An Obsession With Jane Pt 1

"A woman becomes the obsession of her younger neighbor."

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A faint beeping was going off somewhere in the distance. The coffee pot, Mason thought as he opened his eyes to the morning light illuminating the bedroom through the curtains. He stretched out under the soft sheets of the bed and realized he was alone. It was Saturday, so he was in no rush to get up, but his wife, Jane, clearly felt differently. She had a habit of waking up early to exercise almost every morning, which added to the structure of her days since she had given up working to stay home with the kids.


Mason and Jane had been married for five years after dating for two before that. He had first laid eyes on Jane at a Halloween party he had been invited to while interning in law school. She had gone as Cleopatra with an elaborate and well-made costume featuring a long white dress with a high slit. It showed off her long, toned leg and a relatively modest mid-drift to emphasize her slender midsection. Mason spotted her early on and noted that she had the attention of every male at the party – single or not. He had gone as a secret agent, which meant he just wore his suit from work and added sunglasses. Not an inspired outfit, but it was easy. When he finally had enough drinks in him to have the courage to shoot his shot, he got his first taste of Jane.


He had made a mutual friend introduce him and, after a little small talk, had asked her out the following weekend.


“I hope you’ll put more work into a date than you did your costume tonight,” she had teased him, though she agreed to let him take her out the following weekend.


They had hit it off immediately and were soon exclusive. He had been in his last year of law school, and she was a recently graduated English major looking for work. Mason had been a collegiate athlete on the swim team at university and kept himself in good shape. He knew most people considered him pretty handsome, and he figured the combination of looks and his prospects had been enough for her to give him a chance.


Jane, though, where do you even begin? She had been a feisty and strong-willed woman when he had met her and could hold her own in an argument even with his buddies in law school. She was well-read and kept herself in shape with a constant regimen of pilates, weights, and spin classes at the local gym. She had briefly worked as a school teacher at the local middle school, but they had decided to have her stay home with the kids after their son was born. She was a patient and loving mother. He couldn’t ask for more.


Mason also knew he was lucky that unlike some of his friend’s wives, you could barely tell Jane had even given birth, which was undoubtedly partly due to her constant exercise and active lifestyle. Now, Jane wears her dark brown hair shoulder length. She usually has subtle low lights to add texture. She had kept her figure, and the years had been generous. Her small B-cup breasts were a little fuller than when they had met and seemed exaggerated due to her lean, toned tummy and long legs on her 5’5 frame. Her thighs and butt were slender but muscular due to her regular use of weights. While he was hesitant to ask his wife, he estimated she probably still weighed around 110 pounds. She had an elegant sense of style that had become a little more conservative over the last few years after becoming a mom.


When they started dating, Jane was no prude and was the more experienced of them. He knew she had had several long-term boyfriends but had avoided asking too many questions because it was all in the past. With that said, Jane knew what she was doing in the bedroom, and the sex was phenomenal. While they had started going at it like rabbits, with a kid and life, that had eventually slowed down, and they had to work to keep things fresh. This led to the invention of Saturday Date Night, and the sexual tension leading up to it had an impact.


Life was good on this particular Saturday morning, he thought. It was the end of May, and the weather was getting warmer by the day. He had gotten a nice raise recently as he moved up to junior partner in the law firm he worked for. The pay raise had already allowed them to finish construction on a pool and start doing other things they had been putting off. Just in time to enjoy it over the summer, he thought. To top it off, the kids were with his parents for the weekend, so they had the house to themselves.


He rolled over and picked his phone up off the nightstand. 7 am.  He quickly scrolled through a couple of emails before he flicked over to his texts and opened the chat with his wife.


“Already out of bed? I was hoping Date Night would start early,” he sent with a winking emoji. It didn’t take long to get a response.


“I’m a classy lady. I need to be wined and dined first,” she teased back. A second message came almost immediately. “Are you finally going to tell me where we’re going tonight?”


Mason smiled. He had gotten reservations relatively last minute at one of the fanciest restaurants in the city by using connections of one of his partners. They had represented the owner in a divorce a few years back. It was a decent drive from their house in the Suburbs, but he knew Jane would react positively. The distance to the city was about the only drawback to where they lived. They had found their house in a relatively older neighborhood with oversized lots, lots of character, and a state park behind the property so no other homes could be built behind them. This offered lots of privacy in addition to the 6-foot wooden fence they had around the property. They had a neighbor on both sides, but the houses weren’t on top of each other, and only one of them had a second floor that could potentially see over the fence but the woman that lived there was in their 70’s and kept to herself.


He focused on his phone again. The lead-up to the date nights was always his favorite. “I’m sure I could be convinced to let it slip,” he responded.


“Is that right?” came the reply. He was trying to think of a clever response when a picture popped up from his wife. She was sitting in one of the chairs on the back patio with her knees pulled up to her, making a pouting face while drinking her coffee. She wore brand-name shorts and a sweatshirt he hadn’t seen before. With the increased household budget, he had also let Jane increase her clothing budget. She seemed to be taking advantage of it.


“That’s not going to work today. It’s too good of a surprise!” he shot back.


“I hope that’s not the only big thing you’ve got for me tonight,” she answered. Mason was always surprised at how good his wife was at teasing him.


“Come upstairs and find out,” he said, hoping she would take him up on it.


“I said tonight! Dinner first. I’m not that easy,” she teased.


“I guess you don’t want to know where I’m taking you,” he said, hoping her curiosity would get the best of her.


“Hmmm, what would it take to ‘let it slip,’ as you put it?” Jane asked in her following message.


Mason had several fantasies that they had explored over the years, though most of them were relatively tame and limited to the privacy of their bedroom. He didn’t have to ask for much because Jane was a superstar in the bedroom. He had heard other men talk about their wives and how they would lie there during sex, how it was always the same. That sure wasn’t Jane. She wasn’t just attractive. She loved sex and was good at it. Jane was classy, educated, and came from a good family, but when it came to sex, she didn’t hold back. She loved dirty talk and was an active and vocal participant in bed to the point that a neighbor in their former apartment complex had once commented to him about it. The awkwardness of that interaction aside, it had turned him on even more to know other people could hear her. He had never told her about that comment because he didn’t want her to stop. Her dirty talk made him feel like a sex god and was one of his favorite parts of her sexual arsenal. He found the idea of people seeing or hearing his wife extremely erotic, but he always shied away from admitting that to Jane. He was feeling adventurous this morning, though, and knew he could always play it off as a joke.


“What are you wearing tonight?” He asked her back.


“Hard to say since you won’t tell me where we’re going. What do you want me to wear?” she answered, immediately putting the ball back in Mason’s court. 


He thought momentarily about what he thought he could get away with. “I was thinking of a little black dress. The shorter, the better. Heels. That’s it.” He texted back.


She sent back the emoji with a raised eyebrow, and then “…” appeared as she was typing. It disappeared for a few moments. Then it appeared again. He could see he had surprised Jane a little with this request.


“So only a little black dress and heels. Nothing. Else. Right?” her response came up on his phone. Mason swallowed. Not much got past Jane, and she had picked up on exactly what he had meant.


“Nothing. Else.” He answered and then waited anxiously for her response.


“Hmmm. That’s awfully scandalous, and I’m not sure I have a dress for that. Are you open to bargaining?” she asked playfully.


He laughed. Jane would exact a heavy price from him if he were going to get her to go out in public that exposed. She probably already had something in mind that she wanted.


“Go ahead and give me your counteroffer,” he told her.


“I’ll wear what you asked next Saturday night. You have to let me go shopping this week to find the right dress,” Jane sent back. “that is if we can go look at some of the car dealerships.” He sighed, of course. Jane had wanted a new car for a while, and though they had the money, he had been holding her off until they saved up more.  


“That better be a hell of a short dress,” he texted back.


“That eager to show me off in public?” she asked. He could feel himself get hard thinking about it. He decided to pivot away from the question.


“Well, I’m looking forward to next weekend, but I guess you won’t find out where we’re going tonight until we get there,” he said casually. 


Her text came back rapidly. “That’s not fair! I think that’s enough for you to tell me about tonight, too!”


Mason heard a lawnmower and rolled over in bed. Their bedroom was on the second floor and had French doors leading to the balcony outside of their room. The French doors had large windows from almost the floor to the ceiling on either side. He pulled the curtains to the side to see who was mowing so early on a Saturday. John, his next-door neighbor on one side, was in his late 60’s and very friendly. He and his wife Sherryl had lived there for several decades. The privacy fence limited the view for the most part, but from the right spot on the back deck, John could see into their yard. Mason liked John, but he had been known to sneak a peek over the fence or find an excuse to come to the gate when Jane was outside gardening or was out by the pool. He was just your average pervy older guy who couldn’t resist looking at an attractive younger woman. It seemed he was out in the yard today and would be for a while. A strange idea hit him.


Mason gulped at what he was about to suggest. “Hmm, well, you said you bought some new swimsuits. Perhaps you should try one out and go lay out by the pool,” he typed out before nervously hitting send.


Jane took a minute to respond. “That’s what you want? You just want me to lay out by the pool?”


“And wear one of your sexiest swimsuits,” he added to ensure she understood precisely what he wanted.


Jane again took a few moments to respond. “John is outside.”


“He won’t mind,” Mason sent back to his wife.


Mason was trying to think of how to answer when the door to the bedroom opened. Jane stood in the doorway, her eyes scrutinizing him closely.


“Are you serious, Mason?” she asked incredulously. “You want your thirty-year-old wife to go lay out in a sexy swimsuit so she can be ogled by the old man that lives next door?”


Mason swallowed nervously. “I mean, he probably won’t even notice you. But you can just wait to find out where dinner is tonight.”


“You know I hate surprises,” she reminded him. Jane had never been good with waiting on surprises or not getting her way, for that matter.  She waited for another answer, but Mason didn’t have one. They held eye contact until she rolled her eyes, turned, and walked out. 


Mason lay in bed for a few minutes before getting up to shower and get ready for the day. He let the hot water run over his head and thought about his conversation with Jane. He had allowed the intrusive thoughts to win when he had suggested laying out by the pool this morning. He had considered suggestions like this in the past but always chickened out because he didn’t know how she would react. He wasn’t sure why it was such a turn-on, but he knew he liked it when Jane told him about John coming over to talk to her when he wasn’t home. He finished washing his hair and stepped out of the shower to towel off. He would have to apologize to Jane and walk it back, he thought. They had been in a great place lately. He didn’t want to mess that up. The long shower had loosened his muscles, and he felt ready to start the day. He stepped out into the bedroom and tossed his towel onto the hamper in the corner before he caught himself.


Mason looked back at the hamper and walked over to it before moving the towel he had just put on the top. The sweatshirt and shorts Jane had been wearing were sitting on the hamper. He froze as he realized what that meant.




Colton had only been at his grandmother’s house for a couple of days, and so far, it had been incredibly tedious. He had only agreed to watch the place for a couple of weeks while his grandmother was in rehab because his dad had offered to pay him. He figured he could make some money while playing video games, and nobody would bother him while he was off for the summer. So here he was in the suburbs. Colton was nineteen and a student at the local community college in the city. He had taken many classes to figure out what he was interested in, but so far, he hadn’t liked anything other than photography. This summer would be good, though. He could do whatever he wanted. He knew his few friends wouldn’t drive out here often, but that didn’t matter much to him. He looked forward to the quiet.


He walked to the fridge and got a soda. The house had plenty of room, but he had been staying in one of the first-floor bedrooms the last two nights and had only explored the upstairs briefly when he had taken a break from one of his online games. He wandered up the stairs and figured he would look around again to break up the day.


He made his way down the second-floor hallway. His grandmother’s bedroom was on the left, decorated like it was still 1950, as was the rest of the house. Nothing of particular interest that he could see. She had a lot of curiosities, though. Knicknacks, some people would call them. He would probably call it an obsession based on how many there were in the house. Next, there was a bathroom. Again, boring.


The next room he came across was a large sitting room with couches and bookshelves lining the walls. He perused the books on the shelves slowly, a lot of classics, most of which were his late grandfather’s. He looked through the shelf of books but didn’t see anything that caught his eye. The room’s window was on the side of the house, facing the backyard next door. He hadn’t talked to the couple that lived there, but the wife was a total smokeshow. He had seen her pushing their toddler in a stroller in some of her workout gear the day he arrived and had thought about her several times over the last few days when he took care of himself. He glanced out the window and looked out over their yard.


They had a large pool with an attached hot tub. Closer to the house, they had a large back patio secluded from every side except the side facing his house. The patio had lots of seating, a large TV, a bar, and a large open area. It was a nice backyard, he thought. He almost turned to move on but noticed someone lying on one of the chairs.


He squinted to see them better and felt his heart beating faster. It definitely looked like the wife. Damn, he thought, it’s too far away to see her well. He moved close to the glass and strained to see her better.


Wait! He had a great idea. He ran downstairs to the things he had brought for the summer and dug through his bag until he found the camera he had bought for college. He quickly switched his lens from the one he had for portraits to the rarely used telescopic lens. He powered the camera on while he hustled back upstairs to the window facing his neighbor’s yard. The camera came on while he prayed that he hadn’t missed his chance.


Colton aimed the camera and brought the woman into view before zooming in on her. He slightly adjusted the focus and had a clear, up-close image.   


Damnnn, she was so sexy, he thought. He followed up her long, toned legs to a white string bikini covering her mound. Her flat stomach led to her nice, perky breasts that were covered by small triangular pieces of white material. He felt himself getting hard watching her lay there. She wore oversized sunglasses that made it impossible to see her eyes, but he could still tell she was gorgeous. He cautiously made sure that the flash was off on the camera and clicked to take a photo. He took several more, making sure to get ample shots of her body for later.




Mason leaped to the window and peeked around the curtain. His wife was lying on her back on a lounge chair by the pool. Her toned, slender body glistened with sweat as she stretched out in the sun. She was wearing a rather revealing white string bikini that showed off her fantastic body.


He couldn’t believe she had given in and worn that with John outside. He remembered John and turned to look at the neighbor’s yard. The mower was stopped.  Mason scanned the yard, searching for John. He saw that John was on his back deck, near his grill. He seemed to be tinkering with his grill, but it couldn’t be a coincidence that he was standing in the only spot that would give him a view of Jane by the pool. He watched the old man closely and saw him occasionally stopping work and glancing up in his wife’s direction. The sly old perv, he thought.


Mason’s dick was full as the man watched his wife lounge by the pool. He looked back at Jane, admiring his wife’s body. She looked like a supermodel as she sprawled out in the summer sun. He wondered what John thought as he watched her. It was almost too much to take. John couldn’t keep up the appearance of messing with his grill and was now watching her unapologetically.


His attention went back to Jane as she flipped over onto her stomach. God, he couldn’t believe he was getting to watch this or that the old man next door was. John had moved closer to the fence and was craning his neck to see as much of the young woman as possible now that her ass was on display. He wondered if the man would have made an excuse to talk to her if he knew Mason wasn’t home. God, maybe he should have made a show of leaving the house to see. No, that would be too much for Jane. Besides, he needed to be able to watch. Mason couldn’t take it anymore and almost ran downstairs to the back door. He tried to act casual as he opened the door.


“Hey, uh, Jane, I have a question for you. Can you come here?” he called from the back door.


She raised her head and looked at her husband through her sunglasses. She slowly got up and sauntered from her lounge chair to the door. Her confidence was on full display. She had to know the man was watching her, but she played it off flawlessly.


“Yes, dear?” she asked as she approached him.


He reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her into the house. She seemed surprised by his aggression, but his lips were on hers before she could say anything. His tongue entered her willing mouth as he kissed her deeply, his hands gripping her tightly. He pressed her back against the kitchen counter. His kisses continued while she reciprocated his effort, making out with him passionately. After a minute, she was able to pull back from him.


“Geez, Mason,” she said while she caught her breath. “That was aggressive.”


“I need you now,” he said with desire.


She looked at him, a quizzical look on her face. He didn’t wait to explain but scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the sofa, where he dropped her on her back.


“You were supposed to wait until tonight,” she said playfully.


Mason’s answer was to force her legs apart so that her string bikini was stretched tight over her pussy. He hurriedly pulled his cock out and dropped his shorts to the floor. He reached down and pulled the string on her bottoms so it came untied, and he ripped it off of her.


“Oh fuck, baby,” Jane moaned as his cock slid into her pussy. She was already soaking wet when he pushed inside. Was that just from kissing her, or had she also enjoyed John watching her?


He was too aroused to think more about it or to do anything but go full steam ahead. His hips were working rapidly against hers. Jane raised and kissed him hard in response before she let herself fall back onto her back.


“Ohhhhh, that’s so good,” she moaned loudly as she looked up at her husband.


He loved how vocal she was in bed. “Faster, baby,” she encouraged him. His hips were frantically pounding against her while she laid back on the sofa. Her smooth body felt terrific against him.


She continued to moan, letting him know how much she enjoyed it. “Yeah, that’s it. Right there.”


Jane’s hands grabbed her bikini top and pulled the material off of her breasts so he could see them. Her hands grabbed them and pushed them together, giving him a great view while he fucked her hard on the sofa. Her small pink nipples were glorious.


“You liked watching me out there that much?” she asked him, catching him a little off guard that she wanted to talk about it right now.


In his next thrust, he buried his cock as deep into her as he could, trying to distract her from his lack of an answer.


“UGH…,” she grunted. “Well, I’ll take that as a yes,” she moaned, reading him correctly. She wouldn’t let it go, though.


“You like your sexy young wife showing off for the old perv living next door?” she asked him again, her eyes staring into his.


He couldn’t lie to her. The encouragement was overwhelming. “Yeahh,” he croaked but never stopped driving his cock into her. She was so turned on that he could hear a sloshing sound with every thrust now.


She arched her back. “Fuck, Mason, I’m going to cum. Don’t stop.”


He continued to pound her with long, deep strokes, trying to bring her to orgasm before he lost control.


“Ohhhh, yessss,” she moaned as she came. He continued to pump into her through her orgasm. The arch in her back collapsed as her orgasm finished. She closed her eyes and had a content smile on her face.


“That cock is so good,” she purred. “But it needs to cum for me now.” She said in a way that sounded like she was desperate for his cum.


Mason never lasted long once she begged him to finish, and this was no exception. Her salacious words had the desired effect. He felt himself cross the point of no return almost instantly. He pumped into her warm pussy several more times and then buried himself deep into Jane and kissed her hard while he came. He felt himself pulse, filling her while they continued to kiss.




Colton looked at the photos he had taken of the woman next door two days earlier. His camera had never left her while she was outside. He looked at the photographs he had taken of her lying on her stomach. The cut of her swimsuit bottoms was cheeky and didn’t cover but half of her backside, giving him an amazing view of her ass. He had taken dozens of photos of the woman while she tanned in her backyard. Unfortunately, her husband called her inside, and she hadn’t returned to the poolside.


He had been constantly watching their house with his camera since he had first seen her by the pool. He couldn’t get enough of her. Thankfully, the couple seemed unaware of how good his view of their house was. His grandmother’s house sat further back from the road, which let him see their whole yard and through some of the back windows. To his luck, their house had large windows on the backside of their house, and they kept their curtains open most of the time. He had seen them in their kitchen occasionally, and it fed his desire to see more of her.


Who is this woman? He wondered to himself.


Colton had had crushes on several girls in high school and a couple of women in his first year of college, but he had never really had much luck with them. They either already had a boyfriend or didn’t like him back. That wasn’t a surprise to him because he got incredibly nervous when he had to talk to most women and knew he was awkward. However, this had led to him having never kissed anyone, let alone had sexual contact with a woman. That didn’t mean he didn’t think about them, quite the opposite. He spent much of his time flicking through social media pages of influencers and women he knew, fantasizing about what it would be like to be with them. His libido also meant that if he went longer than a day without cumming, he was just unbearably horny. Now, it seemed, all of his fantasies were about her.


After he watched her by the pool, he searched for the address next door online, scrolling through the results until he found what he was looking for. Mason, who was thirty-two years old, and Jane, who was thirty, were listed as owning the property. He had searched for her full name on several of the most popular social media sites until he got a hit. Her page was semi-private, but he could see and scroll through her profile pictures. It was definitely her. Jane, he thought again, connecting the name to the woman he had been watching.


He had cycled through her photos on social media when he had found them, screenshotting them and saving them for later. He looked through them again. There was a photo of her with her family. She wore a nice blouse and jeans and held her son in the image. She was incredible, he thought. He felt himself becoming infatuated with her. He swiped to the next photo, where she and her husband were at a fancy get-together. He was in a tux, and she was in an elegant floor-length gown. She had a great sense of style, and they were pretty well off from looking at her page.


He had to admit this woman was hotter than anyone he had fantasized about. Her seeming like a prim and proper housewife added to how much it turned him on as he relooked through his photos of her in the skimpy bikini. He had almost rubbed himself raw looking at the pictures the last two days.


He looked up from his phone and out of the window. He saw movement at the back of the house, and his heart skipped a beat.


He looked through the camera that was on a tripod, angled toward the neighbor’s house. It didn’t take long to find what he was looking for. There she was. Jane, he thought to himself. She was wearing navy blue leggings and a grey tank top, her hair up in a messy bun. She had turned on the TV on the back patio. He watched as she put on a workout video.


She started with stretches, and Colton zoomed in to make the most of it. Her outfit wasn’t anywhere as revealing as the swimsuit she had worn the other day, but watching her limber body stretch was mesmerizing. Her slender midsection bent forward as she stretched her hamstrings, her butt directed towards him. He took several photos. She moved into a stretch for her glutes while he took more pictures. She rotated through several more stretches until she was in a position where she was doing a split.


Colton’s hard-on was raging as he watched her. God, she was perfect, he thought.  The split made her butt look even more pronounced. He imagined what she could do with that much flexibility and shuddered.


After about fifteen minutes of stretching, she started a pilates workout that included lunges and squats. He watched her, his imagination running wild with what she was like in person and how it would feel to kiss her.


Colton came midway through the workout, but he didn’t stop taking photos of her until she went back inside.




Mason entered the house and set his keys on the kitchen counter. He had been working long hours at the office since he had been promoted. It was already after dark. He had missed dinner and his son’s bedtime again. He was at least relieved it was the weekend. His jacket slipped off his shoulders, and he tossed it onto the chair by the kitchen island. He sighed and walked upstairs to find Jane.


He found her in the tub, reading a book.


“Hey,” he said to her. His exhaustion was palpable.


“Hey, I didn’t hear you come in,” Jane said, putting her book aside. The water had bubbles that obscured most of her body, but he could see the tops of her breasts. Her makeup-free face and dark, wet hair made for a good look.


“It was a long day,” he said. “Henry has a new project for me, which seems to create new work every time I think we have a handle on it.”


“I’m sorry, Mason,” she said with a frown, “I made dinner, though. You only need to heat it.”


“That sounds great,” Mason said, “though I’m tempted to climb in there with you right now.”


Jane rolled her eyes at him and laughed, “Why don’t you heat go heat up some food? Then I can rub your shoulders. Help you relax. We have date night tomorrow, and I want you to save your energy,” Jane winked at him. 


Mason laughed, “Sure, I’ll be back in a few minutes.”


He made his way downstairs, thankful that it was Friday. He was looking forward to date night the following evening. He and Jane had not talked about their deal since a week earlier. They had been busy last weekend as they had gone at it like rabbits after Jane had laid out by the pool. They had gone to dinner only to skip dessert to come home and screw again. Even on Sunday, after they picked their son up from his parents, they had been all over each other every chance they had.


That had ended when he had to go back to work. He was so busy throughout the week that he came home primarily to sleep and then returned to work.


He didn’t know if Jane would truly consider what he asked, but he couldn’t help but be hopeful. After all, she had worn the bikini outside last week, and he hadn’t expected she would go for that. He wondered if she had bought a new dress. He didn’t even know that part, which would potentially tell him the answer.


After he ate, he made his way upstairs and let Jane rub his shoulders. They cuddled with a movie on until he fell asleep.




Mason was like a little kid on Christmas when he saw her step out of the bathroom. Jane looked incredible. She wore a form-fitting little black dress shorter than anything she would typically wear. The dress barely came just a couple of inches below her butt and showed a generous amount of her toned thighs. It also had a plunging neckline down between her breasts, and the back scooped down to reveal her lower back. Mason knew that meant she couldn’t wear a real bra with the dress, but he wondered if she had acquiesced to his other request. She had spent extra time on her makeup and had curled her dark brown hair that fell over her shoulders.


Seeing her wearing the dress was surreal. This was significantly more risqué they she had worn even when they had started dating. Their game had continued to heat up, and he was loving it.


“Well?” Jane asked, wanting him to weigh in on how she looked. She did a quick spin so he could take it all in.


“You look too good to be married to me,” he said earnestly, “absolutely ravishing.”


“Good,” she smiled devilishly, “I look forward to you taking me to a few dealerships this week,” Mason’s heart was racing as he knew what she was implying.  


“Uh-does… does that mean…?” her husband stuttered out. He was trying to formulate the question while staring at her. There was undoubtedly no panty line he could see, at least.


“Does that mean what?” Jane asked coyly as she batted her big brown eyes at him.  


“Does that mean you aren’t wearing… uh… panties?” he clarified sheepishly. It still made him nervous talking about these fantasies with her.


“Do I seem like the kind of lady that would wear a dress this short without panties on?” Her voice was serious, and he briefly worried that he had misread the situation. Mason was trying to think of how to answer when his wife continued.


“Then again, I really want a new car,” she said teasingly and turned to leave the room. He watched his wife’s ass sway back in forth as she walked, barely covered by the tight dress. He could feel the blood rushing into his growing dick. He studied her backside. There was no hint of anything under the dress except his wife.


Jane had been adventurous in the past, but he was still surprised she was willing to do this for him. He went downstairs and grabbed his keys, practically giddy, as he led her out the door.




The waiter brought them to a back room with only a few tables. The lights were dim and set the perfect romantic mood. Mason pulled the chair out for Jane. Her dress rose up her thighs as she sat until the thin material barely covered her crotch. A ridiculous amount of her tanned and toned thighs was exposed. Mason saw the waiter’s eyes get big as he watched the gorgeous housewife and seemed to make a subtle effort to move to get a better view. Jane didn’t seem to notice but slid forward with her chair, obstructing the view. The waiter collected himself quickly while Mason took a seat across from Jane at the quaint two-person table.


“Good evening, I’m Rory. I’ll be taking care of you tonight,” the waiter said with a practiced professionalism. “Can I get you any drinks to start?” Rory was a younger guy, probably in his mid-20s. He had a thin build and a stylish haircut.


Mason ordered a white wine for them to start with, one of Jane’s favorites. The young waiter’s eyes glanced at Jane throughout the brief conversation before he stepped away to get their drinks.


“This place is incredible,” Jane said as she looked around at the authentic Italian restaurant. “And here I was impressed last week.” She said, smiling at him.


Mason laughed, “Henry helped me get a table again this week. Being on good terms with the senior partners really has its perks.”


“It’s why I married you. It’s about time it’s paying off,” she teased.


“Oh, is that right? I thought it was because of my charm and my swimmer’s body,” he teased back.


She smiled at him again. She looked truly happy, he thought. “I guess that was part of it,” she said genuinely. “But mostly to get in good with Henry,” she joked.


He laughed. He couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have a woman like Jane, and nights like tonight made him really relish it. He looked around and noted that one older couple was at the table behind Jane, and the other table was empty. He leaned forward, and his hand found Jane’s thigh. Her skin was silky smooth. She had recently shaved that morning in preparation for their date. He slid his hand up her thigh slowly.


“Ahem,” Jane said. His eyes moved up and met hers. “Can I help you?” she asked playfully.


“No, I’m good,” he said. Jane rolled her eyes but was smiling at him. His hand slipped a little higher, but she put her hand on his to keep him from going any higher.


“You’re actually being very naughty,” she said with a laugh as she moved his hand off her leg.


They talked about their week and some of the gossip from Jane’s friends. She had a couple of friends who were still single, and Mason found it fascinating listening to the stories.


Based on what they went through, he was thankful that he wasn’t in the dating scene.


“So this guy invites her back to his house, and she hasn’t gotten any in a while, so she’s like, sure, why not? He’s cute and there aren’t any red flags yet. She gets to his place, and things start going further when he stops and asks if she’s into pegging.” Jane was cracking up at her recounting of the story. “Which, to be clear, she is not at all,” she snorted.


“Oh my God, on a first date?” Mason asked incredulously.


“They had been talking for three days,” Jane said, emphasizing the three. “I can’t imagine having to go on random dates like that nowadays.”


“It’s crazy out there,” he agreed. “But it’s good to know you aren’t getting tired of me.”


“Never,” she said as the waiter, Rory, returned with their drinks. Jane took a sip of hers right away while he started to tell them about the menu.


While Rory gave them the specials, he noticed that the younger man seemed to be talking to Jane almost exclusively. It seemed his wife’s dress had affected the young man as well.  They ordered, and he took their menus when he left.  


He took in how beautiful Jane was, her makeup done impeccably and her hair in rich, dark brown curls. “How did I get so lucky to marry you?” he asked.


“I think I’m the lucky one,” she said earnestly, smiling at him. He didn’t think that was true, but it warmed him to think she felt that way.




He drove them home while he and Jane let the sexual tension hang in the air. He had one hand on the wheel while his other rested on her thigh, his fingers tracing circles on her skin. He tried to move higher occasionally, but Jane would block his hand when he got to the hem of her dress.


“You keep trying to be naughty, but I need you to focus on the road,” she said, biting her lip.


“I’ve been thinking about it all night,” he said.


“Thinking about what?” she asked him, not letting on.


“Thinking about the fact that you aren’t wearing panties,” he said as he strained against his pants.


“Oh really?” she asked.


“Yeah,” he said with a dry mouth.


“What do you think people would have thought if they knew?” she asked, egging him on to continue.


“Oh God, I don’t know,” he was struggling to focus on the road while his blood flow was being diverted from his brain to his groin.


She leaned over the console of his car and whispered into his ear, “Do you think Rory noticed?” she purred.


His cock almost exploded. “Wh-what?” he asked, stammering.


“When I sat down, do you think he noticed that I wasn’t wearing any panties?” she asked again, in her most seductive voice. She reached over the console, found his cock, and let her fingernails gently graze his shaft through his pants.


“Yeah, I think he noticed,” Mason gulped.


“Oh my,” she feigned surprise. “Do you think he liked it?” Her fingernails ran down his shaft with a little more pressure.


“Definitely,” was all Mason could force out. Her hand wrapped around his cock through his pants, squeezing as she slowly moved her hand towards the tip.


His hand had still been on her thigh while he drove. James ran his hand up until it was under her dress. This time, she made no effort to stop him. His fingers reached the sensitive skin between her legs, and she shivered. He smiled, finally confirming that she wasn’t wearing panties.


His fingers worked their way into her as she spread her legs, giving him easier access. He started using every move he could with his fingers to try to pleasure her. “Mmmm, that feels good, but this is what I really want,” she said, squeezing his cock again while she stroked it through his pants.


Mason was relieved they were only a few streets from their house now. He needed her desperately, and his driving was getting erratic. He had been speeding the last few minutes as their conversation had driven him wild. His fingers continued to slide in and out of her while she kissed the side of his face. He felt her teeth gently nibble on his ear while she was stroking him.


He turned on their street. “Your cock feels so big tonight,” she whispered into his ear as he turned into the driveway, taking the turn faster than he should have. He pressed the garage door button, barely able to control himself.


As soon as they got through the door, Mason pulled her close and kissed her as he slammed the door behind them.


“Someone has had difficulty keeping their hands off of me tonight,” she said as he ran his hands down her tight body that was shown off so well by the dress. Their tongues danced while they kissed. He moved to kiss her down her neck, and she moaned her approval. Mason’s cock had been painfully hard all night, he couldn’t wait any longer. He took her hand and led her upstairs quickly.


“Well, you did buy me dinner first,” She giggled as she followed after him.


He pushed open the bedroom door and kissed her hard again, his hands on her ass. She pulled him with her as she fell back onto the bed.


He considered unzipping himself immediately and pushing into her, but another idea came to him.


“Let’s go out on the balcony,” he said when their lips finally separated. Her eyes had closed while they kissed, but now they opened and looked at him. They were full of desire.


“Why?” she asked, studying his face.


“It’s just, um, really hot, being out in the open,” he admitted. She continued to watch him as she considered.


“John could see us,” she whispered, kissing him like she needed him desperately.


“He won’t,” Mason said, “but it’s so hot to think about.” His desire to display her publicly, even if nobody actually saw, overwhelmed his other thoughts.


Jane grabbed his cock through his pants again and squeezed. “Take me right here,” she told him. He wanted nothing more than to sink himself deep into her right away, but his urge to get her on the balcony was uncontrollable.


He pulled back and stood up. “Come on,” he said, offering his hand to her.


She held his gaze, thinking, and then put her hand out to take his. He helped her stand up off the bed. “I have a feeling it’s going to be a nice car,” she emphasized with a naughty smile. Mason loved how adventurous Jane was, and her willingness to meet his fantasies showed how much she cared for him.


He quickly led her to the French doors and turned the bedroom lights out before opening them. The balcony was shrouded in darkness as it was a particularly dark night with no moon out. The darkness kept them well hidden from any prying eyes looking outside. His beautiful wife walked up to the balcony railing that overlooked the pool. She put her hands on the railing and looked back at him.

Mason walked up behind her and pressed himself against her. Jane pushed her ass against his crotch and looked back at him, her eyes full of lust. “You better fuck me realllly good,” she told him.




Colton had watched a car pull out of Jane’s house earlier in the evening. Since then, he had spent the rest of the night wondering what she was doing. He looked through the photos he had taken over the last week.


He had seen her laid out by the pool another time this week, though her swimsuit was much more conservative than the one she wore the Saturday before. He had also seen her exercising out on the back patio each morning. After watching her do pilates three days in a row, he had to buy Powerade to hydrate himself. He had also gotten a picture of her in a towel through their bedroom window one of the days, but it wasn’t that revealing, much to his disappointment.   


Lights turned into the neighbor’s driveway. Having caught his attention, Colton watched the car go up the driveway and pull into the garage.


He turned his camera on and focused his lens on the windows of the back of the house. They had closed the curtains on several of the windows, but he could still see the lights on the first floor come on. Colton watched intensely but felt his frustration growing the longer he waited without being able to see her. He zoomed out, scanning the house to ensure he didn’t miss anything. The lights in the bedroom on the second floor came on.


He zoomed in, but again, the curtains were closed on the large windows of their bedroom. Colton continued to watch, but when the lights in the bedroom went off, he sighed with acceptance. They must be going to bed, he thought.


He was about to give up his vigil for the night and turn his attention back to the photos and videos he had of Jane when the balcony door opened. He unconsciously slid himself closer to the window while adjusting his camera’s focus. There she was. Even in the dark, Jane looked angelic, like a movie star. He snapped a photo as she approached the railing.


Her husband approached her from behind and wrapped his arms around her body. She said something to him. Jealousy went through Colton, but he couldn’t take her eyes off of her. Her husband kissed her neck while his hands explored her body, running down over her lean tummy and up to her chest. One hand found her breasts, giving them a squeeze through her dress before slipping underneath. Colton snapped a picture and then turned his camera to video so he wouldn’t miss a thing. He watched the passion of the couple as Jane writhed as his hands seduced her.


To Colton’s surprise, her husband suddenly reached down, grabbed the hem of her dress, and yanked it up to her waist.


“Oh shit,” Colton said out loud when he saw she was totally exposed below the waist now. She wasn’t wearing any underwear, and her mound was completely hairless. Wow, he thought to himself. He watched her husband gently push her down until she was leaning over the railing of the balcony. Her heels made her legs look longer as she bent 90 degrees, and her dress hiked up to her waist. Colton zoomed in on her face. She was biting her lip, and then her mouth opened wide with pure ecstasy. He zoomed out and saw that the man had wasted no time after she was bent over in front of him, and the expression he had witnessed was her pleasure as her husband’s cock had penetrated her.


“Oh my God,” Colton whispered to himself. Her husband started thrusting roughly into her from behind while he held her hips. Jane was holding onto the railing to steady herself against the force of his thrusts. Colton couldn’t believe what he was watching. The gorgeous woman was clearly enjoying the fucking she was getting. He saw her say something as she looked back over her shoulder, and he wished he could hear what she had said. Whatever it was, her husband’s efforts increased even more. Colton was trying to keep his camera on the couple fucking on the balcony while one hand cared for himself. He managed to get his shorts down around his ankles and started stroking himself rapidly.


Jane’s body was better than anything he had seen in porn. He couldn’t believe that a woman could be this sexy in real life. He thought about the girls his age he knew and those he had watched in college from afar. They all paled compared to Jane. He pictured himself in the position of her husband and imagined the view he must have from behind her. He wondered what it must be like to be inside of her. His hand tightened its grip, imagining how tight she must be.


Several minutes passed, and her husband slowed the pace to catch his breath. Colton saw Jane start raising her ass up and down on his cock to help continue the friction between them, clearly not wanting him to stop. God, what a woman, he thought as he stroked himself. Her husband reached around her and pulled the dress top down, freeing her breasts and giving Colton an incredible view of them hanging over the balcony railing. Her small pink nipples poked out hard into the summer air. The man’s hands found them and squeezed both of her breasts and started to pound hard her from behind again. Colton imagined holding her firm breasts in his own hands. How good it would feel, how hard her nipples would be, how she would respond. He could feel himself getting closer.


Suddenly, he saw Jane’s husband start to lose his rhythm as he hammered into her frantically a dozen times before he finally came to a stop. Colton was surprised the man had lasted so long. Her husband leaned forward onto her while he tried to catch his breath. Colton noted a fleeting look of disappointment on her face before it was gone.


The couple talked for a minute, him leaning over her with his mouth by her ear. He saw her laugh, and then they disconnected. Jane’s breasts were still exposed as she stood up straight and walked back inside. He zoomed in on her perky, bare ass as she stepped through the threshold of their bedroom and disappeared.


Colton’s breath was heavy. The show was over, but he hadn’t managed to finish himself off while trying to film simultaneously. He watched until he was sure he wouldn’t miss anything else, and then he scrambled to the bathroom and frantically tried to rewind the footage on his camera to see more of Jane.

Published 1 year ago

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