Always Faithful – Chapter Seven

"Laura extends her sexing with Greg and torments Dan for her pleasure."

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“You had sex with Greg again today; I thought I could taste him when we kissed. I could really taste him just now, licking your pussy.”

“Yes, I did have sex. We left work early, I went to his place. We did it twice.”

“I was sure, at least once. I could taste him in you; I could taste you with Greg.”

Laura heard their code phrase, “You liked it, didn’t you?” Dan didn’t respond. “There should be plenty still inside me, Greg gave me a lot today. Come stick your dick in me, into the hot pool Greg and I made for you.”

“You love that, don’t you? You love having your cock in my cunt after it is hot and wet from being with Greg. Fuck me and I will tell you I was with Greg and he fucked me.”

Dan’s excitement swelled and his cock seemed to harden even more.

“I was with Greg.”

Dan groaned.

“With Greg, with Greg, I fucked with Greg, I fucked twice with Greg; and then came home to you with Greg still inside me.”

Dan became a fucking blur. “Did you, did you . . . ?”

“Yes, I did, as we came together the last time I told him.”


“That’s it husband lover, mix your cum with my boss lover.”

> > > > – –

The lovers were together again the next night. They were once more in Greg’s bed.

“You said I could have more tonight, what time is curfew?”

“No special curfew, not all night, but we have time, plenty of time to be together.”

“What did you tell Dan?”

“I didn’t.”

“Oh, are you going to, maybe, call him?”

“Maybe, maybe not, I am with you now, not Dan. He should be able to guess I am with you, he watched me dress this morning.”

“He watched you dress, does that give a clue?”

“He saw me put on sexy underwear and stockings, I am sure he thought all day about wet pussy tonight.”

“Plus he saw you bring an extra dress.”

“No, the dress is deception; I put it in my car last night.”

“Secrets from hubby, is that good?”

“Yes, I think it is good; good for Dan and me as couple, and good for me to have some secrets.”

Greg made his desire clear. “I want the night, all of it.”

“I hadn’t planned on pushing that hard yet. Let’s just wait and see.”

“If we do drinks and a dance when we finish eating, can I keep you in my bed late like we did on my birthday?”

“Maybe, I’d like that; I really would love that in fact. Let’s just see how the evening turns out.”

“If we do stay late, you really should call your husband; he will worry.”

“You call him, just use your cell and call him now. Say this: Dan, Laura is with Greg, with me. She will be home later, maybe late.”

“Just say that, those exact words?”

“Yes, just those words, hear him out without responding, and unless he says something about emergency, hang up.”

“You can be a bitch, can’t you?”

“Yes, remember that darling I can be a bitch. Let me shut my phone off before you call him.”

“Dan asked exactly how late and then if he could talk to you.”

“Turn your phone off, kiss me and take me dancing.”

By ten-thirty, Laura was modeling the lingerie she wore to entice her lover. “Yesterday we made beautiful sweet love. Fuck me hard tonight; give me everything you’ve got. Take everything you want. Mark my body as yours, fill my cunt with your cum and then swell me shut. Send me home to my husband used and fucked hard. Let him know I have spent the night with my aggressive lover. Be my boss when you take me.”

Laura began to dress at 2:30. She hurt down there, a good delicious hurt through her loins. The mirror on Greg’s dresser showed bruises already darkening her breasts. She had both bruises and teeth marks. Both cavities were filled; Laura wouldn’t let Greg use a condom when he took her ass this time.

“Leave the underwear you wore today, just wear these under the dress.” Greg gave her the black boy cut panties Dan had picked out.

Beside her car, Greg lifted Laura’s dress for one last feel of her sex. He could tell he had made her hot, wet, and swollen.

“Go home to your husband, cheating wife.”

They shared a last kiss and then Laura was parking in her driveway. The porch light was on and the door unlocked once again. I wonder if it will always be on and open for me when I come home. An I hope so thought came to her mind as she entered the bedroom.

Dan was waiting, only half asleep. Laura showed her husband her body, the bruises and both cummy holes. She gave up her cunt to Dan’s cock, her hot and full of cum cunt. She even had an orgasm with him tonight. She acknowledged the teasing phone call but did not apologize. Their weekend was cool, but not frosty. They even made love again Sunday.

Wednesday evening Dan surprised her. Over after dinner drinks on the patio her husband wanted to talk more about Laura being with Greg. “I know you want to, why don’t you plan to spend the night with Greg on Friday?”

Laura was more than surprised at her husband’s offer. “I want to if you are sure it is okay.”

“I found last Friday that I would rather know than not know. I don’t want Greg to call again and say that you will be late.”

“Did that hurt, hurt you?”

“Yes, the call was painful, almost embarrassingly painful.”

“I told him to call, told him what to say; I am the one who told him to listen to what you had to say and then hang up.”


“Greg wanted me to call and tell you I would be late, he thought you would worry. I wanted this to be one of the times I would say nothing.”


“I was being a bitch; I am sorry if I made you suffer, but that’s what I wanted. I was being selfish.”

“Call Greg now and ask if you can spend the night Friday; I’ll go make fresh drinks if you want privacy.”

Dan returned with drinks and asked what Greg said. “I didn’t call him; let’s talk first.” Dan sat and asked why she hadn’t called. He asked if this was getting too much into her business. “No, that’s not quite it, I appreciate your offer; making it must be difficult. No, I am actually thinking of us right now.”

“How so, I have agreed, how will you seeing Greg Friday affect the two of us?”

“I don’t want you to think every Friday night is for Laura and Greg. Some Fridays have to be for Laura and Dan. I also want to decide for myself which of my men get my favors. I want to, and I will, favor you over Greg at times, most of the time I hope.”

Dan kissed his wife softly for her expression. “I want you to go to him this Friday. I want you to spend the night. I want to get used to sleeping alone knowing you are with Greg. Let me have the knowledge this time; you can try surprises in the future.”

“Hello boss lover, kisses to you tonight. – – I didn’t interrupt anything, did I? – – Your blonde bimbo is already gone for the night? – – Just kidding, darling. – – Your brunette lover would consider a proposal for Friday night if you can manage to work her into your busy schedule. – – Why don’t you pick me up at seven? – – Yes, here at home, don’t most men call for their dates at their home? – – Yes, he is. – – Probably Saturday sometime, we can decide that later. – – Great, oh yes, wear a good suit or something nice, I’ll dress too. – – No, not your tux, just dress nice. – – I’ll let you decide the agenda. – – Okay, goodnight darling, kisses.”

Laura put her phone on the table. “Could you follow the conversation okay?”

“Yeah, pretty straightforward, do you tease him like that at work too?”

“Yeah, not always, but he gets his share.”

“You can be diabolical, you know that?”

“Yeah to that too, I can be. Okay Dan, you can participate this time. I’ll try not to push you too much further than you are willing to go, but I will push. Until Friday night at seven, I am yours, totally and faithfully yours. At 6:59 I will kiss you goodbye until Greg returns me. At 7:00 I become Greg’s until he brings me home. Can you live with that much?”

“Yes, thank you for taking my wishes into account this time. It’s important to me.”

“I know it is important Baby; I love you.”

> > > > – –

Friday evening at 6:59 Dan got his promised kiss. Laura handed him her cell phone, “Would you put this on the charger for me, the battery shows a little low?” At 7:01 the door bell rang.

“Have a good time, I mean that.” Dan turned to walk away.


Laura answered the bell. “Hello darling, don’t you look handsome tonight.”

Greg kissed his date and then, “A corsage for my lady love.”

Laura guided Greg’s hand under her bodice to pin the flowers, and gave another kiss. Both bid farewell to Dan; Greg promised only to return Dan’s wife safely. No time was mentioned, none was implied.

Romance is having my lover come for me at husband’s hearth and be my escort to this exclusive dinner club. Romance is my handsome boss Greg in that Italian suit of silk and wool. Romance is how right, how confident Greg and I appear coupled as the maitre de seats us at our table. Romance is the corsage of roses Greg pinned to my dress under my husband’s eyes. Yes, that last act is wicked romance. Laura reveled in random thoughts of romance as she began her dinner date.

Greg complimented her dress; he remembered it from the photographs. Laura was wearing gold tonight; it had a low scooped neckline. When Laura had posed for the picture Greg enjoyed so much, she hiked the skirt high to expose her leg to the waist. Laura bent forward touching Greg’s hand as she accepted his compliment. Her added show of cleavage was not accidental. Greg whistled softly.

Another romantic notion came into Laura’s head; her mind played the traditional bride’s rhyme: Something old, Something new, Something borrowed, and Something blue. Laura’s face, her whole body, glowed as the romantic notion tripped through her mind. Greg noticed her glow as a flush above her breasts and asked.

“Young girl fancy” was Laura’s reply.

The something old was her wedding ring set; Dan had given them in love nine years ago. There was a lot of new tonight. The gold dress Dan picked for my date with Greg, dates plural, many to come. The sexy underwear she made Greg buy yesterday with promise of wearing tonight. Mostly, Laura’s relationship status with the two men in her life was totally new beginning tonight.

What was borrowed? Laura contemplated; mostly time was what was borrowed, time away from her marriage with Dan. Nothing felt blue about tonight, nothing would, unless . . . . What about blue in the context of blue movies? I will star with Greg tonight, but nobody is going to be making movies. Laura’s smile turned into a chuckle.

“Out with it woman, tell me what is behind those eyes of yours that makes you so happy?”

Laura told Greg her thoughts, working backward through the borrowed and blue. Her musings made up dinner conversation. They had great fun with the blue movie idea. Greg promised to buy a digital video camera before their next date.

Greg did want to discuss borrowed time; Laura was a bit surprised at his sensitivity to her primary partner and his needs. She thought Greg was more solicitous toward Dan than she was. Greg also added his own view of borrowing time and not wanting to let it go. “You’ve told me that you can be demanding; I just want you to know that I can too. If I commit to you as my primary relationship, I need to get my full share of your time and devotion.” Greg could express his view of reality in difficult terms as well as Dan.

Laura looked at her lover, but was quiet for a moment.

“I need more time to think through what you just said, time and devotion is a juggling act, and I intend to get good at juggling.

Dan scouted all around the kitchen for dinner, his scouting turned up nothing. The refrigerator yielded no appetizing leftovers. He found no quick fix food he wanted. A magnet held a pizza ad to the fridge. “I would like a medium pepperoni with mushrooms please. Yes, anchovies too.” Dan drove to get the pizza, driving took him away from the house. What the hell, I may as well get a six pack to go with the pizza.

Pizza, beer, ESPN, and a big plus, Dan had no wife to bitch about the baseball game. Why the hell did I order anchovies, I don’t like them. They are way too salty for my diet. I wish Laura was here; maybe she would watch the game with me. We could even talk about clothes and shopping, just to have her here. No, she would somehow bring up something about her and Greg. She was probably having dinner and talking with Greg right now. I’ll bet they aren’t talking about fashion styles.

Greg was the one having fun talking with Laura about clothes. His primary concern for women’s fashions had always been ease of removal. Laura’s notion of dramatic presentation was somewhat new to him. Laura began making a point about color selection when she saw Greg give a small wave to someone across the room, “Who are you waving at?”

“You said you wanted to be outed, Jacobs and his wife are having dinner here also. Tonight must be the old goat’s anniversary or some such.”

“Oh well, it had to happen. I love you Greg, I really do love you.”

“Do you want a ring?”

“You picked out some very sexy things for me to wear; a dinner ring might be nice some day.” Laura wanted to steer their conversation back on track.

Greg took Laura’s left hand lightly; he touched her rings. “I don’t want to replace these; I don’t think you want that either. Would you wear a piece of jewelry, a piece given as a token?” Laura tried to be flip. Greg’s finger sealed her lips. She kissed him.

“Take me to the dance floor; walk me right past the Jacobs’ table.”

“Our next dance better be without these clothes. Take me to your bed; you know what to do when we get there.” Three dances at the dinner club were followed by two in Greg’s den. Laura’s gold dress decorated the back of a love seat during the last dance. Now the dress hung next to Greg’s suit. Her lover very slowly removed all her remaining clothes.

“You are the orchestra conductor tonight, my love. Play my body any way you choose. My only desire is to wake in your arms in the morning and kiss you.”

Greg knew he had choices, how should I make love to this beautiful woman in my bed tonight? I could be soft or hard; I could be fast or slow. Or I can do everything. Greg played Laura from soft purrs when he placed light kisses and strokes to screams for more and harder when he bit and pinched.

Laura almost lost her mind when her lover seesawed three fingers on each of his hands into her pussy. Her feelings peaked at Greg’s first probe and seemed to climb forever. Orgasm was upon her, she begged for release, and then there was nothing, no sensation at all. Greg was blowing a gentle breeze across her abdomen. His tongue licked at her navel. There was a hand at her knee using the lightest possible touch. Everywhere Laura had nerve endings, Greg’s light touch seemed to find.

No sailplane could have a smoother glide than Laura was feeling until, “AAARRRGGGHH. Damn lover, bite my clit again, just like that. Yes, oh more please!” Greg slowed again. A cat was licking milk at her pussy; that must be what I feel. Greg raked his fingernails in a monotonous up and down motion. This time Laura didn’t descend the hill of excitement. She seemed to stay just short of the peak forever. Time lost all meaning; Laura knew only stimulating tremors spreading from her clitoris through her entire body.

Laura could feel bed movement, her lover shifted position and a battering ram was in her vagina. Even Greg could not keep light pressure on his lover’s clit while driving his cock forcefully into her. He squeezed as hard as his fingers could squeeze. Greg kept his lover on top of orgasm hill as long as his control lasted. Finally he joined Laura in orgasm, filled her with his seed, and then both collapsed into each other.

Rest and sexual recuperation proceeded with leisure tonight. Soft time together was an unplanned luxury attendant to sleeping over. Laura knew Greg loved nursing softly at her breasts; she wanted her time of suckling contentment. Mostly they were lovers, side-by-side sharing skin touch and kisses. Eventually, Laura wanted more. “Let me ride you this time.”

Laura rode her stud Greg at a leisurely pace. Leisurely did not mean always slow and steady, however. She was jockey in a steeplechase, and she had her prize stallion as mount. Measured strides were followed by bursts of speed and then vigorous jumps with thudding drops. Their course had many such jumps; each required a sprint to approach with rider holding tightly to her mount. Each sprint to the jump led to airy heights. Each jump to a new height, followed by sudden drop, made powerful thigh muscles clutch jockey and stud. The finish line came in sight; with a last burst of speed they crossed. Once more they rested.

“I like spending the night with you.”

“You like? I love having you with me all night.”

“I know.”

“Why, what is your special pleasure about spending the night beyond more time with your masterful lover?”

“We don’t have to rush. We don’t have to have sex three or four times fast to get enough of each other. We have time to enjoy what we just shared.”

Greg kissed her for his enjoyment. “Yeah, that is nice isn’t it, pleasant and nice.”

“I get to sleep with you tonight; I will sleep wrapped in your arms. I don’t have to dress and go somewhere. I can still my desire for more with sleep, knowing we can have sex in the morning when we wake.”

“Yes, and that sounds like a luxury I haven’t ever had with you. Sex in the morning with Laura sounds a lot better than coffee alone.”

“Mmmmm.” They held each other tightly.

Greg brought up their discovery as lovers. “Does the Jacobs seeing us together bother you; do you think it will be a problem?”

“No, just the opposite. Now I want everyone to know my boss is also my lover. I have decided I will not hide my feelings for you. My husband knows; I want everyone to know.”

“It may be a problem in the office, darling.”

“I hope it won’t become one for you, as for me, I don’t care. I am the lucky lady with the perfect lover. I’m trying not to mention Dan tonight, not even think of him, but I have both. Dan is a perfect husband and Greg is a perfect lover.”

Laura decided to wear the sexy red nightgown she and Greg picked out together to sleep this night. Somehow the idea of wearing a sexy nightie in her lover’s bed seemed romantic. Her red sleep dress capped a romantic evening of anticipation for the raw sex they just shared. Before their goodnight kiss Laura told her lover she wouldn’t object if he felt aroused in the middle of the night.

Saturday brought more sex play. Three times, they alternated leading roles, each tried to learn new ways to give pleasure to their partner. Finally toward late afternoon it was Greg who suggested an ending. “I hate to say this darling, but I think it may be time to take my date home.” Laura accepted with some disconsolation. “If I had borrowed Dan as a golf partner, I might think of sending flowers to you as a gift. Should I send Dan a box of golf balls?”

“Okay, I’ll get dressed. I know when the party is over.”

Laura pulled Greg back to continue their kiss as he brought her home. “I want my neighbors to see us, to know I am not kissing Dan.”

Both used their hands more during their last kiss. Laura made sure Greg had a handful of her breast as she opened the door. Dan was waiting for them in the entrance. “I return Laura safe and sound, Dan. Thank you.”

“Hi honey, I’m home.”

Laura kissed her lover’s lips one last time and went to her husband.

Saturday evening, Laura wore the same nightgown and peignoir she wore with Greg Friday. “I thought my color was pink and you bought red for Greg?”

“I decided to bring it home; I wanted you to have me in sexy red too; you deserve it Baby.” Dan stroked the red nylon and his wife’s sexy body. “Thank you Baby, you were right, so right about my date.”

“What do you mean, right to spend the night?”

“Spending the night of course, but more right that you had to know about me spending the night this time.”

“Okay, tell me more, tell me why?”

“If my date with Greg was to tantalize you, tease and torment you, you would have been an intrusion. I would have thought about you while I was with Greg. That wouldn’t be fair.”

“Wouldn’t be fair to who?”

“To all three of us, but truthfully to Greg and me most of all.”

“I’m glad my insistence was fair to Greg.”

“I’m not trying to do a put-down Baby, but maybe it isn’t the best compliment either.”

“No it isn’t. Get the rest of your shady compliments out of the way now.” Laura heard Dan’s discontent. She felt no need to console her husband. Laura knew how to fight with words too.

“If you want to take out your aggression toward Greg, fuck my cunt now. Greg is still in there waiting. Do your best if you can. I bought him home with me. I didn’t think for a moment about you, not a moment, but I brought Greg home in my pussy. If you want to out fuck Greg, stick your cock in me and fuck right into him.”

Dan did fuck into his wife. “Oh yes, Baby, good, so good, fuck your cock into Greg. Fuck yourself right in with your wife and her lover.”

Laura’s goading took Dan to his peak. She wanted to twist her husband just a little more. “That’s it Baby, yes, this is almost exactly the way Greg fucked me the last time. Give me a little more, faster, go just a little deeper.” Dan became frantic with his pounding. “Just a little more, Baby, just a little bit more, just like Greg did me.”

Dan screamed and released his emotions inside his wife.

“You’re good, Baby, really good.”

“Yeah! Good!” Laura couldn’t resist one last needle. “You’re good, but Greg is just a little bit thicker in cock and a lot newer in me.”

His wife’s last jab broke him; Dan cried in her arms.

“Do you call him Baby too; when you are excited in sex do you call him Baby?”

“Darling, Baby is only for you; I call Greg darling.”

Laura held her husband until her needle wounds healed.

“Now I am going to love you exactly the way I made love with Greg our second time last night. It was wonderful; I was on top and in full control. I want to give my beloved husband the same thing I gave my lover. I’ll never keep anything hidden from you, Baby.” Laura knew she was lying, but she climbed on top and rode Dan’s horse like a pro.

Another spring Sunday found husband and wife sharing a late breakfast on the patio. Laura spent almost two hours telling Dan all about her date with Greg. She spared no details, but there was no hint of the cruel streak she lashed Dan with last night. Dan was the one who wanted to drink this Sunday. He made his standard vodka tonic, no champagne today. He didn’t offer anything to his wife.

They talked all day as the chores needed to run a household were checked off. At conclusion Laura promised her husband a long period of faithful recovery. “I think I should not have dates with Greg for a few weeks, maybe a month or so. Would that be okay with you Baby?”

Dan readily agreed.

Laura didn’t think daily kisses in the office and having her fun under Greg’s desk counted as far as faithfulness was concerned. That was just girl fun. “I don’t plan another overnight date with Greg until he comes up with a red dress and tux event.” Those were her last words this Sunday.

Published 10 years ago

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