All Of Me

"A woman's emotional road to love and happiness..."

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Raindrops spattered the windows of Tracey’s twenty-fifth floor office. The grey gloominess of the seemingly never-ending day matched her mood. Tracey was in a funk, and she had been for some time. Her thoughts drifted as she pecked aimlessly at her keyboard.

“I need a break because this shit ain’t working.” She glanced at her closed door, “Fuck, why does my life have to be such shit?”

Tracey recalled the beginning of the end and considered her future.


Tracey pulled into the garage of her three-bedroom home. Relieved to be out of the bumper-to-bumper traffic of rush hour, she took a deep breath and released the pent up pressure of her work day. She grimaced, took another deep breath, and dispelled the remnants of the bubbling road rage that came with her commute. She threw her legs over the side of the car, and planted her head in her hands, “What a day!”

She stood to her assisted height of five feet ten inches and stared at her husband’s mess of a man cave. She kicked her heels off as she reached the door to her home. “Cameron!” She yelled at her husband who was more roommate than loving husband of nearly ten years.

Entering the kitchen and heading toward the temperature controlled wine cabinet, Tracey yearned for a glass of red. In her opinion, there was nothing better than a glass of wine to ease her troubled mind and relax her weary body. “Cameron, where are you?”

With her wine glass filled, Tracey listened to the stillness of her home. “Strange,” she thought. She gracelessly plopped her curvaceous form on the sofa and noticed the porn on the high definition screen. She smiled inwardly, “Oh, he wants to play.”

Tracey didn’t know what to make of his bold move. She and Cameron’s relationship had been like walking on broken glass for months, honestly, it was closer to a year. Emotional blood dripped from her regularly, and it burned inside her to the soles of her aching feet when she contemplated her failing marriage. “Maybe this is a chance,” she spoke softly. “I’ll go to him.”

Her movements were slow as she removed her navy pencil skirt and let it drop to the floor. She went to the kitchen for a second wine glass and the bottle that she left on the countertop. In deep thought, she considered what she was about to do and loosened her blouse. The silky material slipped from her voluptuous form, and after it fell to the wood floor she grabbed the wine.

Making her way up the stairs to the master bedroom, Tracey realized that she could be interrupting his private time. Would he be happier if left alone, left alone to stroke himself to orgasm? Surely not, they hadn’t made love in over a year, and hadn’t even had sex in months. Surely he’d prefer the moist warmth of her womanhood.

Tracey stopped at the door as she heard the soft moans of her husband’s pleasure. Wetness flooded her sex at the sound of his arousal. She opened the door and stepped inside, “Cameron, do you…” She froze.

What she saw set off a murderous rage inside her, and she dropped the contents of her hands. The plush carpeting absorbed the red wine as a scream formed in the pit of her soul, yet nothing came out the ‘O’ of her mouth. She thought of the gun in her closet, but sanity quickly returned.

Tracey watched as a latex clad woman slammed into her husband as he stroked his raging, thickly veined rod. Her temper flared as she stealthily walked toward the woman that had her man made cock in the recesses of her husband’s anal cavity. When she reached her, the murderous rage returned, and she grabbed a handful of the woman’s hair.

“What the fuck? Cameron!”

He jumped from the bed as his cock twitched in his hand, “Trace, I…”

“Shut the hell up!” Tracey finally looked at the woman. She screamed as she recognized her own best friend. Tears sprouted from unbelieving eyes, “What?” Confusion, anger, and frustration enveloped every fiber of her being. “Sherry,” she cried, “God, oh God, oh God! What the hell is happening?”



They spoke at the same time, but only Sherry cruelly continued to speak. “I love him,” she smiled at her best friend’s husband, “I love you, Cameron!”

She walked over to him and finally, she noticed her friend’s attire. With even more cruelty, Sherry laughed. “Do you think,” laughter erupted from her latex encased chest, “Tracey, do you really think he wants you when he has this?” She twirled her size six body around showing Tracey just how sexy she could be.

Tracey’s body shook with tears that ran unchecked down her face. “Get out,” her words were barely a whisper.

Sherry embraced Cameron, “I’ll leave, but please, Cameron, come with me.”

“No,” he looked at her, “I need to speak to my wife. Go.”

“I’m not your wife. I haven’t been for some time now, and I’ll never be again!” Tracey looked at the bitch that she’d been friends with for as long as she could remember, “Now… get the hell out of my house!”

“Tracey,” he had the nerve to sound contrite. “Please talk to me.”

He could have promised her all the money in the world to entice her into listening to him, but there was absolutely nothing he could say to her about their situation. She turned and left the room.

As she reached the sanctuary of her room, Tracey’s crying rocked her body. She blindly entered and went in search of jeans and a shirt. Finding both with little effort, the shattered woman pulled them on and left her home.

Tracey spent a week in a hotel room. She barely ate and only recalled showering twice during her isolation. Eventually, she went home to reclaim what was rightly hers. Cameron was there. She hoped and prayed that he wouldn’t be, but really, why would he leave? He lived rather nicely on her dime, and she’d let him. For years she supported him while he jumped from job to job, and never once did she complain about his instability–not even when he ridiculed her.

Cameron and Tracey met when she was a svelte size four, and her body’s metabolism had not yet turned on her. After a whirlwind romance, and an unplanned pregnancy, they married at the local courthouse. Tracey gained the requisite baby weight, but ultimately lost the baby. Cameron became her world, and food became her best friend. Over the years, she dieted and gained, gained and dieted until she stopped caring what he thought; but honestly, she cared more than anyone knew.

Communication between the two was nearly non-existent, and when they did talk, his words were hurtful. “Peach” became “chubby wubby” when he did care to communicate with her, and Cameron teased, taunted, and denied her all the intimacies of marriage on almost a daily basis.

Predictably, they became roommates that at times, fucked. She hoped for a chance that night–a chance to rekindle the flame, and that hope was shattered with a single pump of her best friend’s plastic cock.


So there she was, unhappily in her office on a rainy day, despondently pecking at her keyboard as fresh tears streaking her subtly pretty face. It was easy for her to understand how she’d arrived at that point in her life, but where was her life going? She pulled the divorce papers from her bag. Could she do it? Could she sever the tie, could she effectively cut the umbilical cord that fed the dysfunctional adolescent that was her marriage? She certainly hoped so because she felt it was important to her future.

Tracey had grown comfortable with Cameron, but she realized that she was ready. She needed more. “I deserve better,” she looked into the gloom. “I’ve earned this.”

Tracey earned the divorce just as much as she earned her upcoming vacation, which was arriving just in the nick of time. She realized that she couldn’t go on like she had been. She packed her belongings and headed home.

Upon entering her garage, Tracey noticed her friend’s car. Cameron’s SUV was noticeably absent, and she wondered what she’d come home to. It had been months since their encounter and certainly neither wanted to deal with the other.

“What are you doing here?” Tracey didn’t bother saying hello. She figured neither Sherry nor Cameron deserved politeness, and even if they did she wasn’t the one to offer it.

“I came to support Cameron,” she glared at her former friend. “I think he needs me.”

“You must be mistaken and confused, because what he needs is to finally sign these papers and get the hell out of my house.”

Tracey shot an icy glare in their direction, and steeled herself with false bravado while waiting for her scandalous friend’s response. She intended to take no prisoners in the future, and she thought it might as well start with Sherry and Cameron.

“He needs spousal support.”

“I can speak for myself, Sherry.” Cameron shifted restlessly and eyed Tracey, “I’ve found a job; I’ll sign and be out of the house before you get back from your vacation.” He looked from Sherry to Tracey and hoped that all hell wouldn’t break loose.

“I’m not leaving you here to fuck this trick in my house!” Tracey’s temperature rose.

“We can go to court… ”

“Are you serious?” Tracey laughed incredulously, “What judge would… You know what, I’m done, because this is beyond ridiculous.”

Cameron saw the fight leave her eyes as something else filled them, and since she held his dick in a vise financially, he uttered, “I’ll fuck her sexy ass in every room, you’ll never be happy living here again!”

Tracey felt a surge of peace. Whatever venom that spewed from his mouth didn’t penetrate her calm resolve. There was nothing more that he could say to hurt her anymore than he already had, and as she realized that, she said the only thing that came to mind.

“Sign the fucking papers.”

Tracey stared them down, and without saying a word she left them open mouthed and fuming. Cameron and Sherry left the house when they realized that nothing more would come of staying. It really was done.


Jeffrey tried his best to pay attention to his girlfriend, but for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out what the hell she rambled on about. He glanced at his uneaten meal, “What? Did you say the next step?”

He held his breath, captured her gaze, and awaited her response. “Yes, Jeff. Marriage, I know you heard me.”

“Come on, Whitney, we’ve talked about this.”

“I know, Jeffrey,” she smiled seductively and lifted her foot to his crotch, “But I think we’re ready.”

It wasn’t as if Jeffrey was emotionally unavailable or commitment challenged, it was just that she was not what he wanted in a wife. She continued playing footsie with his dick while he contemplated a response.

“Baby, we’re not meant for the long haul. You’ve known that from the start.”

His dick twitched in clear indication that it disagreed. “Your cock says otherwise, it always goes long for me.”

“Shut that corny shit down, Whit. You know what I mean.”

“Why not me, Jeff?”

Whitney’s tone grew serious and the titillating teasing from her foot came to a halt. Jeffrey knew that this day would come though, he wasn’t prepared to let her go just yet. Unfortunately, he knew just what he had to do.

“Whit, I’m a flawed, hard headed, selfish man, and you deserve better.”

“Don’t. Don’t make this about you, this is about us. You are right about something though, I do deserve better.” She used his words against him. Emotion flooded her eyes, “Besides, I know those things and still, I want you. I want you, 24/7.”

“Whitney, I need something you don’t have, and to say that makes me a bastard.”

There,” he thought, “Please just let it go.”

Jeffrey didn’t want to tell her all of it. He didn’t want to admit that she was perfect, well, at least too perfect for him. He needed someone flawed. Whitney was physically perfect; her mind was sharp, her attitude was loving and sexy, and her outlook on life was always upbeat and optimistic. And when it came to sex, she was as open and freaky as any woman he’d ever met.

“Jeffrey, I love you.”

“I know, Whit,” he leaned over to kiss her, but she deflected it. “I can’t give you what you want.”

Whitney stood, “Then it has to end.”

Jeffrey shook his head, threw a fifty on the table, and went after her. Ignoring the half formed monster in his trousers, he caught up with her at the entrance of the restaurant, “Whit, don’t leave like this. Let me take you home.”

“Why, you trying to rid yourself of the guilt?”

“No, just being a gentleman and I do care for you.” They arrived at his truck and he drove her home.

“Why, Jeff? Tell me why I’m not the one.”

“I can only tell you what I feel, Whitney.”

Her hand slithered over the taut muscle of his thigh and onto the object of her desire that slept between his legs. “You feel this don’t you? Tell me.”

He hissed in response, “Girl, I feel you,” Jeffrey’s dick danced. “And this ain’t about sex.”

He opened the door and stumbled out intending to open her door. Whitney didn’t wait for him to open the door, she pounced. Determined, horny, and angry, she pounced. Pushing him into the side of the truck, Whitney thrust her hand down his trousers.

Jeffrey was frozen in shock and extreme arousal. Her kiss was fierce, and in an instant, cloth met ankles. He fisted her hair just as she took nearly all of him into the cavernous warmth of her mouth. Massaging his balls, Whitney sucked, teased, and lapped at his length as desire, need, and an overwhelming desperation fueled her actions.

“Fuck, babe,” he pressed himself into her. His movements were powerful, and the familiar rhythm of fucking her mouth settled inside him.

“You want me to stop?” Whitney grabbed his ass, gave it a slight push and took him deeper into her mouth.

‘No, hell no,’ that was his body’s response, but in his mind he knew. He knew even as his dick betrayed him, he knew that truly their relationship was dead. Whitney released his dick, stroked it while it pulsed, and much to Jeffrey’s surprise, she ran her teeth slowly down his thick muscle. “What… Oh baby! Don’t…” Jeffrey couldn’t utter the words as she readied him for climax.

Whitney’s hands aggressively massaged his balls as her teeth nipped at the head of his thick shaft. She moved quickly and purposefully. Her mouth took over for her hands, and just as she thought, that was his undoing. Jeffrey’s body jerked mightily as jets of ejaculate spewed from his dick, his breath was ragged, and his eyes were temporarily blinded by the sheer magnitude of his orgasm.


“Yes, baby! Come in and fuck me,” her words were rushed whispers. “Please!”

Jeffrey heard the desperation in her. Her body reeked of it. He couldn’t do it, “No.”

“You’re fucking kidding me!” Whitney’s anger reignited, “You want to, I know you fucking do. Look, your dick is still hard!”

Jeffrey knew that he couldn’t hold back, “No, Whitney. No more, I don’t love you. I never will.” He moved to the other side of the truck, “I can’t.”


Jeffrey reached for the odd correspondence that presented an opportunity that he truly couldn’t ignore. He knew that he was adopted, but a rich birth mother surprised him. He was a humble rancher. His parents worked their generations old ranch and raised him without spoiling him. He considered hiring a professional to deal with the inheritance or whatever was contained in his birth mother’s will, but with all that happened between him and Whitney, why not take the trip? He pulled out his credit card and looked forward to California.


Total relaxation awaited Tracey at the Calindido Ranch Resort in the Napa Valley. She was in awe of the resort, which was nestled in one hundred and fifty acres of nature, and surrounded by some of the best wineries in the Valley.

She entered the resort’s lobby and hoped that the single bedroom lodge that she reserved would be even more appealing than the travel agent described. The hostess led her out of the lobby and onto the grounds to her lodge.

A myriad of brilliant oak trees and the tranquil sound of water from a nearby creek welcomed her. Immediately, Tracey knew that whatever she had planned would be well worth the effort simply because of what surrounded her.

Her lodge was gorgeously appointed. Rustic beauty met luxurious furnishings, and when she saw the private hot tub and semi-outdoor rain shower, Tracey yearned for time to indulge. She rushed the hostess out, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, miss. Enjoy your stay.”

Tracey took in the view while she puttered around the cabin and put away her things. As she stood in the doorway of the lodge, she felt an urge to be naked. Ordinarily, Tracey wasn’t the type to roam about the house naked, but the natural environment affected her. The mocha hued woman shed her clothing as she stood enjoying the floor to ceiling view, and as she did so another layer of the essence of who she was became exposed.

Sunlight poured onto her smooth skin, and she ran a hand over a heavy breast. Tracey thought about her thin legs that supported her womanly hips, and round firm ass. It was no secret that she struggled to maintain her curvaceous form. She fought hard to stay at a healthy size twelve. More curvy than she had been a few years before, Tracey was now quite pleased with her shape. “Hell, if I don’t like the way I look naked, how can I expect any man to?” she thought.

Tracey crept outside and powered up the hot tub. She couldn’t believe her newly discovered bravado, but she embraced it and marveled at the freedom it provided. She placed a foot on the edge of the tub’s platform and leaned over it to test the heat of the bubbling water. “Heaven,” she slid into the relaxing tub, and within minutes her hand began to roam the mound of her puffy sex.

While her fingers opened her moistened lips, she sighed and played with her slick pearl. Tracey rubbed the sensitive nub until it throbbed and the need to climax burned deeply throughout her womanhood. She pinched her nipple, stroked her clit from side to side, and sucked in air as the orgasm rocketed through her. A gentle breeze accompanied Tracey’s orgasm as she relaxed her muscles and went limp. Smiling to herself, Tracey glanced at the beauty that surrounded her and sunk deeper into the heated water.


Jeff’s personal business brought him to the Napa Valley, but the beauty surrounding Calindido Ranch beckoned him. For once he was happy that he’d followed his instincts. With jeans slung low on his hips, he approached the picturesque view beyond his glass doors. What he saw amazed him and riveted him to the spot.

He watched as the gorgeous woman removed her clothes; her brashness was striking. Did she not realize that although the lodges were pretty private, she could still be seen? Jeff didn’t care if she could, he would watch as long as she remained visible. Before he could turn to grab his drink, Tracey quickly stepped outside. “What the hell, woman?” his voice was edged with blossoming arousal. “What are you up to?” He spoke to her as if she was with him, as if he knew her.

Jeff continued his perusal of the courageous woman while she entered the tub, shamelessly nude. He didn’t understand why he was on edge while Tracey pleasured herself, as he was not the type that enjoyed voyeurism, but he was captivated by her every movement.

Tracey’s body edged up above the water just as Jeff realized that she was going to climax. A bolt of searing desire pierced his system while he watched the thunderous orgasm consume her.

He had to meet her. He didn’t know how it would happen, and for that matter he didn’t care. It just had to happen.


Early morning sunlight filtered through the trees and into the doorway of Tracey’s lodge. She was dressed for her first hike; her shoulder length hair was pulled back into a ponytail, blue yoga pants hugged her curves, and the sleeveless t-shirt hung loosely on her frame. She reached for her favorite ball cap and left her cabin.

Tracey enjoyed the short jaunt to the resort’s lobby. The air was tinged with an earthiness that surprised her, the birds chirped, and wind whistled around the bountiful trees. She’d made it to the lobby and had no difficulty finding the group of hikers.

She walked up to the first friendly face she saw, “Hi, I’m Tracey.” The woman shook her head as if she didn’t hear her. “Uhm, I said hello.” Tracey couldn’t fathom why the woman didn’t speak.

“Oh, hello. Are you going on the hike?”

Tracey smiled, “Sure. Why would I be here if I weren’t?”

“Look over there. Do you see him? He is the reason I’m attempting this three mile punishment.”

Tracey looked in the direction of the man, “Oh, wow!”

“Indeed,” the woman glanced at Tracey. “Oh no, I saw him first.”

Jeff stood on the fringes of the hiking group, speaking to the attorney in charge of his biological mother’s estate. As he hung up, he realized that he was being watched. He looked at the women, and in an instant his stomach dropped to his feet, his pulse raced, and he felt dampness sprout in his palms. It was her. He approached on unsteady feet.

“Ladies, ready for the hike?”

Tracey’s intake of breath was sharp and rendered her speechless, but the other woman was all over him. “Oh, yeah! I live for this.” She laid a hand on his shoulder, “You must work out often, this will be a cakewalk for you.”

Tracey watched the woman in action and realized that she was already too late, because Jeff’s eyes settled on hers and then slowly traveled down the length of her body. She felt an unexplained intimacy that shouldn’t have existed. Heat flooded her cheeks as the group started to depart for the hike.

“Hi, I’m Tracey and you…” He quickly interrupted her.

“Am honored to meet you, Tracey, I’m Jeff.”


The hike proved to be well worth the physical effort for more reasons than one. Jeff flirted unabashedly with Tracey and cautiously ignored the woman that constantly threw her body at him.

Desperation didn’t suit her, and once she realized that Jeff’s interest was aimed at the other woman, she returned to the resort.

Tracey felt her heart swell and secretly admired the view that Jeff’s mixed race honey toned body provided during the hike. The thin cloth of his shorts clung to the thick muscles of his magnificent ass, and every time her eyes wandered away from his ass, they found another part of him that made her mouth water. His legs were long and his thighs looked powerful. She wondered what it would be like to have them wrapped around her as his dick thrust in and out of her slick core.

“What?” She didn’t realize that he’d been talking to her. He peered into her eyes and laughed.

“Where did you go, Tracey?”

“Jeff, I uhh… umm,” she mumbled as perspiration sprouted above her upper lip. She licked her lips, took a deep breath and tried again, “Sometimes I daydream. Forgive me, what did you say?”

Something close to merriment flashed in his eyes as he watched her lips, “I said, would you like to come with me to the resort’s wine tasting this evening?”

“I’m not sure,” she mumbled. Her eyes betrayed her and Jeffrey could tell that with a little prodding she’d accompany him.

“I know you like wine.” He looked hopeful, “And I hope you… like… me.”

“How’d you know that?”

“Know what?”

“That I like wine,” she smiled and his stomach lurched.

“This is Napa… And the other?”

“I do, and yes I’ll come.” Jeffrey’s stomach righted itself and the knit of concern in his brow disappeared.

The hike ended and they returned to the resort. He brought her a bottle of water, and found that he didn’t want to leave her but knew that he should.

“So, tonight. Seven?”

“Yes, see you then.”


Jeffrey was ecstatic when Tracey agreed to meet him for the wine tasting, and hopefully, he would have the opportunity to see her as he had before. He looked forward to seeing her even if he didn’t get to see her as he had before. He felt something on the hike that made him nervous. He hoped she felt what he felt, hoped that this wasn’t some vacation fling, and he hoped that he would think and talk with the right head!

He spent too long in the shower as he thought of the first time he saw her, which led to a quick climax. He dressed in tan linen trousers, a V-neck white cotton shirt, and a tan jacket; the ensemble fit his six-foot frame nicely. He splashed aftershave on the clean masculine line of his jaw, and not wanting to waste time, Jeffrey left his lodge thirty minutes early. There was urgency in his gait that showed just how excited he was to see Tracey.


When he asked her to join him for the tasting, Tracey nearly wet her clingy yoga pants. There was something about him that served as a lure, and whatever bait he used worked. She bit, and she continued biting.

For some reason Tracey felt the need to dress simply—classically. She felt that he would appreciate the unpretentious and understated little black dress. Besides, she intended to dazzle him with her personality. She headed for the bath, but stopped when she noticed the quiet. It was too quiet, and she needed mellowing. She popped her phone into the speaker system and the smooth soulful voice of John Legend filled the air.

Entering the tub, Tracey felt as if she was preparing herself for the future. Why, she did not know, but she felt it deep in her soul. She didn’t question the feeling, she let it stew in her mind, and then as she washed she let it go. There was no point in trying to understand something that was only a feeling. When the feeling blossomed, when he expressed that he shared the same feeling, then she would try to understand. For now she prepared and splashed a dash of her favorite perfume on each of her erogenous zones, applied her makeup expertly, and donned red accessories. The red stilettos lifted her scrumptious ass, and as she dressed in the little black dress, she realized that she’d never felt so sensual and sexy. She sprayed the air and walked through the mist on her way out the door, only five minutes late.


The atmosphere inside the resort’s banquet room was cozy and inviting. Buchannon Wineries had every wine they made displayed in the room for tasting, which made it difficult for any wine lover to select a wine. Jeff had already consumed a glass of the finest Cabernet Sauvignon he’d had in ages. He was doing his best to wait for Tracey, but his nerves got the best of him. This was so unlike him; Jeffrey was the epitome of smooth when it came to women. He never let them see him sweat, never was at a loss for words, and never was out of control. He commanded his senses, and most times he was the one that left the lady breathless.

That was until Tracey entered the room smiling. Her little black dress hugged every womanly curve she had to offer. Every click of her heels on the wood floor made Jeff’s desire edge higher. She surveyed the room searching for him, and as she did, she had the feeling that she was being watched. She was. The men in the room did double takes as their wives or girlfriends eyed her suspiciously. Unable to locate Jeff, she sidled up to a table that offered her favorite white wine.

Breathlessly, Jeff watched her as she unceremoniously downed the wine. “Someone is as nervous as I am,” he thought. He stood, approached the table where she’d selected the wine, and took her another glass.

“You did it all wrong,” he whispered in her ear. Inhaling her scent he continued, “Should I teach you?”

Startled, Tracey responded, her heart beating faster in her heaving chest. “You were watching me?”


“How long have you been here, watching me?”

“I saw you come in. Do you know how many heads you’ve turned?”

“What do you want to teach me?” Her smile was engaging and Jeff found himself captivated by her again.

“It’s a wine tasting, Tracey. You downed that like a shot,” he pointed at the empty glass on the table.

“Sit down,” she looked him in the eyes. “Did we really come here for the tasting?”

“It’s Napa, of course we did.” Jeff noticed her hesitation, “Go on, say what’s on your mind.”

“Food, wine, atmosphere… Jeff, are you trying to get in my panties?” she giggled.

“Would you believe me if I said no?” he gave her his best impression of boyish innocence. “Let me teach you to taste and get to know you. Please?”

“No, I wouldn’t believe you. But I have the strangest urge to get to know you too, so I’ll stay,” she smiled and Jeff’s heart skipped a beat.

He smiled and rested his hand on hers, “Good, let’s get started.”

Tracey opened her palm to his and looked into his eyes, “Okay, but only one. I’ve got the feeling I’ll need a level head this evening.”

He stared at her mouth as she licked her lips and his dick danced, “Red or white?”

“White,” she smiled again knowing how it affected him.

“Tilt the glass and look into it,” he began speaking and doing the same with his glass. His eyes never left hers, “I don’t think I’ll get through this if you keep doing that.”

“What? Smiling?”

“Hmmm,” he shifted in the booth. “There are many reasons why… You’re not gonna let me do this are you?”

Laughter erupted from her throat, it bubbled over and soon, it became infectious as Jeff joined in. “Look, Jeff, can we just talk—maybe eat a bit?”

“Sure, Tracey, what can I get you to eat?”

Tracey glanced at him with a look of lust, “Don’t ask me that,” she winked, bit her bottom lip, and stared at him as if he was on the menu. “Did I just say that out loud,” she thought, “What the hell is wrong with me?”

Jeff’s laughter was music to Tracey’s ears. It had been ages since she’d had that effect on a man—in fact, she wondered if she had ever had that effect on a man.

Again, she felt that urgent need to know him, “So tell me, Jeff, what brings you to Napa?” Tracey was anxious to steer the conversation to something easy and safe, and figured that she had to get him to talk.

“Personal business, my biological mother recently passed.”

“I’m sorry,” she really was sorry she’d asked.

“Don’t be, I’m adopted and I didn’t know her well.” Why he told her this he didn’t know. “Why are you here?”

“I needed the time. Emotional healing.”

“You’re beautiful, Tracey.” Confused that he uttered his thought he continued, “Why are you single?”

“Divorced, he was banging my best friend,” she mumbled. “This isn’t going well,” she thought. “How ‘bout we try that tasting thing again?”

“Oh no, you can’t say something like that without explaining.”

“I am,” she swirled the wine in the glass and peered into it. “Teach me,” she smiled and licked her lips.

“No, smile for me again.” He glanced at her delicate hand on the wine glass and felt his heart beat wildly.

She did, but instead of stopping there, Tracey took her finger and dipped it into the wine glass. “Wanna taste?” she offered him her finger.

Jeff’s sharp intake of breath didn’t surprise her, it aroused her. Tracey didn’t understand what she was doing or why. Well, she did know what she was doing, but why? She licked her finger and stared at him. He loved the mischievous play between them and hoped it lasted all night, “Oh, yes! Do that again.”

Instead of swishing her finger into the wine, she brought the glass to her nose, sniffed it and took a small swallow. As Tracey lowered the glass, a wide grin spread across her face and a drop of wine landed on the corner of her mouth. “Are you sure you don’t want to taste… I mean teach me?” Jeff started to tell her, then he reached for her, but again he changed his mind. He leaned over the table and lifted the drop of wine from the edge of her mouth with his tongue. Electricity spread through Tracey, “Mmm, do that again.”

Leaning over the table once more, Jeff lightly kissed the corner of her mouth and licked where the drop of wine had been. Tracey moaned, pressed her mouth firmly to his, and as she took a breath, his tongue slid gently into her mouth. A blast of shivers spread throughout her torso. Desire blossomed between them and neither made a move to end the kiss, it grew. The kiss grew deeper, and passion radiated from them as they both began to moan in unison. Finally Jeff ended the kiss, “Holy hell, woman.”

“Me? I’m not the one that licked wine from your face.” Giggling she added, “But I’m so glad you did.”

Goosebumps peppered Jeff’s arms, “Come with me.” As he stood and offered Tracey his hand, Jeff knew that she would become his future. He didn’t care where she lived, didn’t care what she did, didn’t care what they had to overcome, he only cared about making Tracey his. “Come, please.”

They left hand in hand, and feeling like teenagers on a first date. As they approached Jeff’s cabin, Tracey was a bundle of nerves and filled with doubt. She stopped, “Wait.”

“What’s wrong?

“Is this… uhh, this is not like me,” she breathed deeply, “I need to say that. I don’t do this and I’m not sure I can just do a vacation fling.”

“Tracey, just come in. We’ll sit, drink, and talk. I’ll light a fire, we can just chill.”

Still unsure, Tracey agreed. “Okay, then don’t go licking wine off of my chin.” Laughter erupted between them again.

“We’ll always have laughter, won’t we?”

Tracey glanced at him, “Always. What do you mean always?”

“Stop reading things into my words,” he smiled, “Would you like to… ahh, never mind.”

Jeff started the fire and pulled a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon from the chiller. He realized what he was up against with this woman and decided to tread carefully, but he would not be compared to a man in her past.

Tracey sat on the plush leather sofa, “Hey, why isn’t there leather in my cabin?”

“You want to talk about furniture or are you just too nervous to relax?” He handed her a glass of wine.

“Are you trying to get me drunk, Jeff?”

“Only if it gets you to kiss me like you did before.”

They gazed longingly at each other and within seconds they were in a passionate lip-lock. There was no stopping the inevitable. The chemistry between the two of them was palpable and soon Jeffrey’s hand was at the back of her dress on its zipper.



“Yes. No,” she was confused as desire pulsed through every cell of her wanton body.

“I’ll stop, but you gotta stop falling into my kisses like that.”

“Come with me.” Using his words and actions, Tracey led Jeff to the floor in front of the fire. “Talk to me.”

“I can tell you’re scarred, Tracey.” The atmosphere of the evening grew serious, though it was still very sexually charged.

“He hurt me, in every way possible,” she said softly, “I won’t be hurt again, Jeff.”

“I’ll never hurt you. I don’t know what this is, but whatever it is and wherever it goes I’ll never hurt you. I want you—all of you.” He brushed his lips gently against her temple and intended to stop there, but she had something different in mind.

“Show me your room.” Tracey picked up their wine glasses and followed Jeffrey. “I don’t know where this will lead, but I want to lie with you.”

Jeff led Tracey to the edge of the bed. Sitting down, she realized that she needed to touch him. She stood and he opened his arms to her, but she lingered behind him. “Music, please.”

“Yes, is jazz okay?” a soft instrumental filled the room.

She was behind him again in an instant and she pulled off his jacket and let it drift to the floor. Tracey reached her arm around him and they swayed to the music, “Jeff, take off your shirt.”

“No, you do it. Take what you need, Tracey.” A tear dropped from her eye, and within a second he kissed her cheek and dried the tear with his lips.

Tracey undressed him slowly. Her eyes soaked up the sight of his every curve, every muscle, and every twitch. All of him intrigued her. She was reminded of what it was like to ache for the touch of another, yet she stood silent instead of taking action. She was not ready for him.

“I can’t.”

“Yes, you can. Tracey, turn around,” he placed a hand at the base of her neck and slowly inched the zipper of her dress down. “Red… so sexy. Lie down.”

He pushed her onto the bed and as he sunk to his knees, Tracey sighed. Jeffrey took her hand in his hand and kissed her palms, “Nothing you can say will stop me from making love to you, but you have to be ready for me. I’ll give you everything, all of me, whenever you’re ready.”

“I can’t.”

“Shh, baby,” and with that he took her into his arms and fell into bed.


Sometime in the wee hours of the morning, Tracey tiptoed into the bathroom to freshen up. She spent several minutes hiding out before attempting to go back to Jeffrey’s bed. As she stood at the foot of the bed, she had an epiphany. It was more of a paradigm really. And that change in thinking freed her.

She removed the red lingerie set and eased into bed where her future slept. Tracey lifted the sheet from his body and let her lips fall to his calf. Intending to wake him with her mouth, she kissed the length of his leg and she heard him stir.

“Mmm, Tracey.”

“Shh,” she kissed the inside of his thigh and as she saw the object of her desire, Tracey breathed in his scent.

She kissed the head of his cock. “You said all of you, when I’m ready,” she took more of him into her mouth. “I’m ready.”

Tracey sucked him to life, he lengthened and thickened in her mouth and she was in awe of his powerful muscle. Jeff’s breathing became heavy with every twirl of her tongue. He was well aware that this little woman knew how to please, and he was at her mercy. She worshipped every inch of his manhood with her tongue, her teeth, and her perfect full lips. He had no idea of the seductress that lay dormant inside her for some time, but she showed him.

With every movement, Tracey made love to his cock. She wanted him to have no doubt that she wanted him—for whatever time they had, she wanted him, all of him. She lifted herself up, and smiling, she placed his cock between her breasts. She moved seductively up and down his length, which felt tremendously erotic, and she hoped that Jeff could feel the warmth of her smooth skin with every pass.

Jeffrey sucked in air as if it was his last breath. “Dear God, what is she doing to me; it feels so umm… good,” he thought as his dick was nestled in the crook of her breasts. He placed his hands into her hair and then he felt his dick pulse as she again took him into her mouth. He had to end this before it was over and she had a mouth full of his seed. “Come kiss me, woman.”

Slowly Tracey climbed up his body enjoying the feel of his toned muscles. She stopped at times to nip at him, to rub her body into his, and to taste what she hoped would become hers. In the end, Jeff grabbed her and pulled her up until his lips met hers. The kiss was earth shattering. Desire burned deep within her body, and the lips of her pussy became drenched with the nectar of her arousal. His hand sampled what her body offered—smooth curves, hot mocha skin, and nipples that poked his palm; he was grateful that she had given herself to him.

Jeffrey allowed his hand to roam the length of her, and he did his very best to memorize every time he heard her gasp when he touched her in a certain way or at a special spot. He caressed her sex once he arrived at the apex of her legs. Wondering what he would find there, he positioned his fingers near her labia. Silky hairs perfectly groomed greeted his fingers and without warning, he plunged two fingers inside her. He plucked her clit the way a guitar player plucks out his favorite tune. Liquid sex, that’s what she was; every drop of her sweet nectar coated his hand and of course, he wanted to taste, but he just couldn’t keep himself from entering her moist core.

Tracey felt the head of cock replace his sticky fingers. She tried to prepare herself for the meaty intrusion that she would soon feel, but as she awaited the intrusion, she realized that she wanted him to see her eyes as he entered her. Tracey opened her eyes, “Now, baby, take me now!”

He thrust into her and watched the explosion of emotion flood her eyes. Every question that he had since the first day he laid eyes on her was answered in a single look. He was home, and he learned long ago to take care of home. Jeffrey did just that, he took care of her. He realized that he had the most basic carnal urge to fuck her, but also understood that she needed loving. He provided that and saved the fucking for another time.

He moved in and out of her sensually, almost reverently. There wasn’t an inch of her sex that his cock, mouth or hands didn’t learn, and just when he was about to start over again, she spoke.

“All of me,” she screamed and her climax seized her weakened body.

Jeffrey stroked her twice more and exploded deep inside her, joining her in ecstasy. “All of you.”


Jeff and Tracey spent the final two days of his trip together. They learned of his inheritance and she shared the heartache of her past. Both of them learned what pleased the other mind, body, and soul.

“You’re leaving me,” Tracey’s eyes filled with tears.

“I’m not leaving you, I’m going home. You’re going to enjoy the rest of your trip and then do the same. We will be in constant contact with each other until we can meet in Texas.”

“Yeah, I get to see your big ranch,” she smiled. Jeffrey held her while she contemplated her next move. She kissed him, “I’ll be fine… just… go.”



Tracey sold her home that she shared with Cameron; it didn’t take her long after she returned there to decide that it would hinder her burgeoning happiness. Besides, after her third visit to his ranch, Jeff insisted that she move to Texas with him. It sounded perfect and she readily agreed. As it turned out, they would share two homes because Jeffrey’s inheritance was a partial ownership in a vineyard in the Valley.

Jeffrey loved the fact that Tracey was open to moving with him and he showed her often. There was nothing that he wouldn’t do for her, nothing that his love for her couldn’t overcome, and their relationship thrived. He intended to legally make her his, but he didn’t want to scare her. He could wait.

She entered the barn in jeans and a tank top and never looked sexier. He loved the way her ass was encased in a pair of Levis, but this time he noticed that they were loose and low on her hips.

“Jeff, come here,” she opened her arms and then changed her mind. She ran to him and jumped into his arms, her legs circling his hips.

“What’s up, baby?”

Tracey breathed his earthy scent, “Need…you…badly.” She looked down at her jeans, “Touch me.”

“Oh, baby,” he mumbled. “You’re so fucking wet!”

Jeffrey fingered her clit and felt the tremors that ran through her body. It took everything he had to hold her when all he wanted to do was throw her down and feast on her sweet pussy. He slid his fingers inside her and began to gently massage her g-spot. She whimpered in his ear. He loved to hear that sound, and soon his dick throbbed in his jeans.

She hopped down, dropped her jeans and reached for his cock. In one swift motion she had his dick free, and it poked her, just not in the right spot. Jeff lifted her onto his cock, filling her without further delay. He lingered there, not moving for nearly a minute before she bit his shoulder, “Fuck me!”

His movement was rhythmic and fluid, it wasn’t the slow lovemaking that they shared that morning; it was the frenzied fucking that she’d come to love when she felt especially nasty. Jeff thrust into her and turned her around and pressed her back into the wood hardness of the barn’s wall.

Tracey yelped, “Ughh!”

“Did I hurt you?” his voice sounded hoarse in her ear and Tracey moaned in response.

“Baby, do you love me?” She knew that he did, but wanted—no, needed, to hear it often.

“All of you,” he said as his cock plundered her pussy.

“What if there was more of me?”

He couldn’t concentrate on what she was saying as his orgasm began to build, “What?”

She whispered in his ear then bit it as she felt her own climax build. “Did you hear me?”

The tears that filled his eyes upon hearing what she whispered fell down his face. He pressed himself further into her womb that he’d just learned held more than just his cock.

And once again he whispered, “All of you.”

Published 11 years ago

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