An Unexpected Date To Millie’s Wedding

"Unexpected sex with a bridesmaid"

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“How many times do you think we’ve fucked?” asked Millie. She and Jon sat alone at the café.  The two friends/ex-lovers were sharing a quiet moment two days ahead of Millie’s wedding to Stuart.  As Jon sat with his friend, he was both jealous and in awe of her fiance.  Stuart accomplished the impossible: he won Millie’s heart.

At thirty-two Millie was as sexy as ever. Her blondish red hair, green eyes, freckles, and slightly plump figure gave her a girl next door appearance. Stuart had dated Millie a mere eight months before proposing to her.  Now, the couple was set to wed, and, as the deadline drew closer, the bride-to-be was starting to panic.

After a few seconds of contemplation, Jon answered Millie’s question: “I wasn’t really keeping count, but dozens at least.” 

Millie nodded before responding, “Right. And for me, each time was good or, at the very least, fun. I always felt taken care of.  I love Stuart.  He’s everything I want in a husband, but I feel totally unsatisfied.” 

More than anything, Jon wanted to advise his friend to leave her fiancé so he could date her.  After all, Jon and Millie had been having sex together for over ten years.  But Jon ultimately wanted what was best for his friend, and Stuart would be the husband she deserved.

Millie continued to vent. “It never feels right when we make love.  His technique is to cum as quickly as possible.  I wish he could last a little longer.” 

Jon smiled and responded, “As you’re aware, my experience is that a good teacher can really move things along.  Have you tried showing him what you want?” 

Millie sighed. “More times than I can count.  I think we could be very happy, but I’m not sure the sex will get any better.”

Jon was aware of Millie’s sensuous nature.  There were many nights when he dreamed of their nights together, the feel of her body, and the explosive orgasms.  His mind started to wander into fantasy.  Could it be that he and Millie would find their way back to his bed?  Would they share a night of pleasure?  Maybe she would be his for good.  Millie quickly disabused her friend of his salacious thoughts.

“I’m not just here to cast doubt on whether I’ll ever orgasm again.  I’m sure we can work it out – sex is just one aspect of a relationship.  Anyway, I really appreciate how you kept our past quiet in front of Stuart.  He’s not the jealous type, but I don’t think he’d be happy about our history.” 

Although disappointed that she was building a life with Stuart, Jon was happy.  Millie was very special, and he wanted only happiness for her, even if it meant she belonged to another.

In her blunt way, Millie switched subjects, “I know you’re not seeing anyone, so would you consider taking Karen as a date to the wedding?”

Jon held back from screaming out, “What the fuck!” 

Stuart’s older sister Karen was perhaps the most humorless Jon had ever met!  He’d never even so much as seen her smile.  Beyond her serious nature was her lack of tact.  Jon had personally experienced Karen’s pointed, outrageous questions.  She’d once asked him in her droll, matter-of-fact way (and in front of her brother and their parents) if he’d ever slept with Millie.  On another occasion, she asked Millie (who had gained some weight over the holidays) if she was pregnant. With gritted teeth, Jon granted the favor.

To Jon, Karen seemed like she lacked even so much as a scintilla of sensuousness.  Because the two had encountered each other multiple times over the life of Millie and Stuart’s romance, Jon learned about several Karen’s habits that he found troubling.  Jon, who loved food, was shocked at Karen’s hatred of anything flavorful.  She hated garlic and shallots.  Onions were “too strong” for her.  She gagged over the idea of whipped cream on strawberries.  And now he would be spending the entirety of the wedding with her.

The wedding day arrived, and Jon knocked on Karen’s hotel door to pick her up.  Karen opened the door.  Shivers traveled down Jon’s spine when his date opened the door.  Her bespeckled, steely gray eyes stared through him.  Her pink bridesmaid dress fit well, highlighting her sexy curves.  Her luscious brown hair was curled.  Yet, her bright red lipstick highlighted her pale skin.  Yet, still, the young man found himself bizarrely attracted to this strange woman.

Jon presented a box of his favorite Belgian chocolates for his “date” to enjoy later. 

“Are these organic?”

“I don’t think so, but they’re made from a great chocolatier, and..” before he could finish the sentence, Karen discarded the box on a nearby table.

“The JP is late, so the wedding will start an hour late,” said Karen. Jon asked if he should come back. Karen responded “no,” and invited him in.  Jon did as instructed. 

As the two sat, Jon noticed the slit in Karen’s dress.  Her shapely leg was showing.  Karen noticed that her date’s eyes were drawn to her bare skin.  

“So, Millie tells me you’re not seeing anyone?” asked Karen. 

“No, no one really.  You?” asked Jon.  Karen shook her head no. 

“So, I think we should get to know each other better,” Karen proposed as she inched closer.  More inane, boring conversation occurred before the bride’s maid did the unexpected, she lunged toward her date and stuck her tongue down his throat.

Although shocked, Jon kissed her, and gently brushed Karen’s hair while stroking her face.  The speed at which they kissed and the limited time in which to take things further led Jon to move a bit quicker than he otherwise would have.  His fingers undid the buttons on the back of her dress.  The two rose and Jon pulled the dress above Karen’s head.  He then undid the hook on her white bra.

Karen’s small, perky breasts popped out.  Jon gently nibbled and sucked on her nipples.  The two fell back on the sofa and continued to kiss.  Somehow, Karen maneuvered her body so that her head was aligned with his penis.  She undid his belt buckle and pulled down part of his pants and underwear.  Jon closed his eyes and exhaled as Karen put his cock in her mouth.  She sucked for a few minutes before taking it out of his mouth and kissing it up and down.  Then, she put his testicles in his mouth and sucked.  Jon cried out.

Jon gently stroked the top of Karen’s head before making his way down to her for more kissing.  As they kissed, Jon worked his way down to Karen’s vagina.  He started licking her before sucking on her clit. Karen pulled Jon’s head closer, trying to get as much of his tongue in and on her as possible.  Suddenly, Karen screamed.  Jon could feel her juices enter cheek and throat.

Karen asked him to lay with her.  The two kissed before Karen said, “I’ll be right back.” 

Jon waited for what felt like an eternity before she reappeared carrying a roll of condoms.  Jon smiled and they kissed.  She helped him put on the condom before he entered her.  Karen craned her neck as Jon pushed deeper and deeper into her.

Karen wrapped her legs around Jon’s lower spine and pulled him in as close as possible.  The pressure felt so good that Jon cried out her name.  He continued to thrust before exploding.  The two lay together in silence for quite some time before she declared, “OK, time to get up.” 

The two showered together (and touched) before re-dressing and leaving.

Millie and Stuart’s wedding was beautiful.  Having Karen as a date made it easier for Jon to experience the loss of any chance of a relationship with Millie.  Later, Karen invited Jon back to her room where they made love all night.  The next morning, the two went down to breakfast where they spotted the newly married couple.

“Come on over,” cried Millie. 

Stuart wasn’t pleased to see his sister in the afterglow of a night with his wife’s friend (Jon was a bit amused to think about how Stuart would’ve felt if he’d also known about Millie and Jon’s past).  When they had a minute alone, Millie and Jon shared a chuckle. 

She instinctively knew about Jon and Karen’s night, and joked, “I guess you’re not going to stop until you fuck every woman in this family.  But thanks for keeping her out of my hair for a few hours.” 

Millie expressed that Stuart appeared willing to accept her guidance in their love making, and that their wedding night was beautiful.  Jon was and remains so happy for his friend.

Karen and Jon continued their intimate relationship for a few months, but they decided to go their own ways because of their many differences.  Millie and Stuart remain together and are excellent parents to their children.  Millie’s wedding created many memorable moments.

Published 2 years ago

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