Annie and Lacey, The Beginning

"When we met, I felt an instant connection with her."

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This story is about my best girl friend Lacey and starts about seven years ago just after we first met. We are best friends and lovers, she is married to my friend Ferguson and they are members of our swingers group. My husband Rob and I get together with them at least every month. But I am getting ahead of myself! Let me start from the beginning.

I met Lacey when she came for an interview for a position at our company and I was part of the interview team. When we met, I felt an instant connection with her. I am sure that some of you will completely understand that feeling. Something in her eyes struck a chord in my heart as I saw hope and warmth in her eyes yet at the same time I saw a deep sadness and even fear. It was disturbing to me to have such a powerful emotional reaction the first time we met. During our interview it was difficult for me to concentrate on the questions I needed to ask her.

Unfortunately, Lacey did not get the job as she did not have sufficient qualifications and it was my task to call her the next day and let her know. I waited till about 2 o’clock then I called her home and let her know the bad news. I explained that her lack of a high-school diploma was the major reason why we could not offer her a position but that her personality was great and she presented herself well and I encouraged her to keep looking.

Lacey sounded disappointed but said that she understood and thanked me for calling her personally. I told her she was welcome and wished her luck in her job search. Then on the spur of the moment I asked if she would like to meet for a cup of coffee the next afternoon after I got off work to talk. Lacey hesitated for a moment, then said that she’d like that, so we set the time and place. Lacey told me thank you again for my time and trouble and said she looked forward to meeting the next day.

The next morning after I had finished getting dressed for work, I went into our kitchen to find Rob still sitting at our breakfast table drinking a cup of coffee. I was surprised to see him. He said that he was going to work from home that day, which he sometimes does instead of going into his office. He smiled at me and told me that I really looked sexy and that the guys in the office would be distracted as usual and chuckled. I laughed but felt good that he liked my new beige mid-thigh mini skirt and red silk blouse outfit and just smiled at him as I lifted my skirt to show him my tiny red thong panty. I asked him if he thought his wife’s panties looked hot too. Rob laughed and said ‘yes’ and reached over to finger my pussy gently through my panties. After a few seconds, I backed off and let my skirt fall back down then told him that I would be a little late getting home that afternoon as I was meeting someone after work. Rob just smiled at me and asked me who the lucky guy was.

I looked at him and smiled and said it’s not a guy, then I told him about Lacey and that we were meeting after work for a cup of coffee and that was all. Rob laughed at me and told me that he would check my panties after I got home anyway and smiled at me.

All this happened only a few months after I had become ‘liberated’ and had started fucking other men besides Rob, with his encouragement of course. By that time I had already gone out on a few ‘fuck’ dates with men I met through work or at clubs so it was natural for Rob to ask me that question. Before I left for the office, I leaned over and grabbed Rob’s hardening cock through his pajamas and squeezed it a little and told him that I was hoping he would ‘check me out’ after I got home that evening then I kissed him and left to go to the office.

Time seemed to drag that day till finally it was quitting time. I met Lacey at a coffee shop not far from my office and we enjoyed talking for almost two hours! We told each other about our families and what we liked to do and about our lives. We had a good conversation but for me it was sad. Lacey had had a very difficult life. It was getting late so we had to leave but before I left her I asked her to meet me for lunch in a few days and she said she’d like that. As I was getting up to leave Lacey’s eyes began to fill with tears and she just looked at me and told me thank you.

I took her hand and held it in my hand for a few seconds and said, “No. Thank you Lacey, I will call you later Ok?” Then we looked into each other’s eyes for a few seconds before I left. That is the moment when I fell in love with Lacey.

After I got home, Rob could tell immediately that something was bothering me and asked me to sit next to him on our sofa and tell him what was making me so sad. I looked into his beautiful eyes and kissed him then sat down next to my husband and started telling him about my conversation with Lacey.

Lacey was 36 at the time we first met, I was 34, and she had been married 18 years by that time but she said that it was not a happy marriage. It was sad to listen to her tell me about her husband who was cruel to her and abused her. Not physically she said but mentally. Her first husband was a traveling salesman and was rarely home but when he was he constantly belittled her and told her she was worthless, ugly, and not worth anything.

Lacey told me that her son had left to join the Marines as soon as he graduated from high school the last spring to get away from his Father and was soon going to be shipped overseas to the middle-east. Lacey confided in me that her days were filled with loneliness and that she really didn’t have any close friends to talk too and that she was so happy that I took time to talk with her.

As I was telling Rob about our conversation, he held me close and began to gently stroke my cheek and neck with his fingers. Then he stopped me, kissed me tenderly and told me he loved me. Tears filled my eyes and I kissed my wonderful husband back and then I smiled and told him he hadn’t checked me out yet since I got home.

“Well let’s see then,” Rob said as he moved his hand up under my short skirt to touch my panties. “Hummm, still have your panties on huh? I guess you really didn’t meet a guy and fuck him after all this afternoon,” he said as I laughed.

“No I didn’t! But I have to be honest and tell you that I really wanted to hold and kiss Lacey today. I have never felt that way about another woman before but for some reason I did with her,” I softly said to Rob.

Rob smiled warmly at me and said, “I could tell that when you were telling me about your conversation, and Annie it’s okay.”

I looked into Rob’s eyes then we kissed and I said, “Just fuck me Rob, please just fuck me, I need you,” then we went to our bedroom. After he filled me with his cum we talked a little more about Lacey and how I felt about her then we made love one more time that night before we both fell asleep.

I met Lacey for lunch two days later. We had a nice lunch and more good conversation and after that first time we began to meet for coffee or lunch two or three times a week. Lacey began to relax with me and we talked about everything.

I told her about some of my recent experiences with other men and about how Rob had encouraged me to open up sexually with other men. Lacey was shocked that Rob actually encouraged me to fuck other men. I told her at first I was really scared about it but that I loved it now and it made me feel so much more confident in myself since I started fucking other guys besides Rob. I also told her that for us it had really strengthened our marriage and I told her that I wish that I had started seeing other guys much sooner. One time I took some pictures to show Lacey pictures of me with two other men and also with Rob. She was embarrassed at first to see me fucking them but she told me it made her aroused at the same time too and we laughed together.

Lacey said she was amazed and envious of me and that she had not had sex with her husband for a long time. She confided that she hated it with him anyway as he was usually drunk when he fucked her even if she didn’t want him. She said that she didn’t miss sex though and that it was okay because she didn’t think that any guys would want her anyway. I told her that was not true and that she is a pretty woman and other guys would love to be with her. She just looked at me and said, “No, I don’t think so.”

Lacey’s husband had beaten her down for so long that she didn’t have any self confidence and her self esteem was almost zero.

After lunch we both had some errands to run so we left but not before I told Lacey that I would like for her to meet Rob sometime soon. She just smiled at me and said that she’d like that then I told her that I would arrange something soon and let her know. Then we hugged and kissed and said goodbye.

After Rob got home that evening and the children had gone to bed, we went to bed and fucked like we did almost every night. After he had cum in my cunt we were just snuggling and kissing then I asked him if he’d like to meet Lacey sometime.

Rob said he’d like to meet her and told me to arrange something and that he’d love to meet the woman who had captured my heart. I punched him in the tummy playfully and said no one has my heart but him but that I really did like Lacey and hoped he would like her too.

I told him that I would like for him to flirt a little with her and make her feel good about herself. Rob already knew about Lacey and her husband and her self-esteem issues, I tell my husband everything. I went on to tell him that I think he could really help her just by talking with her and that she just really needed a man to be with her. Rob asked me what I meant and I looked at him with a smile on my face and told him I would not mind if he wanted to fuck her. I was only kidding him but he looked at me with a serious look and asked, “Are you serious, Annie?” Then he went on to say, “I’m not sure about that honey, you are all the woman I can handle you know.”

I didn’t say anything but just smiled as he hugged me. I think it was then that I decided I would really like it if he did fuck Lacey and the thought made me wet.

At that time even though I had been will several different men, Rob had not been with any other women. Before Rob and I met he had been with several different women but since we got married he had not been with anyone else. We talked about it some more that night and he fucked me again, the second time in my ass which I love and I convinced him that I really would not mind if he wanted to fuck Lacey. I told him that I think she would like it and really needed him to show her that attention. After all, I told him, he let me be with other men and it had really made our marriage stronger so it was only fair that he could be with other women too. Rob said he’d think about it then we kissed and cuddled some more before falling asleep in each other’s arms.

I arranged for lunch with Lacey the next Wednesday afternoon at a nice restaurant in downtown Chicago. We were to meet at 1 o’clock. Rob and I arrived a little early to be there when Lacey arrived. At precisely 1 o’clock Lacey came into the restaurant and was shown to our table. As she was walking to our table, Rob’s jaw dropped. I had told him before that Lacey is pretty but today Lacey was gorgeous!

She reminded me of the pictures you see of the big breasted Bavarian Girls you see in the German Oktober Fest advertisements holding four steins of beer in each hand as they moved from table to table. Lacey is about 5 feet 8 inches tall, a curvy 135 pounds, and her breasts are nice 38D’s and her face is that of a little angel. Her eyes are sea blue and her hair is a light brownish blonde color. Lacey was wearing a black skirt that was about two inches above her knees and a beige cotton blouse that was buttoned all the way up. Rob smiled over to me and whispered, “She is beautiful!”

I smiled back at him and winked and blew him a little kiss saying, “Yes she is, I told you so.”

Lacey stood beside the table and took my hand as we rose to meet her saying with a smile, “Hi Annie, thank you for inviting me to lunch.” 

I introduced Rob and he said, “Hi Lacey, happy to finally meet you, I have heard so much about you and its all good too but Annie didn’t tell me you are so beautiful.”

Lacey shook Rob’s hand and said as she looked down at the table, “Happy to meet you too Rob,” then we all sat down. Lacey was shy and I think a little embarrassed.

As she sat down, Rob looked at Lacey’s eyes and she glanced up at him just for a second and smiled briefly. I began to engage Lacey in a little conversation as she looked down at her empty plate saying that she was very happy that she could join us today. Lacey again expressed her thanks for arranging lunch and said that she was happy that she had a chance to meet Rob.

Then Lacey looked over to Rob and said, “I am so happy to finally meet you too Rob, I have heard a lot about you too from Annie,” she said with a little smile on her face. It was obvious that Lacey was nervous.

Rob smiled at Lacey and reached over and took her hand and said, “Lacey, it is my pleasure and I do look forward to getting to know you better.”

Lacey smiled, looked at Rob and said, “I hope we can get to know each other better too.”

She let Rob hold her hand for a few seconds longer till he let her go. I could tell Lacey was nervous and she was even shaking a little too it seemed to me so I waived the waiter over so we could order some drinks. I ordered a glass of merlot and suggested to Lacey that she have one too. Rob just ordered an ice tea since he had to go back to his office that afternoon.

The drinks came as Lacey and I continued to talk. Rob tried to join in occasionally and sometimes Lacey would glance at him and smile and answer a question but she didn’t engage in conversation with him very much. We had almost finished our first glass of wine and Lacey was finally beginning to relax a little bit. She was enjoying the conversation and started to talk with Rob too as she relaxed.

We ordered another round of drinks before we placed our lunch order. After the second round of drinks had been served and we had had a few more minutes to relax, I could tell that the wine was getting to me. I don’t drink very much, one glass of wine is usually my limit but today was special. I could tell my face was getting red and flushed and I was feeling warm so I unbuttoned a couple of buttons on my blouse. Apparently the wine affected Lacey as well as she too was flushed and she was obviously beginning to relax as she smiled at me and unbuttoned the top three buttons of her cotton blouse saying, “I am getting a little warm too.”

With the top three buttons of her blouse unbuttoned, Lacey’s cleavage was clearly in view. Rob smiled at her and then at me and I smiled back at him and said to Lacey, “I think that Rob is getting a little warm watching us too.”

Lacey smiled briefly at me, giggled, and then turned to look at Rob and said, “Annie told me you let her go out with other men and that makes me so horny to think about and I think that is so amazing and wonderful,”

With that said, Lacey unbuttoned a forth button on her blouse exposing the top of her white cotton bra as well as more of her sexy cleavage and then she smiled at Rob again. The wine had gotten to her!

Rob didn’t say anything but he took Lacey’s hand and smiled at her as she looked into his eyes. I was so happy and I could tell Lacey was happy and very relaxed. Just then our waiter came to take our lunch orders. He looked at Lacey and I and back to Lacey and I think she was embarrassed as she buttoned one of the buttons on her blouse again. We all ordered something light, after a few minutes our meals were served.

We finished our meals while continuing our nice conversation and after coffee and desert, Lacey and I began to straighten up a little. Lacey buttoned her blouse up a couple of buttons. It was almost 3 o’clock when Lacey said that she really needed to go as she had some errands to run then smiled warmly at Rob and me. She got up to leave and as Rob rose to say good bye she leaned over to give him a hug and a little kiss on his cheek. As she kissed his cheek I heard her say, “I hope that we can have a chance to get to know each other a little better pretty soon.” Then Rob gave Lacey a hug and little kiss on her lips and told her that he hoped so too.

Lacey turned to me as I stood with her and she looked into my eyes and whispered very softly as she hugged me, “I love you Annie.” Then she kissed me softly on my lips.

I hugged her back and returned her kiss with my tongue slipping briefly past her parted lips and told her, “I love you too Lacey.” Then we held each other for a few seconds in the middle of the restaurant before Lacey pulled away and turned to leave with a smile on her beautiful face.

About 8 o’clock that evening, the phone rang and it was Lacey. The first thing she told me was that she was sorry for what happened at lunch and then apologized saying she hoped I don’t think bad of her for acting so badly.

I told her nonsense, she was just fine and there was nothing to apologize for and that I was so happy that she felt relaxed with Rob and me. Then I told her that Rob really enjoyed meeting her and talking with her and that he looked forward to seeing her again soon. Lacey giggled and said that she’d like that too then she told me that she meant what she said at the resturant and that she really did love me.

By then we were both in tears on the phone and I told her I have never felt the way I do about her with any other woman and that I loved her too. Then I asked Lacey if she would have dinner with Rob and me on Friday night. I went on to ask her if she would be offended if I told her that I was hoping that she and Rob would really get to know each other well and we giggled. Lacey told me that she couldn’t remember the last time she actually felt aroused with a man and would like it if Rob wanted to get to know her better too then we giggled again before saying goodbye. My pussy was so wet! 
Later that night, Rob and I were in bed and I told him we were having dinner with Lacey on Friday night. I told him a little about our conversation and told him that I really meant it when I said I would be very happy if he wanted to fuck Lacey. I looked deep into my husband’s eyes then took his hard cock in my mouth and sucked him for a few seconds and then told him it would make me so happy if he fucked Lacey Friday night. Rob looked at me and smiled and told me that he wanted to make me happy!

Published 11 years ago

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