Alice’s Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XVIII: Imprisoned

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“Would you like some more tea?”

Alice smiled as the face of the hatter filled her vision. She was laying upon her back upon the lawn, damp and sticky and still very much naked, not that she was overly concerned at the moment.

‘He is very handsome,’ she thought, gazing into his twinkling eyes and his infectiously mad smile. ‘And a true gentleman, too!’

For, as she was thinking those thoughts, the hatter had helped her to sit up and gently placed his coat around her shoulders, restoring a small bit of modesty as well as warding off a cool breeze which was blowing through the meadow.

“Yes, tea would be most welcome,” she eventually replied. “And perhaps another cake, if there are any left?”

“Of course!”

He sounded delighted at the prospect of pouring her another cup and fetching her a small cake on which to nibble.

“Thank you ever so much.

“The pleasure is all mine,” he smiled and winked and then, did something both surprising and not surprising at all. He kissed her on the mouth tenderly.

“Oh!” Alice managed, feeling a little out of breath when he was done, for indeed, it was a splendid kiss, one that she felt all the way down to her toes.

“Do you know what time it is?” he asked.

“I am quite sure I have lost all track of time,” Alice admitted, smiling shyly, a rosy blush coloring her cheeks.

“Tea time!”

Leaping suddenly to his feet , tea splashing from the teapot in his hand, he ran to the table and started filling all the tea cups while the dormouse and the hare flung themselves into empty chairs.

“What is the difference between a mock turtle and a lemon pie?” the hatter bellowed as she climbed upon the table, hat in one hand, teapot in the other.

“Three hours!” shouted the hare.

“A ball of yarn!” answered the dormouse robustly.

Alice, not wanting to be left out and feeling a bit giddy after finishing her cake, called out as well.

“A flock of geese!”

“Correct!” answered the hatter, although to whom, she wasn’t quite sure nor was she entirely sure that it mattered.

Just then, she saw a familiar smile appear above one of the empty chairs, followed by a familiar pair of eyes and, eventually, an entire cat.

“Oh, Cheshire, I am so very glad you could join us,” Alice gushed, rushing over to her familiar friend and throwing her arms around him. “Would you like some tea? Or perhaps a cake?”

“Perhaps later, my dear. I don’t plan on staying. I just wanted to warn you that the queen’s guard is nearby. Perhaps it would be wise if you didn’t draw their attention.”

“Oh, dash and bother!” Alice said, stamping her foot. “Just as I was beginning to enjoy myself too.”

“Everything has a price, Alice. Always remember that.”

And with that, he faded from view, leaving Alice with the hatter and his cohorts who were busy arguing, quite loudly, over the sugar bowl. So boisterously, in fact, that they could be heard for quite some distance…

“Hatter? Hare? Perhaps it would be best if you were to quiet down a little?”

“Quiet down? Unlikely!” proclaimed the hatter, twirling his hat before setting it rudely upon his head. “Might as well ask a Bandersnatch not to snatch banders!”

“Or a jabberwock not to wock jabbers!” the hare said unhelpfully.

“But the Queen’s guard will hear you!” Alice implored, not quite expecting the reaction that followed.

“The Queen’s guard?” the hare whispered, his ears twitching and his eyes wide with fear.

“Where? Here?” the dormouse squealed, wetting itself.

“Twinkle bats and oyster shells,” whimpered the hatter, looking wildly around the clearing, obviously distressed.

“Yes, well, no, not yet, but nearby, or so said Cheshire, and he is rarely mistaken about such things.

“Aw, well, in that case, there is only one logical thing to do,” declare the hatter, looking suddenly quite calm and somewhat regal as he stood in the center of a platter filled with cakes. He bowed deeply in Alice’s direction, his smile almost heartbreaking.

“It’s been a pleasure, but I fear our time together has come to an end.”

Before Alice could even open her mouth, let alone get a word in edgewise, the rather handsome madman was sprinting as fast as he could into the surrounding trees, followed closely by the hare and the dormouse (who was riding upon the hare’s shoulder, clutching him with his tiny claws, his eyes tightly shut) leaving Alice alone once more, although not for long, for the Queen’s guard were indeed near, and they had come to investigate what all the shouting was about. And that is how they discovered Alice, dressed only in a green velvet frock coat, and looking quite disheveled as she licked a bit of errant frosting nervously from her lips.

“At attention!” cried out a very large nine of hearts, its arms and legs protected by well polished mail, a steel helm upon its head.

The other cards, of which there were six, if you didn’t count the nine, came to a halt, standing rigidly in formation, the butts of their pike planted firmly on the grass covered ground while the nine, obviously an officer, stepped forward, drilling Alice with his gaze.

Nervously, for he looked quite serious, she took a hesitant step backward.

“Halt, miscreant!” the nine barked.

Shaking, Alice did just that, her heart beating furiously as the card guard stepped forward, approaching her, his mail clanking with every step until he stood before her, towering above, his eyes glittering dangerously.

“State your name, rank, and suit!”

“Alice, Sir. Just Alice. I don’t believe I have a rank or a suit?”

“No rank? No suit?” The card leaned forward until its rather impressive nose was almost, but not quite, touching hers. “Insubordination of the first order, is it?”

“No, Sir,” she returned, her voice trembling somewhat. “But I don’t have a rank or a suit or even a title.”

“Preposterous! Three! Four! Seize her for questioning!”

Panic set hold as a pair of cards advance, their faces stern and merciless. Spinning on her heel, she ran in the direction that the hatter had fled, hoping to out pace them, not daring to look over her shoulder, knowing that they were gaining by the sound of their heavy footsteps.

‘I can lose them amongst the trees,’ she told herself, as she made it to the edge of the clearing. ‘Just a few more steps…’

She let out a frustrated cry as she was yanked back on her ass, one of the guards having grabbed her tailcoats just as she was about to pass beneath the limbs of the great oaks…

“Please pay attention, Alice,” Doctor Carpenter spoke, disapproval coloring his words.

Alice blinked, wondering where she was and how she’d gotten there. She was lying on her back on a flat surface, staring up at the ceiling. She tried moving, only to discover that she was held down my several thick leather straps crossing her calves, thighs, waist, and chest. Not only that, but her ankles and wrists were cuffed and attached to the examination table as well.

“I’m sorry, Doctor,” she apologized, doing her best to keep calm as she turned her head to regard him, her eyesight decidedly fuzzy. “What were we talking about?”

The Doctor sighed as he removed his glasses, cleaning them carefully with his handkerchief before replacing them on his large nose. “Impossible things. You were telling me of your capture by… playing cards.”

“Oh, right!” Alice nodded, letting out her breath as she recalled being dragged before Captain Nine of Heart by her coattails. He’d asked her again for her rank and suit, and again, she insisted that she had neither. 

“He told me that I’d given him no choice but to take me prisoner in the name of the Queen of Hearts. I was shackled, Doctor, and led by a chain about my throat. We walked for the better part of the day until we reached the palace of the Queen. I was then paraded through the courtyard, wearing nothing but the hatter’s tattered green velvet cloak and then taken to the dungeon and thrown, quiet gently, thankfully, into a cell and told to behave myself. Having very little choice, I promised not to make any trouble and not to attempt an escape. Quit honestly, I was too tired to come up with a plan let alone see it out, so I curled up on a small straw mattress in the corner and, well, that is the last thing I recall up until just now.”

She watched as the doctor made notations in his notebook, glancing up to leer at her occasionally thoughtfully.  Glancing downward, she realized that, while she no longer wore the hatter’s coat, she did have on a pair of plain cotton knickers and brassiere. 

“So, Alice. You are sure that these… delusions of yours are real? The talking flowers? The creature in the fen? The Hatter and the Hare and the talking playing cards?”

“When said out loud, I guess it all seems rather… odd,” Alice admitted, licking her lips nervously as he leaned forward to stare at her intently, a frown building beneath his bush mustache.  “And yet, it feels too real to discard as a mere dream.”

Doctor Carpenter shook his head and heaved a great sigh. It sounded quite sincere, as if a great weight had been rested upon his shoulders. Alice felt a pang of guilt about causing him such disappointment, although she held firm to her belief that her memories were true. Wonderland did exist and she had been there. No matter what anyone else thought, she wasn’t crazy.

“I think that we have reached a point where counseling is no longer effective, Alice. I think it’s time to return you to Doctor Paine’s care. I’ll have to turn you over to Mistress Sinclair, I’m afraid. I really did hope to avoid that…”

Alice shivered, a vague memory of being taken to a terrible place where very cruel things were done to her. An image of an imposing blonde woman in a starched white uniform passed through her thoughts, causing her to shiver.

She watched, trepidation filling her chest, as the Doctor moved to her side and cupped the back of her head with his large hand, lifting it.

“Open wide, Miss Pleasance. Time to take your medication.”

Faintly, she recalled being given drugs before, drugs that had elevated her libido until she would do almost anything to relieve it, and yet, had prevented her from any relief, rendering her unable to climax. She began to struggle, doing her best to force her lips closed, but the Doctor merely forced her mouth open, pushed the large white pill past her tongue and forced her to swallow.  It left a bitter taste in her mouth as it went down.

It wasn’t long before she began to relax. Thirty minutes. Perhaps less.

“How are you feeling now, Alice?” Doctor Carpenter eventually asked, his eyes full of curiosity as he looked up from his desk, where he’d been studiously taking notes.

“Nice, Doctor. I feel nice.”

“And? What else, Alice. Tell me everything. I need your complete honesty.”

“Warm. No, hot. And… lusty,” she admitted, blushing hard, finding it impossible to censor her words.

“Good. That means the drugs are working.”

Startled, Alice glanced towards the door at Mistress Sinclair. She was as just as imposing and beautiful as she recalled, and her smile was cruel.

“This is a variation on the Nymadenoxy-Methamphospate you were given last time. We needed a test subject and, since you have such a positive reaction the last time, you were the obvious choice. Now, lay back and I’ll release you. Best behavior, Miss Pleasance. I expect nothing less from you. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Mistress Sinclair,” she managed, heat washing through her with every brush of fingers, no matter how brief. By the time she was freed from her bounds, she was panting softly with desire, her thoughts clouded by unimaginable need. Letting out a moan, she attempted to touch herself, managing to get one hand inside her knickers before Doctor Paine’s assistant captured her wrist and roughly yanked it from between her thighs.

“If you’re unable to control yourself, we will have to restrain you. Do you think you can behave?”’

“No,” Alice moaned, finding it impossible to lie.

“Very well, then. Hammer! Hart! I’ll need your assistance.”

A familiar duo appeared in the doorway. Mister Hart and Mister Hammer. Alice remembered them well from her last visit to the asylum. A shudder ran through her, remembering how they’d talked about her and touched her when she’d been under the effect of the medication last time. If this was truly the dream, and Wonderland real, she desperately wished to awaken once more. And yet, to what? There she’d been thrown naked into a dank prison cell, awaiting an unknown fate. Here?

‘Much the same,’ she thought to herself as Mister Hammer Gripped one arm tightly and Mister Hart the other, pulling her to her feet and marching her in the wake of Mistress Sinclair, presumably taking her back to Ward 4 wherein lay Doctor Paine’s Examination Room.

“Where to, Mistress Sinclair?” Mister Hart inquired, as they walked Alice down the corridor, the blue-white tiles cool against her bare feet. Above her head, electric lights flickered, casting strange shadows on the sterile walls. She felt goosebumps growing on her bare flesh, feeling exposed, dressed only in thing cotton undergarments, and yet, despite the chill air of the hallway, she felt an inner heat burning within that spread slowly from her core until it reached the tips of her fingers and toes.

“Doctor Rose’s office, Mister Hart.”

“Doctor Rose, Mistress Sinclair? Not Doctor Paine?”

“Was I not clear, Mister Hart?”

“Perfectly clear. I just thought-“

“You’re not paid to think, Mister Hart. You are paid to do as you’re told. Is that understood?”

“Understood, Ma’am.”

“Good. As for you, Alice, Best behavior. Back straight, chest out, chin up. I have matters to attend to. I am sure that Mister Hart and Mister Hammer will take good care of you until I return.  if they value their employment, that is.”

Alice watched the tall blonde stride off, unable to keep herself from admiring the way her bottom moves under her skirts. It was a lovely bottom, after all. As soon as she disappeared around a corridor, Mister Hart chuckled softly.

“How do you feel about having a little fun with our patient, Mister Hammer?”

“I might be persuaded, Mister Hart. What do you suggest?”

“Nothing that would get us into trouble. Just a little amusement.”

He grabbed hold of Alice’s hair, his thick lips pressing against her ear, his stubble scratching her cheek. 

“You wouldn’t tell on us, would you, girl? Not if we were nice to you.”

“We are very nice, after all.”

“The nicest.”

Alice shuddered as Mister Hart slipped his hand into her knickers, his thick fingers rubbing her already wet cunny until she moaned.

“I think she likes that, Mister Hart.”

“I do believe she does, Mister Hammer.”

She moaned as Mister Hart pushed one of his fingers into her tight little hole until she could feel his knuckles pressing against her engorged nub.

“She’s very wet, Mister Hammer. Very wet.”

“How wet, Mister Hart?” Mister Hammer asked as he began to undo his pants.

“Like a river.”

Alice moaned louder, her knees weakening as Mister Hart began to push his finger in and out of her, twisting it inside of her until all that held her up was his finger inside of her.

“The Doctor said that, no matter what happens, the pill they gave you won’t let you…”

“No matter what, Miss Pleasance. Seems a shame.”

“A terrible shame.”

“Just because she can’t, Mister Hart.”

“Doesn’t mean that we can’t, Mister Hammer.”

“If we’re quick about it.”

“Very quick.”

“And discreet.”

“She would never tell, would you, Girl?”

“Not if she knows what’s good for her.”

“Not if she wants to-“

Alice let out a long guttural groan as Mister Hart pushed another finger into her cunt, filling her tight hole, stretching her.

“Later, when she’s back in her room.”

“And the pill wears off.”

“And she’s in her restraint jacket.”

“Unable to touch herself.”


Mister Hammer pulled the cups of her brassiere down, exposing her and fondling her tits roughly until she was panting breathlessly.

“So desperate.”

“But we could make her…”

“Yes, we could. But only if she’s nice to us.”

“Are you going to be nice to us, Miss?”

“Yes, please. I’ll be very nice to both of you.”

“And not tell anyone?”

“Not a word to anyone. I promise.”

“There you have it.”

“She’s practically begging us, isn’t she.”

“Mistress Sinclair did ask us to look after her.”

“Take care of her.”

“Please,” Alice interjected suddenly, feeling herself pushed slowly to the edge of what she could bare. “Please make me come. Please! I’ll do anything you ask!”

“She did ask.”

“I heard her too.”

“Well then…”

“Best get on with it then.”

Alice found herself sinking to her knees, Mister Hart’s wet fingers trailing up her arm, leaving a trail of her fragrant juices on her bare skin.

“Open wide, girly,” Mister Hammer told her, his voice thick with lust as he presented his cockhead, pushing it rudely into her mouth as she parted her lips.

“Suck me. That’s a good girl.”

Alice moaned around his cock, sliding her tongue over it, her mouth wet with spit. She felt the heat of lust building quickly between her thighs, her juices drooling from her swollen cunny lips to drip on the cold tile.

Mister Hart pulled his own cock from his trousers. It was already full and thick and hard as he rubbed it against the back of her head.

“Take it,” he commanded. Alice reached out and took it in her hand, wrapping her slender fingers around it. Knowing exactly what he wanted, she began to stroke him, slowly at first and then faster as she heard him moan.

“She’s got a mouth like one of those expensive whores.”

“The ones neither of us could ever afford?”

“The same.”

“A fancy French whore.”

“Only nastier.”

“And cheaper.”

“Mister Hart?”

“Yes, Mister Hammer?”

“I think I’m about to-“

Alice felt his cock swell and twitch inside her mouth moments before she was flooded with cum. She did her best to swallow it all down, but there was more than she could handle and the excess spilled from either side of her mouth and down her chin.

“Oh, that was good, Mister Hart. You really need to experience it for yourself.”

Alice found her mouth filled with a cock a second time, this one even larger than Mister Hammer’s, so much larger that she almost choked, gagging as she did her best to pleasure him.

“You were right about her mouth, Mister Hammer.”

“Like an expensive whore, Mister Hart?”

“Even better,” he moaned, his eyes closing in ecstasy as Alice sucked and slurped until he couldn’t take it anymore.

“Oh, god, I’m going to-“

And did, filling her mouth to brimming with his seed, laughing as she did her best to swallow it all, much of it sliding down her chin and onto her bared tits.

“Such a mouth.”

“I bet her cunt will be just as nice.”

“Can’t wait to find out.”

“Tonight. When everyone’s gone home.”

Alice shivered, her cunt clenching at the thought of laying awake in her room, anticipating the moment when the thuggish orderlies would pay her a visit.

‘They promised me,” she told herself. ‘Promised me that I could come. More than once. There are two of them, after all. Maybe thrice. Maybe more. Oh, if only I could now!’

“Would you like that, girl?” Mister Hart asked, grinning as he wiped the cum from her face with the hem of his shirt. 

“Yes, please, you promised,” she moaned, heart pounding with lust against her ribs.

“It’ll be our little secret,” Mister Heart said with a salacious wink. “No one else needs know.”

“Long as you don’t tell anyone, we’ll make sure you feel good as often as you’d like.”

“Our secret,” Alice whispered, nodding her agreement. “No one else needs to know.”

“Now let’s get you to where you need to be before anyone’s the wiser.”


Published 5 years ago

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