After Germany

"Taking our sharing and gentle cuckolding one step further"

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When Jayne came back from Germany, we continued on very much as we did before she went abroad. Our sexual life was great. We did talk about Erich and what had happened in Germany, but this was Jayne’s final year at Uni, and it was more important to concentrate on that than look to spice up a very good relationship.

It was always on my mind, though, and I wondered how to bring it up once Jayne had finished her final exam. I needn’t have worried; Jayne started talking to me about being shared. We tried going out to clubs, going dancing, and seeing who tried to pick Jayne up. Most of the time, guys stayed away because I was with her, and only a few of the rest were happy to go with both of us. Most guys just thought it was too weird!

This was well before the Internet, and while you thought there were sex clubs out there, they weren’t easy to find, and those you did often turned out to be brothels rather than clubs for like-minded couples! Then we came across contact magazines on the top shelf of a news agency nearby. These were magazines, much like those for lonely hearts, but with sex rather than love in mind!

We took some polaroids of us, wrote some text, submitted half a dozen ads to different magazines, and sat back to wait. And wait. And wait! Each month, we’d buy new editions of our chosen contact magazines, and each month our ad wasn’t there. We told ourselves to be patient, but it was easier said than done. Then, about three months after sending our ads in, the first one appeared. The others appeared within the next two months.

To answer an ad, the person wrote a letter, enclosed it in an envelope, and sent it to the magazine, which forwarded that on to you. We didn’t hear anything the first month, but then the floodgates opened, and we started getting replies each week. The big surprise (or indication of our naivety?) was that the replies weren’t coming from single guys our own age. They were coming from much older men, in their forties, fifties, and sixties, as well as some couples wanting to play with both of us.

I thought Jayne would be put off by this, but I should have trusted her. She started to put the ads in order and compose replies. I’ll write about the first time we went with a couple in a later story, but for now, I’ll concentrate on the guys. There were four that we both thought sounded great. Two in their fifties, two in their forties. They’d all enclosed pictures and Polaroids and looked great. Only one gave a telephone number—and in the days before mobile phones, that wasn’t so surprising—so we wrote back to them all but also phoned the one we could.

It turned out he was the boss of a construction company, and the phone was his direct line to his office. After speaking to both of us and assuring himself that we were what we said we were, we arranged to meet up. He said he’d book a hotel room but that we should meet up in a bar. We were grateful he took the initiative!

Both of us were nervous on the day of the meeting. We found the bar, and it was packed. We’d had an arranged symbol to identify each other; we both had copies of the top-selling book that month, which was The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood. Jayne saw him first, sitting in a booth at the back of the bar, facing an emergency exit.

After getting some drinks, we chatted sociably. James, the guy, was quite tall and muscular. He had greying hair, but it wasn’t thinning, and he looked stylish and tidy. He told us he was married, and though he loved his wife, he needed more than she would give him. He was intelligent and obviously reasonably well-off. He also told us that he’d got two daughters and a son, all older than Jayne and I. I thought that might be a deal-breaker for him. How wrong I was!

We decided to move to the hotel. He’d booked a hotel with a direct entrance to the main train station. On a late afternoon Saturday, it was busy in the reception area, and nobody even glanced at the three of us as we walked to the lifts. The room was on the top floor and seemed even bigger than the bedsit that Jayne and I had. There was a bottle of cheap champagne in an ice bucket and three glasses. James undressed quickly, but as we started, James asked if he could undress us instead.

He came over to me, unbuttoned my shirt and took it off, then removed my belt, undid my jeans, and left me standing there in my boxers and a pair of socks. My cock was erect, and he held it in his hands for a moment. Seeing James naked, I was even more impressed with his body. He had a reasonable amount of body hair, a tight stomach, and a gigantic and very hard cock. He was cut, and that’s unusual here. It was the first cut penis that Jayne and I had ever seen in real life.

He moved on to Jayne. She was wearing a white dress with green circles on it. He stood up to reach behind to unzip the dress, and as the dress fell down, they kissed. Her bra and pants were matching and light yellow in colour. Expertly, he removed her bra. Jayne’s boobs weren’t that big, but they suited her slim frame. He knelt down and removed her knickers, and she stepped out of them.

James said he’d like a blow job to start so that he’d last longer when the time came to fuck. Jayne always gave great blowjobs, and I settled back to watch. That’s when James said he wanted both of us to suck him. I kneeled down next to Jayne and followed her lead. We licked his entire shaft and took turns putting his penis head in our mouths. It was very warm and thick, and I loved it. After a while of each taking a turn, he was obviously getting close to cum. His cock was in my mouth, and he held my head as he thrust in and out. Jayne was cupping his balls as I felt his penis tip almost swell, and I had a mouthful of his cum.

All three of us kissed, sharing in the cum in my mouth before I realised I’d swallowed. So that answered that question—same as Jayne, I would swallow, not spit! He led Jayne to the bed and put her on her back. I lay to the side of the bed and watched as James went down on her. He spent a long time tasting her, exciting her with the random movements of his tongue, using his fingers inside her too, and even penetrating her anus with a finger.

Jayne was hairy, as were most girls at the time, and though it wasn’t an unruly bush, I could see how her pubic hair was getting wet with her juices as he carried on. She was panting and occasionally gave a mumbled word and moan. James was erect again, and he lifted Jayne’s legs up and put them over her shoulders. That’s one of our favourite positions, but we hadn’t told James that; it was his idea.

He teased her vaginal entrance, rubbing his cock over her lips, starting to enter her, and then pulling back out after a few centimetres. Suddenly, he thrust hard and deep, and Jayne moaned. He started a steady motion, and it was obviously hitting the right spots inside her, judging by the sounds she was making and the flushed look on her face. He just kept going on and on, and I thought that even for a second, I wouldn’t have lasted as long as James did.

Suddenly he went faster and harder, and a couple of times, I thought I noticed some pain on Jayne’s face. But she was building up to a climax, and I knew she didn’t want him to stop. He ejaculated inside her and pulled out, totally out of breath but with a huge smile on his face. I went down between her legs and started to lap at her wetness, and James’ cum was all mixed inside her. Her clitoris was engorged and very sensitive, but she enjoyed me flicking my tongue on and off it. She started to build up to another orgasm, or was it just a continuation of the first? When she came, she bucked and rubbed her pussy all over my face.

All three of us were out of breath and took a break. We drank the champagne and got to know each other better. He was keen to talk about his son and daughters. All three had moved out of their homes, but he talked about imagining them with a guy like him. He talked about their bodies and how he loved them as their dad, but couldn’t help thinking about them as lovers at times too, though that had never happened for real.

The more we chatted, the harder he got, and he was ready to go for a third cum. This time, he put Jayne over the edge of the bed, facing away from him, and took her from behind. His pace was just as steady as earlier, but not quite as fast. With Jayne still so wet, he slipped in and out very easily. None of us were looking at clocks, so I don’t know how long this went on for, but it felt like hours! I’m sure it wasn’t! He asked if she would mind changing positions, and he lay back on the bed as Jayne climbed on top of him.

She looked at him as she controlled the fuck from above him. She told me to get closer, and I watched, entranced, to see his cock go in and out of her pussy. The smell was heady—a mix of sweat and cumin and Jayne’s natural lubricant.

“Daddy, I’ve always wanted you,” she told him, and she continued talking to him as if they were related. The more she did this, the more it excited him, and he started moving his body up to meet hers coming down. That amount of pleasure couldn’t last, and he came for the third time. Jayne decided she’d face me next, and I greedily enjoyed everything she had between her legs. As this was going on, I felt a mouth on my cock and realised that James was blowing me. I came very quickly; at that point, I was beyond the point of the hair trigger!

James got dressed after this. Jayne and I wanted to fuck again—the joy of youth!—and James watched us. It wasn’t anything weird or out there. It was just a loving screw at the end of a fantastic afternoon.

Published 1 year ago

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