Amazing Grace Part Four – Chapters 13-16

"Mac discovers a family secret that throws him off balance."

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Chapter Thirteen

Grace woke up refreshed and happy. She was curled up against the man she loved, the one who had induced her coma-like sleep by treating her body to mind-blowing sex. It was a welcome treat after spending a few days with his despicable family.

She thought wistfully about her own parents. Would they be proud of her if they were still alive? Would they love Mac because she did? Would they love her despite all she had done to survive? She believed in her heart that they would.

She was starting to forget what their voices sounded like again. When she returned to New York, she would retrieve the photo frame from her storage unit that they had given her containing a recorded message before leaving for their final mission.

Suddenly it dawned on her that she wasn’t homeless anymore.

“You’re thinking very loudly for a woman who saw God many times last night, Grace,” Mac said with his eyes still closed.

“Your voice sounds so sexy first thing in the morning when you’ve just woken up, and it’s all deep and sleepy,” Grace replied.

“Clever way to dodge the subject, my darling wife.”

Grace sat up. She was secretly thrilled that he was starting to know her well enough to know she had something on her mind and that he loved her enough not to let it go easily.

“It occurred to me this morning that I will need to go through my things in my storage unit when we return to New York. I know you probably don’t want my couple of pieces of furniture in your house, but I do have some personal items I want to make sure I don’t lose.”

Mac sat up as well and put his arm around her. “Grace, it’s not my house. It’s our house. When we are finished in Europe, the first thing I want to do is take you on a proper honeymoon. But when we return to New York, I want you to do whatever you wish to make the house feel like your home. If you have pieces of furniture that you love or things with sentimental value, I want you to find a place for them.”

“I’ve never even seen your bedroom,” she said, feeling a bit disconcerted.

Our bedroom. And since there are several in the house, if you prefer a different one, then feel free to say so.”

Grace blinked. Mac saw her bottom lip quiver a bit.

“I’ve said something wrong. Will you tell me what it is before I make things worse by trying to make them better?”

“Is there a reason you would encourage me to choose a different bedroom? I assumed we would share a bedroom in your house.”

Mac looked confused. “In our house, Grace. I simply meant if you don’t like the layout of the master bedroom, you can choose a different one for us to share.”

“Ohhh!” Grace said as the lightbulb went off in her head. She felt instantly stupid. “I thought you meant…I mean…I wasn’t sure how rich married people live, that’s all,” she said, stumbling over her words.

“Grace, if it would make it easier, we can sell the house and buy a new one. All I want is for you to be happy.”

“I am happy; I promise I am. I mean, hell, I’m not homeless anymore.”

Mac’s heart hurt a little. “And you’ll never be homeless again. Even if you decide you’ve made a terrible mistake, the house in Queen’s Village is yours,” he reminded her. Then, hoping desperately to make her smile, he added, “Of course, you’ll need to kick out the current renters. But I don’t think the formidable, amazing Grace will have any trouble doing that.”

Grace gave a soft laugh despite the couple of tears that managed to roll down her cheek. “I still think it’s weird that you’re giving me a house.”

“Consider it a wedding gift then.”

“I didn’t get you anything.”

“You just spent several days with my parents and sister, and you never complained once. You agreed with me that they were heathens, but you never bitched or moaned about them. And they were awful to you. If that’s not a gift, I don’t know what is.”

“That’s not worth as much as a house.”

“Grace, you haven’t seen the house,” he laughed. “Darling, what you gave me is worth so much more than you could ever know. Every time I thought a headache might show up to squeeze my brain, you were there to hold my hand and ease my soul. That kind of gift is priceless.”

He decided now wouldn’t be the best time to mention that the rent money from that house was now being deposited into an account in her name. Or, that Michael Stone, his lawyer, had already drawn up the paperwork for the house to be put in Grace’s name. Still, it seemed paltry in comparison to the gift of love, decency, and kindness that she’d given to him in the midst of all that nastiness that spewed out of his family’s mouths.

“Well, at least let me show you how appreciative I am,” Grace said seductively.

“I wouldn’t say no,” Mac laughed.

She leaned over and nibbled on his ear before whispering, “I think I should suck you for a little bit, and then I think you should take my ass.” Then she probed his ear with her tongue before kissing her way down his body until she found her prize.

“Fuck! You turn me on so much! I’m already hard.”

“Does that mean you don’t want some oral cock worshipping before the main event?” Grace asked playfully.

“Oh, well, I wouldn’t want to rob you of satisfying your oral fixation,” he teased. “Go ahead, Grace. Suck my cock.”

Grace smiled wickedly. Then she licked and sucked until he was moaning with pleasure. After several delightful moments of cock worship, Grace reached over to the nightstand and grabbed a bottle of lubricant. “Lube up my ass, Mac. I need to feel that monster dick in my tight back door.”

“Get on all fours, you sassy little redhead!”

When he felt she was ready, he poked the head of his dick against the puckered star and said, “Mine.”

“Yours, always.”

He pushed himself into her slowly, easing back a couple of times to allow her to get used to his girth in her tightest of holes. She felt so fucking good on his cock. When he was finally balls deep inside her ass, he reached under her to find her hard little nub. As he fucked her ass slowly, he played with her clit until he had her panting. When he felt her climax drawing near, he sped up his thrusts. Suddenly, Grace cried out, “Oh, fuck yessss!!”

She came hard, triggering his own orgasm, filling her ass with his seed.

He pulled out after a moment, and they collapsed on the bed together.

“Damn, woman, you sure know how to get the morning started off right! I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

“Nope. Lots of pressure at the beginning, but once I’m used to you there, it’s pure pleasure, baby.”

“You’re so good to me,” he said as he pulled her into his arms to cuddle.

Then Grace’s stomach growled.

“I think I better feed you before your stomach goes from a growl to a roar,” Mac teased.

“Then maybe after breakfast, we can have more dessert,” Grace said suggestively, wiggling her eyebrows.

“I do have a craving for some bride a la mode.”

She gave him a quizzical look.

“I wanna eat my wife’s pussy,” Mac said, laughing.

“Oh! Sure, I’m down with that,” she laughed back.

As they got out of bed, Mac’s phone rang. Grace watched his face as he answered reluctantly. He did more listening than talking, and when he ended the call, he suddenly looked exhausted.

“Get dressed. We have to go back to the house for the reading of Mimi’s will. I’d go alone, but, admittedly, I feel stronger with you by my side. So, rather than be stubborn and tell you to stay here, I’m asking you to come with me.”

Grace crossed the room and took Mac’s hands in hers. “Thank you for not being stubborn. But I’ll still take the make-up sex you would have owed me for the fight we would have had if that makes you feel better.”

He pulled her into his arms and held her for a moment. “I’m sometimes overwhelmed by your generous heart, Grace. You claim that I know what to do or say for you, but I’d argue it’s you that always seems to know how to make me feel loved or safe, or whatever it is I need at the moment.”

“We’re pretty good together, huh?” she said as she nuzzled her head against his chest.

“We are, indeed, Gracie,” he answered. Then, after a heavy sigh, he said, “I’m sorry to substitute a lovely sit-down breakfast with Starbuck’s drive-thru, but at least there I can get you some decent tea.”

“That works,” she said as she headed into the bathroom to get ready. She took a deep breath, looked into the mirror, and silently reminded herself to be civil when they returned to Stewart House.


Chapter Fourteen

“Why is she here?” Aislyn rudely asked when she saw her brother and his wife enter the study. Both Mac and Grace ignored the question. They agreed to say as little as possible.

Lorraine shot them a glance and then indicated to the lawyer that everyone was present.

Everyone sat down, and the reading of the will began. It was pretty standard and straightforward. Mimi had left the majority of her money to charity, with a small chunk each earmarked for Lorraine, McKinley, and Aislyn.

The lawyer cleared his throat before reading the next part. “The loft condo in downtown Chicago will go to Aislyn, and the cottage in Traverse City, Michigan will go to McKinley. The bulk of the jewelry will go to Lorraine, with three exceptions. The ring with the black diamonds will go to Aislyn, as she always admired it, and it matches her heart. The pocket watch with the diamond chain will go to McKinley. And, finally, the strand of pink pearls will go to McKinley’s girlfriend, fiancée, or wife (depending on their status upon my death), Grace. I hope I made it to your wedding, but if not, thank you for showing my grandson how to love.”

Aislyn fumed, “Why does she get anything? She’s not family; Mimi never even met her!”

The lawyer raised an eyebrow and said, “I’m not finished. There is a letter to each family member that has been sealed. It was Michelle’s wish that you all read them privately and separately from each other. So, I would ask that once I hand your letter to you that you leave the room if you intend to read it.”

“Who’s Michelle?” Aislyn asked curtly.

The lawyer looked up with annoyance. “Michelle was your grandmother, you twit!” Then he took the letters out of his briefcase and handed them out. One of them was for Grace, which surprised her, but also touched her heart. She remembered Uncle Dom’s words from the day before, indicating that Mimi had made sure to have a strong influence over Mac. It was why he was not like his parents and sister. She wondered why Aislyn hadn’t had the same opportunity, but maybe she did, and it just didn’t take with her. In any event, she was feeling grateful to this wonderful woman that she had never met.

Grace and Mac held hands as they walked to the car. “I’d like to go back to the hotel and read our letters. I know Mimi’s directions were to open them privately and separately, but our suite is plenty large that we can be in two different rooms while we each read ours.”

Grace found it endearing that he felt it necessary to honor his grandmother’s wishes. “Of course. I’m just stunned she had a letter for me. That sure didn’t make Aislyn very happy.”

“Nothing makes my sister happy. She’s a miserable person.”

“You should probably check my body for wounds later when you get me naked. The invisible daggers were flying out of her eyes at warp speed when the lawyer said Mimi wanted me to have the pink pearls.”

Mac gave a weak laugh. “I’m just glad we were able to get in and out of there with minimal interaction with the wolves.”

“No doubt. And your father was careful not to leer at me. Thank goodness Uncle Dom called him out on that at the funeral lunch.”


“Dominic took Marcus aside and told him that he needed to quit being so obvious that he found me attractive,” Grace said, choosing her words carefully.

“What did my father say?”

Grace thought for a moment about the promise they made to each other to always be honest. But what if that honesty meant hurting Mac?”

“Grace?” Mac prompted when she didn’t say anything.

“I didn’t hear the entire conversation.” It wasn’t a lie.

Mac looked at Grace. He could tell she was holding something back. “Did my father make a pass at you?”

“No! Oh, gosh, no! I would have told you about that. After I broke his arm, of course!”

Mac gave her half a grin. He had no doubt she meant it.

Grace saw that her answer satisfied Mac. But it didn’t satisfy her. Holding back was just as bad as lying, wasn’t it?

“I heard part of the conversation, though, but if I share it with you, it will hurt you,” she said softly.

Mac stared down at his feet. “Sometimes honesty hurts, but it beats keeping secrets from each other.”

Grace bit her bottom lip and said, “I’m not the first woman of yours that Marcus has desired. But apparently, Louise didn’t feel the need to break his arm. I’m so sorry.”

Mac sighed. “I suspected as much when we argued that night that I broke off our engagement. She said I wasn’t half the man my father was. But when I pressed her to explain, she refused to elaborate. She didn’t give a fuck about honesty. And you know the sad thing? She would have said all those same vows you did a week ago and wouldn’t have meant any of them.”

“It gets worse,” Grace said.

Mac looked up and raised an eyebrow.

“Marcus paid her to keep quiet about it.”

Mac ran a hand through his thick, dark hair. “Christ! That’s fucked up!”

Grace felt miserable for causing the look on his face. “Would you like some wine while you read your letter?”

“Yes, that sounds wonderful.”

“What time do we need to be at the airport?” Grace asked as she poured them each a glass of wine.

“I’d like to be there by 5:00 p.m. Our flight leaves at 7:15 p.m. on Swiss Air. You’ll like the individual suites. We will be able to sleep well. Our layover in Zurich is about six hours long, but we can hang out in the SWISS Lounge. No sleep cabin, but it’s a comfortable lounge with food and drink.”

“Sounds good. Do you want the bedroom or the living room to read your letter?”

“I’ll take the bedroom,” Mac said, kissing her and then picking his letter up off the table. He went into the bedroom and saw the tousled sheets where he’d made love with his wife only hours earlier. It made him smile.

Then he closed the door and opened the letter from his beloved grandmother.

My dearest McKinley,

You’ve brought me much joy over the years, but none so much as when you told me you were falling in love with your redheaded assistant. When you spoke of her, the change in your voice made me know that you will be in good hands when I pass. I feel better leaving this Earth knowing that you have someone who will love you like you deserve to be loved.

I apologize that my daughter, Lorraine was never very nurturing as a mother. Her father sent me away when Lorraine was still so young and filled her head with lies. I wish I would have fought harder to keep her. Maybe she would have turned out differently. But then again, then I might not have you.

You’ve been the most wonderful grandson. Don’t be too sad about my passing. I’m an old woman who has lived a good life. You were the best part of that life.

I hope you will forgive me for what I am about to tell you and that you won’t hate me for not telling you sooner. Lorraine begged me not to, but I couldn’t carry the secret with me to my grave, or you might never know the truth.

Marcus Stewart is not your father. His brother Dominic got your mother pregnant during a time when Marcus was traveling out of the country. I believe she loved Dominic as much as Lorraine could love anyone. But when Marcus came back, he seduced her, and, at the time, he had a great deal more money than his brother. Money has always been important to her. So much so that she lied to both brothers and convinced Marcus to marry her. She lied to everyone and told us that she went into labor a month early. But when I spoke to her doctor and asked what to expect with a preemie baby, he said you were full term. When I confronted Lorraine, she threatened to banish me again if I breathed a word of this to anyone. She said she loved Marcus but that he was sterile. So, she did what she had to do to give him a baby that would look like him. I chose to be allowed to stay. I suppose, if for no other reason to make sure you would be loved. Please forgive me.

Neither Marcus nor Dominic knows about Lorraine’s lie, as far as I am aware. It could cost you a large inheritance if this comes to light. So, you’re the only one I am telling about it. It will be your decision if you wish to do anything at all. Just please don’t hate me.



Mac sat, too stunned to move. How could she keep this from him all these years and then suddenly dump it in his lap? There were so many conflicting emotions at war inside him that he felt frozen in time and space.


Chapter Fifteen

Meanwhile, Grace read her letter in the living room.

Dearest Grace,

I hope by the time you read this letter I will have had the chance to meet you. But if not, please know that I am sure I would have loved you. You’ve brightened my grandson’s life and filled the hole in his heart. I feel so much better at the prospect of leaving this Earth knowing you will be there to love and take care of McKinley. If he hasn’t married you by now, kick him in the butt and remind him that Mimi said not to let you slip through his fingers.

The letter I’ve written to McKinley will cause him pain and confusion. I am sorry for that. I trust you to help him deal with some information that he may not feel able to share. Please allow him to tell you in his own time. And be there for him when he’s ready to do so.

When he told me that he was falling in love with you, I knew it was no coincidence that your name is Grace. I always used to say, “By the grace of God, you will find the woman who will love you like you are meant to be loved someday.” I like being right, so thank you, my dear Grace.

I hope that you are blessed with children and a long, happy marriage.



Tears were streaming down Grace’s cheeks when Mac walked out of the bedroom. One look at him told her that he’d been crying too.

“Are you okay, Mac?” she asked tenderly.

“Nope, I’m not okay. I need you to hold me.”

Grace said nothing. She stood up, crossed the room to him, and wrapped her arms around him. She had so many questions, but she would ask none. She felt she had to respect Mimi’s wishes.

They stood there, holding on tightly to each other, neither of them speaking. Finally, Mac cleared his throat and said, “I feel numb.”

“Is there anything I can do?” Grace asked, feeling helpless.

“You’re doing it.”

They didn’t move for nearly five minutes. Then Mac said, “I promised my wife some amazing oral sex.”

“Mac, I’m not going to hold you to that now. You can make it up to me in Scotland.”

Their eyes locked, and Grace could see that Mac’s lashes were wet. Her heart ached for whatever Mimi felt necessary to confess and wished, more than anything, that she could make him smile.

“Grace, I need to make love to you. Please don’t deny me right now. I need to taste you and touch you. I need to lose myself in you.”

Grace took his hands and led him to the bedroom. Without saying a word, she undressed and got onto the bed. She scooted to the edge and spread her legs. “Taste me and touch me, Mac. Lose yourself in me. I’m yours.”

Mac kneeled on the floor next to the bed and kissed her inner thighs until she thought she would lose her mind with need. Then he kissed her sex softly before devouring her, feasting on her as if he’d been starving and she was the sustenance he needed to survive. She came for him again and again, quenching his hunger and thirst for her.

Then he stripped off his clothes, joined her on the bed, and pulled her on top of him. “Ride my cock, Gracie. I need the feeling of being inside you.”

She wasted no time; she straddled him and lowered herself onto his rigid shaft. She watched his face to help her anticipate his need. She started slowly and seductively, grinding on him till he moaned.

“Yes, God, yes! Your pussy feels so good hugging my prick. More, I want more,” he begged.

“Mmm, I’ll give you more, baby.”

She quickened her pace gradually until she was riding him roughly, her body tossing about as if she were trying to stay on a mechanical bull. Her thrusts were demanding and precisely what he needed. Before long, he felt his balls tighten, and he screamed, “Fuckkkkk! I’m gonna cum!”

His release was so intense that he felt his entire body shudder. Then he felt her body do the same as she climaxed mere seconds after him.

Afterward, while she lay in his arms listening to the sound of his heartbeat returning to normal, Grace resisted the temptation to ask him if he wanted to talk. She needn’t have worried. Mac had no intention of keeping his news from her.

“Marcus isn’t my father,” he blurted out. “Dominic is.”

“What? Holy shit, Mac! Wait, does Dominic know?”

“No, according to Mimi’s letter, Marcus doesn’t know either. But my mother confirmed to my grandmother that Dominic was my father, and that Marcus is sterile.”

“Sterile? Then how did they have Aislyn? Oh, my God. The neighbor!”

“What are you talking about?”

“Uncle Dom told me that Lorraine tried to seduce him at a Fourth of July party. That he almost caved. But by the time he was ready to give in, he found her draped across some neighbor at the fireworks.”

“The timing is right. Well, fuck! My family keeps getting more fucked up by the moment.”

“Are you going to tell anyone besides me?”

“I don’t know. I need time to think. What did your letter say, by the way? I forgot to ask.”

“Mimi thanked me for showing you how to love and asked me to be there for you when you were ready to tell me what your letter said.”

The idea that Mimi was still trying to look out for him even after she died touched Mac’s heart. He wanted to be mad at her, but how could he be?

“I think we need to go to Scotland, take care of business, and then I will call Uncle Dominic and see when he would be available to come to New York. Depending on what he says will determine when we will go to Dublin. Does that sound okay?” Mac asked.

“It sounds like a good plan. I’m with you whatever you decide.”

Mac smiled. “Mimi told me that by the grace of God…”

Grace interrupted, “…you will find the woman who will love you like you are meant to be loved someday.”

He looked puzzled.

“She wrote that in her letter to me. She said it was no coincidence that you fell in love with a woman named Grace.”

Mac laughed softly. “I want to be furious at her for dumping this news on me, but I can understand why she did it. Is it shitty to say that I’m relieved that Marcus is not my father? He’s such a slimeball.”

“It’s not shitty at all. Dominic might not have known all these years, but I wonder if he sensed it, and that was the reason he stayed in the picture for so long?”

“I remember once asking him why he stuck around when my mother and father were often not very kind to him. He told me that he promised Mimi that he would help her make sure I was loved. I’d bet now that she did that to make sure that Dominic and I would have a good relationship.”

“That makes sense.”

“My God, Grace, the number of times over the years that I wished Dominic could be my real father! Now that I know he is, I don’t know what to do with this information!” Mac bellowed.

“I think your plan will give you time to think about how you want to handle it. Just know this, I am behind you, whatever you decide.


Chapter Sixteen

The trip to Edinburgh was relaxing. With the private suites having beds that lay flat, both Mac and Grace slept for most of the flight to Zurich. They killed time in the SWISS Lounge having a meal and mapping out a strategic plan to convince Callum MacAdams to agree to sell his company to Mac.

“Maybe he likes redheads,” Mac teased.

“I think he might be more inclined to be interested in you,” Grace said bluntly.

Mac blushed and shook his head. “Why would you say that?”

“Because I did some digging on him and noticed that he’s had relationships with both men and women, but most recently had his heart broken by a guy named Sean,” Grace explained.

When Mac looked confused, Grace clarified, “At least that’s what social media said.”

Mac laughed and shook his head. “You’re not seriously suggesting I flirt with the man, are you?”

Grace tilted her head, “So, it would have been okay for me to flirt with him, but it’s not okay for you to do so?”

Mac started to speak and stopped immediately. She wasn’t wrong; it was a double standard.

“I guess the right answer here would be that neither of us should flirt with him, huh?”

“Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!”

“Cheeky redheads get spanked,” Mac said matter-of-factly.

“Cheeky redheads enjoy getting spanked. So, if you’re looking to punish me, you’ll need to try something else.”

“The only true way to punish you is to withhold sex, which would also be punishing me, so that’s not a good plan.”

“You do have a point.”

“And you have two amazing points that I can’t wait to suck on when we get to our hotel in Edinburgh.”

The flight from Zurich to Edinburgh was short and easy. When they checked in, the hotel manager said that their bags that had been in storage had been transferred to their suite.

The three-bedroom penthouse at Cheval, The Edinburg Grand, was beyond luxurious. “Holy crap, this is a big suite, Mac. We should try out all three bedrooms while we are here.”

Mac looked at Grace with weary eyes. He knew he’d suggested they have sex once they checked in, but suddenly he felt like he hit a wall. Maybe he’d drink a Coke to liven up a little with some caffeine. Then he remembered the doctor in Munich had told him to avoid caffeine whenever possible due to his issues with headaches. Since his head pain had improved incredibly, he was reluctant to ignore the doctor’s advice.

Grace recognized the exhausted look on Mac’s face and knew that he needed to rest. It wasn’t like they hadn’t had fantastic sex in Chicago. She could wait a day, or even two, if necessary. She knew he was feeling more turmoil about finding out who his birth father was, even if he tried hard to hide it. So, she would be the bad guy.

“I know you wanted some dessert tonight, but I think a light dinner and an early bedtime sound more my speed. We are meeting with Callum tomorrow, and I want us to be fresh for that. I hope you’re not mad,” she said, stretching a little for effect.

Mac smiled weakly. “I suppose I could let you off the hook. I’m sure your plan makes more sense even if my idea was more fun.”

“Yes, your idea was definitely more fun. But I promise you that my tits will be here for you to suck on tomorrow,” Grace said playfully.

Mac grinned. “I love you, Grace. You’re pretending to be tired because you know I am, aren’t you?”

“You know, most women would kill to have their husbands be able to read their minds. You have become far too astute at reading my facial expressions. I love you, too. Before you say it, I won’t be disappointed waiting a day. We won’t die if we don’t have sex every day.”

“Well, no, we won’t die. But what if my dick falls off from lack of use?” he joked.

Grace tilted her head. “I don’t think it’s going anywhere. I’ve tugged on it pretty hard at times, and it seems well attached.”

“Come sit on my lap and let me hold on to you, at least,” he said.

“That sounds perfect. Let me grab the phone, so I can order us some room service while you wrap those amazing arms around me.”

But the moment Grace sat down on Mac’s lap, suddenly the only thing they were hungry for was each other. And the exhaustion melted away as the feeling of his fingers sensually running down her arm seemed to ignite electricity that energized them both.

His lips crushed against hers, and their tongues dance feverishly. He unbuttoned Grace’s blouse and unhooked her bra without ever breaking off the kiss. But once her glorious breasts were bare before him, he took a tender nipple into his mouth and sucked it till she was writhing on his lap.

“Oh, fuck, Mac! I’m gonna cum!” Grace cried out.

“Mmm, good girl!”

He treated the other erect nipple to the same delicious treatment and was rewarded with an even more intense climax that left his trousers drenched.

“My God, you are extraordinary!”

“I need you inside me,” Grace panted.

“And you’ll get me. But first, I need to feel your magnificent lips on my cock.”

She grinned. “Take your pants off, and I’ll show him some love.”

Mac wasted no time undressing while Grace got down on the floor next to the couch. She took her hand and guided Mac’s rigid shaft into her mouth, licking and teasing him until he felt ready to burst.

“Stop! I think I’ve only got one orgasm in me tonight, and I want to cum in that tight pussy.”

“Well, if you insist.”

“Oh, but I do! Lift that skirt for me, darling, and bend over the couch. I’m going to give you what you asked for.”

He practically impaled her with his thick, hard rod. His thrusting was relentless and had Grace cumming in waves of pleasure. He grabbed her hips and cried out as he emptied himself into her.

Moments later, as he held Grace in his lap again, he said, “I guess I found my second wind.”

Grace’s laughter filled the room. “You guess?”

He nuzzled her neck. “I’m sorry, I thought I was too tired, and then you sat on my lap, and I couldn’t help myself. I had to have you.”

“I’m not complaining. Not one bit.”

“So, how about I order us room service, and we look over the presentation one more time while we eat. Then it’s off to bed with us,” Mac suggested.

“To sleep?”

“I make no promises there, Mrs. Stewart.”

Grace just smiled. She could have waited for sex, but she was damn glad that he couldn’t keep his hands off her. 


Published 4 years ago

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