Scene 1 – The Duchess
“Well, Mister Drake,” purred the voluptuous vixen as she lustfully studied my bound body, “I finally have you just where I want you.”
I was thoroughly strapped onto a thick—and thankfully padded—plank of wood suspended vertically in an old-school, torch-lit dungeon. My wrists and ankles bore leather cuffs that were locked onto rings in the wood. My arms were at my side and my legs straight out, as if I were at attention.
At the moment, my cock was certainly coming to attention.
I was naked. The Duchess Demona was not, although her nearly transparent outfit was sexier than outright nudity, in my opinion. My dick seconded that motion.
The striking redhead had just entered the room, dressed in a form-fitting, sheer black bodystocking with subtle shadings that did nothing but accentuate her womanly charms: creamy double-D breasts, firm belly, flaring hips, strong thighs.
(Her ass was also first-rate; I could not see it at the moment, but I had memorized—and kissed—every inch of her luscious body as we made love the previous night in her hotel room.)
(Well, she had done the same to me, spending some extra time on my substantial, and grateful, genitalia.)
Skin-tight high-heeled boots completed the ensemble as she strolled up to me in a sexy undulation that any catwalk model—or high-class stripper—would be proud of.
The Duchess was flexing a riding crop between her two hands in a show of intimidation, foreshadowing her intention to pummel my muscular, but helpless form. I’m sure I looked good; my skin had been oiled up and it glistened in the flickering glow of the torches on the wall.
“I wonder,” she cooed, “just how much intense pleasure and agonizing torment a big, tough man like you, can absorb before he …”
At that, the riding crop snapped in two, having been bent too far.
The femme fatale didn’t flinch at the sound of the crack; she didn’t even take her sultry green eyes off mine.
“Oh, look what you made me do, Mister Drake,” she snarled in a smoky voice. “My favorite instrument of discipline. I’ll have to punish you doubly for that.”
She leaned into my face, kissed me and whispered, “No matter. I have a wide assortment of whips and other devices, many of them much crueler than this one.”
Said instruments lined the stone walls of her “Chamber of Despair,” an unnerving re-creation of a medieval torture dungeon. X-frames, stretching racks, stocks, and other pieces of bondage furniture completed the décor.
She held my semi-erect cock in one hand and lightly dragged the jagged edge of one half of the broken crop along its shaft with the other. I tried not to show the distress on my face, but my dick stopped growing.
“I look forward to torturing you over the course of the next several days, Agent Drake. Not an interrogation; I already know exactly what your mission is.
“My Fatal Femmes and I will hurt you, ride you, injure you, pump you, batter you, fuck you, crush you, suck you, and harm you. We’ll do it twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, repeating the cycle over and over again, until you eventually perish from the stress and sensory overload.”
My penis was swelling again. The lady noticed.
“Well,” she purred, “perhaps we should start with the pumping.”
She slipped on a pair of black satin gloves and took a small bottle of lube from a holder on the plank. The Lady dripped some onto my member and started stroking it.
“This is an interesting concoction that my staff developed. I call it ‘Erect-All.’ The aphrodisiac effect is immediate and powerful; repeated doses will turn you into a raging sex fiend. Well, more of a sex fiend than you already are, Mister Drake.”
Her hands were like heaven. The lube, the satin gloves; it felt like my cock was enveloped in a tiny pleasure palace.
“It feels good, doesn’t it? I should tell you of one little side effect; once you lose your erection, either through ejaculation or from fatigue, this potion will stimulate the pain nerves of your cock and balls for hours on end.
“You’ll beg us to get you an erection again, to stop the anguish. Which, after we torture other parts of your body with whips, needles, and such, we will provide. We’ll use this ointment, and start a new cycle of pleasure and pain.”
I groaned beneath the gag. The Duchess was a genius. A mad, evil, perverted genius, but…
“Tell you what, Agent Drake,” she said. “My ladies and I won’t start the endless rounds of teasing, torment, and agony until you shoot your white man-cream all over my soft black gloves—and then lick them clean.”
I grimaced at the thought. I could say nothing; my mouth was filled with an inflatable rubber gag, filling that cavity almost to the bursting point.
“Oh, you could try to avoid ejaculating, darling, to postpone the torture, but remember—I studied your erotic buttons last night. I intend to push each and every single one. Perhaps I’ll discover a few that you don’t even realize you have.”
The Duchess continued the slow, deliberate hand job. My cock was nearly to its full, ten-inch length and building to a climax. We stared into each other’s eyes for what seemed forever; both determined to prevail in our contest of wills.
“Cut! Print!” yelled the director.
“Let’s break for lunch!” the assistant director shouted. “Back in an hour!”
The soundstage bell rang, the spotlights shut off, the house lights went on, and the crew began to scatter. A young, blonde production assistant stayed behind to deflate and remove my gag.
“Good job, Helena,” the director said to the redheaded actress. “Took six tries, but you finally got the crop to snap at just at the right moment. Good thing, because we were running out of them. It wasn’t very loud, but we can add sound in post. And I like the ad-lib with the broken handle. Nice touch.”
“What about me?” I asked as he walked away, a little bit offended at not being congratulated. It was the first day on the set, and I could have used a little “attaboy.”
My co-star in this scene, the fetching Helena Ashby, joked in her normal voice and charming British accent, “Dirk, you didn’t have any blocking or any lines. All you had to do was just stand there.”
“Yeah, but…”
Looking down at my rigid cock, still in her hand, I said, “… I did hit my mark.”
Helena chuckled. “Yes, you did, sweetheart. Good job.” She bent down to give the tip of my cock a little kiss.
The fetching female PA started to unlock me from my very real shackles on a very real bondage board.
“Tell you what, Tammy,” said Helena. “Can we leave him on there for a few minutes? I’ll release him a little later.”
“Uh, sure thing, Miss Ashby,” she replied.
Helena knelt before me and started licking my genitals. Tammy stood nearby for a few seconds, watching.
“Is there something else you should be doing, girl?” asked Helena, archly.
(Actually, it came out kind of mumbled, seeing as she already had my member partway in her mouth.)
“Well,” Tammy said, “As the On-Set Bondage Wrangler, the Union says I really should stay until everyone’s free. Perhaps I could watch…or assist…in some way.”
Helena grinned at the young blonde. The PA’s erect nipples—pierced and jutting from nice B-cup breasts unencumbered by a bra—were visible through her thin tee-shirt. Her face was flushed, and she was biting her lips.
You didn’t need to be a body language expert to read her meaning. Over the previous few hours, both Helena and I had noticed the lusty gazes from this girl. For both of us.
Helena asked, “Does this plank go from vertical to horizontal?”
“Sure, Miss Ashby.” The girl pressed a lever, and in seconds I was on my back, on the floor, still fully restrained.
And still naked, still hard: it had been a long morning with a lot of fondling, but no release.
Helena knelt beside me, pulling the crotch panel in her bodysuit open.
“Do you want tongue or dick to start with, Tammy? We can switch off as often as necessary.”
“Oh, could I ride his dick?” the girl asked. “I’ve been staring at this…beautiful piece of meat all morning long.”
(As she pulled off her jeans and moist panties, I could see that her nipples weren’t the only erogenous zones she had pierced. This should be interesting.)
As the two women moved into their agreed-upon places on my body, I asked, half-seriously, “Hey, what about lunch? I’m hungry.”
“Well, you can eat my pussy, Dirk,” Helena said as she moved up to my face. “If my cunt-juice doesn’t satisfy you, I’m sure Tammy here will let you lick your semen out of her snatch. That’s good protein.”
“Oh, fuck you, Helena,” I said, jokingly.
“That comes later, sweetheart,” she responded. “Let’s give Tammy first shot at it.”
The actress brandished an intact riding crop. “There was one of these suckers left,” she said, smacking me on the belly.
In her Duchess Demona voice—deep, with a vaguely East European accent—she cooed, “Be sure to do a good job, slave. Or else suffer my wrath.”
Just before she settled on my face, she quietly asked, “Are you okay with this, Dirk?”
I was no stranger to her lovely pussy; I had licked and fucked it to orgasm the previous night when we met in her hotel room. The idea was to introduce ourselves and to discuss the script and our characters.
After some drinks and shameless flirting, we ended up in bed, in much the same way our characters had presumably done the night prior to this scene.
(Our tryst was purely a professional effort to get better acquainted and to bolster our forthcoming on-screen chemistry. Yeah, that’s what we’ll tell the Screen Actors Guild if they ever ask.)
Helena was a kind and generous lover, unlike her character, who headed a band of BDSM-crazed criminals that I was trying to take down. The actress was also turning out to be a bit of a kinkster, unafraid of public displays of…let’s call it…affection. In that, the two were nearly identical.
So, was I okay with what was about to happen? You betcha, as they say back in my native Minnesota.
“Yes, ma’am,” I replied. “Do your worst. I’ll do my best.”
Tammy had already slid her wet, warm and metallically-accessorized pussy down onto my welcoming cock. As Helena settled on my face, I thought back to the meeting three weeks earlier that had started this whole thing.
Scene 2 – The Agent
“For a guy who’s supposed to be a top-notch secret agent,” I had said, flipping through the script for the second time, “Emerson Drake gets captured a lot. And tied up. And tortured.”
“But he gets a lot of tail while all that’s going on,” my talent agent responded. “A lot.”
We were on the bed in her office suite, a “casting couch” room she had inherited from her father, a semi-famous movie producer. Melissa was idly playing with my relaxed cock—and her own genitals—while I had read the script for a movie she’d got me an audition for. We had already fucked.
We had sex fairly often; my agent/manager/confidant was a hot piece of cougar ass who would often forgo her ten-percent cut in return for use of my ten-inch cock.
(Well, it was nine-point-something; forgive me for rounding up. No one has ever complained about the minor discrepancy.)
On this occasion, she jumped my bones for a quickie the moment I walked into her office. She seemed especially turned on that day, perhaps by reviewing the script and envisioning me in the role of a crime-fighter who spent a lot of screen-time nude, bound, and sexed-up.
“This film,” she explained, “is an over-the-top fantasy. Just like superhero movies defy physics, and those Furious movies exaggerate what cars can do.
“This is the first major action movie to have several erotic bondage scenes, at least since that French-made ‘Gwendoline’ film in the eighties. I think it’s perfect for you, given your good looks and your…other attributes. This is your chance to break out of the pack.”
I liked the sound of that: Dirk Denning, Movie Star.
I’d been trying to make it in Hollywood for four years now, since I was 21. I had gotten some commercials, bit parts, small TV gigs; nothing major. I was a good-looking guy with a big dick but wasn’t going to do porn; my family back on the farm in the Midwest just wouldn’t understand.
I was, however, able to snag a great talent agent in Melissa, a deeply-tanned, peroxide-blonde MILF hottie; an independent agent who specialized in representing a stable of struggling, hot young actors like me.
I was pretty sure I was not the only client—or producer, or director, or scriptwriter—to share this bed.
The film’s working title was Agent of B.O.N.D.A.G.E. (which stood for Bureau Of National Defense And Global Enterprise). It was my chance to star in a big budget spy/action film, and maybe even establish a franchise. But…
“Full frontal nudity?” I asked. “Graphic simulated sex and torture? Sounds like a BDSM porno, Mel. Or a mainstream film where the really sexy stuff ends up on the cutting room floor after the studio gets a look at the footage and gets cold feet.”
“It’s not,” she insisted. “Really, it’s not. The money is coming from one source; that mysterious multi-billionaire called Lady J, who really wants this done just as written. It’ll be NC-17, not R-rated.
“The bondage and torture scenes are non-bloody and fantastical, almost cartoonish. As for simulated sex? Well, the director is Sam Traylor. He’s been known to…you know…allow his actors to really get into their roles in lovemaking scenes. If you catch my drift.”
She then showed me portfolios of some of the ladies cast as the “Drake Girls,” as they’d be labeled in press releases. Helena Ashby, as the villainess Demona, was just one of a dozen stunning actresses.
I studied their photographs, which, in this case, included more than just the standard head-shot. A lot more.
My cock rose to salute the beautiful bodies I’d be working with—intimately—if I got the part. Melissa took notice of my penile resurgence.
Still naked, she padded over to her office door, opened it a crack, and showing only her face, told her secretary, “Hold my calls, Gladys. I’ll be another twenty minutes.”
I came up behind Melissa and nestled my cock against the crack of her bare ass. She gasped a little bit and adjusted her request. “Uh, make that an hour.”
Then she reached around behind her and felt my absurdly hard erection in her hand.
She gulped, and in the steadiest voice she could muster, told her long-suffering subordinate, “Just cancel my appointments for the rest of the afternoon and call it a day. Be sure to lock the front door when you leave.”
(Poor Gladys was a charming, seventy-year-old gal who had put up with a lot of Melissa’s shenanigans over the years. But this time, I could almost hear her eyes roll back in her head in exasperation.)
As Melissa grabbed my cock and used it as a leash to lead me back into the bedroom, I checked the clock on the wall. It was only 12:30.
“…the rest of the afternoon.” ???
Melissa was a lot of fun, but this was going to be a long session with an insatiable, energetic…and let’s just put a name to it…nymphomaniac.
“Dirk, have you done bondage sex before?” she asked. I told her I had not. Despite my dreams of being an actor, I always thought role-play sex was just… well, silly.
(She and I, like my other lovers—not as many as you might think—never seemed to get around to more than just bread and butter sex. Energetic, yes. Satisfying, definitely. But other than Melissa getting into some Kama Sutra-type positions that were pretty impressive for a woman of her age, we had not dipped into the further reaches of erotica.)
Melissa had me turn around and put my hands behind my back. I heard the crackling sound of Velcro, and in moments, my wrists were secured in those plastic sex cuffs you can get at any novelty store.
“How does that feel?” she asked.
Fine, I said. If I trusted her with my money and my career, I certainly trusted her with my sexuality.
“Kneel,” she commanded, in a gruff voice. I did, and she placed a large dog collar around my neck.
I was still okay with it. These were the coming attractions; I was looking forward to the main feature.
Attaching a leash to the front, she led me to the bed, where she threaded the leash between her legs before she sat on the edge. Pulling it tighter behind her back as she spread her thighs, my face was “forced” down right into her lovely, bald snatch.
(Her labia area was immaculate, a work of art; I presumed she had had a vagina tuck by a skilled plastic surgeon. I should get his name, I thought; some of my actress friends had mentioned looking into freshening up all their assets, not just face and boobs.)
“I promised you lunch, Dirk,” she whispered. “Gobble, gobble.”
I kissed her pussy lips a few times; she liked it when I started slowly.
“I was expecting something with more calories,” I joked.
“We’ll send out for Chinese later,” she replied, “if you do a good job here, first.”
I grinned. Oh well, as someone once said, an actor must “suffer for his art.”
I was perfectly willing to pay my dues.
Coming up next – The Audition from Hell