Alice’s Wonderland: Sit, Stay, Good Girl.

"Sam gets to experience a bit of pet play"

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“Hey, Laura?” I said from the living room. “Remember when I mentioned I had been working on a surprise for Valentine’s Day?”

“Yeah. I have to admit, I’m super excited to find out what that was all about,” Laura replied excitedly from the other end of the phone call. “Can I maybe get a hint or something?”

“Well,” I stammered. “At first, I wanted to surprise you with keys to a chastity cage that I’d be wearing…”

“Ooh, interesting!” Laura teased. “That does open a whole new realm of possibilities! But I’m sensing there’s more to this, so, please, continue.”

I shifted uncomfortably on the couch. Alice had not allowed me to put my clothing back on, so I was still naked, apart from the tailed butt plug. “Well, the cashier that sold me the cage, asked me why I wanted it…” I said, taking breaks while speaking, carefully picking my words.

“Uh-huh,” Laura said, listening attentively.

“When I mentioned it being a surprise on Valentine’s Day,” I continued. “She suggested taking the surprise a step further and arranging a threesome.” I blushed hard. I feared the many possible negative replies Laura could say, given that she had never before suggested such a thing to me.

There was a moment of quietness on the phone, before Laura finally replied, “Okay… so, like, do you, I mean, uhm,” Laura seemed to be struggling to collect her thoughts into coherent sentences. Suddenly a barrage of questions flooded out of Laura’s mouth, “Like, with another man? Another woman? Do we cuck you? Do you participate?” Laura’s questions did not seem to be of disgust or disapproval, but of genuine interest and curiosity.

“Well, the cashier offered to join in, herself,” I managed to say, struggling to find the words to make it seem like the proposition was genuine, and that I hadn’t been cheating on her for the past week with the idea only coming to me just now.

“Normally, I wouldn’t like the thought of you with another woman,” Laura began. “But, if she works at a sex shop, at least she’d be professional about it… She’d more likely know what to do as well… Plus, you’d be in a chastity cage, and I’d have your key… So at least I wouldn’t have to worry about you fucking her either…” Laura weighed the idea very carefully, before eventually agreeing, “Okay! But we all know a threesome like that is mainly exciting for you… So how about we also do a threesome with another guy, to really spice things up?”

I swallowed hard. “I, uhm,” I stammered. Thoughts rushed to my head. Was this leading up to a proposal for interracial sex? I knew it was popular in porn, but I always thought that it was just some people’s fantasy… I never expected to face something like that personally… Could it be that Laura was aware of such porn and had developed a desire to experience it too?

I suddenly felt inadequate and realized that being in chastity, in combination with a threesome, would make me much more vulnerable than I originally intended to be. What was once meant as a loving gift and a proof of loyalty, had now mentally been corrupted into an admittance of inadequacy and surrender to the life of a cuckold.

“By the quietness, I can tell it’s a sensitive subject,” Laura eventually said. “I get it… When you’re in chastity, you can’t fuck the girl, but I can get fucked by the guy… It’s not a fair role reversal, and I suppose that that makes you uncomfortable.”

“Y- Yeah,” I said, sweat dripping from my forehead. “I guess that’s a good way to put it.” For a moment, I felt relieved, but that sense of victory quickly disappeared as Laura spoke again.

“Then how about this: I’d still like a threesome with another guy, but I won’t let his dick anywhere near my pussy,” Laura said. “That way, you’d both be equals in terms of their ability to fuck me!”

I had not accounted for this suggestion. Laura had a point, but whoever the other person was, could still display his erection, while I couldn’t. I trusted Laura, but I still felt like I was at a disadvantage. My moment of relief had gone sour.

“I don’t know…” I said. “I’m still a bit insecure about it.”

“You think I’m full of confidence with another girl in the mix?” Laura asked matter-of-factly.

“You have a point,” I conceded. “I’ll do it… but only because you want this, and I love you enough to go out of my comfort zone for you.”

“Noted,” Laura replied. “I’ll make sure you won’t feel neglected. I promise! I’ve got to go now, only one week left to go, and I haven’t even selected our male candidate yet! There’s work to be done! Bye, babe, love you!”

Laura hung up before I could say as much as ‘I love you’ back to her. Did she just call me ‘babe’? That’s a first…

“Sounds like that’s settled then,” Alice spoke as she entered the living room carrying a box.

“Were you eavesdropping?” I asked embarrassed.

“I mainly just overheard your replies as I was looking for this box here,” Alice said and laughed. “It’s a phone, not a speaker.”

“Right,” I said and apologized. “Basically, Laura agreed to the threesome, but she also wants a threesome with a guy.”

“Kinky,” Alice replied with a wink. “Would you like me to ask Tyler?” She laughed.

Oh, God, no. It’s already bad enough that she’s pimping me out to him soon. I’d prefer to keep Tyler’s involvement a one-time, isolated occurrence. “N- No, thanks,” I stuttered. “Laura already opted to find a male candidate herself.”

“And how do you think she’ll make her selection?” Alice inquired. She put the box down in front of me and started rummaging through it, paying little attention to me. “You don’t think she’s just going to pick some guy without knowing their size first, do you?” She teased. “Who knows how many guys she’ll ask and inquire about their ‘masculine potency’ before making her pick… Are you sure you want to take that risk and let her pick?”

“I- uhm,” I stammered. “I trust her.” I looked away and stared at the floor, trying to recollect myself, eventually shifting my gaze over to the box and the items Alice had now removed from it. A black and pink puppy hood, paw print mittens, paw print knee and elbow protectors, and arm and leg binders.

“You’re already wearing your plug, and your collar should be sufficiently charged soon, so we don’t need to get either of those from the box,” Alice said. “It’s still early, so for now we can use the arm and leg binders, so you can learn to walk like a pet and spend the day as one.” She grabbed the armbinder sleeves and pulled them over my arms.

“Fold your arms and bring your hands to your shoulders,” Alice instructed. I complied, and Alice pulled lacing through the sleeves’ holes and tightened them, forcing my arms to remain in a folded position. “Alright, now lie down on your back, so I can do the same to your feet!” Alice cheered on. She was clearly enjoying restricting my mobility and bringing me closer to being her pet, one limb at a time.

With both my arms and feet now folded and securely tightened with lacing, Alice attached the paw print elbow and knee protectors to me. “There you go. With these padded protectors, you should now be able to walk without it being too bothersome,” She said. Alice took a moment to appreciate her handiwork before putting the mittens on the table and picking up the box with the leftover accessories.

“You can swap your binders out for the mittens when it’s time to sleep,” Alice said. “I’ll put this away, and then I’ll secure your hood, and collar.” As Alice walked back to the bedroom with the box, the doorbell rang. “Quick!” Alice exclaimed as she continued to walk into the bedroom. “Get in here! That’s probably the dog crate delivery.”

In a panic, I tried to roll over to get myself upright, but I only managed to tip myself over onto my side, and I lacked the experience to maneuver myself upright.

“Just a second!” Alice shouted from the bedroom. When she left the bedroom again, she saw me struggling to get myself upright. She briefly chuckled at the sight, but then helped me up shortly afterward. With a quick slap on my butt, Alice laughingly said, “Off you go now! Unless you want to be discovered!” She picked up the hood and tossed it into the bedroom while leaving the door open for me to enter.

As Alice walked to the front door, she turned to me to see me clumsily rushing over to the bedroom, nearly falling over in the process. She chuckled at the sight before turning back around to open the door. Two Pet Palace employees greeted her. “Hello ma’am, we’ve got a delivery of a dog crate and bed for Alice,” one of them said.

“Yeah, that’s me,” Alice replied. “You can put them in the living room, thank you.” She opened the door fully and moved into the living room, closing the bedroom door as she passed by.

“I’m surprised she’s not barking,” The employee said.

“Hm?” Alice responded.

“Usually, dogs bark when people ring the bell,” he clarified.

“Oh!” Alice said. “Yeah, that friend that I was in the store with earlier? He is currently taking her for a walk.”

In a way, she’s not wrong, I thought to myself as I overheard Alice’s explanation.

The employees didn’t ask any more questions and finished placing the crate and dog bed. “There you are, ma’am. Thanks again for your purchase, and we hope to see you again!” the employees said, as they made their way out again, closing the door behind them.

“You can come out now,” Alice said a few moments later, opening the bedroom door. She had already removed the shock collar from the charger and held it in front of me. “Come, Sandra,” she said teasingly, motioning for me to approach her.

I obediently walked up to her and sat down on my legs as I straightened my back.

Alice attached the collar to my neck and turned it on. “And now for the hood…” she said, walking past me into the bedroom to pick up the hood again. With a little struggle, she fitted the hood over my head. “There you go!” Alice cheered and asked, as she petted my head, “Who’s a good girl?”

Pet play was an entirely new thing to me, so getting into the role, especially given that I hadn’t voluntarily opted in for the activity, was challenging, to say the least.

“A quiet pup?” Alice asked rhetorically.

I looked up at Alice, unamused. I remember what happened last time she tricked me into speaking when the collar was around my neck.

“I guess it’s not exclusively donkeys that don’t bump themselves against the same stone twice,” Alice said as she petted me again. “You’re learning well, Sandra.”

The touch of Alice’s hand caressing my leather hood was a strange sensation. It was less favorable than being petted hoodless and feeling a hand go through my hair, but it was the thought that counted. At least I was being petted instead of disciplined.

Alice walked away towards the dog crate and opened it. “Come now, Sandra. Let’s see how well you fit in it,” she said in a commanding, yet friendly voice.

I attempted to carefully walk over to Alice. Walking on hands and knees would have been easy, but walking on elbows and knees proved to be slightly more difficult… With my arms and legs tightly folded together, it was like learning to walk all over again. Thankfully, the knee and elbow pads did make it easier to keep my balance, but it still took a lot of concentration to get myself from A to B while keeping a steady rhythm using the right combination of limbs.

“Looks like someone needs to go for a walk to learn how to properly walk like a pet,” Alice said, judging my rigid movement. She moved past me and walked up to the front door. “Come, girl!” she beckoned, her stance slightly lowered as she tapped her upper legs encouragingly with her hands.

I sighed. It was going to be a long day… Clumsily turning around, I faced Alice again and started walking toward her. In the back of my head, I was hoping she’d walk past me again to train my walking abilities indoors, but to my surprise, she opened the door as I got near. In response, I simply froze in place.

She couldn’t seriously be considering taking me for a walk, right? I was still mostly naked. Granted, my face was covered, but my body was more than indecently exposed, and it was still early in the day. Everything shouted ‘You are going to jail’ at me.

In response to the door opening, I seemingly instantly improved my ability to turn around and bolted for the dog crate. However, I was still not very fast, as I soon discovered Alice standing over me and holding me in place, which was now considerably easier for her, given my limited muscle control. She lowered herself and sat on my back.

“You’re not a horse,” Alice said. “But that won’t stop me from riding you like one if you don’t behave.”

I whined, knowing I was not able to make my concerns audible by speaking.

“Well, opening the door did seem to improve your mobility. So I guess you’re off the leash… for now,” Alice reasoned. “Although, you’ll still spend some time in that crate for trying to run from me. Go on.” She got off of my back and slapped my butt a little harder than last time. “I’ll never get tired of that,” Alice said joyfully. “Cheers me right back up… But you’re still going in the crate, regardless.”

I realized I had to turn myself around to maneuver myself backward into the dog crate. Getting inside, I could confirm that it was, unsurprisingly, a tight fit. Standing up, I could touch the roof of the crate with my head if I looked up. The crate was obviously made with a smaller dog in mind, as I was unable to fall over sideways or turn around. The only way for me to lie down was to lean forwards and collapse myself onto my arms. Thankfully, the doggie bed did make it surprisingly comfortable, though.

Alice crouched in front of the dog crate and looked inside. “Looks like it’s perfectly comfortable for you,” she said mischievously. She then closed the dog crate, leaving me trapped inside. “Get some rest, I’ll whip up some food for us,” she said as she disappeared into the kitchen.

Some time passed before Alice returned from the kitchen. When she did, she carried cutlery and a pot coaster in one hand, and a plate with puff pastry shells in the other. After placing them down on the table, Alice made another round to the kitchen and came back with a steaming hot cooking pot and placed it on the pot coaster. She then sat down, opened her pastry shells, and filled them with some sort of goop that she had heated up in the cooking pot.

Alice looked over at my confused face. “You act as if you’ve never seen chicken ragout before!” she said laughingly as she poured additional goop on her plate. “Don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten about your plate either! It’s right there!” she said, pointing at the engraved bowl next to the dog crate.

Alice got up to grab the bowl, and filled it with the remainder of the ragout. “I’ll leave this on the table for a little bit, so it can cool down,” Alice said and laughed. “This is still too warm to eat for a dog.”

For the next ten minutes, I watched Alice eat her ragout-filled pastry shells. When she had finally finished, she dipped her finger into the food bowl and said, “Yeah, this is a good temperature. You can have it now.”

Alice brought the bowl to the dog crate and commanded me to lie down as she opened the crate’s door. “Here you go,” she said, placing the bowl inside the crate, right in front of me. She then reached both her hands into the crate and detached my hood’s mouth cover before closing the crate again and placing the mouth cover on the floor outside of the crate. “This was the closest resemblance to dog food I had stored,” she said, smilingly. “Now, eat up, like a good girl.”

Alice stared attentively as I lowered my face into the bowl and started eating from the bowl. It was impossible not to make a mess, but at least the temperature of the food wasn’t too warm, so it didn’t hurt in any way. It was just a bit bothersome, simply because now there was food stuck to my face.

“Ah, yes,” Alice said, observingly. “I’ll get some napkins for when you’re finished.” She walked off into the kitchen as I continued eating.

She was right, I thought to myself. This food isn’t so bad after all. I greedily kept eating from the bowl, and before I knew it, I found that I had already reached the bottom of the bowl. Wanting more, I tilted my head to try and eat from the edge of the bowl to make sure I got everything.

“Someone enjoyed their food!” Alice said as she returned to the living room with a couple of napkins. She opened the crate and wiped my face clean of food remains that were stuck to my face. “There you go. All better,” she said, displaying a proud grin as she reattached the mouth cover to my hood and took the bowl away. “You can get out of your crate for a bit if you want to. Stretch your ‘legs’ if you will,” she said with a chuckle as she walked off into the kitchen with the bowl.

I took the opportunity to try and walk around a little. Having my arms and legs folded like that for so long, I longed to be released from the grip of the lacing that tightly kept the sleeves folded. Thankfully, I knew that if I just cooperated, it was certain I would be allowed to sleep without the sleeves and be in mittens instead.

The thought of release motivated me to play along a little bit more and show Alice I was a good pet. Thinking about it, it was funny how a change of mindset could happen so suddenly. At first, I was reluctant, and now I felt like cooperating beyond expectations, just for the sake of being ‘rewarded’ with recovering some freedom…

As I walked around and slowly got more comfortable with this new method of movement, I stumbled into a small pink ball. It looked like one of those squeaky pet toy balls, though I didn’t remember Alice removing this from the box earlier. It puzzled me, but I still decided to play with it for a bit to hopefully amuse Alice and gain her favor.

I stepped on the ball and it made a squeaky sound. The sound caught Alice’s attention, and she soon turned around the corner to poke her head into the living room. “Aw, does Sandra want to play?” She asked cheerfully. “Go ahead. Hit it around and chase it for a bit. I’m almost finished. I’ll play with you when I return again,” she said, smiling as she left the room again.

I hit the ball and it rolled off. I could hear that the toy also contained small bells inside of it. The bells tinkled as they were spun around from within the rolling ball. I casually walked after the ball, as I hadn’t hit it hard enough for it to require me to run. When I reached the ball, I hit it again, but harder this time. It shot off into the hallway and bounced against the door. I attempted to run after it, but during my chase, one of my paw protectors failed to grip the floor, causing me to slip and fall over.

“I was wondering when that would happen,” Alice said laughingly as she emerged from the kitchen. She helped me up again and once again removed my mouth cover. “I just finished, so now I can play with you,” she said. “Try not to fall this time,” she added as she pointed into the hallway, where the ball was still lying. “Fetch, girl!”

Running a bit more carefully, I reached the ball and lowered my head to pick it up with my mouth. I then turned around to return it to Alice and proudly approached her, dropping the ball at her feet.

“Good girl!” Alice cheered me on as she petted me. She picked up the ball, commanded me to wait, and then gently rolled the ball across the floor. The ball was nearly weightless, so she did not need to throw the ball with force. A gentle roll was sufficient for it to reach the end of the room, albeit slower than if she had thrown it. “Get it!” Alice finally said with excitement.

I chased the ball down again, happily picking it up. But as I turned around, I was met with a flash and a click.

“Absolutely perfect,” Alice said. She giggled as she reviewed her picture. A picture of me on all fours, wearing a chastity cage, the tail of the butt plug barely sticking out behind me, arms and legs folded and tightly laced, a puppy hood without its mouth cover, a collar around my neck, and a pink squeaky toy in my mouth. “Do you think this facial expression is more of happiness or of surprise?” Alice asked, turning the phone around to show the picture to me.

I glanced at the picture before staring at the floor in embarrassment. It wasn’t that I disliked playing with the ball, or being in this outfit, I actually realized I liked it. It was just that the picture made me more self-conscious and shy, as now Alice had captured the moment and gained the power to show anyone she wanted that I had done this. I didn’t think that she would, but simply the fact that she could, already gave her a lot of extra power over me.

“In any case, it’s a lovely addition to the collection,” Alice eventually said as I kept staring at the floor. “Don’t worry,” she said in an attempt to cheer me up. “These are just for us, and maybe in the future for Laura too if you want to show it off!” she winked.

Knowing the collar would not allow me to speak, I remained quiet. With watery puppy eyes, I shifted my gaze from the floor to Alice, pleading for her kindness.

“Looking like that, I’d almost want to throw myself on the floor to cuddle with you,” Alice said endearingly and let a moment of silence fill the air. “Almost,” she then emphasized and chuckled. Another moment of silence followed and Alice’s demeanor suddenly shifted, as she matter-of-factly said, “Oh, remember when I left the room to get those napkins earlier? I took longer to get back because that’s when I texted your friend, Tyler…”

My eyes went wide. I panicked. My breathing became deep and slightly sped up, making it very audible. I awaited Alice’s follow-up with great anticipation.

“I confirmed with him that he can pick up ‘his doll’ tomorrow,” Alice continued. “So, tomorrow, I’ll doll you up again in the store and put you back in the box. You’ll then be Tyler’s doll for 2 hours before I’ll have you recalled.” She walked over to me and crouched to reattach the mouth cover back to my hood. Bringing her face close to mine, she added, “so do what I taught you and as you are doing now… Be quiet, and don’t move.”

Suddenly, the coin dropped… The oral training, the anal training, the bondage, the shock collar… Alice had been training me all week to prepare me for being a doll in all aspects. Granted, she had never combined all factors at once, so keeping it together by remaining quiet and immobile while getting fucked without bondage to help me, might prove to be a challenge, but it did seem somewhat plausible to pull off.

Alice looked at the clock and got back up. “Alright,” she said. “We still have some time… so how about some relaxation for us both? We can watch a movie, and afterward, I’ll swap out your sleeves for mittens, and then we’ll go to sleep.” She sat down on the couch and started browsing a streaming service, looking for movies to watch. She turned to look at me, still on the floor. “Normally I wouldn’t allow pets on the furniture, but just for now, you can hop on and lie down here with me, but only if you can get up here all by yourself!” she giggled.

I walked over to the front of the couch. The task seemed simple, but when push came to shove, I just stood there, thinking, thinking, and thinking some more. I had no clue how to jump using my elbows and knees. I was simply not mentally prepared to jump like this. Eventually, I made an attempt. I lowered my body, before trying to get up and raise my elbows in hopes of creating some kind of momentum, but my knees remained very much attached to the floor.

Alice laughed. “Forgot how to jump?” she teased. “You can also climb up if you can’t jump.”

After giving it one more attempt, I accepted that I couldn’t jump onto the couch. Maybe it was possible, but I simply could not figure out how to move my muscles in a way to perform such a maneuver. Defeated, I moved closer to the couch and raised my elbows to climb up onto the couch. After my elbows made it up, I lifted my knees one at a time, gradually making my way up onto the couch.

When I finally made it up, I didn’t hesitate for a second to think about how to lie down. I simply turned myself sideways and plopped down towards the back support of the couch. I knew it would be a pain to get myself upright again if I had to move, but Alice would replace my sleeves with mittens anyway, so I wasn’t too worried about it.

“Hmmm,” Alice pondered as she went through a list of movies. “Ah! This one!” she eventually exclaimed. She had selected a thriller movie. I wasn’t particularly into thrillers, but given my upcoming release from my bondage sleeves, I figured it was best not to argue and just accept that we were going to watch a thriller… before bedtime. That never made sense to me anyway, I thought. Did she enjoy inducing nightmares? Maybe that’s why she turned out like this, I quietly chuckled.

Alice dimmed the lights and started the movie. It started off like any other thriller, and it was somewhat predictable. But, before long, I found out exactly why Alice had selected a thriller as her movie of choice. With the dimmed lights and the tension continuously rising, I soon found that I was starting to feel tense as well.

It was then, that I realized my mistake. My position on the couch made me unable to look away from the TV, and I was also unable to roll back over without risking completely falling off the couch. Being forced to look, I couldn’t escape the oncoming jump scares, and eventually, one of them caught me by surprise. I yelped, and in response, the shock collar activated and shocked me. It had caught me off-guard as well, as I was still tense in the thriller vibe and I squealed again, which was followed by another shock. By this time, however, I realized what had happened and managed to keep myself from shrieking out again.

Meanwhile, Alice had burst out in laughter, as she loudly slow-clapped her hands. “We’ll both have nightmares tonight, but it was totally worth it,” she laughed, tears flowing from her eyes.

I pouted. It was going to be a long night…

Thankfully, having experienced it once, I was much better prepared for future jump scares, and I was able to mostly remain quiet. I did fall for it a few more times during the remainder of the movie, but as I was at least prepared for the potential shock, I kept myself from giving Alice another twofer.

Eventually, the movie ended, and Alice turned the TV off. The lights remained dimmed, but there was still enough light to navigate the room and look around. “Alright, well, that was fun, but now it’s time for bed,” Alice said. She loosened the lacing on my bondage sleeves and removed them.

After so many hours of being bound with folded limbs, being able to stretch my arms and feet again felt strange, but it was a huge relief. Still unable to voice my thanks, I moved in closer to Alice and rubbed my face against her hand, in an attempt to show my gratitude through other means.

“Oh, are you a cat now?” Alice said jokingly. She turned the collar off and removed it from my neck, placing everything on the table. “There. No more collar. You’re free now… Well, you’re still getting your mittens, keeping your plug and chastity, and sleeping in your crate, but other than that, pet play is over for today.” She smiled and added, “I hope you had fun today too.”

“It wasn’t horrible,” I said, trying not to sound too enthusiastic. “But I’m glad to have some freedom back again.”

“I can imagine. Wouldn’t have done it myself,” Alice admitted. “Best to go drink some water and visit the bathroom while you still can, because otherwise, I’ll put you in your mittens, and then I will lock you in your crate for the night.”

I took her advice and took care of any outstanding business before returning to Alice and allowing her to place my hands and feet in paw mittens, once again restricting my freedom. Thankfully, a lot less than the bondage sleeves did.

Alice then guided me into the dog crate and locked it. “Goodnight, Sandra,” she said as she turned off the dimmed lights and entered the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Published 2 years ago

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