Always Faithful – Chapter Twenty-Nine

"Laura abandons Dan for Greg - part one."

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Chapter Twenty-Nine – Laura Abandon’s Dan for Greg – 1

The weather was perfect for brunch on the patio the Sunday after Greg’s birthday.

“Dan, I have made a decision about my relationship with Greg. We need to talk about it.”

Dan felt a chill up his spine.

“You have made a decision, but we still have to talk. Is it talk time or tell time, Laura?”

“We need to talk. I have made my decision, but I haven’t said anything to anyone yet. I haven’t talked to Greg about my decision. My decision isn’t irrevocable.”

“Will Greg accept your decision?”

“Yes, I think so.”

“You talked about it on your birthday date, didn’t you? That is where your decision came from.”

“No, not quite. I started serious thinking then, but it has been in my mind for a while.”

“Are you leaving me for Greg; is that the decision you want to talk about?”

“No, I am not leaving you for Greg, not exactly.”

“What does not exactly mean; do you think I am going to agree with your decision the same way your big, fat cock, lover will agree?”

Laura paused; she knew she had to be absolutely honest and very careful explaining what she wanted or her marriage was over.

“No, I do not think you will agree as readily as Greg will agree. I think I will have a hard time convincing you to agree with what I want, what I have decided. I want you to listen to me, I want you to talk with me; I want you to seriously consider what I am suggesting.”

“Consider what you have decided, correct?”

“Yes, what I have decided.”

“Why do we have to talk, why do we have to agree if you have decided already?”

Laura poured each another glass of champagne before she continued, “We must; I need you to agree, at least understand, if not accept.”

“You are leaving me; that is what you are trying to tell me. Have you seen a lawyer? There are probably good divorce lawyers at your firm. Am I about to be served, is that what you are avoiding telling me?”

“I am not going to divorce you; I have no intention of seeing a lawyer for a divorce. You are not about to be served any papers by me.”

It took Dan only a short moment to realize Laura had not refuted every point. He glared but remained silent.

I need to just get it out, Laura thought.

“I have decided I want to live with Greg until the end of the year. That is the decision we have been talking around.”

“Are you out of your mind? You want a six, no seven, month divorce slash separation so you can play married with Greg. Do you think you can do a fair comparison? Seven months with Greg will be equal to the years we had together.”

Tears rolled down Laura’s cheeks. She was crying because she had done such a poor job of presenting her case. She might lose husband and lover if she couldn’t do better.

“Baby, let me try to give a better explanation. I may sound cruel, but that isn’t what I am trying to be. I love you; I could never be cruel to you.”

“Hah! That is a pile of bullshit. You have bragged about being cruel to me for no reason except your affair demands it. Have you forgotten some of those conversations? Do we need to go back and revisit them?”

“Baby, the separation I want has something in it for me and something for you; can’t we try to talk it through? We are adults, aren’t we?”

Dan glared and breathed hard for a few minutes before answering.

“Wait right there; I’ll be back in a minute.”

Ten minutes later Dan returned with two very stout vodka tonics.

“Okay! I love you. I trust you because I know you are honest, and I think I know you do love me. Even if it sure doesn’t seem that way right now I accept that your love for me hasn’t changed.”

Laura breathed a sigh of relief, but no smile bent her lips. Dan hasn’t agreed to anything but listening; she understood that much.

“What’s in this decision of yours for me? You said there was something for both of us. What do I get?”

“You have three women you have a relationship with now not counting me. I am talking about a relationship that is more than casual, and does have a sexual element to the relationship. Maybe Mrs. Patron’s friend is casual, but Artsy and Mrs. Patron are both significant. What’s in it for you is the time, and the freedom, to develop those relationships more fully. You can make them more meaningful.”

Laura paused for a deep breath. She drank from her vodka tonic to let her words sink in. She set her glass bock on the table and continued.

“Who knows, you might appreciate me more when I come back to you.”

Dan thought about what his wife suggested. He knew he would never have pursued either Artsy or Mrs. Patron if he hadn’t used his art world as diversion when Laura was off with Greg. Both women added a level of enrichment to his life; an enrichment well beyond secondary sexual diversion. That enrichment carried over to his life with Laura.

“Okay, that’s me; what is in it for you that you don’t have now? Why do you need seven more months?”

“I want to be able to commit myself to another man without you looking over my shoulder. I want to commit to Greg alone.”

There, everything is on the table. How will Dan react? I can see he didn’t explode. He is actually thinking about what I have proposed. I told him I had decided, but I would have retreated if I had to. Being married to Dan is too important to me; I would have backed off.

“What about San Francisco?”

“San Francisco is a dalliance, it doesn’t count; he doesn’t count if that is what you mean. Upper Floor means absolutely nothing to me; you know that, you should know that. He is just fun to play around with when I get lonely for male companionship out there.”

“When your pussy gets lonely or your psyche.”

Dan drained his glass and went to fetch the mixings for more.

“I am insane. Don’t get too excited. No jumping up and down with joy, Baby. We will probably be drunk before we work out all of the details; I’m sure it will take all day.”

Dan never said yes. He never said he agreed, or even that he accepted. Laura’s decision was a fact now; her decision became a fact with a life of it’s own. They had all afternoon to work out the details. Laura went to her husband in his chair, sat on his lap, and kissed him.

“You already have more women than I have men, you can add your secretary to the mix; office flings can be fun.”

“Greg is an office fling? He is your husband in action if not fact. Your decision is making husband a fact.”

“Greg is a strong office fling; he is more than just a fling. That is one of the reasons I need this time with him. We talk about him being my other husband, but he is clearly other and not really my husband. Think of me and Greg as a little girl playing dress up or with her dolls.”

They did spend all afternoon working out details. Laura would talk with Greg during the week. Greg would say yes; it was almost all of what he wanted. Next weekend, Laura would have a new husband. If Dan wanted to go out with Laura, he had to ask for a date. They ended their discussion talking about just that point.

“If I want to see you, go out with you, do I have to ask Greg’s permission?”


> > > > – –

Greg was not at all a tough sell; he threw his arms around his lover and almost swallowed Laura. A few of the happy hour regulars who noticed Greg and Laura as sometime customers jerked their heads toward the obvious display of emotion. Those who knew the couple a little better guessed that something was new in their relationship, probably a divorce announcement coming soon.

“Will you need help moving the rest of your things?”

“It might be best if I move what I need myself; I think less confrontation will be better. Dan didn’t just roll over and play dead; I had to work a hard sell.”

Greg kissed her again, “But you are moving in with me, living with me, not just temporary the way you have so far?”

“Yes, I am yours, at least until the end of the year. After that we will see, take another look at things. If Dan wants to see me, needs to meet with me about something, he can call and ask. If he does, I will decide, but I will always tell you first, consult with you. Can you live with that much of me?”

“I want all of you and more. I want all of you always, you know that.”

“I love you Baby; I am committing everything to you, to us. I can’t commit forever right now, but at least until the end of the year, I am your wife from this kiss on.”

The kiss Laura bestowed began as chaste as she kissed Dan in church that day she made her promises. The kiss progressed; she wrapped her arms around her new husband as she had not around Dan that day. By the time Laura pulled back, her kiss to new husband promised the fire of sex only hinted with a smile that day in church exchanging vows before friends and family. They paid their bill, finished their drinks, and left to go realize the fiery promise they just made to each other.

> > > > – –

Greg began undressing his new pseudo wife as soon as he closed the door behind them. He undressed Laura with slow and deliberate action; he removed her suit jacket, folded it neatly, and stacked it on the small table in the foyer. He kissed Laura with warmth and a promise of intense passion to come after each garment was folded and stacked. Greg was in no hurry; Laura had been nude with him in this house many times; tonight she promised a greater future. Soon Laura wore only her ear rings and the ruby ring now on her left hand.

The symbolism of the moment faced Laura clearly; she was giving her all. More correctly, Greg was taking everything; his undressing her this way meant acceptance of her offer.

“You better do your ear rings yourself, I have never even thought of removing a pair.”

Laura did and then Greg removed the ruby ring last.

“I’ll carry you, or is it important that you walk?”

Laura had to kiss him; she had to kiss hot and hard.

This man is so perfect, he knows me so well. What if, oh no, better not go there, what if I had met Greg and not Dan? Would there even be a Dan?

Laura reached for his hand as she began to pad barefoot toward their bedroom.

As her foot lifted to the third step, Laura felt herself scooped into her man’s arms. Greg carried her the rest of the way to the bedroom.

“Just lay there while I get as naked as you.”

Greg repeated the methodical undressing and folding act on himself.

“Now my love, we are going to have sex. We will make love. We will fuck. We will do both as long as either of us can perform. I want our first night like this to be one we never forget. Which do you want first, loving or fucking?”

Laura looked, batted her lashes, blew a kiss and then softly, but with assurance, made her choice known; “Fuck me Greg, my darling Greg, fuck me harder than you have ever fucked me before.”

Greg stepped to the bed and gripped each ankle to lift and spread Laura’s legs. He was sure she was as excited as he; no foreplay needed for preparation tonight. Laura guided him into position and Greg stabbed hard and deep.

“Ahhhh, yes, fuck, fuck me hard, just like that.”

“Hang on girl, here I come.”

Greg pounded hard and fast; flesh slap sounds played the rhythm.

“Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, fuck me. Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, fuck me.”

Laura sang an unchanging refrain that accompanied the slapping rhythm.

Variations evolved when Greg played with the nipples below him. He bit and Laura shrieked; he twisted and Laura shrieked again. When Greg pressed both breasts together to bite them at the same time, Laura slapped his head and shoulders encouraging him to bite harder, longer. Not once did Laura shy away; her refrain remained constant.

“Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, fuck me. Oh yes, oh yes, oh yes, fuck me.”

Their frantic sex brought them both to peak; Laura did her best to smother her lover with her breasts when she convulsed in climax. Greg filled her channel with cum as she twisted beneath him. Lovers stayed in position, panting at first, then deep, regulated breathing.

“Hey Mister, that is a good way to start things off, any time you want me again, just put my legs over your shoulders and I will, will, will be ready for you.”

“Deal, you’re a pretty good fuck, lady.”

They kissed tenderly for a while before Laura dropped her legs and Greg finally withdrew.

“Let me thank your big fat cock properly for working so beautifully to give me pleasure.”

Laura kissed, sucked and slurped cock clean, and in the process reinvigorated Greg’s powerful tool.

“Don’t forget those things below; they did the fill up work.”

“Oh yes they did fill me up, I can feel what they left inside.”

Laura held each testicle in a palm, and used her fingers to help cock stay up and away. She served herself as if eating delicate fruit and her mouth sampled male delight. It was Greg’s turn to groan pleasure. They held one another gathering strength for their next time.


“What Lover?”

“Would you seal me? I want to be a virgin for you this time.”

Laura’s screams for the next few minutes came from sexual pain. Greg bit all along her lips; he made them swell, each in turn. When they were puffy and red, he held them together and chewed. Greg had learned to love having a sex sandwich with Laura; he knew how to give the perfect burn that sealed her sex closed and excited her passion. When he finished, Laura lightly inspected his work with her fingertips; in her mind, she was virgin once again.

“I will be tight for you; you will have to fight your way inside. I have faith in you, in your cock.”

They moved to the den to relax and have another drink. Laura decided to wear white bikini panties to denote her virginal status; Greg wore red boxers. They drank wine and talked of the day’s events in the office. They enjoyed evening conversation as many couples do. Laura finished her wine and made her wishes known with a question.

“Would you like to take me to bed and make love with me?”

They spent the rest of the night as promised. They made love sweetly, and then fucked once more. They slept.

> > > > – –

Dan moped all week. He stopped at Gilly’s after work every day to avoid going home. When he did go home, he used only the kitchen and den; he only went to their bedroom to change clothes and use the bathroom. Their bedroom was no longer theirs; Laura had left, moved out.

Almost moved out, Dan thought to himself. He could tell she stopped by one day to take more of her clothes, but some were still in her closet, her dresser. Dan called no one; he ate something, changed clothes, and he watched television with a drink at his side until bedtime. Even ESPN and vodka tonic failed him as elixir.

Artsy called Friday afternoon to remind him of an opening Saturday night. They talked for a while; Artsy heard a listless malaise in her friend’s voice. Although Dan said nothing specific about he and Laura, Artsy sensed something traumatic was underway. I really don’t feel like talking on the phone about this, Dan told her. Artsy didn’t press for whatever Dan’s this was; she knew he needed her.

“Can we get together tonight? Meet me at The Palette at eight, okay Dan?”

Dan was still in his mood when he arrived home to his empty house, but twisting the key in the door lock seemed to transform him. Instead of looking for Laura, he thought of the night ahead with Artsy. ESPN and vodka tonic worked as it always had; he whistled to himself as he thought about what to wear tonight. He decided on the leather outfit that Artsy talked him into buying.

Dan’s mood brightened even further when he saw Artsy walk through the door; she scanned the room, found him, and gave a small wave as she walked toward him.

“Wow, you look good tonight. Tight jeans and a silk blouse should be your signature outfit.”

They kissed and then Artsy took the chair beside him. She knew he needed her close tonight.

“You look pretty good yourself, handsome. This girl enjoys being seen with a man who knows how to dress.”

They ordered, made small talk for just a few minutes, and then Dan opened up. He described his last conversation with his wife. He told Artsy of her decision to seek her freedom with Greg until the end of the year.

“She now has a new husband, without benefit of divorce.”

Artsy had never seen Dan cry. She had seen him angry, hurt, in serious emotional distress, but Artsy had never seen him cry. When she called earlier, she heard tears in his voice. Now she saw them running down his cheeks.

All Artsy could do at first was hold Dan’s hand and listen. Her reaction: Laura is a certified bitch; how could she hurt this kind, sweet man she says she loves.

I don’t know what she said, how she said whatever, but it must have been awful for Dan. I told him shortly after we met, I told him I saw this coming. I also let him know I was interested if he became available. As far as I am concerned, he is available as of this moment.

Artsy stopped Dan’s tortured story with a kiss. Their kiss steamed with passion. Tongues slapped each other and their lips pressed tight. Artsy didn’t often let her sexual expression out on blatant display in a public place like The Palette; tonight was different.

“Did Laura ask for a divorce so she could marry Greg, either marry him or live with him?”

“No, she didn’t; she wants both, that is what she said. She said it was for my benefit too, so I would appreciate her more when she comes back.”

Artsy was appalled.

“Dan, Laura may not have asked for a divorce yet, but as for me, you are a divorced man, now you have no wife, you are available and fair game. Unless and until Laura moves back here with you and cools it with Greg, you are mine.”

The new couple left The Palette to consummate their new status. Artsy didn’t want to wear one of Laura’s nightgowns this night. Both went to bed nude, made love nude, and ate breakfast in the den with no thought given to attire.

“If we are going to have brunch on the patio tomorrow, you need to take me home so I can get something to wear.”

“Let’s go shopping instead; I do enjoy buying good looking clothes for good looking women.”

They went shopping that afternoon; Dan bought Artsy two casual outfits and three nightgowns. He bought a new pair of silk pajamas for himself, iridescent silver with maroon piping. Dan and Artsy enjoyed a quiet evening at home, a loving night in the bedroom, and they had brunch on the patio. Their brunch conversation was interrupted by a clatter from inside the house.

Laura assumed Sunday morning would be a good time to stop by and get another load of her things. She knew Dan was at home when she saw his car in the driveway; he would likely be alone, but maybe Artsy was with him. Laura actually hoped Artsy spent the night. Was that her conscience speaking to her inner self? The door knob didn’t turn. Laura looked up, no light burning. Once again the door knob wouldn’t turn. Laura reached for her house key.

“Hi Artsy, good to see you; I’m glad you are here with my Baby.”

She kissed the seated woman on the cheek.

“Hi Baby.”

She kissed Dan on the cheek as well.

“I heard some noise inside; I wasn’t expecting you. I assumed you would be with your husband this morning.”

Laura decided to let Dan’s remark slide.

“May I get a cup of coffee and join you?”

Dan gestured to a vacant chair in response.

Laura explained that she was only here to pick up some additional clothes and more of her jewelry. She drank at her coffee; Dan didn’t offer any of the champagne he and Artsy were drinking.

“Are you planning on taking the diamond pieces I bought for Christmas?”

“I thought I would; they look so good when I have to dress up fancy.”

“I put them in the box with your rings; I think they should stay there. Tell your other husband he can begin buying public jewelry for you now, not just the pussy jewels only he gets to see.”

“Damn you Daniel, that’s unfair. You are being cruel and vicious just to get at me. Baby, we have never fought like this before, let’s not start now.”

“You are in no position to object to cruelty where our marriage and your affair are concerned. I am sure even you can recognize that point.”

Artsy sipped from her wine glass to avoid laughing.

“Is there anything else you would rather I not take with me when I go to my other husband, as you like to call him?”

Dan glared; then he sighed.

“No, nothing else of you that I want, nothing of yours, I should have said. I put the box with your wedding dress. You can take them. Take the whole box. You may as well take the dress too; you might want to wear it the next time you make wedding vows. Those vows held up for almost twelve years I seem to recall. Maybe things get better with practice.”

“Damn, damn, damn you Baby, you can be a mean little shit sometimes. I’ll leave, and come back for the clothes I want some other time.”

“Just take whatever you want now. Take anything you want. Whatever you leave, I’ll call Salvation Army and see if they want what’s left.”

“Dan, Baby, please can we be reasonable, at least civil?”

Artsy reached for Dan’s hand. She squeezed in hopes he might back off just a little. She understood his anger completely. To her way of thinking Artsy knew Dan’s anger was justified.

“Laura, I think you and I need to have lunch soon so we can talk through some things. Can I call you tomorrow at work to set something up?”

“Please do Artsy; that might be best. I think I should just go now.”

Laura hugged her husband, but Dan remained stiff as sculptor’s marble.

“Baby, can I call you during the week so we can try this again some night after work?”

Dan was close to exploding when he felt Artsy squeeze his hand. The squeeze relaxed him just a small fraction.

“Go get the box, take the box and your dress please. Call me sometime and we can work anything else out. I won’t throw anything away; I am not really like that. You know me better, or you once did.”

Laura walked back into the house.

At a traffic light while driving home, Laura looked to her right at the jewelry box on the passenger seat. She opened the lid and inventoried the contents, two ear rings, a diamond necklace, and two rings that belonged on her left hand. Over her shoulder she saw the dress she wore only that one special day when she married Dan so long ago. Tears dampened her eyes, but a horn blast shook her back to driving awareness.

I can’t remember Dan ever being this unreasonable. He was actually trying to be mean and hurtful to me because of Greg. I can’t believe him making me take my wedding dress. I think he just doesn’t care. Damn him; damn it all. I will wear my dress just for Greg. We may not have a church service, but we can damn sure fuck in bed like a honeymoon night.

Artsy called Tuesday for their lunch date. Laura picked her up at the gallery and drove to the restaurant she and Greg used on Friday. Her alcove was available; Laura explained the significance and told about bringing Dan here for dinner that one time. Laura had some hope of using Artsy as an intermediary with Dan.

Artsy had another agenda.

“Today is a continuation of discussions we have had before. I told Dan when we first met that as long as he was married, we had no future except as friends. I told Dan Friday night that I considered him a divorced man as of now. I am telling you the same thing. I will use the exact same words I used with him Friday. I told Dan, Laura may not have asked for a divorce yet, but as for me, you are a divorced man, you have no wife, you are available and fair game. Unless and until Laura moves back here with you and cools it with Greg, you are mine.”

Laura stared at Dan’s friend; she was Laura’s one time sex partner, but Artsy was Dan’s friend first on the priority list. She pondered her response before extending her hand across the table.

“I haven’t divorced Dan, and right now I have no intention of ever divorcing him. I want you to have him until I come back.”

Laura paused collecting her final thoughts on she, her husband Dan, and this woman across the table, Artsy.

“If Dan won’t have me back, I want you to have him permanently. Is that fair enough?”

Artsy looked at the offered hand and then shook it.

“Whatever happens, whatever outcome the future holds, you and Dan do not need to fight like children over it.

I would tear your eyes out. Our friend LF would tear your eyes out if you two were a steady couple and you pulled this with her. Dan doesn’t deserve what you have done to him.”

“I know he doesn’t deserve it, but he has it because he has me, and we love each other. Artsy, believe me when I tell you this, my unending love for Dan has not changed, not diminished one small ounce. I love him as I will never love another man, not even Greg.”

“Girl, you’ve got a funny way of showing it.”

Artsy paused for a serious length of time and then switched to a new line of questioning.

“How are you and LF getting along? Is she fucking you and you her?”

Laura looked down at her food to avoid Artsy’s eyes. Softly she murmured, “Yes, we will until I am through posing.”

“I told Dan this too, about you I mean; you are an amazing sexual animal. You and LF truly deserve one another. She is an animal about sex too. She rarely does men, but I just might let her have a go at Dan, but not until LF and you are through.”

“Do you and she . . .?”

“Not often, but we do sometimes. She is always on top between us. When I saw you bite her armpit that night, I had an orgasm watching. You are an animal too; I know she loved how you took her. She told me.”

“I would love to stay and talk all afternoon, but I must get back to work.”

The women began their goodbyes, but Laura had one last thought to share.

“I enjoyed making love with you; I enjoyed fucking you. I would like to do both sometime in the future, but I doubt we ever will. If you are going to take my place with Dan, please be faithful to him and don’t screw around with anyone else.”

> > > > – –

As she expected, Laura settled into her new role, new form of relationship, with Greg. She found simple delight in preparing a special meal after a full day in the office. The same was true with more mundane tasks like hanging his suit in his closet at the end of the day. Every once in a while, Laura mused to herself that she enjoyed these tasks the first year with Dan, but the pleasure faded. I like having a new man to do for. As far as Laura was concerned, her greatest joy was still waking in the morning with Greg after a night of sex. Waking with no need to rush through shower and dressing to go home to Dan was bliss.

“Darling, are we going to that country club soirée again this year, the red dress and tux event?”

“I go every year; it is my one, good for business, must do outing.”

“Good, I had fun last year, and I like going out with you. This year will seem so right.”

“Why do you ask?”

“Silly, I need to get a dress to wear; I am in the fashion business as well as the legal, haven’t you heard?”

“That red from last year was spectacular, guys still ask me about it; can’t you wear it again?”

“Greg, really, that just isn’t done. You should know that much.”

Laura knew asking Greg to help her shop for the required dress would never work. He would go, of course, and be sweet about it. He would be no help at all shopping; Dan would be a better choice. Laura also knew asking Dan to help her select the perfect dress was not an option this year. Laura finally found what she was looking for; it was another spectacular red number, well, red and black. A sheer, floor length, red chiffon over dress covered a black body stocking. There was no doubt she would attract as much attention as last year, though more modestly covered, after a fashion. She had no need to shop for underwear in choosing this dress; anything she tried to wear underneath would show through.

Their limousine driver opened the door at the portico entrance; Greg offered his hand to assist Laura’s grand arrival. The driver handed Greg a simple pager as he exited the limo to stand by his lady. Three couples stood outside waiting to enter the country club; Laura knew in an instant her dress was a hit. Three women looked at the overall effect of the dress and body suit with approval. Three men looked through the chiffon layer in the evening sun and saw a spectacular body in black spandex. Laura was glad she decided to let the dress make her fashion statement and go minimal on jewelry.

The clit bells would be fun, and tonight an anniversary of their first exposure, but they didn’t work at all with the tight body suit. Laura contemplated her diamonds, but remembered how Dan reacted to her even having them with Greg. She decided no necklace and simple ear studs would work best tonight. On her left leg she wore the anklet Greg had given, and on the third finger of her left hand his ruby ring gift. The only other adornment Laura wore were swollen lips between her legs. She made Greg puff them out fully twice a day for the last three days. Her labia were red, bruised and hugely swollen. Tonight, anyone getting close and looking between her legs could not help but notice, even though she was fully covered.

Mingle time gave Laura the perfect opportunity to show off her outfit. A few people, mostly from the law firm, knew of her second job; she steered every compliment her dress received in the direction of Business Lady even though she wore no BL garment tonight. Laura saw the young lawyer woman she and Greg shared a table with last year and greeted her as an old friend. The women hugged, kissed and shared compliments on dress; her friend introduced this year’s date, a swarthy Arab lawyer.

Lawyer Friend asked about the bells, was she wearing tonight?

“This outfit is just too tight; I couldn’t wear them.”

Laura’s statement was simple and factual; her gesture bordered on obscene. As she spoke, she thrust her hips forward, spread her legs, and put her hands on inner thighs to spread the sheer chiffon. Her action emphasized the spandex body suit, and drew attention to very swollen labia. Lawyer Friend giggled her acknowledgement of the situation; Swarthy Arab’s eyes popped out. His look went far beyond a simple stare. Laura had rendered him speechless.

Greg moved even closer to her side; he wrapped his left arm around Laura’s waist. His gesture was both protective and possessive. In making his body language statement with his mate, Greg drew the chiffon tight across her bottom enhancing the view to those across the room. The dress made the perfect fashion statement Laura intended when she bought it just for tonight. They moved on after a promise to share a dance when the band began to play.

Greg steered them toward Old Jacobs, and they greeted the senior couple with handshakes and cheek kisses. The men drifted into a discussion of business prospects with social overtones. The women reversed that order of discussion. Mrs. Old Jacobs held Laura’s left hand with a finger over the ruby ring and asked, “Your dress this year is as distinctive as last year. Did your husband help pick this one as well?”

Laura instantly recognized her question as far more complex than apparent, and of a completely different subject.

“No, I asked Greg if he wanted to help me shop for this year’s gown, but he deferred to my judgment. You know how most men are about shopping.”

Laura’s answer was as oblique as Mrs. Old Jacobs’ question. She did not deny Dan, but she did elevate Greg and their new status.

“I notice you have simplified your jewelry this year too?”

“Yes I have; last year was a first time for me, and I think I overplayed with my jewelry. I decided to tone things down, just wear ear studs and this ruby Greg gave me as a Christmas gift.”

“You always seem to have such good taste about fashion; I agree with your choices tonight.”

“Thank you so much; if I can distract my date, we should circulate, don’t you think?”

Laura received a kiss on the cheek from the older woman as she looped her arm through Greg’s arm. Laura was in her element being wife to a prominent man among his business peers. Greg used every opportunity to introduce her to colleagues as wife, without ever using the exact words.

Laura and Greg mingled, ate diner, and danced as a committed couple. Laura felt no need to act as show-off, erotic woman, out with her stud partner tonight. She behaved precisely as expected of a senior executive assistant, a trusted advisor to the CEO of a major fashion corporation, and spouse of a partner in an important law firm. In the backseat of the limousine riding home they talked of impressions formed tonight.

“Mrs. Old Jacobs was curious about us tonight.”

“What did she say?”

“She was indirect, of course, but she asked about Dan, and then about you and me.”

“What do you mean by indirect?”

“She asked if my husband helped pick out my dress. I told her you offered, but I wanted to shop by myself.”

Greg kissed Laura, and squeezed her swollen lips.

“Hmmmm, nice; I think what the old broad was saying was she approves of us together. She is sharp, has good judgment, and Old Jacobs listens to his wife.”

In their den, Laura decided she wanted to dance for her man.

“I’ve been good all night; I want to be bad now. Fix me a drink, Darling.”

Laura took off her over dress and her shoes. She was selecting music for her dance when Greg returned.

“I’ll dance for you the way that arab wanted me to dance for him. Did you see him looking?”

“Oh yes, I saw him look long and hard and you made sure he noticed everything.”

Laura danced; she writhed, wriggled, and directed attention to every interesting part of her body.

“Show me some skin, Baby.”

Laura danced one song with her top rolled to her waist. She danced her breasts into Greg’s hands and then pulled away letting him stretch her tits completely. Greg reeled her in and pushed her suit off her hips. The next song found Laura dancing on Greg’s hand buried well inside her.

“I’m ready for you; do me now Baby, do me good right now.”

As modest as they were earlier at the country club, Laura and Greg let themselves go sexually at home.

They fucked hard and fast in the den following Laura’s dance foreplay. They moved next to the bedroom for another round of aggressive sex. Greg tormented Laura’s sex lips to increase their swelling before fucking his way through the barrier. After he filled Laura’s treasure cup, Greg pinched and bit to seal his essence inside. After resting and cuddling, Laura led the way to one of her favorite places for sex, the kitchen. She reached for their bottle of olive oil.

“Use this, oil me up good and you can have my ass. You deserve my ass because you treat me so well.”

“Ahhh yes, fuck me Baby, fuck my ass. Ahhhh . . . ohhhh . . . ahhhh fuck . . . fuck . . . yes . . . fuck my slut ass hard.”

“Fuck your ass forever Darling; your ass is mine tonight.”

Laura felt oily hands rubbing all over her back. At the same time, Greg’s so fat cock drove deep powerful thrusts into her rectum. Laura’s hips braced against the countertop; she had her fuck platform and her lover was using her to full delight. Laura began to weary; her ass was burning from the onslaught. Greg finally delivered his third load of the night.

They rested next to one another with chests on the cool plastic counter.

“BJ or sleep, lover?”

“I hate to admit this, but sleep now and BJ at sunrise.”

> > > > – –

Artsy awakened that Sunday morning in what had become her favorite spot. She lifted her head from what had been Laura’s pillow to check the clock, and then turned to kiss Dan’s shoulder. Dan stirred from sleep; Artsy got a lip kiss in return for her shoulder kiss. Dan clearly would not object if they resumed their Saturday night lovemaking to start Sunday. Artsy wanted something else.

“Shower first lover, second is coffee; the third step is conversation. No morning sex for you today.”

“You’re good in bed Dan, but I am more than a sex object. You are too.”

Brunch conversation this Sunday turned to posing for LF. They talked for quite a while about how they wanted any artist in general to translate their friendship into an art piece. Would they be willing to let their emotions for one another show? Did they want the viewing public to know who they were when together?

“In addition to posing nude with me, would you consider letting LF do you for your office?”

“No, that would be poor taste; me, nude on my office wall, absolutely not.”

“What about me?”

“No, I think not. Not in the office.”

“Good, I am glad you put it that way.”

Artsy got the commitments she wanted from Dan; she would make an appointment with LF as soon as LF was through doing Laura. She also got Dan to agree to consider a personal portrait for his office, properly clothed of course. He agreed to consider an office portrait if Artsy would consider posing with him.

Dan had only one reservation about working with LF, the skirt joke.

“After getting used to her, she can be likeable, even fun. She isn’t really the opinionated bitch she projects.”

“She can be Dan, she really can be that bitch. Do not over look or underestimate that she is Lesbian Feminist. That side of her can be very real, and it is part of her strength and her talent.”

“Okay, but in the backseat with you driving, she can be just like any other girl, and fun to be with.”

Artsy laughed loudly, “Dan you are still a teenager. All you boys think any girl who will get in the backseat with you is okay.”

“Do you think she will really try to get me to wear a skirt?”

“Dan, I’ll be the one who makes you wear a skirt the first time we get together for painting. I’ll make sure all three of us wear skirts.”

> > > > – –

Normal, ordinary two people together, life was one of the main perspectives Laura wanted to experience with Greg. She wanted her affair to be more than date nights, sex weekends, and in-office shenanigans under the boss’s desk. Cooking a nice dinner after a day in the office relaxed her somehow. Laundry day didn’t provide much of a thrill, but it is a life maintenance requirement.

Greg liked to get his fresh air time walking in parks and rural trails; the mini hikes were his favorite Saturday relaxation. Laura loved the loose atmosphere when they had an outing. She called it her jump and skip time.

Time together wasn’t always idyllic walks in the park. Laura and Greg also lived the tension of her job with BL and the week to ten day separations in family life. That Greg didn’t, and would never, know about her neighbor in San Francisco added to Laura’s tension. Upper Floor couldn’t be avoided totally. Laura discovered he was a good conversationalist on subjects other than sexuality, but they saw little of each other. If she stayed the weekend, she often went out with Liaison and SO, or was invited to dinner by one of the senior BL executives. She and Greg talked by phone every evening she was gone, mostly when both were in bed. While Laura was Mrs. Greg, she only played one sex scene away from home, and that was only with Upper Floor, not his neighbors.

> > > > – –

On a mid-summer Friday afternoon, Dan once more drew the attention of his bosses and coworkers for an art installation. He asked his VP to make sure the Pres could attend. Dan invited some friends from his art community, Mrs. Patron, Interior Decorator, Artsy, and two others. LF was present; her work was about to go on display. Artsy invited three members of the local art press to observe and report on Dan’s entire project.

Dan decided to go formal presenting LF’s two paintings because the company President finally attended, with his wife, and because the press presence would make good company PR.

“Friends, let me say a few words and make some introductions before we unveil the latest additions to our company art collection.”

Dan acknowledged and introduced his guests briefly as necessary, but he spoke at greater length about LF and her art credentials. He thanked both VP, and especially the President of the company for their encouragement. Then he spoke about selecting the two paintings being added.

“LeeAnne has been guiding my introduction to the world of collecting and displaying art, both here at work and my personal collection at home. LeeAnne has had two very good collaborators in Mrs. Patron and Mr. Interior Decorator. All three have convinced me that good collections need to include art some people consider controversial. LeeAnne introduced me to the woman I call LF, and I want to thank LeeAnne for being persistent; my hard head sometimes needs pounding repeatedly before the door opens. I will let LF tell you about her work.”

LF spoke briefly about the two pieces; she told they were part of a larger series. She talked about the emotions she was reaching to show in terms everyone could understand, even those with little sense of art appreciation, and no formal background in the field.

Dan was pleasantly surprised; he admitted to himself he had been apprehensive. Artsy and Mrs. Patron watched Dan as he listened to LF; they were both pleased Dan was learning a role he would increasingly play. When the ceremony finished, the President was at Dan’s side congratulating him.

The press group Artsy invited yielded great results for the company. Short articles in two newspapers, plus a longer piece in the Sunday edition on the subject of corporate art, added to Dan’s reputation in company circles. When his promotion was announced in September, the publicity would be one public fact in his favor. Dan was more surprised by favorable reaction from two other quarters, his secretary and the local art community.

Dan’s secretary had always handled much of the detailed scheduling and paperwork concerning Dan’s corporate art collection project. She had never before expressed interest in either the artists or their work. This day she asked Dan to introduce her to his friends so she could learn more about the local art world. She also asked if she could attend some future events with him. Satisfaction showed on Dan’s face at her requests.

In the week following publication in the Sunday Business section, Dan received a personal note in the mail from Interior Decorator. The note was a simple Thank You for accomplishing in less than a year something Rupert had worked a career lifetime toward. Dan’s stature at art openings was rising, even Laura had noticed and commented on the way people treated him. In the months since hanging two articles of LF’s work, Dan now had to be careful to avoid tripping over artists trying to curry favor at openings.

One Saturday night he retreated to a quiet corner with his secretary at his side to sip wine and escape the crowd.

I wonder what Laura would think about me and the art world if she was here tonight?

He had a pleased grin on his face when Artsy came to them and asked, “Penny for your thoughts?”

> > > > – –

Laura and Greg spent that same Saturday evening planning final details of their late summer vacation. Greg wanted beach and ocean again this year; Laura suggested the Caribbean. They would leave for St. Maarten the following week.

“You told me Dan bought some sexy suits for you last year, are you going to bring them along? Tell me about them since he has such great style sense for you.”

“Is this going to be Laura’s skinny bikini vacation?”

“Why not, you love to show off. You have a great body, you should let it hang.”

“I guess I can be a bit of an exhibitionist. When I told you about the bikini with the push up bra, your eyes nearly popped out and you didn’t even see me wear it.”

“Was that fun, wearing it? You showed off with the push up bikini, didn’t you?”

Laura grinned and described bending over to give a group of college guys a good look.

“I almost fell completely out; Dan kept telling me to shake for them. One of the guys whistled. I think they all would have jumped me if I gave any hint.”

“Why didn’t you?”

“I was with my husband; you keep trying to forget that part. The suit that really gets attention is the one piece. One of the girls in the office told me she has one; she calls it her slingshot. She says she knocks the guys dead when she wears it.”

“Do you have it here? If not, you should go get it. It will go good with the suits I bought for you.”

Laura looked over the bikini’s Greg purchased for her. They were all very small, even smaller than the ones Dan bought last year. The suits Greg picked had a common trait beside small; they were all unlined, and all would disappear when wet. Laura would be essentially nude wearing them at the beach.

“These will go well with the slingshot suit Dan bought; you and he are very much alike in some ways. Do you really want me to go get some of the sexy suits I have at home?”

Forty minutes later, Laura parked her car in the familiar driveway. Lights are on, Dan must be home.

It is a week night, Artsy probably isn’t here. Laura tried to turn the door knob; it was locked. Door locked and light off, should I ring the bell or use my key?

Laura pushed the bell button.

“Hello, what a surprise to see you at my door; come in.”

Laura kissed her husband; the kiss was more than perfunctory, but less than a passionate, honey I’m home, kiss. Ten minutes of polite conversation was followed by five minutes in the bedroom selecting three bathing suits. Twenty minutes after she arrived, Laura kissed Dan goodbye at the door. Dan didn’t bother to walk Laura to her car; he closed and locked the front door.

The highlight of vacation, as far as Laura was concerned, occurred on the first day as they checked in at their resort beach cottage. Greg signed them Mr. and Mrs. as Laura looked over his shoulder. He saw tears on her cheek when he turned to her with key in hand.

“You are crying?”

“Joy, pride, I feel overwhelming happiness that we are together; that’s what brought out the tears, no regrets, none at all.”

Laura paused at the no regrets, “Yes, one regret.”


“I wish I packed my wedding dress. I would wear it with you holding hands on the beach as the sun rises tomorrow morning.”

“We can do that nude instead; I would really like to.”

Sun, sand and sex for two weeks, they had a perfect vacation as pseudo newlyweds. Their sun, sand and sex time was interspersed with dinner, dancing and sex, or some days the schedule was sightseeing and sex. St. Maarten is known for excellent food and a cosmopolitan atmosphere. The bathing suits Laura brought along were perfectly suitable, but she replaced the baggy swim shorts Greg packed purchasing two Speedos and a men’s thong for her man. Laura mostly wore her slingshot at the resort pool; she insisted Greg wear the thong to accompany her. Laura also bought three gauzy vacation dresses for when clothing was required. As far as she was concerned, vacation time meant minimal clothing and Greg agreed.

The first two days consisted of learning the small island with a tour guide. One day they checked out beaches, shops and restaurants on the French side, the next day the Dutch side. The guide showed them a clothing optional beach on the tip of the Dutch coast they immediately loved. He pointed out caves that could be reached by short climbs, and afforded some privacy.

“Private enough for me to screw your brains out, Baby.”

Greg only pretended he was listening to the guide; he squeezed Laura’s hand. After two days of introduction, Laura and Greg were ready to be alone and enjoy each other.

They rose early on the third day and walked to water’s edge in darkness. Laura wore only the anklet and special clip that were gifts from her man. Otherwise, she was barefoot and nude as was Greg.

They looked east over the dark water until they saw a glimmer in the sky and then a streak of red at the horizon that marked the boundary between sky and ocean. At that moment, Greg placed the ruby ring on Laura’s left hand and they kissed. A glow of light preceded the orange-yellow ball still below the horizon. They walked into the water waist deep, toward the glow. They waited for a breaker, held hands and jumped into the wave together; they fell splashing into the receding surf wrapped together. Their personal commitment service ended in laughter.

Greg and Laura returned to their cottage and to their bed. Their very personal ceremony of commitment continued in bed until well into the afternoon. Only a more physical hunger than their sexual desire caused them to don brief swimsuits and have a late afternoon lunch poolside. As they finished their meal, other guests arrived for cocktail hour.

Laura had to show off; she led Greg to the diving board. He made two simple dives before insisting Laura dive in. Bouncing at the end of the board wearing her slingshot suit got everyone’s attention. When she lifted herself from the water at pool edge, the slingshot straps that belonged over her shoulders were in the crook of her elbows. Laura walked nonchalantly to Greg and asked him to adjust her swimsuit. The crowd was polite, did not whistle or call out; everyone just stared. Falling out of a suit seemed more exciting than not wearing one.

For two weeks, they ate in restaurants, swam and sunned at various beaches, and went to dance clubs many nights. Laura and Greg made good use of the small cottage Laura considered their honeymoon hideaway for private sex. They returned often to the beach with the private caves and always made love al fresco; they cared not if a passersby took interest and watched them.

Finally, they boarded a plane and returned home.

Published 10 years ago

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