Interviewee: Isaac Richards, Owner/Manager, Isaac’s Fast Chicken Shack.
Location: Forest Grove, OR. (West of Portland, OR)
This was my first interview. I knew Isaac personally. I had worked for him briefly when I was in school. I had always known him to be an honest and respectful man. I think he was horrified by what happened and the things he had done to those girls. Unlike a lot of other men out there, I don’t think he’ll ever come to terms with the S-vampidemic.
So what was your first clue that something was happening, before anyone knew about the semen vampirism virus (SVV)?
It was Audrey. Audrey Blake. She was the first one for me.
She worked for you?
Yep. She was 17 years old. She had just graduated high school and was enrolled to start at PSU that September. That would have been, three years ago now. She had worked for me, maybe a year, if that. Cute as a button and ambitious too. She had her whole career mapped out. She was going to do pre-med in Portland, then off to somewhere back east for doctor school. The Chicken Shack was to make some money for college. And she saved everything. She was an honest and busy little worker. Always smiles and happy to see everyone. A never ending fountain of energy, that one.
I noticed something off about her after the Fourth of July. There was that little one tent circus that came to town. Didn’t even know those things even existed anymore. They were all foreigners that ran the thing. They had these dancing Russian bears. The workers all spoke with an accent. They sounded Russian to me, but, I think they said they came from Romania. Or somewhere over there. I don’t remember.
Anyway, she had a date with one of those circus workers. I know because I overheard her telling the other girls at the Shack before hand.
After that date, it’s like she went missing for a few days, but I got a call from her mother who told me Audrey had been deathly ill in bed and they had been so worried about her they had forgotten to call me. They has a close call she said, she actually thought Audrey was dead but then she revived on her own before the paramedics arrived. No one could figure out what was wrong with her, but they thought it was viral.
Audrey recovered but didn’t come back to work for about a month. She came in and saw me after she recovered. She looked different. Really different.
Well, she looked tired. She was wearing sunglasses and a big hat. I had never seen her wear a hat before. She didn’t take her glasses off until she was in my office. She just stood there looking at me without saying anything. That wasn’t like her at all. Her eyes were half closed like she was barely awake. She was totally changed from the vivacious girl I knew.
I asked her how she was and she didn’t say much but that her Mom wanted her to come back to work. She asked for the night shift. That was odd. No one wants to work the night shift. But I said, yeah, of course.
Then she said something odd. She said, “Isaac, I’m thirsty, I’m so thirsty all the time now.”
I offered her water, pop, tea, but she didn’t want any of that. Of course, I know why now. But she didn’t even know what she wanted. Not yet anyway. She sure did later though.
She said something like, “No water please. My mouth is dry. I want something warm to drink.”
Then she said something that haunted me. I remember it clearly. She said, “Isaac, you’re making me so thirsty I can’t stand it. I can’t be here.” Then she ran out.
When did you find out what she was so thirsty for?
Her first shift back. We close shop at 2 AM. Everyone else had left. I was going to offer to drive her home, but she cornered me in my office, shut the door. She had this unforgettable intense stare. “I need it!” is all she said and she walked right up to me and grabbed my belt buckle. I tried to push her away but she was amazingly strong for a skinny little teen girl. “I need it,” she repeated, “it’s all I can think about Isaac. All night long I’ve been thinking about your penis. I need it in my mouth right now Isaac.
She was desperate and she was forceful. I couldn’t stop her. She had my pants off and I was pushed up against the wall and she was all over my, you know . . .
Your dick Mr. Richards? Was she all over your dick?
Yes Ma’am, she was. I remember her hands were ice cold and even weirder, so was her mouth. She had my thing in her mouth. I couldn’t stop her, you know, I tried, but she had me in her mouth and I remember how dry her mouth was. Just like she had said before. And cold. Cold and dry.
I’ve had a couple blow jobs in my life, you know, before the S-vampidemic, I mean, and I’d never had a woman’s mouth on my dick ever feel cold and dry like that.
How did that make you feel?
Well, I don’t know. I had this beautiful teen girl sucking on my dick. I was excited. Don’t get me wrong.
You had an erection?
Are you kidding? I was hard in a second. But, at the same time I felt guilty and afraid. Afraid of how Audrey would feel the next day. I thought she would accuse me of sexual assault. I mean why wouldn’t she? I never wanted to do this. I was afraid I would never forgive myself. And more than anything, I was afraid because this girl’s mouth was so cold. It scared me. And the way she was sucking on me so forcefully, it was unnatural.
Did you ejaculate?
Heck, I came like the dickens in that poor girl’s mouth. Sandy and I . . . suffice it to say I hadn’t been getting a lot of action at home, so I had a lot of cum that night.
What did she do?
You know what she did. She sucked and sucked until it was all gone. She drank every last drop of it.
Then she stood up and said, “I want to go home now.” Just like that. So I drove her home and she didn’t say another word to me.
She came back to work then next night, and the same thing happened. She got me alone in my office. I tried to stop her again but I couldn’t, she was supernaturally strong. She pinned me against the wall and sucked me hard until I came in her mouth like she wanted.
How did the other girls get infected?
That happened after one of the other girls, Penny, walked in on us. I thought my life was over at that point, but Audrey told me not to worry, that she would take care of it.
Even undead, Audrey was sharp. She was planning on doing pre-med, remember. Somehow she had figured out how to infect other girls. I don’t know how she did it, but she took it upon herself to infect Penny to keep her from talking.
Penny got sick that night, ended up in the hospital. I heard she flatlined, then came back to life. She never said a word to anyone about me and Audrey. Before long she was back at work and I was feeding them both my cum, every night. Every single night.
Then to be on the safe side, Audrey decided to infect all the girls on the night shift. I could barely keep up with them. In the end I had seven or maybe eight teenage S-vamp girls sucking me off every night. I had to schedule them out through the night, with at least an hour in between, but I could never really satisfy them. I’m a middle aged man. I just didn’t have enough cum in me to feed them all.
Eventually, they started sucking off other guys in town, and it’s not a big town . . .
How did it end for you?
Rumors. Rumors started flying and eventually Sandy heard. I didn’t deny it. Couldn’t. Couldn’t explain it either. She kicked me out and I had a dozen angry parents after me. I had to close my place and skip town fast.
I lay low and then the S-vampidemic spread everywhere. After a year, no one cared about little old me anymore. Then about six months ago I came back and reopened. About a third of the women here are infected now. Now everyone appreciates what I have to offer. I give jobs to the S-vamp girls in town. Night shift girls are all infected. Day shift is all norms.
I get a VD test every month. I’m certified clean, so the girls don’t have to worry. Some prefer the sperm bank stuff, but that’s expensive. Any girl who works for me gets to drink me off once per shift, no cost to her, as a free benefit.
I make all the guys working here get VD tested monthly too, because I know, I can’t feed all the girls all by myself.