Always Faithful – Chapter Twenty-One

"Laura drifting toward Greg, just a date night for Dan"

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Chapter Twenty-One – Laura Drifting Away

The Senior Partner’s secretaries had their luncheon the last Friday of every month. All held the same title as Laura, Executive Assistant. Old Jacobs’ secretary extended the invitation. Laura knew the women could be catty, even vicious; Dan helped her select clothes Thursday evening. Laura suggested no BL clothes; she didn’t want to build envy any higher. Dan disagreed; he went through her closet. “This one; this is it.”

Dan pulled out a charcoal pinstripe suit. If men’s wear, the boss would select this suit for important meetings. A silver silk blouse with a reverse to the suit pinstripe accompanied the outfit. The look was feminine and powerful; it would be perfect for tomorrow’s lunch.

“Wear your diamond studs in your ears and your wedding rings, no other jewelry.”

Dan caught Laura’s look. “You can wear Greg’s ring if you wish; they all know.”

When Laura returned home at day’s end, Dan’s curiosity jumped up immediately. “How did it go?”

“Great, they all loved me, at least my outfit. You are the women’s clothing guru. I told my San Francisco friend, Liaison, that the next time you came to BL with me I would have you take her significant aside for shopping tips.”

“I may come with you sometime soon; they are my client too, remember?”

Laura sat on her Baby’s lap, “Not they, I – I am your client too.”

“I don’t kiss all of my clients, and you’re the only one I go to bed with.”

“No comment. Let me shift subjects. Do you remember a few months ago when I told you Greg needed me?”

“I do, but it seems like he has had you as much as I have lately. Does he want more of you, your mind and your body?”

Laura had to chuckle, she knew Greg would take all of her body he could get, her mind too. She knew Greg wanted all of everything about her even as he accepted reality.

“What I am saying Baby, is right now I need more time with Greg.”

Dan didn’t respond; he just looked at his wife as he held her in his lap. He didn’t lock eyes and try to stare Laura down. Dan was being quietly reflective of his wife’s request.

An outside observer might think he didn’t hear me; I know better. I hoped for gentle agreement.

Dan finally asked, “When do you go to San Francisco?”

“Two weeks, I leave two weeks from Sunday for another ten day trip.”

Laura’s quick, factual response seemed to tell Dan she had already made her decision.

“Do I get any time? Do we get any time together?”

Laura knew she hadn’t fully considered Dan’s what about me feelings. Her mind pushed I want to be with Greg thoughts to the top of the list competing for time. Dan needs me and I need Dan, but I want Greg more than I need Dan.

“My new job with BL is a crapper, time wise, isn’t it Baby?”

Dan didn’t respond, but Laura felt his arms tighten on her.

“While I am out there this trip, I will spend my evenings trying to work everything out. I know we need each other and it is my responsibility to make time for us too.”

Now Dan’s response just shot out of his mouth, “The evenings Legal Counsel isn’t fucking you?”

Dan’s accusation bounced; Laura laughed it off.

“That was only my first trip Baby. We fucked every night that first trip, but I only fucked him twice last time. I will make time while I am in San Francisco to think about us.”

For Laura, Dan’s needs fit an us context. Laura’s needs had a place in the mine folder of her mind.

They talked for a while longer about time needs until Laura offered her plan.

“We’ll be together here through Sunday; we can do our brunch in front of the fire or go out, your choice. I’ll go home with Greg after work Monday. You can ask for a date next weekend one night, and I will gladly say yes. By the time I get back from BL, Sunday’s might be nice enough to brunch outside. How does that sound?”

Dan knew he could get more from Laura, but he wasn’t up for a fight.

“It’s not much, but I will live with it; okay by me.”

“At least everyone gets a little bit, Baby.”

> > > > – –

“I’m so glad to be back home with you darling; the last few times have seemed just visiting to me. Thank goodness Dan agreed that I could be with you until I leave for San Francisco again.”

“How did you get him to say yes?”

“I told Dan I would accept his request for a date Saturday night.”

“I don’t know about my woman dating another man, I may put you in a chastity belt, or at least a girdle to protect my turf.”

“I have a better suggestion. Fuck me so often and so good until then that I won’t even think of sex with another man, not even my husband.”

“Undress and let’s get started; do a strip show for me. Imagine I am one of those three hunks at the New Year’s party, better yet your Black Adonis.”

Laura turned on a private music tape in her mind; her body picked up the spirit of the song she heard. Greg’s den was her stage; she used the room and most of the furniture as props. For ten minutes she danced slowly around the room. Laura danced with an imaginary partner; twice she took her lover in her arms and danced. Both times, when Greg tried to possess, she pushed him away.

Three times in her dance Laura almost removed her suit jacket, but it still hung loosely on her shoulders when she handed her skirt over to Greg. Now Laura could bend and spread her legs. The music in her mind changed tempo; she added a heavy base beat. Laura bent to a chair arm with ass cheeks high. At first panties gave modest coverage, but not for long. Greg watched as his dancer wedged all of the nylon into her crease. Bent over as she was, fully clothed except for the missing skirt, Greg saw nylons, a garter strap on each leg disappearing under upper clothing, and two bare ass-cheeks in constant motion.

I have to fuck that ass and I want her now .

Laura saw Greg begin to move in. “Stop, it’s my dance.”

Laura straightened and removed both jacket and blouse. Her dance continued. Now she was next to her partner; Laura held his wrists away so Greg couldn’t touch. Her body was in motion only inches from her lover; she had pseudo sex with him humping flesh hard toward his, but never allowing contact.

With a quick turn Laura called out to her lover, “My bra, take it off so you can see my breasts.”

Laura faced her man and shook her chest as wildly as possible. Greg’s eyes glued to the jiggling boobies; he didn’t notice Laura’s hands working lower until they reached to clutch his hands once more. Looking down he saw Laura’s panties stuffed completely into her pussy. They had disappeared from view.

Laura moved Greg’s hands to her hips before she screamed loudly ordering him: “Now, tear them off and fuck me!”

“I don’t need to imagine young boys or Black Adonis to get excited fucking you. You are the best lover for me, the very best man I have ever had.”

“All compliments accepted from the woman I love. Your stockings are ruined; let’s get them off. You can get on top and try to give me rug burn for our next fuck.”

“How about a drink before we start again; I am thirsty.”

Greg made a big production fixing something different.

“Are you trying to get me drunk with a martini?”

“I don’t need to get you drunk to lower your inhibitions; you have none that I have found.”

“You’re right; fuck my ass next. Take me hard so I will feel it all day at work tomorrow.”

> > > > – –

Laura was sexually sated when she finished showering Saturday afternoon. Dan would be coming for their date in two hours; she had time to dress at a leisurely pace. I may not be up to sex with Dan even if he wants me. I can’t believe what Greg and I have done this week. At least twice every day, and six times since we got home from work yesterday. Laura began working her makeup. She needed time to cover all of the bruises that would otherwise show. Another thought came on her; is Greg getting possessive?

“Hubba hubba darling, you must want to really impress your date tonight.”

Laura grinned, “Maybe he will be so dazzled by the look he won’t notice I’m used goods underneath. Fix me a drink, please.”

Greg gave her a glass of wine.

“Dan’s friends in the art world can wear some incredible clothes. I don’t want to look like last year’s drapes, especially since we are going to an opening at Artsy’s place.”

“I hear the sound of female jealousy; anything else planned, that sounds like an early evening to me?”

“I’m sure we will go out somewhere after the gallery, maybe with his friends. I need to spend some quality time with Dan too.”

“Your life is complicated.”

“You’re telling me; you helped negotiate the deal. Any last does, don’ts and words of wisdom? My date should be here soon.”

“No, I’ll trust you, but I will spank you when you get home anyway.

If you don’t do anything, I know you will at least think about trouble.”

“You can have my ass to punish anytime.”

“Having your ass is pleasure.”

Greg walked Laura to the door and helped with her fur. He took Dan’s offered hand with some formality.

“Don’t keep her out too late, young man. Even though tomorrow isn’t a school day, she still has homework.”

“I will try to have her home early so she can get started on her homework, Sir.”

“You men think you are so funny. Let’s go Baby.”

“I’m glad I decided to dress up tonight; I’ve only met your friend Artsy a couple of times and she always dresses dramatically.”

“Would you believe, the first time I met her she was in blue jeans and a sweater. She looked good, of course, but nothing dramatic at all. She does have a flair for style.”

“She has done well upgrading your dress casual look.”

“It took some getting used to, at first I thought her choices made me look gay, but I know that’s not me.”

“I can get on the witness stand for that, Baby.”

Laura followed her usual gallery drill; circle and scan the walls, find the wine source for a glass, and finally look for the artist to pay a compliment. After that, circulate trying to find conversation. She remembered meeting Portrait as Dan’s consort to one of these events. Laura’s pussy gave a shiver thinking about the fun she had posing. With wine glass in hand, the next task was to locate her date in the crowd. Something is different about Dan tonight; Laura wondered why others were reacting toward her husband differently. She decided it must have something to do with Artsy, or possibly Mrs. Patron.

Artsy explained the difference when Laura got her alone. First they talked about the dress each was wearing. Next Laura voiced her curiosity straight out, “People seem to be relating more to Dan tonight. What has changed? Is it the clothes you have him wearing, or just familiarity? He seems to have more status.”

“You are observant and perceptive; I can see why you have your new position. The way people relate to Dan now reflects his new status. When we talk about what we are wearing tonight, I give you more credence because you are now in the fashion business. Lawyers mean little to artists, but fashion is also an art form. Your husband is now a collector; money talks in the art world as loudly as any other place in town.”

Dan managed to escape a group wanting his time and found his wife/date for the evening talking with Artsy. Dan rescued Artsy by taking Laura and strolling through the crowd like young lovers holding hands on a second date. Suddenly they were with the two older women who always came together to these events. His friend greeted Dan warmly, “Well hello, Daniel, Dan.” She touched his cheek softly. “And hello to you as well, Laura.”

Laura watched as the older woman kissed Dan. Something is different here too; about their kiss, something about how Dan is reacting to being kissed by this woman. What is the difference in Dan tonight? I see something, but I can’t quite pick out what I am seeing. Laura turned to the woman’s friend to get acquainted. She would talk to Dan about this evening when they found time together.

Laura managed to put off Dan about going with him tonight. By eleven-thirty they were kissing good night on her doorstep.

“I had a good time tonight; I like being with you and all of your artistic friends. They have so much going on, conversation never lags.”

Dan recognized Laura’s non-speak. He knew her offer to come in for a nightcap drink was floated for rejection only. Any last drink would have been shared company with Greg. They kissed goodnight with distance in their warmth, and Dan returned to his car. Laura watched him drive off before putting her key in the door lock.

Greg was waiting and Laura did not want any distance between them as they kissed their greeting.

“I had a good time tonight; Dan really wanted me to go home with him. What I really wanted tonight was to come home to you pure as when I left. Let’s have a nightcap together and then take me to bed.”

Greg let his hands roam over her body as he and Laura moved to the den for their drink.

“Were you able to keep Dan’s hands off you? In that dress he should have been fondling you all night long.”

“At the gallery, others kept him busy. Dan probably wanted more hands on time with me than he got. A couple of dances at the club after the opening, that’s all the touch time we had tonight. If we accepted the invite to the older woman’s home, I knew it would be a very late night.”

“You turned him down to come home to me?”

“Yes darling, I did. Does that surprise you?”

“Maybe surprise, but more excites me.”

“Good, we will just have this one, and then I want you to make love in our bed until I am filled with our love.”

After making love, Laura let her fingers play over Greg’s chest. She wanted to keep the touch of closeness alive; she knew sleep beckoned but not yet. A glow of stimulation held her mind.

“Last night and earlier today, you were marking your turf when you fucked me. You wanted to make sure if Dan got into me on our date that he knew you had me first.”

Greg palmed Laura’s cunt and they kissed. “I knew what you were doing, and I liked why you were fucking and marking me that way.” Laura gripped cock with her left hand, the hand with the ruby ring.

“Look at my hand holding our cock. The only symbol is the one you gave me. You’re entitled to mark your turf; you know how much I love it when you fuck me hard and mark me as yours.”

They both squeezed harder; two fingers entered the lady’s sex and she moaned.

“I really like the way we just made love. For the rest of the week, until I leave for San Francisco, let’s make love every night instead of hard fucking. Leave the thrills and memories inside me this time.”

Monday evening Greg and Laura ate a light dinner; they adjourned to the den for a glass of wine. “You asked for making love this week; there is no time better than right now to begin. Go take your shower. Return nude; I will be waiting for you.” Laura did return twenty-five minutes later wearing only a light coat of pale lip gloss and a smile. They shared second glass of wine and gentle kisses.

Greg poured a third glass of wine, “Have one more while I shower. I want you relaxed and dreamy before we go to the bedroom.”

Greg seemed to take longer in the shower; Laura was about to pour a fourth glass when she saw him next. He gestured for her to join him; they held hands walking to their bed. When Laura saw the candles burning, oils on the night stand, and the bed turned down, she understood why Greg had taken longer with his shower.

“Lay face down in the center of the bed. I am going to make love with your other side tonight. Don’t turn over until the pleasure is unbearable.”

Kisses began flowing along Laura’s spine; she felt heat from each kiss on each ridge of her vertebrae. Greg’s fingertips barely touched the valley below the kisses; Laura wondered if she really felt or only imagined. She moaned and arched her back, but she never considered rolling. From the base of her spine fingertips circled out and up along her sides with the same almost not there touch.

Lips rejoined the pleasure hunt at Laura’s armpits; they were more insistent now and they drew a louder moan. Time seemed to vanish; Laura stretched, arched, moaned and purred as she gave her back to her lover’s touch. When Greg’s touches lowered to legs, Laura called out her pleasure. Kisses and light touches had her almost totally aroused. Very fine scratching high up inside her thighs acted like a drawbridge raising her hips. Greg couldn’t resist biting each cheek presented this way. Laura was ready to roll over, she wanted Greg’s cock inside, but she waited.

When Greg held her legs locked straight, pinned against movement, as he licked behind her knees, Laura passed her limit.

“Let me up Baby, I am ready, I need you. I need you now; no more foreplay, I want you inside of me.”

With a flurry of arms and legs flying, Laura was on her back with her man climbing into the saddle. She used both hands to guide cock into her core. Foreplay was over and serious love making took over. In spite of their mutual excitement, they thrust and clutched with a controlled pace to maintain pleasure near a peak for as long as possible.

“God Baby, that was beautiful. You do know how to play my body so well; you’re the best lover I have ever had.”

“I don’t want comparisons tonight; I just want to love you. Let’s hold each other like this forever.” Forever lasted until Tuesday morning when they had to get up and go to work.

Forever in each other’s arms resumed Tuesday evening at bedtime. Laura led the love making this night. Wednesday night they were like two musicians playing a duet. On Thursday they skipped dinner and went straight to bed.

“Not that I would ever tire of making love with you, but we are getting into a rut sexy lady.”

“You’re right darling; we have screwed in the bedroom every night this week. Do you think the kitchen is feeling neglected?”

Published 10 years ago

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