I followed him to the front door, hugged him one more time, and looked him in the eye. “That will never happen again.” He looked at me surprised, confused. “Never,” I repeated, and closed the door.
It was a bad drive to work. I was already late because I’d stayed with her so long, trying to talk her out of her blue mood or crazy thinking or ‘whatever.’ Then there was a fender bender three cars in front of me coming down the main drag on post. So that made me later. I pulled into the parking lot just as morning formation was dismissing and men were heading to the motor pool. The CO called me over to chew my butt for being late. By the time I headed down to the motor pool, I was upset, embarrassed and not a little mad. But far and away the worst thing that morning was my pretty wife being so distraught.
I tried to get things going at work, but just couldn’t concentrate. After a fruitless half hour of dithering, I called the house. No answer. ‘Maybe she’s gone back to sleep,’ I thought. ‘Maybe she was just tired and that’s why the outburst, the irrational behavior,’ I rationalized. ‘Maybe I should just let her sleep. Maybe this will all take care of itself if she gets rested.’ So I tried to focus on work.
Patience has never been one of my strong suits though, so after fifteen minutes, I gave up on letting her sleep and decided to try again. I just had to get her feeling better about herself somehow. This time, I let the phone ring. She finally picked it up after eleven rings with this pitiful little “Hello.”
“I love you, baby,” I blurted out. “I hated having to leave you so sad. I wanted to call and let you know how much I love you, no matter what.”
Her voice was very soft. I could tell she’d been crying. “I know,” she sighed.
“I’m sorry to call if you were sleeping. I know you need rest and things will look better, later I mean. I called before but you didn’t answer so I’m sorry if I woke you up.”
“No,” she said softly “I heard the phone, but I just didn’t want to answer it.”
“Why not?”
“Well… this sounds crazy. It is pretty stupid actually,” she said. “I was thinking it was my mother calling to yell at me. I was afraid she already knew what I’d done and was calling to give me hell.”
“Oh baby, that’s just silly. You don’t have to worry about that. We’ll make sure she never finds out, that no one ever finds out,” I struggled to reassure her, fearing that the wrong words would be worse than saying nothing. “Besides baby, you didn’t do anything wrong. You don’t need to be ashamed. We did it together and it was all okay.”
She seemed to be listening as I told her over and over that I loved her and it would all be okay. I could hear her breathing, but she didn’t say anything. She didn’t agree, disagree or even acknowledge what I was saying. She was just quiet. Finally, I realized I wasn’t getting anywhere and would probably just get in trouble at work if I didn’t hang up and get back to it. I just said, “I better go. I love you, and I’ll see you tonight.”
She just gave me this weak little, “Bye,” and hung up.
‘Great job, Jack. You really fixed that situation,’ I thought. She probably felt worse than before, and so did I. I felt powerless to do anything to make her feel better. Perfect timing—just then Brown came walking through my door.
“Why’d you drive today?” he asked. “I wanted to see her this afternoon after work.” I looked at him, my mind still reeling from talking to her. As I focused on him, it dawned on me that there was really no one else I could talk to about this except him. No one else knew what was going on, at least that’s what I thought at the time. ‘Besides,’ I reasoned, ‘he probably deserves to know how she’s reacting.’ So I told him the whole story about how she felt ashamed of herself after last night and how adamant she’d been this morning that she wasn’t going to do it again. But even as I spoke, a solution dawned on me.
“Why don’t you talk to her?” I asked him. I’d already said everything I could think of to reassure her and it clearly wasn’t working. Maybe if he called her… “Actually, don’t call her. Go over and see her,” I said, my mind staggering from thought to thought. “Can you drive a stick?” He just smirked at me. “Here, here’s my keys, to my car and to our apartment. Go see her.” He took my keys and turned with an exultant smile, heading out the door.
Not two minutes after giving him my keys, I panicked. I started rethinking the situation, and immediately regretted what I’d just done. I thought about running after him to stop him, but as I stepped outside the building, I saw my light blue compact jerking its way out of the parking lot. ‘Yeah, he drives a stick alright,’ I thought. ‘Now I’m gonna have to get my clutch replaced.’ Fortunately that inane thought immobilized me for a moment, just long enough to keep me from thinking clearly. I thought, ‘I should call her. Let her know he’s coming. If she doesn’t want to see him, she can just lock the door and stay upstairs. Oh wait. He’s got a key.’ Soon it was too late to even call and warn her. If he was going to see her, he’d be there already.
Rethinking turns into dithering. Dithering means you don’t do anything. You just wait to see what happens.
I was just sitting on the sofa in my t-shirt and panties, legs tucked up under me, just sort of thinking while staring at the blank TV screen. It wasn’t even on. The house was quiet. It felt calm. I was thinking about all the things Jack had said on the phone. I knew well he loved me. I knew he wanted me to have what was best for me and what I wanted. He was really pretty unselfish. I didn’t dare let myself think about Javon. I was trying to push that memory—that whole terrible, wonderful, delicious night—completely from my mind and build a wall in my heart to keep it out.
I was agonizing over what I could say if my parents ever found out, my friends back home, heck anyone! And I decided to wall that off too. There just wasn’t a way to deal with those thoughts at that moment, and besides Jack assured me they won’t find out. I heard the key in the door and smiled inside. ‘Jack is so sweet. He’s so worried about me he left work,” I thought. When I turned to see Javon standing there, closing the door behind him, then locking it, my heart leaped into my throat.
Confusion! Panic! I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t even brushed my teeth yet this morning. Not only that, but I was down here practically undressed and everything to wear was upstairs. Was there any more coffee in the pot? I didn’t remember, then I remembered that Jack had made it not me. Should I get up; should I crawl under the sofa cushions? Or maybe should I just evaporate and disappear?
Then Javon did the one thing that that totally disarmed me, totally pulled me out of my idiotic paralysis. He smiled at me. He said, “Hi.”
I got up, thinking I’d make some lame excuse and run upstairs to get some clothes on, but he was between me and the stairs. I felt myself moving toward him with that clear purpose in mind, but it just didn’t happen. His arms surrounded me as soon as I got close, and he kissed me with a passion that we had only put on hold a few short hours before. His strong hand touched my bare thigh, and stroked up the side of my body, under my t-shirt, until his thumb was teasing my nipple. I felt my arms wrap around his neck and felt him pull my whole heart and soul into the kiss.
Why don’t we go upstairs,” he asked me. I just nodded and let him lead me up, his Black hand squeezing my behind. So much for building a wall.
He was so gentle, the way he took my t-shirt and panties off of me and laid me back on the bed. His black hand rubbed my belly as he opened his pants with the other and pulled out his quickly hardening erection. When he put the sticky tip to my face, I didn’t even wince. I just opened wide, stuck out my tongue and started savoring the real man taste and feel. His fingers were busy stroking my sappy slit and teasing my button as I sucked his dick. Those long thin talented fingers were soon pushing me toward an orgasm when he suddenly stopped, pulled away from me and undressed in front of me. His beautiful black body looked sexier than ever. It occurred to me that we had all the time in the world today, so I examined ever gorgeous detail of him from the muscular quads, the strong looking pectorals, the wiry biceps.
As I lay there melting in anticipatory lust, he leaned over and kissed me full on the mouth, a kiss with lots of tongue. He didn’t seem to even notice the bad case of penis breath I had just developed! ‘Wow, I guess it really isn’t that bad,’ I told myself. From that one act alone, he grew a whole lot in my estimation. ‘He cares about me enough not to worry about a little thing like that.’ I didn’t need to be seduced. I was seducing myself.
Holding my legs apart, Javon parted my lips with his fingers and pushed his big black dick into me, not slowly, but patiently, gauging my reception of it by my facial expression. He cared that stretching me open so much might hurt, so he took enough time to let me adjust. It was delightful the way he opened me and filled me fully. Soon his belly was against mine, his chest pressing my breasts and his face buried in my neck.
Our first fuck had been delicious. This one was even better, hotter. No hurry. Just quick build to orgasms, one after another, and then slow loving fucking between them. He kept whispering to me that I was beautiful, that I felt so good to him. He kept asking me how I felt, and seemed to really care. He came in me again, and I orgasmed for him several times.
I don’t know if it’s just me, or if everyone feels this, but after really good sex and orgasmic relief, the cares of the world just crowd their way back into my mind.
Javon knew what to say. “So do you still feel used and dirty?” He told me again how wonderful I was, how beautiful I was. “I know you can think up a lot of problems if you let yourself do it. It wasn’t so long ago that us having sex would have been illegal and dangerous. Why don’t you just think about how great this was, and how great it is. Not only that, but baby, think about how great it’s going to be.” My warm wet post orgasmic feelings were still strong enough, along with his soothing words to win out.
“Do you realize how perfect we are for each other,” he told me. “I rolled my eyes at him, thinking here comes the line of the century. I mean I’m not a total airhead. He proceeded to explain to me how our bodies fit together just like they were made for one another. With his dick fully in me, I was totally taken. He said I was so tight and so snug around him as to stimulate him perfectly. We fit. Our bellies, our bodies, even our mouths matched perfectly for kissing.
That thought momentarily sent me down a mental rabbit trail as I considered how much different hubby and I were. Bad idea to compare. Each new detail he pointed out sent my mind off in a new appreciation for me and him together, and coincidentally kept me from worry. When he got up to go to the bathroom, I couldn’t help giggling at the big blob of sperm escaping from my well fucked pussy. Even that was odd. I would normally have been embarrassed to death, but today it just felt funny.
I followed him into the bathroom to enjoy the sight of his beautiful black body in motion. We were soon in the hot shower together, exploring, washing one another and kissing like we couldn’t stop. He took a long time washing my long hair, massaging my scalp, making it feel so wonderful. Of course I was perfectly positioned for him to do it because I was on my knees with his dick in my mouth. It was such a fun, playful hour we didn’t have time for me to get my fears back in gear.
I made him lunch and we sat in the kitchen eating it totally naked. Finally, Javon let me tell him the things that frightened me. He didn’t just let me talk, he listened. His slow, thoughtful responses to every question helped me understand that as different as my life had just become, none of the changes were going to bring anything like the disasters I had worked out in my mind. “You’ve got a husband who loves you and lets you play. You’re far away from anyone who would judge you, at least anyone you care about. And you’ve got me,” he grinned. “Don’t you think you’ll be a lot happier if you just enjoy what you have?”
He really did a good job of calming my fears, and his beautiful black body did a good job of resparking my lust. When I saw his erection growing long and hard, I knelt between his knees and gave him the best blowjob I could manage at the time. I was pretty amateurish, but he lovingly stroked my hair, my cheek, as he gently guided me and coaxed me along. He said my blue eyes were so deep, so intense that he could just get lost in them watching me suck his dick. A line? Maybe, but I felt so turned on I didn’t care about that. I just wanted to suck his dick forever.
Soon we were back upstairs fucking again. He fucked me twice more that afternoon, teaching me to get in position with my behind in the air, breasts on the bed and knees wide apart. Now that was delicious. The last time, we copulated missionary style, face to face, with slow loving kisses and a slow steamy build to a mutual orgasm. He hadn’t let me suck him off completely. He gave me all his loads in my pussy, telling me he wanted me to get used to him coming in me, because that’s the best sex.
When he left me alone with my thoughts, taking the car back to my husband, I was worn out. Tired and dreamy, all my fears felt so much more manageable than they had been that morning. I thought about it. I did still feel used, nasty even; but it was okay. Actually it had been really really good. The scales in my mind were tipping away from the despair of the previous night. I was anxious for Jack to get home. We needed to talk about all this!
I was sitting on the picnic table outside the company when Brown pulled up, parked my car and tossed me the keys with a big shit eating grin.
“Is she okay? Did you go see her?” I grilled him.
“Shit, man. She way more than okay. She fine!” He was a little too descriptive for me given that several other people were sitting around. I had really hoped that his relationship with my wife wouldn’t become public knowledge, at least not so much or so fast. But Brown wasn’t shy at all talking about her.
“Can’t you keep it down a little?” I pleaded. “I mean if her reputation gets ruined around post, she won’t do this any more. He just laughed, but he did lower his voice a little when he saw how nervous I was getting.
“Yeah man, I fucked the shit out of her. Several times. And don’t worry, she ready for lots more of it.” He seemed to enjoy the worried look on my face. “No rubbers either, dude. She loves it bare, and she turnin’ into a better than average cocksucker.” How embarrassing that hearing him talk about my sweet wife this way made my dick so hard. “She waitin’ for you dude, with a nice sloppy wet pussy and those dreamy fucked over eyes. Do your best, but know she gonna wan’ a lot more of me.”
“Look, Brown, I can’t keep getting you out of work for this. I mean, I’m okay with you and her getting together, but it isn’t always going to be so easy to make it happen.”
“I don’t see how that’s any of your business, dude. When I want some more of your woman, I’ll just call her direct. I know you won’t be no problem, cause I know you don’ wanna get your ass kicked.” As much as that stung, as much as I wanted to object and tell him off, it was true.
“Well as long as she’s happy, I hope you get all the white pussy you want from her.”
He left, sneering at me over his shoulder, “See ya ’round, dipshit.” Hmmmmm.
As you might guess, I couldn’t wait to get home to see Ainsely that night. When I came in, she was on the phone. It sounded like a lengthy conversation, so I kissed her on the forehead and grabbed a drink, listening to her end of the conversation, trying to figure out who she was talking to. She didn’t look particularly worn out but she seemed serious, engrossed in the conversation.
She’d obviously showered and washed her hair—it was still wet. She was cute as ever sitting on the kitchen stool in her a pink crop top and bright red running shorts, her hair pulled back in that pony tail she felt so comfortable with.
When I began rubbing her thighs, she slapped my hands away and gave me this ‘bug off’ expression. Just about then I realized she was talking to her mom, or her parents. No wonder she was acting freaked out. I momentarily panicked, half way thinking that she might have been right. Maybe their parental spy network already had them fully informed on our little deviancy. But she didn’t sound stressed enough for that to be the case. When the call ended and she told them goodbye, she let me take her in my arms and hold her close.
She sighed and snuggled against me, but then looked up at me and said, “That was my dad.”
“Oh?” I raised an eyebrow.
“He wants me to finish college,” she said. I felt great relief that the call wasn’t what she’s been afraid of. “And really, I want to do it too.” She went on to tell me that he was going to pay for her tuition and books wherever she went. She just had to go find a program and get started. She’d been talking to one of the other wives who was studying at Louisville so she said she’d look into their programs.
“So do you think he’ll still want to pay for college for his little married daughter if she has a black boyfriend?” She punched my chest and wrinkled her nose at me. She raised her finger to her mouth to shush me. We both knew that the importance of keeping her secret, our secret, just went up considerably.
“He’s not…” she started to say he wasn’t her boyfriend, then caught herself. Her mind must have been in turmoil. This morning she said that this would never happen again. Now, she has a hard time making herself say that he’s not her boyfriend. Interesting. Fucking him all day long over and over seems to have had a pretty powerful affect on her moral outlook!
“Javon says you two are getting along pretty good,” I smiled at her. “Was it as good as he says.”
“That’s a good way to put it,” he replied. “We’re getting along very well. Oh baby, it was a great day. I hope it doesn’t bother you but this was really fun and he’s really such a perfect guy.” She went on to describe how good the whole thing made her feel, making a special point to tell me how he’d helped her handle her fears.
I was afraid all that sex in such a short time would have made her refuse me that night. She was sore, and she was tired and she said so. But she wanted me to make love to her that night almost as much as I wanted to. I think she was glad I came so quickly. Lying together in comfortable satisfaction, both of us were lost in thought. “This is going to get complicated,” she thought out loud. “Going back to school will take up a lot of my time. You’re schedule is crazy already. I don’t know how it will all work out.
“You know Javon wants you again,” I told her. “He’s going to be after you all the time.”
“Yeah,” she looked up at me, a dreamy expression on her face.