It’s stupid o’clock in the morning and I’m sitting at the departures gate waiting for my flight to be called. I’m going to Frankfurt to look after some corporate VIP like the good techie I am. I’m so tired I am barely aware of the people around me moving in and out of my sight like they’re walking through invisible fog. Then I see her.
She’s petite, with the slim figure of a woman in her twenties. Dressed standard business attire of airport staff everywhere. Heels, navy pencil skirt, white blouse, navy jacket and silly half scarf thing around her neck. Any other day I’d be checking out her shoes, or her ass.
Don’t judge me, I’m shallow when I’m forced to be up in the middle of the night. All I could see was a flash of blue eyes and her hair. Red hair. It trailed down her back like a waterfall and bounced on her shoulders with every step she took.
I was mesmerised by the movement of it. When it caught the overhead light I could see the variations of colour in it. Not a bottle redhead, a real one. Russet red like an Irish setter.
I shoved the paper coffee cup to my lips to conceal my drooling. I forced a mouthful of hot sweet liquid between my lips to muffle a low moan of sheer desire. I wanted to follow her, find an empty corridor somewhere and kiss her. To press my nose into those gorgeous locks and smell her shampoo. To feel her hair flow like silk through my fingers. To press my body against hers and show her how beautiful I knew she was. Hot hungry kisses, gentle caresses, heartbeats beating a lustful tattoo.
Oh, every bounce of that Auburn loveliness made my nipples twitch. She stopped, seemed to look my way.
I clamped my legs together hard so she couldn’t smell how much I wanted her. A slow ripple of heat ran through my body. Goosebumps danced over my body, another moan into the coffee cup. A slurp of liquid to conceal my shameless lust. She looked right over my head at someone behind me. I didn’t care who it was, I just looked into that face.
Those elegantly plucked eyebrows, those dark lashes, that soft enticing mouth. I wanted to give her my number, to try to seduce her, to show her my appreciation for that red-gold fire she wore around her neck.
Gawd, I felt my heart stop for a moment. Such beauty, such flawless natural beauty. She smiled and I could see her freckles move on her cheeks.
I focused all my willpower to force my thighs not to rub together. Not here, not now, not where others could see the state she put me in. Oh, I wanted this moment to last a lifetime. To take in every single part of that lovely face and those fabulous curls that framed it. Gawd I’m such a wanton creature.
A plump young man in a dark blue polo shirt sits heavily beside me. Breaking the spell.
My heart started beating, the beauty turned and walked away out of my sight. Was that a last-minute teasing look she gave me? Was she aware of her power over me?
I gasped and wished I could draw her back to me. Forget the flight and the fool beside me. Give me those lovely lips and that river of red gold.
“Bloody awful weather isn’t it. Hope the flights aren’t delayed.” His voice had a strong Dublin accent, gawd I hoped he wasn’t going to ask me about the bloody Gaelic football match over the weekend.
My eyes flash with annoyance and turn to look at the fool beside me. It was only for a second and when I glanced back she was gone. I growled in my coffee cup and nodded my way through his meaningless small talk.
My mind was far away dreaming of a gorgeous redhead, her freckled face lit up with a smile. My blood ran hot just thinking of her, and that magnificent mane of hair.
I longed to see it fanned out on a pillow beside me while she looked at me with sleepy adoring eyes. Gentle caresses from my devoted fingers over the body of such a mythical being. A red-blooded Celtic siren, walking around right in front of me. A silent prayer of gratitude to my Goddess for the generous blessing of the redheaded woman.