Amazon Chased Ch. 02

"Having been captured by a tribe of Amazons, I must be washed before they tell me what they want. Thankfully, the older and curvy Tanica has come to wash me."

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“Um, Okay…” I said, but my focus was split between trying to speak, what just happened with Izabella, and the stunning body of Tanica. Not staring was not an option. Her bountiful breasts sucked in my gaze like nothing I had ever seen before. 

Tanica giggled. Her sharp but lovely accent was music to my ears, “You look as though you have never seen a woman before.”

Suddenly, my shame and embarrassment were enough to drop my gaze away and down. It was then I remembered I was naked. My cock still glistened with the remnants of my cum and Izabella’s juices. I covered myself.

“Sorry, I, um–”

“Don’t be, my shy little boy. You have nothing to, um…” Tanica started to enter the keep but stopped halfway to me. Her hand touched her forehead, and she swayed sideways as if she might fall. My instincts to help kicked in, and I tried to stand, but the surge of pain returned to my ankle all at once as I remembered my injury.

“My Lady, are you okay?” I asked through gritted teeth.

Tanica rested her hands on her knees for a moment, gathering herself before looking up at me. Her eyes softened, and a curl of smile appeared on her lips. 

“Yes, my boy. It’s been a while since I’ve smelled that familiar scent,” she said and continued over to me.

Tanica helped me to my feet slowly. She pulled at my arms and lifted at my back gently as if she might break me, and I thought she could have with how little she strained with my weight.

“We will walk across the way to the bathhouse. You must be cleaned of your filth,” Tanica said, guiding me to the doorway. I had an arm around her shoulders as she covered my injured leg with every step. Her hand pressed on my back and chest simultaneously. I could feel this woman’s hot breath panting on my right pectoral muscle as her body formed mine.

“Shouldn’t I–I mean… I’m naked. Do you have a cloth for me to cover with?” I asked.

“Nonsense. Clothes are to protect your sensitive bit from the elements or for shame,” Tanica scoffed, her eyes glancing down at my flopping member between my thighs. “It is a wonderful night, fresh, warm air, and you have nothing to be ashamed of.” Without warning, Tanica reached beneath the tassel of fabric that covered her chest and scooped one of her breasts free and exposed. The massive fat breast nearly struck me in my face before she dropped it back to her chest with a clap.  “Here. Do I have anything to be shamed for?”

Not knowing what to say, I bit my lip and followed Tanica’s lead.

Cringing, I limped with Tanica outside and saw half a dozen fires lit around the village. The huts keep, and two large halls in the middle were bathed in orange light from the flames. The giant women paused their duties and went silent as they watched me stagger across the dirt. It was surprisingly nice outside. Warm with a slight breeze, but most astonishing, not a single bug or mosquito in sight. It was as if the insects of the forest had forgotten this village carved in the middle of the trees.

By the time we made it inside the bathhouse, I had noticed Tanica changing. Her hand on my chest softened and rubbed exploringly, inching lower to my navel. Her parted lips brushed my chest from the angle I leaned on her. She might have even wetly kissed the muscle of my chest a few times. I was going to ask about it, but I forgot as soon as I set foot inside.

The bathhouse was larger than I realized. It was a log structure built alongside a small hot spring beside a mountain. It was like a small pond of bubbling water heated from the gasses of the Earth. Logs from chopped trees lay across the pool of water, dividing the body of water into more than a dozen smaller sections, with one large hexagonal pool in the center. Four small fires were lit in the corners of the room, which gave light to the twenty women who were already naked and bathing in the spring.

Whispers competed with the sounds of the bubbling water. Tanica giggled and pulled me along.

“Come now, boy. No shame, remember?” Tanica whispered.

Tanica walked me onto a narrow stretch of dirt that extended to the center pool of the spring. She separated enough to undo the pieces of cloth and let them fall to the ground.

“Come now. Into the water,” she commanded.

Looking at the drop into the water, I hesitated, hopping on one leg. “I don’t think I–”

Tanica me into the air with ease, throwing me over her shoulder as she carried me into the water. The warmth drowned my legs, body, and head before pawing at the water to stay afloat. It was not a bath or even a pool. I felt no bottom and began to panic, for I could not swim. My last gasp of air was taken before I slipped under the water. The deeper I went, the warmer the water became. Dropping like a rock, I suddenly wondered if I was going to drown before I was burnt to death by the extreme heat boiling from the hidden earth below.

Then, when all hope was lost, a hand gripped my wrist and yanked me from the depths with such force I was nearly launched out of the water. I gasped for air in a panic as hands wrapped around my chest and pulled me backward.

“Relax… relax, boy…” Tanica’s calming voice whispered into the back of my neck. “You are safe… breathe…”

I did as commanded and slowed my breaths. Between the dancing orange flames around the room, I saw all the eyes and breasts staring at me. 

“There you go…” Tanica hummed, her hands releasing me and allowing me to sit on the small ledge between her legs. “You are reborn in the Springs of Olynia. Your soils are washed. Feeling the cleansing water enter your skin just as it enters ours.”

Others entered the room. A seemingly endless line of women filed in and began removing their clothes. Each more beautiful than the next. They walked into the water with grace and filled the spaces between the ones already watching me.

“What’s happening? Why are they all watching?” I asked, looking over my shoulder. Tanica’s blonde hair was wet and strung over her shoulder. She was a full head taller than I from our angle, which meant my eyes were level with her right breast.

She looked down at me, biting her lower lip. “They’re waiting for us to begin.”


Tanica’s right arm swam between my legs, and I felt her palm slip around my balls, massaging them.

“Oh,” I said and straightened up but was stopped. Tanica’s left arm tightened around my chest, holding me in place. 

“Hold still,” Tanica sighed, her eyes closing as she moaned. “Good heavens, my boy. You have such wonderful testicles. They fill so fast. And your cock…” I felt her fingers close around my shaft, which answered with a flex in return. “Yes, you have the strength of youth.”

I gasped a groan as she started to stroke my cock beneath the water. Each pump grew my shaft back to strength in her lap.

“I don’t think, um,” I hesitated, seeing all the women begin to sway and lick their lips. “I don’t know if I can, uh, you know… with everyone watching…”

Tanica did her cute giggle and turned me in her lap so I could face her more. “Let me worry about your orgasm, my boy. You are in very good hands.”

As she spoke, her hand rubbed to the tip of my shaft, and the pad of her thumb rubbed a circle over the tip of my cock. The feeling made me gasp, and my cock flexed, releasing a small spurt of pre-cum. 

A reverberation went through the room like an energy had lifted into the air. A collective sigh formed from the audience of naked women bathing around me. They began to move, but my eyes were pulled away as Tanica guided my cheek toward her. Her soft lips went to mine like they were called to one another. I felt her tongue explore my mouth and her lips with approval as her hand continued her slow and steady strokes. My cock flexed to an iron rod in her fist, begging for more contact from her loose grip.

“The Gods have brought you to me…” Tanica purred as she broke from the kiss. Her tongue lapped at my neck as her lips kissed to my ear and sucked on my earlobe. “I don’t… I don’t know if I can stop myself. I feel your hard body… I feel your hard cock… your seed… Your cum…”

The women who watched Tanica molest me were lost in the moment as much as this mature woman was. Their hands massaged their breasts and body like they were with me. They masturbated themselves and each other. More than one woman reached around another and fondled and fingered. Moans and coos filled the room.

Tanica moaned suddenly and rocked back and forth. It was a moment before I realized that she had just orgasmed without me even touching her. No one was.

“Oh, come here, boy, come here, my boy…” Tanica grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me to her breasts before I could react. The mature woman’s breasts were enormous and full to the touch. As her nipple was pressed into my mouth, my hands cupped the outside, squeezing and massaging them. 

Tanica moaned in a high-pitched voice as she looked down on me, “You’ve… you’ve brought something out of me, boy, yes… oh gods, yes, tongue that nipple. Oh my good boy, yes, you can suck them. You can suck them. You can suck…” 

The curvy woman’s hand tightened on my cock as I rocked forward and back, fucking her hand beneath the water. Massaging the outside of her breast in ever-expanding circles, I began to suck harder and harder on her nipple.

“Ah! Fuck,” she gasped. “Good boy… good boy… oh, good boy…”

A splash hit my tongue, and I withdrew in shock, but Tanica’s hand clamped my head to her chest. Her orgasm struck just as I realized she was lactating and my lips were milking her.

“Oh yes, cumming… cumming… Suck harder, I’m cumming!” she cried, and I did.

Tanica’s thick thighs clapped together beneath me as her breasts jiggled and her grip tensed. I bit her nipple and sucked, making her head fling backward and a scream to be released that nearly echoed. More moans filled the bathhouse. Splashes in the water as women arched, shook, and writhed.

The curvy woman whose breasts I suckled at wouldn’t let me stop. She gripped the back of my neck and fed her other nipple into my mouth. Her fist beat my cock faster. I felt her palm making long strokes from the base of my shaft all the way to the head and back. Tanica pressed her lips to my forehead, kissing and whispering breathlessly.

“Oh gods–yes, yes… suck so hard. Drink me down. I need you to cum. I need your seed, young man. Let it go. Feel my hand stroke your big cock, my boy. I feel you flex, gods…” she gasped and panted. “Give it to me… give it to us… cum for me… cum for me… cum for me, my good boy…”

I released a gurgle of a groan into her plump breast. Milk spilled down my cheek from the corner of my lips. My shaft spasmed as the orgasm struck me like a wave. I flexed as my milky cum exploded from my shaft, and euphoria took me elsewhere for a moment.

Instantly, I was brought back when a chorus of moans was let out. Every woman in the room, including Tanica, shuddered and moaned. Their orgasms were powerful and unrelenting.

The spots in my eyes slowly disappeared with every blink of my eyes. Finally, Tanica’s hands released me, and I breathed, lifting from the massive breasts. Eventually, the bathhouse came under control as the women gathered themselves. They didn’t leave the water but floated and basked more in it.

“Come now,” Tanica said abruptly and lifted me out of the water with ease. “Don’t worry about them. They will be there for some time.”

Every moment that passed raised more questions for me, and yet I had no answers to any of them. But my captors weren’t exactly mistreating me, so I wasn’t worried.

Tanica brought me to a small hut near the largest fire in the center of the village. There, a straw bed was made, and fresh garments were waiting. Dressing me, she pulled a fresh shirt and pants on before laying me down.

“Sleep now. You will need your rest for tomorrow,” Tanica said.


Tanica smirked. “That demonstration was just for the young ones. To satisfy the women your age, my boy,” Tanica smirked. “Tomorrow, the women will have you.”

“Have me?” I asked.

She giggled and left, leaving me worried and with even more questions. With a broken ankle and physically exhausted from the day’s adventures, I figured there was only one option. Closing my eyes, I allowed sleep to take me. My dreams took me to places I did not know and to pleasures I could not conceive, but only one person continued to appear in my mind’s eye throughout the night. Her blue dress draped over her body as she danced.


With a sudden jolt, I awoke. The morning sun silhouetted a figure standing over me at the entranceway, and on instinct, I tried to sit up, only for a sting to the ankle to remind me of the previous day. Calming myself enough to focus, I took a breath and looked back at my early morning visitor.

Black straps of leather hung over her shoulders, barely draping over her nipples and plump breasts. Her soft curves were only able to hide some of her hard, lean, muscled interior. Her short black hair dangled to one side as she looked down at me with a wicked smirk. That was when I recognized her.

“Good. You’re awake,” Haughty said.

My captor…

Published 7 months ago

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