Aly the Tease – Part 1

"Aly decides to have a little fun with Mike."

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It was a nice sunny day when Mike woke up that morning. He stretched, yawned and rubbed his eyes as he looked over at his alarm clock to see what time it was. The clock read 8:34. Thinking it was time to get up, he rolled out of bed and headed for the shower.

What should I do today? He asked himself as he stepped into the shower after testing the water. Dan, Linda, Rachel and Brett, were talking about going to the aquarium, that could be fun. He sat under the running water while pondering what he could do. After not being able to come up with a valid excuse – or another plan – Mike decided to join the others.

He finished up with his shower before calling Dan to let him know he was going to go with them. They arranged a time to meet up and from there; he only had time to kill. He sat down for a quick breakfast while turning on the T.V. to ESPN’s Sportscenter, to get caught up on what he missed out on in the world of sports. Looks like I’m gonna be the fifth wheel again, he realized as he began thinking about the people he was going with. Maybe I’ll get lucky and meet a girl there, or one of the two girls might bring a friend along. We’ll see about the latter part.

Usually it’s Mike by himself when he goes out with his friends. He’s always had terrible luck with women, no matter when Dan or Brett’s girlfriends try to set him up with one of their friends. Either they don’t see eye to eye, or she quickly becomes uninterested. Both have happened just as often as the other. As for trying to meet new women, ha, his luck all but exists there. It’s a hard concept for him to grasp. He thinks of himself as a good looking guy, but for some reason, women just don’t get him. Give it some time. The right girl will eventually come along. He kept telling himself that over and over again, but now he was beginning to get frustrated and tired of being alone. Something had to give.

Mike got up from the couch and decided to leave early just to get out of the house. After all, it couldn’t hurt to leave early, right? The drive to the train station was slow and methodical as he had to sit in traffic for a good fifteen minutes before things got rolling again. Leaving early was a good idea, he thought to himself as the train station came into view. They all could’ve rode in his truck over to the aquarium, but it was more convenient – and faster – to ride the train. After all, who wants to battle traffic when a train will do that for you? Anyways, Mike arrived a few minutes before the others. And to his surprise, a third girl is with them that he hadn’t met before. His eyes lit up when he saw her get out of the car.


Aly’s day didn’t quite start out right. She over slept and began cursing up a storm, trying to find something suitable to wear to the aquarium, a place she didn’t even want to go to. She knew she’d give in anyways, so she pulled out some clothes that would be comfortable, yet sexy. She grabbed her favorite jean skirt with a low cut, tight fitting shirt that showed off a lot of her cleavage. She admired the way she looked while waiting for Rachel to show up.

Aly is quite the unique individual. From the way she carries herself – more like skips, spins and twirls as she walks – to her basic needs and interests. She’s a bookworm, which you wouldn’t have guessed so by taking in her appearance alone. Her favorite books are Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, Emma and the Harry Potter series, just to name a few. Her taste in music is unique in itself. She likes country, classical music, the Beatles, hip hop, rock and roll and basically anything she can dance to, or anything her mother drilled into her head as a kid. She loves to sit and watch others be happy in whatever they are doing. She always aims to please the one she is with, even if the favor isn’t returned. She loves to make people feel special as well, especially guys. She loves hugs and to be held. Most of all, she loves kisses. That’s something she can never get enough of. She stands at 5’7” with a slender frame. She has brunette hair that rests about shoulder length. Her heart shaped ass is an assets that helps lures guys into her unsuspecting trap. The feature she likes most on herself is her breasts and eyes. Most would be eager to agree with her.

“C’mon, Aly! It’ll be fun!” Rachel said to her to convince her to tag along.

“It might, but all we’re doing is looking at fish! How can that be fun?” Aly asked with a playful protest. She was just waiting for a valid reason to say yes in going to the damn aquarium.

“There are all kinds of different fish and turtles out there. Oh and whales too! Quit arguing and go with us!” Rachel kept urging her to go. “Besides, there’s a cute friend of Dan and Brett’s that will be going as well. He’s single too,” she added with a smile.

“Really? And what’s his name?” Aly’s interest of going to the aquarium suddenly rose a few levels. She knew Rachel had a pretty damn good taste in men, so if she thinks he’s cute, then he must be for sure.

“His name is Mike, he’s twenty-two and like I said, he’s cute and he’s single,” Rachel said as she began to describe Mike to Aly.

“Hmm, maybe I will go with you guys,” she said with a laugh.

“I knew you would,” Rachel said with a wink. “Now, let’s get going. We’re supposed to meet up with Dan, Brett and Linda soon so we can head to the train station. Mike should meet us there as well.” With that, the two girls headed out and met up with the others.

Aly’s eyes lit up as she saw Mike walk towards them. Hmm, this trip might be worth it after all. Let’s see how this boy reacts to what I do. From there, the wheels began turning in her head.


Damn, this girl is hot! Okay, okay, Mike, don’t fuck this up. Oh she’s looking at me. Wait, is she checking me out? Sure enough, he caught her eyes shifting up and down his body. She didn’t even act ashamed or embarrassed for being caught either. It’s like she wanted him to know what she thought of him.

“Hi, I’m Mike,” he said as he extended a hand towards her.

“I know, Rachel told me about you. I’m Aly,” she said matter-of-factly, like she could care less if he were in her presence or not. She shook his hand and the group of friends went to the platform to wait for their train.

Mike was immediately confused. What the fuck? At first she acted interested. I saw the way she looked at me when she first saw me! I’ll just play it cool and see what happens. He took his seat in the box car with the others. He began staring out the window, just watching everything go by in a blur. He soon found that staring out the window became relaxing. His mind began to wander the further away from the train station they got.

The others were engaged in different conversations that Mike had no interest in. That or he just wasn’t paying attention, which has been the case in previous situations. Nothing was directed towards him, so there was no reason for him to be pulled out of his day dream. That was until he felt someone sit next to him.

“What ya looking at?” Aly piped up as she sat closer than necessary to Mike. This immediately caught his attention, as he just sat there not knowing what to do or what to say. She caught him off guard and now was time to regroup.

“Nothing really, just kinda got lost looking out the window,” he replied as he looked at her. Man, her eyes are gorgeous.

“Oh okay, well lets see what could possibly lose interest,” she replied with a sarcastic tone. She began looking out the window for a few moments before looking back at Mike. “Nope, don’t see anything interesting out there,” she said in a smart-ass way.

Bitch, he thought to himself as he directed his attention back to the window. If she wants to be like that then fuck her. I don’t need her being like that towards me. Yet then again, she is pretty fucking close to me. Maybe I should get her back for that. “Well, it certainly isn’t you that’s catching my interest at the moment, so I’ll just go back to looking out the window.” He couldn’t believe he just said that.

Aly couldn’t believe he said that as she sat there staring at him with bewilderment. Oh fuck no! “What the fuck?” She didn’t know what else to say. She was completely caught off guard by that.

“I’m just fucking with ya,” he said with a grin, which drastically changed the expression on Aly’s face. “You’re a cute girl so of course you could easily attract my attention.”

“Well, thanks. I was about to say, I could get up and go back over there if I’m not interesting enough for you.”

“I’d rather you not. Besides, I don’t know you and I think it would be wise if you stayed and chatted a bit.”

“That’s fine by me,” she said as they began chatting about their lives and past experiences. He couldn’t help but notice how animated Aly is when she speaks. Her hands and arms were coming off her lap, doing weird things as she would explain how something happened or when she did this or did that. He found her to be easy to talk to and really all he could do was just nod his head yes or no when she asked him something. I could just sit and listen to her for hours. He was quite fascinated with Aly.

Aly loved to chat with new people and get to know them. She knew she was animated with the way she talks and if he doesn’t like it then he can fuck off. That’s how she is and if he likes her, then he’ll deal with it. But she found it easy to open up to him, like she knew him for awhile. She felt comfortable in his presence, but she still felt the need to see how he’d react to whatever game she decided to throw at him.

Her games started off nice and innocent. With Mike, she acted interested then went to shutting him out. When they reached the train, then she acted interested again. As it seemed, Mike’s interest grew with every sentence that left her mouth. Don’t get the poor girl wrong – she was in fact interested in Mike, she just didn’t want to show it right away. After all, it takes a bit of hard work to live up to her name, Aly the Tease. And a tease she definitely was.

She wanted to see how much shit he’d put up with as the day went along. So far her plan was working. She began moving closer to him as the train ride went along. She tried to be subtle about it though, not to be too obvious about what she was doing. After all, she couldn’t give away her plan to him, right?

As she got closer, she could see him tense up – like he wasn’t sure what he was supposed to be doing at the time. This might be easier than I thought! She laughed to herself as he all but squirmed next her. He seemed somewhat uncomfortable by her presence. Maybe he was just being shy? Whatever the case, Aly acted on it like he were her prey.

Aly was driving Mike nuts! He didn’t know what the hell she was doing or what her intentions were. If it weren’t for the fact that the others were around, he’d make a move on her and see what happened. But as it is, they were in the presence of their friends and that would’ve been slightly awkward. He kept looking her up and down when her eyes were diverted elsewhere, but that still didn’t stop him from being somewhat self conscious about the others being around. She became unbearably close to him and he – for whatever reason – felt it necessary to move away from her, even though he didn’t have far to go considering he was right next to the window anyways. Damn, what’s this bitch trying to do to me? He tried to play it cool, but to no avail.

By the time they made it to the aquarium, she was practically in his lap, just giggling away.

The train finally came to stop but Aly wouldn’t move from where she was. She had him trapped in the cabin as the others got up to leave. As soon as they were gone, Aly turned toward Mike and straddled his waist before kissing him square on the mouth. A subtle moan escaped his mouth as she hit his rapidly growing cock and their lips met. He wasn’t expecting this to happen. In fact, he was ready to get off the train as quick as he could. Was all this apart of her little game? He wondered. Finally she let him go and quickly made a break for the door as he just sat there stunned. Figuring it would be a good idea to get up, he exited the train before it could keep him on board. Of course she acted like nothing had happened.

Over the course of the few hours they were at the aquarium, Mike kept thinking about what happened on the train. Surely someone had to of seen what happened right? Unless she caught him in there without a soul to witness what was going on. He had a hard time concealing his hard on and to make matters worse, it seemed Aly knew he was hard. She kept passing subtle glances at his crotch before giving him a wink. She even brushed her hand against it.

“Oh I’m sorry, Mike!” She would blurt out as she clearly knew what she was doing to him.

He wouldn’t say a word, just kept looking at all the fish and turtles and whatever else this damned aquarium had to offer. He wasn’t interested in being there. He was interested in being inside this little prick tease. But he figured he should play back. No one is going to get away with teasing him without getting something in return, so why not? He went up behind Aly and pressed his hard on into her ass before wrapping his arms around her shoulders and whispering into her ear.

“I know what you’re trying to do to me and you better cut it out before there’s a bathroom that gets locked with your moans coming out of it. Got me?” He worked his cock in between her ass cheeks as hard as he could so she could get a full understanding of what he was working with. Little bitch did nothing but push back into him and wriggle her hips slightly. Just enough for him to feel, but not so everyone was aware of what was going on. He gently pushed her away and walked off.

Fucker wants to play that game, huh? Well I’ve got something for him when he least expects it. She watched him walk away and could tell he was having a hard time hiding his erection. She smiled to herself as she knew she was the reason for that hard cock. Oh, God, that hard cock… Mmm, that felt incredible pressed up against me. God, I hope he gives it to me later. If not, I’ll take it from him. That’s when she noticed that her panties were soaked. Good grief, girl, you need to be more careful about getting aroused in public. This is almost embarrassing.

Mike began scheming in his head, trying to come up with a plan to get this little cock tease back. If she wants to tease like a slut, then she’s gonna get fucked like one… And from what I can tell, she definitely has slut tendencies. Oh this is going to be good… The wheels began turning in his head. This little bitch is going to pay for what she’s been doing to him. And she’s going to be begging for it by the time he’s done with her.

The rest of the time at the aquarium, Aly left him alone and let him stew in whatever thoughts he may be processing. She found him to be incredibly sexy, even more so after the little stunt he pulled that further aroused her. She figured it was safe to keep her distance. That is until they make it back onto the train. And from there, she knew she could do whatever she wanted to him and get away with it because they were surrounded by their friends and there is nothing he can do but sit there and take it. Whatever he may dish out later can’t be all that bad, can it? Her pussy tingled at the thought of his retaliation and what it could bring. And once again, my panties are soaked. Good job, girl!

Everyone had enough of the aquarium and decided to head home. This is where Aly decided to really turn it up a notch and give him the teasing of which there’s nothing he can do about. They took their seats in the box car and immediately she started fucking with him again. She hooked her leg over his and leant up against him. Mike glanced over to see what her intentions were this time, only to be greeted with a cheerful smile.

“What’s wrong, Mike? Aren’t you glad we left the aquarium?” She asked as she batted her eyes at him.

“Yeah fucking thrilled actually,” he said with heavy sarcasm.

“Good,” she began before dropping her voice to a whisper, “’cause now there’s nothing you can do about anything,” she whispered as she moved her leg slightly to brush against his cock.

“Go ahead. But keep in mind what you’re doing because I’ll definitely remember and trust me, it’s going to be fun for me,” he shot back with a smile, only loud enough for Aly to hear him. What ya got you little prick tease? Give me your fucking best.

Very little fear and apprehension began to surface but she quickly swallowed it and decided to think he was bluffing. Bastard thinks he can fool me? I’ll bet he’s all talk and won’t do shit to or with me. Fuck him! I’ll make him mine before the night is over. “Is that so? I don’t think you’ll do shit about it!” She said with a stern whisper and a beaming smile.

“Okay, I warned you,” he replied, shooting her back the same smile.

Aly became a little more brave and decided to lift her shirt over her flat stomach, revealing her tanned skinned. “It’s getting kinda hot in here,” she said as she spoke out to the others, emphasizing the here with a subtle moan that was directed towards Mike. She began rubbing her hands over her bare stomach as Mike watched with amazement.

God, this girl is sexy. And why the fuck do I have to get hard just looking at her?! Oh you little bitch, you’re really gonna get it good later. He kept watching as she left her shirt up just under her breasts. Seeing her flat, toned and tanned stomach, mixed in with her ample cleavage, was enough to drive him wild. It left very little to the imagination and all he could think about doing at that moment was ripping her top off, pick her up and impale her on his cock. It began to painfully strain against his jeans as her leg continued to be draped over his. I hope she sees what I’m dealing with here. I have no intentions of hiding this either.

She sat in the seat and decided to become a little bolder with her attempts at this continuation of teasing by rubbing his right arm. “Ooohhh, you feel so strong! You’ll be able to protect me from whatever bad is out there! You’ll do that for me right? Of course you will!” She said to him as she kept rubbing and squeezing his arm, not giving him a chance to say shit. Dropping her voice back down to a whisper, “I’ll be these look incredibly sexy when you’re fucking a girl. I’ll bet she grabs your strong arms and holds on while you pound her into a frenzy. Am I right?” Fuck, I kind of wish he would take me right now.

“Ha,” he started before leaning in real close so his mouth was next to her ear, “wouldn’t you like to know? I know you’re turned on right now. I can see the insides of your thighs are glistening. You’re just lucky I can’t fuck you right in front of everyone. And even more so that we can’t get up and find a bathroom without them being suspicious,” he whispered in her ear before taking her ear lobe in his mouth and giving it a quick bite before pulling away. She let out an audible moan that caught the attention of the others. How do ya like me now? He was grinning from ear to ear.

“What was that, Aly?” Dan spoke up as he looked our way.

“Mike just said something funny and that was a laugh that just came out weird,” she quickly responded to the strange looks the others were giving her.

“That didn’t sound like a laugh. More like something else,” Rachel said as she leaned in closer so no one could hear what she was saying.

“No, it wasn’t a laugh. I’m trying to be a tease but he just got me back and I wasn’t expecting it. Don’t worry, it’s fine,” she said, quickly defending herself.

“Ah, so what do you think of him?”

“He’s pretty fucking hot. And he’s playing this game a little better than I expected. God, I hope he sticks to his wor…oh forget I said that!” Aly immediately began blushing at her accidental confession.

“What do you mean ‘hope he sticks to his word’? What did he say to you?” Rachel was very curious at this point.

“He more or less said that I was going to get a lot of payback and then some later if I don’t quit messing with him. I just wanna see if he’ll actually do it. And so far he’s not disappointing.” Her panties were definitely soaked.

“Oh you whore! You just met the guy! But if he says he’s gonna get you back, then I’m sure he will. He’s usually pretty good about doing what he says he’ll do. So either knock it off or you’ll be getting yourself into something you may not have intended on.” The look in Rachel’s eyes basically indicated that she was pretty much aroused herself.

“I’m either really stupid, or really horny. I don’t think he’ll man up this time,” she added before ignoring Rachel and going back to picking at Mike. I wonder what I’m getting myself into.

“Oh, Mike and Aly, we’re all going out to this party tonight in the city. Do you think you two would wanna come with us?” Brett asked the two.

“Oh that sounds fun! Yeah I’ll definitely go!” Aly answered first.

“Yeah, I’m down, man,” Mike answered.

“Great, well we’ll meet up later then.”

Aly went right back to her teasing. She finally put her shirt back down, but every time she’d say something to Mike, she would say it with a moan. Hearing her moans was driving him nuts cause he could imagine how she sounded while he was giving her the shaft. At least it was something to look forward to. Anyways, she kept putting her arms around his neck, softly drawing circles on his skin and feeling him tense and shiver. His hard-on was evident, but he still made no attempts to hide it from her. Every now and then, she would casually graze his cock, making him slightly jump each time. He knew what she wanted, but he also knew that she had no idea how bad it was going to be for her later. Keep it up little girl and things are gonna only get worse for you from here on out. Unless you’re a little whore that loves this shit. In that case, I’ll just make your fucking night.

The train finally made it back to their original stop and just as the others left the box car, Mike had Aly flat on her back with him on top of her. He roughly kissed her before pulling her soaked panties to the side and shoving two fingers into her dripping cunt. He fingered her as hard as he could until he felt her clench around him and then shudder on the seat.

“Listen to me, Aly. You’re mine tonight and everyone at that party will know it as well. If you want me to fuck you in the slightest tonight then you’ll do as I say. First, you’re going to dress as sexy as you can and no underwear. Second, you’re going to tease a group of guys, but not let it get the way it was with me. And third, you quit the fucking teasing with me. Are we clear?” Lust was clearly deep in his eyes.

“Yes, sir! I can’t believe you fucking made me cum. I’ll do whatever you want as long as you fuck me later!” Aly laid there with a look of contentment on her face before Mike withdrew his fingers from her dripping cunt.

“You’re a fucking whore,” he added as he smeared his fingers across her lips.

“You are correct there, sir. Mmm, I love tasting myself.”

Mike shook his head and got up, leaving Aly lying on the bench seat. He rejoined the others and they made their plans for the evening.

To be continued…

Published 14 years ago

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