Always Faithful – Chapter Seventeen

"New partnerships as holiday dates, same results."

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Chapter Seventeen – Holidays

The compressed schedule in autumn always included family responsibilities. Each year Dan and Laura flew home to spend Thanksgiving dinner with one family, and the Saturday following with the other. Thanksgiving with parents and relatives allowed them to have the Christmas and New Year’s holidays for themselves. Both left out details when answering the perfunctory what’s new in your life questions. Their visits home went well, as they always did. “We really like to have Christmas with each other”, served as an understood excuse to fend off repeat invitations to visit.

Not all fall holiday events are children times. Company parties are traditionally for adults. Dan and Laura always made both company parties, and enjoyed going. Some years they made a brief appearance at one because they happened on the same night. Both firms scheduled Christmas parties December 13 this year.

“Christmas parties, Baby; how should we handle them this year?”

“Yours is the 13th too?”

Together they finally agreed that just this once they would each go to their own party, alone. Dan knew, of course, that meant Laura would go with Greg.

“Would you help me choose a dress for my party? The red dress is right in color, but I don’t think the style says Santa Claus.”

“No, Santa came early when I bought that one for you.”

They adjourned to the bedroom to look at dresses. Laura modeled three green dresses; Dan talked her into the most modest as best choice. The dress was fitted on top with a high neck and long sleeves in a dark green fabric. The skirt was full, having the same dark green fabric inlaid with silver filigree threads. Laura wasn’t totally sure this was the one.

“It’s right for you and your company party. It is modestly cut, and you should want that modesty, but the skirt is full enough that Greg will have no trouble getting his hands under when the time is right.”

“Dan, you are terrible. You sound like all Greg and I do is mess around.”

“Well, am I wrong? Do you want me to look for a chastity belt to go under the dress?”

“No Baby, no chastity belt. This dress is for me going to my company party though, not for a date with Greg.”

“Are you taking one car, or two?”

“Makes more sense to take one, doesn’t it?”

“Is Greg going to call for you here, or leave from there?”

“I don’t know.”

“I may not be part of your affair with Greg, but it looks like I have to help with the planning. Let’s drink a glass of wine and talk about the rest of the holidays.”

“I haven’t for a while, but I want to have more time with Greg.” Laura opened a subject that must add to holiday stress.

“Without your rings you mean?”


“Not Christmas!”

“No Baby; Christmas is for us, maybe before, maybe after.”

Dan finally worked out the compromise. “You can have the few days before your party, and a few after, but I think you should wear your rings to your party. I will find a date for mine.”

“Okay, that makes sense”, Laura agreed.

“After Christmas, between then and New Year’s eve, go to be with Greg and come back when you are ready. Leave your rings then. I will either find a party with some of my art community friends, or stay here with ESPN and vodka tonic. There are a bunch of football games on TV.”

With all of the holiday details settled, Laura and Dan went to bed. She talked Dan into his version of a good hard screw, and it was good. Not as hard and demanding as Greg when he fucks me hard, but my husband is a good bed partner too. I am one lucky girl. Laura’s eyes relaxed in sleep and her breathing followed.

Laura only required a simple confirmation with Greg, but she decided stage managing might be fun. That started with a phone call to Business Lady and the young marketing woman who had been her liaison. Laura remembered seeing a skirt at the private fashion show. She thought then, but held her tongue, that she wanted to wear that suit for Greg.

Laura chatted with Liaison telling her how all of the women in her office were jealous. They talked office gossip, girl talk and finally when talking about the upcoming holidays Laura asked about that suit; “Could I get one shipped?”

Laura expected to give her credit card number; instead, two days later her first Christmas gift arrived. Two of the wrap skirt suits she wanted in different fabrics, and four blouses, including two of the halter blouses she used to first seduce Greg. There was a card enclosed; a personal note from the marketing executive with a thousand dollar gift card for more clothes from Business Lady.

“Queen of the support staff.”

Her fellow secretaries made a bow down production when word got around about the FedEx package.

“Do you have a boyfriend on the West coast too?”

“No ladies, one is enough. I’ll wear one of these soon.”

Soon was Friday; Greg’s hand was under the wrap of her skirt all through lunch at their hideaway restaurant.

“If you keep your nose to the grindstone this afternoon, you can leave early. I would say yes if you offered an after work sexual interlude.”

A nice feature of wrap skirts is they come off easily. Laura left a trail from front door to bedroom. “Face down or up, how do you want me.”

“Hang your head over the edge and let me choke you. I feel like a face fuck.”

Greg was hard and ready; he took full strokes from the tip of his cock to his balls. Laura felt her lips mashed at the depth of each stroke. Suddenly cock stayed deep; she choked and gagged. Greg pressed even harder trying to go deeper than possible. Is this the time, choke her completely? Should I? He held just a few seconds longer at full depth; their eyes locked. Greg knew Laura would not fight him off so cock must slowly withdraw.

Greg let her kiss and lick his slit before he raised her to fuck. Laura became his pogo stick. He held as hard into her cunt at full stroke as he had into her throat.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, Fuck me . . .”

Greg could not believe his control today. He just kept on fucking as Laura chanted. I want her to scream, to scream loud. He bit a nipple hard, going for blood.

“AAAaaayyyyyyeeee. Fuuucckkk me I am cum – cum – cuming.”

The lovers sat joined like that until their breathing returned to normal; they just stayed together kissing.

“God I love you, I really do.”

Laura offered her unmarked breast, “Would you do this one at least a little bit?”

Greg bit, but not for blood. He sensed her head go up, her breathing quickening. She really gets off on our rough sex. I wonder if she loves me; or the rough sex I give her? I don’t care, I love her.

“I just decided darling.”

“Decided what?”

Laura looked up at her lover with anticipation.

“I really do love you.”

“I love you too, Baby.”

“No ooops?”

“You can be my special Baby too. Right now you are my Baby.”

Laura broke another vow, this one to herself.

“Fuck again or dress?”

“Fuck, oh yes, fuck again.”

Laura didn’t get home until almost seven-thirty, but she did give her husband a cum breath kiss as soon as the front door closed.

> > > > – –

Refusal and resistance marked Dan’s attempts to make a date for his company party; he thought first of Artsy.

“No, I have several good reasons and they all lead to the same answer, No!”

“Tell me one of your good reasons.”

“You and I are friends, not lovers. You know my terms and accept them. I don’t need to have a reason to say no.”

“Point taken, I agree; tell me another.”

“I don’t want to appear as your date for the evening because your wife has a date with another man.”

“That doesn’t bother you when we are with our art friends.”

“When we do things together with them, or when you come to an opening where I am, that isn’t a date. Mostly we are part of a group. Furthermore, they don’t know about you and your wife.”

“They are learning, aren’t they?”

Dan’s secretary brought him some material while he was on the phone with Artsy. He took a quick look and then asked for another file.

Dan admired the retreating view before returning attention to his call. “Okay, no appearance of a date, anything else?”

“Yes, you forget I now have a sort of professional relationship with your company. That adds another No in my mind.”

“Three noes, I am not doing a good job of convincing you, am I?”

His secretary returned with the requested file folder; she leaned over Dan’s desk to set it down. Dan noticed a lace edge of bra as her blouse gapped. He held a finger up for her to wait just so he could look a moment longer.

“Give me one more good reason why you won’t come the to the Christmas party with me and then I need to get back to work.”

Dan listened to Artsy last reason before asking for special consideration one last time.

“Oh, you already have a date. Can’t you break that one for me?”

“I see, he has a spectacular dress for you and he is straight. Does that mean you are going to sleep with him?”

Dan finally gave up his quest. “Hah, I’ll bet you might do more than sleep. Talk to you later.”

Dan finished going over some details with his secretary and once again enjoyed the view as she returned to her desk. She does have a really nice bottom.

Dan decided to call the older woman; her part of the conversation finally pushed Dan where his eyes had been leading.

“LeeAnne told me about that dress. It sounds spectacular even for her. I must have a private showing.

. . .

Sweet of you to consider me Daniel, but no, I don’t think I make a suitable date for your company Christmas party.

. . .

Really Daniel, I am old enough to be your mother, and a fast rising executive doesn’t want to bring mother as his date.

. . .

Look for someone younger Daniel; a younger woman would be much more appropriate.”

“You are a sweet dear, ta-ta.”

Mrs. Patron ended their call with her casual sign off.

Dan’s problem was he didn’t know any younger women well enough to ask on a date, why should he? He was sure either Artsy or the older woman would say yes. The only positive advice he got was to look for someone younger. His secretary brought the last folder he would need.

“If any of my phone conversation offended you, I apologize. I was talking to a friend about the Christmas party and I didn’t think of you hearing. I am sorry.”

“That’s quite all right, I could tell you weren’t serious about what you said, just joking.”

“Are you coming to the party?”

“I don’t think so; I will probably pass this year. Going would bring back memories, especially going alone.”

“Yes, I am sorry again, this time for opening a personal subject.”

“It’s all right; I know I am divorced and now single. I still have memories though. Isn’t your wife coming?”

“No, her company party is the same night and she really thinks she needs to go to hers.”

“That’s too bad. I better get back to my desk; hope you find a date for the party.”

Dan watched once more; he realized he was looking at his secretary’s shapely tush more and more. Was that an extra wiggle, Dan almost whistled, but caught himself. She is younger than I; I’ll think about it. Dan decided to play safe. He asked his VP, explaining that he was stag for the night and she wouldn’t come to the affair unless Dan asked her to be with him.

“Not a date, certainly not that; I just want to help her out but with no talking behind her back. What do you think?”

“Dan, the reason you are on the way up is your creative solutions that are good for the organization. I’ll take care of any gossip; I know how to handle that stuff.”

> > > > – –

Wearing a pretty, but conservative, dress to the company party was one thing. Spending three days living with her lover, sleeping in their bed every night, and going to this affair unfucked was carrying conservatism to extremes. Greg was torturing her, torment first class. He had been doing it deliberately for the last three days. Oh, he touched her, many times and almost in the right spots. Then he would stop and say, “Wait until the time comes darling; let your hunger build.” Frustration dominated Laura’s mind as she and Greg began mingling at their Christmas party.

Laura smiled at everyone she came upon; inside she steamed with desire. Greg even insisted she wear pantyhose tonight to keep the steam between her legs encased. Laura had really wanted to wear her special jewelry so she could hear her bells ring. Oh well, I will go with the flow. Greg will decide when I get mine. I doubt he will wait too long. He is doing without too.

Laura saw Old Jacobs and Mrs.; she decided to sit with them for a while. Brownie points were always useful.

Mrs. Jacobs first thanked her again for helping at Halloween, and then complimented her dress. Laura decided on a proper but naughty response.

“Thank you so much, I am glad you approve. I will tell my husband; he insisted this one rather than my first choice. Perfect for a company Christmas, he said.”

“Your husband has excellent taste in selecting clothes for you, my dear. I recall you saying he picked out that red dress you wore to the country club affair.”

“Yes, he does know me well, and he knows how I like to present myself. I will pass on this compliment also.”

“I don’t see him tonight, is he here; he normally attends with you?”

“Not tonight, his company thing conflicted. I asked Greg to escort me tonight.”

“I see.”

Laura noticed Greg across the room and decided to join him. He was talking with two of the senor partners and some of the other juniors.

Laura took his drink out of his hand as her own. “Thank you darling, this is tasty.”

Laura listened in on their conversation, but did not really join in. She gave inconsequential responses when required. Her hands made her point clear if the lawyers were observant as if in court. Whenever she did respond to a question, Laura used a hand tracing on her lover’s sleeve to draw Greg’s attention only to her. She was saying to everyone with body language, Greg is mine and I am his, and we both know that.

You are props.

With both sharing one drink the glass ran dry. As they moved toward the bar Laura made clear to Greg that she didn’t want to wait much longer.

“An early night tonight, okay darling?”

Greg wanted to draw out the tease. He directed them to a group of younger lawyers; two he supervised. Greg wrapped his arm around Laura with hand under her right arm. He blatantly stimulated the nipple on that breast, pinching and pulling as they spoke.

Laura participated in this conversation more because she was familiar with most of the young men. With the stimulation Greg was providing, her comments often ended with a low moan. Greg maintained a detached expression, but the others mostly smirked. All were aware of the relationship between the lovers. One of the lawyers suggested Greg give the other breast equal time. Greg pulled Laura closer and pinched even harder on the nipple he was holding.

“I’ll take care of the other when this lady is naked in bed tonight.”

> > > > – –

Dan escorted his secretary, date for the evening, to her doorstep. He had really enjoyed himself, and thought she had fun too.

“Since we were both models of propriety tonight, would you like to come in for a while and have a drink while the night is still young?”

“That sounds nice.”

Surprising Dan no little bit, she mixed vodka tonic because that was her choice. “I also keep a bottle of Grey Goose in the freezer for when I feel indulgent.”

Their conversation strained as they drank. She didn’t want to talk about his wife, and he didn’t bring up her divorce. Neither of them wanted to talk shop. Dan decided to leave after one drink, and she walked her first date to the door without so much as a kiss. Dan rectified the lack of kiss with lips that could have been from her brother. Dan began saying his thank you and good night pleasantries. His secretary gathered resolve to end her first date since memorably.

“Is Laura expecting you home early?”

She knew the answer before Dan spoke, “No, I don’t expect her home tonight.”

“I didn’t think so. You have time for at least one more kiss.”

The second kiss was not at all brother and sister. Dan felt his date undo his tie and the top two buttons of his shirt before their kiss ended. She smiled, licked her lips and turned around.

“There is a hook at the top above the zipper, or the doorknob is behind you; your choice.”

Dan hesitated only slightly.

“I’ve often admired this view as you leave my office. The view is even better without your dress in the picture.”

“Follow me and enjoy the view.”

Dan made sure her first sex since divorce was memorable. He unhurriedly played her body as sexual instrument bringing crescendo after crescendo of sexual delight. Finally he made her cry out with joy as they consumed each other. She was panting in his arms coming back to earth after their first lovemaking time.

“I could go again after a breather.”

“Let me try some of that frozen vodka, I have never had that. That will get us ready for round two.”

“This is smooth, I like it.”

Dan’s hand stroked a thigh. Her lips wet with frozen vodka covered his, and a cold tongue darted inside. The hand on her thigh jumped forward; their tongues dueled.

“Let me try something.”

Dan rubbed a nipple with the frosted glass causing it to stand tall. He painted her nipple with vodka and then sucked it clean. Dan repeated painting and sucking several times before being pushed away.

“My turn!”

Dan’s cock got the same treatment and then they returned to her bedroom.

Her clock chimed a single half hour tone at 2:30 as they stood at her door again. Dan was semi dressed; secretary, newborn nude. He kissed her lightly and thanked his date for the evening.

“I like drinking frozen vodka with you. Your bottom feels as good as it looks. You deserve one of those Good-In-Bed medals.”

“So do you.” She kissed him and turned around, “You may never get his view again, take a good look.”

Dan looked with both eyes and felt with both hands.

“Open the door and then kiss me one last time before you go. I want to feel goose bumps on my skin that match the goose bumps inside.”

Dan pulled her half out while kissing. He held her at arm’s length to admire her body and stepped further out.

“Come to me if you want one last kiss, but then I really must go home.”

Only slight hesitation before she jumped for that last kiss. Dan extended the kiss, allowing his hands last touches.

> > > > – –

Dan drove home with an unexpected, but very satisfied, sexual glow surrounding him. As Dan drove, his wife and her lover were relaxing in bed after their third fuck of the night. When Laura presented the zipper on her dress, Greg unfastened it and kept on going. He didn’t stop taking clothes off her until Laura wore only her pantyhose. Greg continued his tease; he touched through and under the hard, taut nylon, but he didn’t try to take it off. He pushed Laura’s hands away when she tried to strip further.

Finally, oh so much tease later finally, Greg ripped the center panel away and drove cock home. Laura’s nylon wrapped legs bent over his shoulders, her kicking spurred Greg to fuck harder and deeper. Three days of contact and tease made for a hair trigger. Greg jabbed and thrust; hand under nylon played Laura’s clit to bring her along. She was almost with him; Greg knew her body, her reactions. Suddenly he could hold back no longer. He convulsed into his lover. Laura wanted more; she demanded more.

“Keep fucking me you no good bastard. Don’t you dare go soft, I need more. Fuck me more.”

No exhortation stiffened Greg’s wilting cock. He finally used his fingers to give his lover a small measure of satisfaction. They lay together quietly recovering strength until Laura ripped the pantyhose from her legs.

“Never again, that was a good idea gone bad; never again.”

“I don’t care how you fuck me, soft or hard, slow or fast. We are going to fuck tonight until we can’t fuck any more. When we finish with one round, I am going to suck you hard so we can go again. I‘ve got three good holes and you have one super cock. I’ll win in the end, but I want you to wear both of us out trying to prove you can out fuck me. Are you ready mister?”

“Start sucking, bitch. Get your slutty mouth on my cock and suck it hard. Lick my balls, suck my asshole, and then suck my cock hard for your next fuck. I’m going to make you sing your slut song loud when I fuck my cock into you.”

Greg halted his verbal assault to replace words with hard slaps, one cheek and then the other, until Laura’s rear glowed red.

“My cock will make you sing for mercy, and then you can get me hard again. I want to hear you sing the second verse tonight. Then I will fuck your ass like it has never been fucked before, and after that I will fuck your face until I cum. You are going to get the full slut treatment tonight.”

Dan didn’t bother to shower away his secretary’s scent before getting under the covers. He only thought of Laura briefly to hope she was still getting her Christmas bonus at this hour. Dan slept with a contented smile. As Dan drifted to sleep, Laura had a request of her lover.

“Turn the spot lights on and open the drapes. Show the world how you like to fuck my ass. When you are finished with my ass come straight to my mouth, my face; just keep fucking me.”

Laura leaned head and shoulders down to the bed bracing for her man. One final request, “Get me red before you fuck me. My whole body wants you this time.”

Greg warmed her bottom with gusto until both cheeks were indeed quite red. Laura yelped and moaned as she took his blows, and then, “Aaaaiiieeee, yesss!”

Greg drove his cock full in without warning; he held deep with rocking motions to stretch Laura’s asshole.

“There are three loads in your swollen pussy; imagine how long it will take for me to build another load. Your ass will pay tonight.”

SLAP, Greg finished his whispered thought with a cracking hand hard on Laura’s right cheek. Cock demanded as it fucked ass. Greg loved fucking his lady just like this; hard, strong, forceful. He drove cock into Laura’s ass. He loved that she loved being fucked hard for his pleasure. Tonight was a night to sing their song of sex loud.

“More, I want more, fuck my ass more; fuck me harder.”

Cock fucked ass; hands slapped and pinched everywhere. Hands each found rungs in front to grip that cock could fuck harder and deeper into ass. First hands gripped tit flesh and squeezed tight until Laura screamed a hurt of sexual joy. Cock continued to pound ass. Hands found a new grip on cunt lips; they held tight and pulled lips open. Laura’s head snapped up, and her ass slammed back to get cock deeper.

Finally the assault exhausted both. Greg pressed Laura into the mattress with the full weight of his body and spewed his fourth orgasm deep in her colon. They stayed coupled and exhausted, breathing hard. They needed rest before either could face what would be their final performance of the evening.

Laura walked slowly, gingerly, to the door Sunday afternoon. Every part of her body throbbed from the sexed excitement of last night and this morning. She hadn’t been able to speak this morning when Greg kissed her eyelids open. She was sure her anus was permanently stretched. Cunt lips her lover tried to tear off last night were now swollen shut holding back two additional deposits of his essence. The doorknob turned freely and she was home once again. A neighbor called a greeting and Laura waved in response before entering to find her husband.

Both were tired but happy in an afterglow of their respective company parties. Laura saw Dan still in his pajamas. “Baby, that looks like an excellent way to spend the day. Let me get into something comfy, and we can be lazy the rest of the day.”

Dan wondered about her voice, but discovered the reason as they relaxed and talked about their parties and after parties. Laura described in detail the evidence Dan would find when they finally went to their bedroom for husband and wife sex and sleep.

> > > > – –

“Baby, you have outdone yourself. I don’t think our living room has ever looked this festive for Christmas. You should spend more time with your artist friends and then decorate our whole house.”

Laura earned a kiss and thank you for the compliment. “I asked Artsy to come round seven, what did you tell Greg?”

“Not a time, I just said casual and early evening. If my homing intuition doesn’t detect him when Artsy shows up; I will call.”

Shortly before eight o’clock an unlikely quartet drank a toast to the holiday season in Dan and Laura’s little used living room.

“We may begin to use this room more for day-to-day living after unveiling this Christmas gift to the house, to my lovely wife Laura, and to myself. LeeAnne, would you like to open this special gift since you have done the wrapping?”

Artsy had made two trips with Dan to his home with sketchbook and tape measure preparing for the installation of Laura’s portrait. Yesterday, she and the gallery technician spent the afternoon hanging, lighting and finally draping Laura’s portrait.

She fiddled with the drape material, turned on the spotlights and then stepped away giving a sweep of arm as presenting gesture.

“Portrait has a commitment in Europe this month; he should be here for this special presentation.”

Dan began a soft round of applause that all joined. Laura’s lighted image seemed to leap from the wall and the divan on which she posed. She looked like a sensual tigress about to devour an obviously male prey. Some classic nude paintings have a pastoral air to them; some have a seductive boudoir quality. Portrait had drawn pure, raw, sensual sexuality out of Laura and rendered it on canvas.

Laura’s pose held no hint of coy. Both legs stretched out on the divan with her left leg lower and leading. Her right hip and leg rolled out leaving her cleft clearly open. All could see how Portrait painted swollen labia in intimate detail. Arms did not hint at covering breasts; the right was reaching to clutch and draw a lover close. Laura nipples looked clearly aroused; Dan and Greg both knew them excited as they showed.

For all the sensual detail Portrait used to display Laura’s body, he found her sexual essence in her painted face. The eyes somehow looked both threatening and inviting. Her lips were painted blood red, maybe whore’s red; lips that could kiss or kill with equal pleasure. Laura’s sexual portrait showed her head leaning forward along the axis of her extended right arm, drawing the audience closer. The face immediately captivated everyone leaving details of the intimate parts for later discovery.

Laura was first to speak, “Wow! Is that really me?”

Both Dan and Greg expressed similar I’ve seen that look comments.

Artsy had the most perceptive reaction, “Trust the artist’s eye. We look for something that calls to our soul for expression. Portrait found it in you. He is very talented.”

“I talked with him before he left for Europe, we will have a formal presentation party in about a month; the 23rd of January.”

“Baby, do we have any champagne chilled?”

“Yes, I bought some Piper.”

“That will do.”

Dan asked Artsy to accompany him to the bar.

Dan returned with more than champagne. Artsy carried another wrapped painting, this one with a Christmas bow decoration. Dan made another toast, “To the artist and his amazing model, Portrait and Laura.”

All drank supporting the compliment, and Dan added, “Merry Christmas Greg.”

Artsy handed over the painting she carried, now unwrapped. It was another of Laura, a slightly different pose, and the platform Laura appeared to present was more bed like. If possible, Laura appeared even more blatantly sexual in this painting. She was beckoning a lover come, come to me for sex play now.

“Artsy will install it in your home, just work out the details on timing.”

“I don’t know what to say, thank you seems so insufficient. I will have to make a Laura display and include some of the best of the pictures I have taken. They will pale next to this.”

They all exchanged other gifts, and had one more glass of champagne before finishing the evening in the den with brandy around the fireplace. Toward eleven, Dan offered to drive Artsy home.

“I won’t be too long Baby; Greg, would you keep Laura company until I get back.”

Forty minutes later Dan returned; they bid Greg a Merry Christmas and good night. Dan watched his wife give her lover an almost demure hug and kiss on the cheek goodbye.

“Not much of a kiss for your lover considering it’s Christmas Eve.”

“I’m saving my special Christmas kiss for you, Baby.”

Laura’s Christmas kiss with her husband was fiercely passionate and open mouthed. Their tongues clashed and tantalized each other. Laura drew Dan in, and he found the special flavor.

“Did Greg leave any other gift?”

“No, I didn’t want you walking in on us screwing. I took him in the living room and got on my knees in front of my portrait. Merry Christmas, Baby.”

Published 10 years ago

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