Always Faithful – Chapter Twenty-Four

"Both Dan and Laura experience other love partners."

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Chapter Twenty-Four – Other Partners

Only a simple action required, open front door with your key and a twist on the knob; Laura’s persona changed from wife of Dan to mistress of her other home, her home with Greg. Less than two hours before, she woke up beside her husband, made coffee in the kitchen, showered in their bathroom, and pulled a simple shift over her head for dress. She kissed Dan as she handed over his first morning cup of coffee, and watched him take his first few sips.

Turning to her dresser, Laura removed her rings and put them in their special box. “I am leaving these here today for you; I will put them on tomorrow before I see you and Artsy. I hope it helps.” With a last kiss and a borrowed taste of Dan’s coffee, Laura walked toward their bedroom door. Dan took in the symbols of Laura’s goodbye; she was going to her other husband nude save light dress and slip on shoes.

> > > > – –

Laura hung her jacket and found Greg at the kitchen table in his bathrobe.

“If you pour a cup for me I’ll take these clothes off and join you.”

“Can’t resist that offer.”

Their coffee was well cooled by the time Laura extracted her body from inside Greg’s bathrobe to drink her first cup of the day.

“How much time?”

“I sleep here tonight; I will have a late brunch with Dan and Artsy tomorrow. I think I like having two husbands?”

“This husband is going to warm up our coffee.”

“Am I enough for you to eat for breakfast?”

They moved to the den holding hands. Greg’s fingers were first to realize Laura wasn’t wearing her wedding rings; they stroked and massaged lightly where the rings normally lay. Laura was immediately aware of the significance Greg’s finger action held. Oh shit, I hope he doesn’t get the wrong impression, he will; he already has.

Greg put their cups on an end table and hugged Laura tight. Stand by sofa, kiss with building passion, hands touch each other everywhere; Laura felt her ruby ring change from right to left; she pumped hard against the thick shaft trapped by her mound as the ruby replaced her diamond.

“I want to fuck you in every way; I want you to fuck me until we are exhausted. When you have me gasping for breath and ready to say no more, I want you to make love to me so sweetly that I just babble like a schoolgirl: Laura loves Greg, Laura loves Greg.”

The hard fucking part of the day began immediately in the den, moved eventually to the bedroom, and lasted until their bodies cried out for food as sun gave way to moon. They never dressed. Greg finally called for delivery from a Vietnamese restaurant and accepted delivery wearing his robe as Laura waited nude in the kitchen. She brought champagne and glasses just as the delivery boy was leaving, and blew a kiss to a face with eyes so wide they no longer had their slant.

“You love doing that, don’t you?”

“There is a balcony in San Francisco; I go out there in the evening and think of you.”

“It’s a little cool for that at this time of the year.”

“I get goose bumps; that makes me think of you even more.”

“Take your clip the next time you go to San Francisco; wear it on your balcony. If anyone sees you and asks about it, tell them it was a gift from your lover to honor the best sex you have ever had.”

Laura’s face glowed, “I will find someone to show it to; I’ll call out if I must.”

“I want you to . . . . Are you ready to have your ass . . .”

They laughed at each other for having the same desire.

“Yes, as soon as we finish the glass I want you to fuck my ass. Flip a coin, heads you get once, tails you get my tail a second time. I hope it comes up tails.”

“Let’s go to the bedroom.”

Within minutes, Laura was on the bed, bottom up, and Greg was behind preparing her behind for taking.

“Use a condom this time; I want to save you.”

“Ahhhh . . . Yessss, just like that. Take me. I miss you when I am at BL; I miss you, I miss your big hard cock, I miss the way you fuck me so well.”

Greg reached around from behind and wrenched nipples in a hard twist as he drove the last few inches of cock deep inside Laura’s ass. Laura screamed her sex song at a high pitch. Greg matched her chants with strong thrusts. He had already cum four times during the day; with a rubber as insulation and four loads behind he knew he could fuck almost forever. Neither could move, barely speak and breathe, a half hour later when number five finally splashed into the tip of latex.

“Did I say something about two for tails? I am exhausted, no more; I don’t think I can take any more. I am fucked out and you did it.”

Greg simply licked along Laura’s spine; he was too tired at the moment to even think of responding. He cupped her sex, licked her spine, and nestled his weary head against her back. They fell into a sleep of sexed satisfaction; Laura revived first and removed the used condom, tied it off and put it aside, before heading to the bathroom to cleanse herself.

> > > > – –

Artsy was almost finished dressing Dan for the opening that evening and decided they had time to stop for a drink and a snack.

“I hope you have a good leather jacket that will go with what you are wearing, otherwise you will get cold tonight.”

“My stylist should have thought of that earlier in the day.”

“Artists have to learn to suffer for their art.”

“You’re the artist, not me.”

“I have you to suffer for me; why do think I keep you around?”


“Let’s go to Gilly’s”

“I’m going to introduce you to a new artist tonight; new to you, she is quite established.”

“Okay, a lady?”

“Most wouldn’t use that label, feminist might be more appropriate.”

“Okay, is she a dedicated lesbian feminist who hates all things male?”

Artsy drank from her beer mug and ate a bite of her burger while considering Dan’s question.

“Yes to the first part of your question, she is a dedicated lesbian. She has never shown even a hint of bisexuality around me. As to the second part, about men, let’s say she is skeptical, but open minded.”

“Why do you want me to meet her in particular?”

“She does some avant-garde work that is controversial, but might be suitable for your office collection.

“Are you sure about the office collection? It can’t be too out there.”

“Trust me.”

“I’m also thinking about her doing our portrait, either for your gallery or for me to have.”

“You said yesterday that Portrait should do ours.”

“She is just a thought, a possibility. I want to see how the two of you mix tonight.”

Both abandoned conversation for their food, drink and private thoughts.

“Mrs. Patron and her friend will be at the opening tonight; they will be all over you. You look hot tonight, and you look like what you are, a successful collector.”

“You don’t look to shabby yourself. Basic black is almost a new fashion statement when you wear it. That dress hugs your figure perfectly, and even though I know the invitation isn’t for me, your cleavage does look inviting.”

Dan received a kiss that started on his right cheek and migrated to lips before Artsy pulled away. “Don’t ever try to guess who a woman is dressing for; you should know that by now.” They finished their meal and left for the opening at the gallery.

Dan tried to approach this show as any other casual viewer might. He filled his first glass of wine and made a quick tour of the walls and other exhibits. Mingling time was dominated by two artists and another gallery owner who were touting work they had an interest in. In some ways, this is just like going to the country club and not being able to get in a round of golf. Artsy approached with a woman in hand, a thin, almost delicate, woman wearing ripped jeans.

“Dan this is LF, the artist I wanted you to meet. Get her a glass of wine and then let her take you around to review the new things we are showing tonight. Listen to her carefully then you can talk about whatever. I have to get back to work.”

Dan wondered about Artsy’s direct introduction that was a bit apart from normal style, greeted the woman formally, and followed his friend’s instructions to the letter. For more than thirty minutes, Dan escorted the woman around the gallery. They stopped at every work, and Dan listened as she discussed each. Dan realized he was in a graduate seminar for one: Art History 513, Interpreting Details of Artistic Expression.

“Have I overwhelmed or bored you?”

“Not at all; I would like to go around once more, but without the crowd, and be able to ask questions.”

The woman stared at Dan; her stare was discomforting without words, but Dan simply returned it without fidgeting.

“Get more wine, Artsy wants us to talk.”

They adjourned to a quiet corner in the work spaces of the gallery for what turned out to be a grilling conversation.

Dan tried to lead off. “Artsy told me a little bit about you, why don’t you tell me the rest?”

“Artsy told me a little bit about you too; I’ll find out if I want to know the rest. It rarely takes long with men. You have two private galleries; tell me why you started the one where you work?”

“I got tired of stupid prints after Artsy introduced me to a wider selection of art. Now do I get a question?”


Another sharp toned question slapped at Dan.

“Are they pretty baubles that hang on the wall to impress your boss; are they your trophy wives?”

“They have become part of my world, but they do impress my boss.”

“How do you use them as part of your world?”

“I talk to them, they talk to me. Often they help me work through business problems.”

“You stare, lost in space?”

“No, not at all. I focus, sometimes on the whole, sometimes on a part or an element. My mind asks what the artist is doing.”

“Do you get answers?”

Dan smiled, “Sometimes I do, either from the artist or the business problem that brought me there.”

“What is your wife’s name?”

“Laura, she’s . . . .” A finger to lips stopped Dan’s further answer.

“She is with her lover, isn’t she?”


“You asked Portrait to paint Laura nude for your home gallery?”

“Yes, we met here.”

“Portrait always fucks the women he paints. How many times did Portrait fuck Laura while she was posing for him?”

“I have asked Laura the same question; if you see her face it is obvious. She simply smiles and evades my question.”

“Does her lover know?”

“You would have to ask Greg.”

“Artsy wants me to capture you and she.”

“She told me she is considering that. Are you going to fuck both of us, or just Artsy?”

“I want to meet Laura; I may decide to capture and possess her. If I decide to paint her, I will fuck her many times. I will ask Artsy to entertain you while we work. Let’s go rejoin the crowd. I am sure your older lover is waiting for you.”

How in the name of all hell does she know so much about me? She knows about Laura. She knows about my work. She knows about Mrs. Patron and her friend. Does she know this much about Greg too? She must be a witch .

“There you are Daniel; I see you have been away at seminar expanding that fertile brain of yours. Give me a kiss dear.”

Dan gave a hug and a warm friendly kiss on Mrs. Patron’s cheek.

“I think I deserve more than just a peck on my cheek from you, Daniel.”

They began engaging lips, softly with tenderness at first. Their kiss lasted, and added fervor. Tongue began probing inside Dan’s mouth before he realized their kissing progressed to a new level. Dan responded to tongue and then sensed LF still with them. LF had her left hand under Dan’s vest, and her right hand cupped Mrs. Patron’s breast. Hand’s new sensations raised Dan’s passion level; he expressed that passion driving his tongue forward kissing deeper. His hips pressed stiff cock against his lady’s stomach and he pulled tight to maintain pressure. They finally broke the embrace and Mrs. Patron kissed his cheek to signify another passing grade in her private tutoring.

“I intend to fuck Laura many times before I paint her; I want to own her sex when I show the world. I will go tell Artsy you are okay with me; I will do both of you together.”

“It is rewarding to see the two of you seem to have a rapport, Daniel, she can be difficult, especially with men.”

Dan finally greeted the other woman; their kiss was light from her lips.

> > > > – –

Greg returned from his nap of sexual exhaustion while Laura was in the bathroom.

He knew he missed Laura while she was away at her BL job; he missed her presence and her conversation. He missed her sexuality. He hadn’t understood until she began the trips that caused forced separation just how much his sexuality was dependent on her physical presence. Greg needed Laura; more than he ever knew he needed her all of the time.

The woman Greg needed so much returned with a damp loofah. “Just lay still darling; I am going to revive you.”

Laura scrubbed lightly over her man’s forehead with the sponge and then kissed everywhere she had scraped. She ministered to every part of Greg’s face with her sponge and her lips. Time became inconsequential; Laura ignored only the genitals that had brought so much pleasure as she rubbed, kissed and excited all the way down Greg’s body to his feet.

“I’ll do your back the next time. Stay there while I wet this again; there is one more part of you to get tonight.” Greg did nothing to break the mood. “Let me show you how much I love you.”

Strokes of the loofah, soft and water warmed now but still coarse, made cock twitch and jump. Laura watched with delight; she was fascinated how much stimulation a simple fiber sponge could give. If she put her head, her lips, in just the right place – oh yes, right there. Cock kissed her lips when it jerked. A firm stroke in the crease tracing to and just beyond Greg’s testicles forced an involuntary reaction.

Laura opened her lips and returned cock’s offering with each spasm. Finally she trapped the tip between her lips and sucked cock hard and straight. The loofah went flying to the floor and in an instant Laura was on top of her lover as she always intended.

“Let me make love to you tonight.”

Laura moved astride Greg making love until finally they completed the day of sexual reunion. They slept with bliss until morning.

> > > > – –

After the opening, Artsy, Dan and many others adjourned to The Palette for an after gathering. Dan wanted to sit between Artsy and LF to expand on their earlier discussions. Mrs. Patron had other ideas, and Dan sat between her and her friend. He felt like he was used as boy toy for the two older women, but accepted his role with good humor. Between allowing and responding to kisses and touches from his immediate companions, Dan managed quick peeks watching LF practice seduction techniques with Artsy.

Artsy saw Dan watching; she was amused and curious when she first noticed him. Once Artsy blew a kiss to her friend as LF nibbled her neck. Another time she helped LF pinch a nipple through her dress. Finally Artsy made sure Dan watched as she French kissed LF for a protracted moment. Artsy was doing her best to distract Dan and stoke fires of discomfort. Mrs. Patron demanded his attention with kisses she initiated. Dan gave in and finally ignored his young friend.

Interior Designer approached with a wide grin, “Daniel, my friend, you should know that no man can survive outnumbered four to one by capable women. You better come join me at the gay table.”

“Thank you for riding to my rescue, Sir Knight, but I think I will have at least one more tilt at these damned windmills.”

All four women intervened with word play and conviviality triumphed. After one last round of drinks Artsy stood beside Dan and eased him to standing with her to accept a passion laden kiss.

“You’ve been good tonight; you win the prize. Take me home and put me to bed.”

> > > > – –

As they left The Palette, Dan looked up to the sky; the moon showed only half full. It’s not the moon; it must be something in the air. Something is going on with women in my life tonight, and I don’t understand none of it.

In the car Artsy compounded confusion, “Your place Dan, I’ll spend the night with you.”

In the master bedroom, Artsy saw that Laura had laid out a nightshirt as promised, “Unzip me, I need a shower. I’ll wait if you want to join me.”

Three minutes later with their clothes hanging in closets, Dan walked Artsy to bath holding hands. Their time under the waterfall was playfully sexy with friendly touches, but neither tried to seduce in the bathroom.

“Laura left me something to wear; I will model it for a glass of wine.”

“I bought these pajamas to go with that nightshirt; we were shopping together and I liked that green color.”

“Silk feels wonderful, soft and sexy but demure. Laura put a fragrance spray with it; I hope she meant for me to smell good for you.”

Dan leaned in to Artsy’s collarbone and breathed deep, “Perfect, very sexy.”

He kissed gently along the bone and then into her cleavage. Dan didn’t try to push further than their comfort allowed. Artsy held his head close; that is as much as she wanted in the den.

They drank two glasses of wine and shared an hour of intimate conversation. Reflecting on their conversation several days later during a lull at work, Dan realized they seemed to pick up the getting to know you conversation they began the first few times they bumped into one another at Gilley’s. Am I falling in love with Artsy? I know we are more than friends, is this love? What do I feel about Laura? I have feelings for Mrs. Patron too. Is this what goes through Laura’s mind when she thinks about Greg? His phone rang three times before it broke through daydream thoughts. “Sure Boss, I’ll be there in a second.”

In the instant, however, Artsy cleared away their wine and led Dan back to the bedroom. Her mind was active as climax to an intimate evening with her friend approached; Laura asked me to entertain her husband, and I will. I am not going to fuck Dan tonight, but I will make love to this wonderful man as best I can.

Artsy held hands in front of her, open.

“Undress for me slowly Dan, undress and very deliberately show me your body.”

With a very curious grin, Dan followed Artsy’s orders. He had no inkling what the game was tonight, but there was also no question that he would ante in.

“Look at my hands. Imagine them black and covered with the chalk of stone. Tonight I am not Artsy; I am Augusta Savage. I am sculptor, and I am going to know your body so I can carve it in stone.”

Artsy used sculptor hands to position her friend; she twisted an arm as she stretched it. Dan expected a strong touch; he was ready for the hard of stone. Instead, hand touched with delicate strength, learning and absorbing knowledge. Dan felt his skin prickle, bumps raised to a thrill of touch. Cock twitched and jumped involuntarily.

“Artsy . . . .?”

Eyes stared annoyance, Dan understood and corrected.

“Augusta, tell me about yourself; I don’t know who you are.”

“I am a black woman, I live in Harlem, I am one of the best American sculptors no one has ever heard of; I am dead now, but I am with you tonight to capture your body and spirit and make it mine in stone.”

Artsy continued to speak as Augusta Savage and Dan continued his art education practicum with the most erotic lesson to date.

“There were no noble gentry in Harlem, no patrons to support my work.”

Artsy was on her knees in front of Dan. Her fingers learned every fold and ripple of the sack between Dan’s legs. Looking down, Dan saw his cock perpendicular to the floor; it looked longer than it had ever been. Dan stared at his slit; he watched it pulsate as cock throbbed with excitement.

Augusta spoke again, “My best sculptures were always in my mind. Dan, darling, find your perfect orgasm in your mind.”

“Oh yes, yes Augusta, I feel it in me.”

“Now Dan, NOW!”

Both screamed loud YESes. Dan continued to cry out as a stream shot up from cock’s slit, formed a parabolic arc, and fell. Artsy positioned to catch the stream of Dan’s semen on Laura’s nightshirt. Cock continued to shoot jerking back and forth each time. Four long streaks of pearl dripped across the dark green silk before Dan could relax. Artsy carefully removed the nightshirt and put it where Laura had left it for her use. She led Dan under the covers and they slept the night through holding one another.

Dan and Artsy slept peacefully late on a cool Sunday morning. They stirred, kissed, used the bathroom, returned to bed for more kissing and went back to sleep. Laura and Greg woke early and followed much the same routine with an exception.

> > > > – –

”I like waking with you on Sunday; we have time for more than a quicky before going to work.”

Greg pulled Laura on top, “Ride the pony lover, take my horse for a good long ride.”

Laura offered her breasts and Greg gripped nipples tight, twisting and pulling.

“Yes Baby, so good. I’ll stir up the juice so you can slide right in.”

Laura spread her lips, guided Greg’s thick cock to her entrance and rocked. She diddled her clit and juices soon flowed. Time, it was time to swallow cock; she held it in place and drove her trunk down hard. Both called out their pleasure; Laura began to rock back and forth with often practiced motions.

“Oh how I missed you when I was gone.”

Laura squeezed her lover’s thickness. Greg twisted her nipples even harder until Laura winced and held his cock in a vise grip.

“Come bite them lover; bite my tits till I sing. Milk my breast as I milk your cock. Mark me so my other husband will know you have had me.”

Greg bit each breast hard, and he stabbed as hard into Laura at each bite. Laura shrieked her excitement and fucked back meeting each thrust. They climaxed together and collapsed. Eventually they recovered and made way to the kitchen for coffee.

“I guess I should shower before going home.”

“No, Dan knows where you are and what we have been doing. If you must go, I want to send you home as used goods.”

“Well used, very well used goods thanks to you my love.”

Laura poured another cup of coffee and sat straddle on Greg’s lap so she could kiss him between sips. “I love you my darling.”

“You will go back to Dan used and unfaithful for baring your soul.”

“Yes, I am an unfaithful wife, unfaithful because I love you with all of my heart.” She looked at the clock on the wall. “I need to be home by eleven at the latest; it’s almost nine-thirty now, we have time for at least once more.”

“Let’s use the den; I think that’s where we left your dress yesterday.”

They opened the drapes and looked out onto a winter ravaged back yard, “We still need to make love out there; it’s too cold or we could today.”

Greg pressed her body against the glass; Laura shivered at the cool on her chest. This love making began with warm touches all over Laura’s back as her front pressed against the clear, cold, hard window. She gave her senses to conflicting stimulation. Her breath fogged glass. Suddenly Greg turned her and pulled her body into a consuming kiss. With fingertip, Laura drew a heart on the glass and scribed their initials; they made palm prints around the heart. Laura led to the sofa; she mounted ready for her lover.

“Take me, fuck me here and now.”

An hour later she looked at her body as she covered love’s bruises with a thin dress.

“As soon as Dan sees my breasts he’ll know what we have been up to this morning.”

“Unless he starts looking from the bottom; when he looks at how red and swollen your lips are he’ll know. Hell girl, he knows now without looking; this isn’t the first time you’ve gone to him like this.”

“Yeah, but Artsy is probably still there. What the hell, she knows too.”

Greg held her jacket for her left arm, then changed his mind and pulled it back. “I don’t want you to go yet; take your dress off.”


“Off, now! I want you one more time. Suck me then you can go.”

“You are a shit. You just want to mark your turf, show you are my stud man.”

Laura pulled her dress over her head and went to her knees. “Fuck my face you no good bastard; you do the work. Just fuck me.”

Their last sex of the weekend was brutal. Greg held hard and fucked hard, fast and deep. By another couple it would be clear sex assault, rape. Between them it was an act of wanton sexual desire they played out often. Laura loved having her face fucked hard by her lover’s thick cock. Greg reveled in the sexual aggression Laura lovingly accepted. Even after fucking so many times in the last twenty-four hours, passion built quickly. The violent sex did not last long. Greg spewed what little cum tribute he could manage straight down Laura’s throat within minutes.

“Pick up my clothes and walk me to the car. You can dress me there.”

Twenty minutes later, Laura found her husband and his friend curled up on cushions in front of the fireplace.

“I need a shower and then I will join you.”

“Just put something comfortable on; you don’t need to shower, we know what you’ve been up to.”

The sun was almost setting when Laura told Artsy she could keep the silk nightshirt as a gift, and offered her car keys so she could drive herself home.

“I want to shower with my husband, make love with him, and spend the night in bed. We will work out the order as we go along.”

Published 10 years ago

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