Always Faithful – Chapter Thirty-Two

"Christmas and New Years with new partners."

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Dan’s secretary was delighted to accept her new vice president’s date request. She remembered how nice he was to ask last year when she was down about her failed marriage; returning the gesture was the least she could do. She remembered having a great end to the evening in her bedroom with him last year. I could get used to a once a year do the boss tradition.

Dan had been very cautious about presuming anything more than an evening of sex should come of last year’s sexual dalliance. In the office, he remained business as usual and never once brought up a possible rematch. Twice she had recognized his tension over his wife and relaxed her boss. She would make the overture this year.

Laura had two Christmas office parties again this year, fortunately on different weekends. It might be possible to make an appearance at two parties in one evening, but not if one was on the opposite coast five hours travel time away. Greg accompanied her to the law firm party, as expected. Laura decided to dress ultra conservative and wore one of her Business Lady dress suits. She brightened it with seasonal scarves and all of her diamond jewelry. She also wore Greg’s jewelry, the anklet, her special bell clip, and the ruby ring on the third finger of her left hand. She danced one dance with each of the senior partners, and the rest of the time she danced with Greg and stayed by his side.

The Business Lady party was the following week. Laura left for San Francisco Thursday; she went commercial this trip. Laura had even more time for thinking on her trip than Dan had on his. Her first thoughts were about a date for the Christmas party, Should I have a date or go stag? I really don’t want to get hung up dealing with Young Legal; I should have asked Liaison to check and make sure he has a date. I could easily go stag and attach myself the President and his wife; that would be a safe bet. I wonder if Upper Floor is available Saturday? He would be a suitable date, a neighbor is always safe, plus he dresses and will show off well. I’ll call him as soon as I get to the apartment.

“May I have another glass of champagne, please?”

The next subject Laura promised contemplative time to consider was her marriage. More correctly, how much longer can I keep my two husband life? I can give Greg the one Christmas gift he really wants; it would be simple, really simple. I could write a note and put it in a card. Please begin divorce proceedings after the first of the year, agree to everything Dan wants so I can be free to say Yes to Greg as soon as possible. If I wrote that note and gave it to Greg for Christmas we could really be married standing in the surf next summer. Laura sipped her champagne and tried to sift through the pros and cons of that option.

She kept coming back to a simple dichotomy; I really do love Dan. Laura held her flute in front of her and blew a kiss. Softly she said the words aloud, “I love you Dan. I love you.” She stared at the champagne flute in her hand. Her lipstick marked the edge where she had been drinking. A half twist exposed an unmarked edge. After another drink, Laura could see her imprint on both sides of the glass. She blew another kiss. “I love you Greg.”

The flight attendant appeared, “More?”


With a full glass, Laura retreated into her reverie again.

My lips are on both sides of the glass; I do love both men. I don’t want to give up either one of them; I want to have two lovers. I want my two lovers, my two husbands, forever. Thanksgiving, Dan said the divorce word; he said he didn’t care. I tried to tell him no. I didn’t handle Dan very well.

Laura decided to rest with her thoughts; no obvious solution to her dilemma appeared by magic in her mind.

> > > > – –

For the BL party, Laura wore the spectacular red dress Dan bought for her first formal date with Greg. For jewelry, she wore Dan’s diamonds plus Greg’s anklet. Upper Floor proved a perfect companion, equally adept at conversation and on the dance floor. The BL family was suitably impressed with her safe choice as date. Every time she heard the tinkling chimes between her legs, Laura smiled inside at the notion of a date with a third lover while trying to resolve her dilemma of two husbands. Only Liaison gave any raised eyebrow glances. In the ladies room, Liaison asked if Laura planned a repeat balcony scene tonight.

“We haven’t talked about doing one; I have no real plans, but maybe.”

Her maybe was followed with a chuckle and a kiss on Liaison’s cheek. “If you invite SO, I’ll put on a show for both of you.”

Laura danced two numbers with SO; dancing close for the second dance. She let her mind drift to Liaison’s question.

A playroom scene with Upper Floor tonight just might clear my mind. I deserve a Christmas gift to myself. Mario would like to see me in this beautiful red dress; he would love my bells, he would ring my bells big time .

“Would you and Liaison like to visit for a drink after the party?”

Upper Floor had little difficulty getting the women to agree to a nightcap at his home instead of Laura’s condo. He was a gracious host and the two couples shared brandy and conversation in his living room. Liaison brought the playroom into conversation. Upper Floor was giving a guided tour of the room when he suddenly turned to Laura.

“You and that dress are the perfect seasonal ornament. Stand close to the wall and raise your arms to the ceiling.”

Laura handed over her glass and complied; Upper Floor retrieved a pair of cuffs from his toy cabinet and fastened his guest to the high rail.

“You do adorn the wall perfectly, may I kiss you?”

“No!” She paused, “Kiss Liaison and let her give me your kiss; SO too, one after the other.”

Liaison gave another of her raised eyebrow looks, and then opened her arms to Upper Floor. A confused SO watched as Liaison, his all but betrothed woman, gave herself to an incredibly passionate exchange with their host. The kiss Liaison accepted smoldered in flame. Upper Floor held her tight and played his hands over Liaison’s body while his lips gave a full, open mouthed, deep probing kiss.

“I’ve thought of this moment; I am glad you want your kisses this way.”

Liaison walked Upper Floor to the woman hanging on the wall.

“I will do the kissing, but your hands can join me.”

Liaison guided Upper Floor’s hand under Laura’s bodice to fondle one breast. She did her best to mimic the kiss she was keeping as trustee. Her lips quivered as her tongue probed. Laura opened to receive the offering; she felt a soft hand work through the slit of her skirt. Bells were ringing and Laura was panting when Liaison finally broke off her first kiss.

SO and Liaison repeated the kiss scene and left Laura with passion stoked to high heat, still hanging from the wall.

“I want to show the men your bells?”

“Yes, do it! Show me to them.”

The cut of Laura’s dress was no barrier to removal. Liaison made it puddle at her ankles, leaving Laura hanging from the rail wearing only her jewelry, heels and stockings. First Liaison, then the men, tugged at Laura’s clip causing the bells to ring.

“Take me to the balcony.”

“You want Mario to see you, see your bells, don’t you?”

“Yes, take your dress off and come with me. Give your dress to Upper Floor. Send SO to me while Upper Floor undresses you.”

Liaison had a glow about herself as she led SO to Laura, “Stay with Laura, lover. She will entertain you while her neighbor takes care of me.”

“Kiss me and then I am yours to enjoy for the moment.”

Liaison’s date was tentative at first, but Laura’s naked availability and blatant sexuality claimed him. SO pressed against Laura and their lips mashed together. Laura used her teeth on SO’s lips to add aggression to their passion. The man gave his lower lip, twisting and pinching nipples in return.

Laura shifted her kisses to SO’s ear; she could kiss and whisper, further stoking his passion.

“He is kissing her, kissing your woman. My friend has his hands on her breasts.”

SO twisted to turn his head; he wanted to watch Liaison.

“No, stay with me. Suck on my breasts, kiss them; bite them if you want. My voice will be your eyes. I will tell you everything he does to Liaison.”

SO moaned, and took Laura’s nipple between his teeth. He shook his head in agreement causing breast to bob up and down.

“They are still kissing; Upper Floor is working Liaison’s zipper as they kiss.”

SO moaned and sucked harder on Laura’s flesh.

“I can see her bra; it’s black. She is holding her dress at her waist now.”

SO sucked harder, he bit behind Laura’s nipple.

“Bite once more and then do the other.”

Across the room, Upper Floor was gathering Liaison’s dress from around her ankles.

“Upper Floor is taking her pantyhose off.”

SO winced at Laura’s description of his lover being stripped, but he kept chewing and sucking.

“Feel my cunt with one hand, my ass with your other; that is what he is doing to girlfriend now.”

“That’s it, that’s good lover. If Liaison lets him fuck her, you will get to fuck me. Do you want that?”

SO bit hard when Laura mentioned his lady getting fucked; he rammed his hand in deep and hard between her legs when she offered her pussy as alternative. Liaison had other ideas; she broke away from Upper Floor and headed for Laura and SO. She wrapped her arms around the couple at the wall, in doing so locking SO firmly onto Laura’s breast.

After a deep probing kiss Liaison spoke with authority, “I heard you. You can’t fuck him, not yet. I want to take you to the balcony. I want to see if Mario calls out to you. I want Mario to come fuck you so I can watch him use you hard. After Mario fucks you, I will leave you with SO; he can have his way with you while I let Upper Floor have me.”

Liaison reached for SO’s testicles, squeezed them tightly, and drew his lips in for a passionate kiss. She looked SO and Laura in the eye while squeezing both crotches.

“Help me get her down and move her to the balcony.”

Within minutes the whore’s call floated across the misty air, “Puta, puta, puta, I am going to come and fuck you tonight puta. Digame puta, digame! Tell me you want me.”

A moment later Upper Floor was at her side pointing across the way. Liaison and SO stood at Laura’s other side fondling her. Laura ignored the hands stimulating her to follow Upper Floor’s guiding hand. She saw lights in two apartment windows with shadowy forms behind the glass.

“I called some friends and told them they should watch.”

“I want to watch Mario do you; I want to see the two of you fuck.”

Laura looked at Liaison, “Tell him the whore is chained, she can’t run away. Tell him any child could fuck me tonight. Tell him I don’t think he is good enough to fuck me.”

Liaison yelled out Laura’s words.

Mario’s voice came through the night. “I am coming for you puta.”

Upper Floor told him no when Mario went for the bull whip, “No marks or bruises; you can torment her but she must be unmarked.”

Mario selected toys hanging on the wall and took them to the balcony to show his prey. Laura could hear his boots on the floor; she knew he was behind her but ignored him. Mario swacked each rear cheek with the riding crop to get her attention. Laura sucked air sharply through her teeth, but she did not cry out. She looked over her left shoulder at her assailant, “Kiss me.”

“Your host has told me not to mark you; I can not use the big whip to beat you as you deserve.” Mario gave hard double swats to Laura’s bare rump.

“I am going to ride you tonight; this horse crop will do. I will also use these.”

He held his hands to Laura’s face and made her kiss each palm.

“You want to watch your friend; you want to watch me break her and beg for my cock and the whip?”

“She tells me you can’t break her; you will never break her.”

The short Mexican reached for Liaison’s breast and thumb stroked her nipple.

“I will whip her and then fuck her. You can watch and get excited. I will save some for you, sweet one. I will fuck her, and when you watch her have pleasure, your body will cry for the same.”

Liaison decided to join the game, unsure as to which side she would be on.

“Use your hand on her; use your hand down there. Get her sex excited with one hand; you can use the other to excite me at the same time.”

SO stepped forward, he was about to object when Liaison’s stare stopped him in place. Liaison felt Mario’s calloused hand probing, pinching, jabbing between her legs. His hand felt rough and strong; Liaison moistened as she became excited. She was sure Laura was feeling the same sensations. She drove hips forward to the hand she invited. Laura moaned with pleasure; Liaison smiled. She stepped back.

“Use her now; I want to watch you use her.”

Mario switched to the flail; he started at Laura’s shoulders and beat her back with the stranded whip from shoulders down to calves. Liaison was breathing hard watching her friend twitch with each stroke. She lived Laura’s pleasure vicariously. Mario released the cuffs to reposition Laura to work on her front side.

“Come kiss me.”

Liaison kissed her friend and held her breasts.

“I am sure these will be as red as your back when I return.”

Liaison turned her attention to their host for this after hour adventure.

“Upper Floor, will you take me somewhere and fuck me while Mario uses his whore and my SO watches them?”

SO again tried to intervene, but Liaison stopped him once more.

“I am going with Upper Floor; you stay and watch. You can fuck Laura after Mario has her. I will be back.”

Mario did as Liaison suggested. He whipped Laura from tits, to tummy; he whipped her cunt and then her thighs. When Laura’s body glowed red, Mario unzipped his pants and fucked Laura hard for his own pleasure. The zipper teeth gave added stimulation that was new to Laura. She pushed her hips forward matching Mario’s fuck thrusts; both climaxed.

“Let me suck your cock hard and do me again.”

Laura looked at SO; he was holding an obvious bulge in his crotch.

“You are getting excited, aren’t you?”

“Yes, I want to fuck you.”

“Good, do you want to whip me too?”


“Unhook me Mario; unhook me so I can fuck SO while I suck you.”

Laura fucked and sucked cum from both men.

“Show him how to use the whips on me; let him punish me while his woman is off getting fucked by another man.”

When Liaison returned she saw Mario with horse crop and SO with flail both beating on Laura. Both were still dressed, but with bare wet cocks pointing erect through the fly in their pants. Laura’s body was red front and back, top and bottom; cum drained from vagina down her thighs.

“Come, kiss me, let me suck on your tit; I want to suck the breast Upper Floor has bruised for you.”

The sun was almost ready to crest when Laura asked Upper Floor to escort her and Liaison home. She kissed Mario warmly in appreciation of the punishing sex that was his Christmas gift.

“One day I will let you use the big whip.” That would be her gift.

Liaison dispatched SO.

“I will call you tomorrow; I want to stay with Laura tonight.”

The women slept cuddled until afternoon.

> > > > – –

Dan had a delightfully fun Christmas party with his secretary as date again this year. They mingled with coworkers and their dates, danced a few dances, and had a good time together. VP cornered them for a conversation; mainly telling Dan he was glad he was able to leave his position in good hands. He told Dan he made a good choice to bring Secretary with him to the new job.

“My secretary will help you get started as VP secretary. I have found something suitable for her to move on to.”

As the clock crept toward eleven, Dan asked his date if she was ready to go.

At her doorstep, Secretary made the first kiss overture. Her enthusiasm let Dan know this was not their goodnight kiss. She held Dan’s wrist in a tight grip as she unlocked her door and pulled him inside.

“I bought Piper, I know it’s your favorite champagne; could we have a glass together and say Merry Christmas?”

They made it half way through their first glass before putting them aside in favor of kissing.

“I hope we can finish our date tonight the same way we did last year.”

“Yes, I am looking forward to it.”

“Will you spend the night?”


Secretary fixed breakfast in a new nightgown she was wearing for the first time. Dan wore only his boxers. Dan dressed and kissed her one last time at the door.

“You don’t have to walk me to the car in broad daylight this year. Your neighbors might get ideas.”

“I want to; the chill will remind me of last night just a little longer.”

> > > > – –

Laura and Greg sprawled on the floor in front of their Christmas tree holding hands. In prior years, Greg made due with a small, plastic tabletop tree. When Laura saw it she said no immediately, and proceeded to take on Christmas decorations as her own. She had to buy everything new, but for this night the effort was well worth the time and trouble of shopping.

“It’s Christmas Eve darling; shall we open our gifts?”

She handed Greg a small box in which he found a turquoise bracelet and ring. Laura pointed to the inscriptions: Our Love Forever – Laura and Greg.

Greg gave Laura a much larger box.

“What is this, beaver?”

“Yes, I thought you should have one.”

“Do you want me to stop shaving?”

“No, just wear the jacket darling; I love everything about you just the way you are.”

“I’ve never made love with you wearing a beaver coat beside a Christmas tree.”

> > > > – –

Dan had no spirit for decorating this holiday season. Coming home from work evoked memories he was having great difficulty coping with. Even inviting Artsy to join him did not banish his memories. She wisely backed off.

Mrs. Patron called a week before Christmas, “Daniel, I think it would be nice if you spent the holidays with me. It would be good for you too; you need to get away.” Any objections Dan voiced were half hearted and pro forma. Mrs. Patron had the last word. “Just pack what you need for a week and be here tomorrow after work.”

Dan’s suggestion that they go out for dinner was vetoed. Mrs. Patron fixed a light meal, they sat in her den after dinner listening to soft background music and talking like old friends who hadn’t seen one another in years. Dan was mildly surprised to know Mrs. Patron had three holiday parties in her home in the coming week; she would be hostess and her Daniel host.

“The house will get full as the week goes on Daniel; I hope you don’t mind if I keep you to myself for this one night.”

Dan gave one of the soft, but loving, kisses she had tutored him in earlier in the year.

“I can’t think of anyone I would rather be with tonight.”

They held hands ascending stairs to the master bedroom suite, donned night clothes, and kissed their way to bed. Dan was gentle in their loving; he took his time as though they could kiss and touch everywhere forever. Their easy pace satisfied both. Neither needed a race to the peak of passion mountain. Holding Mrs. Patron in his arms afterward, Dan realized she had somehow taught him another lesson about himself and his worth as a man. A shoulder squeeze with the older woman who was his mentor in so many ways carried Dan to a restful sleep.

Mrs. Patron’s friend joined them the next afternoon and the three hosted the evening party; this one for long time business friends of Mrs. Patron and her late husband. Some thought the woman had selected a boy toy when first meeting Dan; he was quickly able to change their impression when doubters found time for one-on-one conversation. Dan gave the guided tour of the sitting room where the six portraits of Dan and Artsy were on display. Dan talked mostly about LF as artist; he spoke of the emotions she tried to convey in each of the paintings.

Mrs. Patron interrupted, talked about Dan and Artsy as models, and then shifted her conversation to Dan’s business art project. She was the one who bragged about Dan’s upcoming major promotion. By the end of the party, Dan had several business cards, and more importantly, sincere requests for meetings after the holidays to discuss future business opportunities. By eleven the last guests left; Mrs. Patron, her friend and Dan retired to the den for a late brandy. Dan slept between two older women after pleasing both of them with his gentle loving.

Artsy and LF arrived the next day, two days before Christmas. There were no social activities scheduled; Mrs. Patron was mother hostess calling her family of younger artist folk home for the holidays. They were all enjoying a light meal and conversation when Dan said he had not been this relaxed with no pressure in several years. Mrs. Patron beamed and kissed him in thanks for his off axis compliment. Even LF came from her side of the table and gave a startling tongue probing kiss.

Their evening together ended once more in the den with brandy. Dan brought up sleeping arrangements. Mrs. Patron’s older friend suggested that she would like to share Mrs. Patron’s bed tonight if Daniel wouldn’t object. Artsy offered the final combination.

“How about if Dan and I try to teach LF how men and women make love, would that be suitable to you, ma’am?”

“We will expect a full report over breakfast LeeAnne, but without demonstration please.”

“I suspect the two women in bed with me tonight may be a little more active than the women I was with last night.”

“I bet we can show him some action, don’t you think so LF?”

LF grabbed Dan’s crotch as they entered their assigned bedroom, “Just because I prefer women, don’t think I am ignorant about this thing. I know how to use one.”

“I don’t have a click or twist on-off switch.”

“Help me undress Artsy then you two can work out the next step.”

When all three were finally nude in bed, three people had a comfortable sexual arousal. Artsy whispered something to LF that Dan couldn’t hear; she reclined watching on pillows.

LF spoke softly, “Let me get you excited and ready for Artsy.”

LF began by gently stroking Dan’s chest, teasing his nipples unmercifully. Suddenly her mouth seemed to attack his mouth in an almost violent kiss. Dan’s mind immediately returned to the backseat passion they shared months ago. He returned LF’s kisses with the same intense fervor.

This time Artsy could watch completely; she wasn’t constrained driving a car. She had seen LF sex other women with this much intensity; LF had screwed Artsy like this several times. She was surprised to see Dan respond and hold his own in a fierce sexual battle of gender and sex preference. Artsy began to rub between her legs.

She was lagging in the sexual race; she needed to catch her partners. LF suddenly pulled away from Dan, took him by the shoulders, and pushed him on Artsy.

“Now her, fuck her, do Artsy the way you want to fuck me.”

Dan turned his sexual aggression to his lover; he and LF divided Artsy’s body into play areas. LF took face, neck and chest; Dan stimulated all the remaining areas. Artsy was soon overwhelmed and began calling out her pleasure. When she tried to scream, LF kissed her mouth covered, and drove tongue deep. When she thrust her hips upward seeking release, Dan stabbed inside her willing opening, first with fingers and finally with cock. From beating on the backs of her partners, Artsy switched to raking them with her fingernails. All three finally collapsed together in a heap of sexed satisfaction. They rested, each drinking another glass from the brandy bottle LF carried from the den.

Artsy and Dan made love to LF for the second round of the night. They started gently, building LF higher as time passed. Artsy got a gleam in her eye.

“Let me show you something I know LF likes.”

Artsy began licking LF’s breast as she pushed the artist’s arms over her head for Dan to hold and stroke. LF gave herself to gentle touching; she was sure she knew what Artsy planned, but no idea when. Suddenly Artsy shifted target and technique; she bit hard into LF’s armpit just as she had seen Laura do one night. Dan watched, startled, but he held LF’s straining arms so she couldn’t push Artsy away. LF screamed with passion. Artsy responded with command.

“Now fuck LF just the way you fucked me.”

Dan stabbed his cock into LF with force; he went immediately to rapid power fucking strokes. LF wrapped her arms around Dan’s shoulders to hold tight. Her legs wrapped his hips with feet kicking as if she was spurring a horse. Dan kept pace with driving fuck strokes. Artsy lay to the side and kissed them. Dan finally gave his all; he and LF screamed together.

Artsy and LF tried to coax one last orgasm out of Dan, but to no avail. He was drained. They slept.

Christmas Eve, the day, and the following days were hectic with social events, mainly for the art community. Rupert visited twice with his special friend. The newspaper journalist who wrote the big Sunday story about Dan’s project came and got a personal guided tour of LF’s series. Mrs. Patron suggested the three principals make time for an in depth interview with the writer. Full social and artistic days were sufficiently tiring; Dan didn’t even consider duplicating the sexual escapades that began his in town vacation. Dan thanked his hostess and returned home on the 29 th to get ready for New Years Eve.

> > > > – –

Laura asked for privacy so she could get ready for their night out. Her outfit this year was as spectacular as the one she wore to last New Years Eve’s gala. Her dress was fringe, just silver fringe. She would jut out whenever she moved, and Greg could reach in anywhere and at any time. Not only Greg, if last year was any indicator, other men and women would poke hands between her fringe tonight. Unless those reaching went for her legs, skin was all their hands would connect with. Laura planned this outfit for maximum exposure. Silver heels, nude and open pantyhose, the silver fringe dress, and her jewelry was all she wore.

With so little clothing, dressing would not take long. Laura only rarely made her face ultra dramatic; tonight was one of those rare times. The picture of Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra was her model. Her eyes she outlined with black lines stretching back to her hairline. Over a pale foundation, almost cream colored, she made her cheek bones glow as if they were twin veins of silver rising from deep in the earth. Eyelids and lips were decorated to match her silver cheeks. Except for her diamond ear studs, she carried her jewelry to Greg to install.

Her lover waited, already dressed in a silver spandex jump suit Laura purchased to compliment her outfit. As instructed, he had a bottle of Taittinger chilled and waiting with him.

“Oh My God, you look incredible.”

“Thank you Darling, I would ask you to kiss me, but I would have to start all over on my makeup. Can you wait?”

They drank a glass of champagne, and then Laura gave Greg her jewelry, holding back her ruby ring. Greg kneeled to place the ankle bracelet, next twined a waist chain in place, and finally took his own good time clipping Laura’s clit bells between her legs. He held the fringe dress apart to admire his handiwork.

Laura handed over the ring, “And now this please.” She gave her left hand.

This year, their limousine driver was a young girl, early twenties Laura guessed. Laura noticed her smile of approval at the dress as the driver held the door to seat them. Greg reminded Laura that he had a surprise waiting for her at the party. The young girl winked as she opened the door for them and softly said, “Knock ‘em dead.”

Greg held her hand and led Laura into the party. He admired her legs as they reached confidently through the fringe with each stride. Inside, they saw that the crowd of revelers was already in high party mood. Laura sent Greg off to find them drinks, “Let me show off for a few minutes by myself while you find the bar, darling.”

First to approach was a young lady in a gold dress.

“Hi, you look great tonight. I would love to dance with you in a spotlight. Your dress and makeup are a perfect combination.”

“Thank you luv, we can be gold and silver.”

Laura spread her legs slightly to open the drape of the fringe.

The girl smiled and fingered a few strands falling down between Laura’s breasts, “We can do the black light room too; you would dazzle there just standing still.”

“You are number one on my dance card, right after my main man.”

Laura moved a little further into the crowd; she found herself between two good looking young men in their early thirties. They could be bookends, twins even, except one had sandy brown hair and the other dark. They were certainly handsome enough, Laura thought to herself.

One of the bookends piped up, “Well, well, well, you win first place in the sexy dress contest tonight.”

“I didn’t know there was a sexy dress contest, have you seen them all?”

His twin jumped in with a – we’ve seen enough of you to judge – comment.

“And you are one of the judges too; how many others, where are there judging stations?”

Laura made a quick circle turn to make her fringe flair. Four male eyes opened even wider; Laura felt good about teasing these two.

“I met a young girl in a gold dress a few minutes ago; I thought her dress was spectacular. Did you judge hers?”

The young men mumbled.

“She was more your age.”

Laura leaned a boob into one as she pointed out a girl in a sexy dress across the crowded floor. She gave the other bookend similar treatment, pointing to another girl clearly in her early twenties.

Laura felt her age, in sense of maturity and experience, while playing with the youngsters, as she thought of them. They didn’t come near her standards as potential play partners.

“Oh, here comes my partner with my drink. He has someone with him; maybe he is a judge too. You two should move on and look at other girls and judge their dresses.”

Greg brought drinks and Laura’s evening surprise; Black Adonis from last year accompanied him. Laura reached for her glass and gave Greg a kiss, “Thank you, darling.”

Black Adonis was dressed just like last year, black spandex tights, bare chest, and a short cape. His bare black chest glowed; Laura had to touch him. Greg stood to the side and watched Laura and her Black Adonis reacquaint themselves. He wasn’t sure if Laura realized what her hands were up to; she was simply staring at the man’s physical beauty as her fingers played over his chest and toyed with small, dark nipples. He heard a small gasp and shifted his eyes lower where Laura was looking.

The reason for her gasp was evident; Black Adonis’ cock was coming to life inside the tights he wore. Each time Laura teased one of the man’s nipples, his black cock would twitch. Laura quickly correlated her finger actions as cause for the twitching she could see.

“I told you I had a special gift for you tonight; he is yours tonight, all yours.”

Laura handed Greg the plastic cup she held, “Thank you Baby, you are a special man.”

Both hands now free to tweak her gift’s nipples, she looked up into dark eyes.

“Are you really mine for tonight?”

Black Adonis answered by kissing her silver lips lightly.

Greg whispered in his wife’s ear.

“Why don’t you take your gift to the dance floor; I seem to recall you danced well together last year.”

“Come with us, at least for the first few dances. I love dancing with more than one.”

They found an open spot for dancing among the others on the floor. Laura continued toying with nipples as they danced; through his spandex suit, Greg didn’t get quite as direct effect as Black Adonis, but his pleasure watching Laura created the same sort of swelling and twitching.

Laura’s fringe dress swished around her body. Some part of her was always uncovered and on view. Her men reached to touch as various parts appeared available starring peeking from behind the fringe. They danced together through three songs before Greg handed her off completely to Black Adonis. He stayed with them on the floor watching, delighting in the pleasure his gift evoked.

A song with a strong drum beat began to vibrate the floor. Laura invited two black hands through her fringe and led them to match her hand actions. They began with chest and nipple play, moved lower to each other’s mid section, and ended the dance openly fondling their partner’s genitals. Black Adonis had great dance floor moves; he had Laura worked up with a shine of sweat all over her body. Laura decided to stop dancing and let the heat subside. She was surprised to see Gold Dress standing with Greg.

“I thought I was first on your dance card after main man. How many main mans do you have?”

“I need another drink to cool off; you’re up next.”

Laura made introductions as necessary and the four stood to the side drinking and talking. Their conversation was mainly three sided; Laura began to understand that Black Adonis was beautiful to see, he had great moves on the dance floor and was sexually exciting, but he was not at all a conversationalist. He seemed totally uninterested after the topic switched away from him. Laura cured the Black Adonis is a bore problem by pulling Gold off to the side to dance. Greg watched the two women dance; tonight was a first, he had never seen Laura dance so erotically with another woman. He dispatched Black Adonis to the bar for more drinks so he could continue watching silver and gold movement.

> > > > – –

While Laura and her alter-husband danced the early part of the New Year’s Eve, her legal husband was dressing for his night out. As Laura had two men, Dan had two women as dates tonight. Artsy talked LF into breaking her date with a young lovely to be second woman for Dan. LF was dubious.

“Listen Artsy, I like Dan, but this girl is as hot for me as I am for her. I intend to ring in the new year with a bang.”

“Don’t worry about bangs, girl, I promise a bang for you. I will even get Dan to wear a skirt tonight.”

That promise alone was enough to convince LF to break her date.

The three were now in the last stages of costuming for the big artist gathering New Year’s affair. Artsy picked out everything based on three strong bold colors, red, green and yellow. Each wore a full body suit of spandex; Dan wore green, Artsy red, and LF yellow. The women wore a short cape in one of the other colors; Dan wore a yellow waist-tie ballerina length skirt. All three had their faces painted in the third color and their hair dyed matching the body suit.

“We look like clowns, Artsy; how did you come up with this idea?”

“Why not look like clowns; tonight is a fun night, isn’t it? Since you asked, these are the colors of the flag of Lithuania; my grandmother emigrated from there back in the twenties. I like to honor her.”

They did make a hit when they got to the party. Artsy led them in waving an impromptu Lithuanian flag on a short staff. They were together as a group at times; other times they split, mingled and visited with friends. LF took great delight in seeing Dan engaged in conversation so she could sneak up and run her hand under his skirt. The first time took him by surprise; he whooped and jumped. The second time, Dan started to get annoyed. Dan began anticipating LF’s attacks; he would lean in, trap her hand on rump or cock, and they would both jump and shriek to attract as much notice as possible. Artsy enjoyed watching them and finally joined in the game.

Dan led his dates to the dance floor and they weaved and fondled for almost thirty minutes until stopping to cool with drinks. LF brought a photo slide tray of her Dan and Artsy portrait series; the slides showed continuously off in a small nook of the gallery. Other party goers stopped by often to praise, question or just comment on the work. The most common question was when and where for first public display of the series. Ideas about where and when began forming in Dan’s brain. He would have to talk his ideas over with the ladies. Not tonight though, tonight was a fun and frolic night.

Artsy pushed LF and Dan back to the dance floor.

“Let her lead this time Dan; I just want to watch.”

LF grinned, gave a quick flip of Dan’s skirt, and took him by the hand. Beginning their first dance, Dan tried to lead, but LF resisted. Dan finally accepted he was LF’s dance partner, and their movement turned steamy. One of her hands was under his skirt on hip constantly. Her body became Dan’s snakeskin. Their last dance was nothing more than extended kiss and make out to music.

“You two will have to do makeup repairs before our performance.”

> > > > – –

At the other party, “You ladies looked good together, let’s find the spotlights and see if you dance as well with men.”

They began dancing as a four person group; gradually Black Adonis directed his attention solely to Laura. Greg and Golden Girl danced together in close heat. Laura and her black gift took dirty dancing to a new level.

Laura spread her legs wide; both well out through her fringe. Black Adonis accepted the invitation and danced between white thighs. Leaning in, the black giant forced Laura to lean back. He supported her with one hand reaching down from her waist and the other in the middle of her back. Laura’s fringe dress fell completely away. She was all but naked writhing under the spotlight. The dance partners jabbed hips at each other in pseudo sex. The only barrier to penetration was the spandex covering Black Adonis growing erection.

Laura heard her bells ringing. Somehow, through the music and crowd noise, the bells called to her. She played a bell ringing rhythm for her dance partner. Black Adonis bent his head close to the bells; his tongue lashed out and just missed, once more and contact. He pulled Laura upright in an embrace. The tongue that rang her bells rammed her throat.

The party crowd closed in on the dancers, screaming, applauding, encouraging; disciples of Bacchus cried for increased debauchery. Greg and Golden Girl were inspired and danced with hands all over each other. Their audience grew in number and enthusiasm, spurred by the two couples, especially Laura and her Black Adonis. As the crowd closed in, hands reached for strands of fringe. Laura never objected; when a feminine arm reached Laura smiled encouragement. Pulling her dance partner along, they worked around their circle. They touched, stroked, and were stroked by their acolytes. When male lips came for a kiss; Laura dodged and kissed his date lightly instead. Women reached for Black Adonis’ glistening chest, and he loved the attention.

Eventually Laura worked her way completely around the circle until she came, first to Golden Girl, then to Greg. She kissed both with more enthusiasm than she gave any others in the circle.

“Ring my bells Baby, let them see you ring me and then let’s take a break.”

Greg whipped her fringe to the side, gripped right where the clip circled taut over Laura’s clitoris, and shook hard. Laura gasped and shivered into a small orgasm. They pulled away from the crowd and off the dance floor again.

After the midnight countdown – FOUR – THREE – TWO – ONE – HAPPY NEW YEAR, Laura made sure Greg got the first kiss, and that it was as tantalizing as she could kiss. Next, she kissed Black Adonis to greet the new year; their kiss was full of sexual heat, but Laura had already made her decision. Hot kissing with Black Adonis was all she was giving away tonight. She bestowed a similar kiss on Golden Girl. As they headed for the black light room she let Greg know her desires.

“I don’t know what you had in mind for my gift, but after we do this final scene you better be ready to take me home and ravish me. I want you all to myself tonight.”

“I knew there was a reason I love you.”

> > > > – –

FOUR – THREE – TWO – ONE – HAPPY NEW YEAR; Dan kissed Artsy, tucked under his right arm, before turning his head left to LF. They somehow managed a meaningful three way kiss. Next, Dan watched the two women kiss their New Year’s greeting. LF turned to Dan and he was ready for her kiss, a full make-out open mouthed kiss filled with sexual intensity. Their lips joined, tongues dueled, and hands roamed over one another’s body. Artsy once again stood by their side grinning at her friends.

“My turn!”

Artsy didn’t attack; her lips eased their way to her lover inviting his mouth to hers. Dan followed her lead in every way; he gave his best to combine sensitivity with passion and desire. Other couples with fewer kisses to share finished and watched. Artsy remembered one of LF’s paintings as she kissed Dan. There was one where both bodies blended to one person. I want to kiss Dan until we become what LF saw. She reached an arm toward the painter. When Artsy finally pulled back to end her New Year’s kiss, LF wrapped her arms around both.

Artsy choreographed her movement performance this year for three. Their dance was an elaborate enactment of the Rock – Paper – Scissors game. Dan was paper, and his skirt spread wide symbolized his role. LF and Artsy migrated between rock and scissors as the performance progressed. Each conquest had a winner dominating a sexual mime routine. One round saw Dan as paper being sliced by the arms and legs of his women who cut his legs, arms and head away. He was left with just torso and cock to be devoured. Their finale had Dan covering Artsy and LF who cowered as fetal balls. He stayed in place holding position until the music stopped. Dan still cupped each of his partner’s sex as they took their final bow.

As the two o’clock hour approached, the partygoers began heading home. Dan collected the ladies in arm and all were soon in his den having one last champagne toast. LF sat next to Dan on the sofa. She flipped his skirt several times.

“Artsy, I am glad you insisted I come tonight; I can screw that girl another time.””

Dan, I wouldn’t have missed you wearing a skirt; you were really the clincher.”

“As long as I am wearing my skirt, you can even be on top.”

“As long as we are all here together, let’s go into the gallery and see where LF’s stuff will hang.”

Dan poured more champagne; the women slipped into professional gallery mode. LF stared for what seemed like a long time at the portrait of Laura hung last year.

“I’ll bet I fucked her better than he did; Portrait is supposed to be good, a good fucker I mean, for a man. Have you had him Artsy?”

“No, no I haven’t.”

“I want my Laura here, close to his. I want to be compared as painter and lover by everyone who sees them.”

“Are you positive he fucked her, LF? I think he probably did, but Laura would never admit to me.”

“Of course he did; sex is the only way to get that look, that fierce identity. He fucked Laura; I fucked Laura. She fucked me once, the last time we had a session; Laura fucked me so hard I could barely stand at the easel. My body shook even after our session. When she was dressed to go, your wife lifted her skirt and made me eat her pussy to send her on her way.”

“You loved it, but I am not her by any means. You can ravish me just like Laura ravished you.”

“Let’s all head for your bedroom and ravish each other until the sun rises.”

By the time the sun did rise, LF had her way with Dan, and he had the bruises and bite marks to prove her ferocity. Artsy’s last drink of the night was a sperm cocktail slurped from LF’s pussy. Dan watched as LF toyed using fingers and tongue to bring screams from Artsy until she had no more to scream.

“I don’t know whether I am the lucky guy who has two beautiful women sleeping with him tonight or the third girl in a slumber party. I don’t care either, goodnight girls.”

> > > > – –

In the limo on the way home, Greg brought up the Black Adonis as gift subject.

“I am a bit surprised that you didn’t want to make greater use of your gift tonight. We could have brought him home, you know.”

Laura kissed her lover and smiled her contentment, the correctness of decision.

“You looked great tonight in silver, but right now I wish I hadn’t bought this for you. In your tuxedo I would unzip your pants here and now.”

Laura straddled Greg and clenched his thighs with hers. She rocked her hips forward and back demonstrating what was to come when they got home.

“I understood your gift completely darling. Black Adonis is beautiful; I’m sure he is virile. He probably thinks he is a great lover, a great fuck. God knows he has a big thick dick. You saw how I played with his cock in the black light room. You must have noticed how I made it grow.”

“I saw. Down, it went half way to his knee; it looked like a pipe in his tights.”

Laura kissed her lover and thrust her tongue deep. She responded yes across her kiss.

“When you reached in his tights to point his cock straight up, I almost lost it. Golden Girl tried to pull mine through my suit when she saw that. I really thought you were going to fuck dance him then.”

“If I wanted to fuck him, I would have fucked him. If I really wanted his body, that perfect cock of his, you know me well enough to know the audience would have been added bonus. I would have fucked him in the black light room or out under the spotlights.”

The limo stopped in their driveway.

“Let’s kiss the driver goodnight; I want to get you inside to finish this conversation.”

In the den, with Greg now stripped of his tight body suit, Laura made a toast.

“To the New Year and To Us; may it be better than the year we are leaving behind in all ways but memory.”

Glasses clicked as rims touched; they kissed and held each other tight to complete the toast. Laura pushed Greg down on the sofa; she spread her fringe one last time to straddle him and insert the only cock she wanted inside her.

“One last thought about Black Adonis, about the reason I am here where I want to be and with the man I want with me tonight. Black Adonis has a great body, a really great cock. He has great moves on the dance floor too; he looks good. I never once got the impression there was anything behind the good looks. He is too much into himself and his good looking body. I would have fucked him, but there would be nothing for me. Any man I fuck has to want me, need me. I need that much or I’m not interested.”

Their final kiss in the den began tender. As some music starts soft and slow then builds to a vibrating, piercing roar, so did their kiss. As they kissed with increasing passion, their touches built intensity.

“You know I am always faithful to my husbands. Let’s go to the bedroom and begin our new year with love.”

Published 10 years ago

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