The next morning I put on a pair of pajama pants and a T-shirt and went to the kitchen to make some coffee. I found my usual list of chores for the day on the table, but this time, Rebecca had added an additional item.
*Take out trash
*Load dishwasher
*Clean bathroom
*Recieve punishment (part one)
I stood there for a moment, trying to determine what was meant by “part one” and what sort of punishment Rebecca had in mind. I already knew what I was going to be punished for, and the memory of Angie catching me with my pants down triggered another erection. I began touching myself through my pajama pants, letting my imagination run wild. As much as I wanted to take it out and masturbate right there I decided not to take the chance of getting caught again. I was in enough trouble already. I turned around to go back to my room and saw Rebecca standing there, holding the cane they had used on me before.
“Good morning,” she said. “What do you say we check the last item off of your to-do list right now?”
I didn’t know how to respond, so I just stood there, trying to cover the conspicuous bulge in my pants.
“I know you were listening to us last night,” she continued, “and from what I hear you were enjoying it a little too much. So now it’s your turn. Drop your pants and bend over.”
She tapped the arm of the couch with the cane. I lowered my head in shame as I walked toward her. I reached behind me and pulled the back of my pajama pants down just below my butt and bent over the side of the couch.
“No need to be modest,” she said, yanking my pants all the way down to my ankles. “I’ve seen what you got already.”
I felt the cold, narrow wood of the cane rub against my bare cheeks. She tapped the inside of my thighs with it.
“Spread your legs a bit,” she ordered.
I obeyed. I could feel the cool air of the room on my balls and my erection grew more intense.
“Looks like you’re all healed up from last time,” she said. “I guess it’s time for some new marks to help you remember how to behave. Are you ready?”
“Y-yes, ma’am,” I replied.
“You’re going to get ten strokes right now. This will be part one of your punishment. You’ll find out about part two in a couple of days.”
She proceeded to strike me with the cane. The first two landed across both cheeks. The next two were delivered to the back of my legs. My knees buckled from the sudden pain and she waited patiently for me to resume my positron before continuing. She delivered one more stroke to my bottom and then walked around me and sat down on the couch, holding the cane in her lap. I knew we were only halfway through, so I remained in position, my lower half completely exposed, the sting on my backside setting in.
“Do you want to know what I was being punished for last night?” she asked. “I know you’re curious. Angie was upset with me because I forgot to do something. We have a friend from one of our online groups who is flying out here in two days. It will be the first time we’ve met her in person. Angie is weird about having new people come to our apartment. She wants to get to know this person better first. Since I’m the one who suggested this visit, it was my job to book her a hotel room. But I didn’t do it in time and there ended up being no rooms available for the days she’ll be here. Angie was pretty mad at me for dropping the ball and said we were going to have to cancel. I begged her to just let our friend stay here while she was in town, but Angie had already made up her mind. One of the reasons she was reluctant to have anyone over here is because of you.”
“I’m sorry,” I said, still maintaining my position over the arm of the couch. “I can try to find somewhere else to stay if you want.”
“No,” she said with a smile, “that won’t be necessary. We worked it out. Your little stunt last night helped change Angie’s mind. She told me what you were doing and we both agreed that you needed to be punished for it. Angie called up our friend last night after she was done spanking me and we came up with a plan. She’s going to make an exception to her rule about the apartment. Our friend will be staying here while she’s visiting. She will be here the day after tomorrow, at which time you will be receiving the second part of your punishment.”
My mind was racing as I tried to guess what they intended to do to me.
“This,” she said, holding up the cane as she rose to her feet, “is just for starters.”
The cane whistled as it sliced through the air, connecting with my naked bottom. After another three strokes to the butt and two more to the back of my legs, Rebecca ordered me to pull my pants back up and get to the other chores on my list. Neither she nor Angie gave me any clue as to what they had planned for me and I was afraid to ask. Instead, I obediently took care of all of the tasks on my list and even did a few extras.
I kept looking at the fresh stripes on my bottom in the mirror over the next two days, replaying in my head the embarrassment of the moment Angie walked in on me and my subsequent punishment from Rebecca. The marks were still very visible when their friend finally arrived, though the stinging sensation had subsided. I was anticipating more spanking for the second part of my punishment, but what they actually had planned was a bit different.