Almost a Sleeping Beauty

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Friday night and I was internetting, not really doing anything. I could hear Dan on the phone. Tonight he was going out, lads-night out. I heard him swagger down the hallway and saw the door open and close in my peripheral. My arsehole puckered around the metal intrusion in my arse.

 “Oooh. Tumblr. Looking at anything naughty?” Dan walked over to the bed.

He sat down on the edge, making my body tip into his dip. The movement pushed my arse cheeks together and I felt the flare of the butt plug dig into my skin. I wiggled into a more comfortable position. I was looking forward to taking it out. Though I didn’t mind the weight and the press of it, I couldn’t move without it reminding me with a slight thrust into me. How was I meant to go through a whole night, waiting for him to touch me?

“No. It’s not porn.” Thought it usually was. I closed the laptop. “I thought you were going out.” I turned to him, frowning. He’d be late at this rate.

“Yeah, yeah. I am. Just Luke can’t make it—”

“Oh no, that’s a shame. Are you not doing anything now?” I wasn’t sure if he noticed the hope I was trying to mask. He smirked, so maybe I didn’t manage it.

“Yeah. Andy’s gonna be late. I’m going to meet Mark a tad later and then we’ll all head down the pub instead.”

That sounded promising though. I doubted the boys’ efforts to get too fucked up before midnight.

“Can’t say I’m surprised. I should send him a thank you text.”

Dan nodded but didn’t move. He raised a crooked eyebrow.

I sighed and rolled my eyes. “What do you want?” I asked with theatrics.

Dan flashed a silly grin. “Butt sex.”

I laughed.

“When are you going?”

“In about ten minutes,” he said, looking at his watch.

I pouted, disappointed. Ten minutes was not long enough, and nor was it enough time for my ass to accommodate him.

“Is that a no then?” Dan asked. He stroked my hair, down the side of my face, cupped my chin. His thumb settled in the dimple of my mouth.

I nodded. “But, the sooner you go, sooner you come back,” I offered.

“Well, at least let me check you.”

He stood up, unbuttoning his shirt sleeves and rolled them up his forearms. He always looked so sexy like that. I sighed, teasing him with more dramatics but rolled onto my stomach nonetheless. His warm hands wrapped around the seat of my arse, his thumbs dragged the waistband of my pyjama shorts down. I wriggled up onto my knees so he could better see.

“Good girl,” Dan said, fingering the hot metal plugged into my hole.

To myself, I smiled; the purr in his voice was the gloat he was going to tell the boys later. He liked to brag and I liked that.

Dan removed his hands and slapped my arse, both cheeks once. Light warmth spread over and quivers ran the depths of my body, reaching my clit, my nipples. I turned again onto my side and gazed up at his amused green eyes.

“Are you sure you have to go?” I asked.

Moments ago the thought of him leaving left me with so much peace, but the small sting settling into my rump teased my hormones. I felt the trickle of wet gathering in my pants. Butt plugs always did that, but they never tormented my mind like a well-placed slap.

“No, but I’m going anyway.”

Dan leant over me, placing one hand over my wrist. His mouth came down to lips. The other hand smoothed my hair down my back and continued until he cupped my crotch. Dan tapped a few times and the wet sound made me cringe. His snigger trembled behind his kiss, lips curling up in a way that made me love him more. I reached up and furled my fingers in his short, dark hair, forbidding him to go, hoping I might distract him from his night out and making such noises from my body. I snuck my tongue between his lips and begged him to stay, for my pleasure as well as his.

His tongue pushed back. I was winning, filled with both our desires.

“No,” he groaned into my mouth, pulling away.

My fingers dropped to the bed. I whined but he left anyway. At the door, Dan turned around. His eyes were filled with love. He had no shame in my distress, whereas I blushed, squeezing my eyes shut. I grabbed at the book next to me, desperate for something behind which I could hide.

“Not too long, now,” he said, seeing me open the book. “You should be fast asleep by the time I get back.”

“Whenever that is,” I muttered into the book.

“You know Santa doesn’t come until you’re fast asleep.” He laughed at his own joke. “The sooner you go to sleep, the sooner I’ll be back.”

I shook my head and didn’t respond, focusing on the words before me. Which way had he meant come? The door clicked shut and then I lost myself in the silent world of my imagination until my eyes became too heavy to ignore. I placed the laptop and book on the floor before the bedside table.

Ever since we’d discovered my body’s obvious delight for butt plugs, Dan had insisted I wear one as a regular occurrence. I wasn’t opposed to the idea. We’d discovered plugging me up was a fast track way for turning my body on. It was soon a thing for us and I often wore one for hours at a time now.

Tonight, however, was new for both of us. My muscles squeezed around the plug as I reached for the lamp. Dan wanted me to try to sleep in it tonight, so that I was ready for a long-held fantasy of his. I plunged myself into darkness and was awake.

The flat was silent. My eyes adjusted to the darkness. The curtains stood out against the black. The white of the door glowed, shut tight.

That was habitual. I jumped out of bed, feeling the plug pull with gravity, the flare wiggling between my arse cheeks, and opened the door ajar. I liked to sleep with it closed, but if Dan was going to sneak in, the handle could not snap open later.

Back in the comfort of bed, my mind obsessed with the happenings downstairs. Every time I moved, the wet folds of my pussy slid and glided over each other. My legs were sticky; my damp pants and shorts clung to my skin. I placed both my hands beneath the covers, laying them flat beside my legs. I was not allowed to touch myself.

Picturing cotton candy sheep bouncing over fences I tried for sleep. They popped with the slap of a hand, disappearing as I remembered Dan smacking. I wished he were with me, watching me from the doorway. If I touched myself, he’d frown, stretching his lips into a hard line. And then I’d be over his knee. My arse would sting as he warmed me up, painting me red under his palms. I wiggled under the covers, pushing my bum into the mattress.

I didn’t touch myself but my hands crept over my bare thighs to the juncture, just to find out how wet I was. My fingers certainly felt damp. I drew them up to see. A thin line spread, like webs in morning dew, between my thumb and forefinger. Just the knowledge racketed up my need. I plunged two fingers past my underwear into the hot, swollen slit of my pussy, squeezing my eyes shut against my deceit. I rubbed fast at my clit behind its hood, rolling the little nub between my fingers.

Nothing but the sounds of my panting and moaning filled the room. How could he deny me this, when I was never alone to enjoy myself? Dan would never know. The thought of him finding out spurred me on though. Catching me from the doorway, face stunned and seriously turned on. Images of me over his knees, fingers around my pussy, a stern telling off, his hand pressing down on my back, keeping me still, swats raining down, pausing to toy with my sex.

I cried over the edge, shattering from the inside out. I panted my way down to earth again, half-hoping he would know. At least now, I could sleep.


“Last one,” Mark said, positioning three pints with diligent care on a table of empty glasses.

“What, so early? I thought we were having a piss up.” Andy’s mouth was agape as he picked a new pint up, draining half the contents in one mouthful.

“Sorry, mate, can’t do. I promised Liz we’d go to Ikea tomorrow.”

Andy whined and turned to me. “What’s your excuse?”

I supposed he read the relief on my face or something. I shrugged. “Not feeling it.”

“Why aren’t you feeling it?”

I smirked, knowing my reply would piss him off. “Got a better offer at home.” I sipped my beer.

“Oh yeah?” Andy nodded. His eyes flashed and a silly grin replaced his sneer.

I bit my lip to stop from smiling too much.

“Well you see, Andy boy, when you’ve grown the fuck up, you might also have a lucky lady lying in your bed, waiting for you to come home. One who knows exactly how you like it, and more, is willing to do whatever you like just please you.” I thought of telling him how I’d tied Jess up once and made her beg for me. I wanted to say how I’d watched her strip like a porn star. I didn’t. Jessica probably wouldn’t appreciate that much detail.

“So? What you doing tonight?” Andy’s eyes were alight with interest he couldn’t deny. He licked his lips quickly and though I didn’t like him seeing Jess in the way he was now, I told him.

Blood surged down my cock and it strained in the tight folds of my jeans, thoughts of Jessica in a desperate state in my head. I grabbed my pint and took a last swig from it. “And with that, I’m off.” I got up, said my goodbyes, and left. Any more beer and I’d be inoperable.

I walked home quickly, focussing on the bite in the air rather than the heat of Jess when I reached home. I let myself through the flat door quietly into pitch dark. With care I closed the door and turned the key. The sounds of Jessica sleeping issued from the end of the corridor—not snoring yet, for which I was thankful. My fantasies had never starred her guttural snore and I couldn’t imagine going through with this if she were trumpeting away.

I slipped my shoes off and unbuttoned my shirt as I made my way to her. The door was ajar and as I neared, I saw the blue light of her laptop flashing on the floor. I pushed at the door and stood there until my eyes adjusted.

Jessica lay flat on her back, starfish-like under the covers. She breathed steady and soft. Almost a sleeping beauty. My cock twitched upon discovering how easily accessible she was. I shrugged off my shirt and pulled my jeans down with my boxers. Slow steps, every part of my feet touching the carpet, I approached the bed. Still she slept and did not move as I pulled back the duvet.

Her camisole had rucked up leaving her tummy bare. The straps had fallen from her shoulders: only her breasts were covered and as much as I wanted to see them, I knew it would be impossible to strip her whilst she slept.

Trying not to rock her as I perched on the bed, I reached for her hair with my fingertips. Knowing if she came to at all, she would likely dismiss me and return to sleep. I did this all the time, stroked the soft waves of her gorgeous hair, fanning it out on the pillow before I came to bed. Next her cheek. I hardly dared to breathe. My fingers were light but firm enough not to tickle. It was a delicate balance between the two and important I did not cross from one to the other.

Her breathing hitched when I reached the tendons of her throat. Close to the back as I could manage, I stroked soft circles into that most sensitive part until her breath steadied. My hands roamed south, toying with her tits, raising her nipples with delicate fingers. I really wanted to pinch them, wake her up with a cry, but perhaps that was something for another attempt. If she liked tonight, we could try again. Her navel I avoided in case it tickled too much.

Jessica stirred slightly when I removed my touch, shifting her weight onto her right hip besides me, as if she knew I was here and was readily opening for me. Situating one knee between her legs, the other outside, I lowered myself onto the bed. Her shorts were lose around the leg and I’d seen the panties she’d put on today—a silky pair of French knickers, merely a fancier pair of her pyjama shorts with a wide gap between the legs. It would be easy to move into her now. The musk of her lust hovered above her, as I was, the miasma begging me in. Its desperate invitation deserved more than a quick fuck.

I held my hand over her crotch. Heat radiated from her; if she were metal, I would burn to touch her. Rubbing her through the fabric of her clothes, even to my surprise, there was no friction. She had soaked right through her nightwear. I pressed my hand firmer against her, enjoying the catch in her breath, the deeper draws for air, and the slight whimper when she exhaled.

Trying not to disturb her, I moved up the bed, keeping my hand pressed against her. She was asleep, but somewhere in the depths of slumber, she knew I was here. Her eyes were squeezed shut in pleasure, mouth agape as breathing turned to panting. Gently, I kissed her forehead and watched for the moment when she relaxed into her desire.

From her face, I kissed my way down. Over her nipples, I let my tongue soak through her camisole until they hardened, demanding to be taken. My hand slipped past her bottoms, deep into the slit of her pussy and stroked without aim. A cry from her lips rent the slumber of the night. Her chest rose with it, forcing her nipple into my mouth. I clamped my lips tight around her, sucking hard. I saw the spark of light in the dark as her eyelids burst open. Beneath my fingers her pussy was trembling.

Jessica cried a mingled series of swears and unintelligible pleas. I zoned in on her clit, moved my mouth to her other nipple, delivered the same hard treatment and held the plug tight to her arse throughout her orgasm. When the trembling subsided I removed my fingers and took my mouth to meet hers. She was still lost when I pushed my tongue in. Her kiss was soft and heedless, but her soft moans as she came down kept me raging.

Soon she brought her hands up to cup my face, small thanks escaping her lips. I turned to kiss her palm. A whiff of her scent caught me. I poked my tongue and tasted salt and old pennies. As I’d guessed, she was on her fingers. She’d played tonight when she said she wouldn’t.

“Jessica?” I kept my voice low.

She moaned an acknowledgement.

“Tell me why,” I kissed each of her fingers before I continued, “your fingers smell and taste of you.”

The hands on my face withdrew, clawing in on themselves.

“Was it because you were masturbating? Because you know that would get you into trouble, and you know lying would make it worse, don’t you, little girl?” I heard the telltale sigh from her that she was game. She loved being called girl: little, naughty, or good, they all worked. “Do you need a spanking?”

A small gasp escaped her. “Please.”

I sat up and pulled her over my lap. She felt like a dead weight—probably still half-asleep. Her arse wriggled slow and unsteady, and right over my hard on. This wasn’t going to be long. The strain in my cock was becoming too much and I was in severe danger of having blue balls. “Baby, Jessica, close your eyes. I’m turning on the lamp.” I didn’t want to blind her.

When I could safely see her arse, I began with a few moderate slaps, warming her up, before striking her with sharp spanks until she rocked when it stung. Her arse was only a light pink when I finished, but it was too much for me to wait any longer.

“Okay, Jess?”

She moaned acquiescence, caught somewhere between fatigue and arousal. I chuckled under my breath. Moving her face down on the bed, I quickly positioned myself behind her. She spread her legs for me and I pushed her clothes to the side. Above her very red and swollen pussy, the butt plug glinted in the soft light of the room. I’d forgotten about that. We’d never played with double penetration before. First time for everything.

I lined up and pushed against her hole. A small amount of resistance, but it gave way once my head was in. It was the plug, must have been. Its rounded head made her entrance tighter and I could feel it pressing against me.

“How’s that feel—”

Jess let out a long mewl, cutting short my question. Good, I presumed.

I continued, slow, for the first few strokes. Her groaning didn’t stop and as I picked up the pace, she began shifting beneath me, rocking back for more of me, spurring me on. That plug in her arse was hypnotic. It pulled on me as I left her, pressed hard against me as I drove back in.

Closer, I thrust faster, forcing myself in deeper. Jess was moaning and crying, her head writhing from left to right. Before I came, I grabbed her head, held it still. I forced my lips on hers, pressed my tongue into her, and, with one last crash of our hips, exploded into her.

I collapsed on top of her until I remembered to spread my weight around her. We weren’t in the right position to sleep, lying across the bed, but when I regained my senses, I lay down on my side and pulled her body into mine. She snuggled in.


“What, baby?”

“I’m glad I woke up for that,” she said. I could hear the sly smile in her voice.

I kissed the back of her head. I supposed it was a little optimistic to think she’d sleep right through. “Me too, baby.” I was.



“Love you.”

“Love you too, but shut up now please, go to sleep.” I said, putting my thumb on her lips for extra measure.

“But what about the butt plug?” She mumbled against my thumb.

“I’m leaving that hole for tomorrow,” I bit her earlobe, and growled into her ear, “Now go to sleep.”


Published 7 years ago

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