Alice’s Wonderland: Tyler’s Gift

"Alice hands over a dolled-up Sam to Tyler."

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“Wakey, wakey, sleepyhead!” Alice said, tapping her hand on the dog crate I was sleeping in. “It’s time to get you to the store and ‘in costume’!” She cheerily opened the dog crate and placed a bowl of food in front of me.

“Come on, eat up!” Alice said, a mischievous grin appearing on her face. “Or else I’ll just have to take you back to the store for walkies.”

Knowing Alice meant business, I wasted no more time and quickly scarfed down the food. It seemed to be canned tuna, Judging from the taste, it was originally packaged in sunflower oil, making it more easily edible. As I was carelessly eating, I noticed an all-familiar ‘crunch’ in one of my bites.

“There you go. Good puppy,” Alice responded in puppy talk. “Now swallow your medicine like a good dog.”

Flushed, I did as Alice commanded and swallowed the pill she had mixed with my ‘breakfast’.

“Good pup,” Alice said. She walked into the kitchen and filled a bowl with water for me to drink, and placed it in front of the crate. “Now all that’s left is for you to drink like a pet and then you’re free… well, temporarily, at least,” she chuckled.

I finished my food and tried to scoop some water in my mouth with my tongue as an animal would, but it felt so ineffective that I instead brought my mouth closer to the water and just slurped it down instead.

“I’m disappointed, but you have a point. We don’t have all day,” Alice admitted. “We need to get you ready for Tyler, after all!”

Alice hurried me out of the crate and undid my remaining puppy gear, which she then brought away, before returning with my clothes.

“Enjoy the feeling of your own clothes, while it lasts,” Alice laughed. “I’ll clean your puppy gear later when you’re with Tyler.”

After getting dressed, Alice walked me back to Wonderland. Most of the walk was peaceful, though, Alice did verbally tease me a couple of times along the way, describing in different ways how Tyler could use me, and how I would have to do my best to not let Tyler notice his doll was not actually a doll, but his friend, Sam.

Arriving at Wonderland, Alice rushed me inside and locked the door behind her. “Employees’ room. Now. You know the drill,” she said with a commanding voice.

I walked ahead and entered the employees’ room, but Alice did not follow. I assumed she was taking care of other matters and started undressing.

A few minutes later, Alice arrived. She brought the empty doll box and the schoolgirl outfit she had dressed me in the week before, including the doll headpiece.

“I will still do your make-up,” Alice said. “It’ll help you get in the right mindset, even if Tyler won’t get to see it himself.” She eyed my naked body up and down. “Those pills are doing wonders on your body,” Alice said. “I knew it said this medication was experimental but effective, but this is on a whole new level! You’re looking so much more feminine than when you first entered Wonderland. I absolutely love it.”

I blushed. Alice knew just what to say to compliment yet fluster me at the same time.

“Hey!” Alice interrupted. “This is not the time to stare at the ground and blush. I need you looking straight forwards so I can doll up that face of yours.”

I still felt teased, and struggled with regaining control over my facial expressions as Alice covered my face in foundation, concealer, and highlights before moving on to eyeliner, eyeshadow, and lipstick.

“I know I could still do some things for your eyebrows and eyelashes, but you’ll wear the mask anyway,” Alice said. “I mainly just wanted to apply the doll colors to your face, so this is good enough for me.”

Alice showed my reflection in a hand-held mirror. With the doll’s head next to me, it was clear where she got her inspiration from. The very first time she did my make-up, Alice had only thought about the doll head after she had already finished, so there was not much resemblance. But this time, it felt as if the doll’s head was already on my head. It was uncanny and uncomfortable, yet also amazing. I would never have imagined my face could ever look so doll-like.

Thankfully, the employees’ room was pleasantly warm. As Alice decided to work on my make-up before allowing me to get dressed, making comments along the way about how my body looked softer and more feminine, and how I had already started to form boobs, giggling as she touched and poked them.

After finishing with the make-up and teasing comments, Alice told me to get dressed and assisted where needed. After ‘we’ had finished the entire look, she placed the doll’s head over my head.

“I had a custom model made,” Alice said proudly. “This model’s head is closer to your shape so that the mouth and eyes line up pretty much perfectly. It even stretches and bends in ways so that your face underneath the head will never be visible.

“But what about my mouth and tongue and all that?” I asked sheepishly.

“Oh, that’s easy,” Alice replied. She showed me an insertable mouthpiece. “The lips will attach themselves to the doll’s lips with a strong magnetic lock,” she said in excitement. “They will stand out too, almost as if you had lip fillers, making you look like a perfect blowjob doll!”

Attaching the lips to the head, she told me to open my mouth. “Now I know this will probably be a bit uncomfortable, but you’ll have no other choice,” Alice said. She pushed the rubbery insert into my mouth. “There’s still a hole in the back of that thing, I know. But Tyler wouldn’t see anything through that. It’s mainly for fluid disposal, anyway, you know, for semen and stuff.”

The pause in her sentence made me eerily uncomfortable. I sincerely hoped Tyler had no desire to have a urinal doll, but what could I do if he did? Resist and blow my cover?

“It’s probably best if you breathe through your nose as much as you can, anyway. Feeling a rush of air going past his dick might raise his suspicions,” Alice said and winked.

Alice took a step back, looked at me, and listed, “Head, make-up, clothing, cage…” She took a thinking break to check her mental checklist. “Ah yes, a plug!” she finally concluded. Alice walked off and, before long, came back with an anal plug and a small bottle of lube.

“Can’t have you going out there unprepared,” Alice said. She applied the lube to the plug, lifted my skirt, lowered my panties, and applied a little more lube to my ass with her fingers before sliding the plug in. “This should keep the lube inside, and keep you nice and wet for Tyler to use at his earliest convenience!” She squeezed my butt and gave it a loving kiss before putting my panties and skirt back in place.

“Alright, that should be it,” Alice said. “Time to get in the box, my little doll.” She walked me to the open doll box and instructed me to stand against the back wall of the box. “Arms to the side, legs slightly spread apart, there you go,” Alice said. She then brought out enlarged tie wraps and looped them through holes in the box to tighten me firmly against the back panel, making me look just like the other boxed-up dolls in the store.

“I’ll give Tyler a call to inform him his doll is ready for pick-up,” Alice said, pulling out her phone as she left the room.

This is it, I thought. I hope Alice stays true to her word and recalls me before long. I couldn’t imagine what I’d do if she didn’t call and just left me there.

The thought brought sudden visions of being used over and over. I saw myself, used without any hygienic concern for clean-up. Used, filled, and left on the bed (or floor, knowing Tyler’s messiness) until he desired to use me again. I shivered. At times like this, I wished I didn’t overthink and imagine the worst possible scenarios.

“He’ll be here shortly!” Alice said aloud as she entered the room again. “And he sounded rather excited, so I should hurry up here too.” She glued a small device to the cover of the box. “This is a tracker, it’ll tell me where you are. Through this device I can tell when you’ve arrived at Tyler’s place, or wherever else he takes you,” she giggled. “When the tracker stops moving, I’ll set a timer for an hour, after which I’ll call Tyler to bring you back immediately. I’ll make something up—a battery defect with a possible explosion hazard or something. I doubt he’d wait with returning you if he heard that.”

Alice then glued a small scented item against the inside of the box, closed it, loaded it onto the hand pallet truck, and moved it to the front of the store. She moved in front of the box again as she waited for Tyler to arrive. “Just do exactly what I taught you and you’ll be fine,” she said and pointed at the scented item in the box. “Remember when I made you inhale popper fumes? I drenched that thing in it too, so by the time you’re at Tyler’s place, you’ll likely be in heat and more than ready to welcome his dick inside you.” She shook her head and chuckled to herself, “Where would you ever have been without me and my genius ideas?”

At home with Laura, trying on chastity on my own terms, I thought to myself. I was tempted to say it, but before I could open my mouth, a rental van stopped in front of the store. The box was positioned in such a way that I could just see that Tyler was driving it. Thankfully, it seemed he came alone.

Alice wasted no time and rushed to open the doors of the store and load me into the back of the rental van. “There you go!” she said enthusiastically. “I made sure to prep her for you. She’s all set and ready to go!”

“Great!” Tyler responded. “I’ve been looking forward to it all week!”

“Well, it’s a good thing for you that it’s just a doll, then,” Alice said with a wink. “No need to go easy on her!”

“I don’t plan on it,” Tyler said laughingly as he handed over some cash to Alice.

“Well, I’m gonna go for a nap,” Alice said, seemingly out of nowhere. “Yesterday I had to break in a new dog, which was exhausting. So I’ll close the store. But you can call me if something happens with your purchase!”

Go for a nap? Close the store? Tyler calling Alice? That wasn’t the agreement! I thought in a panic. Was she saying all of that, knowing I could still hear her? Was she bluffing? My breathing became louder and louder as my heartbeat went up. Thankfully, the box muffled the sounds enough for Tyler not to notice it.

Not long after, Alice and Tyler ended their short conversation and bade each other farewell and Tyler drove off with music loudly blaring through the van’s speakers.

Praying that Alice merely said those things to frighten and tease me, I spent the remainder of the ride calming myself back down again. After arriving at our destination, Tyler attempted to lift my box out of the van.

“Damn, they really did make these things resemble real human beings…” Tyler panted. “I didn’t think they’d make ’em as heavy too!” He quickly gave up on his original attempt and instead put his back against the box and reached his arms around. Gripping onto the box, he bent over forwards and lifted me ever so slightly.

Tyler eventually managed to bring the box into his living room, where he eagerly opened the box. As he did, the ‘scented air’, that Alice’s ‘gift’ had accumulated in the box, flew out right past Tyler. He got a whiff of it and quickly grew horny—hornier than he already was, anyway.

“How kind of her,” Tyler said, looking at the scented item glued to the box. “She added a freebie to help me enjoy my new toy!” He pressed his nose against it and inhaled deeply. “Yep! That sure does it!” Tyler said in excitement. “Let’s take this doll for a spin.” Shortly after, he rushed out of the room.

After a minute of noise-making in another room, Tyler returned with a pair of scissors and eagerly cut the various tie-wraps holding my body securely in place. Perhaps even a little too eagerly, as Tyler had seemingly forgotten how gravity would affect a standing life-sized doll when it’s no longer tied down.

Having to sell the illusion of being a doll, I had to refrain from catching myself and mentally brace myself for the impact. Luckily, Tyler caught me just in time, before adjusting his grip on me, lifting me over his shoulder, and moving me to his bedroom, where he dropped me on the bed.

“Now, what shall I do with you?” Tyler asked aloud. He shifted my body to a position that had me on my back, with my head hanging just off of the bed. “Let’s see how well this doll’s mouth works. Is it just a lubrication hole, or does it also serve as a fleshlight?” he pondered as he unbuckled his pants and positioned himself in front of me.

As Tyler dropped his pants, It quickly dawned on me that he had not been wearing underwear, as I was immediately confronted with his dick right up in my face. Although Alice’s popper-scented gift had made us both aroused, for my part, a certain sense of shame was also mixed in, as I knew I was about to get fucked by my friend like I was some kind of sex doll, while Tyler himself was completely unaware of it.

With little hesitation, Tyler pushed his cock between my lips and forced them apart. His member slowly disappeared within my mouthpiece. Thinking I was a doll, Tyler had no concerns about ‘taking things easy’, and skipped ahead a few steps. Within seconds, his hands were grabbing my breasts as he moved in closer to facefuck me.

Alice’s training, along with the upside-down position I was in, helped with keeping my gag reflex from being noticeable enough for Tyler to stop and investigate. The first time I wasn’t able to keep him from noticing, all he said was, “Sweet, it vibrates too!” after which he squeezed my breasts and attempted to twist my nipples saying, “I wonder how to change that setting, is it automatic? Man, technology these days…”

Thankfully, the combination of Tyler’s cock, his noise-making, and the mouthpiece muffled my own short squeals enough for him not to notice them. I was honestly impressed by how oblivious Tyler had been to it all. How could someone ‘not’ question this at all and just go with it? I guess Alice had the advantage of ‘selling’ me as a kink store employee, instead of as an individual. Either way, as long as Tyler didn’t notice, that would be a good thing, and I intended to keep it that way.

Within minutes, Tyler’s moans grew louder. He pulled out, and I braced myself for the facial to come. I closed my eyes, but nothing happened, so I opened my eyes again, only to see Tyler was no longer in front of me. Knowing I could not move without the risk of giving myself away, I remained motionless. Shortly after, I felt my outfit being moved. My schoolgirl skirt was flipped up and Tyler had audibly started jerking himself off.

Just like in the store, I thought. He’s going to cum right over my cage… Oh well… he’s done it before. Let’s get it over with, and then Alice will hopefully call him before he gets aroused enough to have another go…

I waited and was expecting to feel a warm liquid splash over my genital area, but instead, I was surprised to feel something tapping my cage—something… solid? Was he hitting my cage with his dick? My face became red as I imagined the image in my head.

“Yeah,” Tyler groaned. “You dirty little slut. You want this dick, don’t you? This big, manly dick, to put your tiny, little, caged dick to shame.”

Was he talking to me, or the doll? I thought. I had become uncertain and started questioning myself. Did Alice inform Tyler after all, and was he only acting oblivious so that I remained cooperative? Or was he always this vocal when he used sex toys by himself?

Before I could process my thoughts, Tyler grabbed my upper legs and pulled them up, putting us in a ‘G-Whiz’ position. “Alice did say she prepared you for me,” Tyler said longingly. “It would be a shame not to use that opportunity.” He quickly pulled out my butt plug, and as quickly as my anal cavity became empty, it was filled again.

Despite Tyler seemingly being close to orgasm, he still managed to fuck my ass for quite a while. I wanted to flail my arms, to moan, to resist, yet also give in. Get up and run away, but also remain there and grind back at him. Those last few minutes, my emotions were all mixed up and I simply could not figure out what was a more pressing thought to focus on, as I lay there, getting fucked like I was just another sex doll.

And then, the movement stopped. Tyler moaned again, and I felt his dick pulsing as he unloaded his cum inside of me. It lasted so long that I had the time to wonder if Tyler had purposefully abstained from masturbating in the days prior to today, and how in the world his loads managed to keep sinking deeper inside me like it was a bottomless pit. After the pulsing had finally stopped, Tyler pushed his cock inside me a few more times, presumably to ensure his semen was as deep as it could go, before finally pulling out.

Seemingly instantly, I felt a familiar cold metal object nestling itself between my butt cheeks. “Let’s give that some time to marinade,” Tyler said with a chuckle. He got up off the bed and promptly left the room, leaving me with my head still hanging off the edge of the bed, my legs bent, and my knees pointing up at the ceiling.

Having to pretend to be a doll, I had to keep myself in that position and simply wait for Alice to call. I had no idea how much time had passed at this point, and I had begun to wonder if Alice was actually going to stay true to her word or not.

I suspected Tyler left the room to either clean himself up or to get something to clean me up. If it was the latter, I highly hoped he would limit himself to only using tissues, and not attempt to pour some sex toy cleaning agents down my throat. If he brought those out, I would have no other option but to reveal myself and bolt out as fast as I could in the confusion.

Time passed as I waited and waited, but Tyler did not return. I found myself nearly dozing off, but quickly snapping out of it in fear of moving my body while asleep. The light coming through the window slowly faded into darkness. Alice had either not called, or Tyler simply didn’t care enough to return me. Either way, it seemed I was on my own.

With Tyler still not having returned after what felt like hours, I assumed he may have gone out, or fallen asleep watching TV. Sneaking out of the house and making a walk of shame back home, and using the spare key outside to get myself inside, cleaned up, and changed. Returning to Wonderland the next morning to demand an explanation from Alice. It would be risky, but it was my best shot.

Once I’d moved, moving a little or moving a lot would make little difference, so after thinking it through a little longer, I decided to just give it my all. I quietly opened the door and snuck down the staircase. The entire house seemed dark. The living room, kitchen, the hallway, there seemed to be no light or sound coming from anywhere. Maybe Tyler had left after all? I wonder how Alice would explain his newly purchased sex toy suddenly being gone… a very specific robbery, perhaps? Either way, that would be her problem, not mine.

I decided not to waste any time and make a beeline straight for the front door. As I got there, I grabbed the doorknob and tried to open it, only to find to my horror that the door was locked. It was at that moment that the lights suddenly switched on. I turned around in confusion, but then I saw Tyler’s smug face staring at me, and I froze in place like a deer in headlights.

“Well, well, well,” Tyler said and chuckled. “I was wondering when you’d finally try to make your escape.” He walked up to me and reached his arm around me to squeeze my butt. “I gotta admit, you played the role very well. If I hadn’t known better, I might actually have fallen for it! You certainly have the body for it, and Alice certainly trained you well! When she originally made the offer, I doubted you had it in you, Sam.”

So Alice did tell Tyler after all? Oh god. He knew all along. Being confronted with my name was the last thing I remembered before my vision turned dark and I lost consciousness.

When I came to, I was back in the dog crate at Alice’s. Was it all just a bad dream? A horribly vivid nightmare? A clicking of heels became louder as I looked up, Alice approached. I sighed in relief, I guess it was just the anxiety that made me have a nightmare.

“Good morning, Sandra,” Alice said. She knelt down in front of the cage, opened it, and stuck her hand inside to pat me on the head. From behind Alice, another figure appeared. Footsteps became louder and as the figure stepped into the light, the fear settled back inside me. It was Tyler.

“Tyler brought you back, just like I asked him to!” Alice said as they both laughed.

“Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me, Sandra,” Tyler said, rubbing in that he knew about more than just my doll secret. “I won’t tell anyone, not even Laura. No worries.” Tyler turned around and made his way to the door. “Thanks again for this opportunity, Alice,” He said and laughed. “And you too, Sammy doll! Maybe we can repeat it again sometime!” The door closed behind him…

Published 2 years ago

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