Adventures Of Bob – Part Five – Fat Chicks Need Fucking Too!

"Bob meets a fat girl in Jakarta and has a whale of a time."

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If Bob thought Manila was a traffic-clogged shit-hole, then Jakarta was much, much worse. Attempting to get anywhere in the city required the thorough preparation and planning of a military exercise. Trying to keep appointments was usually an impossibility, and people tended to take the view that they would expect you when and if they saw you!

He marvelled at the city’s fastest means of getting from A to B when you are intent on getting there on time, and your helicopter is off the road (or, more correctly, sky, he supposed). This is by the kamikaze fleet of motorcycle taxis, the largest fleet run by Uber. He quailed at just watching these nutters weaving in and out of traffic at speed, and he reckoned that a large percentage of Jakarta’s horrendous traffic accident casualty figures were amongst these suicide jockeys and their poor passengers.

But, if you feel lucky and on a budget (they are very cheap), they are the fastest way to get around, and most Jakartans swear by them. They are also the chosen means of travel favoured by girls travelling the city to meet a boyfriend or customer.

When Bob was feeling horny and needed a woman (which was most of the time) and was in Jakarta as he often was, he found that the easiest and most reliable way to hook up with a working girl was either using the Seeking App or Tinder. Seeking is generally the best option for more attractive and interesting girls who often were moonlighting students and even nurses or teachers. They demand more money for their services, but most are open to negotiation and will lower their rate if they are in desperate need, which is most of the time.

Tinder is also a valuable tool for hooking up with girls (or boys), but it has to be used with extreme care. There are many bait-and-switch scammers on the site. The pretty young lady whose online photos have you dripping saliva over your smartphone quite often turns out to be a wizened old bint who will try to convince you that she is twenty-two when she looks twenty years north of that. Maybe she is twenty-two, Bob mused. They must have a hell of a tough paper round in Jakarta.

Angela was a case In point. Bob had asked on his Tinder page whether there were any males interested in joining in a threesome with him and an as-yet unchosen girl and on the same page asking for females willing to participate for monetary gain. As expected, he got several guys replying that they were interested, but few girls responded. Angela was the only one who expressed interest in his proposal.

Bob had shelved his three-in-a-bed plan, which sounded good on paper but put him in a world of trouble with so many things that could go wrong. But he retained interest in Angela, and when he next felt the familiar pussy longing hit him, he contacted her and arranged a rendezvous for the following day.

He was to meet Angela in the lobby of the apartment block where he was staying. This made good sense; he could always do a runner if the girl were a bait-and-switch dragon. He sat in a position to monitor the main door and all the comings and goings. He was to be waiting over an hour past the arranged meet-hup time. This did not surprise or annoy him. He knew that Jakarta traffic was as bad, if not worse, than that he encountered in Manila. She was using a motorcycle taxi, so she could not inform him of her location. He just hoped that she turned up in one piece!

When she turned up, he nearly did a runner as he thought she was a bait-and-switch girl. But he saw that she did look like the girl on Tinder, so he stayed. The problem was that she might be the same girl as in the photos, but she had gone up about ten dress sizes! Ah, well, he thought. In for a penny, etc. He had been with fat girls before and he knew that sometimes, to make up for their shortcomings, they put more effort into pleasing a man.

Bob hailed her, and she came over, and they briefly shook hands. Bob stood up. Now, what he mused. Do I take her up to my apartment and fuck her, or should I make excuses, slip her a few notes for her trouble and run? No, he decided. I’ll go with the flow.

She seemed a nice enough girl. When they were in Bob’s apartment, he could get a good look at her for the first time. She certainly was no beauty but wasn’t too hard on the eye. She wore an enormous pair of glasses that repeatedly slid down her nose and required pushing back up. She told him that she was twenty-two, had recently finished college, and was looking for employment as a civil engineer. A bit anxious, she had a nervous little laugh that would probably get annoying in short order. But for now, all was good.

Things got even better when she got her clothes off. Okay, she might not have been a beautiful sight with extra folds of skin where there should be none and the tiny pair of panties she wore, looking silly on her like a tutu on an elephant, but Bob found his erection growing. She turned him on.

He loved the way she led him by the hand to the bedroom, sat him on the bed, and removed his shorts and boxers for him. She then pushed her silly glasses up her nose, went down on her knees, and began seriously pleasuring him with her mouth. She had a soft mouth, which gave a luxurious feel to her oral style, like being enveloped in satin. He felt his arousal dial go up a couple of notches.

It went off the dial over the next ten minutes when she lay on the bed and opened her meaty thighs to reveal a splendid slit topped with just the right amount of sparse but tidy pubic hair. He got his trusty big black vibrator, an essential travel item these days, and got to work. He opened her cunt lips and applied the rapidly vibrating head of the pussy pleaser to her clitoris. Within seconds, Angela was panting and squirming in pleasure.

She was having a great time, and so was he. Bob handed the vibrator over to her and then just enjoyed the sight of this big girl hitting ten on the self-arousal scale. He introduced his fingers to the game, sliding them deep into her cunt. Shortly after, Angela came, her entire body seeming to jerk and spasm in extreme orgiastic pleasure. This girl knew how to party alone.

Angela wanted more and returned to using the vibrator. Bob got off the bed and positioned himself, and stood in front of Angela at just the right height so she could suck him off whilst still pleasuring herself whilst remaining horizontal. He asked her if it was okay if he came into her mouth. She nodded her okay, although Bob got the impression that she would prefer him to fuck her. He told her that would come later and she was happy.

Her multi-tasking skills were evident as she blew him with one hand whilst the other busied itself with the vibrator. Bob didn’t do a great deal and certainly had no intention of throat fucking her. Her soft mouth and roaming tongue kept him on the edge as it was. After several minutes of this, he was going crazy with pleasure. Angela sensed his need and increased her pace a little. Bob could stand it no longer and took his cock out of her mouth and began bringing himself off by hand. Angela helpfully positioned herself underneath his cock, and with a shout, Bob started to spurt come into her waiting mouth. Still frigging herself, she cleaned his cock with her tongue.

They cleaned up, lay together, and chatted idly about nothing in particular until Bob decided it was time to go again. He popped his hand down towards Angela’s crotch. She opened her legs without prompting, and Bob stuck his index and his middle finger up her cunt. He withdrew and sniffed them. Pure essence of fat girl, he thought before transferring them to Angela’s mouth. She opened her lips, and Bob stuck his fingers into her mouth. She licked her cunt juices from Bob’s fingers.

This was the signal for the second round to begin in earnest. Angela got up off the bed and bent over him, taking his dick into her mouth and started to suck him. He enjoyed two minutes more of her tongue licking the sensitive area around his frenulum. He was mad for her cunt, and without any more ado, he positioned her above him, and without anything being said, she sank onto his penis without any barrier to de-sensitise him.

Angela began to drive herself onto him. Bob heard the loud slap of her backside slapping against his groin. She raised a hand to cover her mouth as her pace increased, driving Bob’s cock deep inside her. Bob thought about changing position, perhaps to Doggy, but he was enjoying the present moment too much and so stayed where he was. After a few minutes of unadulterated joy, he emptied the contents of his ballocks directly inside Angela’s cunt. As she lifted herself off him, spunk dripped out of her hole onto Bob’s tummy. He absentmindedly rubbed it into his skin.

Angela seemed to want to stay for further play, but Bob was done for the night and just wanted to relax with a beer in front of the TV, so he told her he had work to do. She dressed, and Bob walked her to the motorcycle taxi she had booked online. Bob wished her good luck (thinking she would need it at rush hour on one of those things) as she sped away. The last thing that he saw of her was her fat ass bouncing as the driver hit a bump in the road.

Published 1 year ago

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