My workday was hard. I could not concentrate. My brain was struggling with my infidelity and what I was going to do about it. It was a double-edged sword. My body craved James, and my heart and mind were devoted to Terrance. I knew I could not have it both ways. I had been lucky not to have been discovered so far. I knew I had to end things with James Tonight.
Terrance and the boys are closing a deal today that would put them on the map and financially free us all. The firm was growing, and the money was starting to pour in. After all the years of struggling, we were about to be set for life. And what was I doing, fucking another man, cheating on my husband, who I loved with all my heart? There was not one thing about Terrance that I did not love, and now our time could be devoted entirely to each other. We could have babies and build the family we both want.
I picked up my phone and sent a text.
My text: “Tonight will be short, no sex, just a quick goodbye. I will be there at 7:00 p.m. Meet me in the bar.”
A few minutes passed with no response, and then it came.
James’s text: “Then don’t even come. We are done. No goodbye. It is over. Goodbye!”
Oh my, James was upset.
I considered how to handle this mess that I had allowed to happen. I decided to see James anyway but did not respond to his text or tell him I was coming.
It was almost 3:30 p.m. and time for my monthly training Zoom. I was prepared and ready for the next hour to take over my brain. I logged in, and the team was prepared for my words of wisdom.
We signed off at 4:30 p.m. I wrote and sent the follow-up email, including ten talking points from my notes. By the time I finished the email, I had time to work on some proposals before I left.
I finished at 6:15 p.m., and I was ready to go. My nerves were on edge, my pussy was wet, causing great indecision. As I was about to leave, I received a call from an unfamiliar number. I answered. It was James who was giving me the room number, and then he just hung up.
That messed me up. Here it was, an open invitation. But I had made up my mind that I was going to the Book Club. Now, I was confused and wondered what I needed to do. Did I need to see James? I did know that if I did go to see James, this night was the last time I would ever see him, and there would be no sex. I was being polite and saying goodbye to him in person. I prayed he would accept my decision, as he had said he would. I was concerned, though, after our several texts, ending with a rather nasty tone in his last text.
I packed up my laptop and cleared my desk. I walked out to the red BMW convertible Terry had bought me for my last birthday. It was my baby. I sat inside and took a deep breath. As I thought, I made a snap decision. I was not going to meet James. It was over, and I just needed to let it go.
I pulled out and drove toward home. As I did, I received another text; it was James.
James’s text: “Come to me baby, I want you so bad, and I know you want me, like old times.”
God, James was not playing fair. He knows he can control me. I pulled over and thought about tonight. No, Damnit, I was going to the Book Club, so I drove home.
When I arrived home, I washed my face and freshened my makeup. I drank a glass of wine, which strengthened my resolve. I got back in my car and headed to Melissa’s house for Book Club, but after fifteen minutes, I found myself turning into the Downtown Marriott on Peachtree.
What the fuck was I thinking?
I texted Melissa, telling her I was not coming tonight and that we needed to meet for coffee next week.
I parked in the garage, stepped out of my car, took a deep breath, and put my phone in my bag. I nervously walked through the tunnel into the lobby to the bar. I sat on my usual bar stool, and Bernie, the barman, came to me. “Hi, the usual ma’am. Is your friend coming?
“Yes, thank you for the drink, and no, I am meeting him upstairs after my drink.”
As I waited for my martini, my breathing grew short, and my nerves were shot. Bernie slipped the drink before me, and I sipped my martini. I thought I was losing it. I had to get this fling over tonight and go home, so I took out my phone and called James.
It rang several times, then came, “What the fuck do you want?” James barked.
I was taken aback and almost hung up, but the sound of his voice, even as nasty as he was, gripped me.
“James, I want to end this right and see you to say goodbye.”
There was a pause. “Where are you?” James snapped.
“In the bar downstairs. Come down here, please.”
There was another pause. “No, if you want to see me, come to my room,” James demanded gruffly.
“James, don’t be like this. You knew we had to end this, and you said you were OK with that, so we have to end it today!”
Silence, then, “Come to my room 625.”
“James, if I come up there, we are not doing anything. It is to say goodbye properly, nothing more!”
The phone went dead. Damnit, James hung up on me.
I finished my martini and signed the tab to James’ room.
I slipped off the stool and walked to the elevator. I was nervous as a cat. I pressed six and took a deep breath. The ride up was swift, and the door opened. I stepped out and walked down the hall to room 625.
As I stood at the door, I was ready to pee my panties. I was afraid to enter James’s room. I knew he could easily seduce me, and I could soon be on my back with his big cock buried in my cunt. That was not all bad, but it would undoubtedly end my marriage if I let that happen tonight. I would never be able to stand up to James again.
I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. I had changed into jeans and a shirt at home, so I was less accessible. I waited. I knocked again. The door opened, and James was standing there naked, without a stitch of clothes on. He was smiling. His cock was hard, pointing straight at me. James was playing dirty. I should have expected something like this.
It angered me, and I stepped back two steps. “I am not coming inside unless you dress. Otherwise, I am leaving, and this is our final goodbye. I turned, making the painful move away from James’ incredible body and cock.
I took three steps before James said, “I’m sorry. I was playing with you. Wait a minute, and I will dress.” The door closed, and I stood in the hall waiting.
A few minutes passed, and the door opened. James was dressed in jeans and a polo shirt. “Patrice, please come in,” James said as he stepped back, opening the door for me.
As I stepped in, I said, “James, no touching, understand!”
The door closed, and he walked over to the loveseat and sat down. I moved the desk chair out across from him and sat. We looked at each other. My heart was pounding in my chest. My mouth was dry, and my hands were trembling.
I knew that if James made one move on me that I would be naked in seconds and well fucked only minutes after that. My body wanted that badly, but my heart and mind did not. I was here to end this mess, which I would do.
“James, hear me out, then you can say whatever you want. I have enjoyed our sex and the nastiness of it, but I am slowly destroying my marriage to the man I love and the father of my future babies. I cannot do that, and you do not want to be the man who gets between Terrance and me. He would find a way to make your life a living hell. Not physically, but using every legal tool in his arsenal, he would destroy you, and I cannot allow that to happen. I would lose the two men to whom I am closest. The man I love and my old lover that I love to fuck. So, this is the end of us forever. James, it would be best if you went back to your wife. Love her as hard as you love me. Yes, I know you love me, which is one of the hard parts. I do not love you and never could. I only lust for you. When I am not with you, I have no feelings. I do not miss you. But once I am in your presence, you have this hold on me that I cannot explain. Even now, I am fighting with every fiber in my body against your animal appeal. So let us end this like mature adults and say goodbye forever.”
I stopped and looked at James. He was hurt by my admission that I did not love him and had no real feelings for him other than lust. His face was sad, but some resolve was also showing.
James said nothing for several minutes. I was feeling proud of myself. Then, I suddenly realized that I no longer felt James’ pull on me. I was free of James, and it felt so good.
I stood as James spoke, “Please give me a minute.”
I sat back down and listened to James tell me that he had always loved me since the first time we were together. He had always hoped that someday we could be together and be married. When we reconnected, he thought destiny brought us back together. I felt sorry for James and understood why he was so nasty today.
James finished, and I stood. There were tears in my eyes. I knew I would never see James again. James stood, and we came together in the middle of the room. I looked up at him, stroking his face. I kissed him lightly on the lips and moved away back toward the door.
As I opened the door, I looked back and said, “James, go home tomorrow and never look back. You have a beautiful life ahead of you. Live it well, as I plan to live mine. Goodbye.”
I quickly went out the door, running to the elevator as tears began streaming down my cheeks. I wiped them on my sleeves, soaking them. When I looked back down the hall, James had not followed me. Thank God!
The elevator stopped in the lobby. As the door opened, I stood straight, took a deep breath, and quickly walked out the front and into the parking garage. I stood by my car as my mind cleared. The last two minutes flashed through my head, and a sudden fear gripped me. “Oh God,” I gasped.
It was just before 7:45 p.m. I was sitting in my chair sipping a glass of McKellan twenty-five-year-old scotch. This was a bottle of scotch that I had purchased with money from the very first paycheck I received from our firm. I planned to keep it until we made it. So today, we accomplished that, and each sip tasted especially good but not as sweet as it would have been if my wife were with me and not with her lover.
Yes, I knew about Patrice’s affair, as long or short as it might have been going on. I knew of the man, Mr. James Conley, Nashville, TN. A married gentleman with two tiny babies and a beautiful wife. I knew all this because Trevor, my investigator, is outstanding and gave me a complete dossier on Mr. Conley. There are a few missing pieces to the puzzle that I need to fill in, but I will do that when I talk with Patrice.
Of course, the biggest one is how Patrice knows him. Then there are her feelings for him, and most importantly, does she love him? Then, the final but essential question: WHY? Yes, why in God’s name is she having this affair at all? Then, I will have to ask her what she thinks I should do with this information.
If you have not already deduced this, I am very pragmatic. I am a thinker and plodder who always works out a plan. That is why I am a God Damn great attorney.
Now, as for me. I have to think of many things here. What do I know? Well, I love my wife more than anything in the world. She is my partner, but I do not own her. I respect her or did until today, so my feelings going forward are yet to be seen. Secondly, I want to stay married to Patrice and build a family with her if that is what Patrice wants, and she can commit entirely to those feelings. Thirdly, I want to be able to forgive her for her infidelity and be able to trust her in the future. So, she must be able to practically explain what has happened, how it happened when it has happened, and most importantly, WHY it has happened!
As a practical man, I want to know these answers immediately so we can lay this to rest, buried in a deep grave, or flaunted out for all to see. Either way, I can move on with my life.
Tonight, and tomorrow are celebration days. Tonight is for Patrice and me, and tomorrow is for the hard-working firm family. I will not destroy these two days and nights, as everyone deserves these rewards for their hard work, tolerance, and love given and received over the six years that we have trudged through the legal muck to reach where we are today successfully.
So, as I hear the garage door open and close, knowing Patrice has arrived home, I will welcome her with open, loving arms. I will treat her like my queen, wine, dine with her, and then make love to her tonight. I know she has not been in bed with her lover tonight as she had been on many Thursday nights for several months.
I know Patrice. She cannot lie to me, so extracting the truth from her will take a straightforward question. That will all be dealt with in its own time.
The mudroom door to the garage opened. Patrice came in, not calling out as usual. I wonder if she thinks I know anything. Trevor told me Patrice may have seen him in the Marriott lobby, but he wasn’t sure.
I sat quietly, sipping my scotch. My silence added an edge to the moment. After a minute or so, I called out to her. “Patti, I’m in here!”
I walked in from the garage. The house was quiet. I was unsure what I expected. I had seen Trevor, Terry’s investigator, at the Marriott. I don’t know why he was there, but he could have been looking for me. That scared me. Did Terrance know about James and my affair? Oh God, please, not!
Finally, as I moved into the kitchen, I heard, “Patti, I am in here.”
My heart leaped. “Hi baby, how did it go? Are we rich?” I yelled as I dropped my bags and swiftly moved to the den. I stopped at the door and leaned on the jamb. Terry was sitting in his chair, still dressed in his business suit, looking regal. He smiled at me, and my confidence increased.
I smiled, so maybe he didn’t know, and Trevor may not have seen me.
“So, are you going to tell me?” I begged.
“Come sit and have a nice glass of wine. We only have a few minutes, and Uber will be here. We have a reservation at Petite Violette at 8:30 p.m. I was afraid you were going to be too late. I have been waiting. Where have you been?”
I walked in and sat on the loveseat. Terry had poured me a glass of wine.
I thought it was odd that Terry did not get up and kiss me. He seemed a little distant. I hoped it was because I was so late.
Terry pressed me, “So why were you so late?”
“Sorry, I had some time after my Zoom call, so I was working on two big proposals, and the time got away from me.” My God, I had just lied to my husband. What was happening to me? I had never lied to him before, ever.
I looked at Terry and saw an odd look on his face. God, he knows that was a lie. Trevor did see me, so what did Terry know? Suddenly, I was overcome with fear and confusion. My face flushed a bright pink, making me hot, and I began to sweat. I had a tough time breathing. Panic almost set in.
Terrance said, “Baby, are you OK? Your face looks flushed all of a sudden. Do you feel OK?”
I snapped back to the moment and looked at him, smiling. “Yes, I am OK. I don’t know what it was, like a random hot flash or something. I am fine!”
“So, Terry, how did it go? I saw your text. Good, right?” I played in trying to change the focus.
“Well, let’s just say that the last 2,000-plus days of struggling and fighting to build something we could be proud of are over. We have succeeded. We closed the merger and signed the lead counsel agreement for three years, probably for life. We aren’t rich yet, but we will surely be.”
Terry’s voice was all business, not full of joy as it should have been. That concerned me.
“Oh baby, I am so proud of you, all three of you, but you especially for leading the team. I love you so much.” I looked in Terry’s eyes, and there was no joy. Oh God, I was caught. I was dead, and our marriage was over! ‘Dear God, No!!’ I screamed in my head. What a stupid fool I was.
It took everything I had inside me not to fall to the floor, groveling at his feet and begging for Terrance’s forgiveness. I knew that time would come, but tonight I had to hold it together, be the strong woman I was, and make it through tonight and tomorrow, as cold as Terrance might be. Then I can tell of my betrayal and cheating over the past three months and accept what punishment I am delivered. I pray to God that Terrance will not throw me away. I deserved that, but please, God, do not let that happen.
I knew Patrice was confused, and my lack of happiness concerned her. I could see it in her face and actions. A lot was going on in her head. If she had seen Trevor, she would have been trying to figure out why he was there. Was he there about her, and if so, did I know about James and her?
I was going to do nothing to ease her concern or fear. I would treat her as I usually would, and after these early moments, I would put on the charm and play the part of the happy husband through tomorrow. We would see what happened. I am sure I will find ways to place doubt in Patrice’s head, so she will inevitably have no choice but to tell me everything and beg my forgiveness.
I know Patrice will be sweating as her mind goes wild with fear. Then when I fuck her tonight, and yes, I will not make love to her, I will fuck her like I am sure that James did. She will then know, I know, and she will have to deal with it. I will say nothing, and Patrice will have no idea what I will do or when I will do it. Fear will consume her, and she will be compelled to tell me all of it!
Uber would be here soon, so I said, “Patti, you should go now and get dressed.” I laid out the new dress and things I purchased for you to wear tonight, so hurry off now and change, then return to me even more beautiful. I smiled and stood, pulling her to me. I held her tight and kissed her hard.
Patti looked at me with a curious look on her face. I had confused her even more. Good, my act was starting to work. I stood, reached out, pulled her to me, and kissed her hard. As Patti turned away, I popped her lightly on her sweet ass. She looked back and smiled. I was really working on her.
I poured another splash of Mckellan and sat waiting for my beautiful wife. My phone buzzed with a text from Trevor.
Trevor’s text: “It looks like Mr. Conley has checked out, heading back to Nashville. I have a guy there working on a complete workup of James and his family. My further talk with Bernie was quite interesting. James has only started coming to town the nights he sees Patti. That is odd. It makes me wonder if James has business here or if he comes here only to see Patti and lies to her about being here for business. We will check out his job and everything. It will take a day or two, but we should have it all by Tuesday.
My text: “Good job, stay on him. I want to know everything, and I need pictures of him and his family together, his wife and kids, if you can get them, maybe at the park.
It was 8:27 p.m. I called up the stairs, “Patrice, the Uber is going to be here in a minute, so hurry, baby, we need to go.”
I heard a muffled answer, then scrambling, as Patrice came to the top of the stairs. I looked up and gasped. My God, she looked incredible. How did I ever catch this beautiful creature? I could see why James wanted her, but she was mine, and he would learn that soon.
Patrice gracefully stepped down each step, one foot in front of the other as if she were modeling for me, showing her long silk-covered legs as they disappeared under the dark blue Satin dress. The dress helm slipped up her thighs, showing the tops of her silk stockings inches from her black lacey thong. The new spiked heels made her legs look even longer. I took a deep breath as Patrice stepped off the bottom step.
Patti smiled, “Trevor, the dress and lingerie are beautiful, thank you.”
I pulled Patrice to me for a kiss. She pushed against my chest, “No, you are not messing up my makeup, mister!” Then her hand cupped the growing bulge in my trousers. “This boy has to wait till later, and he had better be good tonight or else!”
Patrice was feeling it now. Her trepidations had lessened. So, it was game on. I knew we were in for an incredible night.
I picked up the matching black lace shawl I had purchased, wrapped it around her shoulders, opened the front door, and bowed. “Your coach awaits my Queen!”
Patrice looked at me and smiled. I am sure I am confusing her with my changing mood swings. That is on purpose to keep her off base until later tonight, when she has her first opportunity to confess her affair.
I wasn’t sure how to take Terrance. He was being nice, but the look in his eyes and some of his words confused me. I was not sure if he knew about James or not. Maybe Trevor was at the hotel for another reason or on a personal matter. I was unsure of everything.
Then Terrance told me he had purchased me new clothes for tonight and that I should change into them. That was sweet, and when I got up to leave, Terry kissed me hard. It was a great kiss, but it confused me even more.
I was overwhelmed when I got to our bedroom and saw the beautiful dress, lingerie, stockings, and Versace stilettos. I welled up tears; how could I have been so selfish and uncaring to cheat on this remarkable man? I choked back the tears and quickly went to wash my face.
I looked at myself in the mirror seriously for the first time as a cheating wife. I had to look away as the person I saw in the mirror was not me but a cheating slut that had betrayed her loving husband. I looked back and swallowed hard. I had to confess what I had done to Terrence, but how could I tell him? How could I expect him to forgive me?
Oh God, I was so screwed. My beautiful life is over. Tears of sadness rolled down my cheeks. I was lost. I had to make the best of tonight. It may be the last one for us.
I cleaned and painted my face, fussed with my hair, putting it up off my neck the way Terry liked it. I hoped his sweet kisses would find the soft skin there and thrill me.
I finished my makeup, dressed, feeling incredibly sexy as I slipped on the almost nothing lingerie. As I rolled the silk stockings up my long legs, a shiver ran through me, and my pussy pulsed as I slicked my hands up and my fingers lightly touched the bare skin above.
I cupped my lace-covered pussy and squeezed. Terrance was in my mind as I felt a slight dampness in my thong. God, I was suddenly so horny for Terry.
I heard him call for me, so I quickly slipped on the dress and new stilettos and hurried to the top of the stairs. Standing at the bottom was Terrance, looking so handsome and hot. I slowly made my way down the stairs, teasing him with each step as my skirt slipped up, revealing my bare thighs and maybe my wet thong. Terry’s eyes were riveted on me, following me down.
As I stepped off the bottom step, Terry pulled me to him for a kiss. I repelled him, pressing against his chest and teasing him. Then I cupped the bulge in his trousers, squeezing his cock, and teased him about his performance later tonight.
My face showed an evil smile, and Terry moved away with a hurt look. He opened the door and once again confounded me. He bowed, saying, “Your coach awaits my Queen!”
Oh my, who was this man? I was so confused. He was treating me like a Queen, with new clothes, a beautiful night out, and, I am sure, a fantastic night in bed later. But how could he be this way if he knows? Or maybe this was my guilt coming through, knowing I didn’t deserve any of this. I was a cheating slut that had betrayed my husband while he was working so hard, building a fantastic future for us. ‘Oh God, have mercy on me. Please help me through this mess I have created. I will be your servant forever.’ I prayed as I walked down the walkway to Uber’s open door.
We arrived at the best French restaurant in Atlanta and were welcomed in by the elegant hostess. The Maître d escorted us back to a private room with a table set for two. It was so elegant. I was taken aback as we entered. There were a dozen long-stem red roses in a beautiful vase on the table and an iced bottle of Cristol Champagne; both were my favorites. As the Maître d seated me, I saw the small velvet box on the plate before me.
I looked up at Terrance as he sat across the table. My eyes welled up with tears from happiness and sadness, and my heart fluttered and ached at the same time. I quickly became a basket case. I had to pull it together.
I could not speak. I just looked at Terrance as tears rolled down my cheeks.
I looked down away from Terrance’s gaze, seeing the box again. I felt sick. I didn’t deserve any of this. I should be thrown out on the street, not being lavished with a beautiful night out and receiving a gift.
I sat looking at the box, then back up to Terrance. He had a sweet smile on his face as the first glass of Cristol was poured.
I was so confused, and guilt was wrapped around me like a blanket. I didn’t know what to do or say.
Then Terrance lofted his glass as in a toast…
We arrived at the restaurant, and Henri, the Maître d, ushered us to a small private dining room for two. A dozen red roses, her favorites, and a bottle of Cristol Champagne were waiting on the table.
Patrice was impressed. She turned and kissed me, “You are my man!”
Henri seated Patrice, and she saw the velvet box on the plate before her. Suddenly, tears appeared, and she was perplexed. I could see that her guilt and confusion had made her nervous and uncomfortable. That was good. I pressed on.
Once we were seated, the Cristol was poured. I looked at Patrice, and there were tears in her eyes. She was conflicted by all of this, so I wanted to confound her even more. I lifted my glass and smiled. “To you, Patrice, the love of my life. You deserve more than I have given you for all your sacrifices, the late nights, and my absences. That is all over now, and we will be one again. I love you for your complete loyalty to us and me. I know it has been challenging. It will never be like that again.”
I used the loyalty reference pretty heavily. Patrice’s look was a mix of fear and confusion. I had indeed hit a raw nerve, adding to her discomfort. A few more tears rolled down her cheeks. “Baby, why are you crying? I thought you would be happy.” I had Patrice completely off balance now. She didn’t know if I was happy and praising her for being a loving, supportive wife or scolding her for being a cheating slut.
Things were progressing perfectly.
When I made the reservation, I ordered our complete dinner, all six courses. The table captain and servers scurried around, bringing hot towels to clean our hands and a demitasse of French coffee.
The appetizer of a half-dozen raw oysters for each was served. Patrice loves oysters of any kind, but eating raw oysters, letting them slide down her throat, and tasting the heat of horseradish and lemon juice combined, always makes her extremely horny, a perfect setup for tonight. Tonight, I wanted Patrice on her knees begging me for my cock to fuck her hard like an animal, just like I am sure James had fucked her each time they were together.
We chatted happily and drank Cristol. Peire, our Sommelier, opened the second bottle with a loud pop, nestling it down in the ice. We were having a wonderful time as the delicious courses came one after the other. The food was spectacular, all that we had expected. We finally finished and were full of magnificent food and champagne.
I looked at her, “Patrice, you have not opened your gift.”
Patrice smiled as she picked up the box. “What is it, baby?”
I smiled. “It is something I thought of today. I bought it especially for you. Please open it.” I could not wait to see Patrice’s reaction.
When I found out what Patrice had been doing, I purchased this present at a special store today. It was gold with diamonds, which she would wear every day from now on. It would shock her when she saw it.
Patrice picked up the box and untied the scarlet red ribbon around it. She looked at me, biting her lip as she opened the box. She looked inside, and an odd look showed on her face. Patrice quickly looked up at me. I could see her begin to panic. She had no idea how to react. If she protested or responded negatively, she would give herself away. If she asked what it meant, the same would happen, so I made it easy on her, but not without adding a little more pressure.
“So, Patti, do you like it? I thought it was a beautiful piece of body jewelry, like the belly chain I bought you. It almost matches it. It will look beautiful around your ankle.” I teased, knowing she was about to die from guilt, thinking I knew what she had done.
Patrice looked into the box again. She saw a gold anklet chain with the words ‘All Mine’ spelled out in a gold charm, with a diamond on each side. It was a beautiful piece of jewelry. I am sure she could not figure out why I would give her this gift with the possessive words ‘All Mine’ spelled out. I had her very confused now, and her head was surely spinning, trying to figure out what it all meant and if I did know about her affair.
Patrice looked at me again. She struggled with what to say. Finally, words slipped from her mouth, “Terrance, it is beautiful. What do the words mean?”
I smiled, “Patti, I love you so much! You are ‘All Mine’! So, when you wear this anklet daily, it will be clear to everyone that you’re my wife and unavailable.”
I had set the hook now, and all I had to do was to reel her in. That would take a little time, but by Saturday, Patrice would be in such anguish from her guilt over her cheating that she would be compelled to tell me all of it!
I love French food, and Terrance spoiled me by treating me to an exquisite six-course feast at a fabulous French restaurant. We were treated like royalty with roses and champagne. We had oysters which I love and always make me very horny. I knew Terri was warming me up for later, and I was glad to oblige him.
As I was seated, I saw a velvet box wrapped in a dark red ribbon. I smiled, grateful that my man had bought me a present. It was a present I did not deserve after I cheated on him over the past months. I didn’t deserve the present, or Terrance either. I had become a slut and didn’t deserve anything good in my life now.
After finishing the exquisite meal and two bottles of champagne, I opened my present and was shocked at what it was. Terrance had purchased me a gold anklet with diamonds. It was beautiful, but it confused me; It had the words ‘All Mine’ spelled out. I suddenly felt sick. I was sure Terrence knew, and he bought the present to remind me that I was his so everyone would know. God, I was in so much trouble.
Terrance moved to his knees, took the box from my hand, and removed the anklet. He lifted my right foot, resting the heel against his thigh. Terrance fastened the anklet around my right ankle and looked up at me. “Patrice, from tonight on, you will wear this anklet on your right ankle every time you leave the house to go out, proudly displaying that you are my wife!”
I couldn’t believe what Terrance said as he fastened the anklet around my ankle. I smiled down at Terrance. “Baby, I will be happy to wear your gift, but why did you suddenly buy this and want me to wear it always?”
Terrance moved back into his chair and took my hand in his. “Patrice, I have thought of this gift for a while, but as we completed this bid deal, I wanted to give you the anklet on our special night. This was the appropriate time. You are all mine, aren’t you?” Terrance asked.
There was a sudden flushing of heat across my face as I blushed. Terrance’s question sounded so innocent but pierced me in my heart. I answered with a sweet smile, quivering lips, and a bright pink blush. “Oh yes, Terrance, I will always be yours, only yours. I will proudly wear the anklet every day.”
The words I said were actually for going forward, if there was a forward, but were a bold lie of the recent past when I had cheated. The anklet branded me as Terrance’s wife, his property. He was telling me and everyone that he owned me. I would have to accept that point if I were to remain his wife and enjoy our beautiful life together.
I was confused and still have to deal with what I have done. I was overly concerned about how Terry would react and what he would do. I love him so much. Looking back for three months, I cannot believe I allowed James back into my life and me in his bed. What a stupid fool I was! I had a heavy penance to pay to Terrance.
The next few days will be challenging and may end us. God, I hope not.
After dinner, the Uber drove us into Atlanta, stopping in front of the Marriott. Oh God, I panicked. Why were we here? We got out, and I thought I was dead. I thought Terry was taking me to room 625, and my life would end.
I began to sweat. My hands became clammy, and I was shaking.
I asked, “Terry, why are we here?”
“We are staying downtown tonight. It will be a special night, just you and me,” Terry said.
My heart was pounding, and I nearly panicked. Are we staying at the Marriott? Oh God, no! I asked, “Are we staying here at the Marriott?”
“No baby,” he said, teasing me about being a millionaire lawyer and that Marriott was not classy enough. I thought that was funny. Then Terry took my hand and started to walk me up the street, telling me he wanted us to walk through downtown. I thought we had not done that in quite a while. The night was warm, and my man held me as we walked. We watched people and window-shopped along the way.
The further away from the Marriott we walked, the more relaxed I became, and I began to enjoy the walk. My panic slowly disappeared, and I started to enjoy the night and felt safe now.
After a few blocks, we stopped on the corner. Terry pulled me to him. I looked up into his eyes and saw flaming lust. A shiver shot through me. Then he kissed me with passion, whispering to me, “Baby, this is our home for the night, where we will suck, fuck, and make love to each other all night long and in the morning, too. So let me welcome you to the Ritz Carlton Hotel.”
“Oh my, Terry, you are full of surprises tonight,” I chirped as I hugged him tightly and kissed him again.
We entered the hotel, and the desk clerk gave us a key card. Terry swept me across the lobby to the elevator. The door closed, and he pushed the key into the concierge slot for the 30th floor. Terry pulled me to him and kissed me hard as his hand roamed my back, cupping my ass, pulling my hips tight against him. I could feel Terry’s cock harden as the elevator rose.
The moment was magical. I held Terry tight, kissing him like I was drawing life from him. In a way, I was praying that he would feel the same as he does now after I told him about my affair with James.
We arrived at our floor, and the door opened. Terry pulled me quickly down the hall to a set of double doors, ‘The Queens Suite’ was on a brass sign on the door.
“Oh, my, you went all out, baby,” I teased.
“You have no idea, my love,” Terry swiped the key card and pushed the door open, ushering me into a beautiful room.
I was shocked. “Oh my!” That was all I could say. The room was beautiful, and Terry had gone all out, having it decorated. There were rose pebbles all over the floor, like in the movies. There was a bubbling hot tub by the enormous windows overlooking the city.
Some sweet snacks and iced Cristol Champagne with crystal glasses awaited us.
Terry pulled me to him and kissed me, sliding his tongue in my mouth. The passion I felt was so powerful it overwhelmed me. I suddenly felt profound guilt and shame for betraying Terrance with James. I did not deserve this night or anything from Terrance except anger and revenge. Just a few hours ago, I was down the street in another hotel room with my lover. I know nothing happened, but things had happened many nights before, and I knew I had made a monumental mistake. I was there to end that relationship but was still there, which I should never have been. It should never have happened.
A tear rolled down my cheek as sadness crept in. I held onto Terrence, hugging him tightly, never wanting to let go, knowing that this may be one of the last nights we would be together. I knew I needed to gather myself or risk complete exposure Tonight in this beautiful suite. I could not let that happen.
I looked at Terry. “Oh baby, I love you so much. This is too much, though; I don’t deserve this.”
Terrance looked down at me, “Why not? You are my loyal, loving wife who has suffered through many months, never wavering, always being there for me and the boys. So yes, you deserve this, that is, unless you know something I don’t!” Terry stated.
Terrance’s words sent a pierced arrow straight into my heart. I came completely unglued and began to sob, falling against his chest and holding Terry in my arms with a death grip. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I could not stop them. Sadness overwhelmed me. I was losing it, and now I had to tell Terrance.
Terrance pushed me back at arm’s length and stared at me. He knew something was bothering me. He asked, “Patti, what is wrong? We are having a wonderful time, but you seem incredibly sad. Is there something wrong?
It was crunch time. I had to lie to Terry again, telling him I was overwhelmed with the night or confess this minute and take Terrance’s wrath.
I took a deep breath, looked up at Terry, smiled, and my hand squeezed the bulge in his trousers. “I Love you, Terrance, let’s get naked and fuck!”
My confession could wait another day or two.
Patrice was struggling with her guilt and shame. She was almost ready to confess. I could see her hard shell beginning to crack when she lied to me again for the second or third time. I was letting her stew until the kettle boiled over, and her confession came flooding out of her mouth. It’s not tonight or tomorrow, but Saturday was the day. She would confess, and I would react.
Patrice loosened my tie, and I shucked off my suit jacket, letting it fall to the floor. I was letting Patrice take control. She had some making up to do, so I wanted to allow her to do whatever she wanted; then, I would take over and fuck her like I never had before. Tonight was the beginning of a different relationship for us.
From this night on, our lives will be built on new trust, new commitments, and new sexual experiences. What will happen tonight will shock Patrice but also satisfy her need for the hard fucking that James had been giving her.
We would make love too, but Patrice would never lust for hard fucking again. I would be waiting for her at home when she wanted it.
Patrice looked into my eyes as her fingers slowly unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it out of my trousers, slipping it off onto the floor. She leaned in and kissed my chest and nipped each nipple, making them harden.
It was my turn. I reached behind her for the zipper and slowly lowered it, hearing the teeth open as it slid down. The thin satin straps slipped away, sliding down her arms and exposing her soft shoulders and lace bra, cupping her beautiful breasts. I could see that Patti’s nipples were hard now pushing out, making little points in the lace.
Patrice was very turned on now. She was chewing her lips and swaying slightly from side to side. I pushed the dress over her hips, releasing her arms and letting it puddle at her feet. My breath caught in my throat; I smiled, “My God, Patrice, you are so beautiful. I am such a lucky man that you have always been mine and will always be.”
The look on Patrice’s face changed. I wasn’t sure what she was feeling, but my words hit home hard. I meant for them to sting, nudging her further toward her confession. Then tears rolled down her cheeks. She was starting to crash. I realized that Patrice may not make it through tonight without confessing. I didn’t want that to happen tonight, but I could not control it and was not letting up on her. Patrice had to suffer and feel pain as I have felt pain. I have not yet expressed the pain I have felt for the past several hours. That will come later, maybe tomorrow, but definitely on Saturday once Patrice’s truth has been completely revealed.
I needed to seduce Patti now, taking her mind off of her betrayal, fucking her hard until she begged me to stop, then making love to her the rest of the night. I had taken two blue pills to make sure that my stamina was at top performance. Patrice would have to beg me to stop, or I would fuck her until my cock could not perform any longer.
I pulled Patrice to me and kissed her hard with great passion, and she responded, kissing me back, pushing her tongue deep in my mouth, finding mine, and they danced.
I reached behind her and unclipped her bra, letting it fall away to the floor. Patrice stood up tall, offering her beautiful firm globes to me. Her bumpy areolas were swollen, and her nipples were stiff as bullets.
I lightly traced around them, making Patrice roll her shoulders forward and suck air through her teeth. I took each nipple between my fingers and pinched them hard, making her flinch away, followed by a deep moan.
Patti pushed me away, pushing her lace thong down her legs. She dropped to her knees, pulling the thong off over her heels. She looked up at me, chewing her lips. I knew she was horny as hell. I wanted her just like that, so when I fucked her, she would explode, cumming over and over.
Patrice reached up and cupped the bulge in my trousers. My cock was hard and fully erect, a full eight inches plus, that was snaking down my trouser leg. Patti rubbed me, then squeezed my cock, leaning over and kissing my cockhead through the material. I knew if Patti played like this for long, I would make a mess in my trousers. But I let her play. She wanted my cock so soon she would release him.
She unbuckled my belt and trouser clasp, lowered my zipper, and slid my trousers off my hips, letting them slide to my ankles. I stepped out of them, pushing them over to the pile of my clothes. My boxers were tented, and my hard cock pressed against the left leg.
Patrice smiled up at me, running her tongue around her lips. She slipped her hand up my thigh under the short’s legs gripping my cock, squeezing it gently, then sliding her palm along its length. My balls started to quake. I was excited, and despite the night’s revelations, all I wanted to do right now was to fuck my wife as hard as James had fucked her. Letting her know I could do that, too.
Patti had said nothing, only smiled and chewed her lips. I knew she wanted to suck my cock, so I urged her on, “Baby, you know you want to suck him, so go ahead; he wants you too.” We sometimes play the game of third-part teasing, so she knew what I meant.
She leaned over and kissed my cock through my shorts, licking its length as she hooked her fingers in the waist and pulled my shorts down, ‘Releasing the Kraken,’ hard and ready to play!
There was a big smile on her face. “Oh my, is this all for me?” She teased as her hand gripped around my shaft, lifting my cock as it hardened in her hand.
Patti licked my cockhead, then rimmed it, and closed her lips over the head, sealing them just behind and sucking hard, pulling a vacuum, making my head swell in her mouth.
Patti had learned to be an excellent cocksucker. In the first year that we were married, she sucked my cock every day, both morning and night. I taught her how to really suck a cock, and she has perfected her technique.
As Patti’s mouth worked on my cock, I thought how lucky James had been to receive the benefit of my training. I am sure he had never had his cock sucked like Patrice sucked his cock.
Patrice worked her magic, and my cock grew hard as steel. She took me deep in her throat, massaging my cockhead when she swallowed, making my balls twitch. Patrice sucked my balls one at a time as she stroked me slowly at first, then faster as her mouth bobbed back and forth, taking me deep in her throat each time.
Things were moving too fast. I was edging close to cumming, so I reached down and pulled Patti to her feet. I kissed her, tasting my precum on her tongue. That made my cock twitch. It was time to ravage her body from top to bottom, showing her hard fucking was available at home.
I picked her up and carried her to the bed; the hot tub and champagne could wait for round two; right now, I needed to eat her sweet pussy.
My mind was spinning. I could not get over the way this night was going. I was petrified that Terry knew about James. When I saw Trevor, I was sure I was caught. I thought Trevor must have been there looking for me, but now I was unsure. Terry was so loving and sweet and had planned an incredible dinner with a unique and beautiful gift. We were in the magnificent Queens Suite, ready for a night of lust and lovemaking.
I need to treat my man right tonight, giving Terrance penance for what I have been doing with James for the past few months. Then, I had to be strong again at the Firm celebration tomorrow. Saturday would be the day I would tell Terrance my confession. He would determine our future life together, or it would be over. That scared me a lot. I knew I had tonight and tomorrow night to try as hard as I could to prove that I loved Terrance more than my own life and that I was sorry for what I had done.
But tonight was for Terry and me, so all my thoughts and concerns about what I had been doing with James and the betrayal I had perpetrated on Terrance had to be pushed back in my mind for the rest of the night.
I kissed Terrance and took charge. I slowly stripped him, removing his tie and shirt. His jacket was already on the floor. I teased him, biting his nipples and then kissing down across his tight belly as I went to my knees. I could see his hardness pressing against his trousers. It made my heart flutter, and my pussy wet even more. I knew this was going to be an incredible night of sex with my man.
I unbuckled Terry’s belt, unzipped him, and pushed his trousers off his hips, and they puddled on the floor. He stepped out of them. I could see this cock pressing against his shorts. I squeezed him, and he moaned. I rubbed him, and his legs started to shake. I pulled his shorts down, and his beautiful hard cock sprang free, ready for me.
I gripped his cock and teased him, licking and rimming his cockhead. I love sucking Terry’s cock. He taught me to be a great cocksucker, and tonight I was going to give him a spectacular blow job.
I took Terry’s cock in my mouth and sucked him. I teased him, sliding my tongue along the underside and flicking his frenulum. Terry groaned as I took him deep into my throat and swallowed, massaging his cockhead with my throat. His breathing became rough, and he was trembling. I knew I had Terry edging, and he would cum soon. I massaged his balls, rolling them in my fingers as I bobbed on his shaft.
Terrance moaned, and suddenly, he pulled me up, kissed me hard, carrying me to the bed.
“Oh, my baby, what will you do with me?” I teased.
I laid Patrice on the bed. My cock was so hard it needed to find a home, and there was one lying right before me.
“Well, little lady, I am going to fuck you now until you are screaming for me to stop. I have taken two little blue pills, so my cock is going to stay hard for many hours. Do you know if your pussy can take my cock for that long, or maybe I will have to use a different hole for a while? Perhaps I should start with your little asshole. Yes, I like that idea.” I teased her, knowing Patti would like it either way.
Then I was quickly on her, pushing her legs apart so she was spread wide for me. My cock pointed straight out like a spear finding her hot pink pussy, sliding in deep with one hard thrust.
“Oh God, Terry!” Patrice gasped.
My hips rose and slammed down again and again, driving my raging cock deep into her molten core. I had never had sex with Patti like this, fucking her with total abandon, making her wither under each powerful stroke.
Her eyes were wide, sparkling up at me. I was fucking her faster now, getting warmed up. I moved my hands up, taking a bare breast in each hand, and squeezed hard, making her moan loudly. “Oh God, Terry, what has happened to you? Why are you fucking me like this?”
My answer was to pound her harder. Suddenly Patrice screamed, “Oh God, I am cumming so hard, fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, God yes fuck me!!!”
I pounded Patrice. Our skin slapped together, and my balls began to tighten, drawing up, loading my cock with cum. I froze, buried as deep as I could be in Patrice’s hot cunt. I launched rope after rope of hot creamy cum deep inside, filling Patrice’s pussy, six, then seven shots, and I was done. My cock was still hard, and the incredible tingling in my balls propelled me on. I fucked Patrice as hard as before, not wanting it to stop.
Patrice screamed again, “Oh Fuck baby, fuck me, keep fucking me, give me all your cum. You are my man and always will be. I am your woman; take me, own me, Fuck me!” and she came again hard. I could feel her pussy squeezing my cock, milking out every drop of cum in my balls.
We were both shaking when we collapsed into a pile of sweaty, satisfied bodies. We held each other as we basked in the afterglow. It had been different and special at the same time.
As we lay together, Patrice began to cry. I thought she was cracking wide open, and she would confess now. I didn’t want that, so I rolled Patrice on her side and slipped inside her hot pussy from behind, spooning with her and slowly making love to her.
Patrice began to sob as I slowly fucked her kissing her soft neck and holding her. Her guilt was overtaking her, and she was about to lose it. I felt a slight tremor roll through her, followed a minute later by a stronger one as Patrice came again, sobbing, “Oh, Terrance, I love you so much. Love me, please!”
We made love for a good while, taking her to sexual heaven several times before I exploded cumming deep inside her again. I had Patrice where I wanted her now, trapped between our lust and her guilt.
I comforted Patti, and she stopped sobbing. We held each other and fell asleep.
Several more times that night, we made love, and Patrice sucked and cleaned my cock. By morning Patrice had cum many times more than I did, but we were fully sated.
I awoke first. I looked at my beautiful slut wife lying next to me. I loved her so much. My heart ached to know that another man had lain between her legs. I needed to claim her once more, so I slipped under the sheets and kissed her belly down to her mons. She was swollen from all our fucking, so I gently kissed all around her bare mound, sliding my tongue into her deep slit. Patrice moaned and spread her legs, opening her treasure chest to me. I slithered my tongue down her slit, finding her swollen clit standing out proudly, hard, and seeking attention.
I took her hard bean between my lips, sucking it, lathing it with the tip of my tongue. I slipped my longest finger into her pussy, gooey with our cum. I sucked her slit, finger fucked her until a hand lay on my head, and Patrice moaned. Her body tensed up, and she came hard, wetting my face.
I quickly moved up and kissed her, slipping my hard cock into her and feeling the heat inside. No lovemaking now, just raw fucking claiming my wife’s pussy again. I pounded Patrice as hard as I could, like an oil derrick, relentlessly driving my cock deep with each thrust.
Patrice looked into my eyes and came hard with tears running down her cheeks. I slammed into her until my balls rumbled, and I could not hold back. A tsunami of cum poured from my cock, filling my Patrice again. She moaned, “Oh God, Terrance, I love you so much.”
I kissed her, “Patrice, I love you more than I know.”
Final Part – Coming next.
Copyright 2024 © MaxxNRachelWrenn
All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without written permission from the author. All characters are fictitious, and any similarity to actual people, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental unless otherwise stated.
This story contains mature material, strong language, and sexual situations intended for mature readers.
All characters depicted in this story participating in any sex act are of legal age, over 18 years old.