Annie in Atlanta

"Annie calls a cab, asks driver to masturbate for her, things progress from there"

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Annie Bradford, a highly respected College Dean from Minneapolis, Minnesota, was visiting some colleagues at Emory University in Atlanta, in hope of enticing one of them to accept a position at her university. Annie was a very young forty and divorced with no children. Her husband had left her for a younger woman four years before and, heartbroken, she’d thrown herself into her work.

We meet her as she’s just finished watching a porno movie in her hotel room. She’s horny, almost desperate for sex, not having had a sexual partner for almost eleven months. She almost never masturbates and had used all of her will power to refrain from doing so during the movie. Now, however as she found herself prowling the room like a jungle cat, she realized she had to get out before jilling herself to sleep.

Throwing on a few items of clothing, Annie left her hotel room, took the elevator to the lobby and mentally raped the youngish doorman as he signaled the nearest taxi in the waiting line to pull up.

“I haven’t felt this horny in years,” she thought as the next cab in the queue pulled up in front of the hotel. She had the door open and was getting inside before it had rolled to a complete stop.

Once inside the cab, Annie glanced at the driver and caught him checking her out in the rearview mirror. Glancing at his license she noted his name was Mal Content and she wondered if it had a somewhat different pronunciation than that she had given it.

“Driver, I’m curious. How do you pronounce your last name?”

“Content, as in satisfied with one’s lot,” he said off-handedly, and then glanced over his shoulder for another look at his passenger.

Not used to this type scrutiny, Annie squirmed around in the back seat, inadvertently providing the driver with a wonderful view of her legs as her dress worked its way up her thighs.

“With his eyes watching her through the rear-view mirror, he asked the time-honored question, “Where to, lady?”

She didn’t respond, instead, she met his gray eyes in the mirror and made her decision. “Have you driven a cab for a while?”

“Seven years now, six days a week, ‘cept for vacation and some holidays.”

“Then . . . can you take me someplace sexy?”

“Sure I can,” he replied, meeting her eyes in the rear-view mirror instead of looking away as she had thought he would.

“How so?” she asked, as a demure smile flitted across her lips. ‘He probably can,’ she thought to herself.

“Now that depends.”

“On what . . . you worried about the tip? I assure you, I’ll be very generous if the place is right.”

The driver remained silent, thinking about the possibility of the city sending a woman out to entrap him in some rule violation and get him suspended for a week or two.

It dawned on Annie that his silence bore a meaning, and she realized her mistake. “Oh, should I tell you what I’m looking for?”

“It would help.”

She decided that having gone this far she might as well be totally honest with him and said bluntly, “Anyplace you know of where I might watch someone having sex?”

Mal laughed.

Embarrassed to a degree, Annie haughtily asked, “What’s so funny?”

“Well,” he said as he stopped for a red light, “we could find what you’re looking for right here. Well, what I mean is, right here . . . in the cab.”

A tingle shot from her groin to her nipples and back again. “Um, I said I wanted to watch.”

Mal laughed lewdly then said, “So, I’ll jerk off for you, how’s that?”

Then it was Annie’s turn to laugh.

“You’ve got a very nice laugh, lady, very nice; um so what about my offer?”

“How much?” she asked, her voice sober, but bearing a revealing quiver.

“For you, lady, no charge, but if you don’t mind I’ll let the meter run; you know; just to keep the company happy.”

She laughed again, only this time the wantonness of her needs was revealed. “All right, but not right here.”

“Oh, sure, I understand,” he answered, his voice now more that of a husky baritone that only served to heighten Annie’s excitement. “I got just the place where we won’t be bothered by anyone.”

“Then go there,” she said, pressing her clenched fist into the center of her already wet crotch.

Mal drove for another five minutes, weaving his way into a heavily industrial section of Atlanta. To Annie, it appeared deserted, for not a building passed by had a single light on. Finally, he turned right and drove through the entrance of what had to be a moderately large manufacturing plant. He parked in its lot far away from the main entry.

“Here?” Annie asked apprehensively.

“Yeah, it’s perfect; this place don’t have any of them cameras panning the area and they’re too cheap to hire a night watchman. I know, my brother-in-law was the last one they had and they fired him four months ago.”

A moment later he joined her in the back seat.

Revealing her apprehension to him, Annie said tersely, “If you touch me I’ll file rape charges against you; you know that don’t you?”

Raising his hands defensively, Mal quickly came back with, “Hey, lady, alright, I won’t touch you.” And then he repeated his words with added emphasis, “I won’t touch you.”

Seeing Annie relax somewhat, Mal threw in, “But you can touch me if you want.”

“Understood, now show it to me,” she hissed.

Mal thrust his groin at her and slowly pulled downward on the zipper. She licked her lower lip in anticipation hoping he had something in there of consequence and not a little doodle like the one Casmir, her last lover had had. Suddenly her eyes widened as Mal’s eight inches slithered forth.

“It’s impressive,” she said, noting that it curved like a banana, leaning to the right.

“Thanks, want to touch?”

“No. Not right now.” She licked her lower lip again and felt herself growing wet at her crotch.

“Your name …” she said unable to keep the thought to herself any longer. “Mal Content … is it really your name?”

He laughed, “You’ve got balls lady. I mean I just took my dick out and you want to know if my name is real. Well, it is. My father had a weird sense of humor.”

“Has it cost you much grief?” she asked as he shed his pants and then his shorts.

“Every fuckin’ day of my life,” He said halting his undressing for a moment. “But if you remember that Johnny Cash song called “A Boy Named Sue,” then you’ll see how I had some benefit as well. ‘Cause I had to fight every mother fucking tough guy in school, and after that, I had to waste most of my youth chasing after girls who wouldn’t have anything to do with me just because of my name.”

Annie wondered if he was going to strip completely; but he ended then, leaving his shirt, socks, and shoes on.

Mal looked down at his manhood; then slowly stroked it. “Thought about changing it,” he said lightly and captured Annie’s attention to his words and away from his penis. “Almost did, but Cathy changed my mind. We met in a bar and she invited me home. ‘Cause we fucked each other’s brains out, but that wasn’t the big thing about Cathy. Nope, she was seeing this shrink and had gone on to read a lot of psychology; and she told me how to deal with my name. It helped me a lot.”

He paused, seemingly not satisfied with something. Annie recoiled as he spat into his hand and then rubbed the saliva over the head, lubricating it and then began his masturbation.

When he stopped talking and concentrated on jerking off for her, Annie found herself casually hiking up her dress and almost as an afterthought removed her panties, kicking them against the door on Mal’s side of the backseat. Her eyes were fixed on his growing erection and she was pleased with herself for leaving the hotel.

“If you intend on taking the dress off now’s the time,” he said in a low casual tone. Annie nodded and took off the dress leaving her in bra and shoes.

She gave a ‘what the hell’ kind of laugh and unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floorboard in front of her. Her nipples, already hard, began to ache for attention and she unconsciously took one between her fingers and pulled on it.

Mal groaned and squeezed his cock hard, but maintained a controlled masturbatory stroke.

Annie twisted the nipple and hissed at the sensation it wrought. She felt her heart beating faster. She discovered that she had to concentrate on holding her breath.

Then she had to deliberately focus on calming her nerves. Her hands were shaking badly from the pent up excitement. She could feel the warmth inside her spreading; the sudden realization of the power that she held over him and he over her as he continued jerking himself off for her benefit.

Annie would have been stunned to know that Mal felt approximately the same about her. For he had no sooner exposed himself to her that she had begun to strip. Now she was totally nude, except perhaps if one considered her shoes; rubbing the palm of her right hand feverishly over her pussy almost in rhythm with his strokes on his cock.

And so they watched one another. Mal slowed down considerably; intuitively knowing she would want him one way or the other before they finished. He watched her through narrowed eyes as her fingers spread and then began to slip inside her cunt one by one.

As for Annie, she could feel the heat inside her; the furnace fired by her desire. She felt the light fur of her pubis, the soft swell of her mons as she probed within.

Mal spit onto the tip of his prick once again then rubbed the moisture over the head and crown before renewing his slow masturbation—pausing only to show this strange woman his testicles and demonstrating how he wanted her to touch them when her turn came.

In turn, Annie cupped her sex, feeling the wetness already starting; and then came the hard throb of her small clit as it pressed against her palm. She deftly moved her thumb in a small circle, around and around the soft folds of flesh. Then closed her eyes and imagined his cock in her mouth, bringing her relief from the emptiness inside her.

Her breath was becoming ragged, uneven and it seemed the soft walls of the cab were closing in on her, tightening around her probing fingers, sucking at them as they moved quickly in and out, back and forth. Only it wasn’t the walls that were tightening as she realized that her heart was threatening to burst as it pumped boiling hot blood through her body, filling her with a lust that had to be embraced.

She let out her breath in a long soft whoosh and suddenly focused on the all but forgotten cabbie.

Annie stared at him . . . then moaned as the rush of her orgasm swept through her.

Wise enough to halt what he was doing, Mal waited patiently for his passenger to come down from wherever she was and when she did, Annie wrapped both hands slowly around his rigid member, leaned down and kissed it where his precum oozed from the tip.

She closed her eyes and rubbed her cheeks and her nose all over the head, then murmured,” I’d love to suck it, and I want to see if I can take it all. You can cum in my mouth. I’ll drink your semen.”

Mal nodded in agreement and a moment later Annie’s warm, wet mouth was stretched around his cock head, sucking him with all the vigor she could muster. He discovered as she fellated him that her breasts sagged a bit. But not much as they weren’t very big, he estimated them as most likely a B-cup and took them both in his hands as she drew his full length down her throat. Mal gave them a not too gentle squeeze and heard her moan appreciatively.

Mal’s hands gradually explored her body cavities and he was pleased to find his backseat partner had a full, thick bush of dark hair that glistened in several places in that it was matted with her juices. The scent of her arousal slowly filled the cab. The only sound was that of her relentless sucking. The cabbie relished her odor; even moving his nose to within an inch of her pussy before taking a prolonged sniff.

But Annie was oblivious to his actions for she was so taken with the pleasure his cock was

bringing to her taste buds that she lost all sense of what was transpiring about her. And when she took him from her mouth and gave a lusty, uninhibited laugh, he mistook it as coming from a woman of great experience, which she was not. Annie had only been with one man prior to this, the wretched man she’d married.

So when Mal’s mouth descended upon her, she went slightly crazy, for although she had heard of “going down” she had never experienced it. She went off like a rocket when he sucked her clit while stroking her G spot. But Mal, a practiced lover, didn’t let her rest, but continued gnawing at her labia and clit and soon pushed her over the edge again.

Ten minutes later, after having come some five or six times, Annie pulled his head from between her legs and kissed him tenderly, tasting herself for the first time. She thoroughly enjoyed the taste and on reflection, vowed to do so again, ‘the sooner the better,’ she told herself as an afterthought.

“Your cock,” she said in a voice husky with desire, “I need your cock in me now.”

“Do you now?” Mal said, smiling down at her.

“C’mon, big guy, give it to me!” She pleaded and there was no mistaking her urgency.

Mal was in no particular hurry, knowing that after he’d made her cum several times she’d be putty in his hands. The very fact that she was pleading with him to fuck her confirmed it.

Feeling superior to her and subconsciously getting even with all the women who had fucked over him in his life, he slapped Annie’s face with his boner. “Tell me exactly what you want, bitch,” he snarled.

Annie winced in surprise at the blow, but felt no pain, for it was a light smack. But the next blow was harder and stung her lower lip. For a moment she thought that he’d drawn blood, and for the first time, she began to have reservations about continuing with him. But she wanted him inside her. And when he did it again she tried to catch his manhood but missed.

In retaliation, Mal pinched her nipple hard and she cried out in pain. “Stop!”

“Tell me what you want,” he said once again.

“Your cock,” she answered. “I want your big cock.”

He smacked her lips again with his solid erection; much harder this time. She licked her lip, sure that she was now bleeding, but didn’t taste any blood.

“Where do you want it?”

“I want you in me. My pussy, I want it in my pussy,” she said then began to cry from fear and relief.

“Spread ‘em for me!”

Moving quickly, before she gave herself a chance of changing her mind, Annie laid back and parted her thighs. Mal, cock in hand, brought it to her juicy hole and a second later surged into her.

Annie emitted a satisfied groan. A moment later Mal groaned as well and told her, “God, you’re so wet and warm in there. You feel wonderful!”

“I’d like a fast ride, driver,” she crowed, elated with the feel of him surging into her as his hips began to churn against her pelvis each time she raised it to meet him.

Annie laid an arm on the door shelf, helping to raise her midsection and pressed her breasts into his face.

“Mmmmm,” She gloated, loving the texture of his velvety cock caroming against her vaginal walls. Then Annie was into her own rhythmic fucking motion, with Mal holding himself still inside her, content to suck and lick at her tits while she did the work. This seemed to suit Annie as well, for she began to urge him on by grunting, “Suck my boobs. Bite those nipples!”

As another climax neared, her hips started moving faster. “Fuck me! Bite those nipples!”

He did, and still, she complained. “Harder! I’m almost there … bite harder!”

He was only too glad to oblige, concerned only that he might get carried away and remove the nipple with his teeth.

“Yeah, that’s it!” She bellowed up into the cab’s ceiling as her pain merged with pleasure and she began another climax. “God, that’s it!” She screamed, thrusting her hips off the seat, for she was now completely impaled on his cock; then she let out a loud, teeth clenching moan and started to shake with her climax.

Mal’s knees were becoming raw from the friction generated by his fucking on the grainy backseat covers; and the whole cab was rocking with the rhythm of their fucking.

Mal pumped like a jackrabbit and exploded into the depths of her sex, and the two of them stayed hooked together as they relaxed in the afterglow of their mutual orgasms.

As Mal’s cock grew flaccid in her cunt, his ejaculate began to run out of her onto her thighs and his balls. He reached under the seat and pulled out a dirty rag and handed it to Annie. “Here, I think you’re going to need this.” Annie accepted it without looking at it and wiped herself clean of their commingled juices.

Slowly they drew apart and then she put her head in Mal’s lap and licked their combined juices off his balls and cock. After she had finished with her mouth, she dried him off with the rag.

“That was great,” she told him and he smiled and then kissed her. “Do you need to get back on duty?” Annie inquired after a while.

“No, in fact, I’m getting hard again. Wanna do it again?”

“Of course I do,” she said, and then laughed giddily.

“Just a second,” he told her. “Lay back, close your eyes, and hold your legs high and wide.”

Annie started to sit up, but he intervened and turned her away from him so that she was kneeling and looking out at the deserted warehouse. During the course of the evening Annie’s hair had come undone and now hung down covering half her face. Mal thoughtfully swept some from her neck and kissed her there as he stroked her right breast. He found both nipples rock hard and pulled on them in turn. After a minute or so he said, “Want it up you keister this time?”

“What?” she said not understanding.

“Your ass, I wanna fuck your ass.”

“Okay, but get me lubed up good.”

Annie had enjoyed anal penetration with her husband early on in their marriage and Mal wasn’t sporting a gigantic cock, possibly six inches or so and she felt that she could accommodate him easily enough.

Mal spat on his palm and wet a finger, then spat on her puckered asshole. He slowly inserted the wet finger into her and began to work on loosening her up. He added a lot more saliva to the mix and was soon thrusting two fingers easily in and out of her as Annie grunted with satisfaction.

A few minutes later Annie impatiently croaked, “Put that fucking thing in me!”

He spat into his palm again and rubbed it over his cockhead, then leaned into her and held it so it was aligned with her asshole. He shoved forward and went in about two inches.

“Ah–Aaah!” she groaned.

“Did that hurt?” Knowing full well it had.

“No, it felt good,” she lied, wanting to get him inside thinking it would feel better then. “Let’s have some more of that hose, huh?”

Heartened by this news, Mal renewed his efforts, not waiting the usual period to ensure maximum comfort for his partner. Several hard thrusts later he was in a good two inches. He realized it would not be easy and let a goodly amount of saliva drip slowly into the gaping hole before him and tried again.

He was perplexed somewhat by the situation he found himself in. While savoring the feel of her hot anal sheath as he entered her, when he attempted to back out, Annie’s rectal muscles clamped down on him, holding him in place. He almost hurt himself yanking his dick out of her.

She laughed at him. “Nothing like a tight hole, is there?”

Mal looked at her, fire in his eyes. Then he realized she was teasing him and he centered his cock on her starfish again and forced himself in much further.

He heard her grunt. Was it pleasure or pain, he wondered, then dismissed the thought for he discovered quickly enough that her tightening up wasn’t a onetime fluke, but a steady reaction on her part, and adjusted to it, convinced that his strange passenger simply didn’t want to part with his cock on the outward strokes.

But the fact of the matter was that her ass was so tight there was no way for him to prolong the ass fucking. Mal came hard and Annie moaned with pleasure at the force of his hot semen lacing her rectal walls.

As they lay huffing and puffing from the exertion, he whispered into her ear, “I wonder if you’d be agreeable to have another couple play with you. She’s really hot. Not quite as tall as you and her breasts are smaller. He’s good- looking maybe thirty-six or so, definitely under forty and well hung.”

“Have you sucked his cock? How’s he taste?” Annie asked, irked that he would try to pawn her off on some strangers.

He answered honestly. “I haven’t, so I wouldn’t know . . . unless, well I’ve eaten his wife after he’s fucked her, but I honestly can’t say how he tastes, but you can find out. What do you say?”

“It’s a little late for more partying,” she replied.

Heartened by her response, Mal added, “Not tonight, tomorrow. I can pick you up and take you to their place.”

“I don’t know,” Annie replied thinking furiously about her appointments for the following day.

Mal kept talking. “Of course, you wouldn’t be allowed to come-–not for the longest time.”

She knew her meeting ended at around four and that she might excuse herself from dinner by telling them she wanted to visit a relative in the city.

“She might let you tongue-fuck her asshole,” he whispered then stuck his tongue in her ear. Annie’s horniness betrayed her. She began humping the air in front of her as the images he’d conveyed to her brain ran amuck and she came from the combination of her picturing herself licking some woman’s ass and Mal fingering her.

“All right!” she gasped after recovering enough to speak. “What time?”

Give me a phone number, I’ll check with them and get back to you.”

“When? I’ll be at meetings all day.”

“You have a cell phone?”

“Of course I do, but I don’t want you calling me any time you want.”

“Really? You think I’d call you any old time to see if you want a quick fuck?”

“I mean I don’t live in Atlanta. I mean I don’t want to know that you can reach me anytime you choose to.”

“I won’t call you but the one time. I give my word on that. I’d also say that you’ll enjoy yourself and probably make another trip to Atlanta once you meet the Cloninger’s.”

“The Cloninger’s, that’s their name?”

“Yup,” he said as he tucked his wilted cock back into his trousers.

She gave him her cell number and he drove her back to the hotel and when they stopped, Annie gave him a long tongue kiss goodnight.

“See you tomorrow, lover,” she said and stepped lithely out of his cab and walked into the hotel never looking back.


To be continued


Published 6 years ago

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