Another Day In The Suburbs

"A husband tries to balance the demands of work and the horny slut waiting at home"

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You ever just wake up in the morning completely pissed off for no reason at all? Not like as soon as you wake up, you’re screaming at the world and throwing shit across the room. More to the tune of you’re just on edge like there is something below the surface, deep inside your brain that has just got you simmering. Yet you can’t give it a face or a reason, it’s just there.

I mean the sun is shining, the birds are chirping, my wife’s still asleep with her beautiful tits hanging out from under the covers. Even the evil spawn of Satan cat that Kathleen insisted on having, jumped on my face as my own personal alarm clock. Ok, that is enough to piss me off in the morning, but even before that, I could feel this edgy undercurrent in my sleep. Maybe something happened in my dreams that put me in this sour mood.

I don’t know like I said, I can’t put my finger on it, but I do my best to shake it off. I decide to go to the garage for some early morning work with the heavy bag. Ever since Kathleen and I reignited the passion in our relationship. I’ve started working out in a local boxing gym. Not because I’m a vain man doing my best to look like a muscular peacock for my wife. Although I suppose that is an added bonus. No, it’s much more practical than that. Simply put I need the cardio to keep up with my little hellcat. I tell you getting old is a bitch.

Thirty minutes later I’m sweating and winded. I hop into the shower feeling a little better but still feeling this tension deep below the surface. I hang my head below the water letting it beat against my back with my hands on the wall. Well, unfortunately, the day doesn’t stop just because I’m in a mood. I feel my wife’s hand reach around my waist cupping my cock as she purrs in my ear.

“I woke up wanting this but it was nowhere to be found,” she says idly stroking my cock and nibbling my ear.

“Sorry, my hellcat. I woke up in a funk and decided to work out in the garage. Didn’t want to disturb you,” I say turning to nuzzle her neck and squeeze her ass.

“You should have just worked out on me. That would have been much more enjoyable for the both of us,” she continues to purr.

“I’ll keep that in mind for next time but unfortunately I have this dreadful thing called work to get to. So an hour-long fuck session in the shower isn’t in the cards darlin’, sorry,” I say with as much conviction as I can manage.

She gives me a mock pout with an evil gleam in her eyes, “All the more reason you should have taken whatever that funk was out on me earlier. I could always write you a sick note for your boss. Show him a video of why you were late for work. I’m sure he’d understand after seeing my tits bouncing on your cock. He’s always looking at them after all,” she says.

This evil temptation of a woman. It’s amazing how I don’t walk around looking like a shriveled up old man with all the cum she pumps out of me. Maybe that’s how some old men got that way in the first place. I do my best to summon some willpower. Don’t get me wrong I’d love nothing more than to be buried deep in Kathleen’s cunt. But that’s also kind of the problem.

My boss has been riding my ass almost as hard as Kathleen’s been riding my cock. Too many mornings of me succumbing to temptation and having to invent an excuse for why I’m late. Unfortunately banging my smoking hot wife isn’t an acceptable excuse.

“Unfortunately, my little hellcat I really do have to get going. As much as I’d love to fuck you all the way threw lunch, you know my boss as been jumping down my throat lately,” I say in the most rational way a man can with a woman stroking his cock.

“Fine! Well I can’t very well send you off to work in a crabby mood and if anyone is jumping down someone’s throat, I know exactly what I want down mine,” she says with a wink while sinking to her knees.

I can’t even try to protest as she swallows half my cock with a moan. I mean a man can only withstand so much. And she looks so god damn sexy with water running down her body. Another one of Kathleen’s ingenious ideas of recent has been couples’ fitness. I groaned about it at first, until she started walking around in yoga pants and sports bras all the time. Seeing that lean curvy figure of hers wrapped in skin-tight spandex is glorious. No wonder men just hang out at the gym.

But she pulls me out of that thought quickly as she plunges my cock deep in her throat. I groan as I fist my hand in her hair, rocking my hips trying to shove my cock deeper. She moans her approval as a hand slips down to tease her clit. Her other hand she uses to tease her sensitive nipples letting me plunder her mouth to my heart’s content.

If there was ever a more perfect woman to be my wife, I could not have found her. I pull my cock free from the luscious vice of her throat as it rages angrily at me for my lunacy. Broad and purple it hangs heavy as I sear my mouth to hers. She moans and whimpers as we duel hungrily trying to consume one another. But my pesky nemesis, oxygen rears its ugly head.

“You know I fucking love you right,” I say breathlessly as I stare into Kathleen’s eyes.

“I know but don’t start getting sentimental on me. I want that fucking cum. Now shove your cock back down my throat, someone has to get to work, remember,” she says full of attitude.

“Oh yeah, sorry I was distracted by this little slut on her knees,” I growl as I shove my cock down her throat.

When a slut asks for more cock, more cock is what she will receive. I work her throat hard as I fuck her face with the water beating down on us. Thankfully the hot water hasn’t run out yet. Nothing can kill the mood faster than the icy chill of a cold shower.

But it doesn’t matter because I can already feel the pressure building at the base of my cock. Kathleen rakes her nails down my chest, pleading for me to release deep in her throat. With a vicious cry, I erupt forcing her cheeks to blow out as she struggles to take all of me.

Rope after rope I shoot down her throat as she greedily swallows me down. I finally slump against the wall feeling satisfied and slightly winded. I did say she is the perfect woman, right?

“Thanks, babe, no better way to start the day than with some cock and cum. Now run along and get ready for work if you’re not going to stay home and fuck me. I have my own shit to do today anyway,” she says getting all authoritative on me.

“Yes, ma’am anything you say,” I drawl as I crank the water to cold and jump out.

“Hey, you fucking asshole! See if I suck your pathetic cock ever again,” she shrieks shutting the water off.

I can’t help but giggle. I make up for it though, pulling her hard against me, plundering her mouth once again, warming her with my body. She digs her nails into my ass out of spite, but none the less her knees go weak as I thoroughly kiss her.

“Now I can get ready for work,” I say, releasing her.

She merely glares at me, “fine I’ll go make you some coffee for the road. I should dump some on your dick, but I love it too much, lucky for you,” she says.

“Thanks, babe,” I say giving her ass a hearty smack before heading to my closet.


A Couple Of Hours Later

Well, I managed to get to work just in time with my boss watching his watch by my cubicle. I tell you, if this job didn’t pay so damn well, I’d use him as my new punching bag. Whoever came up with the idea that we are supposed to go out in the world and work was insane.

I mean, yeah, there is this thing called money we need. But when you have an amazing woman at home always willing to satisfy your every sexual desire, who wants to work? Oh well, the price of adulthood, I guess. I really should have read the fine print closer when adults were selling this lie to me as a child.

My phone chimes away as I type up an email responding to a client’s question. Picking it up, I glance at it and put it on silent. The last thing I need is my boss coming around complaining about me being on my personal phone. I open the message notification from Kathleen, figuring she wants me to grab something for dinner.

“Hope you’re still having a good day after the shower but if not maybe this will cheer you up.”

Attached is a selfie of her at the gym angled perfectly to show off her tits caged in her sports bra. All the blood races to my cock as many gym-based fantasies run through my head. This evil woman. I do a quick peek around my cubicle before typing a quick reply.

“Thank you, my little hellcat, now I’ll be hiding a raging hard-on for the foreseeable future. Save all that sexiness for when I get home. Love you.”

My phone chimes again with a kissy face emoji, but I shake my head and do my best to get back to work. If I had any sense at all, I’d go to her gym. She did offer to let me workout on her anyway. Which is exactly what you’re supposed to do at the gym.

Oh well, perhaps another day. I resist the urge to rub my hard-on through my slacks, thinking about how great it would be to plunge myself deep in Kathleen’s cunt. Now my brain is going to be hijacked all day. Maybe I should take a picture of myself showing her the damage she has caused. I can only imagine the look on my boss’s face if he caught me with my dick hanging out in the office. I chuckle to myself as my phone chimes again.

“Why hide that glorious hard-on? I’d be riding the shit out of it if I was there. You know you left me hanging this morning, maybe I should invite one of these big strong men to take care of my needs since you won’t.”

Damn this woman, work is going to be impossible now. How the hell am I supposed to concentrate on work when all I want to do is go down to the gym and fuck her senseless? My hard-on rages at the seam of my slacks, demanding to be set free. That frustration from this morning starts to return. Maybe I was having a vision of what my day was going to be.

My phone chimes with a new message. Jesus Christ woman my brain is still processing from the last message. This one is a video file with a caption that says, “watch me,” with a kissy face emoji. Dread and excitement course through me thinking of the possibilities. I’m about to hit play but then I hear the irritating sound of my boss’s shoes.

I stash my phone quickly and do my best to adjust myself. Start typing, focus on typing, not your slut of a wife sending you messages to drive you crazy. The war of the voices inside my head gets a little heated as my boss stops at my cubicle.

“How’s it coming along? You follow up with our client about the questions they had?” He asks in that almost mocking tone that all weasels seem to have.

“Yep, sent them an email about a half-hour ago,” I answer doing my best to seem unannoyed by his presence.

He gives me a thumbs-up as he moves on to his next target. I try to remind myself why I came to work today instead of staying home with Kathleen, but nothing is coming to mind. Once he’s out of sight, I grab my phone again. I’m like a schoolgirl trying to hide a note from the teacher. Speaking of schoolgirls, I should subtly drop that hint sometime. Anyways stay focused I have a horny hellcat at the gym.

I pull up the video file making sure my volume is down low. With Kathleen’s current mood, there’s no telling what she has sent me. It looks like she has her phone propped in the corner of the shower at the gym. The water and steam make the video a little fuzzy, but I can’t help focusing on Kathleen playing with her beautiful pussy. She’s staring straight into the camera looking at me while she has two fingers slipped inside her. Mother of all that is holy, I need to get to the gym.

“You are an evil woman and I’m going to pound the fuck out of your pussy as soon as I get home.”

I send off the message and throw my phone in a drawer. This is going to be one long day. There is no way I’m getting work done now. I think of a million excuses to get the hell out of here, but nothing that would work. Maybe Kathleen is right, I’ll just play him the video then he will understand why I have to rush out of here. The next time the company asks for suggestions on how to improve the workplace, I’m pushing for a sex break god damn it.

Come on, I say to myself, start singing show tunes in your head or something, anything to get my mind off the sight of that beautiful pussy being stretched as water runs down the hard plains of her body. Damn it, my thoughts are not helping me right now.

My computer chimes with an email notification. Oh, thank god work is here to distract me. I click on the notification not even paying attention.

Kathleen’s pussy splashes across my screen with a note saying, “Don’t think you can ignore me, asshole. I’m horny and I want that cock. The women here are so jealous because I came so hard screaming your name as I fucked myself thinking of you. See you and that hard cock when you get home, sweetie.”

That’s it, I’m getting out of here. I don’t care if I have to beat the hell of my boss to do it. I run over to my boss’s office and feed him some bullshit about taking an early lunch because I have an emergency with my wife that I have to handle. Which isn’t entirely untrue, I do have an emergency to handle. My wife is an insatiable slut who lives to drive me crazy. He tries to argue with me and get me to stay but I just kept pressing. Honestly, I think he was still talking when I walked out of the office, but I have more important matters to focus on.

I shoot Kathleen a quick text demanding to know where she is. She replies with a smart-ass response wondering why I need to know and if my slacks are too tight. I swear if I didn’t love this woman so much, I’d kill her.

But then she sends another pic of her bent over the counter naked in our kitchen with a caption that reads, “Come and get me, little boy.”

In my distracted haze of trying to control my cock, I don’t realize so much time has passed. Seems like it was just five minutes ago she sent that video. Now here I am thirty minutes later, racing home. I send up a prayer for light traffic as I pull out of the parking garage.

Thirty minutes later I pull into our driveway. I barely remember to turn the damn car off as I jump out making a mad rush for the front door. I fumble with the keys in the lock mumbling a few mild curses. If only my cock could spare some blood for the rest of my body, I might be able to get into the house. Finally, the lock gives way and grants me passage.

I round the corner to see Kathleen on the couch, fully clothed much to my disappointment. She pretends to not even notice me, but I know better. Eventually, she looks up as I stand in front of her.

“Oh, you’re home, I thought you were working all day. I got tired of waiting on you, so I just used my trusty vibrator. He never leaves me hanging and wanting. You can go away now. I have no use for you,” she says full of attitude like I’m an insect annoying her.

“Oh, I don’t think so, you little slut. You probably cost me my job as I rushed over here just for you. So, you are going to make it worth it,” I say with a growl as I grab her by the hair forcing her face into the couch cushion.

I shove my hand in her pants running my fingers along the lips of her cunt finding it dripping with honey for me. Not much of a surprise there, but then I see the vibrator she has hidden behind her. The little slut is telling the truth, if only partially. Well if she wants to play with toys, I’ll show her how I play.

I grab the toy as I pull her up to my face, “Is this the toy you were referring to that never leaves you hanging? You send me all those messages and drive me insane wanting nothing more than to bury myself deep in that perfect cunt of yours and you think a toy is better than me? Well, let’s see then, show me how much better this toy is. Play with that dripping cunt for me,” I say as a wild look forms across her face.

She grabs the toy as she shoves me away, “Fine, it makes me cum harder than your pathetic cock ever does,” she says full of fire.

I yank my tie off as she starts to undress for me. She makes a big show of bending at the waist to push down her yoga pants, displaying that perfectly toned ass. Her sex is glistening in the midday light. My slacks are unbearable. A stain forms in the front from the precum that she is completely responsible for. She licks her lips, noticing the strain. She tosses her bra in a pile with the pants as she leans backs against the couch.

A mild buzz fills the rooms as she begins to tease herself. I had meant to watch and tease Kathleen as she watches the bulge grow in my slacks. But she has me far too revved up for such restraint. I pull down my zipper freeing my cock from its prison.

“Oh, I don’t want that pathetic thing. I have all I need right here,” she purrs as she slips the vibrator inside her.

“I didn’t ask what you wanted you fucking slut. You want to ruthlessly tease me now I’m going to take what I want,” I growl.

“Such fearsome words. What are you going to do, little boy? Stand there and cum all over the floor? I knew I should have had one of those real men take care of me at the gym. I saw a few trying to hide their fat meaty cocks from me as they watched me…oh… god, this toy is so much better than you,” she purrs again as she goes slightly breathless taunting me.

I grab her by the throat pulling her back against the armrest her head hanging over the side. She opens her hungry mouth knowing what’s coming as I shove my cock down her throat. I waste no time as I fuck her face in a frenzy of lust and rage. God damn, this woman knows just what buttons to push to send me right over the edge.

Kathleen’s cunt is a dripping mess as she continues to work the vibrator. Her hips are lifting and thrashing as I hold her down forcing my cock as deep as it can go. I finally release her as she coughs and spits all over my raging cock as it takes on a deep shade of purple.

I lift her under the arms as I move my hands down to cradle under her legs. I guess there is more than one benefit to all that gym work than the extra cardio this hellion demands from me. Kathleen wraps her arms around my neck as she prepares for the rough ride she knows is coming. I plunge deep into her cunt as I slam her against me, her legs draped over my arms. She screams and wails with each punishing thrust of my cock as her orgasm hits her.

I keep up my pace, not letting off for a moment as her pussy grips my cock in its velvet vice. She turned me into this rutting animal now she can revel in all my glory. She bites into my neck as another orgasm takes her as her fingers dig into my back. I move us over to a window as I set her down only for a moment.

She greedily falls to her knees as she swallows my cock desperate to taste her cum. She moans and spits as she chases her fist with that sluty mouth of hers. But I’ve had enough of her mouth for one day.

I throw the curtains open before shoving Kathleen face-first against the window. Grabbing her hips and fisting her hair, I shove my cock back in that filthy pussy. She moans and cries passionately as she matches my thrusts, demanding every inch of me be consumed. I can see a few of the drones parading as wives outside tending to their rosebushes, or whatever is they do through my lustful haze. Let them enjoy the show.

I growl as the pressure builds, my release moments from erupting. I throw Kathleen to the floor keeping my hand in her hair as I yank her head back. I barely even get my hand around my cock to relieve the pressure before it sprays Kathleen in a shower of cum. A primal roar tears from my throat as I jerk myself furiously unloading my seed.

Kathleen lays limp at my feet with a smile as I do my best to regain my breath. My body is slick with sweat and cum as a testament to my passion for this woman. She reaches up to grasp my cock, giving a gentle kiss as she makes sure not a drop is wasted. I lift her into my arms with an unknown source of strength as my legs scream at me to fall down. Eventually, I grant their request as I set us both on the couch keeping her cradled in my lap.

Minutes or hours pass, it’s hard to tell which. Time is a flippant construct anyways, especially after earth-shattering sex. I look up to see the drones all flocked together pointing at us in their disbelief. Maybe it’s horror or just jealousy, I’m not really sure. I’ll have to ask at the next neighborhood BBQ. I give Kathleen a nudge showing her the audience we have gathered. She smiles as she gets up from my lap and goes to the window. She blows everyone a cum-drenched kiss as she waves goodbye before closing the curtains.

I use the sleeve of my shirt to clean the cum from her face as she sits on my lap once again. My clothes are basically ruined but it was worth it. I give her a chuckling kiss. I really do love this woman.

“You happy now, my little hellcat? Not only am I probably fired, but now all the women in the neighborhood are going to be knocking down our door,” I say.

“Well, if their husbands fucked them better, they wouldn’t be so jealous. And don’t worry about your boss, I told you I’d write you note,” she says with a wink.

“Maybe I should just be my own boss and then I could work from home. Not that I’d be getting much work done with you around,” I complain before giving her another kiss.

“That sounds like a great idea. You know what? We should just become amateur porn stars. You can run the website and I get unlimited access to that cock whenever I want. See it’s perfect,” she exclaims full of excitement.

“Oh, you think so, do you? Well, let’s table that for later after all that work, I’m hungry. I did tell my boss I was taking lunch. Why don’t you take that fine ass of yours in the kitchen and make me a snack before I have to run back and try to save my job?” I groan, giving her ass a hearty smack.

“As long as you bend me over the counter and fuck me again. I’m not done with that beautiful cock of yours yet. He’ll just have to wait till I’m done with you,” she says before kissing me and gliding into the kitchen that gorgeous ass swinging back and forth.

This woman truly will be the death of me but maybe she’s right. I think it is time for a change. Maybe not porn star change but I’m done with the corporate world. I have more important things at home to take care of. Like this little hellcat curling her finger at me before she bends over the counter putting that ass on display. You know what? I think I just found the perfect snack.


Published 5 years ago

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