
"The problem with liking it when your wife acts slutty is the implications if it’s not just an act."

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I pasted on my most affable, self-deprecating face while Ellen socialized with the six frat boys she’d homed in on. Actually, they were first year associates at a big LA law firm, they claimed. They had enough arrogance and youthful bravado for it. They were cookie cutter douche bags as far as I was concerned and for all practical purposes they were frat boys, half-a-dozen clean cut boys in chinos and Cole Haans with stylishly cut hair in Vegas to blow off steam.

They weren’t the only ones here to blow something off. Ellen was here to blow… well, to blow some men. These men, damn it.

I hated them. I hated everything about them. From their desperate “masters of the universe” act to the aggressively overpowering stench of their cologne. I especially hated how they dismissed me while shamelessly pelting my lovely, sexy wife with their ham handed pick up lines and innuendo. No. I take that back. I hated Ellen’s sluttish reciprocation, how she laughed with those six cum nozzles, making them smug with it.

That smugness wasn’t unfounded, even if they didn’t know why, yet. Ellen and I were there specifically to pick up just such a group of men. She wanted to fuck a bunch of guys. “You know, as a fantasy,” she’d said. And I’d agreed to go along with it, not altruistically – she’d promised a laundry list of sexual favors in return, including a threesome with a hot friend of hers. So yeah, maybe it was her fantasy, but God help me, I’d rather be kicked in the balls than deal with these fucktards.

Hence, my pasted on affability.

Ellen zeroed in on the group almost as soon as we got to the bar, stalking her prey with shocking alacrity. Honestly, I thought it would take her longer or that she might fail, or at least show some hesitancy. I definitely imagined her selecting a smaller group. Six seemed like too many men, even for someone in Ellen’s shape. But she fearlessly and deftly worked them into a frenzy while surreptitiously checking in with me for signs I was backing out.

I hated that, too. Or maybe I just hated acting like I was agreeable to her and meek to them. I’m a nice guy, wouldn’t hurt a fly. But there are limits.

At some point Ellen decided they were hooked. With a silent signal to me, Ellen politely disengaged and departed, leaving a six pack of disappointed dicks. I checked the time. She’d spent fifteen minutes total in the bar.

Ellen is twenty-seven, but she has the tight ass and legs of a teenaged gymnast. As they watched her shapely ass recede, I screwed up the nerve to do my task. Perversely, she’d left the hardest part of the whole endeavor up to me. At least, I thought so. I had the excruciating task to convince them to gang bang my wife, who I love. It would be an easy decision for them. She’s a looker and they were sure looking. It might be an easy decision for Ellen, too, even if it was her first time and it was six guys instead of a reasonable two or three. But the thought of asking them, the humiliation, was killing me.

“If you ask them, convince them, then I’ll know you’re okay with it,” Ellen had said, earlier. Now I wondered if she was just being cruel. Maybe her fantasy was to humiliate and cuckold me.

How could I do it and still live with myself? With her?

“Look at that ass,” said one of them. Gary, I think his name was. Several of his bros grunted agreement. Apparently, they’d forgotten about me, altogether. At six-foot-two, I take up a lot of space and I look like an extra from a Conan movie, which says something about how amazingly distracting Ellen’s ass is. Yeah, talking these guys into fucking my wife would be a no-brainer.

“My thoughts, exactly, Gordo,” I said, staring pointedly at him.

Hearing my deep voice, six heads turned to face me. Each was a mask of surprise, as if I’d popped, genie-like, into existence.

And fuck, if I wasn’t about to grant them a hell of a wish.

“It’s Gary,” he said. Gary, smiled nervously as I straightened my spine, looking down at him sternly. No longer affable or meek. All six of them shrank back fractionally, intimidated. It felt good.

“Well, Gary, ‘that ass’ is five bills an hour,” I lied. The extemporaneous words felt right. I smiled broadly at my sudden customers, pleased with my impromptu salve to my ego. Granting wishes sucked, but getting paid, selling my wife’s cruel fantasy, sat quite well with me.

“The group rate is twice that,” I amended. Five hundred was too low for first year associates who billed at three-fifty an hour and made a point of boasting about it.

Gary’s mouth popped open. Ellen had been dressed to kill, upscale-sexy, but not anything like a professional. She had that Audrey Hepburn lanky birdlike grace and she projected class with ease.

“You’d never in a million years guess she was a working girl, huh?” I said.

And she wasn’t. Not yet, anyway. Ellen would kill me if she found out. I smiled again, already relishing her anger. My hard cock pushed pleasantly against my slacks. What a feeling.

“Erm. Ah, so, you’re her pimp?” one of the other’s asked.

“Her husband. We just like subsidized weekends in Vegas. And she likes fucking strangers, preferably in groups.” Another lie. This was our first trip to Sin City. She hadn’t done it before, and I wasn’t so sure she could pull it off.

Seconds passed as they each looked at one another. I was spooking them, I realized. Queering the deal. They needed time.

“I’ll be at the bar, if you want to pay for the fuck of your lives,” I said.

I walked as casually as possible to the bar and ordered a double-scotch. No one saw my hardon. I watched them huddling in the bar mirror. Would they flee or would they bite? I couldn’t decide which would be worse. If they left, I’d have to go through the whole thing again, unless Ellen lost her nerve.

Gary tapped me on the shoulder just as my drink arrived. They were in. Working out scam free payment (I didn’t want to go up and walk them in, then take the money in front of Ellen) took ten minutes. We negotiated terms and rules for another few minutes before coming to an agreement.

Fucking lawyers.

“She’s in 717,” I said. Gray left without a word or a backward glance. I checked the time before I dialed Ellen. 9:30. We’d walked into the bar together at nine.

“How you feeling?” I asked her.

“Nervous,” she said.

Was she nervous about getting gangbanged or that I’d failed to recruit a gang to bang?

“Well, they’re on the way now.” She let out a sigh, relieved. So that answered that.

“They want you bareback,” I said. I’d doubled the hourly for that. “And no holes barred, of course.”

“Oh, okay,” was all she said. She seemed distracted.

“Listen carefully,” I said. I needed her mind sharp for this next part, or the guys would get her for free. I’d invented the idea of selling my wife off just minutes ago, but now I was hell bent on making sure I got paid. “They’re going to knock. Call me when they do. Answer them through the door. Whatever you do, don’t let them in until we talk and I say its okay.”

“Oh … kay, ” she said. I hung up abruptly, threw a twenty on the bar, and followed the gang toward the elevator banks. Selling Ellen excited me so much I had to shove my hands into my pockets and adjust my hardon so I could walk.

I got an elevator to myself. Between 4 and 5, Ellen called.

“They asked if I was for real,” she said. I could barely hear her whisper. “I said I was. Kinda weird.”

“Okay, good. Wait just a second before you let them in.” I got out on the eighth floor, turned left, and walked down the hall. Between rooms 818 and 817, I stopped.

“What are we waiting on?” she asked.

“Trust me for just a second,” I said, playing it cool.

Finally, my phone pinged, as I got a PayPal message, “$2000. 00 from __ has been credited to your account.”

“Okay,” I said. “Let them in now. Have fun… I guess.”

“I…” she began, but I hung up before she could finish saying she loved me or worse, that she wanted me there.

Of course, I would be there. Ellen just wouldn’t know. Need to check in on your wife while she’s fucking six strangers for money? There’s an app for that!

Trying not to think about what was happening a floor below me, I switched to my phone’s WiFi settings and linked into my GoPro’s SSID. Then I switched to the GoPro app. Below me, in room 717 pasted to the ceiling right over the bed, was a hollowed out smoke detector with a Hero 3+ and an extra battery pack hidden in it. I’d attached it to the ceiling while Ellen took and enema and showered. Now, it provided a bird’s-eye view of room 717.

Feeling both guilt and excitement, I leaned against the wall and watched my first class wife unwittingly prostitute herself.


Ellen walked into view nude from her stockings up. Clearly, she’d been naked when she answered the door. The Ellen I met and married two years ago would be too shy to answer a door naked, but she’d revealed a different version of herself to me over the last few months, one that fantasized about getting it on with strangers.

Ellen’s fantasy gang bang didn’t start with a striptease, or blowjobs, or any of that porn type stuff. It started with rules. She laid them down matter-of-factly and, to my shock, the six associate masters-of-the-universe listened.

“First, put your phones in the safe.” She locked it after. Then she handed one of them her phone. “It’s locked. But you can snap pics or video. I promise to send pics if they don’t show my face.”

She didn’t know about my hidden GoPro, but I had to admire her shrewd thinking. At least one of them would be busy and she wouldn’t need to risk getting internet famous.

“Second, get naked,” she told them. “No socks, either.”

There was an explosion of clothing. I laughed.

“Third. Lube,” she said, pointing to the three bottles of lube around the room, one on each night stand and another on the desk. “Use a lot of it.”

“And last. I come first.”

With that, Ellen lay back on the bed and I got my first good look at her beautiful form on camera. I noticed for the first time she had heels on, as well as the stockings, of course. It made my cock jump. Her breasts moved to the side and flattened out, brown areolas small and well defined. She wasn’t too hippy, but she had that hourglass shape that turns me on so much.

I switched modes to 4k immediately. It was kind of amazing. I could see her clit clearly perched at the top of her engorged, bald pussy. It looked to me like she’d had a finger or two in there recently.

“Well,” she said, pointing lewdly at her clit and spreading her long legs. It shocked me a bit, seeing my classy wife being so forward. “She’s not going to suck herself.”

From above, I couldn’t tell which one of them got down between her legs, but he knew his business. Ellen closed her eyes, letting out a hiss, and then arched her back. She grabbed his head and moaned.

“Ah, yeah. Almost.”

Ellen opened her eyes, looking up. Then she turned to look directly at me suspiciously. Shit, she’d seen the “smoke detector” with the camera in it. Her mouth curled up at the corners just slightly.

“Oh, babe, I’m coming,” she said. I wasn’t sure who she was talking to, but my cock twitched pleasantly. She closed her eyes again grabbed her lover’s head, keeping it there. I knew exactly how he felt.

One of the guys, the only ginger in the group, walked over pushed his cock against her ruby red lips. Ellen opened them, sucking him into her luscious mouth without opening her eyes. The guy between her legs stood, lubed up, and slid his cock into Ellen’s wet pussy.

She moaned sluttishly and then sighed deeply. I could see her body relax, like she’d just finished a big stretching yawn. Casually, she reached between her legs to play with her clit while lovingly suckling the cock in her mouth.

My wife had two cocks in her like it was the most natural thing in the world. And she was loving it.

My heart broke a little bit. I hadn’t seen that expression of loving contentment on her face until three months ago. Before that, she’d always been enthusiastic and fun. But that vulnerability, like she was showing just how much she wanted and needed to have her mouth filled with my cock, was new to me. The first time I saw it, I felt like a king. And now, these six guys were seeing it.

They were commenting on it, too. “Look at her. What a whore. She’s starved for cock. That guy must have the smallest prick.” They laughed. Ellen didn’t seem to care what they said. I just wanted them to shut up.

I was rock hard, burning mad, and heartbroken, all at the same time.

I pondered my predicament while meekly watching Ellen wantonly suck that guy’s cock and take another in her pretty cunt. I wanted to run down there and start punching. Looking at me, anyone would believe I could manage pencil pushers. But I’m no fighter. No way could I take on six guys. Especially after paying for it.

No. I stayed where I was, watching and seething. Ellen wanted this. And I got something out of it, too. Not just the money or the promise of a threesome. I got a working, happy marriage, too.

Weird, right?


A few months ago, Ellen and I started couples therapy after a huge fight, the worst of a series. We’d been married about two years and neither of us wanted to end it. Things went well. The boring details aren’t relevant here. Suffice it to say, we stopped letting important things slide and started letting trivial things go.

The therapy worked. It led us to a happier place and a better love life. It also lead to me agreeing to Ellen’s Fantasy Vegas Gangbang.

Sex didn’t even come up until a month into therapy. One reason was that our therapist was a blonde middle aged MILF, and I didn’t relish talking about sex in front of her. I did relish the fantasy of Ellen and her sucking my cock, however.

For the record, that remains just a fantasy.

Anyway, Dr. Metzinger asked us how our sex life was. On a scale of one to ten, I rated it a 5. We’d been in a rut. Ellen rated it a 2. Shock, anger, and embarrassed overwhelmed me. A two! We talked about it, of course. In the end, we agreed neither was getting what we wanted from the other. We each feared rejection.

Ellen feared I would think she was a slut. And I didn’t want Ellen to think I was a dirty minded perv. Ironic, I know.

Then Dr. Metzinger gave us an assignment that changed our lives forever and led indirectly to the gangbang in room 717.

“Write down something you wanted to ask the other to do (or participate in) over the last week, but didn’t,” she said, handing us each a Post-it pad. “When you have it, fold your note and hand it to your partner.”

I wanted to write, ‘facial’. I’d wanted to cum on Ellen’s beautiful face since the day I met her. But she was just too… elegant. Prim and proper. I never got up the nerve. I chickened out, then, too. I wrote something less dirty and folded the note, handing it over.

“Ellen, read your note silently,” said the doc. Ellen giggled after reading it. “How do you feel about what he wrote?”

“Fine,” she said. Looking at me, she added, “is that all?”

I flushed. Should have asked for the facial.

“If he asked you to do that, would you?”

“Oh, yeah,” she said. She smiled at me. My heart swelled and so did my cock.

We didn’t have time that session for me to read her note. But Dr. Metzinger wanted us to do the same exercise with Ellen’s note at home before the following week.

Ellen executed my wish, immediately. Instead of forking off toward her car (we drove separately), Ellen followed me to mine and got in on the passenger side. I gave her a confused look. She unfolded my note, pasting it to the dash.

“Right here it says you want ‘more blowjobs,’” she said. Ellen reached over the e-brake to unbuckle my belt. “I thought I’d get started now.”

She fished out my cock and leaned further over the console, taking me in her wet mouth. I was parallel parked on Franklin. Cars zipped by on my side as pedestrians wandered by on hers. Ellen ignored it all, bobbing up and down on my cock. It felt amazing. She was doing something down there that I’d ever experienced before.

What a rush. I didn’t hold back like I normally would. This was obviously just for me, so I didn’t need to keep hard out of consideration.

Even with all that stimulation, it was seeing the priest that set me off. Down the sidewalk about a hundred feet away, I noticed a priest walking toward us from the church up the hill. He had the collar and everything. He and I made eye contact and I blew into Ellen’s mouth.

“I’m coming,” I said, wondering belatedly if the priest could read lips. I spewed into Ellen’s mouth and she gulped it down loudly. Glug, glug, glug, glug. I came in torrents for what seemed like forever. Hearing Ellen loudly slurping down my load increased my satisfaction.

After I was done, Ellen popped up with a creamy smile.

“I’ll see you at home tonight.” She jumped out of the car before I could tell her she had some cum on the corner of her mouth. The priest saw her get out and his gaze followed her as she walked toward him. When she was near, he looked at her curiously, then did a double take. Ellen turned and looked directly at him with a huge smile on her face as she passed. I took off before he could recover from his shock.

We fucked like rabbits that night.

She continued her blow job mission the following morning. I came out of the bedroom, ready to go to work. Ellen sat at the kitchen table talking into her headset. I didn’t usually stick around for her Thursday morning shout- fests with other sales types. But today, she beckoned me over, with a wave. I walked over and kissed her on the forehead.

“Have a good morning,” I mouthed without making sound. I planned to leave just as quietly. But Ellen had other ideas.

Still talking on the phone about percentages or something, Ellen grabbed me by the belt and pulled me closer. She looked up at me from her seat and put a finger to her lips, the universal sign to be quiet. Then, to my amazement, she unbuckled and unzipped me to get at my flaccid cock.

I cannot remember what she said into the earpiece, but I remember her swallowing my cock whole a second after she said it. I was quite glad I hadn’t asked for a facial.

While she gobbled me down, I checked her phone on the table. It was not muted, anyone on the other end would hear us if we moaned or anything else. I breathed out a hiss through my mouth and closed my eyes, trying to be a church mouse.

Her mouth felt incredible around my cock. Whatever Ellen had done to me in the car after therapy she was doing now. My wife was sucking just the tip and first two inches of my cock with her incredible wet mouth. I could feel her tongue sliding up and down the underside. Her eyes were closed and she wore a beatific, intimate expression, part wanton lust and part loving joy. The corners of her full mouth curled up; she’d be smiling if her mouth wasn’t full.

I’d never seen her look like that. I’d never seen anyone look like that with me. I felt like a king.

Absent mindedly, Ellen opened up her robe, pushing the sides of it around her breasts, completely exposing them. Then she opened her legs. While she suckled on my cock like a lollipop, she rubbed her clit and ran a hand up and down her torso. Her casual manner made me wonder if she were even conscious of her actions.

It didn’t take her long to get my cock to swell. I was ready to cum. Before I could, Ellen’s eyes popped open and she leaned back, letting my cock drop out of its wet, wonderful home.

“I didn’t catch that Mark, can you repeat the question?” she asked.

Not wanting to lose my buzz, I pumped my cock at her, barely holding back an orgasm.

Ellen winked at me. But she didn’t take me back in her mouth for the finish, instead she pushed her chest forward a bit, cupped one large firm breast in each hand, and tilted her head back a bit, presenting me with clear targets: breasts and face. In case I missed her meaning, Ellen closed her eyes and said loudly, “Yeah, go ahead, shoot.”

I don’t think anyone else got the double meaning. But I did and it tipped me over the edge. I was tempted to step forward and pump my load all over Ellen’s upturned face, but I took the safe road, aiming my cock at her chest, pumping a huge load onto her breasts and hands.

Ellen didn’t miss a beat. She answered Mark’s question as I started spewing. When I was done, she smiled up and me, still talking on the phone, and rubbed her breasts, smearing cum into her skin.

It wasn’t until the weekend that we got around to reading her Post-it note. And then things really heated up.


There had been an element of slutty exhibitionism early on with the priest and the folks on her conference call. Now in room 717, I could see Ellen look up furtively at the hidden camera, at me, while she sucked a stranger’s cock, massaged her clit, and accepted another cock in her tight twat.

I no longer doubted she could handle these six men. After all, she’d wrangled this group together, gotten me to invite them up, set the rules, and then laid back and waited to be serviced. Her enjoyment was obvious, too. Getting plowed by two men put an expression on her face like you see on cats after they’ve been rolling in fresh catnip. She was one happy pussy.

The slut. Her wanton exhibitionism and enjoyment of the situation fueled my suspicions. Did she do this a lot? I liked her sluttish side, in my bed. I should have been mad, and I was, but my hardon betrayed my excitement.


Folks downstairs were excited, too. The ginger in her mouth pulled out abruptly to frost her face with his sticky goo. Ellen smiled and moaned through her own orgasm, setting off the other guy, who began thrusting erratically and grunting, filling her cunt with his load.

When the guy fucking her pulled out, Ellen got on her knees at the end of the bed and arched her back, presenting her ass and cream filled pussy to her remaining suitors. One of the guys grabbed her hips suddenly and shoved his cock roughly into her ass.

“ Ow, God,” Ellen screamed.

“Easy, Gary,” someone said, “don’t break her.”

Gary ignored his friend and continued his assault, roughly fucking my wife’s tight ass. I could hear the slapping sounds of his thighs on hers. The other men stood around watching their friend abuse Ellen.

I wasn’t too worried for Ellen. Even if the moans and grunts coming out of her mouth didn’t make her enjoyment clear enough, I knew from recent experience how much she loved anal.


Ellen woke me up earlier than usual for our run that Saturday morning, all those months ago.

“Come on Hun, let’s go,” she said. I groaned and looked over at her through bleary eyes.

“Wow,” I said. Dressed for the run in an orange sports bra and skin tight black running shorts, Ellen looked amazing. I tried to pull her into bed. “We can run right here.”

Ellen pulled away and threw my running gear at me with a laugh. A minute later we were headed to her car. I drove.

“So, have you enjoyed this week?” she smiled at me.

“No, work’s been a real bitch.”

She punched me in the arm.

“Oh, you mean ‘more blow jobs’? What’s not to love? Seems like you’ve been enjoying it, too.”

“You don’t think less of me?”

“For what?” I asked.

“For, you know, being provocative. Letting my hair down.”

“I asked for it. I’d be a shitty husband if I looked down on you for it.” An image of her lovingly sucking my cock popped into my head. “You showed me a new side, Thursday morning.”


How could I say this without sounding like an ass? “You, um. I’ve never seen you like that.”

She gave me a doubtful look. “You were beautiful,” I added.

“Well, I enjoyed it.” Ellen beamed at me, then bit her lip. “Do you think I’m a huge slut?”

“Well, honestly?”

She nodded.

“Yeah, it was totally slutty. Like you needed my cock or something. So you know… I loved it.”

She grinned shyly. We rolled on for a few miles before she spoke again.

“Did you read my Post-it?” she asked.

“No,” I said.

With a harumph , Ellen took out a pad and pen from her backpack and wrote. The car seemed to get hotter. I wondered what I was in for. Peeling the note off, she reached over and stuck it to the dash just like she’d done with my ‘more blow jobs’ note.

“ANAL!” it said. She wanted to fuck me in the ass? I tried to keep my face neutral.

“What’s wrong?” she asked. So much for not reacting.

“It’s ambiguous,” I said.

“How so?” Incredulous now.

“We both have assholes?” I said. Yup, it was hotter in the car. I could feel my dick shriveling up at the thought being pegged.

“Oh, do you want me to…” she giggled.

“No,” I said quickly. “No, I don’t. Is that what you meant?”

“I hadn’t thought of it,” she said. “I’d do you if you ask, though. But, yeah.”

“Yeah, what?” I gulped.

“Yeah, I want you to fuck me in the ass with your magnificent cock,” she said.

“Now you’re just flattering me.”

“Anything to get your cock in my ass,” she said. I looked over, shocked at her dirty words. Ellen just smiled at me. “Dr. Metzinger said we should discuss what I’ve written.”

We did. I had my doubts. My cock isn’t small. I tried anal with a girlfriend in college. After a second, she stopped it and never let my cock anywhere near her ass again. Ellen assured me she was up to the challenge.

I didn’t suspect she had the whole day planned around it.

We ran to a state beach sandwiched between two craggy cliffs. The fog and wind were particularly bad that morning, making a dip unlikely. Ellen insisted on packing in the towels and suits anyway.

The black pebble beach was most empty when we arrived. Only about a dozen people were crazy enough to brave the cold with us. Ellen threw down a towel and her backpack. I got out my towel to use as a shield so she could change without pervy stares. She pulled my trunks and her bikini out of her pack.

“Come on,” she said, running off down the beach.

I dropped my pack and ran after her as she ran around an outcropping of rock at the end of the beach. I followed my wife with some trepidation; the rising tide would block off that section of the beach before long.

“I heard about this online,” she said, when I made it around the corner. Cliffs, rocks and ocean totally boxed us in. No one from the main beach could see us. A large piece of driftwood, a partially smashed redwood tree really, had been abandoned here by the last high tide.

“The tide’s going to get us.” I pointed to the smashed end of the log. “Let’s change fast and get out of here before we end up crushed against the cliff.”

Ellen grabbed my towel and spread it on the wet driftwood, then she turned to disrobe.

“Come on. Off with yours, too. Tide’s not in for hours.”

I took off my shirt, feeling the ball shrinking cold cutting through me. Ellen threw her bra and tight little shorts onto the towel, then turned around and dropped to her knees in front of me. Impatiently, she pulled my running shorts down to get at my cock. I noticed her nipples were hard as rocks and pointing out. I wasn’t the only cold one.

“Wow, your mouth is warm,” I said. My cock grew from a wormy shrivel to a fat python in record time.

Ellen moaned and bobbed her head up and down on it.

“I’m gonna cum unless you don’t want me to,” I said. Since she was naked, I suspected she might want more than to please me.

Ellen picked up the pace, trying to bring me off. When I was ready, she tilted back off my cock and cupped her breasts, offering them to me as targets like she did before.

“If you keep doing that, one of these days, I’m going to cum on your face,” I said, pumping my cock with one hand.

“That would be so hot, someone could see it,” she said. “Do it.”

I threw caution to the wind. I pulled her head to me and shot my load onto her gorgeous, upturned face. Ellen didn’t dodge or flinch as spurt after spurt hit her in the nose, forehead, cheeks and eyelids. She actually cooed. When I was done, I let her head go and she took me back in her mouth, suckling me gently.

I didn’t get soft. The sight of Ellen sucking my cock into her cum covered face was just too hot. Ellen seemed to be on some sort of cock sucking mission. Instead of bobbing up and down on the head, she stuffed as much down her mouth as she could, gagging at about the three-quarter point. Her eyes watered with the effort, but she kept at it until my cock was covered in her slick spit.

“Are you okay?” I asked. “Honestly, you might be taking this ‘more blow jobs’ thing bit too seriously.”

“This isn’t a blow job,” she said, backing off my cock. She looked at it, stroking it with a slick fist. “I need you hard and slick.”

With that Ellen turned around and lay on her stomach across the towel on the driftwood. She looked around at me, her face dripping cum, and said, “Fuck me, please.”

Gladly. I pushed my cock against her pretty pink lips.

“No, Sweetie,” she said. “Go in the out door .”

I looked down at her tiny pink star. It looked shiny, like she’d lubed it.

“Are you sure?” I asked. “It’s so cute, I’d hate to ruin it.”

“Put it in,” she said. “Make me scream. No one will hear over the surf.”

And so on a public beach with the pacific ocean crashing against cliffs all around me, I had my first real experience with anal sex. Immediately, it was clear Ellen had done this before. Unlike the first girl I tried it with, Ellen loved it.

“Christ, you’ve got a fat cock,” she said, pushing back against me. Her words only made me fatter. “Get it all the way in.”

I snaked a hand around to her clit. She moaned and arched her back as I gently rubbed her delicate nub.

“So good,” she said.

For the next few minutes I fucked Ellen’s ass, tentatively at first, fearing discovery or injury. But in time I relaxed and forgot all about being on a public beach. Once she started coming on my fingers, I fucked her backdoor vigorously.

Ellen came in soft hissing orgasms. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore and I came in her ass. She cried out when I pumped into her and she was still coming when I slumped over her, exhausted. She laughed softly there at the end.

After a minute I pulled away and looked down at my shrinking cock, at a loss for what to do. Ellen turned around and fell to her knees again. She took me in her mouth and, with that same loving expression as before, thoroughly cleaned my cock.

Satisfied with her work, Ellen stood up and put on her white bikini. I put on my trunks, without really thinking about what I was doing or the fact that Ellen still had a huge load of cum on her face.

“Do I look presentable?” she asked.

“You’re covered in cum,” I said. “Anyone who sees you will know.”

“Anyone who sees the two of us come out from around this rock will know.” She gathered up her towel and running clothes then walked past me and round the rock.

Spellbound, I watched her go. The spell broke when she moved out of sight. With a jerk, I followed. Ellen made a beeline to our packs.

There were more people on the main beach, but not many near our gear. I was hoping no one would notice her walk of slutty shame. But, when a beautiful, shapely women in a white bikini walks around on a cold black beach, it’s kind of hard to miss, even from a distance.

Heads turned. One or two people looked at Ellen admiringly just as she got to our gear. One old guy, who was closer to us than the others, did a double take as she dropped her gear and ran off into the surf. He gave me a quizzical look. I shrugged, dropped my gear, and ran after my wife. The freezing surf pulled the air out of my lungs and took the steel out of my growing hardon. The water washed away all the naughty evidence.

Ellen and I got dry and dressed in the more traditional fashion, using towels and screening for each other. Ellen gave me road head on the way home and then had me fuck her over the hood of the car in our garage. After a day of exhausting sex, a lot of it anal, she got pensive again, biting her lip with worry.

“I was really slutty today, on the beach, I mean.”

I said nothing, waiting for more.

“Did you like it?”

“Yeah,” I said immediately. “I can’t believe it happened, but I loved it. I can’t believe you sucked me clean after.”

Ellen just smiled.


With that same smile, Ellen sucked Gary clean after he pulled out of her well fucked ass to finish off on her face. All the guys groaned at that. I had to admit, it was dirty, and hot. She looked great with multiple loads of cum on her face.

Not wanting to wait, Ellen grabbed one of the other six men and pushed him supine onto the bed. She lubed him up and then sat back gingerly, taking him up her rear. Then she crooked a finger at another man. He got the idea right away, filling her pussy with his lubed cock.

Deliberately looking into the hidden camera, Ellen lay back on the guy in her ass and moaned. The guy on top set the pace, moving back and forth. Ellen closed her eyes and sighed, in heaven again. 

The problem with liking it when your wife acts slutty, is the implications it’s not just an act. Ellen was a slut. This wasn’t an act. She’d done this before. For a moment I entertained the idea that she might have cheated on me. She was cheating on me, now. But I wondered if she’d done it before, without my knowledge.

Two guys fucked her sloppy cunt before the guy in her ass decided he wanted to cum on her face. She cleaned him up after, and then got on her hands and wiggled her ass, presenting herself like a bitch in heat. I wanted to go down there and stuff her full of my hard cock. 

I checked the time. She’d gone through all six guys in fifteen minutes. For the next thirty or forty minutes they fucked her one at a time, mostly. Occasionally one of them would stuff her face with cock while another fucked her ass or pussy.

Ellen didn’t tire, and seemed to enjoy herself immensely. She may have enjoyed it more than the men, despite the loads of cum on her face, tits, stomach, and in her body attesting to the mens’ pleasure.

Eventually, Ellen wiggled her ass and no one was left who could mount her. She’d worn all six down inside one hour. Instead of resting, Ellen rolled onto her back to massage her clit as the six men and a camera looked on.

“I know there must be someone left who can fuck me.” I imaged she was talking to me.

“We’re done, honey,” said Gary. “But we still have ten minutes with you.”

He pulled her up by the arm and led her off camera. Alarm bells went off in my head as his five friends followed them off camera. Were they taking her outside? One of the guys ran back into view, grabbed her phone, and ran back out of view again. Cheers and guffaws followed, so I relaxed.

After a few minutes, the six men came back to gather their clothes. I could hear the shower as they dressed in silence. With the show over, I got up and went back down to the bar to drink down my anger and hardon.

The room was pitch black and smelled like soap and Ellen’s perfume. My phone showed the time: 12:23. I’d been nursing drinks and hurt feelings for almost two hours. I fumbled in the dark, trying to remember where the bed was. Once I’d found it, I crawled onto it carefully, then crashed down like a beaching whale.

“Hi,” Ellen said.

Shit, she was awake. I didn’t say anything, but I let out a heavy sigh. I didn’t want to talk.

“You wanna talk about it in the morning?”

I giggled. I wanted to fuck my wife. I suspected she couldn’t, but my cock was aching with need and I was furious. “I can’t decide if I should fuck you or whip you,” I said.

“Whip me?” She flicked the bedside light on, making us both squint. I could see she was naked under the sheets, her long brown hair was still wet enough to appear black.

“Don’t you think you deserve it?”

“For what?” she asked. “I’m not the perv who set up the camera. And you charged them money. What if we’d gotten arrested?”

Shit, she found out. “I suppose it was too much to expect those douche bags to be discreet.”

“And too much to expect you to be honest with me,” she said. “Or careful.”

“Honest? You banged six guys. That wasn’t a fantasy. Two guys is a fantasy. Six is a gang bang. And the way you acted? No way was that your first time with a dick in your ass and pussy.”

“Hmf,” she snorted and crossed her arms defiantly, smirking at me.

Christ, she was beautiful. My cock swelled with need. I sat up and put a hand behind her head to pull her to me. Instead of kissing her, I whispered into her ear, “You’re fucked now, get on your hands and knees and close those eyes.”

Still smiling, she did as I asked. I stood, removing my belt before taking off my clothes. I folded the belt in half and walked around to her side of the bed. Sensing my presence, Ellen arched her back as if expecting a prize in her snatch.

“Look at you, presenting yourself to be fucked,” I said. “After all those dicks, you still want more?”

“God, yes,” she whispered. “I feel empty, I need you to fill me.”

“You slut.”

The first lash landed on top of her upturned ass, a perfect shot making a loud snap. Ellen shrieked and shot forward. She wasn’t smiling anymore, but I could feel my face crack into a genuine grin for the first time that night.

“Shut up and take your punishment, slut,” I said. I pushed her head down into her pillow and brought the belt back down on her ass again. She screamed into the pillow.

“That wasn’t your first gang bang was it?”

Ellen rolled her head to the side to look up at me with tear filled eyes. “I wouldn’t call that a gang bang.”

I brought the belt down again with another snap. Ellen pushed the pillow into her face before shrieking into it. I whipped her two more times, more lightly, just for good measure. She pulled the pillow away from her face to let me see her smile. Her eyes bored into mine defiantly.

“Say it,” I said, raising the belt menacingly.

“Okay, it wasn’t my first time,” she said.

“How many?”

“How many men or how many times?” she asked. Despite her obvious discomfort my strap was dispensing, Ellen giggled up at me.

“You insolent slut,” I cracked the strap on a new part of her ass to add another long red whelt to her white ass. It looked painful, but Ellen didn’t ask me to stop. “Tell me.”

“Lots,” she said. “Lots of times, lots of men. But, six is new for me.”

“Usually?” I whipped her again, this time with force. Ellen barely managed to muffle her scream. “You’ve been fucking around on me?”

“Nmph,” she shook her head, still muffling her mouth with the pillow.

“No? How can I believe you?”

“I would never,” she said. I brought the belt down more lightly; her ass was a florid red and she was heaving in big gulps of air.

“You just did,” I said.

“After you sold me,” she accused. She was panting like she’d just run up stairs.

“What choice did you give me?” I asked. I raised the belt, but held back as she cringed. “You wanted it, so I went along. But you had to make me ask them. How cruel can you be? I couldn’t do it, but I could sell your slutty ass to them. It felt good to do it.”

“I’m sorry,” she said, softly, her breathing returning to normal. There was no defiance or mischief in her. “I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Which? Fucked your record setting six guys or made me ask them up here?”

“The last one. And I’ve never cheated on you. I’ve been a good girl for so long, and it felt good to be bad. But…” Ellen bit her lip, a glint of mischief shone through the tears in her eyes. “That wasn’t a record, just the first time I’ve been with six men.”

“What?” My hand dropped, I let the belt go. I reeled from the impact of her words.

“Tonight I had a lot of firsts,” she said. Ellen rolled onto her side looking up at me. She rubbed her ass and smiled. “First whipping. Ouch, by the way. First seven-some, first time on video, and I’ve never done it for money.” She trailed off, looking into the distance, thinking about something else.

“What else?” I asked. Ellen focused back on me, biting her lip. “Do I even want to know?”

“Probably not,” she said, glancing meaningfully at my cock. I’d don’t think I’ve ever been more rampant. “You didn’t have a camera in the bathroom?”

“No. Tell me,” I said through the lump in my throat.

“I’ll show you,” she said.

Ellen picked her phone off the side table and crawled to me over the sheets. Ellen’s hair looked like a black halo around her gorgeous teary face. I’d made her cry and I wasn’t sad about it. She didn’t seem to mind either.

She sat gingerly on the edge of the bed fiddling with her phone, then she handed it to me and got on her knees. As I thumbed the play icon, Ellen put her warm mouth around the head of my cock.

The video started in the room. After some jerky camera motion showing an alarming number of naked male body parts, the picture stabilized on a three-quarter view of Ellen standing in the shower in front of Gary, magnificently wearing nothing but cum, ruined stockings, and high heels. Gary pushed down on her shoulders and Ellen blindly obliged, getting on her knees. She opened her mouth expecting someone to stuff it full of cock, I suppose. But he just stood there.

“Aren’t you tired of sucking cock?” I asked her, looking down at her from the video. She’d shoved more of my hard cock into her mouth and, to be honest, it felt amazing. Ellen shook her head and kept sucking. I looked back to the video.

Nothing changed. As Ellen sucked my cock, I watch nothing happen on the video for a full minute. Then video Ellen wiped her eyes and opened them, looking around. She smiled at the camera when she noticed it.

“Get ready,” he said. Gary held his flaccid cock pointed at Ellen. Ellen looked at his cock and then up at Gary. She smiled and tilted her head back, in a now familiar motion of submission, then cupped her breasts and pinched her nipples.

“What the fuck is happening on this?” I asked Ellen.

“Wayth fr thith,” she said around my cock.

Wait for what? I wondered how she could say anything with that much cock in her mouth. She seemed to be trying to stuff my entire cock in there. It wouldn’t fit, I knew from experience.

“Here it is.” Gary’s annoying voice drew my attention back to the phone. Liquid shot out of Gary’s flaccid cock and splashed onto Ellen’s upturned face. For a confusing second, I thought he was coming, which would be amazing. But the clear stream continued.

“That fucker,” I said. “Ellen, he’s pissing on you!”

“Ymph,” was all she said as she pushed more of my cock down her throat.

“Yeah, open your mouth, whore. I want to get my money’s worth,” Gary said.

Ellen moaned loudly in stereo.

I watched as Ellen opened her mouth. Gary’s hot piss made a gurgling sound as it filled my wife’s usually articulate mouth.

“Now swallow,” he said. Ellen’s eyes flared for a second. Now she felt outrage? She looked up at him. I thought she might refuse, but instead, her mouth closed and she swallowed with a loud gulp. All the men in the room cheered or groaned.

Gary continued pissing all over Ellen’s face, washing loads of cum down onto her chest, breasts and hands. One of Ellen’s hands moved down between her legs while the other wandered around her body, rubbing cum and pee around on her face, chest, throat, and flat abdomen.

A volley of sensations hit me. Humiliation, embarrassment, and lust. I was in Ellen’s throat now, for the first time, which felt incredible. Watching her get pissed on screen as she deep throated me live was too much.

“You whore,” I said. I’d never called her that. I grabbed Ellen’s head and thrust forward. I’d never done that, either. She gagged on my cock, but I didn’t care. I just found it funny she wasn’t gagging on the video, too.

Ellen’s eyes teared up more as she gagged on my cock again and again while I fucked her face and watched. Gary finished up and stepped aside. What a generous friend he was.

The ginger got up next and unleashed a stream of piss on her face. Again Ellen smiled as he and three other men showered her down in golden pee. She shivered and groaned in orgasm at least once.

Finally, the guy with the camera got his turn. Her wet, shiny face was completely washed clean of cum. Ellen opened her eyes and smiled at the camera. The cameraman took and excellent POV movie of my wife receiving his hot spray, first on her forehead, then down the bridge of her nose and into her open mouth.

She opened her eyes again when the stream abruptly stopped.

“Swallow,” said the cameraman. Ellen didn’t hesitate this time. She closed her mouth and swallowed, then closed her eyes with a shudder, obviously coming herself. There was another cheer from the other men.

“Do you like drinking piss?” I asked. Ellen couldn’t answer. My cock was too far down her throat.

On the phone, Ellen opened her eyes. The guy didn’t do or say anything. So she opened her mouth and waited with a gleam in her eye. He filled her mouth again and stopped. Ellen made an open mouthed smile before gulping down her hot drink, letting some spill out. They continued like that, the men cheering each time my lovely wife drank another mouthful. After five or six gulps, the guy emptied the remainder of his bladder all over Ellen’s face and tits.

I threw the phone aside and grabbed my wife’s head in both hands, thrusting into her throat and holding her there. Ellen gagged, or at least she was trying to, but she didn’t struggle or try to push away. She looked up at me. Her passivity and the physical sensation of her throat convulsing around my cock fueled my anger and increased my pleasure. She deserved rough treatment and she knew it. And it felt great giving it to her.

“God, you’re a dirty slut.”

I relented, letting go of her head. Ellen pulled back, wetly coughing spittle all over my cock and balls before sucking in a lung full of air. I hauled her up and threw her face first onto the bed. She giggled, rolling over and just lying there, getting her breath back.

“Well?” I said. “Act like what you are.”

Ellen giggled again and turned back onto her stomach. She pulled her legs up under her, so she could present her red, welted ass to me.

“Good girl,” I said. I grabbed her hips and shoved my spit slicked cock all the way up her ass in one stroke. Ellen groaned. I pulled out and thrust into her soft asshole again.

“You’re amazingly tight after all that sodomy,” I said.

“I’m just an amateur,” giggled Ellen. “Ouch,” she said after I pushed back into her, roughly.

“Not anymore,” I said. “Why didn’t you tell me? Why were you so prim and proper when we met?”

Ellen bit her lower lip pensively, looking at me over her shoulder. I pushed into her ass as far as I could go, rocking her head back.

“I got dumped the first two times a man I loved found out about my past,” she said. She looked sexy as hell admitting she was a slut.

“So you’re a slut. You enjoyed a lot of guys, I take it?” I pulled out and shoved back in hard, enjoying her tight ass.

“Many. Frequently, all at once,” she said.

“Still worried I’ll reject you?” I asked, pounding her as brutally as possible with my cock.

She shook her head. “You enjoyed watching?”

“I wasn’t sure at first. But, look at me now,” I said, thrusting into her again. She cried and reached a hand out under herself to touch her clit. I grabbed her arm at the elbow, stopping her. She didn’t resist, so I grabbed her other arm and used them to pull her against me.

“Fuck me. Use me. Show me how you feel.”

“How does it feel, to be a professional slut?”

“Fantastic,” she said.

I fucked her hard as she giggled or moaned alternately. Ellen let her arms go limp, allowing me to pull her onto me with them. She moaned softly while I handled her the way I wanted.

“You want to do this again, don’t you?”

She groaned. Her head bobbed confirmation.

I let go of her and she sprawled bonelessly onto the bed.

I stood, waited. Ellen looked back at me. I smiled menacingly. With a groan, my slutty wife slid off the bed and turned around to suck my cock. She made satisfying gulping sounds as I came in her hungry mouth.

I left her there, kneeling on the floor and got into bed. Flicking off the light, I said, “Come here.”

In the dark, Ellen crawled onto the bed and under the covers. She lay along my body, her head in the crook of my left arm. A relaxed, silent tension grew between us as my anger ebbed and we snuggled together.

“I still can’t believe you let those assholes fuck you.”

“Let them?” she said. “I, fucked them.”

“Yeah, I supposed that was obvious from the start. Shoulda known right then it wasn’t your first rodeo.”

Ellen didn’t answer, but she nodded slowly. She felt good against me. My body responded to her warm curves and her frank admission.

“So, how would you rate sex with them?” I asked, recalling that day in therapy, the humiliation of that number as well as the titillating humiliation of this evening.

Ellen gripped my hardening cock gently with her small soft hand. “Make love to me,” she said. “I need you in me, filling me.”

She straddled me, putting both hands on my chest. In the dark, I could see her looking down at me with a serious expression on her face. She mounted my cock and eased her soaking wet pussy down over it.

“Your cock feels so good in me. So right.” It felt great to be inside her.

“You’re evading,” I said.

“Six,” she said softly. Ellen gripped my chest tighten as she pivoted her hips on my cock. We sighed together. I lifted one hand up to cup and caress one of the lovely dangling breasts.

“Wow, one point per guy. You’re a tough critic,” I quipped. My mouth tasted bitter. “And…”

“We’re not a two anymore,” she interrupted.

“Well, what are…?”

“Happily Married,” she said.

“Happily evading!”

Ellen gave me a look. “Okay, if that’s what you want,” she said. Still rocking her hips and gripping my cock with her talented pussy she leaned down to nip my earlobe. Then she whispered, “You’re the fuck of my life. Your cock fills me just a bit too much. Makes it interesting. It’s too big and you know it, but you’ve never been lazy with it. Such a careful and conscientious lover.”

She licked my ear and bit down on the lobe before continuing. “‘Two’ was probably harsh. But since then you’ve been great. We’ve been great. Together. I have no regrets.”

Her breath tickled my ear erotically as her words stroked my ego. I grabbed her ass and thrust up into her, stroking her in turn.

“See,” she said, “like that. Sometimes I want to make love and sometimes I need you to fuck me.”

“Which do you need now?”

She lifted back up, looking down at me. “Which did you think?”

I rolled us over, getting on top, and thrust hard into her. Ellen wrapped her long legs around me, using them to pull me into her and meeting my thrusts with equal vigor. I came, gushing into her tight cunt. I could feel her orgasmic spasms clenching my cock as I spent myself.

I rolled back over, bringing her with me, so we stayed interlocked.

“So, better than a two, then,” I said, after catching my breath.

“Don’t be smug,” she said. I could tell she had a wicked smile on. “I was lying.”

“You can be a real bitch, sometimes.”

Ellen giggled softly and kissed the palm of my hand. “You’ve called me a whore, a slut, and a bitch. You should pick one.”

I grunted in surprise. “That was deep,” I said. “Hmm, Definitely not, bitch. But I can’t decide about the other two, each has pluses and minuses.”

“Whores are profitable,” she said.

I slapped her ass.

“What? I’m just being helpful.”

“That’s the problem. I’m not sure I like you being helpful to anyone but me.”

She kissed my hand again. We stayed locked together like that until we fell asleep. In the light of morning, I decided I could deal with a having a slutty wife as long as I didn’t have to talk anyone into fucking her. Not for free anyway.

Published 10 years ago

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