Angela Gets Gangbanged– (Part 18 of the Angela series)

"Angela discover what her new Master has in store for her."

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Chapter 1

The officer that had been watching the unit called Carly as soon as he saw the big man come out and talk to the three teens. She told the officer to continue observing but not to intervene yet. She notified the monitoring center and told them if anything happened and there was one word of protest from Angela to immediately let the officer on surveillance know. She quickly dressed and headed to the complex so she could be right there if anything happened.

The officer had watched as Angela opened the door and let the man in. He watched as three boys walked towards the unit and walk closer to the window when the newspaper was ripped off the window. He watched the big guy fist her, then piss on her and finally, fuck her mouth. He saw the three boys standing outside the window watching it all and taking pictures with their phones too. He was taking pictures of the teens as well, including one of the boy that had pulled his cock out and was stroking it towards the window.

Carly arrived at the van about thirty minutes after getting the call from the officer. She got there in time to see the three teen boys in the apartment getting blowjobs from Angela. She watched as they untied her and walked her over to the air mattress and saw her climb onto the one guys’ cock. She saw two more teens walk up to the open door and stand there watching and snapping pictures. She kept thinking to herself if Angela would just say one word of protest, one ‘NO’… anything and she could call in the cavalry Of course, then she would have to also convince Angela to testify against them, and that was going to be very difficult. No, it would be much better to have a good solid case against them before any arrests were made. Unfortunately, that meant Angela was left in the middle until then.

The officer had run the plate and determined the first guy was George Harris, general manager of the West End Mall furniture store owned by Michael and Lorraine. Carly’s worst fears were happening. This George had obviously either become Angela’s new Master, or Michael had given him free reign over her

One by one, the three guys stuck their cocks in her mouth and fucked it. One of them stuck his fist in Angela’s ass and fucked her until it was his turn for a blowjob. One guy came in her mouth and over her face, while one of the others came all over her tits. The third guy said he wanted her to ride his cock, so they untied her and led her over to the air mattress. He took off his pants and lay down. She straddled him and lowered herself down as he guided his cock into her pussy.

“Ride it bitch!”

Angela started raising and lowering herself on the cock. She heard some noise at the door and looked over. Two guys were standing at the open door, using their phones to take pictures. They finally came in and left the door wide open.

“We heard from that big guy there was a party goin’ on in here. Thought we’d come over and check it out. Looks like he was right.”

They both pulled their cocks from their pants and walked to each side of Angela, kneeling down beside her and telling her to stroke them. She took a cock in each hand and started rubbing up and down, feeling them each harden. Then one of them slid in behind her, and rubbed his cock between her cheeks, then started fucking her ass. The second guy commented on how her pimp had mentioned how easily her asshole stretched open and bet he could get his cock in there at the same time. He crouched up between her and the guy already in her ass and pushed his cock in.

“Oh god, bitch! Your pimp was right. He said he had you stretched out nicely. Just slipped it right in there.”

While those three guys were fucking Angela, the two who had fucked her mouth earlier were standing next to her bed, stroking themselves, getting hard again, then making her lick and suck on them. One of the guys in her ass grunted and pulled out shooting cum all over her back. Then the one in her pussy grabbed his cock, pulling out of her and cumming on her stomach and tits. The guy still in her ass was pounding in and out of her, then suddenly pushed in deep and shot his wad inside her. One at a time, the first two guys came again all over her face and hair. The guy on the mattress pushed her to the side and stood up. One by one, each of the five guys pissed all over her.

“Did you enjoy that slut?”


“Well then, I’m sure you’ll be gettin’ lots more. Your sugar daddy told us to spread the word about you. There’s lots of horny young studs around here to keep all your holes filled, and some dirty old men that would just love to get their shriveled up cocks sucked off by a hot young thing like you.”

Chapter 2

The boys all got dressed and left, closing the door behind them

Angela just sat on the bed for awhile, sitting on the urine and cum soaked sheets. The table and floor around it were also puddled with urine from George. She finally got up, locked the door, then used some paper towels to soak up as much of the urine from the table and floor as she could. She wet several more with straight disinfectant and cleaned off the table. Then she put all the linens in a plastic garbage bag and closed it up. If she was going to make it to work on time, everything else would have to wait until she got home. She got into the shower and scrubbed herself from head to toe, taking in mouthful after mouthful of water and spitting it out. She brushed her teeth for five minutes and gargled with mouthwash, then put in her butt plug and harness. She looked at her hair. It was too late to find a salon and she didn’t even have a scissors to try to straighten it out, so she just combed it as neatly as she could. She was running out of time, so she skipped her makeup entirely.

She dressed in the clothes she had picked out, threw a quick sandwich together, put it in cooler along with an apple and can of soda. She took some money, picked up her phone and stuck it all in her pocket; then grabbed her keys, the cooler and left, locking the deadbolt behind her. She was going to have to hustle to make it to work on time. As she was walking through the parking lot, she saw a large group of young people standing around. She saw three of the guys that had just been in her apartment. When they saw her, they pointed and the whole group looked her way, taunting and pointing. Angela did not know how she was going to get past them if they tried to stop her, but she continued walking, picking up the pace. Any other way would take longer, making her late.

Just as she neared them, a police car pulled into the lot and crawled slowly in her direction. She picked up her pace even more and made it past them while the car was still very close. As soon as the car had pulled in, the group had gone pretty quiet and the taunting had stopped. Just as she passed them though, she heard several whispered comments about the size of her asshole, her ability to suck cock, and someone called her piss girl. Several of the men grabbed their crotches and a few of the girls gave her nasty looks. She was sure everything was said too softly for the officer to hear, but at least she made it past them without incident.

Carly and the officer had seen Angela leaving her apartment and watched as the group spotted her. He called for the nearest patrol car to come and cruise slowly through the lot. They were not to do anything, just make it look like a standard drive through, but to make sure Angela got past the group safely. Carly left the van and returned to her own car where she put her head into her hands and cried.

Angela hurried and made it to the store just in time. She put her things in her locker, took out her set of forms and made several copies, then pulled two sets of the forms from the wall. She found an empty desk and put the forms she had pulled in one of the baskets, putting her own forms on her clipboard. She grabbed several pens and put them in her pocket, then punched in. She saw the curtain on the window to George’s office was open and he was watching her.

Although she was worried about what might happen when she returned home this evening, right now her concern was just making it through the day. She looked like shit and she knew it. Nothing about her was professional looking, not that some of the other sales people ever looked all that professional. It did not seem to be a high priority in this store. But Michael – and now George – expected more from her. Once again she thought to herself that Michael still loved her and was doing all this so she could prove her unconditional love for him.

Chapter 3

After getting the call from the officer in the morning and seeing what had happened to Angela, Carly knew two things. The move to this store was far more than just isolating her. This brute had broken her, mentally and physically and had her convinced it all was for her own good because he loved her. Now he had passed her on to another fiend, as she had feared. This one was showing signs of being even worse, exposing her to potentially much riskier experiences. Leaving her alone with men he had never met to do what they wanted and while she was partially restrained as well. The second thing she knew, was that she had to turn this investigation over to another agent immediately. She did not want her feelings for Angela to affect any prosecutions that may eventually occur. As much as it hurt her, and knowing how much more Angela would be hurt, she knew she had to remove herself from everything. She would not be able to officially observe Angela’s safety personally, and could only trust that the local police would be around if anything happened.

So far, everything Carly had been able to accomplish had been requested by other agents, trusted friends or from favors she had called in. Even the surveillance on Angela and the mic in her apartment was being handled through a friend in the police department. Information that she had gotten from talking to Angela was recorded as an anonymous tip, so her name had officially stayed out of it up till now. But if she continued, sooner or later she would be connected to the case. If it ever came out how she felt and what she had done with Angela, it would give a good defense lawyer an opportunity to establish reasonable doubt. Plant the belief that Carly had manufactured evidence because she had a relationship with Angela.

She had actually jumped in on the investigation without justification of FBI involvement. Some recent information she just uncovered did justify it now, but some backpedalling might need to be done. Since it was just discovered that Angela’s ‘training’ had occurred in a hotel in a neighboring state, as well as the fact that it was beginning to look more and more like something with the West End store financial was hinky, the FBI could now enter into the case officially.

From this point on though, another agent would be assigned and Carly would not be a part of the official task force. She wanted to get Angela out now, but if that happened, it would alert Michael and they might lose the evidence forever. Even with anything criminal they might find, Angela would still be left out in the cold. They might be able to persuade her to testify, but she needed so much more help to get her through her ordeal, and get her back to somewhat normal. All the tattoos and piercings, the brainwashing needed the kind of help the FBI and Law Enforcement did not provide. She was worried that Angela would end up stuck in that hell hole and become exactly what those boys today suggested. She was sure Dawn would help, but alone she could not do much. Carly would just have to do what she could from the sidelines.

Chapter 4

Angela hovered around the front of the store, snagging customers whenever she could. She was getting some odd looks from some of the customers, which considering how some of them looked, was quite disconcerting. She was tempted to grab a scissors and try to at least straighten out the back of her hair, but feared she would just make it worse or make it too short for a salon to do anything with. She was also acutely aware that the new collar could not be explained away as a choker. The small padlock and rings made it pretty obvious what it was for, and what it made her by wearing it. In a way, with everything that was happening, she was almost glad she was not at Dawn’s anymore.

The thought of Dawn brought a tear to her eye. Angela was so worried about what she had heard about the cameras and mics. She really hoped Carly had been able to figure out what she had tried to tell her and somehow figure a way to get word to Dawn, but was not sure how she would do that. Thinking back, she wondered how Carly even knew about Dawn. And even if she told Dawn, would she believe her and how would she get rid of them?She could understand why Michael had put a camera and mic in her room, but was completely perplexed why he would put anything in the rest of the house. She just knew he must have had a reason, but with her gone, that reason should no longer exist.

Then there was the fact that she had just left without a word. Angela was sure Dawn had suspected she had been lying to her. Dawn had been so good to her, carrying her when she was short on money, or feeding her. She was pretty sure Dawn had even slipped a few dollars in her purse a few times when she had been sure she was down to her last few pennies. And she had repaid her by lying to her and hiding things from her and then walking out without a word. She wasn’t even sure that the check she wrote wouldn’t bounce since the men who moved her said her bank account was closed.

At least Angela made a few sales, but every time she walked anywhere near the office, she saw her Master watching her and scowling. She was so worried on so many levels. If George was displeased, he would tell Michael. And if Michael was upset with her, he would never take her back. And if George was not happy with her performance, then perhaps she would be fired. And if that happened, where would she go and how would she get around, and what kind of job could she get anyway?

When she decided to walk around the mall at lunchtime looking for a salon, she saw a few teens hanging around the employee entrance.

She was sure she recognized at least one or two of them from the complex. When she started walking, they followed her. She found a walk-in hair salon and went in. They said there was about a twenty minute wait, but Angela knew she did not have that much time, so she said she would return after work. They told her they closed at 6 pm, so she would need to be there by 5:45 at the latest. Since she was working until 6:30, she knew she would have to wait till tomorrow morning. She just hoped there was not a repeat of this morning or she would not have the time again.

Thinking about this morning, it reminded her that she was going to need to go to the Laundromat again to wash the sheets and blankets from her bed. Plus, she was going to have to do some cleaning as well. Getting the laundry done was going to take at least an hour and a half, so by the time she was walking back to the apartment, it would be getting dark. She was a little concerned about being outside then, but there was nothing she could do about it. Dinner was going to be very late.

Angela made her way back to the store and quickly wolfed down her sandwich, hurrying back to her desk. She noticed that the curtains to the office were closed, but heard noises coming from there. She noticed Bambi was not at her desk either, and heard a voice coming from the office she was sure was hers. When she went to her workstation, she noticed that the forms in her basket were gone, so she went to pull another set. When she did, she saw Bambi coming out of the office as well as one of the salesmen. When she saw George slap them both on the ass and saw the man wince, she wondered just what had been happening in there. When George saw her looking over, he pointed to the salesman, and grabbed his crotch.

Angela quickly grabbed some forms and hurried away. The rest of the day was uneventful; but at least she made one sale of $600 from the main floor and a few from the scratch and dent section. When 6:30 came around, she punched out and rushed back to the apartment. She did not see the group she had seen earlier, either outside the store or on the way home. She opened her door, grabbed the bag with the sheets and blanket, locked the door and headed out to do her laundry.

Chapter 5

The trip to wash her things went smoothly, but it was nearing 9 pm by the time she got back to the apartment. She taped up more newspaper on the windows, then got undressed. Carly had gotten a small frozen pizza, so Angela threw it in the oven and set about cleaning the table, chairs, floor and air mattress. When the pizza was ready, she sat down and ate it, washing it down with a soda. Then she put the freshly washed sheets back on the bed, picked out some clothes for tomorrow and took her shower. When she came out, she turned on the TV, set her alarm and settled in for the night.

It occurred to her that she was uncertain what she would do should any of those boys come by in the morning. Master had not really said if she was to allow them to have sex with her again if he wasn’t there. She vaguely recalled hearing something about making some extra money and one of the boys saying he would spread the word around about how good she was. It dawned on Angela that either of her Masters might show up as well. Her head was spinning about what to do and she laid awake most of the night thinking about it.

She had set her alarm for 7 am, and had decided during the night to skip breakfast and get to the salon when it opened at 7:30. Then she would hit one of the fast food places around the mall for some breakfast, and afterwards maybe hit the discount store and check out a few of the items on her list. After dressing and putting on some makeup, Angela grabbed her lunch, wallet, keys and phone. Before opening the door, she checked out the peep hole and saw nothing, so she opened the door, went out, quickly locking the deadbolt and heading to the mall. She kept looking around, but it was pretty quiet with just a few people leaving in cars.

Angela made it to the salon about five minutes after it opened. There was one stylist there and she took Angela’s name and said it would be a couple of minutes. She sat down and started paging through a magazine looking at hairstyles. She saw a few cute ones which she showed to the girl when asked how she wanted her hair cut. They picked one out, and then the girl asked what had happened. Angela made up some excuse about her niece getting bubblegum in her hair and her sister doing a butcher job cutting it. After about ten minutes, the girl said she was done and showed her the front and back.

Angela was pleased at how it had turned out, and also got a look at the back of her neck for the first time. Little parts of the tattoos were visible at the top and bottom of the collar, but not enough to determine what it was. The only thing that was certain was that there WAS a tattoo. She just hoped her Masters would let her grow her hair long though so that the back of her neck would be covered again. After paying for the cut, and giving the girl a nice tip, she headed over to a small restaurant she had seen the first day. It had had more cars than anywhere else, so figured it was the best choice.

It was just before 8 am when she got to the restaurant and was seated. A waitress brought her a cup of coffee and took her order. Angela had noticed some newspapers at the front, so got up and grabbed one. She settled in and was waiting for her breakfast when her phone rang. Her heart skipped a beat thinking it might be Michael, but when she looked, she saw it was George.

“Hello Master.”

“I need you to get your ass out of that restaurant and over here as soon as you can.”

“Yes Master.”

The waitress had just brought her food. Angela wolfed it down, drinking the rest of her coffee and refusing a second cup. She had already asked for her check when the waitress had brought the food. She pulled some money out and went to the register, leaving the money on the counter and telling the cashier to give the extra money to the waitress for her tip. Then she ran out across the parking lots and to the back door of the store. She went in and the security man told her she was to go right to Mr. Harris’s office and that the others were already there.

She went to the office and knocked on the door. A voice told her to come in. She opened the door and went inside. The same salesman from yesterday was there, naked except for a chain around his neck that George was holding and pulling down on. George was sitting in his chair with his zipper open and his cock erect and being sucked on by the salesman. One of the older boys she had seen at the complex, and also recognized as one of the group that was following her yesterday, was standing behind the salesman fucking him in the ass. George kept pulling down harder on the leash forcing the man’s head far down on his cock.

Bambi was also there, naked and on her knees behind the guy from the complex with her head wedged in his ass, and her hands massaging his balls.

“About time you got here. Get completely undressed and make it fast.”

“Yes Master”

Angela quickly undressed, removed the harness and plug, then put everything in a neat pile on a bookcase. George let go of the leash and scooted his chair back a bit. He patted his lap and waved Angela over. He turned her around and pulled her down onto his cock, sinking it deep into her pussy. He started bucking his hips into her. It was a bit painful at first until she started responding and getting wet.

“Remember darlin’, no more orgasms.”

“Yes Master. No Master.”

“Now Bill here looks like he needs some attention, so you just take that cock into your mouth and suck him off while he is getting his ass reamed by J-man over there. I call him J, but you can just call him sir.”

“Yes Master.”

Angela took the cock into her mouth and began sucking on it. Bill immediately got harder and his cock started pulsing.

“Now Bill, we wouldn’t want to deprive Angela here the privilege of sucking on your cock for awhile before you came, would we?”

“No Master.”

Bill regained control and Angela kept sucking on his cock and George continued pounding her pussy. He reached around and grabbed her tit rings and pulled, alternately pulling on them and squeezing or slapping her breasts. At the same time J began slapping Bill’s ass and Angela noted for the first time that it was already quite red. Every time he was slapped, he would say thank you. J was pounding harder and harder into Bill’s ass which was forcing his cock harder and deeper into her mouth.

Finally, J started grunting and she could tell he was about to cum. He pulled out and stood over Bambi, shooting his cum into her mouth. She swallowed every drop, then licked his cock clean. Bill was getting harder again and looked at George. He must have gotten some sort of signal from him and he pulled out of Angela’s mouth, stroked himself a few times, then came into his other hand. When he was done, he stuck his cock back in her mouth, and licked his hand clean while Angela licked his cock clean. Bill stood up, walked over to his clothes and got dressed, removed the collar, said thank you master then left the office.

J put his pants back on and said goodbye to George, shaking his hand and winking at him before also leaving the office. Bambi stood up and leaned over the desk, where George began fingering her pussy and ass, pushing his thumb into her pussy and three fingers into her ass. Bambi started moaning loudly. All the while, George had been fucking Angela’s pussy, and rimming her ass with his other hand. He finally pushed his thumb inside her. She was becoming quite aroused. Suddenly George stopped and told her to get off him. He pulled Bambi to him and guided his cock into her ass, pulling her back into him, slapping and playing with her tits. For a few minutes, he just sat there fucking Bambi’s ass as Angela just stood there watching.

“George, hunny?”

“OK sweetie.”

“Bambi has been wanting to see if you are as good with a woman as I have told her you are with men.”

“Master, I have never pleasured a woman.”

“Well then, Bambi will teach you what you need to know. I expect you to learn to pleasure women as well as you do a man. Now get down and start licking her.”

“Yes Master.”

Angela got down on the floor in front of Bambi and began licking her pussy and clit. She tried to remember what Tawny had done to her and tried doing the same thing to Bambi. She used her fingers and tongue on her and followed the instructions Bambi was giving her. She could feel George’s cock in Bambi’s ass, moving in and out, feeling it grow harder and pulsing against her fingers. After about fifteen minutes, Bambi’s moans grew quite loud and her body tensed just before the orgasm hit. George grunted loudly and came in her ass. After a minute Bambi stood up over Angela and told her to tilt her head back and open her mouth. When Angela complied, she felt a stream of warm liquid flow into her mouth. She began gagging but George ordered her to swallow it.

When Bambi was done, she walked into George’s bathroom, grabbing her clothes as she went in. Angela sat on the floor, waiting to be told what to do next. George laughed at her and told her that not only would she get used to drinking pee, but would even come to crave it; and that she should ask Bambi if she didn’t believe him.

“Well, at least you look more professional today. Now, a couple of things. First, I have asked J to watch out for you at the apartment. He will handle all the business there. Whatever he asks you to do, he is acting in my behalf. You will do what he tells you. He will also collect the money for whatever services you render so you don’t have to worry about that. He will give you your cut when you are done. You won’t have to worry about anyone bothering you or hassling you when you come and go anymore. If anyone does, just let J know and he will handle it”.

“Second, since you will be entertaining in your apartment, you will need a proper bed and some other things, as well as some “toys” for your customers to use if they want. Now I know Michael told you that you could pick out $600 worth of stuff from the scratch and dent stuff, and have three months to pay it off, but I have already picked some things out for you instead. It will be delivered to your apartment today while you are here and set up, so it will be ready by the time you get home tonight. It was a bit higher in price though, and I am afraid that you will not be able to fully pay it off in three months with just your salary from here. So, until it is paid off, J will give your share of the fees he collects to me. Also, on checking into your credit rating, I’m afraid the interest rate Michael quoted you is not doable. You will be given a slightly higher rate.”

“Finally, I want you to remember that this is still all part of what Michael started, and is all being done to make you a better person. I know my methods are a little different than Michael’s, but the goal here is the same. He still cares for you and still just has your best interests at heart. Now, get yourself straightened up and dressed and get to work. You can use my bathroom when Bambi is done this time, but in the future, you may have to use the employee restroom if I am busy.”

“Yes Master.”

Bambi came out of the bathroom right about then and Angela grabbed her things, went in and got herself together as quickly as she could. She rinsed her mouth out about twenty times and washed her face and chest with soap and water. Bambi had been pretty accurate though, and most of the urine had hit her mouth. She got dressed, combed her hair, touched up her makeup and left the office. As she walked through the outer office, Bambi gave her a big smile and a thumbs up. It was just a few minutes before 10, so she quickly put her things in her locker and got her station set up. As she prepared for the day ahead, she began to wondering when all the tests and training would stop.

To be continued…

Published 10 years ago

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