Well, shit. I suppose I deserved this, but it doesn’t mean I have to like it. I suppose that’s why it’s called punishment though – you’re not supposed to enjoy it. Then again, I find this a bit amusing. Why would I find being punished something so unlikeable and yet be amused by it?
Simple: I’m a chaos gremlin.
What’s a chaos gremlin? So glad you asked!
Chaos gremlins are similar to Brats, but we don’t get fun out of bending and testing the rules. We push them and figure out the loopholes, then get those we get involved with to play. Then there’s me: the oddball.
I love to play, but I also love to be a plaything. I can’t help but feel happy when I’m being played with, and then to get filled and stretched… mmmm.
I wasn’t always like this. I was raised to be a proper goblin. Perfection was expected and nothing short of that was tolerated. Then I met a human, and he started my descent into chaos. He was absolutely everything I was warned about: tall, roguish, and he was my first lover. He taught me to use my mouth for more than talking, and he taught me that humans have strange names for their appendages. Outer appendages are already an oddity for female goblins, so finding out that a human cock changes form was quite a curious experience.
You can imagine the first time one went inside me! It hurt so much, and I was so scared at first, but then something hit me that felt like my world ended and began at the same moment.
I still tried to be the perfect representation of a goblin that I could be around my parents, but the moment I could slip away to my human lover? I couldn’t wait to have sex with him. It was rough, exciting, and I couldn’t get enough of feeling that body-shaking bliss. He eventually had to move on, and I needed to find someone to take the edge off.
So I left home to find myself a partner. I tried to take the edge off by sleeping with whomever was interested, but it never quite worked. It felt good – but never quite gave me what I wanted. It wasn’t ever hard to find a cock to fill me, but then again, people like goblins. We’re small and our holes are tight. But that elusive feeling was something I thought I was going to have to give up on.
Then I met my first beast-man. He was different and he opened my world to what I was missing in my life: submission.
He taught me to submit to him, and I loved it. I don’t have words to express the feelings that I experienced, but utter freedom was had. From his taste to his hands on my skin, to him making me feel like a virgin every time he slid his cock into me. I couldn’t get enough of him, but he apparently could get enough of me. I craved more, so I branched out. I found that I could play with a dominant, and it was like a little victory when they laughed and played back.
I soon found myself with multiple partners who all gave something different, and the ensuing chaos of it all was as addictive as spice. As I grew in my submissiveness, the chaos within grew stronger. I changed as we all do when we embrace ourselves. I became less a goblin, and more of a gremlin. A chaos gremlin.
One who pushed this Dominant partner a bit too hard and is now standing against a wall holding coins under my fingertips, with a bloody magic buzzing evil pressed up against my sex!
All under the strict order of “don’t move” until I’m told.
…and of course, the evil buzzy thing tickles.
Part 1:
It sucks to be a goblin. Small, green, dark brown hair and brown eyes. The outcasts. The unwanted ones. Even around other goblins, I was odd. They didn’t talk to me, and so I learned to keep to myself. It was better to be unseen and go unnoticed. People didn’t expect you to be the perfect one when they forgot you were there. It wasn’t until I caught the attention of a human that I realized how different I was.
He was wrong in every way. Tall, beautiful, strong and intelligent. Everything I wasn’t. Everything I was warned my entire life to keep away from. After all, I wasn’t anything special. My purpose in life was to provide offspring, and to provide food and support. That was it. My entire life was supposed to go to someone else to extend the line. So when this beautiful human male spoke to me, and he seemed to take a real interest in me, I was curious. I started to talk to him and to open up to him. Then he kissed my cheek, and I got scared.
I asked why he would do such a thing, and he told me it was because he liked me. More talking followed by more kisses to my cheek, then he kissed my lips.
He told me such beautiful things. Told me he thought I was beautiful – me! Beautiful! I felt like he was the only one in the world who mattered, I mean, really mattered, and I wanted to do whatever I could to make him happy. At first, all he wanted was for me to help him feel good by using my mouth. It was awkward because I’d never seen a human male’s stick before. It was insanely huge. It took me a while to learn how to make him feel good with my mouth, and boy did it hurt my jaw. But it made him feel good, and it made me feel good to hear his moans and grunts.
His spunk was freaking salty as all get out, but I ignored that part. It made him happy, and his praises made me melt inside. But it also made me wet between my legs. I was totally embarrassed about that, but he said it was a very good thing. I just wanted to please him. I needed to please him. So when he wanted me to give him my body? I was terrified, but I couldn’t disappoint him.
I told him I was scared. My mouth was dang near perfectly level with his cock (as he called it), and I had just gotten used to sucking him off. But this? This was supposed to fit inside me? He told me it would make him really happy to fuck me, so despite my fears, I agreed. At that time, I wished wholeheartedly that I hadn’t. It hurt so bad at first that I begged him to stop. He stopped and moved to pull out, but I held him in place, not wanting any movement. He soothed me a bit and reassured me it felt really good to him, and so I told him to keep going once I got adjusted after a few breaths. He said it would feel better when he was inside me all the way, and that I was so tight around him and felt so good to him. It hurt, but it was making him happy, so I let him hurt me. He was right though: it didn’t hurt for long, and soon something was terribly tightening up inside me. I felt like I was going to break, and then I did.
It. Was. Glorious.
He said it was my reward for being so good for him, and he was soon pulsing inside me.
I needed more, and he seemed to not get enough either. It still hurt when he went in, but the sex was increasingly incredible. I never wanted it to end.
But everything ends. He told me after sex one day that he was leaving. I said I’d pack that night to go with him, but his next words I’ll never forget:
“It was good, but I can’t be seen dating a goblin. You understand, right? You’re a fucking goblin.”
Yeah. And I thought our first time having sex hurt. So I went home and tried to go back to the life I didn’t want. I was miserable. I found a few goblins who were willing to have sex for fun, but it wasn’t the same. There was something missing. So I packed my things and told my parents I was leaving. I would make my way in the human world, and they laughed. Told me I wouldn’t last a day. I grew angry and told them I’d had sex with the human rouge, and they told me never to come back.
Good riddance.
So I left home and found out the hard way how much things like me are hated. But we’re also something called a fetish. I was taken to a tavern by a really nice couple who made me realize I quite enjoyed being ordered around. I liked pleasuring them. They weren’t fully human, but oh did I ever like when they shoved my face into her sex to lick and suck. She tasted like a fresh spring, and her orgasms were enough to nearly drown me. As I fought to drink her down, her partner entered me. Gods it hurt, but he praised me for being such a tight hole for him. He kept saying my pussy was tight, and to this day I don’t understand the correlation between my sex and a cat.
My sex does not look like a cat in any way, shape, or form. It’s actually kind of tidy. All smooth and tucked in. My butt is round and I’m well-proportioned. My tits are even a good handful for a human. Maybe cats are green and mostly hairless where they are from. I’m not even a putrid green like most goblins. I’m a smooth, emerald green. Weird for a goblin, but I have always been different from them.
Anyways, back to what I was talking about. He was weirdly calling my sex a pussy, and praising me for being tight around his cock.
He was able to go for a long time. After he rewarded me with my own orgasmic bliss, he fucked his partner. Apparently he finished inside her, and she thanked me for my service. They kept me around for a few nights, and talked to me about how I could make some coin by selling my unique fetish to willing buyers while I searched for what I wanted. It seemed like a decent deal, so I tried that.
Getting coin for men and women to have sex with me was lucrative. But none had what I was seeking. Not until I met him.