Anon84525 – Chapter 3

"Husband's fantasy becomes his nightmare."

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Callie returned from the shower wearing only the hotel robe, and a sweet little smile. I hadn’t bothered to move since collapsing onto the bed after fucking my wife in ways neither of us had ever imagined. My spent cock, soft and leaking, had never known such orgasmic release.

“So…” Callie started, easing herself out of the robe and sliding into bed with me. “Was it good for you?” 

“Oh my God!” I laughed. “I…”

“I liked it too, Baby,” Callie interrupted. “But it was only a roleplay, OK? That guy…Rob…Yes, he was charming. And good looking. Honestly, I wouldn’t have done it if I hadn’t been…attracted to him. But I can’t do that again. It’s playing with fire.”

“Of course,” I said, rolling over to face the serious look on my wife’s face. I gently touched Callie’s neck, urging her into a gentle kiss. “I wasn’t expecting anything like that to happen tonight. Just watching you get the attention from someone…like him, was really…beautiful.”

“Beautiful?” Callie laughed. “I behaved like a slut, and teased the shit out of that guy.”

We kissed and laughed, then kissed some more. She fell asleep in my arms for the first time in a very long time. Our little roleplay, for whatever reasons we each had motivating us, had brought us to a level of intimacy we had become estranged to.

Callie silenced the alarm clock, letting me sleep in while she sat on the bed with her legs crossed and put on her makeup. I smiled when I opened my eyes to the sight of her, lost in the indulgence of accentuating her own beautiful face. I saw the smile in her eyes before she even said a word.

“Good morning, Honey,” Callie quietly offered, stealing a glance over to me. She reached down and picked up a little business card, putting it in my hand. 

“Robert Mathis,” I read on the card. “Regional Sales Manager. Nine / Eleven Distillery?”

“He gave me his card. I don’t want it, but it seemed mean to just throw it in the trash,” Callie told me, carefully applying her eyeliner. 

“Did you put his number in your phone?” I asked innocently but then immediately wished I hadn’t.

“Are you serious?” Callie dropped her arms and scolded me with her eyes. 

“No. I mean. I wasn’t saying that…” I stammered. 

“THIS is why we don’t do shit like last night. I told you it was playing with fire. You won’t trust me now.”

“That’s not what I meant,” I quickly corrected. “I just thought…he seemed like a good guy. And maybe you might want to have another drink with him or something.”

“Uh huh,” Callie affirmed, absently. 

“Hey,” I touched Callie’s arm, softly demanding her attention. “Last night never NEEDS to happen again. I’m serious. It was fun, but you’re right. I don’t ever want to make you feel like I don’t trust you.”

“OK,” Callie exhaled, finally charming me again with a smile. “Well, his card is all yours. Whatever you do with it, I don’t care.”

“Nine / Eleven Distillery?” I read aloud again.

“Bunch of veterans, badasses apparently, started making their own whiskey,” Callie told me. “He’s here promoting it. I have to say, I don’t know that much about liquor. But their bourbon was pretty good.”

“Yeah, I saw you getting a taste of it,” I teased.

“That was soooo bad!” Callie laughed.

“That was so GOOD!” I corrected her.

“Well, I’m glad you enjoyed that little show,” Callie said, closing up her makeup bag and giving me a kiss. “Now get dressed. We’re not missing that breakfast.”

“Five minutes, Curtis,” Hunter advised.

“Roger that,” Curtis quietly responded.

The makeshift war room that the United States Marshal Service had set up on the first floor of the hotel went on full alert. They knew the Carsons’ itinerary for today, and everyone had assignments. After eating breakfast, the family would be in the hands of Marshals and Deputy Marshals as they boarded the hotel shuttle to the Disneyland entrance. 

Two months ago, the USMS received a call from the Hyatt Hotel Security Chief, notifying them of a suspected domestic terrorist or sexual crime threat targeting their hotel. No suspects have been identified, but his signature was unmistakable. When the electronic lock is activated without an actual key card being presented to it, they knew who their next target would be. And two days ago, room 3114 went unlocked via remote access over the hotel’s internal network.

The suspect wasn’t easy to profile, though. All of his female targets were extraordinarily beautiful women, by almost anyone’s standards. USMS profilers offered very little. Since men tend to be attracted to women younger than they are, the suspect’s age was estimated to be in the mid-forties to fifty years old. But nobody would discount the MILF factor, as all of the targets would have been attractive to someone even much younger.

The Marshal Service had traced every router access point, both wired and wireless, and found no vulnerabilities. Whoever was inside the hotel’s system…was indeed inside. Or there was a device still hidden, that disguised itself as part of the internal network. The only sure way to surveille any potential victims was via human observation. They had to wait for contact or threat, all while following and protecting the unsuspecting targets. 

“I’m in,” Curtis reported.

“Copy that, Curtis. See anything?”

“Tablet. Probably Mrs. Carson’s, judging from the lock screen.”

“That’ll work,” Hunter acknowledged. 

“Wait,” Curtis relayed. “Got a cell here. Looks like Mr. Carson’s.” A few minutes later, “We’re done. Leaving the room.”

“Get a call into Judge Swanson,” Combs ordered. “Let his clerk know we’ve executed the warrant on Dan Carson’s cell phone. We have a timestamp now. In forty-eight hours, we lose electronic surveillance.”

We sat at breakfast and went over our plan of attack for Day 1 at Disneyland. All of us were like anxious little kids as we rated the priorities of rides and other attractions. I knew Hannah wanted to go off on her own for a few hours, so we established a rule to check in at least every thirty minutes. Just a text to let me know where she is in the park. 

“Shit!” I exclaimed. “I left my phone upstairs. I wanted to make sure it was fully charged before we….” 

“Hannah. Go out front. The shuttle is leaving soon. See if you can ask them to hold up for a few minutes,” Callie instructed, as we hurried towards the elevators.

“Can’t believe I did that,” I lamented when we began ascending back up to the third floor.

“Don’t worry,” Callie calmed me. “If we miss the shuttle, we’ll just take a taxi. No big deal.”

We got back into our room and I quickly grabbed up my cell phone, instinctively checking it for any missed calls or texts. For reasons I couldn’t figure out,  it was on the settings screen. I just shrugged it off, assuming I must have accidentally opened that application when I used it last. With my phone safely in hand, Callie and I made one quick check of the room, making sure we hadn’t forgotten anything else. Then we started back to the elevators.

“Good morning,” Eliza – Guest Services greeted us in an otherwise empty hallway.

She was cute, maybe a few inches over five feet tall, thin, and pretty, shoulder-length blond hair. The top button of Eliza’s starched white blouse was hanging on for dear life as her disproportionately large breasts resisted the arrest. Those CAN’T be real, I thought, shaking my head and reminding myself not to stare. Fucking Los Angeles! 

“Good morning, Elisa,” Callie returned.

“It’s Eliza, like ‘he likes ya’,” Eliza laughed. 

“Do you know if the shuttle has left for Disney? We’re running late,” Callie explained.

“It’s no problem, ma’am. They won’t leave without you,” Eliza smiled and continued on her way.

“Don’t even think about it,” Callie quietly teased. “I saw what you were looking at. I know the way your dirty mind works. And I have NO desire to watch you fuck her,” she finished, laughing.

“Who said anything about ME fucking her?” I joked.

“Not a chance. If I didn’t fuck that guy last night, I sure as hell ain’t fucking a girl for ya.”

We made it onto the shuttle and were surprised to find out a few other guests were running late. Eliza was right. It really doesn’t leave until all the scheduled passengers are aboard. I felt relieved and a bit stupid for even worrying about it.

After a couple of hours at Disneyland, my patience for standing in lines had reached its limit. Callie and Hannah agreed to leave me at one of the eateries. I figured I’d cool it in the shade with an overpriced cocktail while they took in a few rides on their own. My phone had chimed a few times, so it seemed like a good opportunity to check in on the rest of the world.

“We got activity!” Hunter announced, logging the time – 1308 hours.

“His phone?” Combs asked, rolling his chair over to the monitors.

“Yeah. No texts. But he’s got a Facebook message,” Hunter noted.

“This guy doesn’t do a lot on social media, but stay with it. Who knows? We might get lucky.”

“Somebody named Delaney Marshall. She’s on his Friends List.”

“OK. So it’s someone he knows. We can observe his end, but we CANNOT surveil anything SHE sends…unless you want the ACLU up your ass.”

“Wait. Hang on, sir,” Hunter interjected, scanning the Facebook profiles and working his keyboard with frenzied efficiency. “This page was created…twenty minutes ago. Yep. She’s locked out of her other Facebook account, and probably can’t even see this page is even up.”

“Could be our guy,” Hunter and Combs said at the same time.

“OK. Get the convo. I’ll clear it with the AG’s Office,” Combs directed.

1309 hours – Facebook Messenger Convo – Dan Carson / Suspect alias Delaney Marshall
SaDM – Hey Dan. I know we haven’t caught up in a while. Are you guys having a good time in CA?

1310 hours – Facebook Messenger Convo – Dan Carson / Suspect alias Delaney Marshall
DC – Delaney! Wow! Long time, no see! 

1311 hours – Facebook Messenger Convo – Dan Carson / Suspect alias Delaney Marshall
SaDM – IKR? Surprised me when I saw you logged into Messenger. You’ve been a ghost on here for so long.

1313 hours – Facebook Messenger Convo – Dan Carson / Suspect alias Delaney Marshall
DC – LOL. Yeah. TBH, I don’t even remember opening it. Oh well. It’s good to hear from you.

1314 hours – Facebook Messenger Convo – Dan Carson / Suspect alias Delaney Marshall
SaDM – Well I wouldn’t normally hit you up on here, but was kind of afraid to send you a text. I know Callie is probably close by. Don’t want to cause any stress.

1315 hours – Facebook Messenger Convo – Dan Carson / Suspect alias Delaney Marshall
DC – No worries. She knows who you are. Knows we’re friends. What’s going on?

1315 hours – Facebook Messenger Convo – Dan Carson / Suspect alias Delaney Marshall
SaDM – I hate to ask…. Do you know if Callie has been hanging out with someone else while you guys are on vacation? 

1317 hours – Facebook Messenger Convo – Dan Carson / Suspect alias Delaney Marshall
DC – No. She likes to flirt, but Callie would never cheat. Where is all this coming from?

1317 hours – Facebook Messenger Convo – Dan Carson / Suspect alias Delaney Marshall
SaDM – Just something my friend Robert told me about. When he said he was out there, I made a comment about you and Callie staying in the same hotel. And he proceeded to tell me that he had met her. He said Callie let him buy her drinks at the bar last night, and then she’s been texting him non-stop. 

1319 hours – Facebook Messenger Convo – Dan Carson / Suspect alias Delaney Marshall
DC – Wait. She had ONE drink at the bar last night. I knew she went down there. And she told me about a nice guy who chatted her up. But nothing happened between them. How do you know this guy? And why is he telling you this stuff?

1320 hours – Facebook Messenger Convo – Dan Carson / Suspect alias Delaney Marshall
SaDM – Robert and I dated a few times. But we were better off as friends. He’s too much of a player for me. We keep in touch though. And he always tells me about his relationships. He showed me pics of Callie. Stuff she would NEVER post on Facebook. I’m sorry. But I just thought you should know.

“He closed Messenger,” Combs announced. “Get me everything you can dig out of this, Hunter. IP address. I don’t care if it’s going through a VPN, I want to know where we’re starting. If it’s a cell, get with Verizon – they have the towers near Disney. The warrant is good for any SIM card trace related to this investigation. We have a lead! This is what we’ve been waiting for. But we have to get everything we can before he deletes that Facebook account.”

“Gonna be a long night for poor Mr. Carson,” Hunter exhaled, banging out the keys on his laptop.

“I suspect it’s gonna be a long night for all of us,” Combs complained.

The shuttle from Disneyland seemed to take much longer to get back to our hotel than it had going to the park. I felt the tension from Callie. But I also knew we couldn’t get into whatever we were about to say to each other, in front of Hannah. I didn’t want to believe the story I heard from Delaney. So many thoughts and emotions crisscrossed in my mind. I felt like I was on thin ice, and perilously close to falling through it.

“Hannah, go on up to your room. Your dad and I are going to stop and have a drink,” Callie instructed.

We didn’t hold hands or even keep the same pace as we walked over to the hotel bar. It was pretty crowded and noisy. But we were able to find seats at the back, where she had played with Thor – God of Thunder.

“So,” Callie started. “You wanna tell me what’s going on?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, avoiding her eyes.

“You hardly said two words since we found you sitting like a zombie in front of that restaurant at Disney. So what the fuck, Dan? Did you just get hammered in there? What is going on?”

“No,” I answered, quickly. I wanted to tell her exactly what was going on. But I just felt like somehow this shit will only backfire on me. Whether she actually DID text that guy or not, it sure as fuck will be my fault. “Yeah,” I corrected myself, a little slower and calmer. “I probably just had too much to drink,” I admitted, hopefully in a convincing way.

Callie touched my hand. Many hours had passed since we last had physical contact. I couldn’t make myself be the one to reach out, as badly as I really needed her touch. In that moment, I piled up all my emotions in one big box and threw them into a black hole. I love her more than I ever have. She is everything to me. And we are going to be better and stronger than we were before this trip, I contemplated. I looked up and smiled, genuinely at my beautiful wife.

“I’m better now,” I told Callie. Over her shoulder, I could see the elevators opening and Thor – Rob – Whatever, was walking pretty purposefully towards us. Callie noticed my attention shift. She followed my eyes and turned her head around to see why I had become that “zombie” again.

“Hey Good Looking,” Callie greeted Rob, playfully.

“I just came to say I’m sorry,” Rob addressed directly to me. “And I’m checking out of the hotel tonight. So you don’t have to worry about me at all.”

“What do you mean we don’t have to…” Callie began.

“Ask your husband,” Rob scoffed, turned smartly on his heel and headed towards the elevators.

“You,” Callie growled. “You need to go upstairs. Now! What did you do?” Callie asked in red-faced anger.

End of Chapter – 3

Published 3 years ago

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