Dot was fifty-four. She was fifty-four years old and bored. And she knew it. But what she didn’t know was how liberating boredom could be.
Dot was bored with her job as the principal of the middle school. She was bored with her grown children and their never-ending struggles to climb the social and corporate ladders. She was bored with her hobbies, bored with the frozen dinners that paraded across her table, and bored with her mindless neighbors. She needed something new in her life. Something exciting, thrilling, and maybe even a little frightening. She just didn’t know what the new thing might be.
Even with her boredom, she wasn’t miserable. She had a good job, worked with some good people, and was fairly secure financially after the divorce. Cliff had been gone almost three years now. And when she truly thought about it, she’d realized that he had left their marriage because he had been bored as well. She hoped Cliff and the slutty gold digger from their dentist’s office were happy with one another in their new town.
Dot pushed back her red hair and tried to concentrate on her driving. The traffic had picked up as she got closer to the airport. Maybe there would be something exciting on this business trip to St Petersburg, but she doubted it. At least she would be escaping the cold, and the extra day she was planning on staying should help her relax. The sun always did her body good. She shifted in her seat and thought about how her body might look on the beach in her new blue one-piece swimsuit. She had managed to mostly maintain her figure, with a firm, but modest, bustline to complement her newly tight butt. The afterschool exercise class and the seemingly endless squats had managed to give her what she considered her best physical asset, though they didn’t seem to have done much for the extra ten pounds around her middle.
As she thought about the trip, she also considered Mr. Thacker, Joel, the young director of special education who was also going to the education conference. She had seen Joel’s glances in her direction on multiple occasions, and she had been flattered – though she knew that the twenty plus years between them, as well as the racial difference, would forever keep them separated. Joel had the beginnings of a pot belly and a largeish behind, but a very handsome face with dark mocha skin, soulful brown eyes, and a neatly trimmed beard. But he did like to laugh, and his eyes always seemed to sparkle. They were to meet at the gate and she supposed they would see a lot of each other over the next few days – and frankly, that would probably be one of the best parts of the trip.
More than a full hour later she walked up to the gate area, and quickly spotted him on the row of seats closest to the window, with an open seat, obviously reserved for her, next to him. They chatted for a few minutes and then tried to listen to the gate agent beginning to call the loading classes. Before long, their section was called and they were herded onto the crowded airplane. Even though they were in aisle seats across from one another the arrangement didn’t lend itself to conversation and Dot buried herself in the book she had brought. Eventually, they landed and made their way to the hotel shuttle and ultimately, their rooms with plans for dinner in the hotel sports bar.
After freshening up and checking her email and such, Dot went down to dinner, even though she knew she was several minutes early. While studying the menu board she heard her name and turned to see Lana quickly approaching. Surprised, she barely had time to ready herself for a quick embrace. Lana was a long-time friend and the most influential mentor she had had during her student teaching days. Lana had always cared for her, both as an educator and as a person. They hadn’t seen each other in about three years, though they occasionally talked by phone and always exchanged Christmas cards and birthday greetings.
As always, Dot was impressed by Lana’s ageless beauty. She was six or seven years older than herself, but could easily have passed for a dozen years her junior. Her skin and makeup were flawless, and her hair, artfully combed across her brow, was the color and soft texture of spun silver. As they stood back from one another for a moment they both considered what they saw – Lana hadn’t let herself go, that was for sure. Her slim waist and ample but trim hips only served to offset her large breasts, slender neck, and bright blue eyes. Whenever Dot thought of Lana’s appearance and manner, words like distinguished, regal, and sophisticated came to mind. Lana was well-traveled, cosmopolitan, and confident in all that she did. And Dot had longed to be more like her for many years.
They quickly exchanged greetings and caught up on the immediate situation. After learning that Lana had no fixed plans for the evening, Dot insisted that she join Joel and herself for dinner. Lana hesitated for an instant and then agreed with enthusiasm. Only a few moments later, Joel arrived and after introductions and some meaningless chit-chat, they were seated. Lana insisted on selecting a wine that would pair well with pub food and after ordering, they were quickly into their first glasses.
Soon, it seemed that they were all fast friends. The wine flowed from a second bottle and the stories tumbled out. Joel suggested that they move the party to the outdoor lounge, and they were presently relaxing in plush chairs overlooking the pool, with cocktails in hand.
Lana had frequently advised Dot, not only on her professional life, but on some aspects of her personal affairs, and wasn’t shy about asking about and discussing her love life – or the lack thereof. Because this was Lana asking, Dot found herself sharing many of her frustrations and overall state of boredom—certainly more details and depth than she would ordinarily share in front of a coworker like Joel. But fortunately, the conversation moved on, in time, to Joel’s love life – or the lack thereof.
It seemed that Joel had lived with a woman for several years, but they had broken up because, in Joel’s words, she was a stick in the mud. He explained that his former partner, like himself, came from a deeply conservative background. But, unlike himself, she never wanted to try anything new. Not professionally, not artistically, and certainly not in the bedroom. This last admission came with considerable bitterness and dampened the energy of the group for a while.
Fortunately, Lana picked up the former revelry and began to tell a series of dirty jokes and stories as their cocktails were refreshed yet again. They all laughed and quickly joined in with their own contributions. Some of the stories were quite intimate and Dot continued to be amazed at the level of sharing among this diverse threesome.
Finally, Lana said, “One more story then I simply must call it a night,” and they all quickly agreed.
She then proceeded to enthrall them with an account of a two-night affair she had enjoyed while vacationing in the Bahamas. She was an excellent storyteller and the details of their meeting and lovemaking caused the temperature of the conversation to skyrocket. Dot found herself quite aroused, and judging from the way Joel was squirming, he too was feeling the effect of the intimate story.
As Lana finished her saga and sat back, the spell was broken and, while avoiding eye contact, they all began to gather up their belongings, say good night, and proceed quickly to their rooms. Each of them was just a little embarrassed at the lavish first-hand accounts of heated passion they had just heard.
The next day was filled with seminars, study sessions, and presentations, and the three newly minted soul mates passed each other occasionally throughout the day. As they passed, Dot, at least, recalled the prior evening’s conversations and felt herself becoming a bit flushed as the various intimate details from each other’s stories came to mind. In the afternoon, they made dinner plans including a quick drink right after the last session.
As Dot walked into the bar, she spotted Joel and Lana sitting very close together at one of the high-tops, and deep in conversation. For an instant she was a bit jealous of her friend Lana, but quickly dismissed the thought and walked slowly toward them, allowing them a few moments to finish their conversation. As she arrived, both Lana and Joel stood to greet and hug her – with Joel’s hug lasting a few seconds longer than usual. Lana and she exchanged glances over Joel’s shoulder as the embrace lingered.
Tonight, they had decided to try the nearby Mexican food scene and were soon entering a lively cantina that smelled of good, spicy food. They all ordered beer tonight and quickly described their experiences and impressions from the day. As dinner progressed and the beers kept coming, the conversation got more lively and more personal. As they finished their final beers, it was Joel once again who suggested they move back to the poolside lounge at the hotel. Fortunately, it was only a short walk and the warm night air was relaxing after their big meal.
In keeping with their Mexican feast from earlier in the evening Joel and Dot switched to margaritas while Lana, again, chose white wine. As they relaxed in the quiet, the talk turned to what a wild conversation they had had last night.
Lana then remarked with a broad smile, “I’m telling you that after our talk, I had to take care of business when I got to my room.”
To which Joel sheepishly replied, “Yeah, me too.” Then looking up from his downcast gaze with a small grin, he added, “Twice.”
This caused Lana to chuckle and reply, “Hey, nothing wrong with that; if the spirit moves you!”
Dot was confused. What were they talking about? “Taking care of business?” She didn’t understand. Then seeing Lana’s broad smile and Joel’s sheepish grin, it hit her. Were her friends saying that they had touched themselves last night – masturbated? As their meanings became clear, she blushed a deep red while remembering her arousal of the previous night as well.
“So what?” Lana said, “We’re adults, and have adult needs.” Then she laughed and said to Dot, “I do it all the time, don’t you?”
“Well, sometimes, sure, of course I do. But I don’t go around talking about it!”
“Well, maybe we should,” Joel added softly after a pause. “If this is something we all do, and it is. And if this is something each of us enjoys, and it is. And if this is something we all give considerable time and thought to, and it is. Then maybe it wouldn’t hurt to talk about it – sometimes.”
At that, the threesome became quiet for a few moments until Lana quietly asked Joel, “When did you discover masturbation?”
Surprisingly, with very little embarrassment, Joel responded, “In my teens. Of course, I didn’t actually learn that word until some years later. We used phrases like jerking off, beating our meat, pulling our pud, or even choking the monkey.”
They all laughed and agreed that there were many terms for the solo deed.
We continued this highly unusual line of discussion, all the while laughing and joking, until Lana looked at me and asked, “Dot, when and how did you discover masturbation?”
I could feel my face flush a bit as both of my companions looked at me with interest.
“My older sister told me what she was doing, and I wanted to give it a try. I can remember lying in bed with a pillow pressed between my legs pretty early on. Though, it wasn’t until at least a couple of years later that I first reached orgasm. Now that was a milestone moment!”
“You bet!” Joel chimed in with a broad smile.
Lana then began to tell a brief story of an early masturbation experience, when she had purposefully sought orgasm. “I didn’t have any technique, or anything, just rubbing away, and not knowing how to control or further things until this feeling shook me from my toes to my eyelashes! I knew then I had found something worth knowing!”
We all continued to laugh, tell masturbation jokes, and compare notes of one sort or another about ourselves, and some of our friends. Some of the stories were arousing, and some were most embarrassing. Eventually, Lana declared that all of this hot talk called for another round of drinks, as she waved the waitress over.
After we had each received our fresh drink, Joel surprisingly brought up the subject of fantasies—especially fantasies about masturbation.
“For several years, I’ve had a fantasy about being watched while I masturbate. Someone actively watching me as I pleasure myself. Someone who is deriving sexual pleasure for themselves by watching me touch myself.”
He grinned and shook his head before continuing, “For me, to have a woman watch me touch myself, to know that woman is enjoying what she sees, and maybe for me to watch her as she touches herself as well – well, I think that would be an incredible turn-on.”
Lana replied in barely a whisper, “I’ve often thought about the same thing myself. I think the mutual feedback loop could be tremendous.”
They both looked at me, and after enduring their stares for many seconds, I said, “Yes, those thoughts have crossed my mind, and they can be exciting, but it’s just a fantasy. Not something I would do in reality.”
We all sat there quietly for several long moments. A little embarrassed at the highly personal nature of the conversation, and even the sexual energy in the group as a result.
Then Lana whispered huskily, “What if we were to do just that?”
Joel and Dot both whipped their heads toward Lana to try and verify what they thought they had heard.
Meeting their looks Lana cleared her throat and added, “Sure, why not? We’ve all admitted this is something we’ve thought about, something we think could be enjoyable. Why not? We’re adults. None of us are in a committed relationship right now, we’re not getting any younger, and we’re here together, away from home. What’s to stop us?”
“This is something that may not come as any surprise to either of you,” Joel rejoined, “but sitting here with you two beautiful ladies and having this conversation, has made me horny as hell!”
Both Lana and Joel turned to Dot again to see what her reaction might be.
After a slow stretch of time Dot said, “I don’t know where either of you has gotten such a crazy idea, and I can hardly believe you’re even considering this fantasy. It might be fun to have too much to drink and tell some risqué stories, but to follow through on something like this is ludicrous. And I am going to bed!”
With that Dot rose to her feet, bade each of them a hurried good night, and started to move off toward the elevators. Lana grasped her arm and said, “Dot dear, you know I would never purposefully offend you, or suggest anything that might harm you. Please forgive me if I shocked you, or if I shocked you, Joel.”
Dot and Joel each stammered something about everything being okay as they gathered up their things and hurried toward their separate rooms.
Later, as Dot stared at the ceiling of her room, her mind ran through the conversation again and again. She flipped to her stomach, and then onto her back. Tossing and turning as images and impressions churned through her mind. Finally, her hand pressed at the dampness of her panties and then slipped inside to touch herself in response.
As her fingers moved over her crotch and stroked her lips from ass to clit, she couldn’t help but think about watching Joel rub himself, and about Lana and Joel watching closely as she did likewise. Finally, the excitement washed over her and she was able to relax and turn in the dark to her pillow and sleep.
The next morning, Dot purposefully waited, until almost time for her first session, to go downstairs. She hurried into the hotel ballroom for the feature presentation and sat separately from Joel and Lana, whom she saw several rows ahead. She barely heard the speaker while her thoughts continued to whirl. When the session concluded she very quickly headed out of the door to avoid encountering her friends.
Even when she was seated among colleagues in one of the smaller conference rooms, she couldn’t stop thinking about the conversations, thoughts, and feelings from the night before. What was it that she was feeling, she asked herself. And some moments later she realized that she was frightened. Frightened of exposing her most intimate desires, frightened of exposing her body, and frightened of taking such a risk into an unknown area. But she also realized that frightening was exciting – and absolutely not boring.
At lunchtime, she passed quickly through the buffet line and looked across the crowded room for her group. Seeing them at a table with some open seats she soon joined them. Fortunately, the conversation around the table was oriented toward the conference sessions and was in full swing as she began to eat. As Dot reached for her dessert the other colleagues excused themselves and left her alone with Joel and Lana.
Before she could chicken out, Dot leaned in close to both of them and spoke quietly, “Are you two serious about what we were discussing last night? Or was that just the alcohol talking?”
Joel cast his gaze down, but Lana looked Dot right in the eye and said, “For me, I was serious. I think it would be exciting and a lovely experience.”
With his gaze still somewhat adverted, Joel slowly added, ”Yes, I was serious. I’ve always imagined that sort of scene, and you two beautiful ladies gave me the courage to admit it.”
Everyone remained still for a long, long moment before Dot emphatically declared, “Nine o’clock tonight. Nine o’clock. I’m not sure where is best, but nine o’clock tonight. Before I come to my senses and chicken out. But we need some rules, otherwise I’m out! First, no uninvited touching. Watching only. Two, no photos or cameras of any kind; I don’t want this evening to come back to haunt me! And third, we never speak about this to anyone beyond this group – EVER!”
As her eyes searched the others, Dot asked quietly, “Agreed?”
Somewhat surprisingly Joel was the first to meet the gaze of each of the women and whisper, “Agreed.”
Both Joel and Dot then turned to Lana who straightened in her seat, raised her chin, and answered in a clear and precise tone, “Agreed. We’ll meet in my suite at nine o’clock tonight. I’ve got a sitting area that should work out nicely.”
And after only a moment longer, both Joel and Dot replied almost in unison, “Agreed.”
Dot dressed carefully that evening while enjoying her second and third, glasses of wine. She selected the one good bra and panty set she had with her. A thin black material with lace patterns with a good fit and front closure up top, and body-hugging minimalist design below. She had packed the lingerie, not thinking that anyone would be seeing it, but mostly because it was clean. Now, she was very glad to have it available. Knowing that she wouldn’t be ashamed of stained or torn underwear bolstered her confidence somewhat.
She also chose a plain white, summer weight, blouse, and a billowy blue floral patterned skirt that zipped up the side and reached several inches below her knee. She added her best high-heeled sandals and decided against hose of any sort. Next, she showered thoroughly, mostly resisting the urge to aim the spray between her legs in anticipation, as well as nervousness, for the evening building within her. After dressing she took special care with her makeup and hair. She felt that her red hair contrasted nicely with her clothing, and for once was behaving itself. After considering herself in the mirror, she was very pleased with the overall look.
At two minutes before nine she stood in the hallway outside of Lana’s door, took a deep breath, and knocked quietly. The door opened quickly as if Lana had been standing there awaiting her. A quick glance around the room revealed that Joel was not yet present, and Dot felt a sense of relief as she quickly returned Lana’s hug.
“Are you sure about this Lana?” asked Dot as she moved into the room.
“Yeah, I think so. I meant what I said about us being adults and enjoying ourselves. I think that if we relax and let nature take its course, we can enjoy a very lovely and memorable evening. And, I must say dear, you certainly do look lovely this evening” as she noted Dot’s black bra easily seen through her thin blouse.
And an admiring look at Lana’s rose-colored silk lounging pajamas and glittering bracelets later, Dot replied, “Thank you, Lana. You look beautiful and even regal in that ensemble.”
Just then another knock came at the door and Lana hurried to answer it. Dot could see past her to Joel standing tall in dark gray slacks, a finely striped red shirt, and a dark blue blazer. As Lana bid him to enter, she could see that he was carrying two bottles of wine and some crystal glasses.
“Oh, Joel, you brought wine, how thoughtful.”
“I thought we might could use some lubrication this evening,” Joel responded with a smile. Then suddenly replaying the words he had said, he stopped cold and began to stutter an apology about his word choice.
“Oh, don’t worry about it. I think you might be correct in both senses of the phrase,” Lana quickly responded. “I’ll pour us a glass and put the bottles in the mini-fridge.”
Joel set the bottles aside and quickly crossed to where Dot was standing and gave her a light kiss on the cheek and a brief embrace. Then he turned back to the wine and began working on one of the corks. Soon, a soft pop announced that the wine bottle was open, and the drinks were quickly poured and passed about.
As they stood nervously in the center of the small sitting room and sipped from their glasses, Lana lifted her glass and said, “I propose a toast. A toast to friends, adventures, and memories.”
“Here, here, indeed, certainly, to friends!” came the responses as they all drank deeply.
“Let’s sit and talk for a bit. I’ve looked over the hotel’s adult section and found some videos that might help get us in the mood. We can start those a little later.”
And then moving into and back out of the bedroom portion of the suite, Lana continued, “I picked up these in the gift shop this afternoon,” and set two small bottles of lotion on the end table, as well as a small vibrator. “Well, not everything came from the gift shop. I bring this little pocket rocket with me whenever I travel. You never know when you might need it,” she added brightly trying to cut the tension.
Dot and Lana sat close to each other on the small settee, while Joel filled the facing armchair. The three friends sat quietly for several moments, none knowing just how to start the conversation or activities. Finally, Dot inquired about their day, and the conversation slowly began to flow to the familiar strains of educational activities they were all familiar with. As the routine conversation progressed, and the wine began to ease the tension, Joel arose and refilled their glasses.
After an overly thorough rehash of the conference to date, the conversation again commenced to lag. Lana then broached the subject they were all anticipating, as well as dreading, if the truth be known.
“Was anyone beside me aroused and more than a little bit horny last night?” asked Lana.
“Yeah, I was,” admitted Joel. “I mean, I didn’t know this was going to be anything more than a hot conversation, but just the thought of what we were discussing, and my thoughts of the two of you were enough to keep me awake for much of the night.”
“I was awake for quite a while as well,” Dot responded. “That’s a big reason why I approached you two, as I did, at lunch. The more I thought of things, the more exciting and appealing they became.”
“Well, I’m glad to know I wasn’t the only one!” exclaimed Lana. “I should probably have bought extra batteries for the little rocket after last night!”
They all laughed and continued to relax with the wine and each other.
Lana reached to turn off the overhead light which left only the two dim lamps alight in the room. She picked up the remote control and turned on the large screen TV, selected an adult program, and reduced the volume so that they could talk, but could also hear much of the onscreen dialog.
“You know, I’ve never watched porn with anyone before. Sure, I’ve indulged my appetites on numerous occasions, but always by myself,” Dot shared. “It’s kind of different when there are other people involved, and I don’t know which is more awkward – a man, or a woman!” They all laughed and Dot continued, “I mean, porn is just something I’ve only done alone.”
This highly personal revelation spurred the conversation as each of them told of their introduction to pornography, stag parties, or other occasions involving porn. The conversation, as well as critiques of the TV actors and actresses’ physical attributes and attitudes, continued in a light-hearted way as they all became more comfortable sharing their views and tastes. From time to time as they each looked at the others, they could see arousal growing on their faces and body language.
After some time, Dot drained her glass and stood from her place beside Lana. “Everyone remembers the rules of the evening – right?” And after a long pause and a deep breath, she added,” Well, let’s get this show on the road.” With that, she unzipped her skirt and let it fall to the floor. As she stepped out of the garment on the floor, she did a slow turn so that each of them had a full view of her lower body and the tiny black panties that encased her private parts.
She sat back down and placed her hand between her legs, but held it still at that point, before turning to Lana.
“This was your idea wasn’t it, Lana?”
“I guess, maybe it was,” came the husky whisper, as she ran her hand slowly across her breasts, and then down to her crotch where she massaged herself briefly. Then raising her hips from the cushions, she hooked her thumbs in the waistband and slid the silk pajamas to her knees. She kicked with one foot and then the other to free herself from the pants, and again passed her hand unhurriedly across her bust line and trailed her hand down to her red sheer panties. Without pausing she pushed her fingers under the top of her panties and over her vagina, hugging herself tightly as she did so.
Dot couldn’t believe how gracefully Lana had moved and was highly aroused to see her fingers working her crotch. She soon began to lightly trace the outline of her own vulva through her panties, all the while continuing to watch Lana’s caresses.
After a few moments, Lana opened her eyes to see Joel staring intently at the two women touching themselves. “Joel, you seem to be the only one still fully clothed.”
With a start, Joel agreed and stood to remove his jacket and unbuckle his belt. Dot could easily see the imprint of his erection through his slacks and was eager to view what would happen next. After loosening his belt and waistband, Joel sat back down, raised his hips, and slid his pants down to his knees. Now his erection was even more prominent and Joel grasped his penis and adjusted it within his black boxer briefs with white piping around the seams. He squirmed in the chair, tensing his pelvis, and began to stroke his penis with his fingertips through the stretchy material of his briefs.
They were all watching one another as they each proceeded with some solo action and the scent of sex arose in the room. Dot kept switching her gaze between Lana’s hand movements and Joel’s crotch, and occasionally back to the adult video playing on the TV. And as she was watching, she saw Joel reach into his boxer briefs and bring his cock into the soft light of the room.
Joel was undoubtedly fully erect, but surprisingly his cock was no bigger than Cliff’s, Dot thought. She wasn’t sure exactly why, but she had always imagined Joel to possess a monster penis. She had often heard stories and jokes about the size of dicks for black men, and she guess she just expected it. As she watched, Joel slid his underpants down to his slacks and then pushed both of them past his feet and onto the floor. Now he was sitting in the armchair only a few feet from the women with his legs spread and his hard cock in his hand.
His gaze moved quickly back and forth between the two women as he stroked up and down, pausing now and then to simply tease the head or to wipe the precum, that oozed from the tip, around the shaft. After a few moments, he began to fondle his balls, then stood and stepped toward the settee before picking up one of the bottles of lotion. He returned to his seat and poured some of the thick liquid onto his palms and then onto his bobbing black cock. After applying the lotion Joel slowed, but continued his movements as he watched the erotic show across from him.
Lana was now fully involved with her pussy and moaning softly as she continued to tease and stroke herself within her panties. She leaned her head against the cushion back and began to work faster.
Dot too was busily massaging her lady parts and was aware of a large damp area on the front of her panties. She could feel her nipples as they grew taunt within her bra. She used her free hand to massage and fondle her breasts before taking a moment to unbutton her sheer white blouse and unclasp her bra. Pulling the bra apart she let her breasts fall free and saw Joel’s now undivided attention. She pulled on her nipples and cupped each breast in turn before returning her attention to her throbbing pussy.
After only a few moments Dot decided she had come this far, she might as well go all the way, and slid her panties down her legs and onto the floor. Now it was her turn, completely nude, to spread her legs for all to see as she inserted two fingers into her slit and sought her G-spot. With her other hand, she continued to fondle and pinch her breasts as the heat between her legs grew more intense.
Joel saw that there was no doubt that Dot was a natural redhead, and watched entranced as she worked past her pussy lips. He began to stroke his dick with greater speed and a tighter grip, and he could feel his balls tightening up. After some moments, he forced himself to think about other things as he again slowed his rhythm so that he could delay his climax.
Lana was now moaning loudly and glancing back and forth between Joel and Dot, while still building toward her orgasm by teasing her clit and brushing repeatedly back and forth across her chest.
Dot however was just about to crest over the edge of pleasure, as she thought about herself splayed open in front of this man and this gyrating woman. Her fingers now teasing feverishly at her clit and massaging her sensitive breasts. Rapidly she felt the unmistakable rise of orgasm and she shuddered hard before clamping her legs closed upon her hand as she trembled and shook with pleasure. Many moments later, as the intense sensation subsided, she resumed teasing lightly upon her inner lips. She looked first at Lana who had pulled her panties aside and was now furiously working inside of her cunt, then over to Joel who was stroking his hard and shining black cock urgently; his breath coming in ragged pants.
As Lana began to cum on her fingers again, she looked, along with Dot, to Joel who was grunting and visibly straining to hold back an eruption of cum. As the two women watched, he slammed his fist up and down his cock of steel until a flood of white semen rushed from within. The spurts shot up onto his stomach and over his legs, pulsing again and again. As the torrent subsided, Joel slowly relaxed and stopped while still gripping his penis tightly.
Dot was excited anew to see Joel’s ejaculation and without even thinking about it she got up and walked over to kneel in front of him. She pushed her way between his knees and said, “Here let me clean that up for you,” as she looked into his eyes. Joel slowly nodded and she leaned forward and drew his still-erect cock into her mouth, sucking the remaining cum from within and then licking her way down to his balls and out across his legs to lap up the ropes of semen that lay there.
She moved back to his now softening dick and gave it a few additional sucks before stretching onto his stomach and cleaning the softly flowing semen from his belly and pubic hair. She then smiled up at Joel and turned her head to nestle into his crotch as he put his hand on her shoulders and pulled her to him.
As they lay there for a moment, Lana gave a long sigh of satisfaction, arose, and came to perch on the arm of the chair close to Joel. Lana and Joel stared at each other for a moment, then Lana leaned in close and kissed him lightly on the lips. Joel returned the kiss and pulled her closer as he opened his lips and commenced to kiss her deeply. Dot rested within his embrace and enclosing legs as she watched her two friends explore each other’s mouths.
After some moments Lana placed one of her hands on Joel’s broad chest and pushed his shirt open before easing her hand across his torso. Joel responded by moving his hand from behind Lana’s head to her large breasts. He started to massage and fondle her breasts as Lana emitted a sharp moan of excitement. Without hesitation Dot reached up and began unbuttoning the shiny silk pajama top, exposing Lana’s light red half-bra. She too, was quickly fondling Lana’s breasts and feeling her hard nipples through the sheer material.
After a moment, Lana pulled back, finished unbuttoning her top, and shrugged it off her shoulders. Reaching quickly behind her, she unsnapped her bra and slowly let the cups ease from her magnificent bosom.
Even before Joel could move, Dot rose to her knees and took Lana’s right breast into her mouth. She had never tasted another woman’s boobs, but she was so aroused that the move came naturally. As she cupped and massaged the flesh, she paid particular attention to the long hard nipple that was against her tongue. She quickly felt a hand on her own breast and it was a moment before she could determine that it was Lana returning the touch. Lana’s fingers were igniting sparks across her breasts and causing her nipples to tighten into sharp points.
As Dot continued to suckle upon Lana’s boob, she felt Joel’s face press against hers as he devoured Lana’s other boob. Some moments later Joel turned from his feast to nudge Dot’s face so that he could kiss the lips that he had been dreaming of for months.
Even while in the throes of passion from Lana’s touch and Joel’s kiss, a special thought seemed to speak loudly in her mind, “HEY! I’m not bored anymore!”
To be continued…