All for her

"You do what is needed sometimes..."

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I had a business trip to the Bay Area so I took an extra couple of days and wandered up to Marin (north of the Golden Gate Bridge) were I used to live. I went to one of my favorite nude beaches though the weather was not great. There were people on the textile side but it seemed there was no one on the nude side. As I wandered over I met a woman, probably in her mid fifties, and we spoke for a minute. She was living in the area now but had lived in Puget Sound where I am now.

I started to climb over some rocks to get to the nude beach, and she followed, commenting on how she thought since I went she could make it (with help) as well. Once we got over the rocks and I confirmed no one was there, I was disappointed.

I turned and said, “This used to be a nude beach.”

She responded that it still was. I wondered if I should stay or wander up to the next nude beach further up the way near Stinson Beach.

Finally I turned and asked the woman, “Do you mind if I…?” and gestured to my clothes.

She said, “No problem, it is a nude beach,” with a bit of a sarcastic tone given that no one else was there.

I said thanks, and as I started to pull off my shirt, I told her how my girlfriend and I were into CFNM (clothed female, nude male) situations so this was a perfect. We believe it to be liberating for women when men are nude while they were not. Really it is more that it is their choice not to be nude or not, while the man was in a more vulnerable situation.

I was down to my underwear and said, “This is it, still okay?”

She smirked and told me, “Of course, liberate me,” as I hooked my thumbs into the waistband.

I pulled them off and stood in front of her completely nude. In comparison, she was wearing a light long sleeve shirt with Capri-style pants; so quite the opposite of me at this point. I laid out my towel and we sat down. She did her best to not stare but clearly was interested in the fact that I was now naked (as anyone would be). We continued to talk for a while and I found out she was recently divorced and it had been messy.

After about twenty minutes, I asked her to go for a walk with me, not that the beach was long, but I wanted us to stretch our legs as well as show off a bit. I pulled the belt out from my jeans and she looked at it curiously but did not make a comment.

As we walked, I told her my girlfriend and I believe that a woman giving a spanking to her partner was a part of the liberating process – it allowed a form of control and freedom that was “different”.

She was quiet for a bit and then asked, “So your girlfriend spanks you?”

I said smiling, “Yes, usually weekly, to help burn off any extra frustration.”

As we reached the far end of the beach, I turned and handed her the belt.

I said, “Here we are, I am completely nude and you have the belt. You are free to do what you would like with it.”

As I finished, I turned my backside to her and bent over a rock. “Do what we both know you need to do.”

There was a pause for several seconds and then I heard the belt being bend in half and felt her place her hand in the middle of my back. A moment later was the first swing. I winced but knew it was for her own good. My bare backside would take the punishment so she could feel better. She continued for about ten turns and then she paused.

By now I had a full erection, even as my rear was warm and stinging. I straightened and turned toward her.

She asked, “Are you okay?” noticing my arousal.

I said, “This is all for you, not me.” Then I turned back to the rock and bent over again.

She whispered, “Thank you.”

Her hand was placed back on my back again and she swung ten or so more times when I heard her gasp, “My god, this is amazing!” She stopped.

I straightened up.

She asked again, “Are you okay? I am done for now, but would like to do it again in a bit, if you can handle it.”

I said, “Of course, as I said it is about you not me.”

She again looked down at me, no longer even hiding the fact and smiled.

We walked back to the towel and she sat down. My backside was a bit sore, so I just stood and she took it all in, noting that she had not believed it would feel so incredible, my being nude and being spanked by her. I said I was glad I could help and clearly, with a smile, commented that she was not the only one getting something out of it.

About this time it had started to warm up and another couple was just climbing over the rocks. I still had an erection, so I lied belly down on the towel, partially to hide it but also because my rear was still tingling. The couple smiled, said hello and continued to walk to the middle of the beach, about half way between us and the rock. They laid out their towels and both took off their clothes. They were an attractive couple, probably in their early to mid-thirties.

The woman and I continued to speak about a random set of topics, including nudism, CFNM and spanking, but not focusing on those alone.

After about an hour, she asked, “Can I vent on your butt again?”

“It would be my pleasure.” At which point my erection re-appeared quickly to her amusement. She looked right at it and laughed.

“You do get something out of this don’t you?”

I said, “Of course”

I stood up and commented that she may also enjoy trying a bare handed spanking, as it had a more personal feel to it. She patted my butt with her hand and commented that she would think about it, but also picked up the belt.

She said with a smile, “Just in case I need to really redden you again.”

We started to walk across the beach again, liking to stick with tradition already. We must have been quite the sight to the couple as we walked by: a fully clothed woman carrying a belt alongside a nude man with an erection and slightly redden backside. Since I was with her, I did not worry about hiding it. It is amazing how being with a woman allows you to get away with things you might not otherwise. The couple nodded again and said hello, and the girl noted and commented on the situation to her boyfriend, though we could not hear anything specific.

As we got to the rock, she asked me if I was sure about this, looking back the couple a little apprehensively.

I told her, “Absolutely, it clearly helps you. Don’t worry about them, they will have a story to talk about – assuming they tell anyone they went to a nude beach in the first place!”

I looked back at the couple who was taking turns watching, curious to what was going on. I leaned over on the rock again making sure I could see them. Again, without a word, the woman doubled up the belt; placed her hand on my back and started to spank me. Her rhythm continued to be about ten swings before a pause. I felt her pain with every swing.

The couple was watching intensely at this point. The woman patted my bottom with her hand a couple of times and asked if I was okay again.

I said, “Yes, do what you need to, to feel better.”

She put down the belt and used her hand for the next ten. It was an interesting feeling after the belt, it still stung but not as much and it really was more personal. She gave a soft pat at the end and picked up the belt again asking if she can have one more round with it.

I said, “Please go ahead, you need to feel complete with what we are doing here.” I looked over at the couple who continued to watch in amazement.

The man had a straight face and just stared while the woman had a big smile and was frequently covering her face with her hand as things progressed.

Again I felt her hand on my back just before the first swing – ten strappings later she was done and I stood and turned to her.

She said, “Thank you so much! I never would have thought this could make me feel so, well, good. I can’t explain why but this whole time, not just the spanking, was exhilarating”.

The couple continued to watch. I still had an erection but my backside was pretty sore by now. I asked if she felt she was done, and she said yes and thanks again. We started to walk back to our towel and wandered closer to the couple then before, curious what they might say.

At first I did not think they were going to say anything, as they just watched us approach with the deer-in-the-headlights look.

The guy said, “You really took that whipping well. Wow, amazing…are you okay?”

The girl spoke to her boyfriend, still smiling, “I knew it! I told you she was going to strap him with that belt.” To the woman, she added, “Good for you, his butt is really glowing after that; I am sure he deserved it.”

They missed the point, in that it was not about anything I did but simply allowing the woman “to do something to someone” that was outside the usual and find some freedom in doing so.

I smiled back, rubbing my backside lightly and said, “Yes, I deserved every swing of the belt and her hand.”

The woman joked that her arm was sore but she enjoyed every swing. The couple continued to watch us pass, and we heard the girl giggle and comment again to her boyfriend about how red I was and how I “arose” to the occasion.

We got to the towel, and I laid down again on my stomach. After another ten minutes or so, a few more people appeared, and some of them noticed my backside, but no one said anything. The woman laughed and took the belt and made it look like she had just been using it on me.

After an hour we figured it was time to go. The woman patted and rubbed my backside a bit; it was already feeling better. We discussed if I should walk back to my car nude but figured there maybe too many people on the textile side this late in the day to pull that off. I got dressed, gingerly pulling on my underwear over my still-tender rear. We both climbed over the rocks and back to our cars. She gave me a hug, saying thanks one last time and that it was amazing time and really did help. She got in her car and started to pull away as I walked to mine.

We never knew each other’s names.

Published 10 years ago

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