An Indiana Surprise – A Tribute To A Free Spirit

"A man seeks a special car and gets a nice surprise."

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This was the third time in as many days that Dave had checked her out. She had been sitting in that Indiana car lot without attention for a very long time.

The ad in the paper said: “Antique model Buick, 4 owners, has lots of miles on her; clean inside but a little outdated.Standard radio. Upholstery has some cuts and tears, kind of worn but will allow you to feel comfortable when sitting on it. Will shelter you from the rain and offer you warmth from a heater on cold days. Easy to start with the right loving touch. Has been owned by men who led a sedate lifestyle but now is ready to be bought by a man who likes adventure. Open for test drives with the right man.”

Something had drawn him to her; not sure what, but something. The first time he had seen her, he knew she was a classic. Others might describe her as an antique but her lines, her chassis, her old-style convertible top, and those Dagmar bumpers found Dave with only one word: classy. The fact that her trunk had the word R O A D M A S T E R across it only added to the attraction. Underneath that sixty-year-old weathered look, there was a lady that needed attention to bring out her elegance. He knew it even if others didn’t.

“Hello,” was the first word Dave said to her. It would not be his last. “You’re a beauty,” he said and then he whistled a low tone towards her. “Soon you’ll be free of this lot and we can take a drive together. I’m just waiting on the bank to send a check. I talked the owner into letting me clean you up a bit while we wait. I told him it would take three days for the check to arrive and he said I could do anything I like as long as I don’t take you off the lot. That works for me.“

Dave dragged the hose over from the side of the building and put water and soap into a bucket. He still used the old-style chamois, a bit of Tide, a stiff bristle-brush, and a little Goo Gone to clean his cars. He set about to wash away the years of neglect. As Dave cleaned her, he felt her shudder occasionally, the smallest of shudders but a shudder nonetheless. He didn’t think too much of it at the time. There was a lot of traffic on the street and the large trucks rumbling by often shook the ground. He did notice that she seemed to shudder more when he cleaned the Dagmar bumpers.

The first day he had started late and by the time dusk was creeping in, he had only cleaned the grill, hood, and fenders. She looked quite a bit better from the front but there was more to be done. Her chrome appeared to be almost smiling from the attention she received and those Dagmar bumpers were just as erotic as the woman they were named after. Dave bid her goodnight and sweet dreams and then promised her he’d return in the morning.

He stopped at the hardware store and picked up a few cleaners and fabric restorers. He could see her top needed some attention. He imagined the upholstery and carpet did, too. He had not paid much attention to her interior. In fact, he could only peek through the side windows when he tried to look into her before; the doors would not open for him. They were stuck shut, perhaps locked. It wasn’t worth the effort to unstick them right away. He knew only that when he drove her off the lot, she had to look good, even if getting in and out was troublesome.

Earlier that day he had told her, “I can’t have other fellows think poorly of you when we leave. When we go, we go with you looking good even if I have to push you down the street.”

The next morning when Dave arrived, he could see that she was sitting there a little bit prouder than when he left her the night before. He swore there was more chrome that needed attention last night but perhaps his eyes were playing tricks on him because she didn’t need anything this morning. She looked terrific from the front doors forward. Her Dagmars caught his eyes in particular; clean and bright and shiny, they seemed larger than yesterday.

Dave started to work on the convertible top. He cleaned and caressed and rubbed away the grime that accumulates when an owner doesn’t know how to take care of things that have value. He talked to her all the time he worked on her. He told her what it would be like when they were together on the road. Again today, he felt her shudder occasionally.

When he finished the top, Dave told her, “Now let’s get these doors open so I can unlatch your top and put it down. Your leather seats are going to love it when the sun shines on them again.“

The doors resisted. Both of them. They would not budge. He tugged and pulled and pressed and pushed but the doors remained steadfastly shut.

“Okay, baby doll. I know it’s been a while since you let a man into your interior and I know that you can resist with more force than I want to use. If I use any more force, I might hurt you and I wouldn’t want to do that. So here is what I am going to do. I am going to use a little lubricant and a little penetrant in the handle lock and along the side of the door. Then I am going to clean the sides and rear of you. You will look really nice with that chrome R O A D M A S T E R across your butt. Your white paint will be gleaming and your chrome will shine so bright people will be blinded. When you are ready, give me a sign, and I’ll open your doors and clean you on the inside. I ‘ll make you as pretty on the inside as on the outside, which, of course, it will all be on the outside when I get your top down.“

With all the tenderness he could muster, Dave cleaned and brushed and polished everything on the sides to the rear bumper, all the way to her tail lights. She vibrated a couple of times when big trucks rolled by. He could feel it through his hands; he considered he might have to replace the shock absorbers. Little enough, too, considering the deal he had received to purchase her. He ignored her shuddering movements and continued to talk about his childhood. The day passed swiftly. He did not notice that dusk was upon him again until the last ray of sunlight sparkled through the red taillights.

There was a lump in Dave’s throat. Another day gone and still more to do. “I didn’t finish today, Sweetie, maybe tomorrow. If you’ll let me, of course. It’s all up to you, darlin’. There’s a lot to do yet so let me in early. Goodnight. I’ll see you tomorrow.“

Dave walked back to the seedy hotel he had been sleeping in. He already missed her. The time he spent with her had been good for him. Sometimes a lady needs a little more time before she opens up to another man. He understood that. She was worth the wait.

The third day began the same as the previous five. It had taken him three days to get his bank loan through and then two days of waiting and cleaning but today he expected the check to arrive and he expected to finish cleaning.

If she would just let me in.

When Dave walked around the corner of the building, his jaw dropped open. His car sparkled in the morning sun. A little haze or glaze or something had created a halo around her that made his eyes water. It wasn’t and never could be tears. Not from Dave. Just water, he said to himself as he wiped away the wetness. She was the prettiest R O A D M A S T E R he had ever seen.

That was the exact moment when her driver’s door inexplicably popped open. It was her sign… Maybe his sign… He knew it was somebody’s G—D– sign that she accepted him! He knew it.

Finally, she finally accepts me.

Dave slid into the front seat and popped the latches that would let the top down. He put the key into the ignition and turned it to Auxiliary and pressed the button that lowered the top. The radio had been left in the On position and Dave could hear the crackle of radio static over the hum of the electric motor. It was the first time in years the sun shone on the butter-soft white leather interior.

“Thank you, dear,” Dave said and patted the dashboard.

“You’re welcome,” came the unexpected reply.

“Whoa. Wait a minute. Who said that?”

“I did and don’t act so surprised.“ The radio static had been replaced by an angel’s voice.

“Well, what if I am surprised? Cars don’t just talk.”

“But you knew that I would, didn’t you, Dave?… Isn’t that why you talked to me for the past three days? To let me know that it was okay for me to talk to you, too? … I am a Roadmaster after all. I can do anything I want.”

“I heard the stories. I just never believed them.”

“But you do now?”

“I’m getting used to the idea pretty damn quick.”

“You better. Because you are stuck with me now and I think you know it.”

“I was hoping the stories were true and now I just have to get over the shock and awe of them actually being true. I had to buy a lot of old timers a lot of drinks to hear those stories.”

“You can get over the shock, Dave… while you finish cleaning me… you can get over it. A girl like me needs a little help to look her best. I picked you, you know. You want that, too, don’t you? You want to have a lady like me looking so good that other men will envy you. Tell me I’m right.”

“It works for me, yeah.”

“Good. Now it was all well and good to have you on the outside getting the grime off my steel skin but now that you are inside, you need to be gentle with your cleaning.”

“So what do I call you?”

“Call me Angel.”

“Ok, that fits.”

“You might not think so later.”


“Nothing… Do whatever you need to do to me. I can take it; the sooner the better, too. I want us to go have some fun as soon as that check gets here; the one that you have been incessantly talking about for the past three days.”

Dave and Angel talked for the next several hours as he cleaned her interior. Mostly about her history and the men who had driven her before. But he had a bit of experience himself with cars and he talked about that, too.

She stopped him several times during his cleaning. “Ok, stop now. I need a break. Stop cleaning my carpet for a minute. Try cleaning the backseat for a while.”

Dave accommodated her requests. He was puzzled by them but he did not pry as to her motives for the directions she gave him. He was just ecstatic that she was talking to him… like the old men had told him she would.

She could tell that he was not a pushover and he was not a Neanderthal either. She would have to stay on her toes if she wanted him. And she did want him. It was her nature to take control… if a man let her. Dave might be fresh to the experience of a R O A D M A S T E R but the stories he told her made her believe that he was almost her equal. She intended to focus on that “almost” as a place of control for her. It was her nature. She may have a backseat… but she didn’t take a backseat….not to any man. At least not since the first man put her there.

Her chrome bristled darkly at the thought of “him”. He was the Dark Overlord as far as she was concerned. The IRS called him Calley O’Toole and she had never been happier as to simply sit in a parking lot waiting for Calley’s trial to be over. As an asset in the IRS trial, she didn’t know where she would end up. But she did know that that son-of-a-bitch Calley would not be pushing her buttons anymore. Good riddance.

Dave seemed nice enough. She might find herself whetting an edge on him over a period of time.

Might be nice to have one kind of man now and a different kind of man five years from now, she mused.

Under Dave’s thoughtful and earnest touch, Angel’s leather seats were looking as white as a new bride’s dress. Angel sparkled herself a little just to show off. Dave could almost see a smile cross Angel’s dashboard as she did it.

She thinks highly of herself. She has standards. Good for her.

The owner of the lot walked up and admired how well the R O A D M A S T E R looked from the cleaning Dave had given her.

“Should have charged you more, but a deal’s a deal. Here’s the paperwork and the keys. Looks like the two of you will be happy together.“

Dave threw the bucket with cleaning supplies into the trunk.

“Maybe next time you will.”

He climbed behind the wheel and put the key into the ignition. He checked the rearview mirror and saw a pair of bright blue eyes looking back at him. She winked.

“About time you took your eyes off my seat and looked me in the eye.” She teased.

“If I had known they were so pretty, I would have looked sooner. Now let’s hear what you got under that hood.“

Angel had a throaty purr. Seductive. The 364 cubic-inch Nailhead V8 under her hood meant she could move that chassis as fast as he wanted. A big woman with good speed was an unbeatable combination as far as Dave was concerned. Angel proved it to be true.

Dave drove her quickly out of town, stopping only to feed her tank the high octane it deserved. With a full belly, a clean chassis, and a little freedom, Angel was feeling pretty darn good. Now all she needed to do was to link Dave to herself so he would take her where she wanted to go.

“Daaaave,” Angel purred. “Would you mind pulling over for a minute? I want you to check a little something under the hood. Not quite right, I think.” Angel blinked her sky blue eyes at him through the mirror. How could he say no to them?

He pulled off the road near a copse of trees whose shadows would keep the sun from making the seats hot.

“What’s wrong, darlin’? How are you feeling?”

“Just take a look under the hood and check my belts for tightness, would you? I might be slipping.”

Dave popped the hood, checked the belts, and found nothing amiss. Angel started to bring her top up while he was under the hood. She rolled up her windows and locked the doors, too. She locked him out completely. Dave stood there halfway between amusement and amazement, not quite sure what had just happened. He was stupefied that she could do this.

“I never heard about a R O A D M A S T E R that had this kind of control over her parts. Everything okay, Angel?“

“Dave, you know female R O A D M A S T E R S have abilities. Well, we also have needs. It is up to you to provide for those needs. If you want to climb into me again, I expect you to fulfill those needs.”

Dave was irritated by her reply. “What the fuck are you talking about, Angel? You are clean, your tank is full, and you and I are free to go where we like. What do you mean you have needs?”

“I mean physical needs and emotional needs, Dave.”

“Open the door, Angel. Let me in. Stop this nonsense. Isn’t it enough that I took you out of that place? I rescued you from a fate worse than a car crash. I saved you from being forgotten. I think you owe me something for that. Now open the damn door and let me in.”

“I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that.” Angel had a mischievous tone in her voice.

“Ok, not funny. Stop with the damn Space Odyssey movie quote. Open the door.”

“Not until you promise to meet my needs, Dave.”

Dave looked at Angel differently now. She had powers that he could not control. He knew that from the stories he had been told. He paused and turned his back to her. He did not want her to watch him think. His brain was on overtime trying to figure out what to do. He did not need her reading his thoughts that were on his face. Right now he wanted to break her face but he was not that kind of man.

With his back to her, Dave said, “What kinds of needs do you want me to fill, Angel?”

“For starters, Dave, you can take off all your clothes. I have a need for you to be naked when you are inside me.”

“And how is my being naked some kind of need for you?”

“You’ll see. First, though, you have to be naked.”

Dave considered his options: status quo with him locked out on a forgotten Indiana roadside or naked inside his car with an unpredictable outcome. Not much of a choice. He took his clothes off.

He tucked his wallet into a shoe and pressed his socks in behind it. He rolled his shirt inside his pants and wrapped his belt around the whole package.


“Nice package, Dave.”

“I expected more from a R O A D M A S T E R than a double entendre about this package.”

“And I was hoping for more of a package than what you have… but it’ll do.”

In truth, Angel was quite pleased with what was hanging between his legs. Her previous two owners were underendowed. She had no intentions though of giving Dave a compliment until he came around to her point of view about providing for her physical and emotional needs.

“Now get in.”

Angel popped the driver’s door open. Dave put one of his packages in the backseat and sat with his other one behind the wheel.

The white butter-soft leather bench seat came alive as soon as Dave’s testicles touched it. It cupped him indecently.

“What the fuck?!” Dave raised his hips to keep his balls from being manipulated by the moving leather.

Angel said sweetly, “Sit your ass down, Dave. Why do you think I wanted you naked?”

“I am not setting my ass down. You can’t touch boys there, Angel. It just ain’t right.”

“You are not a boy, Dave. Sit your ass down and let me feel you. It has been a long time since I was able to touch a man like this.“

“I am not going to let you crush my balls, Angel. No fucking way.” Dave cupped his package in his hand to illustrate his determination.

“I’m not going to crush your balls, silly goose. I’m only going to feel them. In fact, I am going to feel all of you. I told you, I have physical needs you are going to meet.“

Dave’s mind was racing. None of the stories he had heard in the back bars of Detroit’s autoworker neighborhoods had said anything about this. If you gave an old Union man enough drinks, they told you stories about the R O A D M A S T E R production line. The best features, it was said, were put in by the Cajun workers and not by automobile engineers.

The Cajun workers captured spirits in the rearview mirrors and then used gris-gris charms to control them. None of those stories said anything about spirits with sexual fetishes. He had only heard about protective spirits who prevented accidents and brought luck to their owners.

“Angel, baby, why don’t you explain yourself to me so I know what is happening.“

“There’s nothing to explain, really. I am linked to you now and soon you will be linked to me. We will have the best adventures, I am sure of it. “

“Exactly how did you become linked to me?”

“You washed me, Dave, and you talked to me.”

“I washed you and now you are linked to me?”

“Haven’t you heard the phrase Orgasms are like washing your car. You can do it yourself but it is always better when someone else does it for you”?

Skeptical, he replied, “So you had an orgasm when I washed you? Every day?”

“Multiple orgasms, Dave. You are quite good at it. I could use another washing soon by the way. You have the best hands.”

Suddenly Dave remembered those shudders he felt when he was cleaning her. It wasn’t traffic from the street that caused that. It was Angel having orgasms when he washed her. He was both creeped out and kind of proud at the same time.

“And if I sit down on your seat, you are not going to eat me or my balls?”

“I swallow, Dave, but I do not eat. Let me show you,” Angel purred seductively. “Besides, you cannot leave and you cannot keep your ass off my seat forever. Sit down. I promise you will like it.”

Once again, Dave had to choose between the status quo and an unpredictable outcome. Slowly he lowered his butt and let his testicles touch Angel’s seat. She relaxed her butter-soft leather to let his testicles hang lower. Dave found he could sit on the seat without his ball sac being squished or squashed underneath him. He would swing freely if he moved.

“Now don’t get excited, I am going to gently massage your balls. Just relax and let me do all the work. It’s not really work, though, because I like doing this for my owners.”

The leather enveloped his balls and cupped them like a woman’s hands. Angel bounced them, tested their weight, and tugged a little. Dave’s apprehension soon gave way to an acceptance of having leather seats massage him. It really only took a minute before Dave felt the advances of butter-soft leather as it wrapped itself around his cock and tugged on him. He hardened under her manipulation.

“What’s the name of your cock, Dave? Every man has a fantasy name for his cock. What should I call it?”

Dave blushed. “Batman.”

“Interesting choice. Why Batman?”

Dave blushed again. “Everybody loves Batman and Batman likes to live in dark caves.”

“Oh, how sexy,” Angel purred. “A euphemism for a woman… and how does Batman like the Batmobile now?”

“He doesn’t remember Alfred installing this feature but he likes it.”

“Are you feeling comfortable enough to lay out full length on my seat? I’d like to experience more of you.”

Dave lifted his legs and turned his body to stretch out on the seat. Angel wrapped her white leather around him and gave him full-length body massages that brought Dave to the point of release multiple times. Each time, she teased him by withholding her massage to prevent his climax. If he was to link himself to her, he had to ask her or tell her to make him cum. If she did it for herself instead of for him, the link would not be as strong.

Finally, Dave was there on the precipice. He had to cum, he just had to.

“Ok, Angel. Give it to me. Make me cum, baby. I need you to do this. Jerk it now. Make me cum.”

Angel sped up her movements and took Dave deep inside her. She held him as he spasmed. She had not had a man cum inside her in a long time.

“That’s good, Dave, let me have it. Give it all to me. C’mon, Batman. Do what you were born to do. That’s good. I feel you, Batman. Give me all the Bat Jac you been holding inside.”

Dave couldn’t stop cumming if he tried. He was giving Angel all the “Bat Jac” he had. Nine pulses. Clench- jawed, squinty-eyed, and sex-faced for nine spurts, Dave was deep into his ‘gasm.

Dave counted each spurt until Batman stopped pulsing.

I am the Batman.

Ego and satisfaction met at the corner of Good Lord! and Holy Shit! in Dave’s mind. It was all good.

Slowly Dave panted his way back to reality. He held himself tight inside Angel until Batman became Bruce Wayne and Angel let him out of her cave.

The leather seat let go. It returned to its normal look and took with it all the evidence that Batman had been there.

Dave was now linked with Angel; linked in a way that he had never been before with anyone. He had just pledged himself to her and she to him.

Dave moved into the driver’s seat and peered into the rear view mirror to see Angel’s sky blue eyes looking back at him.

“What happens now?”

“We have adventures, Dave. That is what we do now. We have adventures together. You, me, and Batman. You good with that?”

“I am good with that.”

The sun shone on the chrome that spelled out R O A D M A S T E R and Angel sparkled with delight to have a new owner again. She pressed her Dagmars forward a little to show herself off.

Naked, Dave lowered Angel’s top and let the sunshine on both of them. She cupped Dave’s balls again as he pulled out onto the empty Indiana road.

He flicked on the radio and nodded his head to the music. Woolly Bully was playing. A song could never be an antique no matter how old it was.

Woolly Bully was a classic, just like a R O A D M A S T E R.

Published 7 years ago

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