Always Faithful – Chapter Twenty-Six

"Laura taunts Dan about her sexing with LF and Artsy and introduces Dan to her neighbor Upper Floor."

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Chapter Twenty-Six – Laura with Artsy and LF

Laura and Dan didn’t return home until Saturday evening. They packed for their trip and went to bed, to sleep. They rose early Sunday, leaving for the airport after a quick breakfast. Laura set off the metal detector with her jewelry; she asked if one of the women attendants could perform a private screening. Dan was curious about her night with LF and Artsy, but Laura continued to put him off.

“I’ll tell all over champagne as we wing our way west.”

“Well hello, it is good to see you again. We will try to make your trip to San Francisco as comfortable as possible.”

“This is my husband Dan; he is coming with me this trip.”

The first class flight attendant led them to their seats and stepped into the still vacant row in front of them to take a before departure drink order; champagne seemed a natural choice.

“I’m so glad you are coming with me this time.”

“Business glad, or pleasure?”


Dan and Laura drank their champagne, tried to ignore the bustle of boarding, and settled into their semi comfortable space while waiting for taxi and takeoff. There was little sense in beginning discussion until they were in the air.

“So you’re curious about my time with Artsy and LF, mostly LF I’ll bet; I want to hear about your experience with your two women as well. Shall I start?”

In the fifteen minutes it took the plane to get to cruising altitude and more champagne to be served, Laura told Dan how ritualistic it felt to walk naked between the two women to bedchamber. When they each lit one of the phallic candles it began; tonight Laura would be sexual offering to gods of lesbian sex.

“I guess I should say Goddess of Lesbos, but that is so trite to be corny.”

“Artsy led since she had been to Mrs. Patron’s home before and knew where we were going. LF followed behind me. I could feel her eyes on my ass cheeks the whole way to the bedroom. Each of them held a candle; they held the cock candleholder like they were jacking it. The light flickered with our motion; the flickering light made everything seem even more eerie. My bells tinkling with each step added to the eroticism of walking nude in an unfamiliar hallway to an unknown bedroom.”

Laura described undressing the other women once they were in the bedroom. She tried to begin with LF, but was directed gently toward Artsy.

“The eerie effects continued, here I was in a bedroom naked with two fully clothed women that I was about to begin stripping. If it had been a guy, even two guys, no problem. But two women, I can’t believe I was into doing anything with women, but I sure was.”

Laura reached with her left arm to clutch her husband’s right hand. She leaned in to plant a kiss on Dan’s cheek and stay close for a few seconds to emphasize her point about intimacy with men and women before continuing her tale.

“I would have done the same with four guys, but I was undressing Artsy. Every time I undid a snap or button, lowered a zipper, I kissed whatever I exposed. I got to her panties before she stopped me.”

The attendant knelt in the aisle to ask if they need more champagne or anything else. Laura noticed that Dan probably got a good view of her legs well up her skirt the way she was positioned. Laura prolonged the order using pleasant conversation to protract her stay. She reached across Dan to touch the woman’s hand to end their chat.

When she returned to the galley Dan commented, “You’ve picked up flirting with women well, LF teach you?”

“I saw where you were looking and kept her here because I love to do nice things for you.”

Dan kissed his wife and they waited for their champagne.

Laura resumed her story, describing how she undressed LF. Dan listened, and adjusted in his seat as his wife told about stripping the second woman. Laura undressed the same woman he verbally fought with earlier that evening. She undressed her as prelude to sex. Laura undressed the same woman he made out with in the back seat as Artsy drove his car.

“Did you kiss LF the same way you kissed Artsy? Did you kiss each new bit of skin?”

“Well, sort of that way; I started just like I did with Artsy. It seemed so natural. LF wanted more; she is more demanding.”

“Oh yeah Baby, I know what you are saying. LF is certainly a demanding woman.”

Laura smiled, “I learned to enjoy some of her demands.”

She stuck her tongue out and wiggled it at her husband.

“She didn’t have to teach you how to use your tongue. I know for a fact that you do that as expert.”

“Until this weekend, only with men; women are a bit different if you haven’t noticed.”

“I don’t have any experience with men, but I think I have seen some difference between us guys and the girls.”

Laura continued telling Dan that after she had LF stripped to panties, they both returned attention to Artsy. Laura went to her knees to slide the last nylon cover down. LF kneeled beside her and guided her kisses to Artsy’s newly uncovered flesh.

“I was just going to give a little kiss, mostly on her hip, but close. LF had other ideas. First she told me how to kiss Artsy’s pretty pussy; then she eased me to the side and gave an on the job demonstration. There is another difference between men and women Baby; LF gave a new meaning to oral sex with a woman.”

Laura paused for a sip of her champagne; Dan asked how LF was different than when he did oral down there.

“It wasn’t oral sex, or eating pussy, or anything like that at all. LF worshiped Artsy’s puss with me right close beside her. I was drawn along with her. Before we were through, before I learned my lesson well as the saying goes, I was worshiping right with her. We prayed at that curved slit in totally new ways. LF showed me how to use the tip of my nose and the tip of my tongue at the same time.”

“Wow, you liked eating Artsy’s puss, huh?”

“Yeah Baby, I did, I surely did, but more about me and Artsy later. I still had to get LF’s panties off.”

The pilot made some announcement about cruising altitude and calm skies that Dan and Laura ignored; the attendant made another circle through the first class cabin. Laura continued her bedroom story of the threesome with Artsy and LF.

“It was the same as with Artsy, but a bit different too. LF wanted deeper, harder kisses down there. She held me there kissing and licking until I gave her a small orgasm. Artsy just stood back and watched us for a while, but when we started really having fun she stroked my shoulders and neck.”

“When we were through, I was standing in front of them holding their panties, a pair in each hand, and they decided to play bell ringer. Finally LF got cute, told Artsy to keep ringing the bells, she got one of the candlesticks and had me sit on it.”

“I hope she blew out the candle?”

“You silly”, Laura kissed him and gave some tongue. “Just the candlestick. If that candlestick came from a gay cock, it sure knows its way around and into a girl’s sweet bottom. My cunny was stuffed. They were even bigger than Greg.”

The attendant served their breakfast meal interrupting story time. Laura reached under Dan’s tray to check something. She felt her husband’s cock long and thickened in his pants.

“You are excited hearing about my weekend, aren’t you?”

“Guilty, you had a fun time and I like hearing about it.”

“I want to hear about your time with our two hostess friends after breakfast.”

They finished their meal and got more wine. Laura told Dan it was his turn for storytelling so he began his tale.

“I’ve been with Mrs. Patron before, a goodly number of times, and her friend a couple of times. This was the first time together. We were probably more sedate than you and your bed partners, but for a pair of sixty something women they can get active.”

Dan told about undressing his two women much as Laura had hers. They spent slow minutes kissing; he with each of the ladies, and then receiving kisses from them together as he lay back on the bed. Mrs. Patron insisted Dan make love to her friend first, and Dan slowly brought her to a body wrenching climax that took her breath away.

Both women kissed him again as he recuperated. Their kisses moved from face to his chest to his waist. His first partner kissed cock and balls to thank them, and rejuvenate them for Mrs. Patron’s pleasure. Mrs. Patron kissed Dan’s nipples. Dan felt her hand traipse down his stomach to where her friend was busy. Mrs. Patron held cock to her friend’s lips for kisses causing Dan to suck air into his lungs with a loud hiss. Dan brought Mrs. Patron to his mouth for a long, sensuous kiss. He rolled her onto her back and began to kiss the underside of her thighs.

“I never realized just how easy it is to get a woman into position to cradle a man into her center. If you begin kissing at each knee and work underneath to behind her knees and up her thighs, a woman seems to just naturally spread wide, raise her knees, and make the most inviting Vee. She assumes perfect sex position to take a cock deep. It worked for Mrs. Patron, and it worked for her friend the second time.”

“We made love; oh it was incredible. I am amazed at how much she brings out of me, and how much of herself she gives.”

Laura shared her appreciation of her husband’s story and her admiration for Mrs. Patron.

“I know I have said this many times before; I want to be just like her when I grow up.”

Dan kissed his wife, “You already are in your own way, Baby.”

Dan got a little carried away with his ardency; his hands searched for flesh under Laura’s clothes; his tongue probed his Baby’s mouth. Laura finally pushed him away.

“Down boy, you are getting too excited telling your story. I will take over story time again Baby.”

Laura continued telling of her night with the two younger artists. “I’m not used to women’s bodies Baby, not in any sexual way that is. Both Artsy and LF have great bodies; I felt like a dumpling between them.”

“You’re no dumpling, a little bit curvy, but not even full figured. Greg and I both know you have a great body; I’ll bet a bunch of other guys think so but don’t know.”

Laura smiled appreciatively at her husband’s reinforcement.

“They are different, from one another I mean; Artsy has a more feminine figure; her boobs are bigger than LF, almost as big as me. She keeps just a little patch of her hair as trim, but you probably know that.”

“LF has almost no tits at all, a certified A cup, but they are muscle hard with pointy tips, fun to tease and play with. She is very sensitive there. Did you know she has a couple of tattoos?”

“No, what kind, tell me about them.”

“They are down here”, Laura pointed to her lap, between her legs. “Very close in, on the right side she has a paint brush, and on the left a palette. I am sure she had a woman do them, they couldn’t have been put there without a lot of handling in some very sensitive places.”

“Did LF’s tattoos give you any ideas?”

“Well Baby, I spent a lot of time looking very close at them. I looked at her tattoos; I kissed them and even bit them lightly. My tongue knows their shape and texture. Do I want a tattoo, is that what you mean?”

“You could pick something for me on one side and Greg on the other; do you think a thin cock and a fat one would work?”

“How about a circle around fat cock, and a circle with a line across over the thin cock? That would mean no access for my man with the thin cock, wouldn’t it?”

“I guess the bar means NO; that is what it always means on public signs.”

“You are correct; no access for my husband Dan’s thin cock, but always available for my lover Greg’s thick cock.”

Laura leaned her head back in her seat and smiled; she pressed the recline button on her seat. Dan watched as his wife closed her eyes and lightly stroked herself through her skirt. Laura had just drifted off to be with Greg for a moment, maybe more than a moment. Dan reached his hand to join hers, but Laura brushed it off as she frowned. The no access bar had dropped as a gate; his baby was with Greg.

“Baby, it was just a tattoo, LF’s tattoo we were talking about.”

Laura raised her seat and returned to the conversation.

“Sorry, I got distracted. I might have been with LF; she was very demanding our second time. You are just assuming I was with Greg.”

“I know where you were. What about the second time? How was she demanding? How many times did she do you?”

“Questions, questions, you ask a lot of questions about my first time with a woman.”

Laura initiated their kiss this time.

“She started out gentle; I guess she thought that was the best way to show me women making love could be different from men and women together. The first time she lightly tweaked my nipple I helped her; I showed her that I wanted more. I must have excited her because she got progressively more physical. The second time she just out and out fucked me, LF really worked me over.”

“For your second orgasm, is that what you mean?”

“Oh no Baby, not at all. I couldn’t count the number of orgasms then, and don’t even want to try to number them now. Putting a number to what the three of us shared would make it trivial.”


Laura told how LF made love that transitioned to mild aggression their first time, and then she let her rest when Laura could stand no more pleasure. LF then turned to Artsy in a make out, loving session that Laura watched with growing fascination.

“Artsy made love to me next while LF rested and watched us.”

“Making love with Artsy was very different from LF; she is gentle, sensitive, and she has the most incredibly talented hands. They touch and feel everything. Artsy can make a painting, tell a story, whatever; I don’t know how to describe what she does with her hands. She could do me again anytime.”

“I know; she did me with her hands alone Friday night. She is incredible in many ways.”

“Artsy gave me several orgasms, at least two or three I think, and I got her off a couple of times as well. Then both of them made love to me together. They made me just lie on the bed and take whatever pleasure they chose to give. I was in heaven.”

Their flight attendant came by to check on them just as Laura finished telling about the two women driving her to unexplored heights of sexual pleasure. She told them they would begin the landing descent in about forty-five minutes, that she had some paperwork to do, and that she was going to take a break herself after filling their last request.

Dan wanted to know, “Are we being met Baby?”

“Yes, I have a limo ordered. We don’t have to drive or taxi.”

“Then I will have something stronger; I may need it if your story gets any hotter.”

Dan answered the flight attendant’s question. “How about a double brandy? My wife has been telling wicked stories and I need something strong to bolster me.”

“I’ll have the same; the next episode is hot enough to need brandy.”

“I may skip the paperwork and take my break with you two. Story time sounds like fun.”

She quickly brought their brandy but did not stay for the story.

“By the time LF finally did me the second time, we had been fucking for at least two hours, more likely three. I really don’t know what time it was and I damned sure didn’t care. Like I said, they took me to heaven.”

Laura used her eyes to catch and hold her husband. Dan understood that the coming reveal would be intense.

“For our second time, LF gave me a glimpse of hell. I know you two were kidding about the skirt thing, but you might want to think about it. LF is a sexual animal, a wild cat, panther, mountain lion, puma; I just don’t know how to describe her. If I were a guy I would consider cutting my balls and cock off to have a night like I had with her. It’s a good thing she prefers women so I qualify unaltered.”

“You’ve seen me when I come home after a good session with Greg. We can both take a look at me when we get to the apartment. I am sure I am marked and swollen.”

“Wow, I do want to look.”

Laura described being slapped, pinched, all of her sensitive parts twisted, often viciously, as LF taunted her verbally to bare more and more of her sexual soul. She straddled my face and I tried my best to suck her inside out. She called me a worthless baby virgin whore; she called me every filthy name she could dream up. She said she was going to stick pennies in her cunt and make me suck them out and swallow them. The bitch said I wasn’t worth nickels, dimes or quarters; I had to make do with pennies until I learned how to suck her cunt to please her.”

“Good god Laura, that’s disgusting.”

“I loved it; I sucked harder, shoved my tongue deeper inside. I was desperate sucking her, and she was cursing me out; her hands worked my poor pussy over. She slapped me down there; pinch doesn’t begin to describe how she used my lips. I screamed, but my screams were lost in the bitch’s cunt. She put fingers inside me; she took forever to get them all in. Dan, Baby, Oh My God, she got them all in. Even more than with Greg, she really stretched me. I can’t wait until she does my portrait; I know she will use me as much as Portrait did but harder. I just can’t wait.”

An impersonal voice made the announcement: Ladies and gentlemen, put your tray tables and seat backs in upright position. If you have any carry-on luggage out please stow it under your seat. Prepare for landing, we will be on the ground and at our gate in fifteen minutes.

Their flight attendant came by to check on them and offer her standard farewell. “I hope you both had a pleasant trip and have a good time in San Francisco. Travel with us every time you travel.”

Dan thanked the attendant for her service. Laura noticed the limo driver first and soon their luggage was loaded and they were on the way to Laura’s West coast home.

Dan was impressed that Laura could have everything they needed in stock on arrival.

“I give the concierge a call on Thursday before I arrive. He does my shopping for me, has the maid service come, I think he would have my bed turned down if I asked for that.”

“Himself, or someone else in it too, most likely.”

“I haven’t asked for that yet.”

Laura made a light brunch snack, opened a bottle of California’s best and they adjourned to the living room and sitting area.

“I’ve been talking most of the morning about my affairs this weekend. Tell me more about yours; what did you three do that kept you in bed all morning and into the afternoon?”

“Well, I was just a bit disoriented when I woke up. I am not used to being between two women in bed. Both were still sleeping. I managed to slip out to the bathroom without waking them, but Friend was stirring when I got back to bed. I kissed her. That kiss brought her instantly awake. I guess a widow still remembers a morning kiss even if she hasn’t had much of that lately. She recognized the same needs I had, and got out of bed. I kissed Mrs. Patron awake.”

Dan told Laura about laying in the middle of the bed with a sheet over him when the two women returned from the bathroom, pulled the sheet down, and kissed all over him in unison.

“You would think they did that sort of thing every day. They were a team; I was hard and turned on completely.”

The two women used him almost exactly as the night before, one straddling his head and enjoying his tongue while the other pleasured herself on his cock.

“I couldn’t tell if they signaled each other or maybe they were just spontaneous. Every few minutes they switched places. I had great control after the workout the night before. We must have made love like that with the women switching back and forth for almost an hour. I finally shot my load with Mrs. Patron riding me; she still has pretty good muscle control. Then we got wild and kinky.”

“After the two old broads rode you for an hour you got wild and kinky? What do you call that for wakeup sex?”

“Her friend and I spent the next twenty minutes or so cleaning Mrs. Patron together with our mouths. Sometimes both of us licking and putting our tongues in together, sometimes we were one after the other like a two headed, two tongued monster.”

“My God, what fun! I would love that, can I be next?”

“Finally Mrs. Patron could take no more.

She exploded again and pushed us away.”

“I hope you didn’t short change her friend.”

No, we all went back to sleep curled up in a three way ball. When we woke up the next time her friend got the same treatment. We sort of dozed again and then both did me. You three found us downstairs shortly after our last time.”

“We can’t ever tell anyone how we spent the weekend, no one would believe us. My forty year old husband drained himself sexually with two sixty something women while his almost forty wife was in bed with two barely thirty women fucking away.”

“So Baby, how was your morning in the other bedroom?”

“Close to yours, wild, even a bit more wild than yours. Let’s take a break and then I will tell just a little bit. I am not going to tell all now; we need to take a nap or we will crash at work tomorrow.”

Later, Laura continued her part of the weekend.

“We slept late too, just like you did. I am sure we screwed longer and harder the night before. I was damned fucked out Baby. I don’t know who got up first; I came awake with a mouth sucking each nipple. That is a great way to wake up; if I ever sleep between you and Greg after a night of great sex, remember to do that the next morning.”

“I’ll be sure to tell Greg.”

“Don’t hold your breath waiting for me to do both of you together; I don’t think you’d look good turning blue.”

“When I came back to bed from the bathroom, both of them attacked me. They had my ass on the edge, my feet on the floor spread out, and my back across the bed. Artsy took the top; she held my hands down so I couldn’t struggle. LF began fucking me with one of those candlesticks. She fucked my pussy as hard as Greg does. While LF fucked me, Artsy twisted my nipples for a while and then switched to my cunt. She is more gentle than LF, but she can hurt too. After she damned near tore my nipples from my tits the first time, she didn’t have to hold me down. I was all hers.”

“Artsy gave me the pain part; LF was hard fucking and more verbal shit. Oh did she give it to me. She rammed that big plastic fag cock all the way in; she just held it there forever and twisted. She called me cock fucking bitch, man whore, all sorts of nasty filthy stuff. She said when she got through with me I would never want another man again, never let one near my cunt. Shit Baby, she was rough.”

“You like it rough, was she bad enough to scare you off the rough stuff?”

“Yes and no, almost, maybe, but definitely no; LF didn’t scare me off rough sex or her either. I was cumming like crazy. I am surprised you didn’t hear me.”

“Artsy switched her approach; while LF was terrorizing my poor abused pussy and my senses Artsy suddenly switched to soft and gentle kisses all over my face and chest. She sucked on my nipples as though she was a baby and I her mother.

When Artsy had me settled down and cooing, LF began another assault. She said she wasn’t going to stop until I promised never to let you fuck me again. I had to promise not to fuck you, or Greg or any other man. Never again, I think she really wanted to pull that out of me, but she didn’t. I didn’t cheat on you, Baby; I didn’t lie and promise never to fuck you again. I made her fuck me and abuse my pussy with that candlestick cock until I passed out.”

“I know you are faithful, to me and Greg, but you loved every inch of fucking LF gave you.”

They held each other and kissed. “Let’s go to bed.”

Laura and Dan made love, slept cuddled close for the rest of the afternoon, and made love once again on waking. They showered together, ate a light dinner and settled comfortably with wine to continue their story telling.

“LF is a strange lady; that much I am sure of. She loved that I let myself get fucked senseless and passed out rather than deny my sex for men. Baby, if you two were serious about you wearing a skirt for her sometime, I will help you pick it out and dress you. You should get fucked like that just once in your life.”

“That’s all right Baby, I think I will settle for the sarcasm of my offer and pass on the skirt.”

“She asked me to do her next; I got to play lead for the first time with a woman. I changed up on her; I played very feminine and sweet; I didn’t do much rough stuff. Mostly I used a lot of licking and kissing in all of the right places, just a few nips with my teeth to keep her excited.”

“The only times I let go and bit hard were on LF’s underarms. When I did her left side, the first time, I really got her. I had been licking all over her little breast and sucking ever so lightly on her nipple. I had my ear to her chest listening to her heart beat; I lifted her arm and kissed my way up to her armpit. Artsy was watching us; I winked at her. I knew just what I was doing. LF was quivering; I could see her shaking. I made her shake like that, me, Laura, I did that to her.”

Laura clapped her hands excited at the memory of how she sexed LF.

“Suddenly I bit down so hard I almost got blood, maybe I did. LF shrieked and screamed and tried to pull her arm away. I kept biting, grinding my teeth. I bit until she finished her orgasm and then slowly backed off.”

Once again Laura paused breathing hard. In her mind she was with Artsy and LF once again in that bedroom in Mrs. Patron’s home with two women for the first time and those obscene candlestick cocks that LF used to screw her senseless.

“That was exciting; I got a thrill making her cum like that. We kissed for the longest time afterward. She raised her right arm for me while we were still kissing. I didn’t have to ask her; she wanted more. I gave her a second orgasm almost the same way. I kissed across her neck, then down to her breast and back to her neck. I wanted to tease LF; she’s a bit of a bitch who needs teasing every once in a while.”

“Oh do I know she is a bitch Baby; I am glad you bit the crap out of her. Maybe she will wake up and grow some nice.”

“Not too much nice, I like her tough bitch attitude. She drives me crazy with it when she fucks me.”

Laura continued.

“The first time I kissed my way to her right, I just kissed and licked and moved on. I licked down to her waist and then back up. I started to her neck again and then turned on her. She screamed and shook the second my teeth touched her skin. I shook my head like an animal as I bit her. Even expecting me she screamed. She made a mess between her legs that I had fun cleaning up when I let go of her the second time.”

“You raping LF, was that the end of your morning sex party?”

“Oh no Baby, not at all; I guess that was the mid-point.”

Laura told about Artsy making very gentle, stimulating love, and giving a throbbing orgasm. Artsy repeated the tender feminine delight with LF while Laura watched.

“I was lying on my side resting, watching them make love, enjoying the eroticism of the three of us together. They finished making love and turned immediately to be kinky on me.”

“How kinky; what you had been up to already wasn’t kinky enough?”

“Not for them, me either as it turned out. Artsy can get wild too. She lit the candles. They used my body as their canvas; the wax from the candles was their paint. At first I was terrified, afraid of burning, but the wax cooled quickly; it didn’t hurt at all. Once I saw what they were doing, how they were painting my breasts and vagina with wax, I started getting turned on.”

“Just watching them get excited got me even more excited. When they dripped wax building little pyramids on my nipples I was ready to rub myself to the top. They wouldn’t let me. It was pleasure and denial at the same time. They never did let me come; they just teased me with hot wax. I stayed turned on and frustrated until they had enough of me.”

“That sounds pretty tame against the other stuff you did.”

“It was sort of tame physically, but my head wasn’t tamed at all. It was right for us in the moment of where we were together. That sounds like lofty bullshit girl talk, doesn’t it?”

Dan responded to his wife’s girl talk question with kisses and soft touches. He tried to show with action that he appreciated her girl talk and her story. They got carried away with their affection; both began breathing heavy and clutching each other tightly. Finally they pushed back to take a break. Laura put on some music while Dan fixed drinks.

“Tell me more about your neighbor.”

“Why don’t I call, see if he is at home and free? We can meet him and I will introduce you. I know you are curious about his playroom.”

Hello Upper Floor, it’s me back in town again.

. . .

Yes, a pleasant flight, I arrived earlier today.

. . .

I have my husband with me this trip.

. . .

No, not at all, he wants to meet you.

. . .

Good, say forty-five to an hour?

. . .

Great, see you then, kisses to you, ciao.

“He’s home, you figured that I guess, we will go visit in a little bit.”

“Can you finish your story before we go visit him?”

“Yes Baby, I can finish my story. I should have brought my Arabian Nights costume; I wonder how that would go over on the airplane?”

Dan laughed and told her she would have goose bumps all over from the temperature.

“The flight attendant seemed like the type to enjoy it though, and the other first class travelers surely would enjoy.”

“Maybe another day”, was Laura’s only comment. “Here’s the end of my weekend sex adventure story. You haven’t fucked Artsy, but I have. I fucked her Dan. While you were making love to Mrs. Patron and her friend, I was fucking your girlfriend Artsy.”

“I know Artsy won’t let you fuck her; she won’t even let you make love with her. I did both yesterday. I made love with her first, and then I fucked her for the final act of our three part sex, girl play. I fucked her and she loved it; she wanted to be fucked. She wanted me to fuck her hard; I did and she responded completely. We were wonderful together. LF was our audience. We played for her, but to each other. When we climaxed together for the last time, we cuddled and kissed and then three for the showers.”

Laura understood Dan would be taken aback by her last revelation; in that instant she experienced a thrill one upping him. She looked into her Baby’s eyes and saw pain.

> > > > – –

“Let’s go get dressed and visit Upper Floor.”

Laura pushed the doorbell button. Dan was wearing casual slacks and a polo shirt. Laura decided to wear a floor length nightgown, thin but opaque. The last times she visited she wore sheer gowns, totally transparent to any potential viewers. Tonight she was dressed demure as far as she was concerned. She was demure, but ready for any fun times that might develop. Upper Floor welcomed them into his home.

Get to know you conversation took place in Upper Floor’s living room conversation pit. He served a very fine continental cognac.

“Laura told me you would have something perfect when I suggested we bring a bottle of wine. She was correct, but then she always is or thinks so. This has a very nice taste. Thank you.”

“I do not know your wife as well as you, quite obviously that must be so; I too have noticed her confidence the few times we have met. A woman of her beauty and intellect has a right to be confident, don’t you agree?”

Upper Floor continued to be charming. Dan responded in the same vein. He complimented the room and its furnishings and decorations. Finally his curiosity got the better of him.

“Laura tells me you have another room in your home that sounds most interesting. I was fascinated by her description from the first.”

“May I show off my play room?”

If his wife’s descriptions of the room and the devices therein piqued Dan’s interest, the tour and explanations of each item captivated him as he never would have imagined. The furniture restraint pieces looked interesting; Dan could almost see having one that could be disguised as a divan in their den.

“You know Greg’s home intimately Baby; does he have a room where something like this would fit in? Maybe we could have one in our den too?”

“That corner near the wall in the den could handle another piece of furniture, but I think it might get more use somewhere in Greg’s house.”

Upper Floor looked on amused knowing Dan and Laura were playing a husband and wife game and he was just a spectator.

“What is that rod; is it just decoration, or is it functional in context of the room?”

“You are perceptive, and precise in language. I like that in a man, or woman. I will show you just how functional it is.”

Laura stood next to her baby and watched Upper Floor go to the hanging cabinet. She knew what sort of paraphernalia was stored there.

I wonder where this demonstration will lead? I know I will be a part of it. How big a part? How far will Upper Floor go with Dan here? How far will Dan go with Upper Floor here? Maybe I shouldn’t have been such a bitch with Dan about fucking Artsy?

Upper Floor returned carrying leather cuffs and a small folding stool. Their host attached the cuffs to dangle from the rod before he explained their use.

“With the rod and cuffs, a woman can be stretched to be available for use. Generally the use involves pleasure for at least one of the users. Sometimes pain is present as well. When I host small parties in this room, I will often have a woman hanging here as decoration. Think of it as a Christmas tree. Sometimes I hang several women. My guests always appreciate my decorations.”

“Baby, you should offer to be the decoration ornament for one of your neighbor’s parties. I think you might enjoy yourself; I am sure his guests would enjoy you. Would you like to do that?”

Laura knew her husband was still playing the game; she could play too.

“I would like that; I would like to be your bauble to hang on the tree. When is your next party?”

“I must have one soon.”

“Show my husband how I would look.”

Laura held an arm to Upper Floor and he led her to the wall.

“Is this blue gown a suitable color for a party? Maybe I should wear virginal white, demon black or sultry red?”

“Those are fine colors, all could be appropriate for a party. Blue will do for tonight. For a party it must be flesh that my guests can enjoy.”

“Yes, my flesh; hoist me, mount your decoration.”

Dan wasn’t at all surprised by his wife and her demeanor. Sometime during the day a switch flipped in her personality. She had knife in hand and delighted in pricking Dan with that knife. Dan knew the knife handle had been carved with Laura fucking Artsy.

Laura hung facing the wall; she was stretched, but not uncomfortably so. She looked up and saw she could be stretched further. Upper Floor led her Baby across the room to the wall with the whips, the whips and the pictures. She could hear them talking to one another, but not every word. Their conversation seemed garbled to her. Facing just the bare wall disoriented her. She didn’t hear them return; didn’t know they were standing behind her.

A hand gripped Laura’s rear signaling they were with her again. Whose hand was it; Laura resisted the urge to turn her head and look. Was it both; another hand touched her in front. She closed her eyes to live the moment in her mind. Whoever was touching her began to raise her gown, first in back, next in front. When her nightgown was waist high, the unknown hands fondled front and back. Laura kept her eyes closed. She leaned her head back; she was supported only by the restraining cuffs. Hands stopped fondling and they lifted her gown to shoulder level.

Dan’s voice came from the middle of the room, “Flesh will do nicely for your party.” Upper Floor’s hands had been touching her. They allowed her nightgown to drop and cover.

“Now I want to see the balcony my wife has told me about.”

“It is her favorite place in this room.”

Laura gripped the railing looking out; the cuffs remained on her wrists without straps.

“It is even more beautiful with the fog we have tonight. I have been waiting for the fog.”

Upper Floor adjusted the spotlights to focus on Laura at the rail. He handed Dan one snap link and he fastened her in place with the other. They stepped back to the wall leaving her alone again.

“The last time she was here, I left her fixed to the rail for half an hour. She was nude; it was night, but no fog.”

“She told me; she loved it. She told me about someone calling to her, but she couldn’t see him.”

“His name is Mario, he lives across the way. He was fascinated with your lovely wife. Mario would like to meet her.”

“My Baby is a show off; she loves others to see her. Some have had her. She has a lover at home.”

“Your wife told me that. She also told me she loves you very much and nothing can ever come between the two of you. I understand that; I respect that feeling in a woman or a man.”

“I think we need to raise her excitement level. We should go titillate her. I will take her breasts, you can have below.”

Dan let their host raise her gown and begin before fondling Laura’s boobs. The straps couldn’t lower because of the wrist cuffs. Dan solved that problem by breaking them.

“Your breasts should show; you have good tits Baby. They need to be free.”

He twisted and stroked while Upper Floor probed her pussy. They let the gown fall to the floor. Laura sucked foggy night air deep in her lungs. She began to pant her arousal.

Out of the fog, Laura heard the voice again: puta, puta, puta. Then loud, “Fuck the puta, fuck her and make her scream.”

“You do the honors my new friend, after all a husband should have his wife before she fucks another man, other men.”

“Yes, fuck me here for Mario, Baby. You should at least get to fuck your wife tonight. I fucked your girlfriend yesterday. She won’t let you fuck her but she gave herself to me.”

Dan dropped his pants and jammed straightaway in his baby’s waiting cunt. He found her soaked inside.

“I fucked Artsy just like this, but she wasn’t tied down. She asked me to fuck her. Artsy almost begged for me to give her the candlestick. I didn’t tell you earlier did I? She begged for your wife to fuck her in your place.”

Laura’s taunts drove Dan to frenzy; his hips were a blur fucking in and out.

“She begged, she screamed with orgasm, she kissed me deep, and then she asked for more Baby; she asked for more fucking from me.”

Dan groaned and spewed his juices in his wife.

“Now you fuck me Upper Floor. I can fuck any man, any woman, but Dan’s girlfriend only let me fuck her, not him.”

Laura held her gown to her waist as they walked back to her apartment. She was proud of her flushed chest on display. Both she and her husband were near exhaustion from the day’s travel and the draining sex. They kissed and held each other close, but spoke no more of the weekend’s happenings. Tomorrow would be a work day.

> > > > – –

Dan’s trip to Business Lady was a success in every way. He had very good meetings with the BL production people. He planted the seeds for some expanded sales prospects for the firm. He and Laura acted as though the tension of Sunday evening never existed. She cooked at home one night, and they had dinner Tuesday with Liaison and her SO. Laura went with him to the airport to see him off.

Laura had a full work week as well. The ideas she brought to BL seemed to take off in the company. Guiding those ideas into practice meant busy work days. Saturday she visited with Upper Floor again. He invited Mario to observe close up as he whipped her with a flogger. Upper strapped her securely to what looked like a gymnastic apparatus. He flailed her from the back of her thighs to just below her neck. Her skin turned bright pink, but the pink flush on her cheeks was happiness. The pink flush on her chest was sexual excitement. Laura was breathing heavily when Upper Floor finished with her.

“Mario wants to take your ass for his use. He wants to fuck your ass long and hard. He wants to hurt you.”

“He must use a condom.”

Mario fucked as promised. He was not at all gentle as he fucked Laura’s ass with full strokes. He slapped her cheeks often to insure Laura gave him the twitching motions that excited him. Laura screamed and cried, but Mario didn’t care. He fucked her bottom until he filled the condom.

Mario left; Laura was still strapped in place. Upper Floor rubbed a balm into her skin. He kissed his sex toy softly.

“You were very good for me tonight, thank you.”

Upper went to a speakerphone and lifted the receiver, “I hope you enjoyed listening to your wife tonight. At least you were with her by long distance. I will see her safely to her apartment. Good night.”

Dan met her at the airport when she arrived home. They had a loving few days as any couple would after one returned from travel. Monday morning as they dressed for work, Laura made sure Dan could see as she removed her rings. She put them in their special place.

“I will be living in my other home with Greg for the next few weeks. We can work out the details. Maybe I will be there until his birthday; I haven’t decided how long yet.”

Published 10 years ago

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