Annie’s Story Chapter 1: An Awakening

"An interesting turn of events leads to an awakening."

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As I look back on the last few months I still cannot fathom the changes that I have gone through in the last few months. 

My name is Annie, and until nine months ago I was living a satisfying and happy life.  I was happily married to my husband Tom, and we were starting to discuss the possibility of having children.  On a horribly fateful, night we were walking home from dinner when a truck jumped the sidewalk.  My husband saw and reacted first, pushing me to the left, but in doing so, left himself nowhere to go.  He was struck by the front bumper of the truck, while the passenger side of the fender grazed my right hip.  The next thing I remember was waking up in the hospital and not being able to move.  The doctors came in and had informed me that due to the accident, my right hip had been crushed and, in the process, sent pieces of bone through my body, like shrapnel from a grenade, and damaged some of my internal organs; intestine, kidney, liver, and ovaries.   Then came the worse news.  My husband died upon impact by the truck, essentially sacrificing his life to save mine. 

These events, and horrific news sent me into another state of mind.  I plunged into a deep state of depression.  When I got home from the hospital I became a hollow shell of myself.  I rarely left my house, and spent most of my days rolling around in my wheel chair staring at the emptiness of what used to be a full and loving house.  I just didn’t want to be a burden to anyone else, gawked at while out, or felt sorry for because of being in the chair. 

When I was cleared to start using crutches and begin my physical therapy, my depression usually kept me from doing either.  My depression and sedentary state had caused me to gain weight in a way I never had before.  I used to be what most everyone would call “a looker”.  My five foot ten inch frame was toned, tight, and athletic.  My exercise routine kept me in size four dresses which allowed me to flaunt my cascading auburn hair over my 34 C cup breasts and, as the kids would call it, my lovely badonk-a-donk.  Now, whenever I get out of the tub and look at myself in the mirror, I hardly recognize myself in my now size twelve body. 

Through the love and support of one of my dearest friends Cassandra I found a reason to try and start living my life again.  She would come visit me multiple times a week and would occasionally bring along her dog Sassie.  Cassandra noticed how my spirits would be lifted when Sassie was around and convinced me to go with her to our local shelter to consider getting a dog.  As she put it, “Annie, you need some companionship, and there is no better love received, than the love from a shelter dog”.  I was skeptical at first, but when I went there I absolutely felt a kinship with a dog named Bennie.  Bennie is a retriever lab mix that had hit by a car and left for dead, and he too was recovering from hip surgery.  I was warned by the staff that Bennie would require plenty of exercise and therapy, but I assured the staff that he and I would trudge through our recovery process together. 

With my new found companion in Bennie, I had turned a new leaf in my journey.  Along with my new outlook on life I began to go to my physical therapy appointments regularly, because I wanted to make sure that I was improving so that I could also help Bennie improve. 

About a month into my physical therapy process, I am assigned a new therapist, Donna.  While in our sessions, I learn that Donna is new to our small town, after finishing her degree and internships.  We began our therapy session just like any other, some stretching and breathing exercises.  Donna was always paying me compliments, be them on my progress, my endurance, or even my new found inner strength, however I noticed today that she had started to compliment me on my appearance.  As she was assisting me in my stretching she was looking into my eyes she says, 

“I could get lost in the greens of your eyes, like a dog that gets lost in a field of green grass looking for his ball.” 

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bennie perk up from his place by the front door at the sound of the word ‘ball’.  However, I also didn’t know how to take what she had just told me, so I just replied, “Thank you, I got them from my mother.” 

“Well, well, well, she must be a stunner too.  I would kill for your green eyes, freckles, and amazing red hair.  Somehow my brothers both got red hair and I got stuck with this.” 

“She was, and some would say she still is, but you’re no slouch either.  Trust me when I say that the fizziness of this mop is such a bother, along with being damn near allergic to the sun.  Being a ginger isn’t as fun as it is cracked up to be.  I would kill to be able to lay out in the sun for more than a few minutes at a time and tan like you.  I adore the feel of it on my skin, but loath the after affects.” 

“Yeah, I guess I got my dad’s Spanish genetics for my black hair and darker skin.” 

As Donna continued to assist me in my stretches, she piped up again, “I’m glad to see that you are wearing something other than those baggy ol’ sweats.  These yoga pants look great on you and this tank top you’re wearing is amazing too.  Why would you ever cover up this beautiful figure?” 

I was flustered by her statement, but I could also feel myself blushing, realizing that this was the first time I had been flattered with a compliment in quite a long time. 

“Someone likes being complimented, look at you blush.” 

As I felt my cheeks only get redder I told her, “Uh, um thank you.  It is just I haven’t heard such pleasantries in quite some time.” 

“Well then I shall shower you with them every time I see you.” 

“Donna there is no need to do that.” 

“Why not? A woman of your strength and beauty should be reminded of it all the time.  Okay, off the table now.  Let’s get you down onto the yoga mat and get to strengthening that hip of yours.” 

As we began the yoga routine, Donna assisted me as usual in support of my balance whenever needed, however I noticed that something had changed.  In all of our other sessions, she would catch or grab on to me and hold me using just the tips of her fingers, the back of her hand, or by using the backs of her forearms.  However today, she was stabilizing me with a flat hand and the inside of her arms, getting closer than ever before.  In one of my most difficult transitions, a slow transition from a downward dog to a right leg forward warrior pose, I lost my balance.  Donna caught me and kept me from falling over.  Her right hand flat to my right hip with her fingers pointed towards the floor and her left hand on the inside of my left thigh just above the knee.  As I regained my balance she removed her left hand from my thigh, however she did so in a manner that aroused some curiosity within me.  Versus just removing her hand directly as she always had before, she slowly slid her hand up to the front of my thigh until only her finger tips were the last to leave my leg.  Her right hand had adjusted slightly so that her pinky finger had aligned itself with the bottom seam of the cotton panties that were under my yoga pants.  With my balance renewed, I raised my arms up to finish the pose.  However, Donna’s hand remained on my hip and her pinky finger had begun to flex and flatten itself out as her fingertip traced along the seam of my panties.  It was at this very moment, I began to feel an awakening within me.  I felt my heartrate quicken, my body temperature rise, and a dry mouth with what could only be described as a feeling of unquenchable thirst.  I couldn’t believe what was happening to me, and even more so how my body was reacting to Donna’s delicate touch. 

She then broke my meandering thoughts, “Rotate your trunk Annie.  Focus.  Right arm forward over your right leg and left arm straight over your left leg.” 

She reinforced these instructions by running her left hand up my left oblique, grazing her lift pinky under the seam of my tank top under my armpit and grabbing the front of my shoulder to pull it backwards.  I turned my face towards her and looked into her hazel eyes and she brought me back to reality by saying, 

“Annie, FOCUS!  You know this pose.  Your eyes should be focused out towards your extended right arm, not at me.”  She pushed my chin in the other direction with her left hand and then returned it to its place under my armpit, but now just a bit lower and with her pinky resting under the seam of my tank top and on the side of my sports bra.  Her fingertip of right pinky was still lazily tracing the panty line of my right hip but had also slightly adjusted itself further back towards my ample derriere.  The subtle, yet unnoticed, placement of her hands and pinkies began to have a further effect on me.  I felt the slightest twinge of arousal begin to stir within my pussy as well as the growing sensitivity of my nipples against the fabric of my sports bra. 

“Alright, up to mountain pose.”  She moved her left hand down my side until it was on my left hip.  With a hand on each of my hips, she stood close behind me as I transitioned into mountain pose and I felt her breath on the nape of my neck. 

“Good.  Now focus on your core muscles, this isn’t a pose for resting.’  She moved her right hand to my stomach with her pinky resting on top of edge of the waistband of my pants and her left hand went to by lower back and her index finger was on the top of my waistband in the small of my back.  She ever so slightly moved both of her hands, and fingers, along the waistband of my pants causing my body to react even more to her delicate touch.  The arousal in my pussy began to smolder in such a way that I felt the blood rush to my labia, causing them to begin to swell as well and the blood beginning to rush to my clit. 

“Arms up into an upward salute now.”  She now traced her hands up my sides and pushing my arms upwards and kept them on me as she went back down from my elbows, to my armpits, and then her fingertips grazed the side of each of my breasts on their way back down to my hips.  This graze caused a stirring in each of my nipples causing them to stiffen up to the point that they were now visible through my sports bra and tank top. 

“Excellent.  Now take it down to downward dog.”  She for the first time in what seemed like an eternity, she removed one hand from me to step to my side to allow me to get into a downward dog.  As I moved, the fabric of my tank top moved enough to give tantalizingly light touches to my now engorged nipples, that had become quite visible.  I was glad to be facing the floor at this point, hoping that Donna would not notice my increasing and yet unexplainable arousal.  Off to my right, her left hand moved from the back of my right knee, up along my hamstring to what was more of my right ass cheek than my right hip. 

“How is this hip feeling darlin’?” 

“It isn’t bad, just really stiff.” 

“I noticed you are a bit more tense than usual, but it is good to see you pushing your limits.  Alright, now let’s move into a left leg forward warrior.  Hopefully, this one won’t hurt as much.”  It was not pain that was causing me to be so tense.  It was the slight touches from Donna and how my body was reacting to her touches that had me so tense.  As I moved my left leg forward, I became even more aware of how my body was reacting.  I felt the fabric of my cotton panties begin to dampen as my labia lips began to rub together putting pressure on my clit and it began to throb with an ache that had not been felt in quite some time.  As I moved into my new position, so did Donna’s hands.  Her left hands were firmly on my left hip and her pinky was yet again playing with my panty line.  Her right hand was on the inside of my right thigh, but this time about halfway up my thigh as I settled into my pose.  With her hand even closer to my groin, I felt even more of my arousal seep its way out and onto my panties.  Why hadn’t I worn my pair of cotton panties with the built-in liner?  If this kept up, I knew I would soon seep right through them and clearly begin to show my arousal with a damp spot on my light blue yoga pants. 

“Very good.  Now arms out.”  As she gave these instructions, her right hand moved up the inside of my thigh ever closer to my aching pussy but stopping short of it to travel up my waist.  All the while having each of her fingertips graze the side of my breast and then into my armpit out the length of my right arm to my hand as it extended backwards.  With the slight touch of her fingertips along my breast my nipples began to throb with each beat of my heart.  I looked off to my right and saw that my arousal was revealing itself to anyone who may have been looking my way.  My nipples were now fully engorged and I saw the ever-slightest amount of dampness beginning to show itself as a dark blue spot at the center of what had become an exceedingly pronounced cameltoe. 

“Annie, focus.  Eyes forward.  Where is your head at?”  She pushed my chin forward and towards my outstretched left arm.  Her left hand was now more on my left ass cheek than on my hip for support.  She took her right hand away from my face and moved it down to my stomach grazing my right nipple with the side of her pinky on its way down.  The electric shock that was sent from my nipple to my pussy and then up to my brain caused me to lose focus and thus begin to lose my balance.  Donna sensed this and grabbed me with her right hand below my navel and on top of my waistband while her left hand went under my left cheek and with her pinky at the edge of my panties next to my pussy.  With her right pinky so close to my clit and left pinky next to my left labia I felt as if I would explode, however somehow managed not to.  As I steadied myself I looked over in the mirror to my right and saw the dampness between my cameltoe had now grown to the size of a half dollar and that my aching clit had become so engorged as to show itself just as my nipples had. 

“Annie, where is your head at today?  Come on now, you’re better than this.  Let’s go up into another mountain pose.”  As I began to transition into the mountain pose, I looked over to my left towards the front door and saw some frantic movement.  It was Bennie and he was sitting up and doing a bit of a tap dance with his front paws.  I decided to use this as my out of this ever-growing tense situation. 

“Donna, I’m so sorry but I really need to go right now.  Bennie looks like he needs to potty, so I really need to get going.” 

“Annie you need finish and then stretch before leaving.” 

As I rushed towards the front door, I grabbed my light raincoat and Bennie’s leash and rushed out the door saying, “I’m sorry Donna, but he really looks like he needs to go, and I don’t want to have him make a mess in here.  I’ll make sure to stretch after I walk him home.” 


Published 7 years ago

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