Instead of the usual hour, it had taken Mark this Sunday morning only forty minutes to clear the city and reach the open road. It was sunny and promised to become a warm December day. With the window open and the breeze in his hair, it would make for a pleasant, relaxed drive up the Hume Highway to Sydney.
In planning his trip to the Hunter Valley, Mark had decided to make an overnight, halfway stop at Yass. When Sue surprisingly rang and invited him to spend two days with her in Sydney, he had good reason to break his journey. Driving through, Mark would have arrived late. After twelve hours on the road for the 1,000-kilometre drive, he would be too tired to show Sue that he appreciated her invitation.
Mark was somewhat uncertain about Sue’s eagerness to be appreciated the way he had in mind. They had known each other in the literal sense only briefly. Her invitation to stop over and see her had surprised him. Was Sue genuinely interested in going beyond the opportunistic – and for Mark less than rewarding – brief fucks they had in Melbourne?
But Mark was on his way. He simply assumed that Sue’s motive for the invitation was a carnal curiosity left unsatisfied in their Melbourne trysts. Regarding any future relations, the distance separating them aside, he was married with children. She knew him as a lecturer at Melbourne University but, beyond that, few personal details.
Sue had been one of his mature-age students in his Sociology Class in a diploma course at Melbourne University. They only got acquainted and involved with each other by chance. It was not a teacher/student affair. Sue had already completed her studies, during which Mark was barely aware of her as just one of his more than one hundred students.
Funnily enough, his vague memory of her as a student was that she always sat at the back of the room with her friend, a woman of her age and similar appearance. They rarely contributed in discussions but reacted in a pointedly negative way whenever gender issues were raised. However, this neither raised Mark’s attention nor his ire as such reactions were par for the course in all sociological discussions and debates.
When Mark met Sue at this end-of-year party, she was on her own. They sat next to each other, talked, got acquainted. He was not on the make, and they did not dance. He learned that Sue shared a house with other students in Carlton. So, when the party finished, as it was on the way for Mark, he offered Sue a lift home. Outside her door, she had lingered in the car. They continued talking but eventually kissed and then progressed to relatively uninhibited petting.
After that, they had met twice before Sue left Melbourne to return to what had been her hometown. With her mother living there, Sue had firm plans to look for a job and live in Sydney.
As the kilometres rolled by, Mark thought about how unusual he had found Sue as a lover. Mark, despite his conventional bearing and respectability as a teacher, had a somewhat unusual past. He had enjoyed longer, intimate relationships with several women, both before and during his marriage. Mark was in his early forties, tall, dark, somewhat stern. When he looked in the mirror and at photos, he assessed himself as passably handsome, but not the sort of Marlboro Man women were supposed to drool over.
Sue, he guessed, was in her mid-thirties. She had lived and travelled for more than twelve years overseas and was an interestingly attractive woman. Mark presumed Sue was sexually experienced. This was, he had learned, not always the case with mature women. But, from what Sue had told him at the party about her overseas experiences, he was sure that she had had quite a few, possibly more than him, sexual relationships.
When they had started petting in the car, Sue showed her interest quickly. When Mark’s hand came to rest on Sue’s thigh, he felt her legs parting through the cloth of her skirt. As they did, Sue’s tongue deep in his mouth promised Mark more than a ‘perhaps?’. And when his hand reached tentatively to touch her breast, Sue pushed it with a sinuous wriggle into his palm.
Then Sue whispered, “I’m glad you like me, want to touch me! But, you know, Mark, I’ve had a crush on ‘teacher’ for most of the year! It’s been a long wait. Are you shocked?”
They kissed, and her tongue snuck again deep into his mouth. She reached for Mark’s hand, moving it under her skirt to guide it up the soft inside of her thigh. Sue shivered a moan into Mark’s mouth as his hand cupped the mound of her pussy. The moist warmth of her panties told all Mark needed to know. And Sue slid forward in her seat to spear her hot-slippery pussy on Mark’s probing finger! Sue cried out. Then her tongue captured his to suck it into her hungry mouth.
For Mark, this hitherto unknown woman was a revelation. Nothing in the way Sue dressed, spoke, and behaved as his student suggested sexual vitality and daring. In appearance and character, Sue appeared to be the opposite of a flirty, come-hither, femme fatale.
By midday, Mark had crossed the border into New South Wales. He stopped for a leisurely lunch before continuing along the Hume Highway at reduced speed. Unlike in Victoria, most of it still awaited an upgrade. Mark did not mind. He enjoyed the leisurely, tension-free drive on his own.
While he and Maria, his wife, still spend the family holidays with the children together, they agreed to take an occasional holiday on their own. Over the years, they had progressively grown apart. They no longer particularly enjoyed each other’s company, either romantically or socially. Nevertheless, the children and the life they had built together kept them in bond. Regarding holiday choices, Maria enjoyed the beach and the occasional opportunistic ‘adventure’ among the holiday crowd. Mark did not. And it was not jealousy that kept him away.
This holiday he had planned to explore the Hunter Valley, a region interesting for its quality wines and its significance in Australia’s history. For him, it ideally combined his intellectual interests with his hedonistic tastes. Regarding the latter, Sue’s invitation to stopover in Sydney had added a further boon to his holiday. Mark could look forward, perhaps to a renewed adventure with an intriguing woman.
Arriving at Yass late in the afternoon, Mark booked into a motel. Then he strolled around town and, finally, settled for a rather bland, country-town Chinese meal. Back at the motel, with nothing of interest on TV, he went to bed and quickly fell asleep.
The motel’s walls were thin. Late arrivals in the unit next to his room woke Mark up two hours later.
If their noise had been the murmuring of TV and voices, he would have quickly gone back to sleep. But the developing scenario of sounds indicated that his unseen neighbours were a raunchy couple. The thin wall between their bed and his made Mark into a companion in their lusty fuck.
There was the thumping of their bed against the wall as they fucked, accompanied by the low-voiced grunts of the male. The woman’s full-throated love song, by contrast, really set Mark’s mind and cock astir. It never became monotonous. Varying in pitch and volume, the sexy words and lust-filled urgings poured out of her. At times her song lowered to a whisper which Mark could only guess. Though, he knew that it would be dirty, demanding, arousingly sexy with this woman! And her partner – judging from his howls and grunts – served her well!
After their joyous romp, his neighbours fell much more quickly asleep than he did. Then, with an almost painful erection, Mark’s thoughts turned to Sue and their reunion. While he had ideas and hopes about it, he was not sure about what would happen. Their two meetings in Melbourne had left him more intrigued than fired up for a repeat.
Sue, in their first time petting in the car, had been enticingly sensual and direct. Her behaviour, however, when they met again and were in bed together, was somewhat contradictory. Or, perhaps, not?
When they got together in the Carlton motel, there was, as before, no sign of shyness or coyness in Sue. But neither was there any show of occasion or playfulness. It appeared to him that as far as Sue was concerned, they met to fuck, and that was it.
They fucked, of course; on this occasion, twice. Sue’s attitude and mien discouraged any flirtatious build-up or foreplay. Nevertheless, she undeniably wanted to fuck. She climaxed quickly, more readily than most other women Mark had known. However, Sue’s climaxing seemed mechanical, if not onanistic, in not involving him. She quickly broke free and went into the bathroom; it signalled for Mark that climaxing was for Sue her own, private affair.
On the second occasion, he tried to break this pattern of hers of just fucking. Sue initially resisted a lengthy caressing of her beautiful nakedness but eventually began to respond. She kissed him wildly. She threw herself over Mark and sank her mouth with, what seemed to Mark, a resigned gasp on his cock. Then they fucked; it almost appeared in anger. Mark sensed that in Sue’s mind, his not letting her be herself could not be forgiven. This saddened Mark. Afterwards, he found no words to explain why he did not want her kind of intercourse. With a feeble excuse he bade Sue, he thought, a final Good-Bye and left.
And now it was Sue that wanted, what? A new beginning or making him do penance for an unforgivable sin?
On leaving the motel the following day, Mark’s raunchy neighbours left at the same time. They were no longer youngsters. She was, perhaps, in her early forties, a short, chubby woman, conservatively dressed. Nobody would suspect that her enticing siren’s song could rob a listener of his sleep!
Mark was intrigued by the address Sue had given him. He did not know Sydney well and had learned little so far about Sue’s family and background. However, he had not expected her to live in a North Shore apartment. When Mark pulled up in the visitor’s parking area of a ten-story high-rise, Mark realised that the 812 on the address given by Sue meant the eighth floor. When he pressed the button and Sue’s “Yes” sounded from the intercom, he could only mumble a stupid – “Hi Sue. I have arrived.” He was almost intimidated by the setting, but the entrance door clicked open to let him in.
He had forgotten to ask which floor she was on but had guessed right. When the lift door opened, there she stood, with a beaming, welcoming smile. There was no laboured-over embracing and awkward kissing. Instead, Sue hooked her arm into his and led him down a carpeted corridor to 812.
Mark’s face must have shown his surprise: the luxury of the apartment almost awed him. Its rooms were large, expensively furnished, and the floor to ceiling windows offered views over parkland and down to the harbour.
His surprise delighted Sue. With a show of proprietory pride, Sue took him on a guided tour. First, from the light-filled kitchen into the adjoining living room. Then into the master bedroom. There Sue, with a sweet smile, patted the super-king-size bed appreciatively. However, the adjacent bathroom kept Sue, with a pensive smile, silent. Far from being just practical, it was, Mark judged, a playroom. It spoke for itself!
Returning to the kitchen, Sue opened the large, almost empty fridge to take out a serving dish. With the appetisingly arranged cold-cuts, cheeses and shrimps came a bottle of Riesling. The bread was already on the set table. Then she turned, put her arms around Mark and offered herself to be kissed. When Sue broke reluctantly free, she said, “Welcome to Sydney. Do you like our apartment?”
Grinning widely, she continued. “As you are only with me for one-and-a-half days and two nights, I wanted to give you a taste of how us millionaires live in Sydney.” After toasting to their meeting again with the first sip of Hunter Riesling, Sue added, “Of course, only in my dreams.”
She explained then that they owed this luxury to her ex-husband. They had stayed friends after their divorce fourteen years ago. He now managed a real-estate firm that had this block of rental apartments on its books. So when Sue told him about her affair and the impending visit of her Melbourne lover, he offered his help. Jokingly, he dismissed the idea that a woman of class – the only one he would ever have married – would romp with her lover for days and hot nights in a dingy motel.
Here Sue could not resist. She grinned mischievously at Mark across the table. He knew she thought of their jousts back in Melbourne! A few days later, Michael had given her the address, a set of keys, and told her the flat was vacant for the time Sue needed it. Until she turned up this morning, she had no idea what Michael had provided.
Over their meal, Sue and Mark laughed, chatted, joked about this and that. They dug into their food, repeatedly licking their fingers. And they toasted Michael. Especially, as Mark put it, his generosity towards a classy woman that he had, somehow, failed to hold on to.
It was a promising beginning. Sue was in an exuberant mood. It was so different from the almost hostile reserve that had spoiled for Mark their love-making in Melbourne. Now, as Sue began to clear the table, the sway of her hips rubbed against him. Mark reached out and pulled Sue onto his lap.
His hand had accidentally slipped onto her naked thigh, and he left it there. Sue smiled, almost triumphant, as she put her hands around Mark’s neck. She offered him her lips, glistening, half-open in expectation. So, he reminded her by murmuring, “I’m so glad we are kissing again, like our first time in the car. I missed it last time when we just fucked.”
Instead of words, Sue let her lips and tongue, and her thighs clasping his hand, confess her lust and hunger. When she tore herself free, she slid off his lap. Pulling him to his feet, Sue almost dragged an unresisting Mark into the bedroom. With her voice breathy with excitement, she murmured, “Let’s spend this afternoon in bed kissing and–”. Sue lost control and burst into a fit of giggling before she added in her everyday voice, “But remember, we must not exhaust ourselves. We are going out for dinner tonight.”
They undressed in an almost comical hurry, discarding their clothing carelessly on the floor. Once naked, Mark – sitting on the edge of the bed – grabbed Sue. With his hands clasping her buttocks, he pulled her belly against his face. His hasty kisses all over her stomach ventured closer and closer to her mound. After waiting for more than a moment, Sue stopped his progress. Taking one backward step, she looked down on him and said, “I’ve shown you our shower. It has jets! Have you ever showered with jets? I’d like to find out what they do. Want to join me? Could be fun!”
This invitation, combined with its promise of sexy playfulness, delighted Mark. He was not in the slightest dismayed by the fact that this so different Sue was now as much in charge and control as the suspiciously hostile one had wanted to be back in Melbourne.
In the shower, Sue surrendered – it seemed, at first, in child-like innocence – her body to the pleasure-inducing titillation of the jets. She turned on all of them and then danced and bent and twisted in their blast while Mark stood back and watched with growing excitement her suggestively lewd contortions.
Increasingly aroused, Sue wanted more from Mark than his lusting leer. So, she pulled him into the jets to spoon her swaying ass against his growing erection. Then she moved her breasts into one of the jet’s powerful stream. Mark cupped them from underneath and let the stream play over them till her nipples stood out dark-brown and pointy. Sue tilted her face back and let her flickering tongue tell Mark how horny she was becoming.
It was up to him to raise the stakes. With a small step and turn, Mark moved Sue’s lower belly and pubes into the stream of a lower jet. As he lifted one of her thighs and, thereby, her pussy into the invading stream, Sue’s knees buckled. A shrill scream that turned into moaning gasps escaped her. Looking down, Mark kept her pussy centred on the hotly invading force. Sue threw her head back onto his shoulder and moaned and whimpered as Mark held her twisting body. With one hand under her thigh, the other cupping a breast, he allowed her no escape. And Sue now cried out, losing all control, “Mark! Mark! What are you doing to me? Stop it! No! No, God, no! Don’t stop! Mark! Mark! I’m coming!” Helped by the jets, Mark had whirled Sue into a sudden climax. And this time, Sue screamed and arched and convulsed, as she clung to him for dear life.
When she eventually slumped forward, Mark gathered her in his arms. He leant her against the tiles so that he could turn off the ravishing jets. Then, under the warm water streaming down from the large showerhead, he hugged her, murmuring to her, kissed her gently, and started to wash her.
He generously laid on the expensive gel provided for the guests. Sue quickly started to respond to the loving attention he bestowed on all parts of her body. When he was done with her, she reciprocated. While her soapy hands washed all over his body, they returned more than once lovingly to Mark’s hard, unrelieved rod. Sue’s mouth also came enticingly close while her hands caressed its length and Mark’s balls. During her ministration, she murmured something that sounded like “Beautiful. I want– Let’s get into bed.”
And they did. With the covers thrown carelessly onto the floor, the expanse of silky sheets and fluffy pillows welcomed their excited bodies. They glowed in the afternoon light flowing in through the window. Sue stretched out, allowing her body to be caressed by the silky touch of the sheets and by Mark’s hungering eyes. They were on her beautiful long legs, already temptingly half-spread.
Sue smiled at him as she raised her knees and spread wide open. Her pussy had been jet-stream-massaged into glowing excitation. As Mark bend in to kiss her, Sue grasped his cock. With a lift and wriggle of her pelvis, she captured his rod in her hot-slippery cunt. Mark just managed not to enter her fully.
Raised on his elbows, he looked at Sue and said, “Don’t run away from me again. No more secret little orgasms for you and leaving me behind. We are going to make love for a long time. I want to touch you, feel you, kiss you, taste you, fuck you. I love to hear your voice, your words, your laughter, your moans, your screams. I want us to make love for a long, long time until we climax together. But, if we are going to do more than just quickly fuck, I have to know if you want to be loved like that?”
With Mark trying to control his breath, stammering out his desires while holding back his reservations about their Melbourne encounter, a thinking frown had settled on Sue’s face. It eventually changed, however, into a mischievous grin as she replied, “God – Yes! Let’s make love like that! But now, Mark, stop talking! I want to fuck!”
She giggled, but it changed to a – this time – not held back, satisfied moan as Mark’s cock pushed deep into her. Then, pressing it into the ultimate depth and holding still, it was hotly taken possession of by her cunt’s pulsating muscles. He sought Sue’s lips, and she kissed him in wild abandon, moaning into his mouth, “God, Mark! Stop doing this! I’ll be coming much too quickly!”
And he knew that it was not his delusion. Sue wanted to share what he felt. He withdrew his cock and lay down by her side. Stroking gently over her face, Mark confessed how close the feel of her tight and hot pussy had brought him to coming. And he wanted to take a long, long time in loving her, in pleasuring her pussy beyond the sexiest and wettest dreams that he and she ever had.
Mark raised her leg, just sliding his cock’s head between her pussy’s lips. Then, with his hand, he moved it up and down Sue’s already heated and slippery slit to brush over and caress her clit. Sue stretched in pleasure and closed her eyes. Then his cock shifted to the cunt’s pulsating opening. Starting with a teasing, tongue-like kiss, the tip of his cock began to slide in, centimetre by sweet centimetre. Now, Sue’s eyes were as wide open as her legs, and her lips formed still sound-less words.
Then Mark really began to fuck her with slow, intensely deep-penetrating thrusts. Sue gasped and moaned in pleasure. At times, Sue, with gasps of surprised laughter, cried, “Stop, Mark! Stop!” as her groin began to shiver and twist in the welling-up of a climax.
Mark must have held her back from being swept into an orgasmic finale half a dozen times before Sue’s patience ran out. Panting and half-in-earnest, she hissed at him, calling him a ‘Sadist’. Mark immediately withdrew. He gathered her into a bear-hug and began, jokingly, to soothe her like a willful little girl. When Mark tried to give Sue a pacifying little girl kiss, she met it with a pretend-snarling bite at his lower lip before she thrust her twirling tongueinto his mouth.
He suffered it with pleasure but told her, after managing to break away, that if she wanted to be kissed like that by him, she would have to offer him more than just her mouth. Did she know what? Did she want that? To Mark’s delight, Sue moaned an immediate command, “Yes! Yes! Kiss me like that! I want you to kiss it like that! Do it! Do it now!”
When he slid down, Sue received him not only spread wide open with her pelvis lifted off the sheet. Both her hands were down, and her fingers spread the fleshy folds of her pussy apart. She offered its glistening, well-fucked lusciousness to his eyes, lips and tongue. Mark was stunned. He almost hesitated before he placed his mouth on her hot, pulsating flesh. And then, his tongue, pushing in deep, sampled Sue’s hot-tangy taste.
Only rarely had a woman done this for him. And he showed his appreciation by matching her fervour. Mark’s mouth brought Sue quickly to the edge. Her twitching thighs against his cheeks and her pelvis convulsively grinding against his mouth let him know that Sue was past stopping now. He tried to withdraw, but her hands clawed in his hair to press his face into her climaxing cunt.
But Mark broke free. In rearing up, he grabbed her legs and threw them over his shoulders. When he moved forward, Sue’s ass lifted high off the sheet. Her thighs shook in his grip,as he rammed his cock into Sue’s wide open cunt. And she welcomed it with a drawn-out howl as he started to fuck her hard. When her voice changed into a shrill whimper, Mark suddenly thought he was hurting her and abruptly stopped. Sue’s whimpering changed abruptly into urging shouts. “Mark! Don’t stop again! Fuck me! Harder! I’m coming, can’t stop! Come with me! God! Fuck me! Mark! Mark!”
And he responded with violence no longer alone of his making as his roar joined her screams. He convulsed and shook as he poured himself into her beautiful, heaving, climax-tossed body.
They clung together, still joined cock to cunt, for a long time. Then, when Mark began to signal a reawakening by caressing Sue’s back and stroking lovingly over her ass’ sexy cheeks, her lips sought his. She kissed him, lingering long before she whispered, “That was wild – magic! That wasn’t me, but God, I loved it. What’s happening to me?”
Mark’s hand on her ass pressed her close. She shivered as a wavelet of renewed excitement flowed through her, feeling his still embedded cock. He kissed her neck, then moved his lips to her ear to whisper, “It’s our magic. We’ll make it ours, every time we’ll make love. I want all of you, want you to give me all. Do you want that?”
Sue pressed herself closer in affirmation but then giggled, “I’ll have to break an oath. I swore a long time ago – with a radical friend of mine – that I’ll never put my mouth on a man’s cock. But now, with you kissing me and giving my pussy such pleasure, I feel mean.”
Mark told her that she should never do anything she did not want to. However, then he asked why she almost bit off his cock in Melbourne, Sue burst out laughing and pressed her face into his neck before she responded with a sexy murmur. “Well, I didn’t maim you then. But now, I want to break my oath. I almost did before in the shower. God, I’m bad; my friend won’t forgive me. I want your cock, want to taste you as you’ve tasted me!”
Inadvertently, his cock still in her had hardened again, and Sue delighted in gripping it in response. They were, however, for the time being, exhausted and fell happily asleep.
They woke up late afternoon, and Sue made and brought two mugs of coffee to the bed before joining Mark again. Cuddling up to him, she wrinkled her nose. “What is that sexy smell? Is that us?” Grinning broadly, she added, “We better shower before we go out. It’s a little, crowded restaurant I’ve booked us in. We don’t want others to get jealous, do we?”
Mark was quick to hook into her banter, “Excuses, excuses. You just want to get into the shower and onto the jets again. I know how they turn you on.”
Sue laughed and, sexily deepening her voice replied, “Oh, I love those jets. They are naughty if you are with someone that knows how to use them. Do you want to take me to the jets again? Like before? Now?”
The prospect amused them, but common sense prevailed. Sue and Mark decided, for the time being, to forego the jets. Instead, they sipped their coffee and, eventually, went together under the shower for an only mildly erotic clean-up. But as she had promised earlier, Sue, kneeling-down, paid rather close attention to Mark’s cock. Proud of her handiwork, she sweetly smiled up at Mark as the fellow began to raise his head. Then, with a quick kiss in passing, Sue decided it would have to keep.
Once they were dressed, they had a spare hour before the dinner Sue had booked at the La Paglia Restaurant. So, they strolled down under the nearby Harbour Bridge, taking in the view of the Opera House and the multitude of boats and ferries crisscrossing the harbour. Sue told Mark that for tomorrow she had arranged a Luncheon Harbour Cruise for them, adding that she would allow him to pay for it. Then she hugged Mark and asked for his forgiveness for being so bossy in arranging everything without him.
The restaurant was crowded, the food superb, and their table for two, along a wall, was tiny. As their legs under it could not avoid touching, nothing of the sexual charge built up over the afternoon was lost. Sue had slipped out of her high heels, and one foot’s toes were caressing Mark’s calf when she beamed at him over the table and said, “After our afternoon together, I think you like my company. What if I came with you up to the Hunter Valley? Would I be a distraction in your research? I promise I’d be good.” Sue moistened her lips and, with her eyes shiningly fixed on Mark, added, “As good as you’d want me to be. Perhaps even better.”
Mark had played with the idea of Sue’s company for all his holiday. But staying in the role she had cast him in, he hid his delight that she was keen on coming. Mark put on a frown and replied, “Sure. Come along. But won’t you get bored by all the vineyards, coal mines and history? They’ll distract me from you.”
Sue raised her glass for a toast and a flippant “Well, we shall see.” He was lucky that her toes could not reach higher. It should have warned him how distracting Sue could be.
Sue was in an exuberant mood. She had surprised herself by finding it so easy to shed long-held reservations, both about her sexual make-up and men. Mark had triggered it for her, right from their first evening in the car. He had left it so entirely to her to make the first move, step by step. To make good her laps in the car, Sue had reverted to her ‘proper’ – with all men – stand-offish self when they met in the motel to fuck. But now, Sue felt different, like newborn.
On the way back, Mark ponderously put foot before foot while holding her hand. Sue resisted her urge to skip like a happy little girl. In the lift up, another couple was going to the sixth floor. Sue smiled at them, practically winking, while she pressed herself wriggling against Mark. They entered their apartment. She broke away and now did skip into the bedroom. She tossed her shoes into the room and threw herself onto the bed.
It was a cloudless, warm night with an almost full moon filling the room with its milky sheen. They had not turned on any lights. Throwing herself on the bed had left Sue’s dark-blue, thin summer dress in disarray. Mark’s eyes were drawn to the rounded whiteness of a thigh and buttock, the contours of a bare shoulder and swell of one escaped breast. Sue, spread out like this, was all wanton invitation!
Mark’s eyes, however, were also drawn to the window. In open view was, across a park, a white high-rise, similar to theirs. Many of its windows were alight. Although the building was some distance away, the shape and movement of people in some of the windows could be seen.
What caught Mark’s attention was the shape of an object close to one of the lit-up window’s on a level with theirs. There was a human shape behind it. When Mark stepped up to the window to focus sharper, he recognised the shape as a tripod with a telescope mounted. It was not aimed at the sky or the city across the bay but their building. The shape behind it was a man.
Mark turned to Sue, “We are being watched. There is a voyeur in the building across. He has his telescope on us.”
Immediately interested, Sue scrambled up from the bed. Her dress slid down from her shoulder. Then, in a panic, she covered her escaped boob with her hands, “Can he see us?”
Mark laughed, “No. Not unless we turn on the light. The man is watching something interesting in an apartment in our building, though. Somebody must have left the light on and not drawn the curtains.”
Sue had stepped behind Mark, still standing close to the window. When his hand reached back, it brushed up over a bare thigh and sheer panties. Sue had shed her dress. She was staring across at the shape hunched over the telescope.
Sue shivered. She felt he was looking at them, and now she was almost naked! It made her whisper her question. “Why doesn’t he watch from a dark room. We can see what he is doing, that he is watching us!”
Mark remembered a woman he had known. He decided to answer Sue directly and said, “I’m sure most voyeurs lurk in the dark. This man is different: he wants to be seen watching by those that like to be watched.”
He took Sue in his arms and turned her back to the window. With her ass almost touching the glass, Mark now slid his hands under her panties and pulled Sue’s twitching buttocks apart. He murmured into her ear, “The man can’t see you; can’t see what I’m allowed to do to your sexy ass! It’s dark in here. He doesn’t know what he is missing!”
Sue began to twist against Mark’s growing erection. Her surprised moan he drank from her lips. But then, she broke free of his grip.