Adventures Of A Chaos Gremlin (continued)

"Parts 2 & 3 of our gremlins adventures, wherein she finds a missing piece"

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Part 2:

Beastmen exist. Not only do they exist, but they are imposing. He sat alone and watched me for a few nights. I wanted to talk to him, but he was intimidating. I finally worked up the nerve to say hello, and it came out “you’re pretty”.

I ran.

I felt like a fool. He probably thought I was an idiot. Maybe I was an idiot. I was a goblin trying to talk to a god. Yeah, I was an idiot. The whore goblin slut that was nothing more than a good lay, and nothing else. Why did I try to talk to a guy like him? Even if he had a fetish for someone like me, it wouldn’t be any different from everyone else. He would take his pleasure and leave me behind. They all did.

“There you are. Are you okay?” The voice was deep, calm, soothing, and I couldn’t look up from where I was trying to hide myself in the rain. At least he wouldn’t be able to see me crying. I wanted to say I was. It was a simple little lie that I told so many.

“No,” is all that came out.

He squatted down and lifted my chin. “No need to cry, sweet girl. Come on, let’s go get you dried off and get some food in you.”

Have you ever just moved as if you were in a trance? Because I did. No idea why, but I stood up, took his big hand, and walked with him back inside. He got a towel for me, paid for food I definitely couldn’t afford to pay back, and he gently brushed the wet hair from my face. His touch was gentle. This giant, intimidating creature was gentle. 

“I’ve never been with your kind, but I’ll do what I can to make it feel good.” The words just blurted out, along with shame I hadn’t felt for a long time.

“Good to know, but you don’t have to pay me back with sex for any of this. Just tell me about yourself,” he said sweetly. 

I wasn’t sure if I heard him right, “oh, so what do you want? I can work for you, I guess.”

He smiled, and it made things inside me flutter. “What are you wanting? Why do you sell yourself?”

What did I want? I had to sit back and think, what do I want?

“I don’t know. I was with someone and it made me happy to make him happy. To do what he wanted of me. I just want that feeling again. I don’t even know what it is, but I get little bits of it with some people. But they all leave,” I said after some deep thought.

“What about what they were doing that made you want to do the things they asked?”

What is with this guy? “They didn’t ask. They told me what they wanted, and it made them happy when I did it.”

“Did they ask you if you wanted to be ordered around?”

Seriously, what is with this guy? “No. I’m just a goblin. They want me, they pay me, they take what they want. It pleases them, and I like when they’re happy.”

“What’s your safe word?”

Okay, this guy is officially weird. “What are you talking about?”

He sat back and shook his head. “It’s a way to tell your partner to stop. Haven’t you needed your partner to stop before?”

Umm, yes. “Yeah, but it’s not up to me. They tell me to shut up and take it, so I do.”


You’re kidding. This guy is concerned? “Because getting beaten up isn’t worth fighting back. They’re just going to take what they want anyway, so why fight back?”

“I’m sorry that’s happened to you. That’s not right, and you certainly didn’t deserve it.”

Huh? I…didn’t? What? “Are you saying there’s a difference? That there are people who use that safe word thingy and people actually stop? I don’t think I can charge enough for that.”

Another mind melting, body tingling smile. “It’s not usually an exchange of coin. It’s a power exchange where there is consent and communication between the two parties.”

“Power exchange? I don’t have much magic, and I have no idea how to exchange that.”

He laughed. By the gods, it was beautiful. “No, not like that. One gives their submission to their dominant partner, and the dominant takes care of the submissive one in an equal exchange of pleasure. How does such a beautiful girl like you feel about becoming a submissive to someone like me?”

I had to take a moment to think. “What will that mean for me?”

He brushed my cheek, “developing a relationship between us, getting to know you very intimately, and traveling with me. Occasionally fighting by my side.”

I choked on the wine I was drinking. “I’m sorry, what? You want me to be your partner or something?”

His face went serious. “Yes. I like you, a lot. I want to be your dominant.”

I had to press my thighs together, and I’m fairly certain I changed colors. “But I’m a goblin.”

Another laugh, and now I was squirming. “I noticed. What does that matter?”

What does it matter? “I’m not exactly the kind of girl people want around for long. I’m a fetish. I get that, and I’ve learned to be okay with that. So why me? I’m sure there are beautiful girls out there who know what this submissive thing is.”

He touched my cheek, and I needed more of that touch. “I will train you. All you have to do is let me know if you want me.”

Now I know I changed colors, “but why me?” I could only look into the wine goblet.

“Because after trying to work up the courage to talk to you for these past few nights, you told me I was pretty. I’ve never been called pretty before, and I knew I wanted you. Do you want me?”

Y’all, I’d love to say I kept my cool, said yes, and had a great time. Not sure what sound came out, but it was not one I made before. Fairly sure I squeaked. Loudly.

If I could’ve gone invisible in that moment, I would have. The closest I got was wrapping myself in the towel and shrinking into the chair. I felt a kiss on my head, and rubbing on my back.

“I’ll take that as a yes. Would you like to join me in my room to talk about what I expect?”

I did not trust myself to form words, so I bit my lip and nodded. I followed him to his room and felt like a little kid following a giant. It probably looked like that to people around us. I came to the biceps on most humans. I could look at his belt. Pretty sure the top of my head was level with the top of his pants. Being this close to him was unnerving. Then he shut the door and helped me up onto a chair. He sat down on the bed, and we…talked. 

He wanted me to call him Sir, and he told me the rules he wanted me to follow. I felt like a child but found myself feeling the empty place inside me fill up. I asked if I could kiss him and when he told me I could, I lost my nerve. He kissed me, and it was like a fire burned through me. I needed him. Now. He needed me too it seemed. But he slowed me way down. He actually touched me and used his fingers to explore me. Maybe he didn’t think he could use his cock? Was I too little? Shit, I was too little for him. He was going to play with me like this and leave me because I was too little. Oh, but it felt good. He picked me up and gently laid me on the bed, and he went down on me. Wait. He went down….and his tongue touched my sex. 

I’m not spiritual or religious in the slightest, but I was very religious when he did that. I’m sure “oh gods” was a chant that I felt in my soul – and I wasn’t even sure if I had one of those! To say he got me to orgasm is an understatement. If I had a soul, I’m sure he licked and sucked it out of me. My body was shaking. I didn’t think that euphoria could happen like that.

Then he very slowly entered me, and it didn’t hurt. I was stretched, and it was uncomfortable, but it didn’t hurt. He began slowly moving, and I felt my body slowly accepting him. How he got that massive thing inside me is beyond my comprehension, but his body felt amazing. For the first time of being with a male, I didn’t hear how tight I was, but he said I was his good girl and that made me feel like I could cry. 

He pumped for quite awhile, but pulled out and asked me if I wanted to touch him. Is the grass greener than me? I absolutely touched him. I trembled the entire time, but I touched him, kissed him, and even ventured to use my tongue. He was…leaking. Nervously I tasted it, and it wasn’t salty. It was smoky and sweet, and I wanted more. It hurt to take his cock in my mouth, but I needed him. I didn’t care if it was uncomfortable, I needed to taste him. 

“Oh baby girl, you’re good at that. Oh, that feels amazing,” was the praise he gave me. But he soon pulled me off and told me he wanted to come inside me. Deeply he delved, and soon his thrusts became hard and then he shoved deep and I felt him pulsing into me.

“Good girl, take Sirs come, take it all,” he grunted. 

I don’t know why I did what I did next, but the feeling was so overwhelming that I bit him. Didn’t even realize I did until I came down from the sheer blissful state I got lost in. I hadn’t heard him roar in pain. I hadn’t registered his order to let go. Once I realized I’d bitten him, I was smiling.

Okay, I lied. I panicked. 

Part 3:

He wasn’t mad. He wasn’t mad? What? He calmed me down, soothed away my fear, and made sure I was okay. I was an utter mess. I never hurt someone before, but boy did I hurt him. His chest was marked with very clear teeth and little fangs. Blood dripped from the wound, and all he did was make sure I was okay. No, I was not okay. I told him how sorry I was, that I honestly didn’t mean to bite him, and that I would do anything to make it right. He got up and bandaged himself, and then got me a drink. I felt so small. Well, smaller. I was already tiny compared to him, but I felt small on the inside this time.

“I’m okay, and you didn’t mean it. You lost control of yourself and now we know that you’re a biter. I can work with that in the future, but I’m not letting this slide. Sleep tonight, and then tomorrow morning I will tell you how you’re going to be corrected.”

Sexy man say what now? 

I didn’t sleep for shit. I’d never slept with anyone in their bed before. I slept alone. I also couldn’t sneak away because he was holding me. All night. It felt so weird to have someone next to me sleeping. What if I bit him in my sleep? What if I’m just bloodthirsty, like my people tend to be? What ifs flooded my mind. By the time I dozed off, he woke me back up. His correction came in the form of being sat facing a corner, and told to remain there. Yeah, I fell asleep. Apparently, that is not what he meant. So he spanked me for being bad and falling asleep. I wish I could say I was not enjoying it, but to my surprise I did…until I didn’t. He had paused as I was trying to hide my face, and he got out something I don’t like to this very day: a switch. 

He made me apologize again and thank him for correcting my naughty behavior, but then he held me. The next thing he said got me excited. He told me to go pack my things and meet him outside the door. I didn’t have much to pack, so it didn’t take long. I went to his door and knocked, mostly to let him know I was there. 

“You’re done packing?”

I nodded, “yes Sir. I don’t have much.” I don’t know why I nodded at a closed door. 

He opened the door and had me come inside and also had me show him what I had: blanket, tinderbox and a change of clothes that didn’t fit me anymore. 

“Oh by the gods, we need to take you to get supplies. I’ve seen beggars with more gear.”

I hung my head. “I didn’t think I’d need more than this. Shops around here don’t seem to be happy when I go in them, and I usually get told to leave. I know it’s because I’m a goblin. I know goblins have a reputation for being thieves, murderers, and liars. But I don’t get a chance. The same people who will pay to fuck a goblin won’t let me buy things from them!” I slammed down the coin purse I had. Angry for having all that coin and no way to get things. “Here. This is for showing me such kindness, but I know it’s not enough to pay for everything you’ve done for me.”

“I don’t want your coin, I want you. I’ve taken you on as my submissive, not my whore. You don’t have to pay me back because what I did was what I wanted to do. You didn’t force me, and I didn’t expect anything in return. But you gave me yourself. That’s a gift I will cherish.”

I felt good. Warm. I grinned lopsidedly, like a freaking moron. Is it possible to be this happy?

He took me to a shop I had tried entering before, and I hesitated. Last time I was here, I got hit for daring to enter such a nice place, and I didn’t want another black eye.

“What’s wrong, baby girl?”

My knees threatened to buckle at that name. I looked up. “It might be safer for me to wait outside for you, Sir.”

“Safer? Baby girl, the safest place for you is by my side – where my girl should be. I’m not letting my girl stand outside when we’re here to specifically buy clothing for you,” he said as he took my hand.

We looked around a bit before he let go and moved away from me. The shopkeeper took that opportunity to remind me I wasn’t welcome there.

“I thought I told you not to come in here! If my wife finds out about you, I’ll beat the ever living shit out of you! Get out!”

I don’t know why I responded the way I did, but I suppose I just felt differently now that I was with someone. “If you didn’t want your wife to know you have a goblin fetish, then you shouldn’t have spent so much time with your cock in me. Not to worry, I’m simply here with my….my Sir to buy things for our travels.”

The jerk didn’t seem to like that. “Empty your pockets! I won’t have a thief in my shop!”

Sir appeared abruptly. “She hasn’t stolen anything. She doesn’t even have solid pockets to try and steal things. Her pockets have holes in them, so everything would fall out, anyway. Now I will ask you this one time to leave my girlfriend alone.”

Pretty sure I didn’t breathe when he appeared, and I certainly didn’t breathe when he lowered his voice. “Unless you want more than your wife to find out you fucked my goblin girlfriend.”

I was the picture of beaming pride! Okay, so I stood there with my mouth open in just as much shock as the shopkeeper. 

Girlfriend? He called me his girlfriend?

Published 1 year ago

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