Another Night at the Office

"This is a fantasy, not one bit real."

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Sitting at my desk at work had to be the most uninteresting thing I had ever done. The phones were ringing and the spread sheet on the computer screen was doing nothing for my mental well being. I found my eyes turning quietly down to the bottom of the screen, and with that I watched the time tick by.

“Would you like to grab a late lunch?” A voice sounded from behind me. It made me turn to smile up at the young man at the side of my cubical. Thank goodness for someone to save me from this nightmare.

“I would love to.” I answered and stood, fixing my pencil skirt, and white button up blouse. I understood that my body was small, thin with decent curves, but not too much, so I dressed to accommodate that. Tight fit skirt, that came to about my knees, a pair of nylons underneath, heels, a blouse unbuttoned a couple buttons, tucked into the skirt.

“Alright, lets go do that.” He said, causing a smile to form on my face. He had the most amazing smile, that formed dimples in the corner of his cheeks, bright eyes, all of that. There was one factor in the way for my ever growing attraction I felt towards him. He was my best friend. He always had been, and I wanted nothing to do with messing that up.

When we left the building the air hit both of us like a ton of bricks. It felt amazing outside, spring-like weather in the middle of the winter. Who could ask for anything better?

He took my hand and lead me down the street, weaving the both of us in and out of the crowd of people that had been heading in our direction. However, the hand holding was short lived as we found the little cafe we often visited for lunch.

I offered a smile to him before settling myself down into a chair and he did the same, however we didn’t bother to look at the menu, just looking up at our waitress who knew exactly what we wanted and turned back to conversation.

“You know Ana, staring at your clock doesn’t make it move faster.” He teased, causing a blush to form on my cheeks.

“Well thanks, Craig. I appreciate that.” I jostled back, shaking my head as my long blonde hair fell into my eyes, only for him to brush it away. There was a moment of eye contact that made my blush more intense, before we looked away.

It was right then that my phone vibrated across the table, to which I answered. The next five minutes were followed by sighs, agreements, and silent eye-rolling. When I hung up though, Craig didn’t even really need to ask.

“Boss has you working late again.” He said, as if he knew exactly what I was frustrated about. I just offered a nod before I went back to sipping from the coke I had been brought. “Well, I can stay late too, drive you home. Since I figure you’ll be missing the subway again. And taxi’s are expensive.”

This brought a smile to my face. “That would be nice Craig, I’d appreciate it.” I said with a nod as the food was soon placed in front of is.

The rest of the day went on a it normally would once we got back. At around seven everyone started packing up to go home, except Craig and I. Though once everyone was gone he came to sit on my desk next to my laptop as I placed numbers in the system by hitting a couple buttons repeatedly.

“You need to loosen up.”

That really confused me, so I looked up with at tilt of the head and an eyebrow raise. What the hell was he talking about?

“Come on, you know I’m right.” He muttered as he got near my face, only to pull out a bottle of vodka from behind his back, smirking a little bit. “Stop working for just a bit and lets loosen up, shall we?”

I wanted to say no, because what could go right in this situation? But I simply agreed, nodding my head as he handed me a glass and poured one for himself. When I took mine I tipped back my glass and sipped from it before looking back to my work.

“Not what I meant at all!” He said as he turned my spinning chair, reaching back and pulling my hair down from it’s ponytail, in an almost painful way. Once it fell down he slowly smirked and handed me my glass, shutting my laptop. “Come on.” He said, taking my hand and quietly leading me down the end of the hallway we were in, to my bosses office. When he found the door unlocked he walked through, dragging me much to my dismay.

“Okay, what?” I asked, finishing my glass of vodka and turning my attention gently back to him. He quietly reached down to unbutton my shirt down to the waistband of my skirt, exposing the bright red lace bra underneath.

“Well that was not what I expected you to have on in the means of underwear.” He muttered with a laugh, looking me over in a way that I would normally blush at.

“You too then damnit.” I muttered as I reached up and quietly unbuttoned his shirt, letting it hang open and expose his lovely chiseled abs. Lovely, lovely. “And why are we in here?”

“Oh don’t pretend this man doesn’t look at you like some sort of eye candy.” He muttered, looking around the office causing me to laugh and shake my head.

“Okay fine, yeah he might.” I mused and then slowly sat myself on his desk. I laid back and gently slid my shoes off, allowing them to hit the ground. When that happened I stare at the ceiling, just for a moment before looking over to him.

He had a devilish smirk on his face before he made his way over. “Damn.” He said as he gently leaned down to look me in the eye. “That’s a very inviting position.”

“Do you need an invitation?” I taunted back, smirking a little bit.

Something about this place and the vodka had gotten me going, and made me loose my inhibitions. Just the look on his face and the strange saunter to his step made me smirk back at him.

He didn’t bother to answer me, he just kissed my lips, deeply. I didn’t taste any alcohol on his but I couldn’t complain at all. He took my breath away, his tongue even darted against my lips. However that softness only lasted about another minute before it became a fierce kiss, with lip biting, pulling closer, and gripping. It was all a moment of desperation that ended with things that had once been on the desk hitting the ground with a thud. I had hardly even noticed it but now he was on top of me, kissing my lips.

“Wow.” I muttered when we pulled away. “That was a long time coming.” I said with a faint laugh, my lips bruised from his kiss.

“You’re telling me.” He rasped, his voice a little bit more husky than before we started. I noted that with a smirk on my face and squirmed a bit only to feel the bulge now in his pants. Oh, lovely. That was actually great.

My hand slid between us and gently rubbed him through his pants, only to force a groan from his lips, and cause me to smirk. Wow, that was really hot. He gripped the edge of the desk as I rubbed him through his pants, finally undoing his belt and letting it fall open, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants, letting them sag and gently massaging him through his pants.

“Will you please just…oh my god.” He muttered as I gently pushed his boxers down as well and slid my fingers over the flesh, feeling a little bit of pre-cum dripping from him. My mind was swirling as he muttered and rasped to me, but I slowly slid down his body under him still and to that he rolled us over, letting me sit on top of him. He even reached his hands up to pull my shirt from my skirt, letting it fall off, and unzipping the skirt to push it down and allow me an easier time to straddle him. Once it was off he was stuck with the nylons, to which he rolled very slowly down my silky legs, taking the time to rub the soft bare skin before tossing it to the side. He was about to speak though when I lowered my lips to his hard cock, licking the tip before sucking it slowly into my mouth and bobbing my head up and down as his own head lolled back and he groaned out, trying hard not to arch up.

“Fuck my mouth.” I rasped, looking at him, causing him to glance to me with a confused look, only to be greeted by one of all sincerity. He gently lifted his hips and moaned as his cock came in contact with my mouth again. I lowered my mouth as far as I could and sucked, as he began to buck in and out of my mouth. I moaned, letting him feel slight vibrations as he finally slid a little bit down the back of my throat, even daring to swallow to let him feel my throat tighten slightly around him.

“I can’t take this, I need you.” He gasped out causing me to look up only in time for him to rip my panties off my body, drag me up, and position me on top of his cock. I wondered for a minute there if he was going to do anything else. However, I didn’t have time to question it, I felt him reach his hand down and rub my clit, in a circle to hit every single little angle on that tight bundle of nerves. This brought me to a trembling moan, leaning over him, giving him time to gently suck on my neck until he found that spot he had heard so many stories about. I moaned out, in almost a scream as that happened and gripped his shoulder tight, only for him to rub my clit faster, my juices running down my thighs as he finally arched his hips to thrust into me. My tight virgin pussy gripping him.

The next cry out was not of pleasure, I shut my eyes tight as he watched me, staying still until he got the go ahead, which was a small nod, and he started to thrust in and out of my tight pussy, that was so wet I could hear the sloshing about of my own juices. And quickly the feelings turned from pain to pleasure, making me moan out again, gripping his chest, digging my nails in a little bit as I started to ride him, up and down, my breasts bouncing as he reached a hand back to free them from my bra, and toss it to the ground.

“Keep going.” I cried out as he reached a hand down to rub my clit again, as I rode him, feeling his balls smack against my ass, working my hips up and down and my eyes shut tight. I threw my head back, slammed my eyes shut, my lips parted, and I whimpered out as I felt my orgasm growing, getting closer and closer to the edge before he announced to me he was about to spill over, I couldn’t help but do the same.

Every little pulse of his dick in my pussy made my pussy throb. I could feel the veins rubbing against me as he slid in and out, the head of him pulsating and then everything in both of us tensed up. Our eyes shut tight and we gripped each other as we came at the same time. My pussy milking him for all he had and him shooting inside of me as my own juices met his.

There was a long time of calming down after our encounter. But after about half an hour we dressed, fixed the desk, and looked to each other.

“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He said with a smirk on his face. This was not going to be the only time I encountered Craig like this, and with a key to his house in my possession, he was going to have something to come home to, a nice surprise. If only he knew what I had in store for him.

Published 14 years ago

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