Laura managed to get to their bed without waking Dan. She reached behind to zipper before changing her mind. Laura jumped on the bed fully dressed, and kissed her husband as he wakened. She was consumed with love for the man who married her and completed her being, possessed her and set her soul free. Laura tried to express that love with her kiss.
Dan opened his mouth and accepted his wife’s kiss completely. His tongue joined Laura’s. When he wrapped her in his arms he discovered the dress. It seemed right, that she should be dressed coming home from her lover. Laura drew Dan’s tongue deeper; she tried to direct its path inside her mouth. Both worked to pull the sheet away. Laura wanted to be close to her husband like this.
“Can you taste him, in my mouth, Greg’s cum?”
“Yeah, I think so, you taste different.”
“I brought some home, in a condom, a rubber. This rubber!” Laura waved the stretched misshapen tube then put the used condom on her nightstand. “I sucked Greg’s juice out of it on the front porch just before I came inside. I wanted to be sure his taste was still in me.”
“I can taste him, taste both of you.”
“I can too. I told you our next kiss would have his cum on my breath, in my mouth.”
“Yes, you are always faithful in your way.”
“Give me your hand.”
Dan found she had worn panties home. “Greg let you wear one of his pairs home?”
“No I took these with me; Greg still has all six pairs. I did wear the pair you picked out to dinner, Greg liked your taste.”
“I’ll bet he liked my taste in the panties my wife was wearing for his birthday.”
“Can you feel how swollen I am, my lips, my whole cunt?”
“What I feel is wet, how wet you are.”
“Yes, Greg put a lot of cum in me, in my pussy, my pussy cat cunt.”
“How many times…”
“I’ll tell you the details, believe me a lot, we did a lot. Do you want to do me; I want you to have me now if you still want me.”
“I want you; I need to fuck you, to know you came home, know you are still here with me.”
“That was never a question Baby, take off my panties, see how wet and fucked swollen I am down there.”
Dan pulled the cloth away and saw Laura’s red and puffed up pussy. Even in the dim night light, Dan could see bruising, and shining cum inside and out.
“He worked you over good, fucked you really good, didn’t he?”
“Oh yes, baby, Greg really screwed me good. I egged him on in every way. You can tell he worked me hard, can’t you?”
“Yes, it is obvious. He really fucked you and used your pussy hard; brutal is what you look like.”
“Yes, brutal, a good brutal; I pushed him for brutal and Greg responded.”
“I want you, want you now. Let’s get this dress off.”
“Pull my skirt up, fuck me in my dress. I want to know and I want you to know that nothing delayed me from coming from my boss lover home to my husband. Fuck me in the dress I wore for him tonight.”
Dan was ready, nude and erect he climbed in the saddle. Laura’s swollen lips held him back, tried to deny entrance, but he pushed through. Dan’s cock tip found a hot pool, a grotto. Laura’s vagina was swollen, steamy wet, and slick.
“That’s Greg’s cum slick that I feel in you, isn’t it Baby?”
“Yes Baby, your cock is in a pool of fuck juice Greg and I made. I wanted to leave it in for me, for the way it feels in me. I wanted him to stay with me for the way Greg put his cum in me. It is there for me, but I am glad you can feel it, feel your cock in my pool of sex.”
Dan pushed completely in, his cock was covered in cum; Laura made this cum pool when she was with Greg. “Ahhh!”
“That’s it, Baby, just feel us, enjoy your cock soaked in my cum. When you are ready, just fuck me; do me however you want, do me for your pleasure.”
Dan began a rhythm of slow, deep thrusts into his wife. Laura winced a grunt with each meeting of their pubic bones, but she offered no objection.
“That feels sooo good, I like your strength. Fuck me like this for a while.”
Dan kept his steady thrust, thrust, thrust; he heard Laura’s grunts but her sex slickened, pool sucked his cock onward.
Laura drew her knees higher, her dress bunched at her breasts. She used her hands to pull Dan up and above.
“Go fast and screw me hard, use me just for you, I want to be for your sex tonight, right now. Fuck me hard and cum hard; cum hard in me while I tell you I love you.”
Dan responded, he drove his whole body down and into Laura as rapidly, as forcefully as possible. His cock was a spear tip piercing his lust victim. All of the evening’s pent up emotion flowed into his sexual being until Dan erupted and added his essence to Laura’s sex pool.
With each cry of Yes Dan made, Laura matched with I’m here. Dan’s orgasm was all consuming. Every bit of doubt and concern ejaculated out of him and into Laura. Dan didn’t recognize that he alone had the violent orgasm. Laura’s satisfaction was in her conscience, she had not denied her husband anything that she gave her lover earlier that night. Finally Laura rose and undressed. She promised Dan she would tell all, but for now she needed sleep, sleep in husband’s arms.
Morning came all too soon. Both could have used more sleep, but work beckoned. They finally staggered to the shower hand-in-hand to wake and wash their sex coating away. Dan was amazed and concerned at the bruises all over Laura’s body. He took her wash cloth and tried to tenderly wash away the hurt. Hickeys on her neck looked ugly, and would advertize her passionate activity for days. Her tits were still red, bruised finger and thumbprints were darkening. They wouldn’t wash away. Greg’s teeth marks were apparent everywhere on Laura’s chest. Dan knew Laura had kept telling Greg to bite harder; she would do that, she loved rough treatment there.
Laura’s cunt, though, her beautiful, clean shaven cunt, had been absolutely ravished. Dan understood now, seeing her swollen lips in the brighter bathroom light, why he had to push so hard to gain entrance. Her outer labia were bulbous, swollen shut. A boxer’s eye would not be more swollen, more sealed. Teeth marks were evident here also. Laura insisted on cleaning her vaginal parts herself. Dan went to his knees to inspect as she opened herself and sprayed warm water on, around and inside herself.
Dan gently opened his wife and placed the gentlest of kisses on each part of her pussy. “I know I could never do that to you, for you.”
“I know that, my sweet loving husband, I know that”
“You kept pushing, didn’t you?”
“I asked him, I begged him; Greg didn’t do anything to me I didn’t want. He didn’t do anything I didn’t push him to do.”
As she told her husband that truth about the physical sex she shared with Greg, Laura knew she was concealing the emotional side. So be it, for now at least.
> > > > – –
Unlike Monday, Dan was clear of mind and eye as he drove to work. He greeted everyone cheerfully on the way to his office. When his secretary brought his morning coffee, he had a big smile for her. Monday to Tuesday was like night into day. Dan went straight to work, he was a whirlwind. Reports, client calls, research, analysis, none of his normal daily tasks posed any problem. He was Midas, it seemed as if everything he touched came up golden.
Even his occasional thoughts of Laura were warming and pleasant. Mostly he recalled the bruising and swelling her lush body displayed. Laura really enjoyed the stiff work out part of sex; she liked it rough and hard. Not always, but more than just sometimes. Dan smiled when her bruises came to his mind because try as he might, it hurt him when he hurt his wife. Greg had given the bruises; she craved the hard stimulation that Dan’s feelings denied her. Dan knew that Laura was feeling a sweet agony at this minute because her bra must be pinching on her sensitized nipples. The nylon of his wife’s panties and hose must be building a gamey moisture that would sensitize her swollen lips all day long.
> > > > – –
Laura did feel the sensations Dan thought about. Far from bearing up, she reveled in a glow of continuing sensuality. A twist in her seat would scrape a nipple inside her bra. Her sensory system brought Greg to mind immediately, and she remembered exactly why she felt this way. She remembered Greg twisting, pulling and biting the nipple last night. Last night’s bite brought today’s delightful torment. As far as Laura was concerned she wanted to feel this way forever.
Greg had a morning meeting that would last until lunchtime. Laura was relieved that he was gone from the office. She had a feeling Greg would want to press her about last night, about possible future dates. Laura knew that hurdle must be crossed, but not first thing this morning. While Laura thrived on the physical sensations she felt the day after her wild sex with Greg, facing the emotional parts of her evening would not be as pleasant. Exciting, yes, certainly the emotions were exciting; yes, certainly facing the consequences would be exciting. There were, however, some negatives that cropped up last night that might continue into the future.
I love you was a phrase Laura never intended to say last night. She never intended to feel it, never intended to even think it. I love you should never have entered her mind last night, but it did. Now Laura was stuck with a situation. Maybe two, three, four situations were out there on her horizon. First and foremost in her mind, should I, and how should I, tell Dan? Second, how do I tell Greg, yes, I meant what I said, I did love you last night, maybe do love you today, but that love must fit into a broader context. Third, how do I deal with myself? I loved what Greg and I did last night with each other. I want more! I think I just might actually love Greg in a certain way.
It was the fourth situation Laura really dwelt on. I want this to keep on going. Can I have both my husband and my boss/lover? Here, Laura came up against a wall. She now realized that she had been unfaithful to her husband, unfaithful to Dan.
Laura could rationalize everything about Friday and being faithful. She could rationalize the weekend and Monday’s activities, the sex part. In Laura’s mind, fucking Greg for his birthday was not an act of infidelity. Telling Greg she loved him was unfaithful to Dan. Saying the love phrase would be unfaithful even if she didn’t mean it; saying I love you to Greg and knowing that she meant it was even worse.
I love you was her scarlet A.
Greg returned from his meeting as the provoking thoughts worked through Laura’s brain. She gave Greg a bright smile and the purse of lips might have been an air kiss but no one in the office would know, and shouldn’t. Greg saw the smile, felt the air kiss, Greg knew. The kiss stopped him in his tracks, and he leaned close to Laura. They could easily be talking business, some detail about his meeting, but he was asking about lunch.
Laura put him off, “I’ll bring that right in to you, sir.”
Laura didn’t want lunch with Greg; that would lead to conversation. Talking about last night wasn’t the problem, talking about tomorrow would be inevitable. Laura wanted tomorrow, but not quite today. She wanted some time to think by herself today. Carrying an inconsequential file, Laura went in Greg’s office.
“No to lunch, I am going to do a girl thing, go shopping. I will say yes to one thing though.”
Disappointment showed on Greg’s boss face. “What is the yes thing?”
“I want to kiss you; I want you to kiss me. I’ll say yes if you ask, and if you don’t ask I’ll take matters into my own hand.”
“May I have a kiss in lieu of lunch?”
Laura stepped into Greg, pressed hard against him and they shared a lover’s kiss. Greg held her tight at first, wrapping her in his arms. Laura’s hands wandered under his suit jacket, over his chest. She pressed her lips tightly to her lover, used her tongue with snake-like motion, flicking and tasting. Greg pressed her for a small arousal; he began biting her lower lip. Laura moaned and gave his teeth full play.
Laura began breathing hard, feeling a growing heat in her body. She pushed Greg’s hand between her legs and tried to say feel me through their kiss. Her body language was sufficient; Greg first cupped her sex and then squeezed harder. Laura moaned again. The second moan guided her lover’s hand under her skirt. Only thin layers of nylon separated them.
“I’m tender from last night, very tender. Squeeze me harder, get me good lover; feel me good.”
Greg took a tight hold and a hard, full hand squeeze.
“Yes, that’s it baby, that’s it.”
A shift in his grip pinched her lips between fingertips and the heel of his hand. Greg pressed as hard as he could, Laura gave a small shriek. He pressed the question once more, “Lunch?”
Greg kneaded as he squeezed, the pressure was even greater. “Lunch today, right now?”
“No! Not today, Thursday.”
“Tomorrow, tomorrow or I don’t let go.”
Laura’s resolve weakened. “Mmm, just a little more; we can do Thursday and Friday.”
Greg finally let go. “You must really want to go shopping, Thursday and Friday it is.”
“God, I just came in for a kiss and now I am really worked up.”
“You need to start wearing stockings more often instead of pantyhose. I can get at you better; get at your cunt the way you like me to.”
“If I wore stockings every day, you would never get any work done and neither would I. We would both get the can.”
“I liked your can last night, I think you did too.”
Laura laughed, “Men.”
“Are you going shopping for more panties for me?”
“No, you have to buy the next batch of panties I model for you.”
Laura bent over Greg’s desk, took a piece of scratch paper and began to write. She felt Greg’s hand under her skirt, she expected as much from her pose. Laura took her time writing; she opened her legs and pushed her rear to greet the searching hand. After a minute or two of pleasure fondling Laura turned and handed the note to Greg.
“What’s this?”
“My sizes, panties, bra, waist and bust for garter belt, stockings, slips, that sort of stuff. Knowing those, any sales lady will help you get what you want me to wear. Victoria’s Secret has nice stuff; but there are some other shops that have things that are even more sexy, European things.”
“So, I am supposed to go shopping for things for you to wear? That might be fun, maybe I will.”
“I’ll tell you what, I am going shopping today; you go shopping at lunch tomorrow. I will wear whatever you buy underneath on Thursday when we do lunch together.”
“Don’t forget lunch on Friday. We could do Friday lunch in my bedroom and not wear any clothes. How does that sound?”
“That sounds like a plan you would come up with, but it’s probably not going to happen. Who knows, though, it might be fun, maybe, some day.” Laura gave her boss a quick hug, “I just came in for a kiss; somehow we got side tracked. See you after lunch.”
Shopping for Laura turned out to be fun. She wasn’t looking for anything in particular, just looking. The costume shop was a pleasant surprise. It catered more to theater production costumes than casual party wear. Laura found a sexy harem girl outfit that was really well done, a belly dancer costume. It was sexy and almost revealing but almost not. A flash of brilliance burst in her mind.
I can be Scheherazade or whoever that girl was in the tales of forty nights. I can wear this to tell Dan about last night, about being with Greg. Wasn’t the tale something like if it’s a good story he will want to hear more and not kill me? I hope that works with Dan, what the hell, give it a try. For the sake of my marriage, $150.00 is cheap, “Put it on the VISA please.”
Elysian Luxury caught Laura’s eye in the next block. This might be a place to send Greg shopping, she thought. The lingerie they had was sinfully elegant, fit for a courtesan lady. Fit for a sinful affair between secretary and boss. Yes, this is definitely the place to send Greg.
“Could I have one of your business cards to give to a friend?”
“Certainly ma’am, here you go.”
“You do assist gentlemen customers, don’t you?”
“Of course, many women send their gentlemen to see us, both kinds.”
They chuckled together and Laura handed over her VISA card and her selections.
Laura began working her way back toward her office. She realized that she had bought something for each of her men, but she had not let her mind fret over the conundrum of having two men. Strolling along still looking in windows she said to herself aloud, what the hell girl, you deserve a day like today once in a while. A shoe store window stopped her. Those are sexy, she thought, really sexy. Laura entered the elevator with three bags and three VISA receipts totaling $412.92. She added the bills on the way to her desk.
Greg was waiting for her; they both looked at their watches. “I’m sorry, I got carried away. The next time I go shopping instead of lunch, I’ll be more careful about time.”
“Well, you bought some stuff; some women just look and take even longer.”
“Your ex, I presume; sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, uncalled for.”
“Maybe a bit uncalled for, but on the money. What’d you get?”
“Not out here, but this is for you.” Laura gave Greg the Elysian Luxury card.
“What . . . ?”
“Let’s go in your office.”
Laura closed the door when they entered and proceeded to lay out the sexy things on Greg’s work table. He whistled approval. Laura picked up the receipt, “Two hundred somety-something, you better whistle twice.”
Greg went to his door and locked it. “Model them!”
“No, not here in the office, I’ll wear them…”
“Model them now! Get that damned dress off and the stuff underneath.” The forceful command had Laura nude in thirty seconds.
Three minutes later, Laura stood before her boss, in his locked office, wearing a wickedly sexy bra, panty and garter belt set.
“Hand me that shoe box, please.”
The heels were bright red leather with a gold piping around the top. They were four inch heels, taller than Laura normally wore, taller than she had ever worn to work. Laura strutted on parade around Greg’s office and then led him by hand to his chair.
“I hope you like them”, Laura sat in his lap. Greg’s hands were everywhere on her body. He felt every inch of lace, but spent special time pinching her nipples to stand out through the fabric.
“One kiss and then I better cover up so we can get back to work.”
“No, stay like this for a minute.”
“Like this, in my lap in your pretty things. Is this stuff from the business card?”
“Yes, the lady will help you, she expects you. I will wear anything you buy from there, wear it for you proudly.”
“Anything, any time, any where?”
“Yes, for you, my love, anything, any time, any place.”
“Get on your knees, under my desk.”
“No, Greg, we have to get back to work.”
“Do it, quick, I won’t last long, you have me hot; I want to cum.”
“You want me to suck you off you dirty old man?”
“Yes, suck my cock, Laura.”
Laura went to her knees. As she unzipped his fly she said, “No, I won’t suck your cock, but if you hold my head and call me by my cock sucking name, you can fuck my face.”
“You asked for it, bitch.”
Greg grabbed handfuls of hair and pulled her completely onto his cock, he went all the way in, choking Laura from the start. He shook her head around his cock, held her lips mashed into his pubic hair, and flexed his hips fucking furiously into her throat.
“Eat my cum you cock sucking bitch, choke on me.”
Greg was right, he didn’t last long. His first shot went straight down Laura’s throat; he pulled back and let the next two pool on her tongue. The final spurts decorated her face. Greg backed his executive chair away; Laura went to hands and knees. Both were breathing hard, flushed with excitement.
“I just whore fucked your face and you loved it more than I did. You have been whore fucked in your sexy undies under your boss’s desk.”
Rising to her feet and walking away she called over shoulder, “I’ll be back under your desk at five after four if you think you want more.” Laura went to her boss’s wash room to look presentable and then back to work at her desk.
> > > > – –
“Hi Baby, I have a surprise for you, fix me a vodka tonic and I’ll be back down in a few minutes.”
Dan saw his wife carry some packages with her to the bedroom. She returned fifteen minutes later and Dan thought he was on a television set – I Dream of Jeannie. Laura almost looked like Barbara Eden, just a bit bigger.
“Is there a costume party I forgot all about?”
“No, did you fix my drink?” Laura sipped and then continued, “Do you remember the fairy tale where the harem girl told her master stories every night to save her life?”
Dan knew Laura’s version was twisted and mangled, but he sort of knew what she meant. “Yeah, I think so.”
“I bought this to wear while I tell you about last night, last night with Greg. It might take several nights to tell, especially if we get distracted. I thought seeing me wearing this outfit might remind you that you aren’t really supposed to kill me.”
“Okay, I won’t kill you no matter what you tell me, but the outfit is fun, I like it, you look cute, sexy and cute.”
Laura pranced around the den; she posed playfully in her outfit. She ended her prance and dance in Dan’s lap with a kiss and a hug.
“Let’s finish these drinks and then you go get comfortable. Do you want dinner first, or story time?”
“Story time, the hell with dinner, I have been waiting for story time too long.”
“Okay, when you go change, put on those black silk PJ’s I got you last year. If I am going to do a costume for stories, you can too.”
Half an hour later Laura was sitting at Dan’s feet in their den. She was getting into supplicant story teller mode.
“I want to start with this, what I said at breakfast yesterday was totally true. When I left for work I hadn’t decided. I knew I might fuck Greg, probably would, but sex was not a given. I was having a lot of fun teasing you, also teasing me. When I got to work, I continued my teasing fun with Greg.”
“How, did you start, by flashing your panties, his panties?”
Laura realized her story telling night might be difficult.
“No Baby, Greg was just as curious as you were yesterday morning, as curious as you are now. My first tease was just putting him off. I told him later.”
“Okay, I’ll be good; I will let you tell your story. I’ll bet it is a good one.”
“Oh, it is that all right, a good one. There will be things you probably won’t like, that might upset you, but it is a good story.”
“Go on, you put him off.”
“Yeah, Greg tried to ask questions as soon as he got to work; I wouldn’t answer. I just smiled and told him to wait. He could see the gift all wrapped on my desk. I made sure he could see it, I wanted him to wonder what it was.”
“You are a teasing wench, aren’t you?”
“Sometimes, when I want to be.” Laura gave a kiss with her last comment. “You guys seem to like me as teasing wench, don’t you?”
“I put him off for a couple of hours; then I took him his birthday present, just before lunch.”
“That’s when he saw your panties?”
“More or less, some of them, not the ones I was wearing though.”
“Not those, not the white ones?”
“Let me tell the story. I was still teasing him, making Greg wait. I told him about lunch and dinner then I let him open the card.”
“That had the…”
“Yes, the red ones I wore all day Sunday. Greg was funny, he put them to his face; he tried to inhale them. He was hooked on me immediately. He sniffed, rubbed them all over his face. He licked and kissed my worn panties, Dan, can you believe that?”
“Damned right I can believe it, I would too. If my secretary gave me her panties for my birthday they would be up my nose right away. Hell, Greg may be your boss, but he is still a guy.”
“Yes, he sure is a guy, all man. Next I let him open the gift box, the black panties. I still teased, gave him a choice of white or black; he choose black.”
“If Greg said white?”
“I would have lifted my skirt; I was wearing the white thong, remember?”
“Oh yes, I remember the white thong that was almost nothing. But he wanted black; that makes some sense.”
“I thought about changing into the black pair you picked out, Greg loved those. I decided not to and we were off to lunch.”
“Where did he take you?”
“A very romantic place, intimate, we had a small room to ourselves. I got bad there, let Greg have some fun.”
“How? How bad did you get?”
“Well, I think our waiter saw my tits, saw Greg pulling on them.”
“Out in the open?”
“Yes, Greg had them out, he was working them over.”
“He got them out, open and bare?” How was the obvious question Dan asked next?
“Well, you know, it just happened.”
“No Baby, out with it. Tell me how; you pushed him, didn’t you?”
“Maybe a little bit, but you helped.”
“Me, no way, I wasn’t there.”
“Greg liked the blouse you picked out; when he saw my bare back he went for my boobs and found my bra in the way. I went to the ladies room and made some adjustments so he could get at my titties.”
“You took your bra off, right?”
“No, just folded it down so I hung out. That was enough. Then I told Greg he could undo as many buttons as he wanted, for his birthday.”
“Laura, you slut, in a restaurant, in public?”
“Yeah, I told you I got a little bad. Well Greg opened my blouse a lot; he was really pulling on my nips. I told him to milk me like a cow.”
“Slut, you slut bitch, telling your boss to milk you like a cow in public. That is pretty far bad for my sweet wife. Laura you are something else.”
“I saw the waiter coming and told Greg. He said he would keep milking me until I said stop. It felt so good; I waited until the waiter was almost at our table.”
“Laura, I can’t believe you did that, went that far.”
“I was still putting my boobs in when he got there; I am sure he saw what I was doing.”
Dan was shocked at the story his wife just told, shocked and turned on. He leaned down and planted a passionate kiss on Laura’s lips. Dan’s kiss relaxed Laura; she hadn’t realized she built up so much stress.
“Would you fix me another drink Baby, I am suddenly thirsty?”
By the time Dan returned, Laura was upright on her knees. Her head went to his waist. She needed to satisfy a curiosity. “You’re hard, I wasn’t sure if my story would piss you off or turn you on.”
“Not pissed, bothered, and really turned on too as you can see.” Laura kissed cock first, next licked up and around her husband’s cock. She sucked him in and began an up and down pressure motion.
“Oh yes, that’s good. Suck my cock, Baby.” Laura kept to her steady bobbing and sucking pace. “Did you suck Greg like this?”
Laura just nodded up and down as she sucked, she didn’t want to let go. Dan groaned, he knew he should be offended, angry about his wife sucking her boss. His cock felt too good in her mouth to let anger intrude. Dan still had questions though; he had to ask them.
“Is Greg bigger, better than me? Tell me!”
“Not much bigger, a bit thicker, that’s all. You are about the same length. No, he is no better than you; your cock is better because you’re my husband. That makes your cock special.”
Laura sucked Dan in again; he was satisfied with her answers. He gave in to the pleasure of her mouth. Laura used her hands to urge a fuck rhythm. She took Dan deep inside her mouth, took all he had to give. Just when Laura was sure she had her husband accepting her behavior, Dan showed out.
“Suck my cum, wife; drink mine just the way you did Greg’s last night.”
Laura took all he had to give, she loved sucking and swallowing her husband’s passion. Still more work, Laura thought to herself, Dan’s acceptance is not quite complete.
Laura and Dan sat quietly finishing their drinks before the tale of last night resumed. Laura told in detail about her first sex with Greg, the fierce passion and hard fucking roughness of their sex. She made sure Dan understood that she had asked for the rough stuff. Hearing about dinner was actually more disturbing than listening to Laura’s story of getting fucked. When Laura told about her pleasure at dressing formal with Greg for dinner, Dan realized that another man had a date with his wife last night. In a strange way, it seemed more intimate than the hard driving sex. How strange, Dan played through his mind, that the intimacy of a dinner date topped Laura’s sexual infidelity.
After talking about her dinner with Greg, Laura was more than ready to take Dan to bed. She promised to finish her story over the next few nights. “There is still a lot to tell, darling, a lot to tell. I want you to tell me about your night too. Let’s go to bed and make love and do this again tomorrow night.”
> > > > – –
Wednesday at work was a carbon copy for Dan, lots of energy and substantial progress on the tasks assigned. Laura was diligent in the office as well. No one who saw her at work on Wednesday would guess she had torrid sex with her boss on Monday, and had been under his desk sucking his cock Tuesday wearing only bra and panties. Laura was in a whistle while you work mood.
Only Greg was put out and confused in the office. He tried overtures with Laura but she brushed him off. At a minimum, Greg was hoping for a repeat performance of yesterday. His desire, so obvious when Laura saw his suit pants bulging, was to get Laura somewhere away from the office at lunch. Somewhere they could find the privacy to reduce his swelling. Finally, Laura made her intentions very clear, no sex today. No sex of any sort and no show of affection either. There was little Greg could do but accept her wishes. Promised lunches on Thursday and Friday would have to suffice. As for Laura, fidelity was her watchword today.
At home that evening, Laura suggested a joint shower to set the mood for the evening story telling. Both had fun lathering each other, hands substituted for wash cloths. Special places received extra attention. Laura told Dan to lather up and then guided his hands to her still tender pussy. She could see a question in his eyes; Laura knew the question. “No sex pool in there today Baby, but we can try to make one later, will you help?” Dan used gentle strokes to soap her inside and out.
Toweling each other further heightened their need. Story time would wait, making love had a priority.
“Make love to me Baby, make love the way a husband does for his bride on their wedding night.”
Laura played every reassuring card in her deck. Dan responded by kissing every part of her body. He kissed everywhere, from forehead to toes and all the erogenous places between. Dan had Laura moaning for more and brought her to screaming orgasm with the most tender finger and tongue stimulation of his wife’s sensitive pussy. Dan achieved his orgasms as well, first in classic missionary and finally with Laura riding him from above.
They lay coupled after their final shared orgasm kissing and composing themselves. Finally Laura announced story time. “Let’s go to the den again; if we stay here, all we will do is screw all night.”
“Nothing wrong with that Baby, your story got me ready last night.”
“Maybe we can go for three or four, but let’s talk downstairs first.”
With drinks in hand, Laura wanted brandy tonight, they were in costume and ready. Laura began the conversation. “Tonight’s story will be shorter, but it will probably be more painful for you. I don’t want to cause you pain, but I have to tell the story the way I felt it. You might get upset.”
“Just tell me your way, we will deal with my feelings.”
“Our feelings Baby, your feelings are mine and mine are yours.”
Laura settled in at Dan’s feet for the night’s story. “I want to talk some more about our dinner. Being with Greg then was probably the best part of our evening. We were a good looking couple; everyone could see that we were. I liked being dressed up, being with a good looking man in a tuxedo, having everyone see us together like we were. This may be had to explain, and harder for you to accept; it was romantic. I haven’t felt that romantic in a long time. Not since we first were together; not since we first were married.”
“Laura, I, I’ll, we can try to do those…”
“Yes Dan, we need to, we should, for both of us, but it’s not exactly the same. We can’t be young lovers again; we can’t be new lovers again. Our romance will be different, it has to be different. What I felt Monday night at dinner with Greg was the romance of a new love.”
“Laura, you…”
“No Dan, don’t misunderstand; I am not saying I love Greg, not at all. What I am saying is that there is a romance to discovering, learning, experiencing what might become a new love. Even if I know, and I do know, that Greg will never be my lover.”
Dan’s Oh was a whoosh of his being, his soul expelling. “I, I, I don’t know what to say.”
“I don’t either, but I had to say these things to you because I love you, not Greg, you.”
“You were right when you said tonight’s story would be difficult.”
“I said painful, I expect it is painful.”
“Yes, some pain, not broken, but some pain; painful is the right word.”
“There is one more part to tonight’s story if you are up to hearing it?”
“Yes, tell me.”
“When we first got to Greg’s house, he asked if we could make love. I told him he could make love to me, but only after he had fucked my brains loose. I said if you can still get it up after that.”
“That was the story you told last night, about Greg fucking your brains out?”
“Yes, and he really did a good job as I told you last night. My brains were in a sex spin.”
“So, you eventually made love, he could get it up again?”
“Oh yes, Baby, Greg got it up again. When we returned from dinner we made love. In his bedroom, he undressed me; I undressed him. We kissed a lot, a whole lot of kissing, Dan, a lot of kissing and touching.”
“Just like we do?”
“Yes, darling, just like we do; let me say this clearly, I made love with Greg that night. This second time we didn’t fuck, didn’t screw, didn’t just have sex; we made love.”
“You right, it is painful to hear you say that, say those special words. Thank you for being honest enough to tell me.”
“I know it is painful to hear, but it is true. We made love really well together, we both had a huge cum together; Greg was a really good lover for me that time, really good.”
“Better than me, than us?”
“Not better, no better than our best. Almost as good though Baby, almost as good. That is the painful part to tell.”
“How many times did you make love, fuck, have sex, whatever?”
“No, tell me, I really want to know. You have told two stories, how many more?”
“Okay, I said I would tell all; four, we had sex four times all told. Greg wanted me to spend the night with him; I couldn’t do that. We probably would have had sex a couple more times if I had stayed. That was the only time we made love, though.”
“I wondered, that was one of the things I wondered, thought about.”
Laura wasn’t the only part of the couple soul baring; Dan had just revealed one of his fears from that night.
“When were you sure, sure I would fuck him?”
“After your email, I knew you had decided, both of you.”
“That was wicked of me, cruel. I can’t tell you how bad I feel, how ashamed of myself for doing that to you.”
“I went pretty much catatonic after that, I don’t know what time I left work. I don’t remember driving home. All I know now, from what you have been telling me, is that I watched television and drank vodka tonic all the time you and Greg fucked.”
Laura went to her husband and held him; she cooed a humming song as she would to comfort a child. “Let’s go to bed Baby.”