Greg returned Laura to her married home Sunday evening. He was sure his cock and balls could no longer function as sex tools. They hung limp between his legs. God knows how many times he shot his load in Laura’s sex holes this weekend. The last two went ass and cunt. She took everything, Greg mused, Laura took all that I have to give.
Laura walked to her door still barefoot; she wore only one of Greg’s too big for her T shirts and panties. She was as sore as her lover; she knew that much as she approached the door. This is what fucked out looks like and feels like. This is what I wanted when I sent Dan away Friday night. The door knob turned as she knew it would.
Dan was in the den with vodka tonic and ESPN. His wife was suddenly in front of him and she bent over to kiss. “I am home.”
Dan’s question was the same one he voiced from his sleep early Saturday morning, “Why?”
“Why was I so cruel to you? I was cruel because I wanted to be cruel. I needed to be cruel to you; cruel to my husband. I wanted once again to remind you that this is my affair and not yours. I hurt you that way because I wanted to hurt you that way, but I am home now and I am your wife always. I love you.”
Dan did not respond. Laura assessed the drink her husband held in left hand. She wanted alcohol’s boost.
“Is that a vodka tonic? Would you make one for me, I could use one?”
Dan returned with another drink to find his wife nude holding her T shirt and panties out to him.
“These are sweaty dirty, please bring me a clean pair of panties Baby; pick whatever you would like me to wear.”
Laura wanted Dan to feel how cum soaked her panties were, and she was mildly curious what he would bring as replacement. Dan carried a white bikini with a lace heart appliqué in front, “Those are pretty; I will put them on.”
“Please, let me.”
With the virginal white nylon covering her mid section, Laura gave her husband a helping hand to rise from his knees. She was the regal queen. She held his hand as they sat side-by-side quietly drinking their vodka tonics. Laura knew her breasts showed Greg’s hard use the last two days. She flicked a nipple to cause a peak.
“Kiss it and then come with me. You need me.”
Dan trailed holding Laura’s hand. She commands and I accept. She leads and I follow. She knows I need her. She knows more than I know.
In bed Dan worshiped using his tongue and hands. Finally he removed the panties he placed so lovingly and entered his wife’s hot pool. Proof, even more proof than the soaked panties, Greg has fucked my wife’s cunt all weekend. He has used her body completely for their pleasure. Laura chose to be with Greg Friday and now she is giving me their leavings.
“Ahhhhh, yesssss, fuuuucckkk. I need you, I need you.”
Laura laid on her back and let her Baby fuck her. She did know he needed her even before he cried out his orgasm. When Dan screamed she wrapped him in her arms and kissed the top of his head. Her marriage barge was sailing smoothly again until the next flood rocked her boat. She let Dan have all that he needed. Life returned to normal.
> > > > – –
The calendar seems to schedule so much in late fall and early winter. It is a conspiracy to take adult time and transfer it to children. Old Jacob’s wife remembered Laura from the country club affair. Being significant other to a junior partner required commitments greater than dalliance; she needed to make certain Laura understood her responsibilities even if she was married to another.
“Hello dear, it has been so long and we haven’t spoken. How have you been?”
Laura understood her health and well being meant absolutely nothing. By conversation end she was a subcommittee of one helping Old Jacob’s wife organize a Halloween after school party for the firm’s children. Rather than give in to annoyance, Laura threw herself to the task with enthusiasm; she had fun and made sure the old broad knew she was having fun.
Dan noticed her more colorful dress the day of the party; he had to ask. When Laura came home she was almost giddy bubbly, and not from sexual excitement with her lover.
“Baby, it was almost like being a mother for an afternoon. I loved it, we all had fun.”
“You and I both know that parenting is more than kids parties Baby.”
“Don’t worry; no biological clock inside this woman. That is just not my style. It was fun though, I am glad she asked me to help.”
“Good brownie points too, now if someone bitches about you and Greg, you have a friend near the top.”
“You’re right about that; I took pictures, we can look at them on the computer after dinner.”
> > > > – –
While Laura was playing with kids at work, Dan had work not related to his normal business. The first acquisitions of his art for the office project were ready. He asked Artsy, the interior decorator, and his older woman friend to join him for the initial installation. Artsy brought a technician and all of the pieces while Dan met the decorator and his friend for lunch and escorted them to his office. He had asked his VP to stop by toward the end of the day to see his results.
VP was impressed enough to plan a toast for Dan, and he showed up pushing a cart with a wine and cheese spread accompanied by the company president’s executive secretary and special assistant. Dan did introductions; others who worked near Dan’s office joined in the celebration; the art hanging became an impromptu happy hour. The executive staff seemed taken by the PR possibilities. The interior decorator was asked to meet with the company president soon. Artsy agreed to a rotating exhibit; an extension of the gallery where she worked.
“Congratulations, you are showing off your senior executive potential. I hope you realize this is more than simply decorating your work space.”
Dan turned to see the face of that feminine whisper. His blank look made clear Dan hadn’t considered that far ahead.
“The four of us will have drinks when we are through here; I’ll explain.”
His older friend seemed a mother hen guiding her chicks through life, even though the chicks were mature and successful individuals in their own right.
Dan’s hurried phone call gave Laura time for more than just a quickie with Greg. The interior decorator was ecstatic about possible new business and agreed to drop Artsy at home following drinks and discussion. Dan took his older friend home where she talked more personally to him about skills and practices of executive management. Dan enjoyed once more sharing brandy and some intimacy on her love seat, but had no problems when she said no more tonight.
> > > > – –
The following Sunday Dan and Laura broke pattern to have brunch out. They still took time to be together and share extended conversation.
“Greg is still after me to pose for pictures in the office. He says now that I have posed for Portrait, he wants next.”
“Why are you holding back?”
“It’s one thing to wear that red dress with my bells jingling as his date to the country club. Posing in sexy lingerie and nude in his office is a lot more. What if Old Jacobs saw those pictures?”
“Old Jacobs would get hard and Mrs. Old Jacobs would love you even more.”
“Knowing Greg he would take some with cum running down my leg and out of my mouth.”
“Yes, and with your nipples hard as rocks and your cunt swollen and red. Hand me your cell phone.”
“What! Why? Here?”
“What’s your speed dial for Greg at home?”
“Eight – significant?”
“I think of it as us together. I didn’t want to push two buttons or I would use sixty-nine.”
Husband and wife shared laughter and a kiss. Dan pressed the eight key.
Greg, this is Dan not Laura. We are at brunch and got into discussion about the posing you want her to do
. . .
No, I don’t object at all; I am on your side.
. . .
I’ll make sure she is ready next weekend.
. . .
That works for me, I will tell her, and I am sure it will be okay too.
. . .
Make an album for me; here is Laura.
Laura reclaimed her cell phone.
Hello darling, what have you and my husband signed me up for?
. . .
I’ll see, trust you? Which of you should I trust?
. . .
I do, I love both of you.
. . .
Bye bye, darling.
Laura took her husband’s hand and squeezed, “Thank you Baby.”
> > > > – –
Dan carried a hanging bag as he escorted his wife to her lover’s door Friday evening. He had spent most of Thursday evening with Laura picking posing clothes. They knew Greg would make his own selections from Laura’s things that she kept with Greg. He passed off his bag and gave a light goodbye kiss.
“Have fun and get some good pictures. Pick a sampling and make an album for me. I can hardly wait to see the outcome.”
> > > > – –
Three women, I trade one off to her lover and go meet three women for a date tonight. No Dan, you are not really a swinger of that magnitude and you know it. Dan stopped to pick up Artsy; she was the first of the three women. Artsy carried a small bag plus her purse. When they arrived at the older woman’s home, her friend was already there. Dinner and conversation was delightful, but Dan didn’t have to worry about a repeat of that disastrous prior Friday engagement. At eleven-thirty Mrs. Patron announced the arrangements for the night.
“LeeAnne, I’ve put you in my friend’s suite, and Dan will be with me. I hope that is suitable. Let’s all get into our evening clothes and then finish with brandy in the den.”
“I thought we might end the evening this way. I brought a special bed warming gift for the three of us if that is all right. Dan, you will have to make do with pajamas I am afraid.”
“Artsy, I have slept in this house in pajamas as I know you know.”
All left to their sleeping quarters to change into night clothes, and returned about fifteen minutes later. The women were dressed identically in thin but not quite sheer floor-length nightgowns in a Mondrian print style. The gowns were white chiffon with bold stripes in primary colors executed in shiny satin. Dan contrasted in his black silk pajamas.
Dan poured brandy, and asked the women to pose for him. His complements were sincere; he told the older women how favorably they compared with Artsy even though she was more than thirty years younger. Their hostess played a CD softly and they talked as they drank. Dan whispered in the older woman’s ear.
“Of course, I think she would be delighted.”
Dan offered his hand to dance with his hostess’s friend and held her close through two songs.
“Thank you for giving that to her; you are a sweet gentleman.”
Artsy noticed the semi erection Dan grew while dancing with his first partner, and she held him there softly through their two dances. When Artsy drew the older woman from the love seat for her dances, Dan was clearly and completely erect. Artsy poured the last brandies of the evening and then sat on the sofa close to the woman who would be this evening’s partner. They watched Dan and their hostess kiss and touch with increasing steam until finally they left to their sleeping quarters.
“Come Daniel, let’s continue in bed.”
> > > > – –
Laura blushed brightly when Greg asked one of the guards to help him carry the two hanging bags and small suitcase to his office. She followed behind with her makeup case, and began unpacking and hanging everything while Greg returned to get the bag with champagne and his camera gear. Dan had slipped in a surprise; Laura saw her wedding veil in the plastic storage case that had held it for years. There was a small card addressed to Greg inside the case.
Laura continued hanging her costumes.
“Here, from Dan to you.”
Laura unfolded the veil and showed it off as Greg read. The veil was short in front, barely covering Laura’s eyes, but it flowed over shoulders and back to match and complement the train on her wedding dress. The material alternated stripes of sheer net and lace rosebuds. She modeled for her lover, but the effect over jeans and a sweater was not the same.
“What did Dan’s note say?”
Greg read the note: “It says, ‘If you get tired of taking pictures in her underwear, I know from memory that she looks good dancing in this and nothing else.”
“On our wedding night, when we made love the first time as a married couple, I wore this and nothing and I danced and then we made love all over our hotel suite.”
“I want you to wear it tonight in our bed as I make beautiful love to you.”
“I don’t know Greg; that might be too much.”
“I want to, you will. Tell you what, make love with me in your wedding veil, and I promise to fuck your brains out wearing your wedding dress someday soon.”
“You bastard, you rotten bastard, I love you. I’ll think about it.”
Greg posed Laura all afternoon. He had her changing outfits almost constantly. He did take a few with cum running from her mouth. Now she was sitting on Greg’s desk facing his chair with hands on her knees. Nipples had been twisted and pulled taut, and that was obvious. She wore only the sheer black, boy cut panties Dan loved so much and smeared lipstick. Greg had just choked her hard with his cock but spewed his load in her outer mouth. Laura looked at her lover sitting in his chair and snapping pictures as fast as the camera would cycle. Cum dripped as she gasped to breathe.
Click – click – click – click.
Twice Greg moved his model to daring locations. He took a stripping series of pictures at her desk in the outer office. The final shot of the series showed her skirt neatly folded on one side of her desk, her blouse and jacket draped over her chair, and Laura bent to the computer wearing full pinup lingerie, stockings and heels. The second series had her stretched out on a walnut table in one of the conference rooms at the end of the building. Laura wore only her veil for this series and Greg made her masturbate to completion as he took pictures and positioned her veil.
Click – click – click – click.
Laura heard the guard making rounds somewhere behind them as they returned to Greg’s office. She didn’t dare look and never knew if or what the guard saw. Once private, her command to Greg was simple, “Fuck me now!”
“I’m exhausted, let’s pack up, go home and see how good a photographer my lover is; fuck once or twice, and then see what we want to do this evening.”
It took almost an hour to pack and get home. Finally home they decided on sex at once before looking at the pictures. A quick preview of the day’s pictures was followed by a light dinner. What Greg wanted to do was make love to Laura on their bed wearing the wedding veil she wore when she pledged fidelity to her husband.
Laura’s mind was still active as she drifted toward sleep. Dan and I have made love, really beautiful love many times. Greg and I have made love before, made love as only true lovers can. I have never been as loved, kissed, thrilled; and returned that much love as Greg and I just shared together. I am glad Dan put the veil in with my things; I must thank him. Laura closed on Greg, kissed his lips with love and both fell asleep with lips together.
> > > > – –
Light through drapes woke Dan. When he realized where he was and who he was with, he wanted to make love to start the day. His hand traced the bright blue satin line from shoulder, over the woman’s breast, and down to her hip. Her kiss was instantly ready and tender; she became fully awake immediately. Last night she had been more demanding of Dan in her bed. This morning she allowed very slow and complete exploration. Everywhere Dan touched he stimulated. The woman knew she had selected well when she chose Daniel as her lover for this period of life.
Dan and the mistress of the house sat together at the large kitchen table. The bay windows gave a view of the garden, but mostly that meant fall leaves on the ground.
“In spring, eating breakfast here must be heavenly.”
Instead of a verbal response, Dan felt her hand gently trace his cheek. Dan sensed that meant agreement. Twenty minutes later Artsy and the other woman joined them. They held hands as they approached and it was quite obvious they had just made love. Breakfast was quiet time.
In the den conversation shifted to schedules. Artsy had to be at work at two. Neither older woman was committed. Dan admitted he was totally free because Laura was posing for her lover, “No telling if she will be home today, let alone when. I really don’t expect to see her until late tomorrow.” The older woman’s friend wasn’t as familiar with Dan and Laura’s situation so Artsy gave a three minute thumbnail sketch.
“Since I am the business professional skilled in planning, let me propose a plan for the day. At one, Artsy can shower and dress and I will take her to the gallery. We can stop by your apartment if necessary. Until then, all of us can stay here in our nightgowns and pajamas because it excites me to be here with you all dressed so provocatively.”
“We don’t seem to excite you that much, only half by my experience.”
Mrs. Patron got a kiss, “Touché.”
“I don’t object to wearing this beautiful nightgown all day. You really chose well LeeAnne, thank you again.”
“Would anyone care for Chablis? I think I saw some chilled.”
“Yes, I put some up; would you pour?”
“While we enjoy our wine, Daniel, I want you to tell us how you really feel about your wife’s affair.”
Dan thought some, sipped his wine and thought more. Twice he opened his mouth as though to speak but nothing came out. Finally his words flowed.
“Mixed, and I know that sounds like I am begging the question. There are times when it excites me no end to see Laura walk through the door knowing she has come from him.”
Dan paused and stared at his glass before continuing his explanation.
“Other times, anger is too insufficient a word; I want to throttle her and beat sense into her brain. I never do, of course, I swallow those feelings.”
Again he paused and stared at his wine. He drank, waited and then handed his glass to his partner.
“There are also times when I am like an active participant. I have never seen them do anything but kiss or lightly touch, but I was the instigator of their photo session today. My wife, Greg’s lover Laura, is most likely sprawled over his desk in his office at this moment. She is posing in sexy lingerie for her lover. He has been trying to get her agreement for months, and I pushed her into accepting.”
Dan stopped and reached for his glass of wine.
“Now do you understand mixed?”
The older woman walked Dan across the den to sit between Artsy and her friend, and then returned for Dan’s wine glass.
“Hold your thoughts Daniel, I will refill our glasses.”
While pouring wine into their glasses, she stood directly before each guest to let them admire her body and nightgown. She knew she looked very attractive, not like a sixty-five year old woman after a full evening of excitement. She raised her glass and indicated her guests do likewise.
“To an excellent lover who has mixed reactions because his wife wants him and a second lover.”
She drank from her glass and then gave Dan an ardent kiss. When she released Dan’s lips the other women kissed him as well to complete the toast.
“Thank you ladies, thank you all. I think how I feel, how I really feel, is that I love Laura and I know she loves me. That sustains me through some very hard times.”
“Yes, you love her and she loves you all the while she is in the arms of her lover. Do you have any doubt that she will spend tonight making love with him?”
“None, no doubt at all.”
“Say his name, their names; tell us what will happen when they are through taking pictures. Tell us directly.”
“My wife Laura is posing nude for her lover Greg at this moment. When they are through taking pictures Laura and Greg will go to his home, to their bed in his home, and make love all night long. They will make love, and they will fuck and suck; they will rut like animals. Laura will most definitely say the words I love you Greg.”
Greg went silent, suddenly he felt alone.
“Come to me Daniel and sit with me once more.”
Dan did as the older woman asked; she gave him his wine glass before wrapping him in protective arms.
“LeeAnne, could you pour more wine?”
Dan sat with the women in contemplative silence after he had just released his emotion and experience over his wife’s affair.
“LeeAnne, it is time for you to shower and dress. Take Daniel with you, I am sure he needs something. Daniel, after you take LeeAnne to the gallery do plan on coming back here.”
> > > > – –
Dan had one more date with just the two older women during the fall months. On a Saturday night he escorted both to the country club once again. They dined and danced until almost midnight, and had a delightful time.
Laura gave no objection to Dan’s outings with his new friends. He was always considerate. Dan told Laura well in advance every time so she could make plans accordingly. She always planned to be with Greg those nights Dan was with his lady friends.
Dan’s older woman friend asked a favor when this date was planned. He expected her pronouncement as the evening drew to a close.
“I am going to have the club limousine take me home. Will you see my friend home tonight Daniel? She has a lovely home and I think you will enjoy the evening.”
Dan did enjoy the lady’s home and her company that night, and once again before leaving in the morning.