She squirmed in her seat. The heat of his memory was intoxicating all of the tiny spaces within her being.
“Are you even listening?” Allie’s head snapped back to her lunch partner. Bambi sat across the linoleum topped table in the closest dinner to their campus. Allie was a good girl, good hearted; she tried to be nice to everyone. However, Bambi’s incessant self absorption drove Allie to another dimension. One she rarely allowed herself to feel.
Allie smiled, nodding politely while Bambi continued with her rant about her latest boyfriend Derrick. As her unnerving voice rattled on, Allie’s mind began to drift. To that dark place in her mind. Her heart skipped a beat. It was no longer some masturbatory fantasy she often played out. It actually happened.
As Allie bit into another fork full of her salad, she felt a palm on her shoulder. She looked up into the eyes of her brother, Dean. His smile revealing his pearly whites, as his eyes shifted from Allie to the now blushing Bambi. Relieved, Allie reached to grab her bag and leave, when Dean sat down joining the twosome.
Allie sighed, resenting being pinned into the booth; forced to deal with Bambi’s unflattering reaction to her sibling. She watched as Bambi cooed at her brother’s comments, her fingers nervously twisting her hair around and around her long sculpted nails.
Looking down at her salad, Allie imagined taking her fork and mercilessly lunging into the throat of this pathetic flirting girl. Instead, the greens received the brutal damaged she envisioned, gnashing them into the smallest pieces possible.
Allie never understood flirty girls like Bambi. It wasn’t that she wasn’t at times taken by the swagger of a guy, she had. She just refused to be so shamelessly obvious about it. She wanted to keep her infatuations guessing, hoping, longing, needing. Allie liked the build up, never knowing what might come next.
Turning her attention to her engrossed brother, she attempted to burn holes through his flesh for this unnecessary torture. She watched as her brother took a tomato from her salad and began eating it slowly. He made that tomato slice seem like it was the most wonderful tasting fruit on the planet. Slowly sucking it in between his lips, playing, flirting, insinuating his fellatio abilities.
Allie remarked at Bambi’s reaction, as her normally 1000 mile an hour speech slowed.
“Interesting. I would love to see your work.” Dean suavely matched his enthralled recipient, having the effect he craved. He enjoyed watching Bambi’s face, contorting, flushing, making her shift slightly in her seat.
“I’ll be right back” Bambi softly murmured as she left the table. Batting her eyelashes and pushing her lips into a fake pout. Allie rolled her eyes in disgust.
“Jesus! I thought she would never shut up!” Allie remarked as she watched Bambi floating effortlessly across the room.
“Be nice, Allie. She just needs a friend.” With a wink he finished the rest of the now disassembled tomato.
“Good. Then you stay here with her. I want to go, I am not hungry any more.” With that, she pushed her plate across the table and grabbed her bag and for the second time.
Dean watched as his sister fumbled with her items, clearly disturbed. He smiled as he stood, finally releasing her.
“Please make sure she doesn’t pay for her meal.” Dean told the blonde blushing waitress. He gave her bills from his wallet and his signature wink. Spinning on his heal, Dean found his sister sashaying hotly towards his truck. Her hips swayed quickly back and forth, her yellow sundress giving in to her passionate stride.
Swooping in front of her, he grabbed the handle of the door, amused with her impassioned blush. “After you.” He swung his arm widely, motioning for Allie to get into his truck. He quickly closed the door and made his way to his side. As he climbed in, his eyes caught the hem of Allie’s sundress hiking up her toned thighs. The soft yellow brought out the tan of her flesh, making her inviting to him.
“Have fun? That was torture. Why did you have to sit down anyhow?” Allie quipped, playing with the straw she managed to take with her from the dinner.
“Aw common Al, it was just a little harmless flirting. Besides, I am not the one that was eating with motor mouth.” He laughed as she playfully whimpered.
“That’s below the belt, Romeo. The ref takes a point.” She licked two of her fingers making invisible marks in the air. He scoffed at her dramatic motion, as he guided them expertly into the bustling commuters.
Dean slowed with the traffic, finally taking a long look at his little sister. The sundress she choose was riding up her thigh, dangerously close to revealing her secrets.
He whipped his attention back to the car in front of him.
“Cat got your tongue?” She quipped.
“Cat’s gonna have your tongue in a minute.” he responded without looking over to his ornery, taunting sister.
“Psh. That is all you have, lame.” she accentuating the ‘m’ and ‘e’ to add emphases to her point. She smiled at herself, feeling like she finally had the last word. Dean glanced over at his sister, catching her profile as she blew bubbles with her chewing gum.
How he managed to get them to their home had been no easy feat. His eyes couldn’t begin to correlate the images of his sisters thighs and his lusting feelings. He tried to stomp them as low into his gut as he could, not wanting to contemplate these thoughts with her so close. The soft scent of Allie in his cab was as much as he could handle.
He was relieved to have made it home without any embarrassing gestures to explain or hide. Walking into the living room, he noticed his little brother sprawled on the leather sofa watching the game.
“Dude. Did you get the stuff for dinner?” Sam questioned without breaking his attention.
“Yeah, it’s in the truck.” countered Dean, slapping the top of Sam’s head.
Dean plopped down on the over-sized chair, grateful for the expansive space he craved. He drew the smell of fine Italian leather into his lungs, kicking his feet up on the coffee table.
Sighing loudly, Sam got up and made his way to retrieve the items he’d asked for. Dean attempted to focus on the game, wanting to catch the score. Just as the announcer was getting ready to recap the first period of the hockey game, a familiar movement distracted his attention.
Looking up through the railing, he noticed Allie walking down the hall towards the laundry room. Her attempts to balance the basket on her hip were laughable; as the cumbersome item seemed difficult for her to manage. Her movements pulled at the hem of her dress, giving Dean a great shot of her hot pink panties.
Her mound cupped perfectly within the bright color brought on an onslaught of emotions he wasn’t really wanting at the moment. He shifted in his chair, as she seemed to walk in slow motion. Her cheeks were uncovered, flowing freely under the light yellow cloth.
Biting his bottom lip, Dean got up and headed into the kitchen. Cooking wasn’t really his forte, but neither was the show he just witnessed. Rambling through the cupboards, he heard Sam setting the bags down on the flecked granite counter top.
“Dude, how much shit did you get at the store?” Sam asked, rummaging threw the overflowing bags.
“Who said they were hungry, Asshole.” Dean hotly replied, taking a bag, hoping to distract his emotions.
“Gee, glad to see you’re in such a great mood. Dick.” Sam shot his brother a heated look. “Where’s Al anyways?” he pushed, plopping grapes into his mouth as he arranged items in the fridge.
“Upstairs, doing laundry” spurted Dean, as he slammed the cans together in the pantry.
Stuffing a celery stick into his mouth, Sam heard the base of Allie’s music overhead. He hadn’t been able to tell Dean about his escapade with Allie. Something always seemed to interrupt the moment. Sliding a stool out from the counter, Sam sat, determined to share his story.
He waited until Dean finished his manic rush with the remaining food items. As he cracked the seal on his beer, Dean leaned back into the cupboards.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you about the other day, dude. But it seems like we’re always too busy.” Sam finished his celery stick as quickly as possible. Who knew how long it would be before something hindered his full disclosure.
Gulping down the remaining bits of celery he looked dead into his brothers eyes. “I tasted Allie.”
Dean spit his beer all over the cool stone. “What?” he choked, as beer was dripping from his nose and gaping mouth. Dean grabbed his cotton t-shirt trying to wipe away the searing words tunneling through his mind.
“Yeah,” Sam continued. “I was spanking her one moment and the next, we were in her bed and I was tasting her.”
“Holly shit. You’re joking right?” frowning in disbelief, he shook his head, as if his denial would somehow change the context of his brother’s disclosure.
“It tasted so fuc….” Sam’s stopped, as Allie bounded around the corner.
“What’s for dinner?” her voice chimed as she innocently opened the fridge; rummaging through the newly placed items.
Dean shot Sam a look of utter shock as he lifted his bottle back to his lips. Allie turned to Sam, as if eye contact would elicit a response to her question. Noticing the red stain of Sam’s face, she quickly looked at Dean around the open door.
Instantly Allie knew what was going on. Her brothers normally are never quite and their emotions quickly filled the space with palpable tenuous heat. She quickly assembled the pieces of silence together.
“You told him?” She questioned, shooting her fiery gaze at Sam. She watched as his gaze switched from her back to Dean.
“Allie, take a seat.” Dean stated, pointing to the one right next to her betrayer.
Dean swigged the rest of his beer to the back of his tightening throat. His eyes glued to his sister, as she slid next to Sam. She jabbed him in the ribs while sitting. Her face now ashen with fear.
He felt his heart breaking it’s normal rhythm as the cool liquid forced itself past his emotional reaction. Tossing the bottle into the recycling bin, Dean looked back and forth between the two culprits sitting in front of him.
His mind began racing in circles, lingering in the images flashing in his mind eyes. Pictures of Allie soaking Sam’s all to willing face flew back and forth, as if he were watching a reproduction of their lewd act. He needed to gain more factual data before he proceeded any further.
“Allie, go to your spot, immediately.” Deans voice strained, trying to break through his visualization of what he longed for himself. Allie complied almost too quickly, jumping from the hard wood beneath her. Her image blurred in Dean’s peripheral vision, as he eyes dead locked with Sam’s innocent return.
Allie found her normal spot of torment, the dreaded corner. She cursed under her breath, as the cold fear crept up every inch of her spine. Her head reeled with the rush of fear pulsating through her. Was he going to punish her? Would he understand? Did he need her too? The questions compounded the situation, making her toes dig into the cool cherry wood flooring.
“Waiting.” Dean spurt, freeing another bottle of it’s cap. Swirling the refreshing beverage in his mouth, he gripped the counter preparing himself for the mental assault he was about to endure.
“Um….” Sam cleared his throat, assessing his brothers mood. He wasn’t sure if Dean was angry, happy, or secretly pleased. “It just kinda happened. I didn’t plan it Dean, I promise.”
“Yeah, right. Sam, we discussed this before. You shoulda stopped, restrained yourself, for Christ’s sake.”
His admonishment struck Sam in the solar plexus, forcing the air violently from his throat. He recoiled, feeling the heated fingers of his anger rising quickly to his larynx, tearing, ripping, pulling at him.
“Dude. Tell me that you wouldn’t have done the exact same thing. Given our ‘prior’ conversation, I know you wanted it to – so don’t lie. Besides, you’re just pissed I made it across the finish line first.” His tone mocked Dean’s shame, bringing it out from the place he’d stuffed it earlier. Sam’s lips curled into a smile with the reaction clearly written all over Dean’s face.
“Tell me you did not deflower her, Sam.” Dean relented. He couldn’t fight the clear stinging truth Sam so freely ripped from it’s hiding place. He looked beaten as he peered to his brother, awaiting the response.
“No, I didn’t. I wouldn’t without talking to you first. Why do you think I waited?”
His response lingered in the emotional air between them.
“There’s only one thing left then.” Dean couldn’t believe his ears, did he really just say that? Was he really ready to follow through with the burning need now pummeling his mind? Maybe he was to hasty in his lack of logical thought processing. He looked to Sam for a response.
Sam’s frame relaxed as he was hoping for this response. He worried that his older brother would retreat into the complexity of the situation at hand. Having overcome that battle, Sam breathed easier. Happiness filled his heart. He knew his ability to see and accept things as they are were not a shared ability. Dean preferred to over examine situations, to the extent of sucking all of the possibilities out of them.
Sam grabbed two cold long necks from the fridge. He knew the more alcohol Dean had, the less painful this whole thing had to be. Handing the liquid courage to his partner in crime, they made their way to the promise land, nervously awaiting them upstairs.
Allie couldn’t help herself. The thoughts running through her body didn’t have the courtesy of slowing down to become coherent. She was simply slammed over and over with tidal waves of emotions. She rocked from side to side with the ferocity of the internal torment. If she lived through this, Sam was a dead man, she vowed.
It seemed like hours passed with the speed of molasses in the winter time. Allie swore she’d never find her freedom; as she wrestled with the idea of making a break for it. What was the worst that could happen, she questioned. Her heart thumped to her clouded brain. Before she could process the answer, memories flooded her vision of the last time she attempted a daring escape. Her cheeks twinged in the knowing response. Her body never quite forgot as easily as her heart. She felt like her feet were buried in concrete as she struggled to keep her balance. The emotionally charged events left Allie at the mercy of the adrenaline coursing and then sharply subsiding in her tiny frame.
They entered her room, silent in their approach, as they’d already formulated their future deeds on their journey here. They both quickly looked at each other, as if to provide the mental encouragement they needed to proceed.
Sam stripped his t-shirt off, allowing it to casually fall to the floor. He effortlessly grabbed the waist band of his gym shorts, wasting little time before they too joined his forgotten garments. Dean followed suit, trying like hell to find every ounce of resolve he could muster. His liquid courage hadn’t quite hit the spot yet, forcing him to dig deeper within his twisting stomach. He managed to sling his garments into the pile previously created by his eager brother. He drew his breath deep into his pipes, as his feet began their forward motion.
Sam’s arm caught Dean in motion, as he pointed to the vision in front of them. Standing in the corner was their baby sister. Hands perfectly placed upon her head. Feet together. Head up. Begging them, calling them. Demanding they release her from the picture they still held of her. Their eyes drank her in. Legs for days. A pert well toned ass. Small waist. Strong back muscles. Long beautifully coiled hair. They swayed into one another, as their senses took the better parts of them, the best parts of them, flushing it full of hot burning, lustful desire.
Allie gasped as she felt her brother behind her, breathing hotly on her upraised arm. His hands pulled her arms down, freeing the space Sam desperately needed to taste and kiss. He brushed her hair…