Laura and Dan did their married couple life maintenance chores together, they ate meals and slept in bed together, and they had a robust sexual life together, often augmented by pools of Greg leavings in all of Laura’s openings. Laura and Dan’s normal married couple life together was only interrupted by her time with Greg, her trips to San Francisco working with Business Lady, and her trips to out of town legal conventions for both Business Lady and the law firm.
Dan added time complications as well. As vice-president his new job required more travel to clients. He also continued to spend time with his avocation, the local art community, and the friends he developed in that set. With closeness to Artsy, and to a lesser extent Mrs. Patron, Dan brought significant relationship commitments to marriage as did Laura. One Sunday in late winter while having their brunch by the fireplace Laura raised the subject.
“Baby, we are doing better. I want to work at making our better even better. I intended to come home Friday night; I really did. I slipped back into my old being away mode without thinking. I should have at least called to say I was staying with Greg. Friday night I was Mrs. Greg again, and I did it without thinking of you. I need to do better communicating and you need to help me.”
After discussing communication most of the morning, Dan and Laura agreed to a plan of action. Once a month Sunday brunch would be dedicated to each telling all that happened in the past month plus their plans for the coming month. They would read each other’s unwritten diary of events, reasons, emotions, desires and disappointments.
After Dan and Laura, Artsy was the person most affected by Laura’s return home and back into Dan’s life. She had made clear from the beginning that she had no interest in forcing herself into Dan’s married life. Artsy and Dan as committed couple item only came about after Laura moved in with Greg. On a Sunday when she knew Dan and Laura would be having one of their brunches she felt compelled to drop in.
“Hi, I know I am intruding. I wanted to say some things to both of you together and then I will run.”
Laura responded first.
“Artsy, you are never an intruder in our home. You are always welcome here. Please sit and join us; don’t even think of running off quickly.”
Dan eased her into a chair and left to get a brunch plate, glass of champagne and coffee. Their conversation began awkwardly but Artsy soon put her intent on the table.
“I told Dan when we first met that we could not have a personal, intimate, relationship while he was still married. Laura, I told you that I no longer considered Dan married. Now that the two of you are trying to piece the wreck of your marriage back together I am going to bow out gracefully. Dan, I hope we can keep our personal and professional friendship. I would hate to give those relationships up.”
Dan reached for Artsy’s hand and squeezed.
“Yes, we must. I accept your decision; I wish it didn’t have to be so, but I will respect your desire.”
Laura actually brokered a compromise so her husband would not lose a lover who was important in many ways. Artsy would no longer spend time with Dan here in their home when Laura was away on business or with Greg. They could, however, be together at Mrs. Patron’s home whenever they wanted time together.
Artsy and Dan transitioned their relationship to intimate friends, but the times when they shared intimacy completely and physically dwindled. Two years later, Artsy knocked on Dan’s door on another Sunday morning. She had come to share news with Dan, but wanted Laura’s presence too. She announced her pending marriage.
Dan had seen this day coming with misgivings in his heart. He had one request.
“May I have the honor of giving the bride’s hand at the ceremony?”
Artsy didn’t stay long that second Sunday; she left despite Laura’s invitation she stay and join them. She left after expressing her intentions as she had that first Sunday.
“Baby, she has made her decision; I am happy for Artsy, and a bit sad for you. You must accept her decision; you know that much. Marriage is important to women.”
Dan grinned at first, a wry sort of grin that just grew. Finally he couldn’t help but laugh aloud at his wife’s last sentence. Laura watched, at first a little perplexed, she realized how her Baby took what she said. She began to laugh with him.
“Mr. Daniel, Miss Laura said I do. Miss Laura may have an unconventional sort of marriage, but never forget it is important to her too.”
> > > > – –
Mrs. Patron remained a constant for Dan. He continued to share intimacies with her, social, business and sexual intimacies. When Laura spent weekends with Greg, Dan almost always moved his residence to what had become his room in her house. Some nights he slept in his room alone; some nights with Artsy. Only one other time, after a party, he invited both Artsy and LF for an all night sexual romp. That next morning at breakfast, Dan asked LF if she also continued a relationship with Laura.
Dan expected a quick no, but LF paused before answering. LF looked first to Mrs. Patron, older woman friend, Artsy and finally back to Dan.
“Just curious, maybe prescient, or did I give something away last night?”
Dan had to ask.
“You have?”
“A few weeks ago; I called her. I wanted the tiger Laura is. I really wanted sex with her.”
“Did she come to you, where, was it good?”
At first LF just smiled.
“There are times when your wife is an absolutely ferocious sex animal, a predator. I wanted exactly that. She came to my studio. She fucked me all over the studio, everywhere and in every way.”
LF turned her head to their hostess.
“I apologize for my language at the breakfast table, Mrs. Patron, Dan asked and I can’t think of a better way to tell what happened.”
“Don’t worry my dear; sometimes we need that as women, don’t we?”
LF’s jaw dropped as Dan and older woman friend both reached in support to touch Mrs. Patron as if choreographed.
Who is the sex animal of those three, all three at times? I wonder?
“Your wife just waltzed into my studio, ripped my clothes off, and used my sex, my body and my mind. She never undressed, jeans and a blouse; she freshened her makeup when she was through and left me laying there. Laura saw what I needed when I opened the door, maybe she knew the moment she heard my voice on the phone.”
“Wow! Laura can be like that though, even more so since she began her affair with Greg.”
LF offered her opinion of Laura.
“Greg just set her free Dan; she is a natural sexual animal. When she left, at the door with me a puddle on the floor, she said she wanted to look just like I did next time.”
“Did she, did you?”
“I haven’t heard from her since then, not a word.”
> > > > – –
Except that she once again had two primary residences in town, plus a third in San Francisco, Laura’s life changed least. At their Sunday brunch in late April, Laura went over her upcoming plans
“Greg’s birthday is coming up, end of the month.”
Dan nodded understanding and poured coffee.
“I want to spend a couple of weeks with him, and then our birthday date, of course. I also have to do a two week trip to San Francisco at the start of June.”
“I need to visit BL soon, maybe we can coordinate something. Either together in San Francisco, or when you are here, depending on what all you have scheduled out there.”
Laura laughed at Dan’s subtle reminder about her neighbor Upper Floor.
“We’ll see, maybe we can work something out. Let me check this coming week, okay?”
In the division of Laura’s time they agreed to Dan had Laura as wife the first and last weeks of May. There was a caveat though; Greg would call for Laura on his birthday and they would consummate the signature moment of their affair, Greg’s birthday dinner date. During the middle of the month, Laura would once again be Mrs. Greg, would wear his ruby ring on her left hand, and the diamond ring and wedding band Dan bestowed in solemn ceremony would once again reside in the box Artsy had provided. Their life together as husband and wife only seemed less strained; their permutations were demanding, but they struggled through.
“Can we talk a minute about what I might have scheduled out there, as you call my other job, or would you rather just let me and San Francisco happen?”
“We can talk, I guess. You still don’t tell Greg about that part of your life?”
“No, I don’t think he would understand, or approve, and I want to have a little secret from him. He doesn’t know about LF either.”
“LF told me, told all of us, she called and you took care of her.”
“Bitch! I’ll deal with her next time.”
“LF said you asked her to deal with you next time.”
Laura looked chagrined, but then smiled.
“See, a girl has to have secrets, but can’t around you. That means you have to keep my secrets from Greg.”
Laura returned the subject to San Francisco.
“After the BL Christmas party I took Liaison and her SO for an after party nightcap to Upper Floor’s home. We ended up playing until morning. Do you remember Mario? He is the one when you listened on the phone as he fucked my ass hard.”
“Oh yeah, I remember Baby. Did he fuck your ass again? It was hot as hell listening. I jacked three times; once listening and twice later.”
“I let Mario whip me and fuck me. He wanted to use the big bull whip, but I said no. I couldn’t have any marks.”
“You want him to use the big whip on you sometime, don’t you?”
“Yes, I want it; I told him he could.”
“This trip?”
“Do you want me with you, to watch, to see you whipped?”
“Would you rather listen on the phone again?”
> > > > – –
Greg pushed the doorbell button; Dan answered.
“Come on in Greg; you know how women are. Let me check on her.” Dan returned shortly, “Laura will be down momentarily. She looked ready to me; I think she just wants a grand entrance.”
“I know how that goes; she can b . . . .”
“Darling, you look spectacular.”
Laura made hand gesture to features of her dress and kissed her date lightly. Taking Greg’s hand she spoke to Dan, “Don’t wait up for me Baby, I will be late, but in good hands.”
The restaurant was new to them, dark and a perfect romantic setting. The ate, danced two dances over after dinner drinks, spoke to each other, looked and touched with romance on air. The new dress Dan helped her select was merely wrapping for her gift. Laura helped Greg unwrap his gift.
“I have no virginity left to offer you this year; let me make love to you all night long my darling.”
Laura caressed and cooed to her lover before accepting him within. After each explosion she coaxed, Laura hummed, sang nonsense words of love, kissed Greg gently down from orgasm to valley and spurred to begin once more.
Every time Greg tried to exert control and direction Laura put him off. “No darling, tonight is my night to give you pleasure. Let me love you tonight. Let me kiss you and touch you in every loving way I can imagine.”
Greg gave his body and amorous soul to her, and Laura paid homage in every way. At three in the morning, with one full dose of her lover’s sperm in tummy and three more deep inside vagina, Greg returned his birthday date to the door whence they left eight hours earlier.
“You can give me the kiss you have wanted to give all night before I turn into a pumpkin.”
Laura left her dress with Greg at her doorstep. Snuggled next to Dan and waiting for sleep to settle her mind, Laura thought about next year’s birthday gift.
Skip dinner. We will spend all night in bed. I’ll give Greg a blank check of sex. Anything at all, take me, I’m yours.
When she woke in the morning she remembered her final thoughts. Laura resolved that she would give herself totally to Greg next year, and she did.
Dan and Greg’s shared relationship with Laura continued with predictable events that came off without hitch, dotted with spontaneous flare ups where Dan invariably burned. Every year Laura was consort to Greg’s country club event with a spectacular new dress. For the county club, Greg no longer knocked at the door to gather his date and return Laura when night was over. Dan spent that weekend with Mrs. Patron two years running.
When Laura considered summer vacation places it was always a beach resort. They talked about Hawaii or Europe, but always settled on the Caribbean as closer. They could be in bathing suits sooner, and they could remove their suits and sex each other sooner. Dan finally dawned on the fact that he and Laura hadn’t had a vacation with each other in quite a while; he brought that up as a Sunday brunch topic.
Laura was hangdog and apologetic. “Baby, I will try to do better. Next year, I promise.” Next year, at vacation time, Laura went with Greg.
The same was true of Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Dan and Laura no longer made a pretense of going home to parents for Thanksgiving. Greg took Laura to Stowe so he could have his skiing time and Laura could be a snow bunny. The New Year’s Eve party was always Laura’s most blatantly erotic show off time with Greg.
Dan had his annual events as well. Taking his secretary as date to the company Christmas party became a tradition. They always had a great time together, and every year ended in her bedroom for their annual love making. That neither made demands or had any expectations throughout the year surprised those few in the organization that knew about them.
Even as Artsy drifted apart as lover she and Dan always coupled for their New Year’s Eve event. Artsy included Dan in whatever performance piece she created. As years passed they planned more and actually rehearsed. Sometimes, as the year they included LF, other artists would be part of Artsy’s dance. Even marriage did not exclude Dan from a midnight kiss, the performance, or being close at the party. He was left alone when Artsy and husband finally called finis to the night’s fun.
Laura always reserved two times yearly for she and her Baby as couple. Christmas was theirs together and alone. Laura would fit Greg in somewhere during the holiday time, but that scheduling was always time carved discretely from her home life with Dan. When Dan scheduled their January home gallery showing, Laura was always perfect hostess. With better advance planning, Liaison and her SO flew east the next two years and were house guests for the week of the event. Greg attended, and often seemed to be Laura’s date, but he was always careful to stay in background.
Normal happenings in Laura’s triangular married life were interspersed with extraordinary, possibly perverse, situations. Almost a year and a half after first telling Dan about Mario and the whip, Laura gave him his choice.
“Upper Floor is giving another party where I am to be chief entertainment. Do you want to watch, just listen and imagine, or nothing at all?”
“The greasy little Mexican is going to entertain with the big whip?”
“Yes, I am going to let Mario whip me.”
“Others will be there, watch him whip you, possibly join in?”
“Expect about ten people, both men and women but not all couples.”
“You will enjoy being whipped, won’t you?”
“Yes Baby, I will. I will be whipped; I will be fondled and fucked. I told Upper Floor to have a box of condoms. I want to be used hard. If you are with me to watch, I will be even more excited.”
Friday, three weeks later, Dan kissed the lady beside him and knocked on Upper Floor’s door precisely at ten in the evening. He handed Laura off to Upper Floor and followed them to the playroom.
Upper Floor announced her, “My friends, our entertainment has arrived.”
Dan saw two obvious couples plus two single men and two women, possibly a lesbian couple. Mario leaned against the wall where the whips hung. He looked insolent, almost bored. Dan thought his first description, a greasy Mexican, appropriate.
Laura wore only a knee length red nightgown and peignoir tonight. She worked her way through the crowd greeting each person with kisses. Upper Floor’s guests used their hands to explore her gown and her body. When she reached Mario, he slipped the strap from one shoulder to bare a breast. Both hands twisted and pinched nipples as Laura kissed him; one hand on bare flesh and one through her gown.
“I will break you tonight puta. I will use the whip and break you slowly. You have been waiting for me.”
Laura turned away without a word.
Dan saw resolve in his wife’s face, also excitement. He knew Laura loved the challenge. There are times when your wife is an absolutely ferocious sex animal, a predator. He remembered LF’s description. Tonight he expected Laura to be a passive predator and win by accepting punishment. Dan had little doubt; his Baby always wins.
Laura crossed the playroom and faced Upper Floor.
“I am ready, undress me.”
In short order Laura was cuffed to the overhead rail nude as ornament and plaything. Her chains were longer tonight; she had more freedom to move than Upper Floor normally gave her. Two bowls sat on pedestals to the side, one was empty and the other held wrapped condoms. Upper Floor initiated the debauchery. Covering his penis with a condom, he fucked Laura almost mechanically. He showed no passion and gave no tender love. After a dozen or so hard thrusts he filled the rubber, tied it off and placed it in the empty bowl.
The sexing Dan watched was little different from masturbation.
The men of the two couples fucked Laura next. Again the sex was quick, hard, with no thought of stimulating Laura. She could have been a rubber fuck doll. The once empty bowl now contained three balls of latex filled with cum. Next the two single men took turns and now five used condoms lay in the second bowl. Seven condoms still wrapped in foil awaited filling.
Mario took his turn; he balked at using a condom until Upper Floor whispered something to him. When through, Mario slapped his cock against Laura’s stomach, wiped residue sperm on his fingers and pushed them into her mouth to suck clean.
“I will be back puta.”
Dan just stood to the side and watched. He and Laura had discussed what would probably happen tonight. They decided his best role would be observer. He analyzed what had happened so far; a lot of sex, basic fucking, but with no passion whatever. Somehow, it seemed exciting because there was no passion, no excitement, and no screaming orgasmic sounds.
The four women approached; they pinched, prodded and felt up Laura all over her torso. One by one the women raised their skirts, used fingers to gather their sex juice and smeared Laura’s face.
The women’s play time allowed the men recovery time. Once again Laura’s pussy served in lieu of fingers as the men masturbated, filled condoms and tossed them in the bowl after tying them off. Mario took the last condom. He jabbed once to lubricate his cock. He jabbed more times with his fingers until they were wet.
“Tell them puta, tell them how I am going to fuck you.”
“He wants my ass; he can have it. Fuck my ass little man.”
Laura showed no feeling, no emotion, but Mario could not restrain himself. This gringo bitch hanging from the rail, a puta and no more, got to him. He bellowed when he filled his second condom. Laura clenched her sphincter to hold him tight. She laughed when Mario finally pulled his cock away.
Upper Floor carried away the pedestal and bowl that now held only torn foil wrappings.
Dan wondered about the dozen cum filled balls of rubber; what further use did they have in tonight’s ceremony? For almost half an hour the party flowed around his wife chained to the wall as if she didn’t exist.
Dan approached her, “I am glad I came tonight; listening would not have been as good. You are beautiful. I love you Baby.”
With preliminaries over it was time for the main event. Mario came with the whip; he trailed it on the floor behind him, his tail.
“I have been waiting a long time for this night; so have you puta. Tell them what you want.”
Laura called out strongly; everyone gave attention. The audience was ready.
“Mario likes to whip me; he thinks he can own me with the whip. He has to use the big whip to make him a man. I have never let him before, but tonight he can have me with the big whip. Mario can whip me.”
Laura waited a dramatic moment.
“He can never possess me.”
Mario teased his prey; he flicked the whip to sting her intimate parts. Each breast felt the sting of the lash at light touch. Three snaps to her pussy started Laura’s juices flowing. Mario fucked the handle in her and pulled it out wet.
Touring the onlookers, stopping before each, he showed off Laura’s sex juices. Everyone could see and smell that she was ready. The little Mexican sadist took one of the condom balls and placed it between Laura’s teeth.
“Bite the rubber when you first feel the pain, puta. Bite through and let the cum run down your body. Show them what kind of puta pig you are.”
The first lash hit hard at Laura’s hip and left a red welt from left hip, across her bare mound and ending on the opposite thigh. Laura bit through the ball before she screamed. No longer thick and creamy with the distinctive salty taste Laura loved, watery drools of acrid cum dripped down from her lips and trickled over her chest.
“One of these balls is mine; it has been in your ass.”
Another rubber ball fit between her teeth. Laura waited for the lash; again she bit, again she screamed. Another string of spent cum dripped from her lips.
Condom – lash – scream.
Six times the whip snapped. Laura bit through six condoms. Mario called her puta, but no whore would take the whip the way she did. She screamed with each lash of the whip, but always Laura called out loudly – “Again.”
Mario backed away to let the breath starved audience admire the three crossed stripes on the woman’s body. An angry looking red X of swollen flesh crossed over her crotch, another over her stomach, and the third scarred Laura’s breasts.
Upper Floor released her bonds, “Let them look close, let them touch you, before I give Mario your back.”
By the time the party ended, Laura had six sets of lash marks. She bit through all twelve condoms and the juice was now dried on her body. She sucked all four women to orgasm. As a parting gesture Laura swallowed Mario’s cock deep and pulled a third load of cum from his balls. Dan slipped the peignoir around her shoulders and carried her nightgown. They went home where Dan couldn’t resist the need to drain his excitement.
> > > > – –
Not all of Laura’s impromptu sex adventures proved as stimulating for Dan. Returning from a three day trip one Friday evening, Dan saw both cars in the garage as he walked from taxi to front door. Laura must have spent the week with Greg, no reason not to. Dan was talking to himself and reaching to unlock the door when he heard a car and a short toot of horn. Greg pulled to a stop, kissed Laura, and she got out of the car waving as Greg drove away.
“Perfect timing Baby.”
“Can you fix drinks while I put my suitcase away. I had a rough flight; seat belt light on all the way.”
“Laura, what’s going on? What happened? Why is your wedding dress laying over the chair in our bedroom? You had Greg here, didn’t you? You fucked Greg in our bed, I know you did. In your wedding dress in our bed, you deliberately broke our vows while I was gone. Why, why, why, why?”
“Boy, that’s a lot of questions, and you already know the answers to them, don’t you?”
“Do you hate me that much, do you despise me?”
“Never once Baby, I have never hated you or despised you. I love you Baby. Here is your drink; sit down here beside me.”
Dan took his drink, but went to his chair across the den.
“Two years ago, when you said I couldn’t sleep with Greg in our guest room because it would be the ultimate infidelity, I told you I would get even. This seemed like a perfect opportunity since you were travelling.”
“You fucked him in our bedroom. You fucked him in our bed wearing your wedding dress. I guess you are right. You did find an even bigger infidelity.”
Laura smiled at her husband with an I told you so sort of smile, “Sure did.”
Dan drained his drink and fixed another.
“Tell me, and tell me why.”
“You know the reasons. I am competitive at everything I do, and very competitive over my affair with Greg. I left my wedding dress out so you would know. Don’t ever accuse me of cheating this time. I made sure there could be no doubt as to where and when I fucked my lover. The only question you can have is how many times.”
“How many?”
“Three the first night; three times in my wedding gown and then we went to sleep. At least twice the rest of the nights. I had my other husband in my rightful husband’s bed, and I loved every screw we turned. I loved Greg’s fat cock fucking me because I knew I was getting you back for challenging me two years ago.”
“And you can sit there with a straight face and say you never hated me?”
“Yes Baby, I can say I never hated you with a pure heart because it is true. I don’t hate you; just the opposite, I love you.”
“You are a witch, a damned witch. I want to hate you, hate what you do to me, but I love you.”
Laura fixed another round of drinks.
“Wait right here.”
She returned from their bedroom ten minutes later wearing her trousseau nightgown.
“I could have worn this for Greg, but I didn’t. You can make love to me wearing this, or try to fuck the demons from my body tonight; your choice.”
> > > > – –
Another year came, another birthday for Greg. Dan watched from the front doorstep as Greg held the passenger door and eased Dan’s wife, their wife, to her seat. Dan saw Laura tug at her dress to make sure it didn’t catch in the door. He remembered her words of four years ago, “Don’t bother to wait up for me Baby, I know I’ll be late.”
Laura no longer needed to say those words. This was the fifth time Laura was going with her lover, her former boss, to celebrate his birthday. Dan had every expectation that Greg would return his wife to this doorstep very, very late.
For four years Laura and Greg ended this night with a passionate kiss around three in the morning. This year was number five, and Dan expected no change. He could see no change on the horizon. As Greg’s car pulled away Dan closed the door and went to the den. He had some work papers to read. ESPN and vodka tonic always helped as his special relaxer.
Dan expected to be in bed and asleep before midnight. He would probably stir for a quick kiss when Laura finally came to bed; he no longer needed to explore her body for evidence of indiscretion. That his wife, Laura, and her lover, Greg, would have sex many times tonight was a given.