Allowance – Part 4

"She pressed the OFF button, set the phone on Lydia's nightstand, and pulled her shirt off over her head."

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Lying on my bed, Jeni raised her hips enough for me to pull her shorts and panties off. I threw the clothing to the floor. Her feet flat on the bed, she spread her legs.

“Are you going to fuck me like you did at your grandpa’s cabin?” She was staring at the ceiling.

I was bent over the end of the bed, like a dog at its dish at dinnertime. I could smell how wet she was. I ran the tip of my nose slowly down her inner thigh.

“I need your crooked prick inside me, Trent,” she said, and grabbed a handful of my hair as I slid my hand beneath her.

I turned my head, held her by the small of her back and her stomach, and French kissed her lips like I was kissing a girl for the first time. Wet. Sloppy. I would’ve felt really bad for Trent if I wasn’t certain I’d found the fountain of youth. This felt necessary. Like getting a physical. Or going to church on Easter.

Oh, fuck, babe!” she cried. Her heel came down hard on my back and I reflexively slapped her stomach.

Jeni ran her fingers softly through my hair, apologetically.

“No—that was just me slapping myself,” Jeni said into the phone. “I’m weird. Forget about it. Just keep fucking me.”

I continued to finesse Jeni’s clit with my tongue and gave her my middle finger. She arched her back, panting, moaning, and told Trent to take her in the ass. I pressed my wet middle finger against her asshole and heard a beep. I looked up.

“Not you,” she said, glaring at me. She pressed the button to un-mute the phone.

Sucked out of the moment, I rested my cheek against Jeni’s thigh; she pretended to have an orgasm as Trent thrust his huge curved cock into her anus from hundreds of miles away. Her body quivered from her torso outward as she caught her breath.

“Did I make you come?” she said, panting into the phone. “That’s all right, baby. I’ll run to the kitchen and grab something I need, to finish you off. Be right back.”

She pressed the mute button, sighed, and dropped the phone onto the bed.

“Your parents’ house phone has amazing reception,” I said, grasping her waist and tracing my lower lip along the elastic indent from her underwear.

“His voice is kind of staticky,” Jeni said. She was frowning, like someone doing advanced mathematics. “I’m gonna need you to get naked and switch places with me.”

I took my clothes off and threw them where I’d thrown Jeni’s.

Jeni wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me.

“I smell good on you,” she said, and pushed me onto the bed, arranging me like a nude model in an art class. She un-muted the phone. “You there, sweetie? OK, molto bene. Mom made Polish sausage for dinner last night. I know it doesn’t really do your dong justice but I wasn’t able to get my hands on a 4-H cucumber on such short notice. Yes, sir. Sit in your roommate’s desk chair”—she was deftly playing with my balls to get me hard; it was working—“now close your eyes, breathe evenly, and I’ll play the part of the famished flight attendant.”

Jeni planted big wet kisses along my shaft as she held the receiver in place to soak up all the sound; a few times I felt my dick actually touch the phone. When Jeni took me in her mouth, she moaned and blew air out of her nostrils. She employed plenty of suction, used her tongue liberally, and dragged her teeth a little. She sucked so hard, half a pint of blood rushed to the head of my dick—and her mouth popped off.

“Let me know when you’re about to come,” Jeni said into the phone, “so I can make sure you shoot it down my throat.”

It seemed like she was saying this to both of us, but more to me than her boyfriend.

“Oh, good,” she said. She was holding my dick firmly, staring into space the way you do when you’re listening to someone on the telephone. “I’m flattered. I’ll let you go so you can get cleaned up, and I’ll call you later tonight. You, too. Bye, T.” She pressed the OFF button, set the phone on Lydia’s nightstand, and pulled her shirt off over her head. “Make some room,” she said, swatting me with the back of her hand.

She lay beside me, rousing the hair on my stomach with her short fingernails, which had French tips.

“Are you all right?” she said. “You have a very comely johnson, by the way.”

Grazie,” I said, and I thought it funny that no one had ever complimented my dick before. It was quite comely. “I’m fine. Just thinking.”

“You can come inside of me—I’m on the pill.”

“How about we lie here a moment?”

“OK,” she said. She closed her eyes.

“I was thinking about how negative you’ve been when you talk about yourself. Can you tell me one or two things you’ve done that you’re proud of?”

Jeni opened her eyes, inhaled, and said, “Pride is a sin.”

“I’m positive that sleeping with your neighbor’s daughter when your wife is on a business trip isn’t a virtue.”

“I thought you said you weren’t a psychologist.”

“I’m an English teacher. All I want is for you to tell me one thing you’ve done that you’re proud of. Or is that getting too personal? Do you want this thing between us to remain completely on the surface? I haven’t been getting that impression.”

She took a big fat bed-pillow and put it between us.

I touched the top of her foot with my big toe. “Yesterday, you called yourself a coward. But I don’t think you’ve lived nearly long enough to make that kind of assessment. There’s a sizeable difference between being a coward and simply being scared during a tough situation.”

“What are you trying to accomplish? This is what guys do to get a girl into bed. Hi, Ethan. I’m already here.”

“I’m not concerned with social algebra or making moves. I just want to have a real moment with someone I like.”

Jeni curled up and buried her face in the pillow.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t know how to do this.”

Her shoulders juddered as if she were crying or laughing or both. With her face still buried in the pillow, she said that she liked me, too. I slid my toe along the arch of her foot.

“Hey,” I said. “There it was.”

She moved the pillow just enough so she could see me with one eye. “There what was?”

“The moment.”

Jeni sniffed and coughed and wiped her eyes. “I guess society was right,” she said.

The silence in the room sat on my chest, forcing me to speak. “Society was right about something?”

“Yeah,” she said. “An older man pressured me into doing something I didn’t want to do.”

Published 6 months ago

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