We had been shopping, I needed some panties, and after a visit to Victoria’s Secret we entered Bloomies for a snack. What she did to me in VS is another story I may tell some time. Let’s just say I had a good time, and my thong was still damp from the excitement I had experienced. Mistress also had several chances to see her favorite color.
We each had soup and a salad and we were sitting with our coffee, chatting. I started to get out of my chair and Mistress asked where I was going. I said that I had to visit the ladies room. This usually isn’t a problem, but with a gleam in her eye, Mistress told me to sit down. I started to protest, but I could see that she had something in her mind and I was going to be a part of it. Always a dutiful sub, I sat back down, immediately.
We continued chatting, as I sat there squirming slightly, I really had to go. Mistress ignored all the signs and continued with a story she had been telling me. After about five minutes I asked politely for permission to visit the ladies room.
Mistress looked at me and with a polite smile said, “No, stay seated.” Of course I obeyed, but the need to pee was getting more intense. I wriggled around on the chair, trying to get comfortable, but I had no success. I had to pee and there was no escaping it.
I knew that if I messed up my clothes any further, or left anything on the chair when we left, I would be in real trouble. Mistress isn’t mean or cruel, but occasionally she likes to see me in real distress. If I did something that I knew she didn’t want, I wouldn’t put it past her to lay me over her legs, right here in Bloomies, lift my skirt and spank my thong covered bottom.
I continued to sit and squirm. I had to go so badly it was actually giving me a sexual thrill, about which I am sure Mistress was aware.
I was squeezing my legs together and I actually crumpled my napkin into a ball and pressed it against my skirt, between my legs for additional pressure.
Finally Mistress finished her coffee and looking at me asked if I was ready to leave. I nodded and got up, aiming at the rest room. She smiled and took my and led me out of the restaurant. I was walking with my legs pressed together hoping against all hope that she would take me to a rest room.
Suddenly she looked at me and asked, innocently, if I still had to use a toilet. I squeaked out an affirmative and she stopped walking. She looked around and then pointed. I followed her pointing finger looking for the restroom, but all I saw was a row of large potted trees. She smiled and watched me.
I looked around, there were a few women walking the aisle of the mall. I had to go so badly, but not that badly. She nodded and took my hand to continue walking. I felt myself about to pee right there in the middle of the mall walkway.
I dropped her hand and tried to run for the potted trees, squeezing my legs together as I moved. The extreme urgency was giving me even more of a sexual thrill as I hurried across to the trees. As I walked I looked around, several women were watching me as I scurried across the hall.
Arriving at one, I slid down my thong, straddled the pot and let go. Bliss! A golden stream fanned out of my pussy and shot into the dirt in the pot. I stood there emptying and the excitement almost brought an orgasm along with the pee.
I used Kleenex to dry myself, pulled up my thong, and with a VERY red face walked back to Mistress, ignoring the several women who had stopped to watch my performance. She was standing waiting for me with a huge grin on her face. I blushed even more as we continued our walk to the entrance.
I do love being embarrassed in public, but I think this was one step too far. However, it was fun and I did enjoy it, after it was over.