She had just spent two nights in a mid-town hotel room making almost constant love with Ray, a man she barely knew. Of course, it had been a once-in-a-lifetime experience, no doubt about that. He’d been alone, a long way from home and had needed her. Still, it marked the first time she’d ever cheated on her fiance’, which would never, ever, happen again.
Then there had been anal sex. It happened sort of by accident, but it had been great. In fact, the entire weekend had been great, like a seminar on advanced sex that would make her a better lover when she and Jimmy were married. At least that’s what she kept telling herself.
Now she’d come home to check in with her family, repack and maybe grab a bite before hurrying back to her dorm and a long night of much needed sleep.
That’s when exhausted and sleep-deprived, with every muscle and opening in her weary body sore and aching from a weekend of endless, exhilarating sex, she found herself facing the prospect of yet more sex, only this time with another man, with Jimmy, the man she wanted to marry.
When she had trudged into her parent’s apartment and learned Jimmy wanted her to call him at his place, it had caught Cindy off guard. He was supposed to be at work. After agreeing to spend the weekend with Ray, Cindy had called her parents and Jimmy to tell them she had to work Friday and Saturday evenings, and would only be able to get home for a few hours on Sunday afternoon.
The news hadn’t pleased Jimmy, who quickly reminded her of a fact she was very much aware of, that he had to work days that weekend and wouldn’t be able to see her now for two weeks. But here it was, Sunday afternoon and he was calling her – from his place.
As she hurriedly re-packed her suitcase, she thought about Jimmy. If he was home alone, she knew he would want her to come over ASAP for some sex.
And if that were the case, Cindy knew it would nearly kill her. But no way could she say no, not to her fiancé, not after what she’d been doing. With a resigned sigh, she put a bottle of hand lotion in her purse, then picked up the phone.
A few minutes later, Jimmy was pulling her inside the door of his apartment. “Jimmy, what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at work?”
“That’s one hell of a greeting for your fiancé,” pouted Jimmy as he wrapped his arms around her waist. “What ever happened to, ‘Hi Jimmy, I missed you?'”
Realizing her mistake, Cindy smiled apologetically, “I’m sorry. Hi Jimmy, I missed you.”
They held each other tight for a long kiss. Jimmy slid his hands down Cindy’s back until they rested on her ass. Quickly hiking up her short skirt, he slid his hands inside her panties. Then taking a cheek in each hand,began squeezing them and grinding her into his groin.
Although she always enjoyed the feel of her rear being massaged, Cindy concentrated on the kissing. Jimmy had always been such a good kisser. Something about the way he moved his lips was a real turn-on. So she pulled Jimmy closer and slipped her tongue deeply into his mouth. Once again she was reminded about how much she loved Jimmy. And for a little while at least, thoughts about the past two days with the guy she’d met on her summer job left Cindy’s mind.
But soon Jimmy started to slip one hand around towards Cindy throbbing pussy. Not wanting his fingers to probe that particular tender flesh, she reluctantly broke the kiss and twisted away from his embrace. “So tell me, what are you doing here? I thought you were working today.”
With a roguish grin Jimmy moved back beside her. “If I didn’t get to see you today, I’d be faced with two weeks without any of your loving. And baby, two weeks is a painfully long time to spend just thinking about something as fine as you. So I swapped days off with another guy.”
“I should have known,” said Cindy, while thinking she really should have known. “Well, I share your pain, but I can only stay an hour or so. Tell you what, why don’t we celebrate by trying something new?”
Jimmy’s eyes lit up. “What did you have in mind?”
“You just stay right here and get undressed,” teased Cindy. “I’ll be right back.”
In the bathroom, she took her clothes off and carefully checked her skin for any telltale scratches or bite marks. Finding none, she pulled the bottle of lotion from her purse,carefully parted the tender, puffy lips of her sore vagina and began to gently, ever so gently, apply the thick cream.
When no more coating could be applied, she touched up her make-up, brushed her short brown hair, and lightly sprayed on some perfume. After a last, quick glance at the finished product, she picked up the bottle of lotion, and walked back to Jimmy wearing nothing but platform sandals and a smile.
“Aw right!” he shouted with obvious approval.
Jimmy started to get to his feet, but Cindy motioned him back down. “Now just stay where you are. Your time will come. Right now, I’ve got some work to do.”
With that, she knelt between Jimmy’s legs. Even though her mouth still ached from this morning’s session with Ray, she intended to give Jimmy one of her best sloppy blowjobs. If she got him to come in her mouth, something he really loved, he might be satisfied with that.
As she got into the familiar rhythm of sucking on her fiancé’s cock, Cindy’s mind drifted back to the first time they had made love. It had been in this very apartment. That had been her first experience with “going all the way,” and she had kind of enjoyed it, despite the pain.
Since then, she and Jimmy had made love many times, and in many other places such as parked cars and the homes of friends. But while cars were cramped and friend’s homes were inhibiting, this apartment remained special.
Whenever the rest of his family was gone, Jimmy’s apartment became a relatively spacious and relaxed laboratory where they could learn how to make love. It had been here, Cindy recalled, that she had first learned how to please Jimmy with her mouth
Now however, try as she might, Jimmy just wouldn’t come. Soon she felt hands pulling at her head. “You better stop or you’re not going to get any satisfaction.”
That was okay with her, Cindy assured him, although she knew Jimmy was ready to fuck. “If you insist,” she said with unfeigned reluctance. “But before we start, here’s the new thing.”
With that, she picked up the bottle of lotion and proceeded to massage it onto Jimmy’s familiar cock, carefully applying a thick coat of lotion along the length of his sturdy, slender shaft. Then she completed her task by leaving a big glob of lotion right on the flared head.
“Now sit back and don’t look,” said Cindy, as she lay down on the other end of the couch and spread her long legs. With the rest of the hand cream, she slowly applied one more coating in and around her pussy. There was no doubt in her mind that Jimmy would watch. In fact she counted on that. For even though her main goal was to give herself a final coating of lubricant, Cindy hoped that the hotter Jimmy got, the faster he would come.
Looking up quickly, she saw Jimmy jerk his head away. “You didn’t peek, did you?” she teased.
Jimmy admitted that he might have, but he assured her it had just been to make sure she was all right. “So tell me, did everything look all right to you?”
Everything looked damn fine to him, he said.
“Well, in that case, why don’t you come on over here and do something about it then?” said Cindy in what she hoped was a sexy voice. “Since we’re both all lubed up, I think I’m ready for that pole of yours.”
Jimmy scrambled to get into position between Cindy’s legs. “Easy boy!” she laughed as she took possession of his hard shaft and guided the swollen head toward her weary pussy. “We’ll get you home in just a second.”
When the tip of the cock head was properly positioned, she looked up and smiled. “I think we’re ready now,” she said. “But what about sliding in slow and sexy?”
Despite her suggestion, really a plea for mercy, Jimmy could hold back no longer. With a grunt, he lunged forward, driving hard into her swollen, chaffed, and very tender pussy.
Jimmy assumed Cindy’s sudden gasps and the moans which followed were from passion, not pain. This mistake drove him on to even greater heights of ardor. With each stroke, Cindy felt as if she were being sawed in half. Each time their bodies slammed together at the end of one of Jimmy’s violent thrusts, her entire pelvis area hurt. At that moment, Cindy doubted the pain could have been much worse even if she hadn’t used lotion.
Finally Jimmy grunted and slammed down once more into her aching body. With a strangle cry, he began filling her tortured pussy with his cum.
Later, as they lay together panting, Cindy felt a burning sensation when his shrinking penis slowly slipped out of her throbbing vagina. With complete honesty she looked into her fiancé’s eyes and said, “You got me big boy. After that, anymore loving today would just about kill me.”
Judging from the satisfied look on Jimmy’s face, she’d passed the final exam of her weekend seminar on making love. Of course, what happened earlier that weekend would be a once-in-a-lifetime thing, she reminded herself. From now on, it’d just be Jimmy for her. No more Ray. No more lessons. No way. Not even if Ray suggested another weekend. Then, for just a treacherous second, she wondered if he would.
Reader’s note: this is the sequel to, “Her Weekend Sex Seminar”