?”

“Can I tear it off you with my teeth?”


“Then it’s great, but not as good as it could be. Em, you look incredible, sexy as hell and completely edible, but why?”

“What do you mean?”

“We’re paying for him to seduce you; you don’t have to seduce him… although I know you could, and that get-up will launch him into hornyland.”

“Well, a girl likes to look her best. Seeing that hunger in the eyes of my lover should go a long way toward making me comfortable and ready.”

“Yeah, I get that. I’d think all the drooling and the boner sticking out would help too.”

She laughed again. “Not everyone is as predictable as you.”

“No, sorry; I think most guys are. That combo on you is a wood maker for sure. What else you got?”

She dug around in a bag and pulled out an equally tiny, lacy set in ivory. When she held up the little hanger, I whistled. “Nice! Black for femme fatale and ivory for innocent and virginal.”

“I don’t know about that; not sure I can pull off innocent or virginal when we’ve made arrangements for me to fuck a stud like him – with my husband watching, no less.”

“Let me be the judge – put them on.”


“Sure, why not; we have time.” She squirmed and shimmied out of the black set, and while she was distracted carefully folding and putting things away, I gently stroked a very erect, aroused nipple… hers, not mine.

She jumped like I’d given her tit a jolt of static electricity and pushed my hand away.  “I told you no!”

“Your mouth says no, but your nipples shout yes.” I bent and kissed her, one arm around her shoulders. As her lips melted to mine, I cupped her pussy in my free hand. When I let a finger or two explore I discovered her clit erect, her pussy puffy with arousal and slick with her sexual lube. No National Geographic expedition has ever found a finer prize.

I watched her face as I gently stroked her aroused sex. Her eyes were closed, her lips slightly parted as she focused on the sensations; I knew she’d stop me soon, but for the moment she moaned softly and moved against my fingers. “You, my love, are a very sexy, very horny lady.”

She opened her eyes and looked into mine. “I could come so easily…”

“Go ahead – as long as I’ve known you you’ve had an inexhaustible supply of orgasms.”

Reluctantly, she pushed my hand away. “No. I don’t want to take the edge off. Tonight I have no intention of being a lady, Ken – yours or anyone else’s.”

I smiled and brushed my fingers, wet with her arousal, across her lips. She licked them eagerly, then pulled my hand closer and sucked on them. Her lips and tongue on my skin as she sucked my middle finger like a miniature cock, teasing me, sent a surge to my already achingly hard cock.

“Fuck, babe… did you ever think that just the anticipation of what we’re doing would make us both so fucking insatiable? I mean, I know you’ll fuck your brains out tonight and I expect that we will afterward for who knows how long because of the memories, but I never considered how the days ahead of time would go.”

She smiled. “I didn’t either, but I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. I’m lucky my husband is such a sexy guy.”

“A sex freak, you mean.”

Emma laughed. “Sure, but that’s sexy, erotic. You’re so into it and so willing to try new things and fulfill fantasies. You seem to love seeing me enjoy myself, which is very romantic…”

“I’m not sure arranging for my wife to fuck some young stud can be called romantic.”

“But it is! You want me to enjoy myself and experience something exciting and new, something we can’t do on our own. You want me to have this experience.”

“Yes, of course, but I’m doing it for me too… the idea of you with him makes me crazy, but also so incredibly aroused…”

“Would that be true if you were watching him – Andre – making love to some random stranger? It’s the same, right?”

I thought about it before shaking my head. “No, not at all. That’s just porn, you know? You can see that anywhere, but when it’s you, my wife, that’s just… I don’t know; intense? No, that’s not the right word. I mean, it’s that for sure, but also more meaningful, personal…”

She kissed my cheek. “Intimate.”

“Yes! That’s the word. More intimate.”

“What you were talking about before, the intimacy of him being inside of me. You witnessing it will be intimate for you. You’ve been there so you’ll know exactly what he’s feeling. That’s very romantic, Kenny, to me, at least.”

“You’re right, to me too because we’re both kinky. Have I ever told you how smart you are?”

“Not often enough…”

“Well, you’re brilliant. Now can we fuck?”

She laughed and pushed me away. “You’re terrible – and no!”

“Worth a shot, right?”

She turned away and picked up the ivory set. “I’m not going to mess with the stockings, but would you like to see these on me?”

“Absolutely!” As she started to step into the panties, I stopped her, pulling her close and tracing her soft, closely shorn pubes with my finger. She always keeps things nicely trimmed, usually confined to a patch of one shape or another on her mound only; like most women, she likes to try new hairstyles – including, occasionally, none at all! Right now, it was a small, well-defined downward-pointing arrowhead, its tip at the very front of her cleft.

“This is new. Did you think he’d need a signpost to find it?”

She grinned. “I hope not, but why take the chance?”

“I could get a Sharpie and write ‘lick here’, just to be safe.”

“You never know, he might not like licking pussy. Not every guy is like you.”

“What? Okay, now you’re talkin’ crazy; it’s probably your sexual tension making you say silly things. I could fix that for you…”

“You never give up, but the answer is still no.” She told me to turn around and close my eyes until she’d finished slipping into the ivory undergarments, so I did, and when she gave me the word and I turned back I think my eyes popped about two feet out of my head before snapping back into place, like an old cartoon character.

“Holy shit, babe!”

That earned me a small pirouette; it was equally spectacular from all angles. “You like?”

“It’s indecent, obscene, lewd, raunchy… all that shit. In other words, yes, I love it!”

If the black outfit had oozed sexuality in an elegant, classy, understated way, this, in chaste ivory, shouted ‘Let’s fucking fuck!’ at the top of its lungs. The incongruity of the black being subtly sexy and seductive and the ivory proclaiming that she wanted to be taken, used, abused, fucked down and dirty and left sweat-soaked and dripping cum was startling, but that’s what the tiny bra and panties did. For me, at least, and while I’m a horny fuck, I don’t think I’m that different from most guys.

The bra was tiny and sheer, but it lifted her breasts aggressively, thrusting them up in a very in-your-face way, the lower circumference of each rosy nipple and areola visible through the fabric, but the upper circumference fully exposed above the top of the bra – and her nipples were hard as diamond.

The panties weren’t. Weren’t panties, that is. They were more like a belt from the front of which a tiny triangle of fabric descended a few inches before turning into a very narrow band – almost a string. That nothing strip of fabric disappeared into my wife’s most intimate places only to magically reappear at the top of her ass crack, where it split into two pieces that attached to the waistband about three inches apart. In truth, the word ‘waistband’ is inaccurate; it wasn’t even high enough to be called a hip band. More of a pelvis band, actually, and it set a band to playing Sousa in my pelvis as well.

This was an exercise in garment design not only intended to display more than it covered but to display more than she might if she was stark naked. The strap insinuated itself between her pussy lips completely. While it may, if she moved carefully, have contained her clit and hidden the opening of her pussy, her puffy, aroused lips, both inner and outer, escaped around it and were right there, pooching out all pouty and begging to be licked. Fuck, even her hard nub was visible where it thrust against the shimmering fabric!

She was watching me look at her, and I hope she noticed that my pants were about to burst open at the zipper. She said, “So you seem to think this is pretty hot…”

“If you’re looking to get yourself fucked, it’s perfect.”

“I am. I’m glad you like it.”

“I love it, Em… It doesn’t look terribly comfortable.”

“It’s not designed for comfort.”

“Valid point. It will do exactly what it’s designed to.”

“And I can’t imagine it will stay on very long.”

I laughed. “No, I’m sure. Probably a good thing, too, the way that bowstring is stretched across your little wonder button. If you take ten steps in that you’ll give yourself an orgasm.”

She giggled. “We’ll experiment with that another day. Do you think Andre will like it?”

Oooh, there was that little reminder, that arrow of jealousy right to my groin; she hadn’t bought this for me… not directly, in any event. I didn’t mention that her question had made my balls draw up. “If the man has a pulse, yes, he’ll love it. I mean, with the nipples and the split pussy, and just… wow… yeah, it’s smokin’. You’re so damn sexy, Em.”

She kissed me, long and deep, and I cupped one breast and lightly traced her hard nipple with my thumb, partly on sheer fabric and partly on skin.

“So are you, Ken, and so very sweet. You’re sure you’re okay with all this?” She stared into my eyes as I nodded, then went on, “Because if you’re not, please say so now. I don’t want anything to cause problems for us later.”

“No, baby, I’m good; hell, it was my idea…”

She interrupted. “Mostly, yes. I didn’t try to talk you out of it.”

I smiled. “I did notice that.”

“So please be very sure.”

“I’m almost vibrating with arousal, Em, with anticipation. If it was something you had done behind my back, or if you’d fallen for some guy and chosen to have an affair with him that would be different. I’d hate that; it would kill me. This is for both of us, to spice up our sex lives and have an exciting adventure.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I am.”

“Then I’m going to go get ready. I think you’ll love the new dress I bought for tonight. Luckily, you’ll see it long before the bill comes…”

I pretended to wince. “Ouch – that bad, huh?”

“You won’t think so once you’ve seen it.”

I laughed and headed off to get myself ready too. Me and my erection were going to grab a shower, and then decide what to wear. I wasn’t sure my cock would have any input on that decision, but we both agreed that it’s easier for us guys; we hadn’t shopped for anything new at all!

I settled on my nicest grey worsted wool slacks, my only silk shirt, a luxurious white one which Em had bought for me, open at the neck, and a blue blazer, and was waiting anxiously at the foot of the stairs when my wife finally reappeared. We had plenty of time, that wasn’t the issue, but it’s what we do. When I decide to go somewhere, I’m ready and chomping at the bit to get on the road; Emma is ready to start getting ready. And so, I wait, this time with a persistent erection in honor of our planned evening.

When Emma finally made an appearance it was at the top of the stairs, where I saw at once that my eager anticipation of seeing what she’d chosen to wear would not be rewarded. Not just yet, anyhow, as she wore her double-breasted, calf-length London Fog trench coat, in black, fully buttoned up over her clothing. The only thing I could tell was that her new dress, whatever it may be, was shorter than the coat; I had no hint of what it looked like.

Her makeup had been carefully and conservatively applied and was utterly flawless, and she’d pulled her hair back in a sexy sweep that left it hanging full and wavy on the sides and back but kept it out of her face.

“I think you’re overdressed.”

“I want it to be a surprise. You’ll see it when Andre does.”

“Huh.” I was disappointed, but she certainly had me intrigued; her goal, no doubt! “It’s not raining, you know.”

“This is all that I had that was long enough to cover everything – and besides, it is rather chilly out.”

“From what I can see, you might have nothing on under that coat.”

She laughed. “That would be a very bold statement, wouldn’t it? I do, Kenny, I’m fully dressed. The idea is to make a good first impression, not to make their jaws drop.”

“Babe, you’re going to do that anyway.”

She smiled. “Thank you – and you may be right; I’ve never worn anything this revealing around anyone but you before. It makes me feel very sexy.”

I could tell. Her smoldering sexuality came off her in waves, her eager anticipation of what the evening would bring washing over me like warm, sensual oil. She’d said she was doing this for me, to grant my fantasy, but that she was also doing it for herself. I was beginning to suspect that the latter was thoroughly dominating the former…

I kissed her deeply, told her I loved her, grabbed my keys, and we headed out to the car.

Published 2 years ago

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